Community Emergency - "A Day In The Life of A Metro Police Officer"

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[Music] the program you're about to see is an actual day in the life of a metropolitan Toronto police officer the participants are not actors but real citizens who came in contact with this police officer let us now take you to that date of Saturday July 25th 1987 police constable Lynn Chapman who's a 15-year veteran with the Metropolitan Toronto police force works out a 41 division on birch Mount Road in Scarborough Lynn is on the afternoon shift on this particular day which commences at 4:00 p.m. and ends at 2:00 a.m. he arrives at the station at 3:30 to prepare for his shift you know right constable Chapman's day begins with a platoon parade before the sergeant after being paraded and assigned his patrol area he gets his car keys and mitre which is his portable radio and a roadside breath test kit a thorough check of his vehicle which has considered his office for the next ten hours is completed even the back seat is removed for a thorough check for any types of weapons or any drugs or other items that may have been discarded by suspects after just 11 minutes the first call is received for 106 you folks respond in threes there into 1181 Ellesmere Road that's one one eight one Diana oh we have a call I know [Applause] [Music] hello what's problem I'm not sure to you that can do anything my lawyer suggested that I found you guys because he found out Friday night my daughter my customer daughter but I'm kidding and I know I can't prove that after listening to the complainant and evaluating all the circumstances the police officers determined that the situation is not a police matter and they complainant is advised to take or ex-husband back before the courts okay yeah thanks Greg catch you later okay there's an encryption for a hilltop that occurred in 54 Division we call the lady pulling on her seatbelt after her husband's signal pulled over hello miss you driver's license please you don't have it with you is this your vehicle ma'am Jim you have the papers for it give the ownership for it some proof of insurance you use this car very often there's the insurance live okay could I see something with your name and your date of birth on it then please I don't carry an Ontario I was born in Canada born in Scotland right so my at visa card I have a social insurance card okay if you just want to flip back I believe you have the stub for your driver's license if you could just flip back to your identification okay right here could you take that out of there for me please that's it are you Aileen are you still residing at 15 Erskine Kim what's your date of birth please all very good okay that's fine general I'm starving yeah you weren't wearing your seatbelt you have a medical certificate the requires you not to wear it okay I'll be with you in a moment sorry okay there's three options available to you on the orange cop if you just apply for one in the back of the yellow copy within 15 days this insurance certificate here is expired for the car okay that your responsibility is the driver though to make sure that you can produce a copy of the ownership and proof of insurance on demand if your stop so if you're borrowing somebody else's car in the future it'd be a good idea if you made sure you could do that all right I'm not gonna give you I'm not gonna give you tickets for it but I'm just advised here that's 27th to make good for 30 days so again that was expired as well okay okay there you go ma'am you just sign here for receipt of your coffee please right here okay good day [Music] typical day in divisional work well you get all the usual domestics fights unwanted guests you get shoplifters accidents you name it it all comes to the territory how much of the job is actual police work police work is very paper intensive there's a tremendous amount of paperwork involved in police work whenever an officer makes an arrest there's an incredible amount of paperwork involved for example in a normal paperwork for an impaired driver will take you about two hours to complete we've got your record of arrests supplementary record of arrest you've got your dope sheet cover your impound report you've got conviction cards your information required to make a driver's record search when I phone that down to the arrest line you've got a phone master index you've got a phone telex with regards to the car you've been pounded you've got papers to serve and in addition to that you've got to make all the notes in your notebook that cover everything you've done [Music] [Music] 4104 cup you know it looks like we got a real serious p.i you're just met you get a better get an accident unit here [Music] do you know this lady no I just got off the bus okay there's this lady have a person with their name on it let me tell the husband is killing the front seat of the car okay ma'am is there somebody you'd like us to phone above this accident what's your sister's name okay all right sir okay sir that's fine yeah good okay don't get these gentlemen to get you out in just a minute okay okay now do we know who is driving this no idea I just got here Lin okay do you know who is driving this car here okay sorry go ahead [Music] that man that said it seated right there with the white touch shirt yeah he was driving I think so this is the first of two ladies and any man a man was driving I saw I saw one lady come out of this door and I couldn't see the other side because it was blocked but I think the man was driving not sure okay well sir you driving the car I'm sorry okay do you have a license with you sir yeah can I see it please [Music] are you living now sir everybody I just call them okay what's what address you staying at 4104 241 base 4104 dese traffic could you make a phone