Collecting RARE TESLA CARS in GTA 5!

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hey guess who got a date tonight that's right my boy franklin i've been getting him to do weights all the morning so he's prepared he's ripped and he's ready to go but right now we're lacking one thing confidence franklin doesn't have it in him guys he's worried he's nervous and rightfully so it's a date he's meeting a brand new person for the very first time and he's terrified so we need you to do one very special thing very important thing press like on this video if you press like then that's going to give franklin an extra boost of confidence and maybe 10 000 likes is going to give him enough confidence to get a second date wait see me on samia what are you doing here oh my days you've been ringing the doorbell five times oh my days elon musk is in town are you serious oh my goodness guys do you know who elon musk is he's that guy who creates rockets and sends them to space he literally sent a card to space a while ago you're telling me he's in town right now and there's a ton of tesla's oh my days yo simeone wants me to collect tesla cars oh my goodness similar i'm down i'm down wait hang on a second i'm gonna be putting a lot of risk on the line and i need to be back by uh by dinner for the date so you better pay me good for this job two million dollars thank you so much siemen i'll be on my way guys we're collecting tesla cars and we might even encounter elon musk if we're lucky apparently he's in los santos and apparently there's a lot of tesla cars to collect i wonder what we're gonna get oh my dates these cars literally look like they come from the future it is gonna be an amazing video franklin let's go and collect the first car 20 seconds later and we've already arrived we're going to finish this very quickly guys all right we're in the oh my days there it is there's the first tesla alright leave the car here don't care about the car franklin get the tesla which tesla is this is this the model s guys i think this is the model s it's the p90d model s man look at the sunroof and everything i can't wait to drive this dude speaking about driving let's get inside oh no they've locked it can we get in yes we can oh my days tesla model s p90d i don't know how old this is but it is a tesla car so pretty new oh look at the dashboard guys oh my days now each tesla does have autopilot which is pretty amazing because this one yeah this one can drive on the road all by itself how insane is that dude i literally don't even need to be driving this thing it would drive itself but just for health and safety i'm driving this back home see me on the back i've arrived with your first tesla of the day it's a four seater look at the boot space and the glass roof guys oh my days this is a nice car if every car is gonna be like this then simeon you have given me the best job possible no way guys police tesla cars guys i gotta grab one of these i gotta grab one excuse me it's scooped out come on i'm trying to get my police tesla car watch out where you're going now you want to cross nice oh jeez okay right let's just go and get one of these cars guys oh my days this is crazy i never thought in a million years we would collect a police tesla car los santos police obey and survive i gotta grab one of these but it is a police car so we gotta be extra careful there's the american flag on the back oh my days they look insane even number plates say lspd they got likes on the wind mirrors i'm gonna get inside one of them and we're gonna try come on you can break through you can get through the window can't you franklin oh my days no this isn't good gonna try the next one come on come on you gotta be oh no this one's locked as well guys i can't get into any of them they're all locked up we're gonna have to go in the station and find a pair of keys because i don't fancy getting a wanted level not today guys didn't you forget i got a date to go to and we can't be running around escaping the police today we gotta get to that date on time hey lady um do you have the keys for the police car you do oh fantastic can you give me the keys please i'm an undercover officer undercover clinton at your service what do you mean id i dropped my id on the way here you know what screw this okay i will find the keys elsewhere cool this station has it all it's got a map it's got oh keys we got the keys i've got my key now nobody seems to know what i've done cool they have an office okay you know what i've got the key i'll leave their meeting alone i'm literally looking at like wanted people how are you allowing this to happen dude all right so which car do we want to go for uh how about not the ones in direct line of view of those two offices i don't really fancy getting a wanted level today i'm gonna go for the one right on the end is this one come on yes we got it guys oh my days we have a tesla police car did the sirens work even the sirens work dude that's crazy look at the lights on the back all right let's go we got a pursuit we got a chase nino nino let's get back home guys simeon's probably wondering where we are and what on earth we've been up to i mean if you send me to a police station to take one of their cars at least expect an extra hour on top of collecting that vehicle guys for a tesla this is like lamborghini speeds oh my days okay we gotta be careful i don't wanna like crash nino nino guys coming through and it's pretty good on the handling watch this guys round the corner easy peasy so he says he crashes the car oh no you found my weights didn't you simeon don't try and make it look easy i know you're struggling up there you're not meant to lift weights which are too heavy for you dude you can injure yourself not that i care too much about him all right i'm leaving the car in here guys in case somebody drives past and discovers the missing police tesla car how insane is that dude hey since when did this get here looks like simeon's got some competition an entire new store for vehicles hang on a minute i think there's a meeting going on in there i wonder what tesla's they're selling it franklin take off the helmet dude i don't even recognize these teslas what are these is that a roadster roadster sports how old are these guys i think these came out in 2011. don't hold me to that but i think they did before i even knew tesla made cars check it out guys he's selling some really classic teslas these are