Cold-Orbiting Walkthough - with control axis overlays - Thargoid Combat Tutorial

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we would like to start today's video with a big thank you to our very generous patrons we would especially like to thank one of our most recent patrons commander m graham thank you so much for your support and for all the hard work you do over at axi it is huge compliment to receive backing from someone we respect and admire so much and who is a cornerstone of the ax community as a whole we will continue to do our part to promote ax and ali and the axi with pride again commander ingram we thank you this video was requested by commander chaberwacky over at patreon and it's a follow-on to the cold orbiting guide in our tutorials playlist in this video we will walk through establishing a basic and easy to control orbit describing the control inputs needed and showing my axis control on screen with an overlay on the left side of the screen you will see your thruster inputs forward backwards and lateral thrust and vertical thrust as a separate indicator on the right of the screen you will see rotational inputs pitch and your with roll as a separate indicator the stick i am using is a vkb gladiator nxt standard with roll assigned to the twist axis of the stick i find that in flight system for me having your assigned to the stick x axis helps with fast and accurate aim adjustments the throttle is a thrustmaster tcws i am using the mini analog stick on the back for forward and lateral thrust and the paddles for vertical thrust i find this arrangement helps with the down thruster aspect as a paddle can be held with little additional cognitive load i also had to use obs instead of shadow play to record this as shadow play does not support multiple input sources needed to display the overlay as a result the quality is a little lower than usual in terms of image quality for this session i am using the vipermark4 because it is an excellent small ship for orbiting it feels like it was actually made with flight assist off in mind and it's one of the few ships i still have flak fitted to on a regular basis the first order of business is to aggro the thyroid and then boost away in order to prepare for the small for the simple kind of orbit we are learning today once the swarm has been eliminated apply left thrust to bring your ship around the side of the thyroid adding forward thrust to close the range and then adding continuous downward thrust as you get close to the three kilometer range this will start your orbit you may now use lateral thrust to control your position relative to the thyroid and forward or backward thrust to control range and as you see using a bit of forward thrust as well just to maintain the distance because if i don't if you don't do that if i just hold down you can see the distance is starting to grow so you've got to use forward thrust to maintain the range you should use lateral thrust to maintain pace with the thyroid along its vector but you can manipulate the thyroid's behavior to a degree by using more thrust on one side than the other thrusting against the thyroid direction of travel will slow the thyroid and your ship down this does mean the thyroid will maneuver around more but it will keep your ship within the optimal zone on the throttle this can be very important for ships that suffer a penalty to their aiming mobility outside of the optimal throttle speed when thrusting in the same direction as the thyroid's direction of travel the thyroid is constantly trying to keep up with you and so its forward momentum is preserved this gives it less opportunity to maneuver evasively but does most likely mean your ship is outside the optimal zone on the throttle in order to ensure your orbital trajectory will not decay or harmonize with the thyroid direction of travel it is important to orbit around the thyroid vector the simplest way to visualize this is to take note of the thyroid trail ideally you would like the trail to be horizontal across your screen with your ship orbiting downwards as the thyroid changes direction simply roll the ship and continue down with thrust using forward thrust to close the range again to maintain your orbit for as long as needed it doesn't have to be perfect um you will fall out of sync sometimes but as long as you can re-establish that uh position where you're thrusting down the trailers moving in a line across the screen and you're rolling to maintain the same orientation relative to the thyroid and you will image successful we are now going to run through an example fight putting together all of the information we've just covered and from the previous orbiting video covering the theory side i will be explaining everything that is happening as it happens as the audio was recorded during the fight itself and we're gonna aggro the guide and i'm gonna boost away get ready to deal with the swarm okay so it's been eliminated as i said we're going to just let's thrust out to the side like so against a good position start down with first and use lateral to equalize our momentum with the grade use heatsink hips in the right position start engaging remember to use forward and backwards to control your range lateral thrust to maintain your momentum with the thyroid downward thrust and maintain a little bit of boost away now we have a new swan now when you start now you do want to boost away a bit just to get the swarm to be in a straight line behind you if your velocity away from the swarm is more or less in line with the swarms position from you it'd be a lot easier to hit the swarm with flag and a good rule of thumb this one was just aimed halfway between the indicator and the swarm itself and generally you'll hit the swarm some some silent running years just to build up some distance again by flying by the great this is really useful in battleless quite some other way with certain ships is to just use a flyby to gain range wouldn't have needed to initiate because it's faster than the cyclops but just try to demonstrate that okay so again i'm just going to thrust out to the side let's put it down the twist start that direction forward when we get into range we use lateral thrust to equalize the thyroid and use a heatsink and we are now attacking [Music] rolling as thyroid vector changes using backwards to stop us getting too close and we have another heart so our good shields deploy after uh a heart is destroyed yeah a general rule to follow is that the shield will be up for two minutes for cyclops three for bastards four from reducer and five for hydra and so you can just take a look at the clock the top corner and when you take out hearts we know that about at about 44 minutes um pass that shield will go down but you can obviously speed up the shield by shooting at it or rubbing the thyroid but the cyclops between the point it'll be done by the time we don't swarm normally um let's go and eliminate that swarm i always check the uh range indicator down here in the bottom corner when i can't see the thyroid erroneous behind me for example or if i hear it if i can hear it it's kind of you know general noise while you start i'm running just to kind of make sure that i'm not full within range [Music] okay okay so as we said time is now 44 so we know that the shield is down so let's go ahead start maneuver same as same as always we're gonna just go to the side start down with thrust use forwards to close that range lateral to equalize momentum heatsink and attack to match the cargo inspector the third heart obviously is one where if you if you're not cold when on psychologists um if you're not cold when the heart goes down you want to silence running to avoid triggering the shutdown field energy surge if you will um but why do we stay out of range now until it stops slowing red like that then we will there you go just bypass that all together down with thrust heat sink stop firing nope she'll just gone if there was a shield to see the little blue impact indicators in the uh target uh spot there toronto is eliminated just yet so wait for another shield and another swarm so final final for the final time i'm just gonna switch out to the side so use lateral switch to bring our motion start downwards rest for a little bit use a heat sink um but there we go there's one dead thyroid so there we go guys that is a practical demonstration of the orbit mechanics with a very simple uh orbit uh obviously there are more complexities to orbit techniques they get more advanced things like boost orbiting but we can look at those in a future video i think i will do a video on boost orbiting i'm also going to do a video on how i learned flight assist off because i don't necessarily think the guides that are available are the best resources um for purely combat flight assistance and also let me know if you'd like to see walkthroughs on other thyroid types as well uh you know basilisk would you say hydra because i could do a play-by-play walkthrough with the overlays of those fights as well so thanks for watching guys i hope you found this helpful and as always glory to mankind you
Channel: Citizen Kate (and Will)
Views: 12,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold, orbit, thargoid, combat, ax, anti, xeno, elite, axi
Id: eDkW69XMzWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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