call for me please we to contact Dorothy the phone number is four three one and advise Dorothy that her sister Norma has been involved in a motor vehicle accident and if they could come to the skirbeck General Hospital she's conscious at this time I don't think there's going to be any problems with this lady 4104 - radar for okay it looks like you got yourself an impaired driver here with regards to spy he's got fairly removed to hospital I guess you guys gots another ambulance coming on sure this side over here okay okay sit in okay are you guys going to transport now and you want me to stop with the traffic okay there you go how about that blue box is that yours Fire Department systole okay there you go you tell me meteors let me know this out [Music] you just told her right there okay cowboy the Nansen Newfie with all the blood over Stacy's the driver okay can I talk to you for a second sir sure thanks sure the guy was driving because he had blood on his face that's right yeah I went over to him and he's admitted to me that he was the drive vehicle that's correct as far as I'm concerned he was driving too fast okay what exactly did you see well I saw him coming down the street right and I bounced off of the green ball now the white one was in his own lane so I presume that the I don't know what happened to the green one but he was moving over into this way if the green one with which car you referring or black what is it okay okay was it going in the same direction as a both going all right north okay and which lane was he in Lane all right the white one wasn't into the other Lane okay in the passing lane I assured him I just heard a bang and I saw the white drunk bounce off of the green one right he must have lost control okay oncoming traffic okay and hit that car okay okay where were you and you observe this right here okay oh I see you were just gonna come out of here I was ready to make a left okay placing the gentleman under arrest then I'll advise him of his right to counts on to the Charter and then I'll make a demand upon him for samples of its breast suitable for analysis I'm tied in here that's okay so you stay right where you are let me give this first okay all right okay let's send him down on the floor next okay that's good okay let me slide just let me slide and then you can step out that's okay now why don't you just step out all right okay okay you can't you know absolutely that ambulance officers injured is back yeah I know I'll wait how much have you had to drink today no they're not very much okay you understand that you've been involved in a serious motor vehicle accident there's an obvious order of an alcoholic beverage on your breath I'm gonna have to place you under arrest for care having care control of a motor vehicle where your ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by alcohol okay do you understand that okay that's fine okay it's my duty to inform you that you have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay do you understand that it means that you can have free use of the phone to contact a lawyer if you're so desired to understand that okay I'm gonna make it demand upon you to supply samples of your breath suitable for analysis to determine the proportion of alcohol if any therein and to accompany for the purpose of enabling those samples to be taken do you understand that okay okay well that's fine that's what you're required to do by law okay as long as you understand that all right okay that's fine yes I am ma'am okay I'm just gonna hold on to this okay I'm gonna have a breath technician come to the hospital here and if you haven't had all that much to drink then you'll be able to vindicate yourself by supplying the breast samples that you're required to do by law okay go ahead please thanks ma'am just stay right there no problem sir they just brought somebody into the emergency that's not breathing yeah so how do you feel do you feel okay you're all right okay yes ma'am sure how'd you like to come on in here please have a have a seat the first thing I did when I got to the accident scene your sister was in the back of the ambulance she was fine I was talking to her she seemed all right it's a rather serious accident but she seems to be she seems to be all right my mother mom yes where is he he was also he was driving the car he is also here I was also talking to him at the scene they were transported together in the same ambulance and I think they're both fine they're both injured but I think they're both fine all right mm-hmm so if you would just like to make yourselves comfortable here all right rather than sitting out in the main waiting area and I will find out for you okay they just brought somebody into the emergency that's not breathing so I am right so they're attending to that person on an immediate basis I will go get some information for you okay but I wanted you notified right away yes I very okay thank you for okay ma'am yes thirty nine forty five from 41 I'm on 40 104 I'm at the Scarborough General Hospital and I have a man in custody here for impaired care control and I've got people coming in from this serious accident that involves this driver and I have to stay with this driver I'm so low would you have another unit sent to the Scarborough General Hospital to see me here please yes I am you could advise them that I'm in the quiet room in the emerg yes that's correct in the emergency oh no absolutely not I just would like somebody else here to do some of the legwork around in the emergency cuz I can't leave this person that I've arrested thanks a lot bye-bye how you doing there all right that's what I like to hear Wow 40 104 to radio dispatcher can you give me the time that this accident at Danforth north of Eglinton was originally hot shotted and the time that the update came