Сбор Свежих Яблок и Айвы. Знаменитые Рецепты в 2-Часовом Видео.
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Channel: Kənd Dadı
Views: 3,077,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kand dadi, kend dadi, kand hayati, kend heyati, country life, village life, taste life, our village, recipe, recipes, easy recipes, tasty recipes, village foods, village cooking India, cooking channel, village cooking, village food, Food Around The World, cook, cooking food, iranian movie, cooking videos, afghan songs, حياة القرية, hamayon afghan, street food, azerbaijan, cooking, outdoor cooking, ramadan, iftar, muslim, DOORA, ROSTA, Dianxi Xiaoge, chavil, DENA, apple jam, rural
Id: smPElEsoz74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 42sec (6882 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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