Coding with Processing Release 0001 Alpha -- Happy 20th!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cultural-Computer-15 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello everyone test one two this is not the mic i intended to use but i had a little bit of a um issue finding properly charged batteries so hopefully you can hear me okay let me in you know in the chat we will i will be beginning in just a couple minutes uh and the batteries are charging so i will switch to a different mic maybe about a half an hour [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello good morning [Music] oh boy this new train whistle really requires quite a lot of breath happy friday happy coding train day happy birthday processing ready everybody with me are you with me happy birthday to you i really should have like pre-recorded some background instrumentals or something happy birthday to you are you all everybody throughout the world all across the internet are you singing this with me happy birthday dear processing happy birthday to you okay we got that done with uh welcome my name is dan perhaps this is the first time you're ever tuning into a coding train live stream if so welcome uh this is a bit of an unusual live stream although to be perfectly frank um they're all kind of a bit of a mess and unusual in their own way there's a lot of things at play here number one is i have this uh wonderful prop microphone hello this microphone does not work because in my um amazing preparedness i spent an hour getting this setup going yesterday tested a bunch of different microphones found the one i wanted to use plugged the batteries into charge overnight i pulled them out of the socket this morning they were dead so i have no idea what happened i moved them to another socket i think they're charging but this is the microphone that i am currently using so um hopefully you can hear me okay there might be a little bit of an echo in here i've been in a very large garage space i have a pile of sound foam over there that i intend to tape across the ceiling tape i don't know mount to the ceiling i've got some sound blankets hanging this is a green screen curtain i don't know if i um behind me but i will come back another time and talk about my new streaming setup which i will be launching more officially as the school year begins in september to make a lot of tutorial videos and do all sorts of live streams and coding training stuff but that is not by no means at all what i am here today to do uh today i am here to celebrate 20 years of processing or p5 this is uh well it's redrawn but this is the original uh one of the original logos from processing alpha thank you to chris orban um for your donation let's see if i can get this going thank you chris you have donated 25 to processing i see it in the chat i don't know if i'm gonna catch all these we've raised 90 so far um my goal here and i will be making a matching donation from the coding train is to raise a total of we can do this two thousand dollars the fundraiser will extend beyond today there's lots of other ways to give to the processing foundation that i will show um and um there's lots of other events this weekend and if any by the way if anybody is watching who is uh releasing a video or doing a live stream on youtube this weekend the donation button that you see to the left of me over there is a youtube fundraiser that i um initiated and any video can be attached to it so just get in touch daniel at would be a fine place to start um if you want to know how to attach the fundraiser to your youtube video it can even be a youtube video from like three years ago if you want but uh you know the idea is i think for people who are releasing things or doing live streams this weekend so speaking of which julian nichols has donated i don't know if i'm going to play this sound effect every time we get a donation but i'm playing it right now for julian thank you your kind generous donation will hopefully bring about 20 more years of the wonderful uh software and community that we all know and love as uh processing and p5.js and processing python and android processing and all the things i have so much to show you today we have so many by the way this you're in for a real treat i mean normally i would never say that because normally the coding train i'm trying to tell you please leave don't watch it's a mess i'm not prepared i don't know what i'm doing my life is actually there's lots of wonderful things about my life but i'm i'm having a really hard time right now um i'm moving uh my kids are alone i i put breakfast out for them i wrote them a note so my wife is in uh brooklyn who's like packing up the house and there's a lot of stuff going on so thank you bear with me i'm gonna be here for about an hour um and then i will come back hopefully raring to go in september with more content but um before i get too uh far rambling i want to make sure i talk about some stuff and show some things so first of all um if you're not aware of all the events happening this weekend i'm calling this like a kickoff event but it's not actually officially a kick-off event i just happened to schedule it first i was like i'll go on friday and then i can be a kickoff event um so uh celebrate the 20th anniversary of processing with the community on august 20th to 22nd by sharing events zines cakes and artworks who's in um you can see here there's a bunch of different information for you but this is what i want to show you in terms of the events so this is what you're watching right now coding with processing release so that's the real treat you're in for this eye if you can sort of figure guess if anybody can guess what this is over here some of you know because i ran some tests yesterday with members and anonymous donated we're up to 120 this is fantastic i feel like i'm like a live telethon can you call in hello thank you for oh yes i will can i have your credit card number please is that how it works i don't know mail me the cash what do they do when they have phone calls red hand donated 20 pounds anonymous donated 20 euros this is amazing okay and for your donation which you don't need to have to make a donation for you can also check out uh processing 2021 latino america from nicolas torranasco friday august 20th i wonder what time that is hopefully i'm not conflicting with that um there's an in-person event uh chris coleman is running in denver this is a limited attendance but um here are a few there's many more things processing community day 2021 from tim rhoden broker if you're not aware of tim rodenbroker's youtube channel his courses his website definitely check it out tim is doing what i wish that i had the capacity to do which is organize a whole event with a bunch of different speakers and a lot of different things this is just me turning pressing a button stream or rambling i did do some work to get this little ah my my precious my precious here for you that i'm going to show you in a little bit thank you sauron uh [Laughter] soren slip of code there's so many donations rolling in i cannot possibly keep track of them i'm thrilled and amazed uh amar's asking is there any other way to donate i will get to that i will get to that so many questions um so check out tim's um processing community day uh check out all of his uh work actually coming soon well there's a little bit of it's not an aside really but i have been making some videos that were requested by donors to the winter fundraiser for processing last december i'm going a little bit slow the bezier curve video is coming out this weekend to celebrate uh i just gave it away the first video which is about the bezier curve anonymous code guppy oh my god i cannot i cannot believe this um all of this is um uh what was i saying oh yeah the my first video in this series is coming out this weekend it's all done ready to go just finishing the captions making the web page for it you know cleaning up the code examples thank you to all the folks who helped me with the coding train that i would like to name right now but i got to move on um but tim is also a donor from the winter fundraiser and requested a particular video and i have recorded that one and it's got a really cool example in it i just it's not finished yet so that will be coming out soon thank you to tim for that okay processing community hangout in japan uh saturday august 21st pcd seoul saturday august 21st uh creative code jam online edition creative code there are so many more events than the last time i checked by the way uh processing community day india saturday august 21st i guess i need to