Colonel Ludlow

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I had had Sons too but they were gone now forever it was a very bad time the colonel had tried to help the people but it was no use so he decided to go his own way he wanted to lose the madness over the mountains he said and begin [Music] again lose the madness he said and the German military is ready to use chaos in Croatia as a justification for actions that could just plunge the entire civilized world into Samu word civilized has no place in any discussion of the Affairs of this world morning Colonel llo trist's gone hunting so whatever it was he didn't do it you don't have to worry about Tristan Colonel no no this here is Mr John T Mr James oion they own the new mertile store morning morning James sir morning offred morning we're looking for a man we heard might be in this uh part of the country uh name of Tom Cullen I have a likeness here what does this fell do you recognize him yeah I recognize him we got him James this fellow passed by here uh maybe four maybe five years ago did some work here he was on his way to San Francisco he said he's hoping to book a passage on a boat to Australia Australia what was it Hong Kong I can't remember can you remember Alfred I think it was Hong Kong Hong Kong yeah what exactly is he wanted for Shar well he uh that would be of a private nature sir private nature there a public office you hold there sherff isn't Gman there came a low hiss a horrid cold sound that made Ricky Tavi jump back two clear feet and then inch by inch out of the grass rose up the head and spread hood of Na the big black cobra I can always read another story you know Samuel the Germans broke through an arm and teers what the entire British third core is trapped in the Belgian lowlands and this paper is already a week old calm down father with my fluent German I could become an officer yes and lead other young boys to the slaughter and be slaughtered yourself The Men Who served under you worshiped you then they were damn fools all of them weren't they this is a turning point in the history of the world how can how can we what father you can't expect us not to be part of this you taught us I taught you to think for yourselves that's what I taught you and to defend what's ours yes what is ours what is ours well we've already lost two of our cousins at the mine and we've never even met and don't talk at me boys if I've never seen a war not a war like this you haven't they said that about the war of secession they said it about the Indian Wars that's what people want to sell newspapers say about wars I have come to ask for your blessing a blessing you see these gentlemen and uh and a great many others and my dad are urging me to run for office office what sort of office the United States Congress that's how hard to be think of your son in this County Colonel well Alfred and uh what do you gentlemen hope to get out of this I beg your pardon Colonel I spoke in plain English sir what you want for yourself should my son be elected father I really don't think that these gentlemen didn't you ask that question yourself Alfred or do you honestly believe these good gentlemen back you simply out of a sense of patriotic Duty in your own inestimable of worth you forget yourself father I am no longer a child Colonel the Congress Congress is government sir I worked for the government once father the issues that we Indians Indians were the issue in those days I can assure you gentlemen there is nothing quite so grotesque as the meeting of a child with a bullet and an entire Village slaughtered while sleeping that was the government's resolution of that particular issue and I have seen nothing in its Behavior since then that would persuade me has gained either wisdom common sense or Humanity
Channel: Michael Hendricks
Views: 955,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6h4Y2HVMx_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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