Collections - A Random Vlog

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I'm not sure what but there's just something in human nature that makes it ridiculously fun to collect things there's nothing quite like seeing a large assortment of amassed goods to convince one to commit to consumerism and poor financial decisions I feel like just about everyone is or has been a collector of something at some point whether they consider themselves a collector or not and I myself am the exact same way I've had a variety of interests throughout my life and have collected a variety of different things I guess looking looking back upon it so uh yeah I thought it'd be a fun do a little little Vlog detailing some of the things that I have collected throughout my life starting with this video games definitely my largest collection and certainly the one I have put the most time and effort and most importantly money into I haven't been a collector of games for a terribly long time but I am quite proud of how my collection has grown especially within the last year years so it's it's definitely gotten up there in scale it has increased in size quite dramatically uh almost at an alarming rate I would say I have done dedicated videos for the game collection in the past and we'll probably do another one before too long I'm thinking you know probably around New Year's or so uh so today is not going to be much more than just a very simple overview can't really say I derive a whole lot of pleasure from owning rare or super valuable games like if you want valuable like I've got the DS Pokemon games right here like that's about as valuable as my collection is going to get um at least for right now but I'm I'm more so derived my enjoyment of collecting from owning some of the weirder more obscure titles stuff like you know Doug Flutie's maximum football which is the only video game I know of to feature Canadian Rules Football or FIA European truck racing which is a truck racing game that is only sold in Europe and that I got it a French used game store uh or stuff like gravity days remastered which is the only Japanese game I own um so you know we've got some some cooler stuff in the collection that I'm I'm quite proud of as far as as far as that goes some of the other fun and funky things I have are games like Beautiful Joe uh or the Burger King releases or 2K sports All-Pro football 2K8 which is the last 2K pro football game you know just things like that or this random like Xbox One Xbox 360 backwards compatible version of San Andreas which is dog it's dog I don't know why that's just the kind of stuff that really gets me going as a collector like just that the decision of knowing like oh I could get Baldur's Gate 3D or I could get Castlevania Lords of Shadow for the Xbox 360. guess which one I own next up we got Legos this is the uh the other thing I've shown off on my channel I did a dedicated Vlog a couple months ago showing off my Lego collection and uh as it stood then and still currently stands now though I'm looking at getting you know a couple other sets sometime soon I have loved Legos for about as long as I can remember um and honestly my collection with Legos isn't really intentional like it was with the video game collection more so I bought Lego sets and I put them on display and then I kept buying more sets and I kept putting them on display and then rinse and repeat for about 10 years but I'm pretty proud of what I got and like video games I don't really buy anything out of like Rarity or value or anything like that I guess that's true for anything I collect really I buy it because it appeals to my personal tastes and I think these are fun to put together so uh that's really the reasoning behind any Lego set I've purchased now somewhere stored away in the recesses of this house we have my old Hot Wheels and Thomas the Tank Engine sets and those are things I was super into when I was younger probably preschool Early Elementary School that sort of thing I have very fond memories with my old Hot Wheels and Thomas the Tank Engine sets but beyond those the things I remember collecting earliest in my life uh are these trading cards are specifically Pokemon cards I got really into Pokemon when I was in elementary school and trading cards was definitely the easiest and probably most exciting accessible way to get into Pokemon we had no idea how to play the game but you know we had our fun regardless now all of my best or really interesting cards were giving away long long ago all of my exes and exes and that sort of thing things that had you know value to us at elementary schoolers even though we had no idea how to use them but you know it's still I think it was still cool to have and have a lot of these these cards to go to the store and there's there's something super fun satisfying about being able to open up a pack not knowing what you're going to get that sort of thing um I definitely don't have anything super uh noteworthy in my collection anymore we got this detective Pikachu card from the uh from the movie that was kind of cool you know a few energy cards uh I think somewhere in here I've got yeah some old japanese cards I uh didn't really know what to do with those but I thought they were cool and then a couple years ago we got this uh we got this collector set because I thought that'd be fun to unbox on a vlog and and it was there's still like I said some sort of joy and and I don't know satisfaction that derives from opening up a card pack and you know maybe getting something rare being able to put it in the sleeves uh you know something fun like that so yeah trading cards those are uh that was definitely something I was into when I was younger now as I got older my tastes matured a little bit and although my parents would not let me play Call of Duty when I was in Middle School or early high school they did let me play fake Call of Duty Nerf guns and unlike Pokemon cards I actually still own just about every nerf gun that has ever been in my possession and when I say every I mean every even dating back to the time of old colored Nerf logo so uh yeah but yeah we've definitely had a few ups and downs over the years my first big Nerf gun I guess was this the Raider cs35 I got this I don't know Middle School something like that and that's really when I got into Nerf guns super heavy I would say um and I was super into these I followed them probably throughout uh early to mid High School I was never really able to buy a ton of these I never gotten to ever have ever had the opportunity to go to a ton of like Nerf wars not that there were really any in my area um but you know I had a fairly decent collection just in case uh and as you can tell I got super into this stuff like I made uh rubber