sign up for i don't know how i'm going to catch all these but um i would love to join for all of these his young thank you for your donation amazing and i really want to make a big plug here for uh creative coding fest sauber khan education community director of processing foundation hopefully got that title right uh on sunday august 21st creative coding fest is an event that i participated in many iterations of we we've we used to have them in person in new york city uh there's been some in california and now they're you know happening online it's really it's a free inclusive event i cannot recommend it more if you're new to creative coding if you're a teacher let's just uh click on the link to take a look you can it's free um and you can still get tickets and i i wanted to see um i feel like i wanted to see who the um i wanted to make sure i got this right i don't want to say it wrong the keynote speakers are super exciting um but i think i might be ah here let me go here uh schedule yeah miles barry and evelyn maso if you're not familiar with their work you should be dave webb donated 20 pounds the prostate foundation oh yeah [Music] okay thank you uh and so you should definitely check this out i'm going to be participating to the extent that i can but i did i mentioned that i'm moving right now oh my god it's it's a it's a it's it's a lot okay um all right where where do i want to be okay closing this out or we got some more events for me to plug um processing community copenhagen from andreas restguard saturday october 2nd uh looking for speakers so you if you're just learning about this today and want to organize your own processing community today get in touch with the processing foundation there's a form there's information all on this page check it out somebody post this link into the chat for me um pcdr house from winnie soon saturday october 9th but i also i want to mention uh here we go we've got some exciting stuff coming up listen to this ben frye and casey reese the original creators of the first version of processing 20 years ago in august 2001 will be interviewed on art blocks it's a live stream type of thing somehow i could click on the link sure would tell me this is not to be missed i hope it's recorded so i can watch it later if i miss it but i would really try to attend um you're not going to want to miss that um thank you know i i have to say that um for me the work that i didn't i didn't discover processing i think until about 2003 um interestingly enough um august 2001 when the first edition of processing was released if you'll indulge me for a moment in my own story this is not about me but i was just entering about to enter my first year as a student at itp which is the program where i teach now i took my first course in programming not using processing using macromedia director i know that stig in the chat had mentioned um and i see there's more donations coming in thank you so much um stig had uh mentioned also that he was using uh macromedia director at the time that is uh exactly what i was learning on i discovered processing a couple years later uh i taught my first course in processing around 2004 i think i made a forum post around 2003 and um i just kept doing it here i am today in a garage in upstate new york for the first time live streaming lots more about this new space i have for the coding train um that i'm very excited about also it's very humid in here this is not an air it's a beautiful cool area of new york state but it is very hot and humid today there is no air conditioning in this garage and actually a bird i have the garage door open a bird just flew in it was like fluttering about anyway okay um yeah by the way um i uh people in the chat are talking about how 2001 was 20 years ago i feel old um i was uh 27 at the time oh no 28 i think i just turned 28 when processing um was first released a little factoid there for you but i didn't was not aware of it okay ah and now here's another thing that i want to talk about so and i know very little about this i'm not an expert i'm not using this platform yet or i don't know if i will but there is something called hicket nunc uh which is a um t-zos i guess uh they call them the nfts [Music] i don't i can't click on this but there's a fundraiser going on uh which um i should know more about there we go uh if you click on this it's being organized by wonderful people uh in particular just a shout out i believe well i actually i think it's tomorrow a whole bunch of these folks are doing a workshop um maybe somebody in the chat can let me know um i know here's where my preparation has fallen apart because i was sort of expecting to see more information here but if you want to participate in this uh hashtag sketch for processing um search uh twitch raphael decorville oh yes it's a zoom workshop happening tomorrow where's the link to it i saw it in the processing newsletter today did i just miss it um so maybe it's not on this page here but i'm sure we could find out find the information there's a zoom workshop i believe and apologies if i'm missing names but i know that melissa rafael and casey are participating in the zoom workshop tomorrow maybe some of these other folks ah sorin is posting uh hick dot link slash processing so check that out it's another way to participate in the 20th anniversary to raise money but you know as much as i'm here i would very much like to raise money for the continued mission and work of the protesting foundation um you know there are a lot of you watching this or who knows where you're around the world who knows what you're able to do you are able to you don't have to donate to participate you can join into the events make it bake a real life cake i'm going to try to code like a birthday cake or something today maybe that's sort of my loose plan um you can see here if i go back to uh this screen uh i should have mentioned i meant to mention this right at the outset um thank you to um abbay i'm always mispronouncing it by his name but hopefully i got it right uh simon three uh viewers i bel uh i know that i i know um simon and abbay are but viewers of the coding train who made this wonderful um processing um animation uh happy birthday animation i encourage you to make something like this yourself and i guess share it on social media i don't know sketch for processing pcd2021 i don't know peter is saying uh 20 years ago i was not born which is my i'm always floored by the youth of my audience because you know uh i just assume who wants to watching me like uh wilderness dan by the way is returning a little bit here just streaming on the youtube trying to be youthful i don't know thank you for watching it's very kind of you all right we gotta we gotta get moving oh it's 11 26 and i said only an hour i have so much to do okay okay let's see here we're gonna get to the good stuff we're gonna get to the good stuff so for next next up i want to talk about this have you seen this have you seen this have you seen this this is the new processing website uh there's a new logo i'm gonna talk about that and show that but you should you should check that go to this url and bask bask in its beauty and elegance uh i know that casey up until like you know a month ago basically the processing website was still running on like you know 15 plus years old pearl scripts that casey reese has developed over the years during the documentation this is an initiative from design systems international who uh generously donated their time design systems international uh is a design company roon matson and martine bravo and many others i got a little project going on with them as well more about that another time they uh redid uh the visual identity for the prostate foundation its projects and the new website so i encourage you to check out this twitter thread um you can see sort of like some fun images of how they imagine it this is a really cool little video here which i could just go to the actual web page but it's showing you kind of this little editor and how the logo itself is programmatic so it's centered around a program to drive logos from a simple set of rules right hey my whole life is based on making things off of simple sets of rules at this point draw three lines or curves in the intersections of an 8x8 grid and this is one of the things that i really love about computational media creative coding and open source communities like processing and p5.js is the ability to take your ideas execute them and and and create new new designs new interfaces new animations uh just from rules and your own creativity so kudos this is really wonderful