Cold Wax Oil Painting Tutorial

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[Music] hi this is Gwen Fox and today I'm gonna do a demo on with cold wax don't know if you're familiar with cold wax but let me just do a little bit of an introduction for you here is the cold wax it looks just like Crisco oil or Crisco and I can so this is wax that I am going to mix with oil paints you cannot use it with acrylics but with oils that's great so I have I'm going to do it on paper and this paper is Arch's oil paper they've made up paper that you can do oil on this and it's it's just super it stays flat I don't know what weight it is but it's great here I have all my colors out and I have it you mix about an equal amount of wax to the color and the beauty of this is that it does not diminish the color at all so I'm going to mix this in with the colors and I'm gonna tell you the colors that I have here in just a minute and look how luscious this looks I mean it's it's a lot of fun if you've never worked with this it might be something that you would want to consider so I mean I love it I think it's a lot of fun it's very freeing and it's just fun I'm going to show you how I do these demos for the simple reason that I know a lot of you have mentioned that you are pretty uptight in the painting and you want to you want to loosen up well let me tell you that I'm gonna show you loosen up today so this color right here is Titan buff and this is not black this is called asphaltum and it's it's a transparent dark I love it because it is transparent let's see this is transparent orange this is Indian yellow this one is let's see this is KTM yellow orange this is brilliant green brilliant turquoise brilliant blue so these are the colors and I have all the colors out here now the other thing is that the tool is different I don't I don't use brushes and a lot do there's so many ways to do this so this is just one this is just how I do it so here is the tool that that I use this is a clean one and so I'm not going to use it because it's clean I just want to show you what it looks like and it's called my sir mr. M ESS er mei ste Arc and so you can order this on Amazon it's about sixteen dollars but this is what mine looks like and it's pretty dirty but that's okay this is I just this is how I work so here's what I'm going to start out with this is gonna loosen you up I'm pretty sure you could do something like this with any of your paints maybe not watercolor but you could do this so now let me just pick this in let me show you how we're going to be very loose very very loose see I'm not thinking I'm not thinking about oh I'm gonna do a painting that's that's not the thought process right now okay now you see I am not thinking of oh I'm gonna do a painting here no I am just I'm just going for it just going across all of it let's put a little bit of this on here a little bit of dark now the one thing about cold wax is that this layer really needs to kind of dry a little bit so I'm going to move from this to another sheet that I have already done and it's prepared and it looks just it looks just about like this except it doesn't have any chart so let me put this over here and now we're going to take this and we're going to just go for it same concept same concept we are just we're painting I mean we're just having fun you know it consider it the trashcan painting day I mean it's and I am NOT thinking yet I'm not thinking about center of interest I'm not thinking about anything but just moving the moving the paint and you see how this would really loosen you up I mean come on this is this is pretty cool now now I'm going to start kind of thinking about how am I going to look at that color look at that I mean I just think that's gorgeous so yeah I'm just doing this I'm just coming this way so now I'm kind of thinking about how am I going to make a painting out of it so and I'm gonna kind of take it across that way you know mix different colors in different ways and it comes out I just think this is fascinating putting on India and India yellow and I've got colors on here so it's making their colors making that green I kind of like how that shows through there so let me get some wipe off here now a lot of times though what I do is I scrape off and I just put in a pile because it's gonna make a fabulous Brown after I get a certain amount on there so now let's look at this because now if I wanted to remove some of this see I could just take that and remove that you know it's not a very dramatic effect here because I have to be aware of what's underneath it so there's not very much underneath that but boy I like this I think this area is gorgeous so let's get some dark in here now I'm starting to think shape starting to think about how this is going to work let's see up here how do I I don't want to kind of I like this I don't want to mess that up so let's to the US over here now I hope you're kind of thinking of how if you really precise and everything that this is going to really help in and just having fun and I'm getting darks on some of the corners because when I pull this tape off I'm I need that so it's it's implied in here you can just so many things and if you don't like it it's no big deal you you don't like that fine you know you just you just kind of get rid of it now I'm not sure that that's what I'm going to do with all of that but really liking this I'm thinking shape and I'm also thinking okay is this shape and this shape the same size and if it is I don't want that so my tape is this is what happens you lose the side of your tape think my tape is about here so that would make that okay now let's move to this one and see what we can come up with here's my edge of my tape so I'm going to go here let's get some color in the in this one and that gorgeous I mean that is