on and said there was people trapped at that location place Thanks dispatcher the accused man is turned over to police constable Heather a qualified breathalyzer technician the circumstances surrounding the arrest are explained to constable Heather to give him reasonable and probable grounds to make a demand for a breath sample thanks kindly [Music] hello I'm looking for a lady could you maybe tell me where she is yes I do it's not it's it's Norma right in here thank you yeah Kenny yeah thanks for coming here I just got free of the breath man because I got a check on the condition of this than for the next-of-kin down the hall so that's okay now I got freed up it just happened just now I was yeah I did no it's all right now yeah that was before Tom Heather arrived and I just got freed up from Tom who's gonna be the breath man so he's gonna be a while with the guy so I get this other stuff done okay as your partner great how are you how are you doing over there okay Dorothy's here good would you like me to say anything to her we're done I've told her that you know you're injured but you're all right I think she could just stick your head in the door there okay okay that was satisfied okay okay join me to get her for you sure no problem sir right Dorothy could you come with me for just a second could I just take this lady by yourself it's really crowded in there sure the accused supplied a suitable sample of his breath which is below the legal limit as a result no drinking and driving charge was late well most people I think that enter into police work they enter into it with all the right ideas they're gonna protect the public they're gonna serve the community and they're gonna uphold law and order but once you've been out here for a while and it doesn't take long to know what police work is really all about that's dealing with the lower elements of society seeing a lot of injustice go on finding out just how little difference you can make out here your comments on the injustice that happens when a suspect is let go by the courts well I suppose for the first while you know it bothers you quite a bit but after a while you just don't let it bother you anymore otherwise you're either going to leave the department are you going to end up with ulcers one of the other and it's just not worth it so you learn to just let it roll off your back you come out here you do your job like any other job and then once it goes to court you don't really care what happens in court not because you don't really care but because you can't afford to care how does police work affect a police officers family life you know the older the kids get the more problems actually it causes so for example when I'm working the afternoon shift 5:00 in the afternoon till 3:00 in the morning or if you're on early that's before in the afternoon at 2:00 in the morning you go five days you don't see the children at all because they're off to school while you're still sleeping in the morning and before they come home at school the afternoon you're already gone to work that's five days you don't see your children at all and it's it's a big strain not only is the strain and the children it's a strain on your wife as well is it true that police work is 90% boredom and 10% rush well I can tell you that years ago I would almost have agreed with that but not nowadays the tremendous shortages of manpower several cars down often on a shift the number of radio calls that have to be filled in by all those other cars that are out there you know lead to the cars being busier all the time and very often we don't even have time to get in for a lunch hour nowadays and that's just from doing routine calls how does being a police officer affect your social life well you know you're not into police work very long when you learn that when you socialize outside of police circles you have nothing but problems you can't go to a party because soon as people at that party find out you're policeman guaranteed you're going to have to listen every sob story about the first that got charged in an accident or some policeman it was short tempered that stopped them and gave them a summons for their seatbelt for speeding they wouldn't over lower it so there was no point policemen are always unreasonable it's just a continual line of abuse and of course you know you want to keep a professional image so you don't tell people what's really on your mind what you'd really like to tell them you know after 7 p.m. metro police officers work with a partner on this Saturday night Lin's partner is police constable Steve Isaac that's pretty serious there's a good thing that people had their seatbelts on it would have been a fatal another case of seatbelt saving lives after receiving a radio call about an assault that occurred earlier the two police officers see two men drinking beer in their parked truck this one right here okay [Music] this was your beer it's just a television career don't worry about [Music] it's obvious you're sleeping in the back here where do you live right here dear you have something to show this address on it [Music] where'd you get the beer there for where's the rest of you [Music] okay I'll be right back with you they were both convinced yeah no problem gonna give me this I'll run them all three okay okay our 4104 the radio can I have a check on three please Thanks dispatcher 39:45 for the badge Kennedy and Eglinton for the location first party the surname is Goodman golf Oscar Oscar Delta mother alpha Nora yet the reason they're doing that is like who you're doing eugenic well it's it's just in case somebody complains about us not video it's a pilot project as people treat us a lot better a when they know they're being videotaped a report of a break and enter in progress was broadcast and the two police officers