fun to play with i should click over there to look at it um you can sort of see some more stuff i encourage you to read all about it learn more about design systems international you can see the different logos and various things um and i'm going to i think now move back to just looking at the website itself so uh somebody had asked in the chat um if you uh can't uh if you if you're not able to donate via the youtube link and you would like to donate there's a donate button here which is just a direct um credit card uh payment powered by donorbox so this is a way that you can donate as well um and also there's the i don't know how to pronounce it hick nunk um fundraiser that you can also join uh but i encourage you to donate look at this i love this is my this is my absolute favorite thing you know you know as you can probably tell from my all my little like coding trained characters i love putting little eyeballs on anything i want to code this so i want to make my own version so if you want to learn about the code for the new logo i i feel like there should be more things i want to look at on the website but i guess i will hold off on that what i wanted to look at oh yeah open editor so this is the really cool thing here um i can click on this and sort of like play around with the colors um and uh i can start to i know i actually have not used this until right now but i think i can rewrite some of the code or i can like move things around i don't know how to do it oh yeah look at that whoa what am i doing this is wild uh and i can hit reset so lots of fun stuff one of the things i was sort of curious to do i wonder if i can copy paste this i'm having trouble copy pasting this anybody has an idea for how i could do that copy um from this code editor but um one of the things i was curious to do is what is the earliest version of processing that i can get this code to run on if somebody could as a little favor to me right now maybe figure out a way to put this code into like a github gist or something i'm probably just you know i'm i'm fairly inept using the computer i'm not sure if you've noticed you really should be instant i should be fired from my this is not a job but if i could be fired from it i absolutely should be fired um but if i could get this code um i would love to um uh see where i could get it to run all right so what is what else what else all right i think we're gonna move on now so again this is this won't be a super i'm just sorry looking at the chat is java running in the browser how did they do that asks armor um good question i seriously doubt java is running in the browser um but um most likely this is using some um like javascript behind the scenes whether it's p5.js in some magic way or there's a there is a project called processing.js i don't i'm i'm you know i shouldn't speculate but um if anyone from dsi is in the chat um you can uh absolutely chime in here all right okay i've calmed down a little bit all right we're gonna go now to ben fry's twitter this is uh by the way so from november 2020 back in november 2020 hold on this is perfect for me to play this it was a month before the processing 2020 fundraiser i really got to make those videos for the processing fundraiser but they're coming out uh the bezier curve one is coming out this summer so um august 2021 this was in november announced will be the 20th anniversary of processing how should [Music] all right this is my this is the theme song from the prosthetic fundraiser but uh we'll move on i'll play that at the end as an outro maybe um so um ben frye tweeted we're looking for your ideas i i don't know was his idea maybe for me to come on to a live stream with this with with my precious precious little little black box here that i'm about to turn on and plug in and show you maybe otherwise i'll be doing a presentation ben you could uh i'm not too far from you get in the car you could make it here still you could do your presentation on how we determine the exact time now i think there has been some latest breaking news about when the exact time might have actually been but i'll hold off i don't have that information at bay at hand on how we determine the exact time of the first release from a corrupted archive using a combo of hex editor the stuff it file format specs some code and knowledge of how 1984 style mac date timestamps work so this uh this all of this led to and by the way i have this file right here on my computer um that i totally know how to use totally know how to use this computer right here this is the file right there and you can see by the way thank you ben frye for providing me with all these look at this look at this treasure trove of versions of processing from the early days oh they're so beautiful and wonderful oh i'm so excited uh this one though however is uh corrupted so i'm not able to open it but fortunately the fixed one is here i have it i'm going to run it for you in a moment using my precious you think my batteries have charged is the audio fine let me know if i should bother um uh bother trying to go and get my batteries that are charging for my non-prop microphone i guess i could like you know clip it to my glasses or something i don't know hat okay oh stretch everybody get up and stretch you've been watching a live stream on youtube before i don't have a watch on i don't know 36 minutes 35 minutes you should stretch i'm just checking my phone because my kids are by themselves in the house i swear did i mention put out breakfast home there they're like practically teenagers they'll be fine um uh oh there's batteries in the kitchen they're telling me so i could go get those um all right all right all right i did not look at my phone anymore i just wanna make sure no emergency like i was trying to cook some eggs and the house is on fire texts everything's fine sound is good echo reverb is there's a bit of an echo yeah i'm thank you zack knight for your donation apologies i'm not catching all these donations i can see that we're up to 402 all right i see the logo code has been uh gifted to me in discord i will come back to that all right so this is how uh i believe uh the the exact date and time was determined which um i'm trying to um right now it's in the video description of what you're watching right now somebody pasted the chat so i want to go back though i want to go back and look at so did you know that processing well there's been uh from what i understand and you should you know again i was not there so i am speaking third hand or from my memory of what people have told me but um there's been there were a few different names uh to what processing might have been called before processing i will not reveal those but at the time the website was process fiving with fives instead of the essence this is why you see the shorthand logo sometimes for processing as p5 and where the javascript version from the processing foundation created by lauren mccarthy and maintained by so many amazing people i can someone just print me a list of all their names so i could read them right now um uh process fiving that's where so i i believe that perhaps the domain was not available and that uh searching made doing an internet search for processing was always difficult so the fives were kind of a way of um creating more of a unique identifier and if we go back what's really fun about this and let's see if i can get to this one i'm going to try to go back and i'm going to go back on the internet wayback machine and we're going to look now at the 2001 uh and again i looked at this stuff like a week ago but i haven't looked at it recently i can't remember i might have to click onto 2002 i don't recall we're gonna click back here uh to 2001 uh november 30th so this is presumably august 9th being the original first release we're now a few months later looking at the first website uh for pro surviving and here it is uh process fiving we're gonna read this right now 20th of october 2001. processing is an environment for programming images movement and interaction it is a sketchbook for developing ideas a tool for creating prototypes and a context for learning the fundamentals of computer programming i would say all that holds true today and this is my favorite thing look at this look at all these variations process processing now with the yeses but a zero and a one environment is in its early stages and will continue to develop it just had a fun project idea to like make a text generator program that makes all versions of the word processing with different numbers processing with parentheses now is written in java and enables the creation of java