College Decision Reactions 2019(Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Duke, Princeton, Upenn, Harvard)

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you okay I got into Vanderbilt and I'll have what a party at a black and gold party this way I gained a bit Vanderbilt in Tennessee you and Dolly don't have what the alright doc he cares right now what just happened just got it to wait even Mary Tyler just got his email that um that he got into wavy memory or Wittenberg gave them the fool for Robby what is the moral scholarship the William Mary scholars yeah equal to the full cost of in-state tuition and fees for the eight semesters where's the $3,000 of research stipend yep also yep okay so I just got into University Kentucky I mean they never sound like an email that said like your status was update or anything so like I guess I did just randomly check it into the FAFSA it was cool well he got accepted so you alright coming back from Nashville Tennessee from Vanderbilt coming going home from mosaic and while I was there I got an email from Cornell saying that they wouldn't admit me and they advised me they invited me to like this diversity of hosting thing and I also got accepted to Fordham University I was there so first Ivy yeah so first I be accepted I just got the email that UVA decisions came out a few minutes ago so I'm gonna go ahead and check that now okay there you go so they see a bunch of flags so I guess that means I mean and they have an entire University of Virginia community we're excited to offer you admissions to the College of Arts and Sciences as a part of I are in bicentennial class of 2023 yep that's bougie yeah not as excited as I wish I didn't get into like Vandy and Cornell first yes this will be more exciting yeah but I mean I'm not disappointed but hey we're there we go alright so today is March 25th and while I was in biology class today I got an email from University of North Carolina and the email invited me to their admitted students day on March 30th and April 14th I think so I think I got in a UNC but the weird thing is that they didn't like release official decisions today I was going fast yeah they didn't release official decisions today so I thought that was kind of weird so I don't know if it's a glitch or something okay so I've gotten home and savanna is playing with a boy I decided to check my my carolina portal and it says the status update on March 22nd so this is like three days after Ric congratulations gives me great pleasure to welcome to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill alright so here we go a few days late but I got into UNC I got a problem I liked it I liked it on the UNC environment so there we go I'm not sure today's March 27th and Vanderbilt decision just came out and I mean I know I got in but I just want to see what it's like tile or her waiter yeah it's kind of cut my name already so that's that's this accepteth yeah so this one you post like jump open up yeah [Music] I'm recording right now yeah ready [Music] that's a great sorry that's a good start [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah we would anyway yeah they look what they're not confidence they're a little bit yeah Columbia Canada yeah brother yeah we're riding high I hope you understand Tallis yeah we try hot you ready for this one all right we strong come on let's roll right we strong another one another bad news bad news that's all right oh I know we know I just want to make sure yeah okay so we already know we want to see the let me jump up [Applause] [Laughter] you should slow down that ride was over with quick everybody take a breath let's just like I know I know what this that's okay so these two could be possible really like thinking I'm gonna get the Princeton in it well I would say Princeton and Harvard they're a Yale we didn't reach yeah there's like the reach like the makeup makeup for do cuz I kind of felt like Duke was one that we was going get opportunity with all right three two they to thousands for thirteen hundred places in the first year yeah no we all know what you still got Vanderbilt well they are brown and you pee yes four of the top 12 top 14 yeah definitely time 14 top three teams or the top 15 on the list so hey gave you bad at that yeah you can't be bad okay so when we wait for now Georgetown all right so now he's got Joyce [Music] [Music] alright so today's March 29th day after IV day and Georgetown just came in so I'm going to open Georgetown pretty thick I can't deny you with all that paper alright it's the open house program like first thing I see you so I see I am from Oprah since I'm back so yeah you got seen no denial back so it gives me great pleasure to inform you so that's great that the community of other nations has admitted you to Georgetown you're as he crossed 2023 another one yeah yeah he admitted close them there we go alright so okay home because we got one more crystal cuz on Stanford who came up tell my it's a apparently Pacific Pacific time not Eastern Time so three more how well p.m. Pacific time I would know if I got into Stanford but not at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time in the Georgetown yeah take one more add one more to the list so usually I see what we got stamper stamper winner was he kind of want to meet california like that's definitely like pretty cool yeah so we'll see alright so Stanford just came out like 15 minutes ago not really I mean Stanford's cool and all but I don't think anything's gonna change and I also not really confident in this this application like I kind of did last minute so like I kind of rushed it so not really expected much with this one they'd be shocked yep I am very sorry to let you know we were unable to offer you admission to Stanford so there we go and hey guys so today is April 2nd 2019 and I realized I never really like did like a reflection or like a post Ivy day talk or whatever so I guess today I'm just gonna like talk about my college application process and stuff leading up to that and I guess I want to give like a few tips on like what I thought worked and what didn't work for me so so I guess first I'm gonna go back in like tell y'all why I wanted to go to college so growing up I had a brother named Marley and he had serval palsy and he couldn't walk or talk and he passed away my freshman year at the age of 20 sadly so when I was growing up I knew I wanted to like become a doctor like because of him I want to make sure that I could help kids like him and then I guess like at the end of fifth grade I guess starting sixth grade I realized that there were different kind of doctors and I like got more serious about it and started like looking things up and I decided I want to become a neurologist so that's why I'm going to college and that's like the overall overarching goal of like all this going to college and going to these top schools and stuff and so I become can become a neurologist not that I can't become a neurologist from any school but I know if I'm if I want to become a neurologist that's like no like really notable I guess or like I guess I wanted to have the best education and becoming a neurologist so I'm a good one in the end so that's why I'm Paul I need these colleges and stuff like that so in eighth grade I had a teacher named is lye sick and she attended