Colorado Experience: Uranium Mania

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[music playing] NARRATOR: This is the tale of two towns in Western Colorado that were inflamed by enthusiasm for mining and refining the rock called carnotite, with its stored resources of radium, vanadium, and uranium that held the potential for unimagined riches, scientific discovery, miracle cures, and the ultimate force to energize or destroy nations. MAN: It's the story of the three different booms and busts that we have related to this one rock in Western Colorado. MAN: The uranium boom was much bigger than gold and silver, including California and including Pike's Peak and all of these places. MAN: The government needed uranium so bad, they spent millions of dollars to get it. And their wildest dreams were fulfilled, they found so much. NARRATOR: Uranium made one town famous, while the other town was almost completely buried by its own radioactive legacy. WOMAN: Grand Junction kind of went into the uranium frenzy-- the love affair that the country had. MAN: A lot of the community felt that uranium was good to us. Uranium helped us. Uranium employed us. A lot of other people said, no, this is really, really going to hurt us. MAN: Night and day, night and day, you could hear the trucks go over the noisy bridge, going into Uravan. And it would clank three or four times as it goes across the bridge. MAN: And they promised-- the great promise of cheap nuclear power never developed. WOMAN: The bulk of Uravan was shredded and buried in a hole up on top of the mountain above Uravan. It's all buried in there. It was covered up, and everything is gone. NARRATOR: To this day, both towns remain fascinating yet fearful symbols of the rise and fallout caused by a century of uranium mania. MAN: This program was generously made possible by the History Colorado State Historical Fund. WOMAN: Supporting projects throughout the state to preserve, protect, and interpret Colorado's architectural and archaeological treasures. History Colorado State Historical Fund. Create the future, honor the past. MAN: With support from the Denver Public Library. History Colorado and the Colorado Office of Film, Television, and Media, with additional support from these fine organizations and viewers like you. Thank you. [music playing] NARRATOR: The allure of uranium in the mineral belt spanning the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado begins with the eye-catching yet cautionary color of carnotite. MAN: Carnotite is kind of the darling of the Colorado Plateau uranium deposits because of it's color. It's a bright canary yellow, so it stands out like a sore thumb. NARRATOR: This Pandora's rock contains legions of the dangers, expectations, and hopes that inspire and plague humanity. It was forged over many millennia of geological drama when mountains were moving, volcanoes were blanketing the land with ash, and subtropical rivers were changing course to lay the groundwork for the uranium enriched Colorado Plateau. MAN: For the mountains were far to the west and southwest. Think Phoenix. Think where the present day Sierra Nevadas are. And these rivers were draining toward Colorado. Of course, you'd have large dinosaurs and so forth, and different kinds of vegetation. But there would have been a lot of organic matter that just accumulated in these channels and just got carried along with the sediment and it got buried. The uranium was being dissolved out of the adjacent rocks that had volcanic ash. NARRATOR: Turning fossilized bones, petrified wood, and the Jurassic sandstone of the Morrison Formation into yet-to-be-discovered treasures of mining eras to come in places like Colorado's Paradox Valley. WOMAN: Some of the prospectors that were here looking for gold and silver thinking that it had come down the San Miguel river were finding rock in the mountains, in the hills, and they didn't know what it was. Some of it was yellow in color. MAN: Winton [inaudible] in Leadville, who was also a bit stumped. Eventually, by the late 1890s, carnotite makes its way into France. And some scientists in France take a close look at it and they realize that carnotite contains three very valuable things. NARRATOR: The uranium that was dismissed as waste rock before it was transformed into an engine of power and doomsday device. Vanadium that would strengthen the lightweight steel of the Panama Canal, Henry Ford's cars, and the weaponry of two world wars. And radium, a rare metal worth far more than its weight in medical and experimental value, made famous by its first lady, Marie Curie, who dedicated her life to researching its radioactive effects, only to die of radiation poisoning. WOMAN: People thought it was just a miraculous cure for cancer, and, you know, could grow your hair, and all these things. So we found out, of course, that that was not the case and that radium was extremely dangerous, poisonous, and toxic. NARRATOR: It was the specter of death and the prospect of profit that drove two vanadium titans to become radium innovators. WOMAN: The Flannery brothers-- James and Joseph-- were undertakers in Pennsylvania, and they had gotten into the vanadium business. But they did have a sister who was dying of cancer. And that's what piqued their interest into getting into the radium business. And that started the Standard Chemical Company. Joseph