COLOR Or DIE Chapter 2 With Moody! (Roblox)

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before this video begins I just want to say that I now have a second Channel I will leave it down in the description as well as the comments so don't forget to subscribe there too [Music] are you ready we are back in color or die and um we're gonna be doing chapter two today oh I'm excited I played this last week we didn't even realize that they had different chapters so what was that too difficult yeah I hope it's not like crazy because the first one was already kind of difficult a little bit um oh yeah oops there we go this looks like the same thing almost this is crazy oh you start red here oh gosh the thing is close oh this is still a safe Zone no this is completely different what is this liars and now okay um I guess let's just go this way right here oh whoa um hello are we supposed to be back here uh find a way to blow this wall up okay interact oh wait and it's like you lit it up for me too really so like other people kind of like light it up this one can be lit up too here we go did that do anything at least this is open oh I don't think we're supposed to be back here yet oh gosh sounds like something else is running around I hear that that's a little scary let's split up again because it seems like when we split up we find where we're supposed to be going yeah that's like a little one it's like a little creature I knew it I heard something else why in the world that's locked um that needs to be blown up too that needs to be dusted key card oh I found a paintbrush I hope you end up finding that one too I thought I did at one point hopefully oh I just found one as well maybe a little thing running around shoot oh I'm right here oh my goodness screwdriver screwed where's this go oh gosh he's like bigger and scarier yeah tall and then he has a kid oh yeah he has a little wait does that connecting run into these places with us uh-oh I didn't think about that this is gonna be interesting oh the other uh the other paintbrush I found was over here if you wanna that's the one that I got yeah I think we're okay oh gosh okay um okay no it's not over here I don't think I've seen the place for the screwdriver yet I haven't either that's back towards this Dart oh gosh oh right here right here oh you found it be careful because he's over here okay where'd you go where'd you go running oh gosh uh let's say two people oh there you are hi hello we have orange now oh I've seen it before look it's right here I don't know where there's green she's gonna run around oh another paintbrush [Music] oh gosh a little one what it took my color off it took your color off it touched me and it took my color off no way what in the world yeah I still have three paint brushes so I'm I'm good on that at least is it gonna come back color gone [Music] you're just stuck forever I'm sorry oh no gosh there's that that dude what's this over here where did orange go oh man I still don't have my color back this is scary don't let that little that little one touch you because uh can't be safe anymore he got me oh no I was on a color so I don't understand that there's a big brush I guess that doesn't matter yeah I was on the orange wall and he just ran up to me and he took my orange away I think that's not fair at all I know oh another paintbrush just finding them randomly on the ground staff on another paintbrush oh wait orange is in the place that we had to uh uh wait what is he back here no okay in the place where we had to connect the wires to open I just died again I think I just watched you die oh my gosh if you die you get your color back wait it's closing it's closing how did it oh no the door's shut up disconnect the wires that's because someone turned it off who did that uh yellow's coming oh another paintbrush six paint brushes by the way you have six I only have four oh no okay there you go oh there's there's the little guy oh I see him now I have seven that was your seventh that was my fourth oh no she's been finding them like in Little crevices okay I'll have to have to find them oh gosh I'm scared there he is um I see you love it I don't even think I've seen you alone like the door I may have seen yellow there's this oh this is the staff entrance only okay just watched you disappear I'm like hello I'm hacking there's another one right there that's for a pickaxe it's a dusty place it's up here is this that same area that we just did or I feel like I'm walking in circles I know that's the only thing that sucks oh there he is running we'll be careful oh someone just died I've already used uh three of my life so uh that's great there's blue oh yellow over here come back oh I'm coming I'm coming there we go we have the the Highlight that was can we use this once only because like wasn't there multiple spots there was a spot that was like in between [Music] like you'd like squeeze in between there's that spot and then there's another spot that has it so you don't need to squeeze in I don't know if like what I don't know I'm just gonna squeeze in here a little bit [Music] is it this no that's the key card I swear I was somewhere around here it was right near spawn I know that I think this one's the Pig there's a wall jump in oh okay these look like french fries they kind of do oh no I just fell okay like fettuccine pasta I want some pasta what happens if you fall um it just puts you back to the start it didn't take my life or anything or like a life that's great I I keep falling so that's probably good that it um doesn't take one of those yeah 100 you have to remember that the teal door is in here still making my way okay there we go teal I mean I've seen green I have two I think I was just out in the open somewhere green there's pinky card this is that wall I think no wait what is in here yes scoop it up oh there's like a room down there uh what's green like a lot of water like the outer wall um