Duke University and she would like tell me about her experience at Duke and like how much she loved it at all and I like really connected with it after that and after that I guess I kind of like went home and like looked up Duke I like started like Google and all and I realized that was a really hard University like get into so from that point forward I like made sure that I did everything in my power to put myself in a situation where eventually I could get in a Duke or like a school like do so yeah so anyways fast-forward to like tenth grade when everyone's starting to prep for the SAT or like starting to think about college and stuff like that I knew I wanted to go to like an Ivy League or like a top school or something like that so I decided then that I was gonna apply to all the Ivy League's and stuff for Dartmouth because I just wasn't really feelin Dartmouth and schools like Duke Stanford etc I'm not really I don't feel like listening them right now but I can probably put it on the screen but yeah so I guess like reflecting on like my college application process don't apply to just the schools that you want to go to put you put yourself in a situation where like you have a lot of schools that you could be happier and just applied to the schools that you feel like you could be happy at cuz like I want to go to an Ivy League or like a top school I said that Harvard Princeton and Duke where the school is I felt like I like the most and I didn't get into all three of those so if I didn't apply to like University of Pennsylvania Cornell and Brown I wouldn't even be on that same like caliber or school so make sure you don't limit yourself you never know what school is gonna accept you know who's gonna reject you and maybe your dream school might reject you you might feel like you're not a good fit for their school so if you don't get into the air school you'd have to have another school that hopefully is on the same caliber like academically or whatever trait that you wanted in this school you should have a few schools that you feel like fit that trait maybe they're not the best at that trait you should be able to be happy they're okay and my other tip would be to make sure you take the SAT seriously I personally didn't take the SAT seriously at all I can tell you I did not study for the SAT like at one time for more than maybe a week before the test so like make sure that you take it serious cuz like my last SAT that took I jumped up like a hundred points and I probably would not be getting into these schools or like even getting them scholarship money that I am if I didn't do as well and SAT as I did I wouldn't worry about this is like my opinion I'm not sure this is the right thing to say but like early decision and all that I wouldn't worry about that make sure you get the highest score that you can get whether it's the last SAT that you can take like Nora to apply for Regular Decision in time or whatever just make sure you get the high score you can don't worry about what everyone else is applying Edie and all that stuff and then like I know like there's obviously like a financial part with that well you gotta think of it from the scope that you're gonna be getting into schools that will get you jobs that make more than if you didn't take it again or even more directly you're gonna get scholarships because of your score like I got a full ride to William and Mary I don't think I would have gotten that if I didn't take it one more time and gotten a better scores okay and this is for like the people that go to like public schools and all because I come from a public school and we don't focus on the SAT at all like we don't talk about it until we don't talk about it into the end of tenth grade whereas like a lot of people that go to private schools and stuff they've been prepping for it since probably like eighth grade and like had classes that are dedicated to like getting their SAT score up and stuff so you had to like take it upon yourself if you go to a public school it's like get the practice that you need and like make sure that you're prepping in the right way cuz you're gonna be competing with these kids that have been prepping since 8th grade but you have to be on Khan Academy taking the daily activities quizzes and stuff you gotta be on Khan Academy taking the practice test often when your test date is coming up like you're to take it upon yourself because you don't have the same resources as the kids that you're competing against and then also find a community of people that are applying to the same school that you are I applied to Vanderbilt there's this thing called the Cornelius Vanderbilt scholarship I didn't know what that was and also at Duke there's this thing called the Robinson scholarship where both of them I think they're both I know the Cornelius Vanderbilt one is full tuition not really sure about the Duke one but I know it's really cool you get to go from UNC to Duke and like learning at both schools but I didn't know about that and there's like a bunch of group messages or even like the college confidential chats I didn't know that college confidential existed until after I applied to all my colleges like I just found out about College confidential maybe a month or two ago so make sure you're on college confidential getting information about scholarship deadlines and stuff like that because when you have a community of people that are all working towards the same goal like y'all share resources and stuff even though y'all competing with each other a lot of people in college confidential will give you some good advice tips they'll warn you about what deadlines are coming up for scholarships and stuff like that make sure you find a community people that are upon to the same school as you that are looking to do the same thing as you stuff like that network network well yes I think that's all I have to say thanks for watching this video like and subscribe I guess I think I'm going to post like a video of my decision maybe if I get time right now I'm choosing between a upin Cornell and brown on the third week of April I'm going to go down to brown on the 14th and the 15th and then I'm going to stay upin on the 16th and 17th and then on the 18th I am gonna be at Cornell for like their core nowadays I'm gonna go to all the preview days and I'm just gonna pick which one I feel I felt the best at I feel like I could buy at the best yeah I'm kind of leaning towards upin right now not gonna lie but who knows where I'm gonna end up I don't know you know I'm gonna end up so yeah I like a screech we said I'm passing the neck we get the rest like serene oh you have to sign out so my boys want to travel
Channel: Tmac221
Views: 1,095,924
Rating: 4.9389219 out of 5
Keywords: college decision reactions, College decision, college decisions 2019, ivy day, ivy day 2019, ivyleague, Upenn, cornell, brown university, brown, Uva, University, college, unc, duke, william and mary, yale, harvard, princeton, class of 2023, senior year, high point university, georgetown, georgetown unviersity, vandy, vandy2023, upenn2023, cornell2023, hbcu, freshmen year college, senior year of highschool, black college decisions, african american college decisions, Black college
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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