applications and applets oh i miss you applets within a carefully designed set of constraints it uses a 2d 3d java rendering api that is a cross between postscript style imaging and 2d and 3d rendering with opengl i don't know if you all realize how amazingly innovative this was into that what uh like in incredible invention now this isn't to say that processing is the first example of so-called creative coding or that there aren't um many uh other systems that processing drew heavy inspiration from just to name a few a logo the well-known turtle graphics programming language and environment pioneered by uh many different people that i will not uh mess up the names of right now and then of course if you're not familiar with design by numbers design by numbers is a programming environment created by john mida who is the professor at mit media lab for casey and ben and designed my numbers was a programming system for uh designers to be able to learn to code and create computational designs i think for me and i'm speaking for myself here the innovation here of building upon that work of the design by number system and i wish i had a lot of historical stuff to pull up for you about design by numbers no prepared presentation here with slides or anything as you can see um but is this suddenly working with java by taking this idea of simple code you know i i have a from a presentation a slide i should pull this up of like how to draw a line in java without processing and it's like you know public main class string args blah blah blah it's like this crazy thing and then in processing you just say line this idea of simplifying boiling down all of the sort of logic to create a graphics content context and draw a line into a single line of code but placing that within a programming language like java which suddenly can do networking and serial and uh data and just anything that you could basically imagine i mean there's a sort of joke of like java is not the best at anything as a programming language but it's the best at doing everything i i'm paraphrasing i don't really get that right so that is really the uh i think amazing incredible and flash of course i'm forgetting to uh thank you to uh copper who mentioned flash i never really used flash so that's why i think it like falls out of my memory but also the lingo programming language created by um john henry thompson who um uh is a research fellow at itp and has done guest a guest video on a coding train that you should definitely check out as well those are other um presents all right so i love seeing this let's look at the reference so this is the full reference this is really fun so i don't know why i love it so much pr parentheses parenthesis ce51ng i just love all this okay environment coordinates programming modes default pro okay point line wrecked circle bezier curve bezier curve was their cat low rom curve that's not in there anymore look at that kavo rom curve try typing that in processing today good luck to you boy this violated everything i always knew about processing was the core ethos of processing is all about only two words to name a function that's three that's three that's a violation sphere sphere there was sphere even in the beginning the maybe sphere was is like instead of another circle wow circle was back in the original version of processing it went away was replaced by ellipse and now it's back again color all this stuff all right so um i guess what i want to do now uh get to the good stuff is look at this standard control numbers i'm sorry i'm just fascinated by this oh translate and rotate we're right there from the beginning lights on i mean was there a 3d renderer just even from the start i don't recall um okay now what i would like to do the cat mill rom curve is just curved now it says alka that is correct um what i would like to do now is switch over to my precious um i'm gonna just actually like i'm gonna grab my phone just give me a second here um and i'm going to go to woo do you can you see the sweat pouring down my face how's my lighting by the way in the the key of the green screen this is a whole new setup that i haven't used yet so any feedback on that i would love to hear it you definitely need to do more work on the sound um wait i'm looking for uh epocam pro okay let's see connect connect connect connect this was working yesterday without a hitch are you kidding me i do have backup all right well there's also this possibility i don't want to i don't know why this is not working i'm on let's see if i do this look see this is me trying to connect to this camera but i don't know why settings connection wi-fi uh all right i'm going to give this one more try and see oh i wonder if that's the um people are telling me the quality of my video isn't great of course this is not working all right it's you know i had to restart my router if some internet issues or i'm coming back to this all right so that's that's a little bit of a fail it's just going to show you a picture of this laptop but instead i'm going to press a button should pick up this microphone so you can hear the beautiful noise ready here we go this is i believe a 1999 era thinkpad computer it is the uh about the same computer that ben frye was using to develop the original version processing um and i got this off of ebay for 75 i'm making a little computer museum for myself here in this garage um in upstate new york um i am get i'm getting my childhood apple ii plus computer i've got some old macs a clamshell mac i'm trying to get my hands on so if you've got an old computer that kind of still works you want to unload you can send it to me get in touch this is my new thing i love i love i just cannot get enough of using these older computers so i'm going to go unplug a cable and plug another cable back in and if all goes according to plan you will now be seeing the output of this thinkpad on the live stream this took me by the way i can't tell you how many hours i put into getting this computer to work to run old versions of processing and to uh get the output i shouldn't be saying this before it even works get the output the vga output into open broadcast studio to stream so here we go uh here we go unplugging a cable plugging a new cable in i'm really hoping you see this right now i don't know yet because i'm trying to stand up and not bang my head ah you do there it is all right so uh if you don't uh remember this this is windows 2000 again i believe this is i don't know what model number this is like but it's an ibm thinkpad this is actually the one of the compute this is a computer i used to use oh this is an x30 ibm thinkpad x30 um if i look on the bottom we'll see that the model number that's the serial number which i guess i probably shouldn't give out or i don't know if that matters it has a mac address anyway where's the model number i can't my eyesight is not good enough to see so um i have been enjoying using this computer updating my norton antivirus 2001. you can never be too careful doesn't matter if i've got a 1999 thinkpad that's not connected to the internet better update i've got like a a cd-rom drive that plugs into it it's amazing i should go pull that out for you it's got a bunch of different things on the back i was going to show all this with you with my phone it actually has an ethernet port and i was ah oh great uh roon is in the chat from design systems international there you go um so um this what was i saying here um i actually was able to get this hooked up to the internet but it won't load barely any web pages because they all are https and the javascript stuff and like the browsers don't support you know i didn't want to so here we go without further ado i am now going to for you open up and by the way i should say i'll note that if you're interested in running old versions of processing you actually don't need a 1999 or 2000 era pc i have a maybe five-year-old pc i didn't actually try the one on windows 10 but it's like running a what's before windows 10. anyway i was able to run all the old versions on windows you could just on a modern windows computer you can go back and run every version of processing pretty much the problem is these things that were all that i cannot i cannot quit you right the power pc to intel to m1 apple's voraciously and aggressively um deprecates things and i have been trying my darndest i even i have an old 2008 mac but it has an upgrade it has os x on it and i've been trying to install tiger but it's not powered pc i've spent like a whole day trying to get old versus the processing around that but you really are you're it's a lost cause