come yarn shopping with me! | my fav yarns 🧶🧶

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hello guys and welcome to today's video today  is saturday october something 16 i think but um   i have to make a quick stop over at the yarn store  um there are a few products that i've been working   on and i need to pick up some very specific  yarn so i figured today we'd kind of do like a   come yarn shopping with me yarn haul type of vlog  you guys have been saying recently that you love   these casual type of videos so this is as casual  as i can look um i even forgot to curl my hair   but it's okay i'm looking cute still um i'm gonna  get my music started and oh no my adapter yeah i   also have to go pick up some coffee right now so  come drive with me let's go pick out some yarn and   i figured i'd also kind of showcase you guys my  most favorite um affordable yarns to pick up all   right it's a lot easier if i just hold the darn  camera while the lighting is doing me wonders huh   but as i was saying i'm probably going to go to  joann's that's kind of like the number one stop   i also probably have to hit michaels because they  do have a similar selection but same same but   different and then lastly one of my new favorite  stores to get yarn is hobby lobby can i please   get a grande vanilla sweet cream cold brew perfect  thank you there you go thank you have a good day okay guys i've made it here to joanne's so there's  a few things on my list that i need to pick up so   right now i'm kind of looking at like the all  right so just to show you guys what i'm looking   at right now i'm looking at the lion brand true  boo collection because i need to pick up a couple   shades for an order that got placed a few  days ago so i need to pick up the color   celery i think this is the one perfect yeah they  only have three of these left in stock and i need   two of these bad boys but um either the new boo  or the trubu yarn is what i've been using for all   of my bikinis i don't really know how to describe  this yarn other than like silky cashmere feeling   um if you guys can see it's super it's almost  like a shiny material but it just feels like   silk the trubu is made from bamboo and i believe  that the new boo is made from like lyo cell or   something but it's super soft material so it's  really perfect for like bikinis like it's going   to be rubbing your skin it's going to be touching  your butt cheeks and stuff and you need some   comfortable yarn so this is my go-to selection  currently for bikini stuff if you guys have bikini   yarn recommendations please leave them for  me down below because i do want to try other   brands and stuff but it's really hard finding  quality yarn that's perfect for like swimwear   and so far at least like in the stores by  my house this is like the best type of yarn   but i wanted to recommend some of my favorite  yarns to you guys and again these are like   more on the affordable end of things so stuff  that you can get at either joann's or michael's   okay so for the first thing a lot of people  since you know fall is coming up have been asking   me about like wool yarns and i know these aren't  really technically like 100 wool but recently some   of the wool yarns that i've really been loving are  the lion brand wool ease i believe this is 20 wool   and like the rest is acrylic but this stuff is  pretty darn comfortable for it being wool you know   a lot of times wool can be like scratchy itchy  like not the best for like a sweater especially   if you're going to be like completely covered in  it head to toe um but the wool ease is like super   thick so it works up really fast and i know lion  brand has like a huge i don't even know if you can   see they have like a huge selection of their wool  yarn so they've got a ton that just come like in   solid color and then more of my favorites  they have stuff that come like in variegated   type of colorways so the selections are really  endless like when it comes to making sweaters or   blankets and stuff their wool selection is pretty  darn good i have never had an issue with the lion   brand wool ease so i would say this is like my  first recommendation okay and my second selection   for wool yarn i have actually not personally used  this yarn yet but if you guys have been watching   my channel for a while you know that i use a lot  of the big twist yarn like it's so reliable but   i've just seen this on the shelf right now  and it's like 25 off so super bonus but this   big twist yarn is like a natural blend and it  has at the same percentage as the lion brown   so this is 80 acrylic and 20 wool definitely has  that wool texture but as i'm holding it right now   this wool yarn is way softer way squishier  a lot more touchable than the lion brand   one and don't get me wrong lion brand is pretty  comfy so if you want like really soft seemingly   quality wool yarn i'm also going to go ahead and  recommend the big twist like i said they've got a   huge color selection as well behind me i don't  even know if i could pull them all out but i'm   probably going to give this big twist wool yarn a  try as well i could probably make a pretty thick   chunky sweater out of this and i'd probably lean  it towards