Coloring / Shading a Drawing in Photoshop - Tutorial

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what's up y'all this is ten hundred I am an artist today we're gonna be doing a Photoshop tutorial we're gonna color a drawing in Photoshop make it look all nice and colorful it's gonna be super fun it's gonna be super rad and it's probably gonna be kind of chill and easy hopefully if I explain things right um let's see what do you need for today you need a computer yeah you need Photoshop hopefully you have that if you clicked on a Photoshop tutorial and you're probably gonna need a graphics tablet that's the little thing where you take the pen and you can draw on this tablet and it magically appears like it's like a mouse but you can draw with it I have two different kinds of graphics tablets this is my Wakeham in 203 I use it for my travel rig it's the kind where you draw here and you have to keep your eyes on the screen and you sort of have to disassociate your hand from this the screen I guess I've been using this for a long time this is the first graphics tablet I ever had it's a super old model compared to what's out right now if you want I'll leave a link to the newest version of this down in the description it's cool this is part of my travel rig this goes in my backpack and I take it because I'm always got to put in work work work work work I've got to put in work that was dumb wake up make some good shizzle like they're kind of the big name in the graphics tablet game so I'm not going to be using that one today cuz I got this thang thing right here this is a graphics display and this is where you can draw right on the screen it's an XP pen artist 16 Pro I think this one's cool it's like way cheaper than the Wacom version I don't know I've been using this thing for about a year now and I like it a lot yeah link to that in the description as well if you guys click any of the links in the description and buy it it's like an affiliate link or whatever and it supports my channel a little bit either way it's up to you I don't know I've never had anybody do it before but you guys ready to do this let's color our drawing in Photoshop alright y'all welcome to the Photoshop tutorial we're gonna color drawing it's gonna be red let's go ahead and launch Photoshop Photoshop CC I'm gonna go ahead and open my drawing here I drew this with ink on a piece of paper photographed it and then i used the levels to kind of make it pure black and pure white i'm gonna go ahead and separate my line art from my background here i made an entire video about how to do this so I'm gonna speed through this but there is a link to the video right somewhere on the screen right now hopefully let's go ahead command a command X Q command V Q again shift command I shift f5 fill with black I went through that real slow on my other video so we're just gonna breeze through that we have our line art separated from our background now let's go ahead and drop in a new background grab some white up here and then just click on a new layer and now we have the background on this layer and the line art on this layer alright so the first thing we want to do when we're coloring our drawing is we're gonna want to click on the inks layer here actually let's name this so that it's just easy for everybody we'll call this inks double click the name here we'll call this background awesome alright so let's go ahead and click on the inks layer click and we want to fill this character in with one solid color to start so I'm gonna grab my magic wand tool that's W on your keyboard if you're interested and I'm gonna click on the outside of my character here and you want to make sure that contiguous is checked or else it'll select here I'll show you if you if contiguous is not checked it'll select like every bit of the lines but we just want the area outside of the character let's check contiguous click on the italic Eric tur and now we have these marching ants all the way around this dude but this area is sealed off in between his arm in his body so let's hold down shift click that add that to our selection we're gonna go ahead and zoom in here a little bit and we gotta get this area zoom in a little bit more get this area I know attention to detail gotta have it got to do it all right and probably in his shoelaces we're gonna need to get that but we'll do that later now we want to invert this selection shift command I on a Mac shift ctrl I on a PC let me use Mac a quick key vernacular because I use a Mac I think you switch command a Windows key you switch I don't know windows I don't use it you guys are gonna have to figure that out on your own and then so we got the outside of the character selected we want to go to select choose modify and choose contract because we have this area selected all the way around this dude and we just want to shrink it in a little bit so our fill color doesn't go past our lines at all so we're just gonna shrink it in by like two pixels it's super chill it was on the very outside of it and now it's just inside so we want to create a new layer click we want to drag that layer below the inks awesome and then we want to name this layer flats F L 80s boom Diddy alright so on our flats layer we can choose any random color I'm just going to choose I don't know this pink color and we're gonna choose our bucket tool which is right over here you can hit G on your keyboard to bring that up and we're gonna go ahead and click and now our whole character has been filled in with one solid color sweet that's a great start we'll hit command D to deselect and now we're gonna go ahead and just start filling in big chunks of color we want to go to our lasso tool right here you can hit L on your keyboard and I'm just gonna fill in like his whole face area we're just gonna click points with our mouse around his whole face click click kick and you're just making points all the way along the outside of this area zoom in a bit so we can get even more precision yeah cool all the way around it's basically just like make a point make a point make a point move your mouse oh and also if you hit spacebar on your keyboard your lasso tool or any tool turns into the grabber hand so I can hit spacebar and drag and drag my drawing to where I need it to be cool point point point and then when you get to the other end you can either double click your mouse to close off the selection or you can hit enter on your keyboard and that closes off the selection