in many ways um i hope i can get an old some older macs to do it um to run older versions of processing but windows the stuff just works it continues to work and it works but it's more fun to run it on the original hardware itself oh my sound board doesn't work because i'm connected to the right so i forgot that my sound board is um connected through this laptop into the streaming system so when i unplug this laptop uh i so um i did buy an additional hdmi capture card it just did not show i think i even paid for expedited shipping so i could have them both going but it did not show up i'm in the boonies now so who knows who knows how it works up here all right um so a mental note no sound effects while i'm playing this um it actually has uh there's actually an audio cable here that i could get the audio out of but let's not worry about that all right no drum roll i'll just do it myself 001 okay so look at this first of all let's just look let's just um and by the way i'm using the original why won't my phone work why won't it work to connect it's like i just keep doing it again and again thinking it's just gonna work this time you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to turn off my phone i'm going to restart my phone and uh see if that helps obviously i'm not going to restart the pc that'll be although i wonder if i can i really should i'm so stubborn i really shouldn't try this stuff while i'm live streaming epocam viewer let's open that up oh camera in use by another application oh that's weird um i bet you i could fix this but i gotta i gotta i gotta not not do it okay uh all right so let's do let's do view details okay so we see there's uh just this batch script a batch script is basically a text file do you think i could look at it uh edit yeah this is what it does bin jerry cp i'm sorry that i can't zoom in on this for you i could probably like through obs make this bigger but hopefully you can see it this is running pde.jar so even from the beginning from the very beginning pde processing development environment this is the original java command i don't know what echo off does does that mean don't bother to like spit out stuff to the command line but this is what it runs and you'll see here it's running these compiled java files which are here in as jars inside of the lib folder and there's always fun things to look at in here go back to details here like we can see here if i open up this these are all the original like icon designs just what did this just open this up in i don't know right you can see i want to like i'm trying to do all my mac commands these are all the original icons just right there in one single gif file that is really wild to see look at the colors and the looks of them what this idea of a play button uh a new you know obviously a play button is not a new concept but the idea of using it um can people see this okay um if my audio is not working somebody says i think it's just the audio from the computer but that's fine um windows 8 um okay so um you can see pde properties fonta dbn.pde what is that that can i open this with something uh like text edit is there like a notepad or something on this computer notepad yeah ah this is oh that's dbn the very first program that's what it's actually going to open up i'm curious about this stuff all right all right without further ado what's in bin just some java you stuff some dlls good old dlls okay i'm going to run it now i can't click click there we go look there it is uh the original version of prostate so let's try to write some code so first of all i have no idea i love that it says there's no logo it says processing up in the top um we've got setup look at this can you see that that says i i know it's so small are there preferences can i can i raise the font size uh dbn stands for design by numbers that is correct asks um esteban um so one thing you'll notice here is void loop we could all be living in a world right the multiverse is is i don't know you know the multiverse of madness right what if not not to just make too many marvel references here um but uh the original there's no syntax highlighting but before there was draw there was loop and i guess if you've ever used arduino um i have from time to time you know things tend to explode or light on fire when i use arduino but um loop was the original name for the draw function because it is as i have said probably a hundred a thousand times in intro coding tutorials setup is the part of the program that runs once at the beginning loop is the part that runs over and over again so let's just actually run this sketch now and look there it is and i'm moving my mouse and look at it it's like a window with no borders no fanfare can i make it bigger let's see i'm let's make it uh bigger let's do 640 by 480. i don't know what color color scale must be like color mode oh it made the color scale 100 because the pixel width is 100 so if i do this i would want to make it and i would love to take your suggestions in the chat now for what i should try to code so i should make it 640 now does with work was with a built-in variable at the very beginning let's see syntax error unexpected token oh i forgot my semicolon too many years of moving to javascript whoa what's going on oh flickery flackery that's not 640x480 well i have a bug report can somebody please find me the um what would have been cvs subversion repository do i do i send my bug report by carrier pigeon how do i how do i get to 2001 ben fry this bug report of uh this not working all right let's try let's go back to could i just want to try let's try like the color scale like width is that one messed it up let's go back to color scale 100. oh my god i can't i've never typed so slow or move the mouse so slow in my life oh look at this we're getting some weird like yellow and stuff very interesting in dbn you could only use grayscale colors just being able to choose rgb colors and processing was mind-blowing thank you stig so let's go back now to uh all right let's let's try [Music] let's try some other stuff i i think i should quickly move on to like version like release like 68 or something which is only like six months later because there's you know background zero let's see does line work line zero zero uh 200 200 let's see the stroke work look there's no it doesn't automatically indent where's my auto format ctrl t no oh i hit control r worked oh do you see that line oh the color scale is 100 oh but background zero what i don't understand i don't understand i don't understand how to code and processing version one okay should we move on should we move on uh size oh is it size height width it seems like it might be look at that is its size was height first oh my god shocker scandalous okay do you guys hear that buzzing it's not the hummingbird that lives outside my window that loves its little hummingbird feeder it's like probably a large carpenter bee it's terrifying okay oh my god scary okay nope 300 200 now that worked 100 equals 255 but why is background zero giving me let's just try like 10. i there we go whoa it's it's revert it's inverted right now i'm getting lower numbers to be white and higher numbers to be black amazing uh look at this look at this beautiful thing that we've done um so mark is saying lower the desktop resolution that is an excellent idea but hold on we're not done well i'm going to close this out let's go so i don't know if i should skip right ahead to um processing version oh i have three here let's try three i don't i didn't realize i had version three here i don't know what happened to version two let's try version three see what changed looks pretty similar so i don't see uh it's not obvious now i don't know if i have i don't think there were changes.txt files or anything like that that i could look at temporary so let's go okay so first of all let me get my thumb drive so this was also an adventure for a while i couldn't get any this laptop this thinkpad to recognize any thumb drive but let me copy um some more versions um so if you will uh bear with me for a second um oh you don't hear the music i forgot um i'm just going onto my mac laptop now obviously i should have done this in advance does anybody have a request of what version you would like to see i would copy them all let me i wonder if i can unzip files on the pc let's find that out i don't think so let me let me unzip oh let me unzip this bunch a bunch six seven you know i'm just going to do them all 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 here would you like to see what i'm doing so right now i've got my directory of all versions of