Commentators LOSING IT Over The Most Insane Sorcery I've Seen All Year

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wow okay there are comebacks in chess and then there's this this is some absolute sorcery witchcraft the greatest turnaround of the game I've seen this entire year of 2023. now let's set the scene here so with white we've got Dennis lazovic a guy playing out of his skin right now he's in this losers final of this Julius bear generation cup his opponent is Ali Reza firuzger the one and only young Prodigy and the winner of this plays Magnus Carlson tomorrow in the Grand Final now the first game was a draw alireza had white so we go into this one if one of them wins they take the match they go through to the final this game has it all plus an insanely cool end game very rarely seen let's check it out so D4 played by lazovic we get D5 from alireza as slav defense now I'll keep this moving 100 moves right we've got to get through these ones the knights develop and now Bishop F5 and after alireza sets up the Rock Solid Pawn structure white goes after the bishop this is all Theory black jumps in here provokes this pawn move then drops back and then white chops soon on G6 when there's this threat of the battery and we go down this position now where Queen C2 is played preparing to actually Castle Queen side and partly to do with the fact that F3 was provoked you know how safe is the king over on the king side and alireza he goes A5 thinking okay I know where you're planning to go so we get H4 now played not forced castles Queen side more common and now alireza decides to take on C4 lets the bishop develop in one go but clears this D5 Square for his Knight opens the queen and Bishop battery now castles win Queen side was played ignoring this Pawn which wasn't taken If you Snapchat well you're wasting time which you don't really have you know you want to be attacking the white king sorting your own King and after Rook H1 we see some problems G3 is coming then The Rook down here so you have to start doing stuff like King D7 ugly so the pawn not touched A4 from alireza he keeps attacking good move A3 this is the most desirable Pawn structure for white keeps an eye on this square and now you can go B5 immediately computers top move looks like White's about to get blown off the board but you can take care and now however black recaptures you can drop back with the Knight I better say however Black 3 captures if they go with the c Pawn the B Pawn would have been weak but if they go with this Pawn now you can go Knight A2 you're blockading the dark squares and you know why it's doing okay so coming back here Ali Reza decided not to go for B5 is the engine's top move though he develops the knights D7 but now E4 and he gets a horrendous position now the top move is to take it which is pretty logical because after you back pedal look how cramped these pieces are now getting look at this mighty white center look at the bishop pair the safer King This spells trouble for alireza look at the position that Dennis now gets so he drops back his Bishop pre-empting B5 which alireza plays but look at this for a response so thematic D5 let's blow open the board with the key in the center very common idea now sometimes you do this at the cost of a pawn here white isn't even sacking a pawn material is level look at these Bishops now it looks like you're skewering the queen to the king but Bishop C3 Rock Solid B4 is going nowhere you know this leads to nothing Euro own Kings getting attacked and then you get this check here blah blah blah so actually black has to take care of King safety and now white is just lasering across the board that Bishop pair the Rooks everything this is horrible if you Castle kingside will look at the attack that's coming down there so alireza goes Queen C7 we get Rook H E1 pressuring that Bishop now Knight F6 again you know the pawn not touched there's no time for that we see Queen E2 pressuring that bishop and after King fa King B1 both players doing some King safety Ali Reza now plays a move and look at his reaction so yeah a lot of people don't get British oh my gosh under 50 seconds he plays a move he immediately reacts and as does the bar so The Rook taking here is leading to trouble what should alireza have done well takes on D5 was the one because after Rookery captures now you can take with the bishop I mean it looks scary to do so but if white does this you're just in time with King G8 to cover your Rook so the best move for white is this and okay the game goes on King G8 still good to step off this diagonal and everything but at least you've moved this bishop off E7 where it's being targeted by this battery of Queen and Rook that's really key because after alireza takes here there's big problems for black so one devastating move that Dennis missed was Bishop to A5 really cool tactic overloading the queen because it captures Queen takes here this is the point King goes and look at how you're crashing through it's just game over right so this is why after Bishop A5 the queen would have to go somewhere else if you go here there's more devastating tactics you know takes check then The Rook drops in just a moment and if you go say here well again you're stepping into the Rook the still Bishop takes here really awful so that was just the killer but Bishop A5 missed this one was played not allowing alireza to take still a great move though Dennis is up on the clock and Ali Reza just Chucks a pawn desperate for counter play we see captures and queen B7 pressuring the pawn trying to win it back and Dennis goes Rook H1 his idea being after captures Rook captures