Community - Abed explains "Who's the Boss?"
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Channel: ScrubsCommunityPRFan
Views: 1,739,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Community (TV Series), Abed, Who's, the, Boss
Id: DYhaTPg8lOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2011
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The teacher in this episode (Stephen Tobolowsky) wrote a sweet article about how well he was treated during the filming of the episode. He'd recently had heart surgery and they wrote and shot around it just so he could take the role.
There's a path you take and a path not taken
The choice is up to you my friend.
Also, the followup to this where Abed takes a class on Nicolas Cage is one of my favorite moments in all of Community.
That last scene with the gun in the
drawdrawer is played off so welledit: oops.
Holy shit Jeff looks crazy different mirrored.
I really want to know what was happening though?
My favorite tidbit about this was in the commentary Harmon said theyβd originally written out, knowing there was no WAY that NBC would clear it, the professor heading out to his car with a gun and you hearing a shot from off screen.
I always contended that Angela was the boss.
Angela Bower
wow, we used to deal with 480p on the reg.