heard that there was this experimental research that was happening in Europe-- in France, in particular-- with Madame Curie that radium could cure cancer. So he was instrumental in getting radium kind of on the map. They found the Club Ranch was on the San Miguel River in the San Miguel River Valley just over the mountain from Paradox Valley. And that's where they built the Joe Jr. Mill to process the carnotite ore to get the radium out of it. MAN: In the nineteen teens, radium was one of the most valuable things on Earth. One gram of radium was selling for upwards to $160,000. MAN: And that's a tiny, tiny, tiny amount, which you'd have to mine hundreds of tons of uranium ore to get that tiny speck. NARRATOR: But neither of the Flannery brothers lived to see their company's greatest success-- a gift of radium to its foremost champion, followed by paradoxical accounts of her Western travels. WOMAN: Madame Curie's daughters say that she never came to Western Colorado. When she came to get her one gram of radium from the women of America in 1921, she did visit the White House. She visited the Standard Chemical Plant in Canonsburg and the lab in Pittsburgh. And she did get on the train and go see the Grand Canyon. But they said that she never made it to Western Colorado, although she wanted to because her radium did come from these mountains-- these hills. There are family stories out in Paradox that the little French woman came for dinner. We would like to think that that was Madame Curie that came to Paradox Valley. But we don't know. NARRATOR: It would have been a fitting but bittersweet finale to the glory days of radium because in 1923, the Flannery brothers' Colorado empire ended. WOMAN: It was just abandoned. And then US-- United States Vanadium Company came and bought all the holdings of Standard Chemical Company. And they're the ones that actually built the town of Uravan. They had a contest amongst the people that were living there to name the town. And that's where somebody came up with the name Uravan, which is a take-off of uranium, vanadium. [music playing] NARRATOR: Vanadium production had its day for strengthening American industry, construction, and armaments. But it was the cast off rock of that process which would cause the most amazing craze for the nuclear chain reactions of the late 20th century. WOMAN: The scientific community had found that some types of uranium were fissile. Smile And what that means is that the nucleus of the uranium atom will break apart and form different elements. And when it does that, it releases a lot of energy. So they saw this as a potential for a weapon to end World War II. NARRATOR: With a furious sense of urgency and unparalleled ingenuity, the US government organized the massive Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bomb. Guided by the physics wizard J. Robert Oppenheimer and the hard-driving General Leslie Groves, the project would leave no stone unturned searching for domestic sources of the ore. WOMAN: Lieutenant Philip Leahy was sent by General Groves to Grand Junction. He got on the train in Chicago and opened his orders, and it said, find uranium. NARRATOR: Which led Leahy to set up his Grand Junction headquarters to collect all of the uranium available on the Colorado Plateau. MAN: 14% of the uranium used by Oppenheimer and during the Manhattan Project came from the Colorado Plateau. WOMAN: One of the things that Philip Leahy did here at the Grand Junction site was establish a metallurgical laboratory to do research on what's the most effective way to get uranium out of the ore. So crushing it is the first step. Then they would process the ground-up uranium with different chemicals. When they evaporated off the chemicals, it's very yellow. It was called yellow cake. NARRATOR: And it was this concentrated uranium Leahy needed so desperately from a location that offered ideal access to the necessary resources, including secrecy and security. MAN: One, it's close to the source. It's close to where, by now, we know uranium is common in these carnotite fields. Two, it's next to a railroad. And three, it's near a quasi major town. So Grand Junction, you have an airstrip. You have roads. You have a community. You have infrastructure, but it also offers privacy and an abundance of water out of the Gunnison River. [music playing] NARRATOR: Even in Uravan, far away from the fighting, the people were kept in the dark about their part in the Manhattan Project but felt it was essential enough to make them targets for destruction. WOMAN: My grandmother talked-- and my mother talk about the blackout-- blackout the windows when an airplane would fly over. They were just sure they were being attacked. There was just that constant fear, and I think a lot of the unknown. They didn't really know what they were doing there, but they were there for something. NARRATOR: Something like nothing the world had ever seen before. The mining of an unnamed strategic mineral intended to arm the first atomic bombs that would incinerate the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. WOMAN: Both my brother, my uncle, and my husband were all in World War II. So it was with relief that we knew it was over. It was later that the shocking news of what had really happened kind of set in. MAN: Pretty soon, the Soviet Union develops the technology themselves. Pretty