and we're just going to choose a color here the color that you choose is not super important because you can always change this later cool make that blue awesome let's go ahead and fill in his hair now check this out this area is pink and this area is blue the hair area that we're gonna color is also blue so all we really need to worry about with our lasso tool here is the area that's blue we're gonna hold that line where it's blue but when we get to the pink area we can go anywhere we want and when we grab a new color to make his hair we click in the blue area it's not gonna affect the pink so as you're tracing that's why we did the big fill color as our very first step because now those colors act as a barrier where you don't really have to trace that much so we're just going to keep doing this process over and over again this is called flatting and this is what the the way that you start it so that you can get into the shading and the rendering at least that's how I do it yep just gonna keep this this process going it's I mean it's not a super fast process but it makes some really cool finished results just continuing to do this alright so do we do we do we do eat all right making these points almost there can't wait we're gonna get to the other side cool doesn't matter about the pink we're just we just want to do the blue so go ahead and hit G BAM the G pulls up the paint bucket tool we went and filled that color in command D to deselect just a little bit more of this hair over here and yep yep doesn't matter about the pink area hit G on the keyboard to pull up your paint bucket click that area and that is some hair alright so check this out another way that you can speed this process up a little bit instead of clicking point point point point is if you use the magic wand tool you can go to the inks layer here pull hit W on your keyboard to get your magic wand and let's say we want to fill in his glasses here it's like an open area without any obstructions that's completely closed off so we're just going to click inside the glasses and we've got a selection made of this area inside the glasses now these glasses have some depth to them so let's go ahead and grab here here I'm holding down shift on my keyboard to add to my selection here here here this area this area this area there there there there there and there alright so now here's the important part go back to your flats layer got it go to select modify and now we want to choose expands because we've selected inside the black line area we want to expand our selection by two pixels just so that again it's inside the line instead of right up against the line done all right so let's make these glasses I don't know like orange yellow for now and then we're gonna wear on our flats layer so don't forget to do that if you're on your inks layer you're gonna make this color fill on your inks layer I do that all the time it's a bummer and then we hit G on our keyboard to pull up our paint bucket and click and now see this pink it stopped because we were in the blue area and when it goes from color to color it stops so we'll go ahead and click on the pink area sweetness we just did those glasses really quick this little area needs so I'm gonna pull up my lasso tool and just select that double click to close that's the little inside of his of his glasses band there alright so sometimes you need use that magic wand tool and sometimes you need to use the lasso tool because of how complex the shape is but those glasses are just like a big sort of shape without any obstructions so we can use that magic wand technique getting in here for his eye sweet lasso tool select select select select cool awesome now if we hide our inks I mean we can see that it's starting to look like that and this is called flatting it's just giving each section of the drawing sort of like its own color get in here for this tongue lasso tool polygon lasso tool give them a pink tongue now let's go ahead and give them just some random color headphones maybe some like some like lime green headphones yeah oh I forgot to do this part I just noticed wait I'll do that after the hipbones don't let me forget guys got a do that's all you're doing is just making selections and fill-in that selection color in when you go outside the character it doesn't matter because it stops with the color cool so you guys are kind of getting this right is it is it making sense so I think I'm gonna just fast motion this part because it's literally the same process over and over and over again and we'll just jump next to the to the rendering part if that's cool to you guys so now let's get into the the rendering the shading the painting whatever you want to call it first thing we're gonna want to do probably is we're gonna need to create an action an action in Photoshop is sort of like a pre-recorded series of events and there's a certain thing that we're gonna have to do over and over again and if we create an action for it it's gonna make things go a lot quicker so let's grab our magic wand tool this is our actions panel by the way if you click this little play button here we're gonna grab our magic wand tool and just sort of select a section we got the blue section here it doesn't really matter what you select we're gonna go to our actions here and we're gonna do new action I'll call this tutorial boom set it to default actions that's fine assign it to a function key we'll set it to like f4 color none and then we're just going to go ahead and hit record because what we want to do here is we want to copy our selection create a new layer paste that selection to that new layer and then turn on lock transparency so might record hey now everything that we're doing now is being recorded so we're gonna hit command C that C there copy just appeared then we're gonna choose create new layer there's our new layer and there is new layers in there we're gonna hit command V to paste it and then the last step is to click this little checkered box down here that lock transparency pixels or whatever it's called and then we're gonna hit stop and now when we hit f4 on our keyboard all of those functions are gonna gonna take place and what that does is it takes whatever color you want to work on at the moment and it promotes it to a new layer and then this lock transparent pixels makes it so that when we paint in an area it's only gonna be like that that blue face we just selected it's only gonna paint on the blue it's not