college move in vlog | cornell university

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[Music] hey guys history's and welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you're new here today's video is going to be my college move-in vlog I am currently a sophomore at Cornell University in New York and I'm actually transferred I flew here so I had to get everything here so this move-in blog is literally a mess and I just want to promo my other video first week of college which will be coming out this week I do everything in that I did not do anything for my room the first two days that I moved in I had so many orientation things and you'll see in the video it's really chaotic I met my roommate hey everyone to my vlog and we got all our stuff together but you'll see more of that in the first week of college vlog so make sure you stay tuned for that turn on post notifications but I hope you guys enjoyed this video I'll see you guys at the end [Music] I mean stupid hydrofloss man [Music] here we are I'm jet-lagged but I'm excited to go shopping so don't sleep I've only slept like four hours so that's great and then the night before that I couldn't sleep just so anxious and nervous and all these emotions and so it's up for a 5 or 4 hours - we're looking for nail clippers we're just gonna go through all the aisles and see what Rhys needs for like every day I'm like so picky about what nail clipper I use [Music] he's all my life for the next six months I don't know in the car so now we after grab all recent stuff and we have so much great job everybody hey ready everybody this is mine we found races from the first [Music] yeah and he's transfers oh I put that whole app you've a in my luggage [Music] you [Music] and I think so okay so we moved in a little bit we took an eating break and I don't have anything because Amazon I placed it late last night so unfortunately they can't do under 24 hour delivery but crime is still coming so it's on Sunday they're gonna deliver it tomorrow I'm obsessed with Amazon I hope by next year I get sponsored by them because I've seen that they sponsor a couple college youtubers and I've literally bought everything on Amazon because I really love it so I have my hangers coming tomorrow I have my rug my ASAP rocky posters coming on Monday well I have my mattress pad coming my mirror like my little LED mirror what else we buy Oh pillows bonus literally everything so much cheaper names yeah I'm not sure if we need the pillows anymore because I have a couple pillows going on and I really like it and it looks really cozy and homey alright now we have to go to this what's it called calm release something in the ensemble unit assembly but I don't really think it's mandatory because it's out the field love my roommate she's so nice and she's so outgoing and like friendly and really like easy to talk to yeah half a mile turn back time to Mitchell Street I think we're gonna get along really well and she might be bringing her car which is super fun stuff we have shame a lot more storage than I thought so that's exciting I have like I don't have a storage problem we have to go buy containers every because we don't know where anything I think we didn't know what working but she would have stuff yeah and we have to go to Costco and I can get snacks and get snacks we just have a lot of stuff we need to buy I still yeah but it's hard because you have to go to like a million thing we have to wait for my hangers to come in for at Costco I'm really tired and cold so I'm wearing a jacket okay so here we go we have a little mini haul makeup wipes I'm gonna keep all this under my bed I actually have quite a bit of storage under there clips gum a giant Angie's boom chicka pop because you know we like to eat healthy and it's resealable which is really nice matting that Jesus we got oh my gosh that's so funny we got the Tate's but these are the big version those are the small version or obsessed with Tate's so good and then we got some q-tips some dove band-aids because everyone thinks I'm gonna get hurt but I actually get I get blisters a lot and then razors and then I just a little alcohol bottle honestly I only need one but it's three dollars so oh and then I really like this perfume and it's a three ounce bottle first and then lotion these are so good - buddy what's better Angie's or pop corners all right I really want to get that but that's way too many cheez-its okay well we can put it in that baby in your suitcase somebody took some out I don't know this is so much food okay but then you want to buy it that's true you guys twisted my arm yeah and I'll need snacks and stuff for late night study session uni what I'm getting for my visitors it's a sleeping bag and this is your pillow oh okay but actually can I get this that's so cute Maddie wants a blanket and I can't remember when I say so we found these non-slip hangers the ones that look like they have the velvet on them and they're yeah we gotta open that and it's $13 basically for 50 of them and I bet her on Amazon I got 100 for 35 says actually $10 cheaper at Costco so sorry buddy Amazon actually got the I seriously can't believe that that's crazy I love like finding like where it's she dislike I don't even care that much it's like ten dollars but like it's just cool to find it they get cheaper Amazon here for them you know like the I literally never