processing and uh i am unzipping them because i'm not sure if my windows computer will do this i mean i'm not going to sit through and run every single one of these maybe there's some i guess i uh and i wish i could figure out how to get the dates of these oops whoa um here now you can probably there we go ah what's happening [Music] look at this you can see different versions from mac os 9 naso mac os 10 sensibly zip [Music] let's see all right let's go to like 83 [Music] 81 let's just go to some of these at the end here [Music] all right that's pretty good where is my thumb drive can't unplug any of these things okay the number of adapters that i've tried and had to use over okay there we go now let's see uh desktop this is four gig no problem [Music] and by the way i have over here uh which i um processing a version of one of you know eventually there was release 1.0 um and uh so i want to run before i leave today 1.5 2.2 and 3.5 so a version of one two three and then for the grand finale we've got um processing um uh processing four uh all right i'm looking at the chat ah don't forget to stretch and drink some water yes okay wait wait wait wait wait as i'm copying this stuff wait how long is it gonna take 39 minutes what [Laughter] no you gotta be kidding me oh usb 2.0 [Music] this is not good okay we're gonna pick and choose okay clearly i should have done this before today but you know you know how it is with me did i mention that i was moving [Music] the kids are making themselves breakfast this month's noon it should be lunch by now late schedule okay um hold on a sec let's be a little bit more strategic about this what should we do like prime numbers uh go by base two let's see um desktop processing alpha all right let's start here with uh version three let's look at some let's let's do these early ones five six seven eight nine eleven [Music] should be faster i think like there's a bunch of mac versions which are huge probably or let's go like now to um 16. [Music] 16 32 32 [Music] 64. 68 i know is one that i used quite a bit [Music] and if you if we go back onto um wayback machine i believe oops what happened to 64. [Music] okay let's try 65. all right we're going to 65 [Music] 68 i already have there 70 let's grab some of the 80s well let's grab 84 which is the most recent the the latest oldest one i have okay [Music] this shouldn't take i don't know why it's saying it's going to take so long all right while we're doing this while we are doing this um maybe i shouldn't have like set a bunch to go at once is that like kind of slowing it down while we're doing this let's go back to the wayback machine because i think it's interesting to look at the website you're gonna there's some really excellent um nuggets we're gonna find so i'm gonna go to um let's see i'm gonna go back to whoops here just uh so we're back to the wayback machine i'm going to now click ahead to may 2003 so we're getting close around then might have been when i first saw processing and look at this look at this beautiful website again this is the same website as this right this is sorry this this website is the same as i mean the current version of this so let's see what we can find so first of all we can find some early stuff so um so processing was used as a tool this is in may of 2001. wait how is that possible oh no this must be is this european dating like december 1st 2005 no or december 5th 2001 must be that right yeah because there's no month 14. okay european dating so december 5th 2001 processing was used as a tool for exploring the intersection of the physical and the virtual in nas 968 a course in computational media design talked by john maida at the mit media lab anybody in the chat at mit sitting in this course i would love to know what's the chance of that um okay december 14 2001 over the course of two evenings ambitious students at the interaction design institute evreya in italy took part in an exploratory processing workshop anybody here from the old days of the interaction design institute in ivraya please shout out in the chat january 12 2002 processing workshop at hyper work now what's the chance i'm just curious that any of these links work i mean they are going to uh way back machine we can see the interaction instant uh the interaction institute here is the hyperwork amazing to see i just love the wayback machine okay let's move on uh we could look at the examples reference info i'm curious about info actually that um so here's more about info and let's look at download out of curiosity here so right this is why uh most of these versions that i have you will not find ah angelo from ivrea yay uh um so the um so most i'm looking for where the first download is available so that's one of the things i'm trying to keep my eye out for how are my file copying going a minute 23 minutes three hours i think this will all speed up once these other ones finish probably should have done them more one at a time okay it's 12 10. uh liz and ivory that's great oh you heard the b okay um all right so let's go back to uh here i'm going to keep moving along here eventually we're gonna switch oh no eventually i need to switch to i don't know when that switch happened oh look this is so sad there's supposed to be like a java applet here um now we're going to september 2003 maybe am i there already no i'm in june 2004 start june 2002 processing 1.0 alpha was it actually called 1.0 alpha at one point that's oh that's amazing um so you can see here the origins of both the mit media lab where ben frye was and the um working on his phd dissertation and the interaction design institute in ivrea where um casey was i believe um version oh os x interesting so i should be able to run some of these versions but i guess they're os x on powerpc there was a two day parisian workshop in 2002 posters exploring genomic cartography exhibit in london i just love seeing the track of all these the list of all these happenings ah now we're getting good we can see a bunch of these early examples so these are early examples which we should be able to run on these early versions of processing you can see look at this example's forthcoming oh oh beautiful i'd love to see all this future categories or include uh did all this come to to fruition artificial life information visualization emergent systems adaptive interface sound synthesis anybody ever use sonia a really early sound library by amit pataru that's a great one that i think we'll see appearing getting started nope okay so i think this must be where i can move to let's go back because i think i'll get better traction if i look for at a certain point um and let's go back we were in like 2003. maybe let's try 2004. yeah here we go look at this now we're starting to see the exhibition so let's look at the early stuff in the exhibition oh i want to look at these essays so this is really beautiful to see some of these early projects by names you may or not may not recognize um oh i love i remember this by julia stunnat this bees project is really beautiful view source no that's sad so most of these probably won't oh moovel i remember jared tarble a real pioneer in generative art um so and you can see here um there's all these uh the exhibitions all of these projects um listed here let's go to download are we do we have download yet yes oh we're on version 87 already so this is where if you want to try running one of these you know good luck to you if you're going to try to download the mac os x version i mean uh may 2005 i assume there's no way this is going to work for me but usually like oh yeah it's a stuff it file but um you i i definitely if i go back you'll find version 68 was here um but we can keep going here i guess we're in 2005 now oh we're in beta processing's in beta you can start to see the design of the website changing sign up for an email list let me get also let me find let me just i'm just moving to this for a second because i'm going to find the code for the new processing logo which i have in discord i think if i go into the live chat alco where did you send that to me scrolling scrolling ah got it okay um so i have the um live chat i'm sorry i have the uh the code for the logo right now let's just see first of all while we're here let's see if this runs in processing version 1.5 uh which i would love somebody to like look up and oh okay no no no no problem i i where i was running this earlier that's so weird um open i could have sworn i was running this okay no fail see this is the bra i could have sworn i was running this one earlier on this mac maybe it was on a old different mac of mine all right let's go