gonna paint on the area around it so if we want to do shading or if we want to do highlights it's only gonna do the shading and the highlights on the face we don't have to worry about going outside of our lines pretty awesome a quick note guys I just assigned that to f4 for the tutorial but normally I have that function assigned to f5 so for the rest of this tutorial I'm gonna be using f5 on my keyboard for my quick key just didn't want there to be any confusion alright back to the tutorial alright so we have our face on on a new layer here and also probably the kneecaps because the kneecaps are the same color we're gonna go ahead and grab our brush tool we'll hit B on the keyboard the brush tool is right here and right now the brush tool is really small and really solid we don't want that so we want to go up to our brush settings here I'm just using a hard round brush we want to take our hardness all the way down and bump our size up hit enter and our size is still too small but that's okay we're gonna go to opacity and we're gonna change this from 100% down to like 20% and the opacity is how transparent or not transparent your your piece your your how it lays the paint on the paper so we're gonna hit the brackets closed bracket to make it larger and open bracket to make it smaller so about there is good and we're gonna hit I on our keyboard to choose our ink dropper tool and we're gonna select the color that we use for the skin now over in our color panel here we're gonna drop it down to sort of a darker version of that color and the light in our image is coming from here you can tell by my shading that the light is coming from like top left and the shadows are going to be cast bottom right we have our brush settings set and now I'm just going to shade the half of the face that is going to be in shadow I like to do this as my first step so I've got some different values going here I've got light on his left side dark on his right side and then I'm gonna grab my lasso tool and instead of using the polygon lasso tool I'm gonna use the freehand lasso tool or just regular flat so tool I like to zoom in here and I'm gonna select the shadowy areas so his glasses are gonna cast down so I'm just clicking and dragging my shadow area under his eyes he's got some wrinkles going there and I'm holding down shift to add to my selection shift and then click and drag or click and draw since I'm using my graphics tablet and I'm getting all this shadowy area under his glasses under his mouth more under his glasses under his glasses here and then I like to do the hair would be casting some shadow down onto his forehead shift hold down shift to keep adding to your selection close that off it's good yeah all right so we've got those areas selected now we're gonna go back to our brush tool I'm gonna get a little bit more of like maybe a blue or slightly blue air tone and then we're just gonna do basically a wash over this whole face because that's where we had those areas selected if you touch more on this side then on the on the left side command D to deselect cool and now we can kind of pop in there with a little bit of highlights so the bridge of his nose you know my highlights I'd like to be a little bit use a much smaller brush making my brush size smaller we'll get in there with some light version of that color it some highlights here sometimes on the actual skin areas I don't even make a selection I just kind of lighten it up in a certain area maybe the reflection on his eyes and on the highlights I like to make a selection bigger and then just kind of touch the edges a little bit instead of completely going over this election cool got some highlights going there and then inside of his his mouth would be much darker yeah so that's kind of the process of that and then sometimes I like to jump in and do some big washes where maybe the right half of his face is kind of in a purple light and the the left half is gonna be in a more warm light so he's got that going on and then grab more of like a yellowish tone and try and give him a bit more warmth on this side of his face and you can really play a play around with different colors you got going on could even throw a little red in there it's really up to you how you want to color it so then let's mess around with the hair a little bit we'll go back to our flats later hit W on our magic wand click on the hair got that selected hit I'm gonna hit f5 because that's what I have it assigned to and that does that does that action and we're gonna get in here and darken up this side lighting up this side so grab like a dark blue it'd be on our brush and then grab more of like a lighter color here and then I'm gonna grab my lasso tool and jump in here and do the shadows so I like to do the the overall values from where my light sources first then I like to come in and do the the more specific selected shadows and then I like to do the highlights and then I like to do the color adjustment washes you okay we'll grab like a dark blue did that too many times I did too many passes over that so command Z command Z cool a little bit more chill and then do some highlights on here you grab like a light teal switched our brush tool and then just hit it with some highlights and then while I still have that selected I might just do a real kind of light dusting of yellow drop my opacity down to 10% yeah so now I just got some kind of some hair going there and let's do his his hoodie so I'm gonna grab all the orange and I want to shade the light sort of creamy orange at the same time because it's all part of the same garment so I hold down shift and selected that light area too I'm gonna hit f5 to promote that to a new layer so now we can see like just the face and the hair are on those layers the hoodies on this layer and there's all the rest of our flats so for the hoodie let's go ahead and give him his sort of shadowy side I'll do sort of a maroon crease my opacity back up to 15% 20% and then I'm gonna give him kind of a more yellow side where the sunshine is heating him cool so now I'm gonna get in there and do my shadow so this whole like section of him is in shadow grab this section here and then under his hood definitely got some wrinkles going here I'm kind of racing through this a little bit to try and keep this video short but you want to take your time and my lines are my lines and my shadows are not like if I was doing this for a client this would not look like this but I