well now he's got some nasty stuff starting down here and it Spooks alireza enough to not take this Pawn to do some defensive measures and that is the best move and now we see B5 Dennis still well in control Queen B6 played alireza is on seconds at this point you know four seconds on the clock they get three seconds increment meaning he made that move with a second on the clock and this is where the sorcery begins so we get Queen A5 um E5 you know threatening mate look at that so now Rook takes on C3 barley Reza he's on second you know get rid of the bishop up sacked The Exchange but now Dennis is an exchanger and the better position but Ali Reza chops this Pawn but he's only winning it back oh no he's one Pawn up here sorry we get Queen C8 check but it forces off the Queens how are you ever gonna hold on in this end game the Knight attacked the king comes over to defend and now Bishop C4 important move because after A3 you want to go B3 keep those pawns on the board increase winning chances but not block out your Bishop on A2 so G5 now from alireza King A2 all of this done on seconds Bishop B4 played Rook H5 attacking the pawn the bishop drops back King B1 now and Knight H6 can alireza unravel you know maybe he's jumping here so Bishop D3 played we get King G8 Rook H1 back and now G4 from alireza and he provokes Dennis into a compromised Pawn structure the computer wants King A2 here leave the pawns on some light squares but F4 is now played now in of itself you know the computer doesn't mind that one so much but after Bishop D6 G3 ouch there goes the eval bar does not like these pawns on dark squares because they could become targets we get King f8 rookie one Knight G8 now played Bishop F5 all of this on such low time the pawn is hit the Knight defends rookie 3 played and now G 6 kicks the bishop and Bishop C5 now there's still pressure here so the Knight can't move right now The Rook is attacked but watch this Rook D3 Bishop B4 The Rook attacks Bishop C5 Rook C4 and alireza goes for this Pawn how are you defending it well White NOW goes Rook C3 but Knight E4 are you actually kidding me you develop the Knight into the game hitting the Rook defending the bishop hitting this pawn and so there's no time for white to take Here and Now F5 is coming and this after Rook D3 is where we get the reaction of the commentary team they can't believe what they're seeing he's a cool oh my gosh look at this it's turned around what just happened words wow so we now have this position just a devastating turn around for white now we get Knight takes on G3 the pawn is dropping Bishop B7 played coming onto the long diagonal no night back to E4 takings no good the pawn is running through you know either one of these is just too much to deal with so coming back here we see Rook taking trying to run the B Pawn G3 now played and you've got to give up your Rook Rook A6 prepares to take care come behind the king covers and now King C2 clearing the a file and the first rank for the Rook G2 Rook A1 queen that is The Rook gone are you kidding me King D3 Here Comes Ali Reza with the Knight all of this on seconds but he's building increment and now this is just some technique in terms of how he rounds up the pawn here but can he win this rare end game which we're gonna reach now why is Dennis shuffling by the way he wants to stay with this one because if he goes around for these well then the bishop can always take this one so we see the shuffle of the king the B Pawn eventually drops we reach this position here alirez has got the extra Pawn but look at this the bishop is about to give itself up this is the position we now reach where we have a knight and a bishop against the lone King can alireza execute on this Checkmate will check out this final clip I'm going to play the video out with you can see what happened for yourself now it's played on 1.5 speed so if you're watching this on two times speed you're about to get like three times speed you're going to enter a new YouTube parallel universe right where YouTube has three times speed so enjoy that one I hope you enjoyed the video check out this awesome finish and thanks very much for watching there we go this is oh I'm really happy to see this banana king is already like that but it's under it's in the wrong corner all players study this from the wrong corner so you know how to do it from the waiter King being in the light Square Corner eventually white King has to be pushed into either A1 or h8 a dark Square corner so the black bishop and trap it um so this is where it's gonna begin here we go um well-known technique now yeah and here's the thing if the bishop oh okay this is the position and now the Knight will do a w this is the hulky the Knight does not move from doing this W yeah yeah and then this one is uh the box there we go there there's the Box remember these positions and it's funny because when you first look at this uh it's very unnatural the way you win it because uh you move your Pieces away from the King but look at how that Knight is magically trapping the king yeah in the same Corner about 11 seconds we did see something but it looks like he knows exactly and that is it unbelievable unbelievable chess here
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 90,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, Commentators LOSING IT Over The Most Insane Sorcery I've Seen All Year, chess commentators, chesss, chess reaction, alireza, firouzja, alireza firouzja, champions chess, champions chess tour, julius bear
Id: -DMyRBo1WqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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