Combo box value depends on the selection of another combo box in Access

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hello welcome back to my video tutorial for Microsoft Excel in this video I will show you how to create a combo box to combo box the second combo box for information is depend on the first combo bar first we need to create the from above first okay and go to the side view now I have the design view here every sir the combo box from here and drag it and drop it here is my first come above we see that come about the value from the table and we put the customer type information on the combo on the first come above the customer ID and customer time and in store by customer height now you can see it here I have the customer Thai table here which is have the tire business government and individual and nonprofit and finish it now I have to first come above done okay when you will it you will see it here fit a business government now I want to create a second one which is the data will be depending on the first come above once it'll select it here click and drag it drop a second one second one we choose the fine break code based on mine form different form which is I want to fight all the customer name here on the form a civic customer name be sure to come above here okay and format back to the customer time okay the second I see the customer mean now we have to combo box the first is a customer name customer time and now the second one is customer name is on this one is show all the customer name but what I want here I want to select the time first and and then we update the list under the second one for an estimate name we show re the name under the customer height individual name now we need to put put the code here the first one we used to have the update the first one up to update you in here we need to know the name of this one this one I call combo to 2 1 to 21 and this one show to 19 and under the first one we need to put some cold this Nina humble to 9/2 21.3 query it's mean to run a query game up the release after we select the first one and this one the sick can come about we need to update the dollar right roll sauce here we need to update it put customer tight ID will here make sure it's matching with the the first ball okay the first ball is this one you need to put in here form and then the husk demo form form name is customer and then hover ball is one to nineteen because combo box unity and talk about the customer type which is linked to customer Heidi okay host that visual basic editor and now we view the form after we select this this customer time now the new list of customer name will be show re for business this is they have already 14 test my business here we feed the individual will be the list of customer initial to show all this and then nonprofit is shown here it's this how we create two combo box the first and update and the second one will be depend on the option select from the first time above that how it
Channel: T Golden Eye
Views: 273,058
Rating: 4.7589288 out of 5
Keywords: ms access, combo box, load combo box value, combo box depends on another combo box, two related combo boxes
Id: rdAqkg6bGT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 12 2014
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