Coldplay - Daddy (Official Video)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: undefined
Views: 17,208,925
Rating: 4.9433169 out of 5
Keywords: Coldplay, Daddy, Dady, dad, Everyday Life, Sunrise, Sunset, Official Music Video, Coldplay 2019, coldplay Father, Alternative, indie, pop, rock, Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion, Parlophone, Cold play, Colplay, Codplay, Coldplay 8th album, Coldplay eighth album, Aardman Animation, Coldplay aardman, Coldplay animation video, daddy are you out there
Id: OWhiCkEY-Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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Champion Of The World (Lyric Video)
Who's cutting onions?
My dad passed away 15 years ago this year and every year I feel like I lose more and more of him and part of me feels used to it in some horrible way but this damn song made me cry like I was 6 again. Its such a beautiful song and it's a song I never knew I needed
I didn't expect it to be so heartbreaking
Even though I didn't have (and don't have) issues with my dad, this video made me cry like a baby.
I find the song itself relaxing, peaceful, calm. Pairing it with the video though makes me feel like that girl.
It seems like she lost her father (the police lights may be there because of a crime in which he got involved?) and now she's... lost in an ocean of bad emotions.
I feel sad for whoever has/had problems with their Daddy now :c
Honestly I think I can wait for this one. Album's out in two days.
For me it's their best song in years. Wow.
I just would like to go home to my kids now and hug them and play with them and make them sick of me until they wish me away and I won't go and I will just take them out to dinner and buy them toys, bring them home, tuck them in to sleep, and wait for them to wake up the next day and do it all over again.