no I thought it was just like yeah just out in the open somewhere what's back here was it in the area with the plugs maybe oh look there's this other thing to blow up oh gosh what is happening here [Music] yeah it's like how do you know which one that you were supposed to do yeah because it took it away maybe it either or does it matter it's not in the uh oh god oh gosh there's that little thing leave me alone leave me alone it's not in that middle room it's where green is oh I found it um how do I explain this you're like it's somewhere in this maze um here I'm just gonna go okay go back to the the main doors the open with the wires okay oh okay follow me look at that guy's pickaxe that was a huge pickaxe it was just back here somewhere where was it oh wait yeah right here perfect oh yeah so if we got the pickaxe hello we're playing Minecraft where do we go I don't know because again there was like a couple things that needed a pickaxe I don't remember anything that needed it I won't lie not this one this one's a cute card oh there's the monster this what is this is that a pickaxe one yeah sweet oh this is like an arcade oh there's another pickaxe there's something down here there's just just for fun I guess we came down here to get a second pickaxe was there any brushes down there I don't think so I didn't see any so I'm like what I mean I guess it's a nice place and you need to take like a breather yeah I guess I forget where the other pickaxe area was though I don't know I thought it was like in where we opened one of the doors for the colors maybe not I'm not sure I remember seeing it but I just don't remember where [Music] but it's definitely a thing in between somewhere or is this it right here no I really don't remember that's a wall that needs to be exploded hey hey well there he is oh yeah [Music] oh hey hey I just picked up the paintbrush six of them now I have eight oh oh gosh there's a little thingy over here [Music] oh where'd that person come from oh my goodness do we have to climb this oh yes looks like we're just running along it this messes with my brain so bad I just fell kind of feels so hard I'm like this big uh dude that has like a big box on his head walking behind me I can't see anything we have the teal one that means we have to go back to that other room and we fell open the thing so we have to go back to the fettuccine noodles oh no no I fell out a million times always this paper I just imagine if you forgot it I'll be really bad where was that room oh gosh um that's a good question oh gosh there's that little thing no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't come after me it's a safe Zone don't need that here there's another area that needs a screwdriver really yeah like you said I wonder if they just like put those in to just like mess with people to think that they found it and they actually didn't honestly it would suck oh gosh oh gosh he's gonna come steal my color oh gosh that guy just stole my color [Applause] [Music] audio right now where is it I really don't remember was it in the electricity room maybe or the room that we opened the no oh wait I think I found it I think it it might be in the um where we exploded but the guys over here look at him he's scary oh my goodness we exploded oh my gosh she like almost just got in here trying to find that be careful because he's over in this area hi yeah here it is [Music] you're making me hungry what just the wrong pasta type too I'm just assuming fettuccine is the correct one no it is fettuccine that's correct go for some fettuccine alfredo right now [Music] no paint pressure I still only have seven oh I have nine I don't I keep walking in the same places there's some places you haven't been oh be careful be careful oh gosh there's both of them oh man hey everybody I'm bringing the monster to you I don't even know if I've seen blue no that's purple [Music] but I found blue you did oh gosh spam to go in because he's right here I feel like I hear him walking around you hear him then you're near Blue hey I'm gonna follow the noise oh yeah okay there he is um this way this way you see me yeah I'm coming oh anyway oh gosh over here okay scary uh what is this oh the torch oh let's just go with like the cobwebs that was like back over this way I thought oh my gosh isn't that right here oh yeah it's right here I just need to go back your way yeah oh not that way I'm running this way this way this way in here or a little spider oh we can pick up another one anything else in here nope [Music] no brushes okay so I'm trying to think of where the other torch was it was just like out in the open wasn't it oh gosh there's a chicken there's a duck he is after me oh there's a brush they probably walk around like 10 times and just didn't pick it up okay so I have nine now how many do you have ten ten okay so I'm still missing one I've walked past that like spider web spot so many times and now I can't open it is over somewhere this way oh purple that was on the um the doors yeah oh where's he at what was that did you hear that no purple careful careful careful careful okay I'm gonna go this way oh man he's still coming run are the doors open I hope so and they are okay good good I'm coming cookie card there's two areas that have key cards too there is yeah here I'm gonna go up this way that's the only thing that sucks is like how do we know which one to go into first because like we've gone into some and then it's it's giving us a second like P card yeah like a second item the one that I'm thinking of I don't know if it's in the back somewhere is it here oh yeah see yeah yeah what there's nothing in here right it's like a tree house hello you can't even go up in the world what is the point of that you barely see in there too it's just like a a painting with a green circle on it okay so the other one is I think also hidden in there no it's it's in a crack somewhere uh I think it's in between