coke + pork = maggots (Myth or Real?)

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there's a myth that if you were to pour coke onto raw pork and then let it sit for a bit maggots would start crawling out of it so that's what I'm going to test today see if that actually happens so let's do it [Music] so this pork is bought just today nice and fresh it's raw open it up and when you pour the coke on the pork a maggot kind of thing comes out of it with a little bit of research of mine I figured out that it's not actually maggots they're called Trichinella worms I think I tell you pronounce it anyway and if they're a type of parasite that's why you have to cook pork to a certain temperature before you can eat it it's because of that parasite you need to kill it off so it doesn't get you sick and so apparently pouring coke for some reason I cannot figure out why it's coke you pour this on it and that kind of brings the parasite out of the meat 100% of the time and so that's why I get fascinated by it they crack it open this it's the basically I'll get close-ups of it I'm just gonna pull the coke onto them [Music] very nice and let's gotta let that sit there some video said a few minutes others said a few hours I'm not sure how long I have hello Helen I want to wait for but that should be playing gonna let that sit and see how that goes I'll be back once I start seeing some action so it's been a bit already I'm very high skeptical of this I was actually told about this pork and Coke last night immediately my response was I don't believe you and you know I'm still I'm still not blinking this is why it's all a test but I actually do think this is this this was like kind of a hoax thing that went around the internet a little while back that's now just caught my fancy but basically because everyone's been kind of a bit weary of pork you always have to cook it to a certain temperature before you can eat it because of the parasite Trichinella as I mentioned before and I actually think that Trichinella is not something that you can visibly see I think it's kind of like microscopic and so that's why I'm believing this to be busted if I'm doing this whole myth-busting kind of thing but I mean hey it's only been a little bit maybe half an hour so I can let it go for a bit longer I might even actually leave it overnight and see what happens so I just want to hear your thoughts on this on this video me testing the myths and the hoaxes of the Internet it's still I'm still like that's it I'll have a look at it tomorrow morning but I just want to know what you thought and I should do more of these testing the myths and if you have any suggestions for them put them in the comments they'd be awesome but anyway I enjoyed 3/4 of a bottle of coke and we'll see how it turns out morning for now if you did enjoy this video please give it a big thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to see future videos like this [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scoop Science
Views: 4,405,824
Rating: 3.9749587 out of 5
Keywords: Scoop Science, Scoop Scientist, Science, myth, real, myth or real, pouring coke on pork, coke and pork, coke + pork = maggots (Myth or Real?), coke + pork = maggots, mythbusters, what happens when you pour coke on pork, poke plus coke
Id: YVuD2O5-Z9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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