responded to assist [Music] [Music] are you gonna go in the place from up on the top Gregg dispatcher do you want to phone the station then and get a keyholder for this place see sometimes they'll go in time Aptos you did anybody call the same story that's why I want to keep an eye on in here as well twenty-eight [Applause] what's the witness wearing at 10:40 I've got a white t-shirt on with a design on the front in the middle for it happens of the before she went there keep your eyes yeah 41 42 units on scene up at the complainant here he advises that there are other parties as well they're driving up bluefin license unknown they dropped off the new party new parties lined up the ladder and they no they didn't have anything climb down Ethan even come back down rivers are still in there the blue Manta there we go hi I don't know it looks like somebody put on with their Kiba yeah actually we've got something actually we've got some bad news for you what happened what happened was it what happened was this sir somebody saw a blue van around the back and there's yeah there was a ladder hooked up to the side of the building in the way around the back is that where the people have been working on the air conditioner yeah yeah that's what it looks like like the air conditioning people looks like they've been working okay can we turn this thing off somehow here's here's what happened some citizens saw a couple of guys up on the roof okay thought they were breaking into the place we arrived on the scene there was a blue van out back that had taken off all right so between the time the blue van left and we got here we didn't know whether or not there was somebody still in your premise or not whether or not in fact there have been a break-in or not that's ours so anyway we waited outside for a boat all the better part of an hour and we were unable to get a hold of you or anybody else connected with the fleamarket so anyway we had to get inside to find out if somebody was in here or not we the guys popped the window out in the front the smaller window oh and there's a little crack and it isn't there Steve yeah yeah there's a little crack in your window now we did that okay and also also somebody try to get in I know I bought your lock out there one of the policemen here had to set a lock picks and he was trying to pick the lock to get it open and it broke off in there so we're sorry about that see the lighters tied off so it's obviously from the electrician guys there's no way anybody could come in no no the only way to take you indoors right right well you see we didn't know if those two fan shafts went inside the store or whether or not they just went into this room at the back okay so we wanted to make sure nobody had broke it into your premise okay we can give you a hand bring that down as this 4104 go ahead dispatcher [Applause] yeah dispatcher the keyholder has just arrived here I was just going to give you a call so they can disregard the call Oh okay sir good night lemon Steve receive a call for a noisy backyard party Metro Police with a live eye [Music] well how are ya not bad good gupta the tongue is that right yeah oh well it's pretty loud sir still yeah yeah you can hear it right across the street okay well it's your neighbors that are complaining for your own that's alright for your own information there is no time for a bite you take that goddamn camera out of here birthday party will you get out of here I don't think this is funny there's a party over on three what's with the camera well are they with you the other one with the metronome funny no after the noisy party complaint things started to get busy the police officers are assigned three calls in another zone and they respond to the south end of scarborough ok you know the type of abuse do you get from most people there that is just mild compared to what we normally put up with I can tell you well when you're out here with your partner and you know that you've got to work as a team you've got to keep the lines of communication open between each of you and really normally when you get somebody that you're used to working with you get a routine just in the way you handle the calls the one person does the radio and the advantage of having a permanent partner that you get along well with of course is that you know each other very well and in life-threatening situations you know exactly what your partner is going to do if you have that communication with a body language which is so valuable and police work [Music] it's a police would you open the door [Music] it's the police would you open the door please [Music] we going date Steve yeah I thought that was for the complainant oh and the noisy party is in 802 [Music] and carpet on the force doesn't smell like this your infill like something they always say [Music] [Music] hello are you complaining about the noise deceive us who's in charge here go get your name ma'am it's Bennett how do you spell your last name nobody knew what you did with Peter the neighbors are upset about the noise it is pretty loud we heard as soon as we got off the elevator okay did you keep it down yeah thanks a lot good night I think the best experience would have to be the camaraderie and some of the friendships that have developed over my police career some of the permanent partners that I've had throughout my police career I developed some really good long life friendships that I know are gonna stand the test of time and that's off the job were you just leaving okay if you want to sit and talk for a while do you want to do so outside of the fire route please okay thank you is this your car ma'am I see miss your license please where you coming from could you just take your license out of the case-mate place what's that you were wandering over the center line on a couple of occasions