nice these are nice and that's the manager's office i think that's the manager hey okay so i reckon i'll just be sneaking off one of these which one do we get guys the pink one the blue one or the red one yeah okay i'm gonna go for the pink one i think it's the safest choice the door is right there drive drive drive drive drive go yes guys oh my days this is fast this is a fast car don't crash around the corner okay nice we're on track to go home guys this is so fast okay three two one done nice straight past michael's house almost there we go there we go straight past this house hey michael check it out i got an old-school tesla i've just crashed into a lab post is okay yeah it's fine let's keep on driving guys i genuinely think this came out in 2011 and if that's the case this is the oldest tesla i have ever seen like ever i like the spoiler on the back check it out that must help with the speed a lot maybe the aerodynamics or something this is the inside it is simple there's no computer screen just a logo the speed dial look how fast that goes up by the way three two one that is a very sensitive speed dial guys i got your roadster sport simion where's the next car i'll go and get it right now i already know what we're getting next tesla semi trucks i think this is called the tesla semi but i do not know guys so don't hold me to that one but check them out they look futuristic and good guys i gotta grab one red or orange red or orange orange it is it would have been awesome if it actually had a trailer but i don't see one around here i would drive around the car park just in case let's get inside i don't see any trailers oh come on no trailers fine i'll drive this back home anyway again like every single test live driven this is fast but can we go under the tunnel probably a bad idea but i'm gonna give it a go anyway yeah we can quite easily actually i didn't need to worry about that alright guys i'm taking this back home i love the first person view of this because we're in a truck like literally nothing is gonna get in my way like this guy or like the next guy like this person three two one hey off the road this is so much fun dude wow these are some pretty nice cars already we have four teslas in my driveway a roadster from 2011 a model s a semi and a police tesla car how insane is this already guys right let's go and get some more look out for a tesla everybody if you see a tesla and that ain't a tesla that's my car i wish it was a tesla i need you to shout anything tesla tesla tesla tesla oh burgers oh my days they do pizza oh man look at those burgers don't get distracted don't get distracted don't get distracted how much are they actually that's a bargain oh my date don't get distracted franklin you know what we're looking for oh we could get a new hat no don't get distracted franklin we got a date tonight hang on a second speaking about dates i probably could do with getting some new shades it's the glasses store here where's the glasses there it is nice shades dude nice shades ah she's gonna love them now look who looks like a boss us guys yep we're the boss now let's find those teslas there's a house over here where's the garage oh no they're on the other side aren't they okay we're gonna go around the other side okay just climb into this construction area why not franklin just climb everywhere whatever you want hold up there it is be aware the owners of this property will have any unauthorized vehicles towed away at the driver's expense model x p90d very similar to the one we got at the start it's just a different model is this an updated model or is it an older mod guys let me know in the comments below it looks nice though it looks very big as well now let's get inside really are my days why are all of these cars so well locked i haven't encountered any vehicles which is this difficult to unlock guys i gotta get the key and there's only one place to get the key in the condo come on franklin we can do this hello i'm here why do you have the loading screen girl as a poster where is he hey you give me the keys bam whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm gone hang on we're jeez what am i okay he's now part of the wall oh my days the base the base this is good this is this is my kind of car oh and that wall is now no more let's get out of here guys before we annoy anyone else wait hang on a second is that a spoiler guys the spoiler comes up look at that look at the oh that's amazing i love it when cars do that they have these little secret dolces oh my days hey i don't want to say this right now but i think this is my favorite tesla it is oh geez sorry guys sorry i mean you were technically in the way of the road so what can you expect hang on a second is that a money truck guys you know what we gotta do i gotta get the money from there right what do we have on us yeah we got one of these all right one second just gonna grab the money now do you wanna know a tactic if we just let that do its thing so i'm just gonna let it drive up there you know keep a distance so no one really tells it to us and boom grab the money grab the money grab the money grab there it is there it is get it how much are we getting 274 thousand dollars all right get back in the car go go go now that is gonna help us out tonight guys we're gonna be able to go to the fanciest restaurant and get the fanciest food and fanciest drink and maybe the fanciest hotel oh yes simeon look who's back we got the fifth tesla of the day the model x right next to the roadster sport is that that'll be fine that'll be fine why are you still doing weights dude how are you still doing them you're not this strong no don't say you are i know you're not i've got shades as well i'm a boss irrelevant yeah whatever whatever see me out where's the next car oh my days guys it's a taxi a tesla taxi imagine a day where taxis will drive you around and they don't even need a driver i think that's what they're trying to do here guys they got like the photos and everything they've got people here taking pictures of it whose bag is that dude it's a tesla taxi oh my day so they must be the managers of the taxi rank that must be a driver i'm just gonna grab it and go i mean this is too easy it's too obvious it's a taxi tesla dude all right let's take a look around the back any logos there's the tesla logo model s p 75 d there's the inside you know what i'm just gonna go inside guys 20 20. hey excuse me