that's yummy yummy yummy now I'm seeing that okay this does I've got this shape and this shape that's that's okay I don't mind let's get a little green in here now I'm not keen on this so I'm going to paint over it and change it and you could do that doesn't matter let's put some transparent orange over this and see how that I'm really going really light and I like this orange in here so maybe the nice thing about this is that you can play to your heart's content and this doesn't look like much until we take it off that's the beauty of it now let's use some of this brilliant blue looks more like a grade blue to me but I just like how the colors mix and you aren't making the colors you're just mixing them on the paper now you can do look at this if I make if I mix this up all of these colors I've got a whole new color here and that's really pretty okay now I've got to think about this I'm kind of liking this but I'm going to put some India yellow over this oh look at that that's gorgeous love that that is so cool I think that's going to be nice now I don't really have a lot of shapes in here and I'm not really worried about that because it can stand on its own if I but if I wanted to have a little shape over here let's see if we put this over bring this collar on this side mix it with the asphaltum which immediately makes it a no pick because the s Walton is transparent and to me that's kind of a a dead color so I'm going to add on top of that I'm going to add some transparent orange and that's this is just in the oil color so not liking that I don't like it now I like the fact that I've got a shape in here because it looked a little so I think my tape is right here so I'm going to bring that up a little bit so I can have a shape and see you never really know what you've got until until you move the tape so it's kind of exciting so I'm going to leave that because I like that little bit right there now let's get over here to this one see what we can't do with this put a little bit of but this is a edit angle and see how it looks and the nice thing is if we don't like it we can you can move it now let's see I'm going to go with a little Indian yellow a little transparent orange and see what we can't do here I like this blue just for the simple reason that it is not super bright the turquoise is pretty bright now my question here is where do I want my center of interest well I want it right in here so if I'm going to put this blue I'm gonna I'm gonna have to put it here and let's make a shape I'll add a little bit of orange now you can see it's coming but it's certainly not there let's add some dark add a little mystery here I'm wanting to be careful that I don't put the dark line in the middle this is just a little bit above and I want the dark to take me over to this area so I'm making I'm now making a shape that I want to bring out the center of interest which is right here so now all of this is really the center of interest but now let's calm some of this down we won't like that underneath look at that it's picking that up there turn around because I want to get this all right now this has to change this has to I think that needs to be darker but it's good here's the thing I mean I'm doing this as a demo so I'm going to continue with it but I should stop now because this is getting to kind of mushy but we're going to keep going with it and I'm just going to put it on pretty thick but if you're doing this and you're you're at home and you're not doing a demo then this is better to wait and so I'm going to consider this one done this one has a lot of mystery this one may be done give another shape in there and now let's go to this up here let's get some Titan buff in here no gonna have to think on that one this one let's get some darks [Music] it's gonna be fun to take this off and see what we have let's bring this shape over I don't want to end now at the center of my paper so I got to be really careful about that it gotta be aware of all of this because it makes a big difference hmm maybe I just go all the way over always ask the question what if what if what if I do that I mean cuz you're not going to ruin it I think we all worry about whether or not we're going to ruin something and we shouldn't look at that Brown it's changing it's beautiful okay let me see on this because I'm not pleased with this one at all and you know usually you have one that's really good and one that's it's okay but so what do you do well you reach a pit see I'm going to pull the tape off of this and but you would retake it and then go back in which makes it you know you're not you're not wasting anything so now I'm going to take a little skewer here and kind of look at will shove her edge is ready I know that one's not ready kind of like this one now let's say that you do too much of this and you don't like it and all you do is softening and that needs to be softened so we're going to soften this is a kind of like this one I like that one so I'm not going to fool with that but I'm not sure that that's got enough color so let's go back in and let's add a little bit more gonna add some transparent orange because they just weren't a little bit different when you add a color you might want to add clothes like I've got the orange I didn't just want the orange so I added the transparent orange which gave it a little bit different look so I don't know we'll we'll figure this one out to see as we do it let me I'm going to just put a little bit right here okay I think that one's done I don't know about this one I think we need to make it a little bit I mean I like bright so you may not like bright so you don't have to do it as much I'm going to add a little bit of Indian yellow in here and don't you know when you're doing this don't worry about Oh what if I put this on I'm going to not be able