Comic Pros BLAST Fans For Not Liking New Warriors & Industry COLLAPSES In Just 14 Days!

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what's going on one Jeremy are from the quarter again it's getting pretty spooky in the comic book industry now for those of you on this channel or if you've watched other channels like comics matter with your boy Zach and and similar ones this is not news to you when you essentially insult your customers for years when you place yourself on a hilariously unearned pedestal you are doomed to fail you are doomed to be reduced to almost nothing and that's what comic books seems to have done in like two weeks it's completely collapsing and they're doubling down continuing to blame the fans for their awfulness now if you look at Marvel's video here just as an imperfect jumping-off point the New Warriors currently has a hundred and seventy thousand downloads are you one of those people that downloaded boo I am now what is Donnie Cates aid now he is a writer of Thor venom guardians of the galaxy cosmic Ghost Rider Thanos Doctor Strange God country and more what does he have to see if you disliked that trailer how about you're an awful toxic person people who think it's cool time to jump into the threads about positivity during hard times with the express intent on being a jerk or pooping on your work or the end of your jobs are literal scum I know life is hard and I truly hope you and your family are safe but from the bottom of my heart and with my deepest sincerity f every single one of you wash your hands take care of your families get effed what a beautiful beautiful encapsulation of exactly what comic book executives and workers think of their customers he deleted that tweet of course but we saved it because it is the interwebs nothing ever deletes on the Internet Donny would go on to say okay I deleted the original tweet in this thread my intent was to make fun of all the bigots and people making hateful comments towards the book this is the New Warriors book but obviously my intent doesn't matter if my wording was hurtful to say to my non-binary and alphabet friends and fans apologies guys guys that's gendered language and you can see the original tweet here that's been 2 miles would be the cue and non-binary friends let me see that this tweet was a hundred percent aimed at people who are offended by the inclusive nature of the book itself no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nobody was offended that the book existed the idea that Marvel would spend valuable resources when the local comic book shop is crumbling on a book that nobody will be able to sell is why people are mad does anybody understand that like these PII really struggle the struggle is really real my friends are these people that dumb seriously are they that dumb that they will reduce a complex backlash like essentially comic skate down to well you didn't like that this dumb book with somebody who got their powers from Internet gasps exists oh you're a bigot what we laughed at snowflake and safeSpace we laughed at Internet gasps but those laughs quickly turned into the reality that these are the books that the look at local comic book shop has to sell and in just under two weeks the comic book pros are completely out of money and panicking they got the pencils down order just the other day and here's a perfect example G willow Wilson okay she is a comic book Pro starting you know seeing some many many books by the way fantasy novelist comic book very popular tweeted out hey guys if you are in the comic industry and find yourself suddenly out of work please drop your patreon cash at venmo Cove coffee go from me or whatever else you're trying to survive two weeks and they're out of money two weeks the industry is crumbled it will never be the same two weeks is all it took you mean to tell me that an industry that fell apart in just two weeks should be spending time on books that nobody buys they should be spending time on books that will languish on the shelves of closing comic book shops forever that's the point you not you look at all these people posting that they need money look at them all patreon GoFundMe is patreon Selma you know just it is just loaded with people asking for money and I'm not saying you shouldn't support people but you know just like an airplane secured your own oxygen first make sure that you're in a good spot before you worry about helping in one ounce and that includes me and she put out this email just the other day about the dreaded pencils down you can see periodical comics our unique ecosystem that doesn't resemble anything else in publishing a very small faction of sales are digital true nobody wants in my comic books digitally most people want the physical object which is collectible hahaha it isn't collectible anymore and has a static value you know this is in response to as a reader I'm honestly really surprised you'd think that if marketing leaned into some online readership could Skype couldn't skyrocket not to mention y'all already do so much remotely that this should have little impact on your daily job of course you should and you see there are exceptions miss Marvel a book nobody wanted imprint did astonishingly well digital that's