to uh let's go to processing two let's see if we can get uh and i'm probably gonna have the same thing let's open let's see if we can get processing too oh yay processing two runs on my modern mac uh let's just see if the logo works in this version processing doesn't look too different probably from what you see now and yes there we go we have got so we know for a fact that the processing logo will appear as written in code in version two i'm not sure why 1.5 is not running for me right now so let me get this let me just make a little text file um boy i had so many ambitions of doing so much more today than i thought it was going to do let me save this onto the thumb drive as logo.txt and uh let me save that onto the thumb drive save and let's see how's my copying going about a minute about an hour oh what have i done everybody stretch this like alan writes this is like looking at baby pictures of a friend uh on their birthday yeah and the grim says are you running catalina is p1 a 32-bit app maybe incompatible with the strictly 64-bit yeah come on old versions i did not anticipate this slow copying why is it so slow all right hold on i'm going to uh take some more drastic action here or should i should i should i i should exercise some patience all right let's let's take a look while this is copying let's take a look at processing four because i can definitely do this [Music] all right processing for everything we always wanted in wait it says rustic 3.5.4 at the top how do i know if this is really oh because i have that open oh you know what this was not processing too what is going on okay hold on don't save did i had processing open already there we go i knew that was like not processing two now we've got processing two sorry about that false alarm and and and i was getting that correctly from the chat was telling me yeah so i should definitely try copying the zips instead can i i must be able to let me check on my windows machine i must be able to extract a zip file right i don't have one we're about to find out i'm going to let this yeah let's let's take let's cancel this one cancel this one these should really be done super fast uh all right we're now gonna try running the processing new logo on processing version two this is 2.2.1 let's see all right we know that it works on version two uh windows file explorer should be able to open zips natively all right so i i should be less uh precious i should everyone's telling me close out come on cancel cancel cancel these are so close i don't want to cancel all of them stopping come on stop i mean what's taking so long here people 21 items 20. [Music] i just want to let this finish because it's so close so zip should be findable for windows 2000 windows file explorer should be open to zips natively all right everyone's telling me this but i cannot stop i just have like a minute left of these then i'll go and get zips um all right so let's move back over to let's look at version 68. let's move back over to the other machine okay here we go all right i'm on uh so let's try something here let's try to make this bigger for people and i do have kind of like i do have to finish by oh i'm okay ideally 12 30 but somehow i don't think that's going to happen uh control panel display oh it's so hot can you guys hear like the i think it's the cicadas do you guys hear that um i'm basically outdoors uh and eventually i'll have a setup where you can sort of see the outdoors i have a plan but um okay settings uh let's go to let's try 800x600 okay no signal oh oh obs but i can enlarge this in obs so just give me a second here uh where am i where am i oh no what happened oh it went back because i didn't click okay should i go to 640 by 480 that should be fine let's hit yes okay now this should make it easier for it to see now how do i do this [Music] laptop that's the laptop unlock put it in the corner here like there and then make it big this is going to totally mess it up when i go back to my mac but too big this should help everybody see it oh it finished copying it's got a little sound effect in my ear okay okay this should be good oh it's like a little bit smaller so you can just want to get the whole thing on screen okay great so now we've got um this much bigger it's 640 by 480 oh my god this is gonna be so hard to use let me get my thumb drive which finished copying let me get um i'm just gonna copy some zip files also like arbitrarily i'm arbitrarily picking like um 52 uh now i'm just like picking random ones i only had like some kind of random number generator at my disposal i'm just copying a few more because why not estimated time remaining estimated time remaining it won't tell me but it's already a quarter of the way through oh you can't hear the music i always forget i could play it out through the speakers then the microphone would catch it alright i'm almost there everybody we're almost there let's look at processing 68. so look at this we've got oh there's fun things to see here because we've got little bits of source code we can start first of all let's look at oh this is my favorite thing ever so let's look at the readme come on open up read me okay by the way i always said if there was a pulitzer prize a pulitzer prize given out for code comments release notes ben frye should win this prize okay release notes and developer soapbox herein follows lots of random notes about the alpha release hold on the alpha release of processing more up-to-date details can be found in revisions.txt and if you think i'm not going to read to you revisions.txt you're wrong i'm reading that which has notes about individual releases um you'll have to pardon the chatty detail in some spots as this will also serve as a response to many of the frequently asked questions that we have getting started double-click the processing application select something from the examples menu file open examples hit the run button which looks like the play button on a vcr or a tape deck lather rinse repeat as necessary thanks to the many people who have been helping us out it's huge i'll get a nice long list of y'all in here soon at least until the final 1.0 version which if someone could get me the date of that i would love to hear it we'll be using four digit numbers for the release this is why they're calling revision0043 the first alpha so 0 0 4 3 is the first alpha so that's one i should definitely look at i'm copying that one i think i actually did that one coincidentally yeah i did that one that one is on the thumb drive so let's remember to look at that there will be a few more numbered releases leading up to a beta release uh i found a bug a cultured software elite such as yourself should use the gentleman's term issue okay this was a different time first be sure to check under the notes for your specific platform to make sure it isn't a known issue or that there isn't a simple fix look at this note avoid the urge to just email us at processing okay does that oh casey reese in the chat hi casey um all right well will that go where will that go now somebody now actually maybe don't maybe don't let's see does that email casey's in the chat if we send an email does it go there um while you may prefer the privacy of an email it's much quicker for you to ask the whole gang who are super helpful so this is 1.0 is january 17th 2004. thank you jonathan sims appreciate that um wow in my mind 1.0 was like 2009. but i'm just like it seems so much okay all right i can read it from here uh where was i next check the b board the b board there was a b board a bulletin board it's just the discourse our best math is opposed to the bulletin board the bulletin board at discourse we prefer for you to use the b board b board for bugs since we like to use the b board as a way to track bugs casey and ben can't always respond quickly to email you know who's also terrible responding quickly to the email thank you acting um and there are several knowledgeable people on the b board if you want to go straight to the bugs page it's oh my god i really want to go straight to that page i really want to go straight at that page i don't think it will work we can find out the way back between we're reporting this bug please include information about what the revision number operating system this this all still applies details are the error which may be the last few lines from the files standardout.txt or standarderror.txt from the lib folder stranger errors you may also look inside the build folder which is an intermediate translated to java version of your code i have so much to say about all of this this by the way i'm now realizing i've got this