to get it back the way it was well you don't want it the way it was you put something on there for the reason now I think this needs a little bit of brightening so I'm going to I bet you or just saying I can't wait to get my hands on some of this stuff because it looks like so much fun and it is I just don't like that edge there so when I want to get rid of something like that I'm very light and careful with it so now let's let's just I can just add something they're still not pleased with this one what are we going to do with this one this one is a troublemaker so what I do when I'm not when I don't know what to do is I just bring in more color and to me that's you you do things that you wouldn't normally do because it's not working anyway why not why not just have fun and see what you can do so I think we're going to bring some light in here and lighten this up you see it's getting a little thick and as I say this is when you should say okay I'm done until this dries and see I kind of like it when it does that I think that's just way cool not pleased at all with this but we're gonna what we're going to do is take off the tape because I think I could work with this until the cows come home and it may not work kind of like that mixture let's put some more over here you're working on the roads out there in case you hear something all right they're a little dark don't you love that look at that color oh my gosh that's gorgeous see it really bothers me to leave it when I'm not happy with it but I'm not going to use the brown because the brown is like right now I'm going to pull off and see what you can do too is take a let's do this and see what this does [Music] [Music] that adds a design it's not very apparent and you don't want to leave it like that you want to kind of you know make some of it disappear but I like how that brought out that and this was just the trouble child that's all so okay we're going to take this off I think we're gonna like these two and we're like that one and I don't think we'll like that one but that's okay it life isn't perfect now I'm going to take normally I would allow this to dry because you want sharp edges you do not want edges are smeared and everything but if it does get smeared they could they can frame this as an oil which means that you would go to the image so let's see what we have this is the exciting part okay see one day I'm going to figure out which how I should tape this in order to take it off correctly see already doesn't quite look good me I love it this one doesn't want to come this one's really stuck there we go see this is the edge you want want that crisp clean edge and if it goes under it goes under it's not the end of the world all right now take this one this is just blue painters tape and works perfect now we just have the tape that goes around and that's and you're going to see how having it be dramatic is a good thing rather than being pastel you know it would look okay but dramatic is better stronger colors look at my hands I gotta clean my hands guys getting it all over the paper it's a mess look at those edges they are so cool see this is the exciting part this is the part where everybody loves because you're seeing oh my gosh it was a mess how is how is that gonna work and now you know it may work it may not work but you just reach a pit and and paint again on it it's not wasted now we see all of them together as we've gotten the tape off it makes a huge difference now on the upper left one let's look at that one and maybe get some close-ups of that this needs some work it's a little bit mmm it's a little bit boring but you know what I love those scratches I love the lines in that and I love the transition of the transparence over the dark so I can see a couple of things that I would but it's almost done now let's go to the one on the right and this is probably the least of the ones that are you know done I've got to do a couple of things on this but what I do like I I do like how the grid turned out of that mesh turned out when I when I put it on with the brayer and I particularly like on the far left when I did that mesh it brought out the turquoise and that's good because now the eye goes over there as well but look at the blending of the colors you just I mean it's just an automatic thing that happens and that's pretty darn cool so then let's go to the lower left I mean okay Lord Allah or lower right this one I love look at the dark it's holding it together the whole painting together look at the richness of the center of interest it's it's just it pops when you want a center of interest to pop put the dark right next to it and and just look at those colors the edges are soft yet the dark also just takes you right over there I think this was the best one and then the one on the lower left I like this one as well I do think it needs a little work on the right side but look at the center of interest remember this is when we were talking about if you have an orange add something else to it to make it kind of not be just boring so we added I think transparent orange in this so I I just like how it looks and the creaminess of the neutrals on the far left that's pretty great that's pretty great so anyway this is how they turned out and this is what you can do and I I loved having all of these and it's fun give this a try and this will help you not be uptight so until the next video I'll see you then [Music]
Channel: Gwen Fox
Views: 39,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting, workshops, Taos, New Mexico, abstraction, realism, gwen fox, design, paint, artist, art, fine art, artist help, abstract, help, direction, oil painting, cold wax, demo, demonstration, tutorial
Id: uzZJMGfdj_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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