soon, now, we have two global superpowers with atomic energy. And this renews an interest. So in 1947, the Atomic Energy Commission is established with this idea of making sure that the United States keeps a global superior knowledge and supply and stockpile of uranium. [music playing] NARRATOR: And so began a manic dash for the All-American sources of the ore that was accelerated by the first and only government subsidized mineral rush. WOMAN: It was a full scale exploration for uranium reserves in the Colorado Plateau area. And they found uranium beyond their wildest dreams. They were so successful. MAN: They offered all these deals-- all these bonuses, and incentives, and all that. You could get $10,000 for a brand new discovery of high grade ore. Or if you found a new discovery, you could get up to $35,000 for that. This uranium boom was one of the greatest mineral hunts we ever had funded by the government. And I don't think we'll ever see anything like it again. But it was something to see. See prospectors climbing the hill, looking for uranium all over, not really know what they're doing. NARRATOR: But fervently believing in a get-rich-quick cult promoted by the Atomic Energy Commission, preached by the popular media, and radiating throughout the country. MAN: Life magazine writes an article on Grand Junction, and they called the city that glows. They talked about this area being this hotbed for uranium, and uranium research, and uranium mining. And so they claimed that at night, Grand Junction has a subtle glow to it because of all the uranium nearby. Perhaps my favorite element during this time period-- I think what really really captures this idea best-- is the 1954 Miss Atomic Energy Competition held in Grand Junction. And the winner received whatever a truck full of uranium was valued at that day. And running it through inflation, that'd be about $4,000. NARRATOR: Whenever Uravan's uranium delivery system was operating at top speed, it offered a bit of a bonanza to everyone in the nuclear family. MAN: My house was right beside the road. But the trucks that came night and day, and night and day, you could hear the trucks go over the noisy bridge, going into Uravan. And it would clank three or four times as it goes across the bridge. The trucks came 24 hours a day, night and day, to provide the mill with uranium ore. WOMAN: The general manager asked me what I was doing for the summer. And I told him, not much. And they said he'd give me-- if I would go along the roads with my dad's pickup and pick up uranium along the roads that had tumbled off of the mine carts, he would pay me for them. So I earned my school clothes money picking up uranium along the roads. NARRATOR: At the height of the post-war uranium boom, Uravan had all of the comforts of a close-knit company town. WOMAN: We had a swimming pool. We had a commissary. We had a library. We had a roller skating rink. MAN: The company bought us uniforms, and we had baseball teams. Pretty amazing place to live. I mean, we never wanted for anything. WOMAN: When you were sitting outside at night-- because it was always cooler at night, and we'd sit outside, and you could hear the voices carry up the river from the ballpark. And you could just about follow the plays of the game, and who was yelling, and if it was louder yelling, you know Uravan must be winning. NARRATOR: Of course, the bust-- as it always must-- was coming in a series of atomic shock waves, beginning with the end of the government's payouts because of a uranium glut. MAN: They were looking at their budget, and they said, we can't buy all that uranium. So they made the famous announcement that I'll never forget on November 24th, 1958 that beginning in 1962, they'll only buy uranium in concentrate from ores that were discovered prior to that date. So that really shut down the Uranium Exploration Program. [music playing] NARRATOR: Then, suddenly, death from a slow-developing disease started shaking the uranium workers and their families. WOMAN: Actually, my father was the first one that died of lung cancer associated with uranium miner-- in this area-- that they knew about. My dad went to see Dr. Saccomanno in Grand Junction. And they did chest x-rays and other tests. And they couldn't find anything in April of 1956. But he wasn't feeling good. And they went to a rodeo in Ridgeway, Colorado on Labor Day. And he got really sick. My mom took him to Grand Junction. They saw a Dr. Saccomanno again. And they told him that he had oat cell type cancer, and he probably had three months to live. He died in November of 1956, just about six months after he had told me he thought he had lung cancer. WOMAN: Their health was being impacted by primarily radon gas that was in the mines, because the mines were not ventilated. But it takes over 10 years for these cancers to show up. NARRATOR: Throughout the communities of Western Colorado foundations were being built on radon-producing sand that was free for the taking from the neighboring mills. MAN: Each one of these places that's processing uranium also involves a lot of waste. And this waste is something that needs to be dealt with. In Grand Junction, the waste rock was used for foundations on homes. WOMAN: As far as we know, there's not a large tailings problem in residences because of the vicinity property cleanup program-- that deal we