because it would never have sold on the comic book shelves you talk about the dreaded pencils down but you've got time to retreat drum don't you you've got to worry about what Trump said it's Trump's fault that you alienated all of your customers and that you called them all evil and that you told us you didn't want money you told us that you didn't want the wrong people buying your books but drum but drop everybody I mean I don't know what else to tell you you have all sorts of people in this interest how about Viviane guacamole artist author New York Vox media hate to do this I'm unemployed mean money get in line if you look through a lot of this pencils down hashtag it tells the story pencils down to the comic pros that choose the trolls over the real fans and it shows a Pete a picture from makes visaji oh this is frustrating yeah nobody wants your crap books we knew that Twitter followers Twitter followers don't buy books hang it with renfa miss mags all unfortunately the great blue whale doesn't sell books for you G willow Wilson just got the first of the dreaded pencils down emails I imagine there will be more it was inevitable after the store closures and Dimon announced sending my love to all my comic people artists writers retailers editors and fans these are the same people that mocked people like Ethan Van Sciver and your boy Zac for running IndieGoGo comic books saying that that's not real comics you can see pencils down to the comic pros that use lies and smears to browbeat their colleagues into turning on the fans that they loved this is the Scott Snyder tweet that essentially he didn't disavow independent comics fast enough he didn't come out and say comics gate is evil and Heather Antos on nobody who's done nothing in her life but somehow failed forward at Marvel and other places the milkshake girl said I'm disappointed in you Scott Snyder because he was out with his family and he didn't disavow the wrong type of customers fast enough these are the same people that are now broke asking for your money Dan Slott do you wanna you want to do something to fix the problem support diverse creators at the register when their books come out this will get it done July 2015 Heather Antos the only thing entitled are the fans who treat people who put their hearts and sold into their work like they owe them to those of you who in my feed telling me comics is a cushy job for the entitled elite you could be you could not be more wrong no one pursues comics for some big paycheck bull bull you're joking right being a comic book artist isn't a vow of poverty but you got your milkshake to all the comic book creators tweeting hashtag pencils down I don't know half of you as well as I should have liked and I like less of you half I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve how about Michelle Perez , quid pro Richard C Meyer aka the diversity of comics guy he did a 30-minute video about a comic-book circular that featured an article of mine he's a multiple divorcee piece of garbage he's a war vet so of course he's a crypto-fascist unfortunately he didn't get blown up that's Michelle Perez I mean this is comic books certain people have spent two years talking about how I'm a talentless diversity hire I've been nominated for two eisenerz and one of my books is a TV show whoo-hoo actually I think that fifteen hundred plus number includes stuff that stills to be published what what how delusional are these people dear sgw putting down you're putting your pencils down because you spent years blacklisting successful prose over politics which cost comic book stores sales they would have had otherwise which might have helped them survive this situation I feel bad for local comic shops but not for you here you have honest with make no mistake even if giraffe loses we will remember who supported him this is a veiled threat liked by Kelly Thompson comic book Pro extremely happy that Orson Scott Card's the story will not be in the same Adventures of Superman as mine how about dairy let me make myself clear I know that Betty bright wiser is in comics Kate I don't support her work anymore and I never will support her work again how about Tess Fowler today in comics apparently no one Batman writer who supports bigots in a hate movement as well as he's talking about comics a it supports that hate movements apologist now has a new imprint in DC and is hiring bigots well I told you all in 2017 dude was a problem but oh he makes Batman comics these are the people that Marvel and DC cater to and now pencils down as Ethan Van Sciver is raped in about a mil in box producing his comics on indiegogo and richard Sumire is probably close to a million bucks as well comics will never be the same and it will be quite honestly hilarious to watch them realize it something that we've known for years hope you enjoyed this video we'll talk to you again real soon [Music]
Channel: TheQuartering
Views: 618,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming news, tech news, movie news, movies, the new warriors, comics, comic books, marvel, marvel movies, disney, disney movies, snowflake and safespace
Id: NjAe43GnNO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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