oh the the walls change I was gonna say in between two red walls the last place I saw it but I guess that really does not matter oh hey there monsters I thought it was more towards like the top of the map oh my gosh there's a big chicken it's Chef chicken he's here he's playing with us uh perfect maybe he can make us some food try oh I found it oh gosh uh I have to go in he's over here uh it's near this the the beginning the safe Zone safe soon the guy is over here right now okay I'm gonna run back out I'm trying I'm trying over here over here where where the other way this way this way oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh that was scary I know what is this onion rings onion rings and pasta what a great combination oh man which way do we go I'm just gonna follow this guy let's see if he knows what he's doing this is quite tall I know it's hard to tell where to go yeah I don't even see the door I found it we have a crowbar now okay there's a couple places trying to think um I know one of them was in a crack that one was in a crack and one of them was with a color like a that we opened like the the pathway that's whatever we come across first there it is the chef she's green now oh safe Zone what is this one that's an explosion wall I wonder if we should have blew that one up first okay okay here I've already been in there this guy's following us I promise you we do not know where we're going oh Chef chicken [Music] the key foreign yeah he is back here no [Music] no it'd be this way somewhere nope I'm gonna stay here for a second though he's right there oh my goodness yeah it's dangerous all right I'm gonna run oh gosh oh gosh she's right behind me oh be careful okay hid okay come in here there's a wall right here that's a key oh he just killed somebody [Music] oh he's coming after us is it here I hope so yes it is what in the oh there's another one I'm not going in that water oh I just heard you die I didn't die oh where'd you go there's just like a room down there I was checking to see if I don't think there's a paintbrush or anything no you're like okay God I know where's that other crap I've only seen the one spot the other one was with one of the colors oh not today not today no high I don't know I can't find this anywhere we already looked it here and this is difficult I still haven't found like the extra paint brush that you found either I got 10 still yeah oh there it is oh yeah at 11 okay this guy found a key there's a couple people that have keys where did they get them from uh I'm assuming it's the next curl bar you just die I did there's the guy with the Box head has a key and I think he is he was right behind us we're like where we were why do I have purple again but I also have the Crowbar or maybe it's just because you died oh these people have the TNT this is gonna be another one of those where we're just struggling I know just running around trying to find this oh man oh I found it um do you know where the place is with the key no and is there any other thing you're close by like a wire or something oh wait is that you yeah right here right here he's right behind me he's right behind me there we go and we got pink and a paintbrush oh pink is like over in that area you know the area that has the area the area that has the area yeah I think it's on the like right side of the map and you have 12 out of 13 brushes right yes I have 12. okay I found pink you found it yeah it's on like the right side like if you go if you find the uh main doors it's on the right side of the doors with the wires I'm gonna try oh my gosh I'm gonna see a bunch of people with torches okay it's on the right side there you are this way keep going straight keep going straight okay [Music] yay here's the key that was back this way oh he's right there over there stay over there it's okay okay [Laughter] you must look back whoa I tried to sneak in there oh my gosh oh yeah it was back that way you're right gives us the 13th brush oh no here it is okay here we go right and then the exit should be somewhere along this back wall [Music] right here oh ah where are we what in the world there's this box over here oh it's a paint bucket what color is it to reach the end you must seek the beginning oh oh we have to go back to the beginning wow I feel like we didn't even do everything to be at the end of the game I know at the end of the chapter where is he at left or right um he's back that way I'm just gonna sneak around this way yeah I'm just gonna get through everything that I can the safe Zone should be up here somewhere I think it's right here yes perfect here we go oh gosh chapter two done okay now what door should we pick again last time should we take the second door um I'm gonna go to this third door this time I'm gonna go to the first one that guy followed you there's just a timer in this one but there's a timer too I think it's gonna reveal it after watch out watch out for what I'm falling oh I have to watch out for those paint cans no mine was easy I just I just fell down and into a door oh man which one did you go through the second one oh that was it I escaped I want times two wins this time and I literally was just doing that all right we did it we did chapter two not bad there is one more chapter to complete but not today oh yeah if you guys still continue to like this and you guys want to see us do chapter three we will do that next week let us know down in the comment section but for now don't forget to like and we'll see you guys there's another video very soon okay bye [Music]
Channel: Cutie The Bunny
Views: 753,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, minecraft, gaming, adopt me, robloxgaming, minecraftgaming, roleplay, skits, new, rare, bunnies, bunny, bloxburg, brookhaven, update, brookhaven rp, adopt me rp, minecraft rp
Id: jRlez41ypaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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