Comment CIRER un fromage fait maison ? (en toute sécurité avec détail de l'équipement requis)

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hello everyone today i'm showing off a cheese like a waxed welcome home my name is fred for the new ones here i show you how to make cheese at home if you are interested in the topic don't forget to subscribe to the channel and you will not miss a video like this one for example why sir is a cheese in fact we imprison the cheese in a wax shell like that when it's done well we prevent the mold from becoming colonized on the cheese surface so it prevents us that we avoids having to constantly clean our cheese to remove the less safe but also its traps moisture inside the wax shell so we don't even have to put our cheese in a place by controlling them if it's done for us this is something that we must of course check is the temperature at which the cheese is matured what kind of wax to use month there is a sawmill specially designed for this a source present under p lacquers like this that we will melt to be able to immerse our cheese inside the alternative would be beeswax the beeswax on the other hand will see your crisper it will break you if you hit your cheese a little too heavily or in the handling it can happen that your circus cracks but if it happens listen to live making the process to plug the holes if we want the kag in your cheese the wax which specially designed for that it is more resistant it is your - cracked for this game use it before you start if there is one thing very difficult to clean on the planet it is melted wax I wish you never have to clean this so what I do me j 'use newspaper hutches that I am going between my cauldron shooting is good the counter that I use as these drops fall and believe me the gones will fall well the tars have fallen on the newspaper then hunting is a lot easier to prevent than cure always rs about the cleaning you will have to sacrifice a cauldron for the c it is very difficult as I said to clean the wax and I even go so far as to say impossible so to have a cauldron which is only used for that this is ideal so me what I did I bought a cauldron in a used object store a very low price and I do not regret my purchase the other objects you will need a brush or if you will have bought especially for that try not to clean your brush it will be impossible but to come to make finishes on your cheese at the end it will be very practical I always use the same one and I have a jump of scrapers you can me help to just lift the excess wax on my brush at the end so these two objects that I had practically added between each use since they are really coated with it is true that it would be impossible to clean anyway eventually you will need a thermometer a thermometer that can have ller up to 150 degrees celsius for example and again good this maybe a little less complicated in the city there is however a surface to clean but hey I have too much thermometer in the house that I only use for the wax is applied it is very healthy that you will see the longest also to raise the temperature of the c is on this subject there I make a wedge which is very important when heating to very high temperature the wax can catching fire is very dangerous it is a fire that you will not be able to extinguish with water so imagining science is already difficult to clean up a fire shoots it must be hell it gives off vapors are flammable so really be extremely vigilant there it is that I use I advise it to keep it always by beating 20 degrees celsius it is very important that it is not sir which makes for the cheese if you use wax of bee I do not know the maximum temperatures but be extremely vigilant lant do your research if you use so they come out of greenhouse and in fact every cyr i imagine all over the planet is going to be a little different so find out or your house should not catch on fire because of a series of cheese we are going to work with very hot wax so wear gloves you don't want the cheese to drop into the hot wax on contact with your fingers and it splash all over it is not a good idea also wear glasses the clothes you are going to wear my not put on your best clothes and hey this is very important if you have pets that come a little close to you trying to put them somewhere else while you are making do you need a cheese if you have young children s 'please be extremely vigilant the cauldron shots we really want that in the last point on safety work in a place that is fairly well ventilated we breathe and the wax vapor it must not be very good p for your health so try to avoid that i hope we didn't scare you too much with these security elements but i 'm sure you understand it's important to have them in mind we are working with something potentially dangerous after all to apply the wax we have two main methods one which was very high temperature and the other where we have downgraded from low temperature to high temperature you will understand that this is where it is more dangerous we bring there it is at 110 degrees celsius so imagine 110 degrees celsius vaudois touching ensure they are coated with its doors and guys this is the most dangerous method it has at 110 degrees celsius in contact with mold that may be on the surface of your cheeses will die instantly, some will still say to leave it in a few seconds in the extremely hot wax to make sure afterwards at the temperatures that are the advantages that will not be found in the low temperature method ature therefore before its operation it is only to melt the wax that the rise in temperature to this temperature there yes the wax will be applied on the cheese but does not destroy