or duct tape bandoliers for my guns I had like uh you know rubber magazine cases that would strap onto your thigh that sort of thing and even when the Rival series came out this stuff I bought like I bought paintball rigging like to fill these tubes up with like extra rival ammo like I got really into this stuff um the fact that I still own all of this is is kind of a miracle I've honestly kind of forgotten about some of the guns I've owned over the years um it's kind of wild to think that I still own this and was super into such a I don't know I don't want to say it's a niche activity but I was really well prepared for something I knew was probably never gonna happen and I was never going to have the opportunity to do but man I love the idea of having like a massive Nerf war with my friends I just didn't like the idea of cleaning up afterwards also I I just dug this out of the bottom of my my Nerf I don't know container this is a super obscure thing that I forgot about this is like a a phone mount or case you like you mount it to the top of your uh you mount it to the top of your gun and your phone was supposed to slide in there and there was an app you could download where the camera of your phone it would show the camera and that would act as like a scope or a target for your Nerf gun um I don't know one of the more obscure items I guess I own from from back the old nerfing days glass bottles this is definitely one of the weirder things that I collected but hey I actually kept up a pretty significant collection throughout middle school and and high school and even the early parts of college I was I was buying glass soda bottles and and adding them to the collection now my collection used to be a fair bit larger in fact you can see it quite clearly in some of my older Vlogs actually went through quite a bit of a culling earlier this year where I got rid of probably three quarters of the collection uh so of the the bottles I own I still kept quite a few because uh for various reasons some I kept because I thought the labels looked cool uh or some I kept because the bottles themselves look cool like this diamond pattern on the the barks bottle I thought that was neat some of these I have fond memories of the soda itself or at the very least interesting memories of the soda things I've never really seen before or tasted anything like and some of these are just limited edition bottles like this Coca-Cola California raspberry and Georgia Peach flavors that came out when I was in like junior year of high school something like that I don't know I snatched those up and I remember them being pretty dang good actually I may end up producing The Collection even further at some point though the bottles I certainly will not be getting rid of are these my foreign soda bottles I'm sure you guys might remember the Pelon or spetsy as well as the Alm doodler from last year's uh trip to Germany and the Vlogs associated with love to get a nice shelf or or some sort of display for a lot of these these soda bottles because some of these are just just straight up cool like this Royal bottle which is not only really cool shaped but is the like the Philippines branding for Fanta or sarsi which is a Sarsaparilla Cola from somewhere in Asia I'm not sure where exactly but it's not good it definitely makes up a fairly significant part of my life I think for a good many years I would have considered myself a soda connoisseur and I was probably a little too proud of that fact now as I got into college I became a little more fashion conscious and so my sophomore year I really got into shoes no thanks in part to gray he definitely got me really into shoes I initially got into it to try and buy and resell and make a little bit of side money off of it and then just ended up buying shoes for myself anyways so uh yeah that worked out very well definitely one of the more expensive Hobbies I've ever had though again I was mostly just buying shoes that interested me or I thought would be cool to wear that I liked the look of and or meaning of I definitely have some more meaningful shoes in my collection like these Nike Blazer infinites uh this is the first I guess kind of cool pair of shoes I owned that that weren't just like beater pairs of Reeboks I really like the Blazer line of shoes and the infinite is kind of weird it's got this thicker faux leather upper and lots of rubber detailing um definitely a weirder entry into the Blazer line I guess a weird subset of Blazer shoes but I think the black and gray ones are definitely the best looking we've also got the Jordan 11 cool grays definitely one of the more valuable pairs of shoes in my collection and definitely my favorite pair of Air Jordans overall I just I love the silhouette of E11 it's so oh it's so funky and fun and the the colors used it's just I love the cool gray colorway the blue uh with the gray on Gray it's just oh it's so it's so nice it's a beautiful shoe and a super versatile one at that but I think my favorite pair of shoes overall is these the New Balance 327 stods in the light blue sea salt colorway um this is a super obscure shoe I've never seen anyone else wearing it which is weird because I saw it online and thought it was super hot and got in line to buy them and for some reason was one of the first people in line to buy them online um and so I got a pair and uh I've definitely never seen anyone wearing these at least not in my size uh I I have a 15 or a pair of 15s and I don't even see those on stockx at all I don't have a see a size 15 listed and yes it is I am I am a size 15 I have big feet don't judge me I mean you can see I've definitely used these quite a bit not that the build quality is super nice but uh you know the the sole is starting to wear uh and and you know the midsole is starting to decrease a little bit and we've got the the end of the outsole coming up a little bit here so I need to get that glued down and the the suede cleaned and all of that but despite that this is still I think just such a good looking shoe light blue on the the off-white the light gray the the gum outsole I oh I love the 327s I Love New Balance as a brand a lot of their their looks their style I think this is an incredible looking shoe and I love the colors used and I wear it all the time I wear it literally all the time I love it so yeah while I I haven't bought any shoes for myself in quite some time uh it's definitely a hobby and field of Interest I I keep very loose track of and it's probably something I can see myself getting back into in the future we got the scarves uh you guys probably remember this from the Europe Vlogs where I got in the habit of buying a scarf for each major pro soccer team for every city that I went to or at least most cities