Colorado Alpine Loop: Engineer Pass // Family Adventure in aTacoma on America's Most Scenic Road

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goodbye animus forks and next up engineer pass thank you so much for watching subscribe check out our channel to watch our tour of animous forks be sure to check out the first video in our Alpine Loop series cinnamon pass here we go last chance to change your mind waterful it's so unassuming as we approach you can see the switchbacks and everything just looks so unassuming from here the road still isn't too rough but I think it's going to get a lot more technical as we go we're meeting a vehicle now for the first time and we're not meeting that many cars and it doesn't look like we can see that many coming down since we have a pretty fairly decent vantage point the forest service host that was at animus Fork said oh the the trails degraded probably in the 20 years since you did it last does it seem worse the same seems better but we haven't got to the hard part yet that's true here's another waterfall how long the Trail's been open for 3 weeks two weeks two weeks going to let this Jeep go by since the theme of the day is Jeeps have a Need for Speed there's a sign for you so you don't get lost turn right you're not going the camera's coming in clut here oh yeah oh first switch back down all right made it look easy there's a big one coming down does it look like a full-size truck I don't know if it is or not it's hard to tell this is really wide here uh an old shack oh yep Sam's passed out it's probably good it won't be as much of a distraction C I think 11 less people so we actually saw a guy hiking this he was coming down as we were heading up that's pretty impressive the sign if you go left you go to ur and then right is engineer pass to Lake City so up we go not for the faint of heart so it looks like coming down we're going to face a full-size truck a Jeep and a dirt bike so the dirt bike will be awesome that'll be easy the Jeep will be easy yep side by side fullsize truck might be interesting but I'm sure we'll meet him in a nice wide spot so the nice thing about being able to see the switchbacks ahead of you is that you can decide what you want to do we decided to go ahead and pull over let this dirt bike go let a side by side go around us and then wait on the Jeep and the truck to come on something stupid the razor over here on the edge is oh man they're uh I don't know what they uh tipping oh I probably you probably can't see it on the camera but they've done something there was some rocking back and forth some arm flailing what is going on up there that's uh not that well we can't see it anymore so at least if they tipped over they tipped the right way but it's strange that they haven't gone past hell yeah all right now we're going to go up and see what this obstacle is that everyone's bouncing around on [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's a narrow climb because there is snow so we're backing up oh chat's gon to make it look [Music] easy yeah Chad Chad knows what he's doing plus those people have been really having a good time let's say maybe yeah Three Peaks together [Music] [Applause] up another Switchback so there's the Switchback that was um giving that side by side a hard time I I think they must have just hit it at a bad angle okay this is another switch back that we're going to decide to back up a little bit all right we are on a very uneven portion here nice they pulled over for us give us space very cool very appreciative because this is on the other side so now we're gonna chill here and enjoy the view while this Jeep makes their turn and they should be able to do it pretty easily I would think yeah he's going to just whip on around she all right now we've got a little bit of a climb ahead of us more three point turns yeah no oh you got it you got it Ding A M it's nice [Music] muddy but not too bad not slippy muddy [Music] razor is [Music] hauling the razor that just came by asked if we saw a phone hopefully it's not at the bottom of one of those deep puddles so this is the I think it's the one of the heart attack points coming up heart attack Point coming up it takes the nerves away whenever you're racing around trying to find a cell phone that you dropped he had no concern about the road anymore this is the final pool it's rock it's it's um just bumpy s just said this is sketchy which is funny cuz he's the brave boy I'm glad I didn't have them bring their dirt bikes up here yeah there's a reason why you should be 16 and have a driver's license to do this nope it's definitely hard syus is waking up just at the right time see him just woke up at just woo here we are here's the point looks like we're just going to nowhere I saw was saying he's happy to have the front camera oh see that white truck all the way this may be a strange um perspective but I honestly feel better doing this than on a highway with a ton of traffic going like 70 miles an hour keep going oh the snow's pretty pretty high here too woo we're going to let the razor go around this hopefully they found their [Music] phone there was some concern that we were going to go to the top of that but we're not White Knuckle oh I'm out of practice my nerves anyway probably not my skill but the single track up there it's like just two switch backs this is Nar narrow oo look at that oh yeah we made it to the top of engineer Pass elevation 12,800 ft it's a little windy it was nerve-wracking getting to the top because the um Forest service ranger told us somebody went off the edge a week ago I think she said Monday they were on a side bys side and she said it was their fault they were going too fast or something so you know but still so to the right of us is uray then the next mountain is White House Mountain that's a 13,000 foot Mountain then Mount Ridgeway and and then Mount Snuffles in the middle that's a 14er patki Peak Mount Emma to the left Abrams Mountain pipy Gulch and then Tuttle Mountain all the way to the left and then the creek is called mineral Creek so let I'm about to lose my battery so don't be offended oh the road is instantly smoother on the way down look at that from what it was to now literally just left the top of the pass and it's like a gravel nice Road engineer pass gold plakes gleam here we go down a switch back on the way down it's smoother there's no shelf there's no climb or drop nice and smooth look at that oh oh we got ramp o we ramped now we're dropping waterfall [Music] it makes me very happy that we have right of way right no not yet um it makes me very scared that we don't have right of way [Music] [Music] [Music] that's where we came from oh we're passing so close we're right on the edge of that and the guy we passed said you can get closer to me like yeah I think we will thank you when you make it down the pass you're rewarded with Whit more Falls and a bathroom that's cool kind of a double waterfall that runs down into one stream if you like waterfalls this is the place to come it's just continuous waterfall action oh we've finally made it to Whitmore Falls Scenic Overlook and we're going to go down and check it out this is an old mine the Ute oie mine the first patented mining claim in Hinsdale County silver and [Music] Lead it's this is so different from anything we've seen so far on this Alpine Loop um the we're down in a deep Canyon the road is really good and it's just a whole different vibe and we probably I mean we're very close to Lake City now Scenic byway Alpine Loop so we made it to Lake City and Sam played at this awesome little playground here and now we're going to head over to the sand Juan soda company um downtown this place is cool because you can ride side by sides and stuff in Lake City so seeing those parked is kind of neat kind of reminds me of Moab oh look at these dalas this is do you like your drink Sammy oh that's called cannibal girl Packer Saloon because Alfred Packer who apparently was a cannibal look at these legs that's hilarious all right on from Lake City back to the campsite all hands on deck because we spotted a moose Chad literally said I bet there's a moose in there keep your eyes out and then Sawyer goes moose moose so we stopped down oh it's a mama with a baby it's a baby oh it's a baby it's a Chad it's a mama with a baby cuz the mama with a baby that's why we need to go Chad it's a baby we're going to get trampled come on we made it back to our campsite we're roasting marshmallows taking it easy for the rest of the evening it was a great ride thanks for watching [Music] bye bye
Channel: Big Altitude
Views: 1,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pagosa Springs, Colorado, travel, family, vlog, adventure, fun, family vlog, atv, offroad, mountains, waterfalls, trails, outdoors, familyadventure, travel vlog, rocky mountains, OHV, 4x4, 4X4, alpine loop, mountain pass, ghost town, engineer pass, cinnamon pass, lake city, animas forks, vacation, pagosa springs, Colorado Vacation, Summer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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