getting out of here now sorry photo shoot is over oh no they ain't happy they'll have you too quick go go go go go go go guys it's a tesla police car on the road they've already got them on the road hey sucks to be you guys i'm already out of here hey i love how the boot has a glass window on the front that's so cool so you can see what's in the trunk and you can keep an eye on it and it also just looks a bit stylish i gotta park this up and close the doors because this is too suspicious simeon is gonna be well impressed when he finds out we have got a tesla taxi i'm waiting now until we see all of these on the road it might be a year might be two what have you done to my car serious that's my car jeez you're paying me for that dude it might be three years but we will see tesla taxis on the road how am i supposed to get that now the auto shop repair simeon told me this is where we're meant to go to this open hey what's up dude i'm here to collect her there it is yeah he's what all my days he's watching me he's watching me dude yo where are we this is like an underground garage and there it is the tesla oh my days hey thank you very much mr mechanic for repairing this i'll be uh taking this out of here now i'll be taking it out of your hair bye go go go go go quick quick whoa oh this is fast what have they done to this it's got like turbo whoa break stop stop stop oh my days so what car do we have i don't know the name it looks kind of similar to the model s and the model x but i don't really know guys it's i love the glass on the back kind of looks like it's from the future maybe ahead of its time i don't know it's got the logo on the sides the front and back i don't see any name though there's no name or brand or model or anything guys if you know the model let me know in the comments below because this is just a tesla to me what does the inside look like quite nice i like that screen flat screen we can see the battery life it's fully up fully green not bad four seater everything's white on the inside as well like what is this okay you know what i'm taking it back to simeon and we're gonna collect the next one oh guys i got another one someone owns a tesla just around the corner from me look at them they must be so rich oh my days it is the tesla roadster dude somebody actually owns one of these this is just up the road from us like we live down there right on that road can you see it guys and someone around the corner owns a roadster well at least they did own a roadster because i'm taking this and we're driving this back home this is the tesla supercar we've all been waiting for guys check it out it is fast it is sleek it is expensive and it goes north to 16 in like less than a second evidently whoa and i can't even drive it can we go up this hill wow i can drive backwards up a hill that's how powerful this car is guys well we recovered that crash very smoothly we didn't even dent or scratch the car it's as if we were what are you doing driving into me jeez watch out buddy can i get down to my house like no i'm not gonna do that we're not gonna be stupid like that guys i'm taking the safeway the sensible route back home hey what have you done with my karna simeon don't just put my car in the middle of the road you know what i'm parking it here send me to the next one it's getting late there better not be many left simeon i've got a date to go to remember oh man oh man oh man simeon told me we only have like two minutes to grab this car come on please still be there please still be yes it's there quick get it get it get it get it get it excuse me don't drive don't drive away guys we got the cyber truck we got the cyber truck hang on a second guys it's elon musk hey elon sorry about this this is my car he was gonna get me he had that up his sleeve oh my let's go go go go go go go guys i can't believe i just took elon musk again this is the second time i have taken a car from elon musk he must have been repairing his cyber truck i mean i don't blame him guys there's so many things you can do to this he didn't get the back though he kept it very simple but hey i got the cyber truck i'm driving this home and we just took out elon musk he is going to be so angry about that dude what does the inside look like not bad quite simple we got the screen but not bad guys there's still so many other things you could do with this hey see me odd i've got the last tesla for you today now make me a millionaire give me the money yes guys look at that we're now a millionaire oh my days thank you so much simeon we're a millionaire we've got a date tonight and you know what life is going well before we get ready for the date guys i need your help which car is your favorite and i gotta pick one as well is it the tesla taxi or is it the tesla roadster for 2011 the tesla cyber truck this one is this the tesla model x i think it is guys maybe it's the model s or even this one the one which we have no idea what it is which one is your favorite guys let me know in the comments below and if i had to choose one mine has to be oh hang on there's the police car isn't there how could i forget about the police car guys my favorite one is the tesla police car it is insane it can drive to such high speeds and it's just futuristic it's modern and it's not every day you get to say you drive a tesla police car guys i mean come on they're just insane anyway guys franklin's got a date to get to so we better get out of here if you enjoyed the video don't forget to smash like and remember to subscribe the channel guys the majority of you haven't subscribed yet and we're trying to get to five million subscribers so if you could take five seconds out of your day to press the subscribe button it would make my week anyway thanks for watching guys my name is not and until next time stay awesome [Music] you
Channel: Nought
Views: 890,256
Rating: 4.9234977 out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, gta v, tesla, elon musk, gta 5 tesla, tesla car, cars, gta 5 tesla cars, gta 5 rare car, gta 5 cybertruck, tesla cybertruck, tesla roadster, tesla modelx, gta 5 elon musk, gta 5 simeon, gta 5 money, gta 5 job, gta 5 mods, gta v mods, nought, gaming, teslas, tesla super car, gta 5 super car, gta 5 police car, tesla police car, tesla semi, tesla semi truck, fast tesla car gta 5, gta 5 fast car, electric cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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