COLLEGE MOVE IN DAY 📚🏠 (i moved to LA alone) USC
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Lindsiann
Views: 50,956
Rating: 4.9618926 out of 5
Keywords: college move in day, college move in, moving into college, college, college dorm tour, USC move in, usc tour, usc vlog, dorm tour, usc, college vlog, college move in vlog, college move in day usc, college life, usc day in the life, move in vlog, move in day at college, move in with me, moving to la, moving, moving vlog, moving to los angeles, moving out vlog, la vlog, i moved to la
Id: j8M7cwWK2RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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