it compared to time the molds which can be there it is a personal disadvantage sleeve the method I use is a bit of a method of them I heat will massage 70 degrees celsius this is a temperature where I do not risk losing my house every time I do wax on the cheeses then the little angel I do it for my personal consumption to sell it outside but safety measures I am extremely careful but I do not want to risk my life and that of my family either before pulling your cheese make sure you that there is no mold on its surface if you use a method the lowest temperature there it is in kind for its means on the island it is likely to develop between the syria and the surface of your cheese c is not really what we ve ut when serving a cheese if it happens you observe safe ways mix a cup of water or unchlorinated with a tablespoon of non-iodized salt with this loeb solution left August 10 of course and clean your cheese with you will go remove the less secure they would not be assured but still wait until it has time to dry one to two hours you can use a clean cloth or cloth to remove the excess water but it is very important to 'having a surface that is clean concretely what will happen when you are going to soak your cheese to send hot wax is that the brain induce part of your cheese will cool until it solidifies that is exactly what we want but hey there is nothing magic in life by cooling it will transfer its heat to the cheese and what we do not want to melt our macho faith not what will happen in real life but le if the surface warms toro l a structure reload a little bit then there could be a loss of a little big which will liquefy we are not what we want so when we come to soak our cheese in our shots it is important to l '' having our cheese at a little low temperature the best you can do is have your cheese in such a way it is surely the worth of occupation but in your cheese refrigerator at the rate of 10 betrays degrees celsius the ambient temperature so just the son have a fresher cheese the coffee of arras and that will give him a little more latitude to store heat enough explanations I show you in practice what it could have looked like to be safer I heat the mascir indirectly above a cauldron of boiling water make sure everything is perfectly balanced and that there is no risk of overturning I look at the temperature quite often sometimes I will leave my thermometer like the ones on the side it works well d 'habit but succeeds throwing in accelerated speed is good what had to happen happened this attention on your side I told you that it was difficult to clean the wax actually came out of the heavy artillery I used a lot of shots in my cauldron lately when the level is quite blah I will add others and I put you in very accelerated speed every second and a minute of time does not rise to the level shot too high in your cauldron for safety reasons when there is has more soul chunks and cyr damask and the temperature here and at 85 degrees celsius and my signal to squeeze my cheese I have wax paper that I can lay my cheese on you can see one side at a time using your two hands you risk less of the breakaway I soak my side I leave a few seconds inside the greenhouse and not too long for nothing I make it listen a little bit and I immediately dive the other side of the club of the way i know it's q ue I do two sides at once without really leaving time to dry between and I have a drop then I will do the next two sides but once it's good this one here I keep a cheese on the circulation n it is not yet dry good you are going to put your fingerprints on the cheese you do not want that then for the disappointment depending on the depth of your cat sleeping we are pulling you will maybe have a small square like that I use my brush to cover it so apply a little pull on a surface as uniform as possible and then we will do the same thing a second time we put two layers is what I like to do is put a piece of card stock like that with the name of the cheese and its date of conception here i don't know if i forgot i was filming myself but i could have done something much prettier we will say it was to show you what not to do so if you do it at home it sure would have more beautiful than me and if you used a brush do not forget to remove the excess pulls it will help you next time know that the cera cheese can integrate use the umq usually the kind is not here but I put everything but greenhouse retail in my cauldron a thing anyway I sacrificed a cauldron for that so I use it to store my titles size of his airs between each use he only had to wash the used car with soapy water then rub a little to remove any potential small piece of cheese that might have adhered to it and it's ready to be reused don't throw it away for more information on how to do it our cheese at home I put two videos right here click and we meet on their side I'm sure you will learn something new by then take care of you everyone and see you next bye bye
Channel: Chez Fred Fromager Urbain
Views: 27,771
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Keywords: Comment cirer un fromage fait maison, Comment cirer un fromage maison, cire à fromage, cirer un fromage maison, cire fromage maison, Qu'est-ce que la cire à fromage, Cire fromage, Cirer fromage, Cirer fromage maison, Comment cirer fromage, Quelle cire fromage, comment cirer fromage maison, Utilisation cire fromage, Application cire fromage, conserver fromage, conservation fromage, cire abeille fromage, cire d'abeille fromage, Utilisation cire, Équipement cire fromage, fromage
Id: shGPyYmKrT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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