this first over the line brand just   because lion brand is like a few dollars more oh  guys look they have this really beautiful like   mustard yellow color i think i'm gonna  use this i'm not gonna pick it up today   but i'm definitely gonna come back for this wool  yarn like it's so comfortable it almost feels like   i don't know like cashmere too is that crazy okay  let's relocate and find some more yarn okay i   hope i'm straight but now i'm in like my favorite  aisle at joann's and this is the entire like   big twist section so like i said big twist i use  for everything if you want a baby blanket done big   twist sweater done crop top it's beautiful like  i love the yarn for every project and big twist   is also the yarn that i lean to when i'm making  my beanies because a lot of times when i'm like   doing headwear if you use rough acrylic or like  i said wool yarn your head your forehead is going   to get so itchy um so i have pretty sensitive skin  so i need like super soft acrylic yarn and this is   by far my number one recommendation when it comes  to acrylic yarn all right so i know i'm extra   but i just pulled a couple of like their color  selections off the shelf just to show you guys but   literally all of these colors behind me are  by the big twist and my other favorite thing   about big twists is they're so affordable every  time i come to joann's i always have like a 25   off 50 40 off okay i'm back i get so awkward  when people are around me but um yeah so with   big twists like i was saying there's always some  kind of coupon or they're always like on sale   so i can get 380 yards of this acrylic yarn for  usually like three dollars a skein there's even   been times when i've come here and i've picked  up a skein for like two dollars and 20 cents so   this stuff is super affordable like i said it is  100 acrylic i have no other way really of showing   you guys like just how plush and soft again this  is my most comfortable yarn when it comes to wear   i've relocated just to find some other yarn that  i'm like obsessed with um of course this is also   by the big twist line they did rename this line  little twist because it's like in the baby section   like i'm out here in the baby yarn aisle but  this other line of big twist yarn it's also   oh no it's not it's 91 acrylic and nine  percent viscose i really love this yarn as well   um if you guys saw a couple of my videos  where i'm wearing like that super cropped   white cardigan i used the little twist yarn and it  is so unbelievably smooth and buttery on my skin   so i guess it makes sense that it's like  a baby type of yarn but same with this you   get 380 yards of worsted weight yarn and this  is like six bucks and right now there's a 25   off coupon i personally have a 40 off coupon so  i can get this yarn for like three four dollars   and i only needed like less than three skeins  to make an entire cardigan so that's pretty much   a steal and what's really cool about this yarn i  can't really show you with the white but let's try   to here i'll bring out a different color so this  is like a deeper color of the little twist yarn   but if you like look really closely there's  like tiny tiny like little strands of   i want to say like sheen it's definitely not a  sparkle it's not glitter but it has like a little   sheen to it so instead of it being kind of like a  plain yarn you get like a little bit a little bit   more something can you guys see that can you guys  like see like that little shiny sheen and again   super soft i probably shouldn't be rubbing this  on my skin because i'm not gonna buy this yarn   yeah those so far are like my recommendations  like i said i used that little twist yarn   to make a cardigan out of freaking perfect i  use the other big twist yarn for everything i've   made a blanket out of that big twist yarn i've  also made sweaters all of my beanies like it's   so universal and so affordable so if you guys  have access to the big twist line seriously get   your hands on it also something else i've seen  online i don't even i think i saw it like on   instagram or something but it's also by the big  twist brand or line but it's called like their   textile yarn so instead of like their baby yarn  or the acrylic yarn it's called like textile and   it kind of looks like um it like resembles like  t-shirt yarn but i've been searching all over   the internet for i really want to use thicker  more sturdy like t-shirt yarn to make like a   bag or some kind of purse or something and i want  it to be thick and chunky so i can work it up fast   but here at joann's i haven't been able to  find anywhere i haven't been able to find it   on like online either i think i just  saw on instagram and people have been tagging   their textile yarn so if you guys know where i  can find like in person or even online like really   good material or like strong like cotton t-shirt  type of yarn for affordable please let me know   because i have one on etsy and their t-shirt yarn  is so expensive like if i wanted 300 yards or   200 yards of t-shirt yarn i'm looking at like 50  bucks so if you guys can recommend something to me   that would be fantastic but yeah i  think i'm gonna go purchase these yarns   okay so