that I went to and it was it was a cool little collectible to look forward to getting it's the main thing I remember each City with and uh yeah if I ever went back to Europe it is definitely a tradition I would continue with is buying scarves for each City I'll loved getting these and I think it makes for some super cool decorations it's definitely the collection that I have added most recently to my collection of uh collections yeah and that finally brings us to the last two collections for the day the two collections that alongside video games I am still actively working on books is something I'm sure just about everyone has at least some small collection of it is certainly something I have gained a wide number and variety of in my 22 year long career as a person however the books I've purchased most recently aren't really books more so graphic novels and manga this is my collection of manga and graphic novels it's not a particularly large one I know but I'd say I've gotten to graphic novels when I was really in middle school I mean I've always really liked reading but I got into graphic novels in middle school and just for some reason it was a medium that really resonated with me I think because I've always like whenever reading I always try to imagine like what the characters are doing or what they look like and I'm trying to imagine out the sequence in my head and trying to basically depict the the book as if it was a movie in my mind and then graphic novels come along and they kind of already do that on the page and so I don't know for some reason I I always really liked graphic novels um and so I didn't start collecting them until very recently uh but man it's just it's super fun to every time I just I go into a Barnes Noble which love Barnes Noble it's one of my favorite places but every time I go into a Barnes Noble I I browse the shelves and see okay what's in my wallet uh what am I getting for today you know I almost always pick up a copy of something when I'm in there the only two series of manga I collect are one piece and berserk one piece because it was my first manga and I still absolutely adore it I usually reread the series from the beginning at least once a year just because I I love it that much it means so much to me I absolutely adore almost everything about this series and then berserk is just quite possibly the greatest manga I have ever read it is probably the Pinnacle of the medium and I would love to get a full set of these Deluxe editions because they're just so massive and intimidating and I love them it's not going to be for everyone but it's got some of the craziest art ever committed to the pages of a manga it's it's absolutely insane like I love this series it's awesome however my love for Comics is not limited to just manga I absolutely adore graphic novels as well we have persepolis Mao's The Invention of Hugo cabre these are all phenomenal stories that have been lauded by almost anyone and I highly recommend them as well they're just absolutely phenomenal works and they really show what exactly can be achieved with comics and lastly ah we've got my milk crate of vinyl I love me some good music especially rap and classic rock and so vinyl is something I've kind of been trying to get into over the past several years alongside literally everyone else my collection is is really quite small I've I've really only been going at it for about two years or so I'd say um and I it's gotten to the point where I can't use my record player anymore it's it's one of those like really shitty ones that looks kind of like a suitcase like the the Crosley Walker or whatever whatever the hell it's called but I can't use it I feel like it's going to damage my vinyl so I'm gonna wait until I get a nice new record player before I really continue expanding my collection too much but in the two years I've been doing this I'm quite happy with some of the things I've Pro keyword I don't think I have anything that's like one of a kind or anything but you know we've got some cooler stuff like this uh this most 12 inch singles record which was a precursor to his legendary Black on both sides album The forever story was definitely my favorite rap album of 2022 and possibly my favorite album of 2022 period it's definitely in close competition with ants from up there which I'm also trying to get on vinyl we have quite a few of these 45s that I received from my mom and aunt and there's some fun ones in here like Walk This Way we got Purple Rain don't you want me uh man eater one of my one of my favorite 80s singles just some some absolute bangers in here staying alive Safety Dance you know some some good stuff I like to think I have a decent bit of variety in here you know I've I've got some older stuff you know I've also got some uh some newer stuff I've got some some rap we got some some rock we got just some random what the hell ever stuff uh but I think easily my favorite thing in the collection is this the Jimi Hendrix experience live at Monterey this is a a 2007 I think reprint of his uh performance at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival uh it's it's of the ones I own this is the only one that's numbered so I guess it's it's kind of rare and it's kind of valuable but this is just such a cool collector's piece to own I think I mean I own quite a few modern reprints but this is the only one that that really feels like weighty and substantial like this feels like a quality piece of vinyl right here we've got some awesome photos from the performance on the covers as well as on the inside sleeves and what's really cool is we've got this bonus insert right here that features more you know images and art from the festival as well as an interview uh with Mitch Mitchell the drummer for the band so I mean it's just it's a really cool little little uh collector's piece I think and is it's just it's an awesome way to commemorate uh one of in my opinion the band's most legendary performances because this is one of my favorite bands out there so yeah that is my uh that's my collection of collections I hope you guys enjoyed this little little Vlog that we uh we got going on for you so yeah thank you guys for enjoying it hopefully this will tide you over until then next episode of Dr Dre so um take care foreign
Channel: Dr. Dray
Views: 63
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: with, the, boys, random, guy, 66, randomguy66, randomguy, dr, dray, comedy, music, dr., video, 2023, gaming, game, collection, collections, lego, scarf, shoe, sneakers, sneaker, vinyl, legos, pokemon, cards, trading, card, nerf, guns, gun, glass, bottle, soda, bottles
Id: XU_-u4VJrpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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