sponsored in the '70s, '80s, and '90s. But as maintenance occurs on the roads, or the city is changing a pipeline, or improving a bridge, they work with us. They know where these impacted concrete structures are. And they clean them up on a continuing basis. NARRATOR: Over time, there have also been critical meltdowns of faith that mankind can ever create a uranium utopia. WOMAN: Scientists thought, oh my goodness, we're going to be able to cure cancer. We're going to be able to power-- provide electricity to everyone. There's all this potential for all these exciting new discoveries. We're going to be able to go to the moon with a nuclear reactor as our engine. Unfortunately, of course, a lot of those very optimistic predictions did not come to pass. And then we had Three Mile Island, which really galvanized the country about using nuclear technology. MAN: I came back to [inaudible] in 1980. And Three Mile Island happened, and I was on the school board. And we went from 600 kids to 300 kids in less than a year in the school district. It was just absolutely devastating. NARRATOR: And the devastation would continue with a series of attempts to totally obliterate Uravan. WOMAN: U-METCO told the rimrockers that they could have the post office and the post office boxes inside, and that they would leave the post office for the rimrockers. And Marie went down one day and it was just gone. Everything. Things just would just disappear. They were just gone. That was very hard. NARRATOR: Although the Rimrocker Historical Society managed to arrest the decay of Uravan's remaining buildings and had a museum in mind, other forces were dead-set on burning the old boarding house and rec center down to the ground, then burying the rest of the town, along with its health threats, legal liabilities, and memories. WOMAN: I even remember the guy from the Colorado Department of Health said, let's get this done, or burn those buildings down. So they called us up and said, we're burning the buildings tomorrow. You're what? We're burning the buildings tomorrow. If you want to come down and watch, you'll want to be there about a certain time, you know. All that hard work just going up in smoke was horrible. It's gone. There's nothing you can do about it. NARRATOR: Because now, ground zero for the town is the man-made burial mound where Uravan was laid uneasily to rest. WOMAN: The bulk of Uravan was shredded and buried in a hole up on top of the mountain above Uravan. It's all buried in there. It was covered up, and everything's gone. Everything's in there. NARRATOR: Except for two relics, rich with memories of the town that once was, patriotic in peace and war-- and Cold War-- and playing America's game. WOMAN: We're pretty fortunate to have the flagpole at the ballpark. That flagpole was across the street from the post office all the time I was growing up. When we first thought about trying to get the ballpark was when we were told we couldn't have our picnic there. And the picnic had been there for years. We were going to have our picnic in the middle of Highway 141 if we need to shut down the highway. But we were going to have our picnic in Uravan. It turned out that the property went through to the county very quickly after that. NARRATOR: Giving the former residents of Uravan their own field of dreams deferred. WOMAN: So now they have a place to go. They can sit on the river and just sit there and think about the ball games, and the swimming pool, and the roller skating, and riding our bikes all over town, kick the can at night. And if that's all we ever have, that's OK. But we still think there should be at museum. NARRATOR: Because there's so much musing to do about the nuclear capabilities and failings of humanity. MAN: The development of uranium-- the use of uranium-- is probably one of the crowning achievements for mankind, from a scientific standpoint. This is absolutely amazing. We split an atom. We had this vast amount of energy. We figured out how to contain it. And we figured out uses for it. The contrast to that, though, is at what cost? NARRATOR: Which isn't just a hypothetical question of politics, physics, or economics, but one of personal victories and casualties. WOMAN: A lot of people said, well, how can you want to open up this industry again with both of your husband and your father dying as a result of their mining history? And those guys knew that there was a danger. But they were feeding a family. WOMAN: People's perception of nuclear energy and nuclear technology is very tied into their emotions. And I understand that. Because it's a high risk-- it's low probability that anything will happen, but if something does happen, it's very high risk. NARRATOR: As risky or rewarding as the fire next time unleashed from within the Pandora's rock of the Colorado Plateau that could end in the ashes of an inferno, the dust of a tomb, or the nuclear-fueled west resurrected by some future mania for uranium. [music playing]
Channel: Rocky Mountain PBS
Views: 39,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colorado, History, Mining, Uranium, Uravan, Grand Junction, American Experience, PBS, Rimrocker Historical Society, National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, History Colorado
Id: zUF4fIjsPQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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