i've made it over here to hobby lobby and  i needed to pick up some yarn because i am working   on a like a crochet vest for someone behind  the scenes so i wanted to go with a really bold   striking red especially because it's turning into  like fall holidays i want like a deeper color but   by far this whole wall is like my favorite yarn  that they have in it i believe it's the hobby   lobby brand i could be wrong but it's called  the i love this yarn brand and this stuff is   so soft again if you guys are looking for really  good quality 100 acrylic yarn i would definitely   go to hobby lobby further i love this yarn again  this stuff is so soft and comfortable like this is   the best acrylic yarn besides the big twist that  i've ever found and their selection is insane   and to top it off the i love this yarn brand at  least with these acrylic balls these solid colors   you get i think 350 meters or yards of yarn for  4.99 and again they always have coupons here   so you're gonna get like a really good price  for these type of yarns and like a huge amount   like a large quantity um if you guys see people  walking in the back don't mind them i'm like all   embarrassed to be filming in front of them but um  yeah you get such a good deal such an affordable   price for so much yarn so same thing as big twist  um whether you have a michaels or joann's or a   hobby lobby in your area seriously go pick it up  like their selection is insane i did pick some   off the shelf to show you guys so like the solid  colors they also have like speckled type of yarns   like isn't that gorgeous so they got this in like  100 different colorways i've also pulled this one   off the shelf here i don't know if you guys can  see but this one has like a metallic glitter in it   and again this with the metallic glitter they have  in like 20 colorways as well and of course they   have like roving style yarns so honestly anything  that you guys are looking for they probably have   the shade range here like this wall is massive i'm  gonna put these back and uh head on over to check   out some other yarns but yeah they're acrylic yarn  so good such good quality and i've also never had   an issue with peeling so this yarn is this yarn  is just everything oh yeah guys and not to mention   they do have a selection of like hand-dyed yarns  so like um hello they have full-on hanks here   and they're hand-dyed so you can get really good  quality here at hobby lobby and i hope i'm in   frame because i can't really see my viewfinder  right now but the last thing i want to show you   guys that hobby lobby that i have fallen in love  with is also there i love this yarn except it's   called i love this cotton i think it's called yeah  i love this cotton so it's like the same brand as   the one i showed you before except this is 100  100 cotton so if you guys are looking for like a   little bit of variation i know you guys have been  asking where to pick up like cotton style yarns   i know with summer acrylic can be pretty hot and  warm and like too heavy so if you guys are looking   for a really strong like cotton substitute  this brand as well so good like this is the   softest cotton yarn i've ever used typically with  cotton yarns it can be kind of rough or scratchy   but this stuff feels just as luxurious as the  acrylic yarn and like i said there's so much yarn   in these aisles i can't even show it all to you  guys but they've got some like roving style yarn   just different colors just gorgeous again if i  needed this yarn i'd probably pick it up right now   just the colors are like so summery and sunset  and they do include like a little photo picture   to show you what that pattern would look like when  it's like all worked up so that's super helpful   yeah same thing with this yarn there's like  a little photo of the yarn all worked up so   a lot of times when like you're shopping for yarn  you might like you know the in or you might like   the color of the yarn that you're picking up  but you don't know if it's going to work up   stripes or speckled like how the final result is  going to be so i also really like how they just   include a final photo kind of like a final product  of what this yarn looks like so yeah with all of   that being said i hope you guys enjoyed this yarn  haul come shopping with me vlog um oh my gosh yeah   see they even have other brands like the sugar  and cream um like scrubby yarns so if you guys   are trying to make like dish towels or something  they got you covered there too huge selection so   yeah um thank you guys so much for tuning in and  watching and if you guys want to see any other   type of video go ahead and let me know down in the  comments um i'll be seeing you all super soon bye
Channel: it's erin b.
Views: 158,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: its erin b, it's erin b., come yarn shopping, yarn haul, shop with me, affordable yarn, cheap yarn, big twist yarn, lil twist yarn, lion brand, lion brand wool ease, big twist acrylic, big twist natural blend, big twist wool, lion brand truboo, hobby lobby, i love this yarn, i love this cotton
Id: 3Rsh_fvfJiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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