College Students Gorgeous RV Renovation - Tiny House Living At 20

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hey guys this is daniel i'm alicia and we this is our rv uh we're college students we're both 20. we've been living here for about four months took us about six months to renovate and we're happy to show y'all [Music] this is our day bed we wanted to do a day bed instead of a couch because my sister comes here and we wanted to have a place for her to be able to sleep comfortably or anyone who comes over his brother a lot of them helped us with the rv and they want to be a part of it too so they come and stay here sometimes lots of pillows we sit here watch movies sometimes and underneath here we have a lot of storage i keep suitcases under here we keep water tons of water bottles um extra bags and stuff like that all of our curtains are actually made out of bamboo rods and these are three dollar blankets from the target dollar section and so it's super inexpensive i'm from colorado so this is our little piece of colorado right here it's metalwork that we found a guy from colorado actually makes it with his son and we love that we wanted that to be a big centerpiece right there over here is where we eat dinner a lot when we do decide to move the chairs we have dinner here breakfast here lunch here and then back here i just have another little statement piece we liked a lot of blank space throughout the rv just because it can get super cluttered so we think a little bit is more whenever we cook we sometimes will pull this out it just detaches and then this will come out right here like that this is my favorite spot in the entire camper i love coffee as you can tell so i made a little coffee hammock out of our keurigs we have a coffee machine i got this from hobby lobby super inexpensive and our bookshelf i journal a lot daniel reads a ton of books so we're just starting our collection up there we recently got engaged so we just moved in a couple months ago in here we keep baking stuff it's kind of like an extended pantry and here's just some electric stuff and then all of our dish towels rags stuff like that because we don't have a lot of drawers space or countertop space this is our pantry it's actually pretty spacious for a tiny home pantry yeah all of our food and then up here we keep all of our dishes and it fits a ton right here i keep tea stuff extra water bottles um face masks hats any of our this is our junk drawer pretty much this is where we keep all of the stuff that we grab whenever we're leaving or throw in here whenever we're coming home so this is our small kitchen before we ripped out a ton of cabinetry it came out to about here and it was just a ton of wasted space and we hated how it looked it looked so clumpy so we took it out and we put open shelving which is kind of controversial in an rv but we stay pretty stationary since we're in college so we would much rather have the open shelving and then originally the cabinets only or the countertop only came out to here and daniel actually extended it to here and we have some barstools right here we sometimes use and this is where i do a lot of my cooking is right here sink huge sink for an rv we hand wash our dishes do all of our dishes right here throw them up here i wanted to incorporate a ton of plants in the rv because this brings more life in here and we live in an rv park so we aren't like looking out into mountains right now so i have a ton of plants all over the place our spices go right here all of that fits right here and we have a good amount of drawers we keep all of our silverware knives stuff like that we have peel and stick tile right here which was a pain but it's a lot lighter than regular tile and i don't regret doing it i think it's held up really nicely and it looks really nice and it just adds adds more texture to the rv which we love this is where we do all of our cooking i cook all the time i love to cook i love to bake so this is where i spend a lot of time this is actually an ikea chopping board and it comes off of here and i move it over here to the sink and it adds more counter space and then i'll just move it right on back and then right here our refrigerator it actually these actually come out so whenever we were renovating the rv we realized that this just pops off and these little panels come out and it makes it a lot easier to paint them um up here we keep a lot of our like our toaster our tea kettle i keep again another plant up here in our chopping boards just another knick-knack um we decided to go with blue just kind of in a spur of a moment thing we thought it was kind of fun and didn't want everything to be completely white so we did the blue and then these handles right here were from amazon super cheap we got a 30 pack for i think like 35 bucks and that's really inexpensive for hardware [Music] [Music] so me and alicia have been together since high school were high school sweethearts right and i was i went off to my first year in college and she lived about an hour and a half away from me so i'd go home every weekend and it just kind of got to where we weren't seeing each other very much just because me and her would both work and whenever we got to see each other there's a lot of homework so we're like hey let's figure out a way to where we can live together and my mom recently and my stepdad recently bought a big rv and sold their house and got a big truck and they go all around texas and do that so we're like hey let's do it so we bought the rv and we're like hey let's do a project and let's figure out what we want to do to make it homey yep so this is our master suite this is the bedroom part this was the biggest project for we had a lot of the other things we had in the kitchen area we just ripped out cabinets and everything over here we had a mold