happens on everything we've seen we've compared it to Amazon and it just doesn't happen and our cart got way more $500 at Costco looks like 550 550 my bad Oh perfect so we're gonna put the small stuff in here here to carry yeah true yeah gloves I honestly don't think I need three pairs of gloves but they were okay so we've closed and then we have gum your camera's gonna die makeup wipes cheese it skinny pop coat hangers Tide Pods we have a bunch of sweatpants we have cookies command strips q-tips band-aids and a bunch of snacks so we rushed back from the shopping because I have a stupid mandatory meeting 7:30 and it's 7:31 and it literally took us like over an hour to drive back so i'm mobbing here so I'm like anxious because we've been like staring at the clock for so long but yeah so everyone kept in the car but all my stuff from posters in the trunk and we'll have to wait to unload that so I'm gonna go to the meeting so I'm literally the worst vlogger and moving has been so stressful I don't know how everyone gets their stuff done all in one day maybe it's just because I wasn't prepared but it is so stressful and I've had to go to Target like four times I've tried to do other shopping and orientation stuff is just bombarding me so I literally just don't have time for like everything all at once so I got a lot of stuff shipped on Amazon and it finally came to my roommate's aunt's house that was really nice that she wasn't ship it there but I just wanna like make this a real moving vlog like I said I'm sorry it's so sporadic but this is literally how my life has been like I got all my stuff together I've been doing some progress but I got way more stuff delivered and this isn't even all of it like she has all her pictures and stuff up look at my side of the room I don't even have sheets all by about the last two nights I've literally been sleeping with no sheets I've been sleeping in my Dubey and there's just so much to do and unpack so I really want to show you guys that my battery is dying my life is like a show right now it's show crazy hectic and I haven't even like had time to like hang out my family my sister just left my boyfriend is like we've barely had time to talk time to talk I just like don't even go on Instagram because I have so much to do wake up get used to like the time change eat go to the orientation things try to get some shopping in between and yeah so it's just really stressful but it's really fun and I love it everyone's so nice so I'm going to show you all my unpacking right now enjoy I [Music] haven't been able to do laundry for like two days and it's really bad so I'm gonna grab all my laundry in this cute little kids laundry baskets that I thought was perfect I mean it doesn't fit that much but I like to do laundry so hopefully it's not that bad like Carrie I don't think it will because it's kind of wide and I only have two towels I take that pack there's only like two towels in here oh well and then I have to wash my sheets I have two pillowcases I only have one pillow though vintage washed her haleh pillowcases I felt so many different pillowcases and I honestly don't like them like this so it's nice really horrible are these animals like this sizes I swear got nothing and working out two standard places these are not the right size without a guarantee I got the extra-large twin this is the cotton sheet set from threshold this also smells durable I'm not sure why they get your something moment so I really need to wash these okay see what they gave me I know they gave me one pillowcase this is not fitted sheet which obviously others than not they did one retardancy I don't mean so I'm not gonna watch that that's like extra here's the other pillowcase this is sort of their shrink so now I'm going to take this down more laundry anyone of this is the hamper average we want to fit it's my roommates term IKEA it's like really tall if anyone ever [Music] now I'm gonna work [Music] you [Music] under my bed [Music] you [Music] so thank you so much for watching this video like I said it was a mess but I filmed the first week of college and that's really when I get all my stuff together I'm sorry for not posting obviously the school is not easy and I'm also premed I don't know if I've ever said that but that means that I am in a bunch of science and math classes so it's really difficult to manage and I'm just trying to get the hang of things and also I'm a transfer so everything is just completely new to me so I am kind of getting in the routine of things so like I said stay tuned for my other videos thanks so much for watching hopefully I'll see you guys in my next video bye [Music] three people walked by when I was filming those that's so awkward by
Channel: Reece Lopez
Views: 296,222
Rating: 4.9203081 out of 5
Keywords: college move in day vlog, college move in vlog, college move in day, college move in, college move in vlog 2019, college move in day 2019, move in day vlog, harvard dorm, college apartment tour, college move in day freshman, harvard university, day in the life harvard, move in vlog harvard, cornell university, day in the life cornell university, college move in day cornell university, katietracy, annafromindiana, cornell, reece lopez duke university, cornell university dorm
Id: DNy5_KZNCmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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