when we were following it was there any reason for that is the steering alright in the car Steve could you be good enough to grab the roadside device out of the trunk me please thank you okay I'm just gonna have you supply a sample of your breath into an approved screening device all right and we'll just determine that you're all right to be continuing on your way home okay okay could you just step into your current stand back here please ma'am I'm explained ice 466 in good shape ain't thanks T for sale is it yeah it's gonna read you the demand out of my book here okay this is I demand that you provide a suitable sample of your breath directly into an approved screening device to enable proper analysis of your breath to be made and the accompany for purpose of enabling a sample to be taken okay have you ever supplied a sample of your breath into one of these instruments before okay it's just like blowing up a balloon the idea is just to blow hard and continuously into the mouthpiece until I tell you to stop okay now what happens here is they Dion light is on and once all the air and the instrument has been purged out of it the ready light will come on well you're supplying a suitable sample of your breath into the instrument the test light will remain on on the completion of the test which only takes about five seconds the test light will go off and it'll drop down in one of these three categories below here okay we'll just wait for the instrument to prove itself oh I will yeah it only takes about five seconds though keep blowing keep blowing stop okay it's a pass that means you're under fifty milligrams you're okay to continue home okay I just have to make a couple of notes in the memo book okay so I can fill out a little report here between 12:07 a.m. and 12:40 the police officers investigated a report of disorder leaves on Victoria Park with a loud stereo they were gone on arrival a noisy party on Pharmacy Avenue all was quiet and it's while 40 a.m. a man with open beer refused to identify himself and fled on foot constable Issac chased the subject into a townhouse where a wild party was in progress the subject escaped through the crowd here's all your papers Batman okay they're your driver's license your ownership your insurance thank you good night have a nice Linn and Steve are now in pursuit of a motorist that failed to stop for a stop sign and cut off their police cruiser [Music] [Music] yeah vanished I played fine hearing 700 or 4104 make your way over 4301 4301 Kingston Road that call was ours a Sammy corridor something we got this hot shot for the Centurion program the officers must now respond to a report of a prowler outside the home of a lone female like the shadow of someone on the car next door well that's okay whatever it was there's nobody out there right now we've been right around your house man there's nothing oh yeah I just went right around the whole place before I came in here to see my partner there's nothing Hoshi heard some noise and saw some shadows and she got scared young lady living by yourself [Laughter] he knows he's getting pulled over and he's quite ready for it is he going okay take a good deep breath will harden continuously did I tell you to stop blowhard sir don't play games with the install not playing see I know when you're blowing hard cuz the test light will be on blow hard take a good deep breath little heart keep blowing keep blowing not if you're gonna have to provide a proper sample of your breath or you'll be arrested for refusal alright I'm sorry okay alright don't be afraid of the instrument take a good deep breath and blow hard blow hard I'm gonna demonstrate the instrument - it was this blowing heart off I am going to demonstrate this instrument to you all right it's very easy to supply a suitable sample of your breath just watch me an 80 year old man can blow this up what is this doing no it wasn't what you were doing or that's what would have happened to you sir let's try that okay you're going to take a good deep breath and blow hard and continuously until I tell you to stop okay hello no what's happening is you're blowing hard and then you're letting right up you've got to keep the pressure on all right okay I'm sorry thank you one's right again yeah yeah all right to the ready light comes on okay good deep breath and keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blunt stop okay it's a fail sir that means you've had too much to drink to be driving all right I'm gonna have to place you under arrest for driving over 80 milligrams it's my duty to inform you that you have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay do you understand that that you can contact a lawyer when you get to the police station yes okay I'm gonna make a demand upon you sir to supply samples of your breasts suitable for analysis to determine the proportion of alcohol if any they're in and for you to accompany for the purpose of enabling the sample to be taken to understand that demand okay stand over here to the side of the police car sir I'm just going to take a look to your pockets strictly routine hand behind your back here please the stuff here will be more comfortable for you [Music] okay watch your head and you get in don't lean back in those handcuffs that they'll tighten up on you alright okay drag your other foot in there sir he's a he's a fail he's in [Music] [Music] and so ends this day for constable Lynne Chapman a 12-hour shift no lunch not unusual for 41 division on a hot Saturday afternoon shift I'm weary Castelluccio [Music]
Channel: Greg Grimes
Views: 115,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police toronto ridealong officer constable scarborough 42 division
Id: Wx_veNt246I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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