issue and we didn't know to look for mold when we first bought it because this was our first time buying so we figured out a lot later uh the water actually came over on the front part and it came along the back so as you can see all that wooding is obviously not original that's what we all changed the cabinets came out pretty high we had a big cabinet over top the only thing we really kept original was that little cubby hole the reason why is that to recharge all of our phones and you know reading a book later at night or whatever it is you can just kind of sit it on there and then you're good to go so for this bed we stuck with the queen short neither one of me and alicia are very tall so it wasn't a big issue keeping keeping the regular one and we actually rebuilt the bed frame that was messed up as well and we also use it for a bunch of little storage we got the little totes i think from walmart like eight to ten inches tall so we can fit a good amount of shoes in there or whatever and then stick it under the bed so for this side we opted for an open closet so what we did this is actually kind of difficult low-key to find just because we didn't have a whole lot of space both ways uh i think we found this on amazon i think it was like 50 something bucks second option was the fan i have to sleep with the fan and it keeps the air circulated turn that sucker on it's just plugged up um and it gives us enough space to still move around so the third thing is our door so our this is our barn door just you know moves up and sideways sideways the old one that was here before it was the original rv looking type of wood it was kind of ugly so what we did was he got a little frame we got like one by i think these are threes and got the tin and cut the tin and this is what brings you to the bathroom so in our bathroom uh alicia got the closet in the room so i opted for the closet in the bathroom this is actually original for some reason we had a bunch of mirrors in our rv which is pretty cool so we actually kept the original design painted it white so this is my closet shirts up here belts i can hang on the side and then little shorts the second one because these are pretty big storage especially for an rv we're able to put our jackets up here any regular stuff alicia likes all of our oils so we're able to keep the oils there as well and then extra little bathroom stuff and scale and all that kind of random deal under here we have her part of the clothes so she gets that one these are massive drawers they come out quite a bit so we can fit everything in there and that's kind of the way that goes so next we're going to our dirty clothes hamper you're able to just throw your clothes in there whenever you're done and it acts as a seat as well we have plans to change around with the shower we hadn't gotten to that yet because it's a work in progress so it's coming up for the sink uh this actually worked pretty well we didn't want to change a whole lot with the bathroom just because we already have a good amount of space we have really a lot of storage under here we're going to put whatever we need and then we also have storage on top and we did our little toothbrush holder right here and we stuck it on there just because that's a lot easier because on rvs the biggest thing is you don't have a whole lot of counter space so if you have a toothbrush here you have other stuff you don't have room for anything else on the back we actually did the same type of stick tile that made it super easy and then we also put this little backsplash type of deal and we got that from lowe's and what all you should do is just kind of cut it and put the frames around it and that was it so in an rv these weren't actually built for people to live in they're for people to go camping in so there's a lot of things that change and one thing that we had was we had the original toilet so one morning we woke up and our little foot pedal came off and we had about an inch of water in here and it was actually going out and flooding the outside which is kind of crazy so i actually had to drive around it took me like a whole day of calling different places and figuring out what kind of different toilet to put in yeah so we're able to fix that and one thing we did with our flooring which was super i'm so glad we did this is we put luxury vinyl plank on the floor so whenever we had that flood i was able to change this alicia all she did was literally unpiece the floor take out all the pieces and we could dry the entire wood so we wouldn't have any mold coming up later and we're able to make sure everything's dry and the floor is perfectly fine [Music] all right so we bought our rv for eight grand we bought it in cash on facebook marketplace we wanted to get it all under 10 which is still a pretty cheap thing but we ended up spending probably 12 13 grand on the whole thing um total we did all of it ourselves we started trying to figure out okay could we hire a company to do the mode issue that was like four grand i was like well we didn't even spend that much on most of anything right so we got masks and we got gloves and we went to work we went to work and it was fun kind of uh thanks for watching we hope that this inspires y'all uh we do post on instagram and we just started a youtube so if you want to follow us on there it's daniel and alicia my instagram's alicia marie dot in yeah thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 972,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, tiny house tour, tiny house build, tiny house giant journey, tiny house nation, tiny house living, rv renovation, rv renovation on a budget, rv travel, rv transformation, rv trailer living, rv life, 5th wheel rv
Id: lr51UAooKKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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