Coldplay - Shiver (Official Video)
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Views: 26,130,896
Rating: 4.930757 out of 5
Keywords: Coldplay, Shiver, Parachutes, Official Music video, Coldplay 2000, Coldplay debut single, Coldplay official music video, Coldplay HD video, Coldplay debut album, Alternative, Indie, Pop, Rock, Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Parlophone, Cold play, Colplay, Codplay, coldplay 1st album, coldplay first album
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2011
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Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are fantastic albums. I love their texture/atmosphere. I wish the rest of their stuff was as good.
Their early stuff was so good.
I liked Ghost Stories, mostly because it atmospheric, like their older stuff.
Great song. They were so good back then.
Parachutes, Rush of Blood, and to a lesser extent X&Y are genuinely great albums. I love their other stuff due to nostalgic purposes, but these three are truly good, and Shiver is proof :P