don't know if you guys want to sit through like I'm three-hour video cool we'll go with that and let's grab sort of our maroon color we had gone before and we're just doing another wash cool so we got some kind of shadows going there and then can hit some highlights yeah this style of rendering I really like it for my really graphic like line art illustrations it's sort of you know it's sort of like a comic book style rendering and comic books were like the first big huge inspiration for me it was like my gateway into the art world when I saw some of the illustrations and x-men and some of the other comic books that I was into as a teenager it was like oh my god this whole world of amazing art is out there so you know my style is definitely like there's a healthy dose of comic book influence in there there's anime in there there's cartoons it's just like all my favorite nerdy stuff smashed together and then you know how it comes my style you can take that what I'm showing you here and use it is your starting point and then develop some of your own style and your own techniques and yeah it works for me I like it and it just helps me maintain that really bold rich saturated color that I you know that I'm known for a little bit and that my traditional art has and yeah that hoodies looking pretty good so yeah this that's the process right there guys I'm just gonna kind of speed it up again here just to keep it a little bit shorter and just gonna finish kind of rendering this out do a real quick and dirty for this one for the tutorial but you can you can take your time and make it so perfect thanks so much if you're still watching I know this video is long but I'm trying to make it as short as possible but this is not a really a short process this is kind of a long process thanks y'all I hope you're learning something if you have any questions on what we've done so far leave it down in the comments and I will do my very best to try and answer all right that's good enough for this example yeah he's kind of shaded in now and one of the last steps that I like to do is I'm gonna select all my layers click the bottom one hold shift click the top one hold down option on my keyboard and drag down that duplicates everything right click on the top layer and then do merge layers that leaves us with a copy of all of our layers but then makes one copy of everything put together and then I'm gonna go ahead and open some watercolor textures that I have watercolor textures I'm gonna open this one and I'm gonna open this one cool let's get these open my computer is being real slow right now cuz there's a screen capture that I'm doing to make this tutorial so usually not this laggy sorry guys okay so we'll grab this one Apple a to select all command C to copy it go back to our drawing and then paste will paste it right underneath the inks layer command V command T to transform this and we're gonna make it sort of the size of our painting I'm gonna make it vertical instead of a horizontal I put that white on that on the shoes on the ink I put the white on the shoes on the inks layer remember how I told you guys not to do that that's why it's still sitting on top of there so now I'm gonna go back down to my this copy of all the layers that I have together hit WM from my magic wand and select everywhere on the outside of it go back up to this watercolor layer delete everywhere outside of it and then I'm gonna do this layer mode to be hard light and then I'm gonna turn my opacity down and this is just gonna add sort of a watercolor effect to the piece cool and then I'll grab the other one command a command C command V command T to transform it make it about the size of my guy hit enter select delete hard light and then turn the opacity down and now he's got kind of watercolor painting vibe which is a cool effect kind of smooths everything out too and let me fix these these bits of white that I accidentally did on the inks layer grab that I'm gonna hit f5 to promote it to a new layer go back here grab it again hit delete to get it out of there and then just drag that new layer down below my watercolor textures cool and there's some stuff on the outside of those are all that that watercolor that I stretched out so I'm gonna go ahead and crop this and yeah now I'll just drop my signature on here got to remember that step I learned a lot of these tips from watching a lot of different YouTube tutorials and blog tutorials and just like my whole Photoshop experiences is encountering a problem and then going online to figure out how to fix it and you know when you encounter enough problems and fix enough problems you kind of develop an understanding of the program and at first it's like super foreign but then it becomes something that becomes second nature and it becomes a really powerful tool in your tool belt I started as a traditional artist and I still am a traditional artist I do paintings I do murals I do all kinds of stuff but having that digital side really can kind of add another tool to the tool belt and it just means that maybe you can get some more gigs that aren't just traditional art just right let the people know who you are with the signature and that's it that is the finished colored drawing that's how you do it I hope this tutorial was helpful to you guys thank you for watching I know it was a long one but this is not a fast process and there's kind of a lot of things to talk about I had some people asking me to show them how to do this so here you go it's pretty fun it's got a lot of different things that you can do you can play with colors a whole lot and I really appreciate you guys watching if you enjoyed this subscribe to my channel I got all kinds of different art videos on here murals and paintings and tutorials and it's just it's a blast around here stick around say what's up leave a like leave a comment thanks y'all so much appreciate you
Channel: Ten Hundred
Views: 175,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop cc, photoshop tutorial, shading in photoshop, coloring in photoshop, how to shade in photoshop, how to color in photoshop, comic book coloring in photoshop, xp-pen artist 16, artist 16 pro, coloring an illustration, coloring tutorial, shading tutotial, how to do shading, flatting in photoshop, flatting tutorial, photoshop shading tutorial, photoshop coloring tutorial
Id: qIRzcKszb4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
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