COLLAB EVENT EXPLAINED - How does this OVERLORD event work. What do I need to know.

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I think this is it okay yeah this is it so we're talking about the um the collaboration event that drops tonight right there's a special check-in event and that's great I mean more for newer players and and you do this for newer players right you want to have stuff that hooks in and keeps the people who just checked us out for Overlord to keep logging in so this is pretty good there's stuff to do there's a free five star at the end of it 80 stamina a day will be really nice we're basically getting a free Leaf per day just for logging in collaboration celebration double login rewards so nice 200 stamina a day for our login rewards this is the free Covenant summon event we were talking about when people saw the the leaked information and saw 210 free summons so it looks like we're going to be able to do 11 CUV summons a day for seven days that's only 77 summons what happened to the 210 if that login event refreshes every week then it's 210 extra summons well there you go maybe that's it maybe uh maybe the washing studio is right let's see if we can find the details on the event oh that's a good look title page an Overlord from another world one day a mysterious gate appears in the great tomb of nazeri damn that is good looking you you can say what you want about epic 7 but the their art team just knocks it out of the park wow okay so this is the event page with the uh story The advancement Advance enhanced artifacts will tell you what artifacts give bonus currencies this is where you're going to go to the to the store yeah let's let's dive into all of this okay this is where the story is and I'm sure the story will be great hopefully it'll be more than just friends come for dinner and leave week one opens tonight it is a 3-week long event so we're going to get two twoe banners we're going to have the albo banner for two weeks and we're going to have the Shaler Banner for two weeks and the middle week they'll overlap where both banners will be up and live and both weeks the event there is no maintenance tonight we're going to roll right into it guys lead hero buff by deploying the main Heroes to the team you'll be able to receive more powerful Side Story enhancement effects that's no different than uh Mo most Side Stories where the the lead hero gets a buff that makes them you know max level Max mola etc for the event but something a little bit different's going to be happening here they're doing the imprint thing again but don't freak out it looks like the imprint thing is only on I alone and you get the imprints on him for free so you get I for free and you get imprints from Eyes by farming this event and when you farm this event you get currency and I think I saw it down here somewhere here we go the Ring of Ein Alon is his memory imprint right and you can buy it for 500 currency that's cheap that's really cheap compared to other events if you remember back to like the rezero event where you got RAM for free I think she was like 1,200 or500 currency so this is really inexpensive so you'll be able to get these Rings pretty quickly stack them up get the imprints to make the event better to farm the staff of velone is also only 500 and again that's cheap I think it was like 800 to a th000 to get Rams artifact and that's how you'll get these imprints to make uh to make your eyes more powerful and get increased events effects remember they promised us on camera while boing and apologizing to to truck that they would never again have it where paid imprints impact your ability to do a story now imprints may increase the amount of currency you get just like uh having higher level of artifacts will increase currency I've seen people freak out about this oh they making it Pay to Win by making the artifacts give us more currency what event have they ever run where having higher level artifacts didn't pay out more event currency the only difference is here the event currency lets you lets you farm gear so it's kind of super important but it's the same as other events you get more event currency the more artifacts you have and and the type of event currency this this is the the flag things here that's going to be the event currency you use to buy the week one gear and uh um the uh stop pocket watch are is the currency for the week's two and three gear yeah so you go to the loot exchange where you can turn in the 100 flags to get special items right and this is uh this is just the normal shop where you can buy Mana revision stones with the currency uh a back a game background for the currency this is where you can get more of the staff of vinzel going cheaper than the 500 or you can use it for the Gear Exchange and this is where you trade in 400 currency to specifically get Red Gear of one of these sets and you pick you say I'm going to drop 400 I want a red immunity piece I'm going to drop 400 I want red destruction piece and this is the when people when you hear people talking about the Lethy event how amazing it was this is what they're talking about first farming this event only drops Red Gear of these three sets randomly while you're farming the event and you get currency farming the event and with that currency you can come in here and specifically say I want red destruction gear give it give me now you can't specifically choose substats or anything crazy but you can specifically say I want red destruction gear not like Rift where it's randomly drop of one of four sets not like hunt where it's randomly drop of one of three sets not like it's Rift or hunt where you could get purple gear or hunts where you can get blue gear it's always RED Epic gear specifically of the set you're power farming you want to get all destruction gear you want to get all immunity gear you specifically say and for 400 currency you get that gear so you farm the out of this event it is insane value so much so that there are people who have sworn off farming wyvern forever just to save up currency so that when this event comes back around again they will be ready for it with their leas I'm not sure I'm ready to to hamstring my entire account for six months to wait for the event but it is really really likely that this event will be back in the form of the summer leafy rerun event this coming summer so think about that as well and make sure you save up a little bit to be ready for this this is the event that this is the reason that I put out that video where I said stop farming hunts immediately it was specifically because of this event you're going to put every bit of currency you have into this and your account is going to grow by months in the period of a week if you said you if you if you held back currency for this this is a great event now let's say you don't want destruction HP or immunity set that's fine this is just week one week two is um did they show it in here somewhere well there's speed set and two other oh speed set pen set and crit set which is amazing for new players so on week two okay this is what this is the only one that'll be up this week week two this one will be up and this week will be speed pen and crit and people downplay crit a little bit but crit's very important to new and mid game players and remember we're trying to help new and mid game players and crit set that's about the most gear score you can get from a two-piece set that's a very important set to get people up and running and for late game players pen is always welcome who wants to farm kades who wants to farm kades to get pen set and have 90% of what drops be blue gear and purple gear this is going to be all red gear pen set and for the the Cleavers and aggro players and really anybody in the house speed set I mean holy crap and speed pen and crit will r randomly drop farming the event and they will always be red gear and you can come in and force Focus the specific sets that you want is better than any hunt or uh Rift event ever dreamt of being and it's very accessible unlike Rift unlike hunt this is stuff that people can do early on even if you can't Farm the highest levels of this event you'll still be able to rack up enough currency to power level your stuff that level 70 gear is looking pretty sad now isn't it that level the the paid level 70 gear pack the Newbie gear pack when you can just power level red 85 gear Mother of God
Channel: Tristen Wulf
Views: 9,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Epic Seven, Epic 7, e7, TristenWulf, Tristen Wulf
Id: cDu5DtkZ8b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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