this could be like you know 100 hours of live streaming content just going through all of this stuff we want the minimum amount of code that will still replicate the bug so by the way this is all still really good advice like basically like all of this still applies uh to filing a github issue in today's modern times occasionally we may need you to pack up a copy pack up a copy of your sketchbook hold on i'm gonna pack up get my bag over here gonna gather all my papers and print out my code and pack it up into my bag and bring it somewhere um to replicate the weirdness on our own machine like right you couldn't just like what did you do you had to pack it up in like a zip file and could you even email that as an attachment would you mail a what were those things called those those are zip drives actually those are called um rest assured we have no interest in messages especially with your own fancy creations or stealing your ideas the p5 team is a bear but this is really from a different era straight lays boys who help from the midwestern us who are brought up better than that as we often lack enough time to build our own projects the the nuggets that are in these old readmes are just amazing goodies and semi-hidden features shift-click on the run button to go straight to present mode for quick renaming just click on the sketch title the processing belmont runs best on windows 2000 that's right people windows 2000 windows is the superior platform for running java applications it's not because we like windows the best sorry to the zealots and all other courses like can you believe what's in there this is like a treasure trove of like pros poetic pros uh we all think osx will be a great bet for the future and apple's putting all their people weight behind it yeah how's that how's that working out for everybody so hopefully it will evolve somewhere developing the version for mac os 9 is a big headache but we think lots of people still use the crusty operating system the guess is that a lot of schools are still using in their labs and since schools are a significant target for the environment you got to play along windows 9598 emmy is a piece of crap but since lots of people are often forced to use it we'll try and support for the linux version you can support yourselves if you're enough of that boy [Music] this is like unbelievable uh minimum requirements processing requires at least mac os 10.1 i got to get some other old computers going but i could just read through all of these uh mac os 9 we've temporary services development for mac os 9 because we don't have time to fight with this dios before beta windows win2k and winxp ah yes this is interesting i remember this the release is now split between standard and expert versions because it comes with a working java virtual machine um but you could get the expert if you don't want to deal if you don't want to deal with the 20 megabyte download right oh my goodness the 20 megabyte download oh i'm going to go carry that over here 20 megabytes oh my god it's so much how i ever fit that onto my megabyte zip cartridge mouse issues by default windows seems to skip every other pixel on screen oh that's that's glorious video input oh my god who remembers this who remembers this this was like the bane of my existence for so long win v dig oh my god v dig win v dick i used to have like flop usb drives or floppy drives or zip drives was like every version of windy dig and every version of quicktime on it to like get stuff to work uh all right all right i can't read all this it's just too great ah let's look at this this is good what is sketchbook so this i think also is i don't remember what design by numbers called a sketch for lack of a better term if it was called a sketch and design by numbers but to me this is also i think a really important um uh historical i don't want to say footnote it's not a footnote it's like a momentous thing to like to see this first naming of the idea of sketching with code and again i'm sure it was used prior to processing but definitely an early this early idea of a sketchbook integrated development environment so microsoft visual studio code world code warrior j builder those were the ides of the time tend to be overkill for the type of audience we're targeting with processing this is such a major thing for me for me i just remember i was working in visual studio code i was working in macromedia director which has its wonderful qualities but these are big bloated environments for this reason we've introduced the sketchbook which is a more lightweight way to organize projects as trained designers we'd like the process of coding to be a lot more like sketching look at this it's right there it's all there the sketchbook and the history menu under sketch are attempts in that direction why java oh this is going to be good i wish i could play my music this really needs like my sound effects and music it's fine the power of my voice will carry forward we didn't set out to make the ultimate language for visual programming we set out to make something that was a sketchbook for our own work simplifying the majority of tasks that we undertake a teaching environment for that kind of process and a point of transition to a more complicated or difficult language like full-blown java or c-plus plus at the intersection of these points is a trade-off between speed and simplicity of use if we didn't care about speed python or other scripting languages would make far more sense if we didn't care about transition to more advanced languages we'd get rid of the crummy c style well algol really syntax processing is not intended as the ultimate environment language in fact the language is just java but without another graphics api but with another graphics api and some simplifications it's just putting together several years of experience in building things and trying to simplify the parts that should be easier now i also believe i'm i'm missing um i'm missing another historical precedent to processing and i was not part of the mit media lab i was not there so i have no idea what i'm talking about but i believe there was an in-house c plus plus um creative coding kind of package or library it had a name to it that was also kind of being developed and used at the time um [Music] and maybe that is one of the um the what's the word i'm looking for the the not pre the something that precedes open frameworks perhaps external files fonts reading data files why is it called processing at their core computers are processing machines they modify move and combine symbols at a low level to construct higher level representations processing allows people to control these actions and representations through writing their own programs the project also focuses on the process the process of creation rather than end results oh my god to me i mean it's like it sounds corny the journey it's not it's the journey not the end but this has been so true for me in everything that i do i never know where i'm going with coding an example or a tutorial or trying out an idea it always ends up somewhere different that process is so vital to the methodology the ethos the community spirit of uh the processing community and creative coding processing process of fiving is the spelling we formally use for the url being unavailable and while it's a combination of numbers and letters but it's simply pronounced processing you might also see p5 use the shorthand uh version of the name free to download free to use source code i mean i kind of want to read all this but let's get to let's get to the good stuff so let's check my thumb drive let's uh okay so we're about to um um i am about to eject it i ejected it done drive this is what i'm using uh works with that um i had to order this off of the internet because like none of my like this is my i don't know if you can see this can't see it the lighting is no good up here and my other camera my roving camera is not working i'm gonna plug this in okay okay welcome thank you for joining back as a member i have sort of um you know today i'm asking people to donate to the processing foundation so i'm not really going to plug the coding terrain membership but i thank uk um all right oh let's look okay i can't resist bugs uh this is this is like some fun stuff to read also it doesn't have line breaks in it revisions.txt i should look at that all right let's take a look at um where are we my computer removable disk d come on wake up thumb drive oh please work oh joseph has already made a processing name variation generator i've got to take a look at that okay so 43 did i extract that one no i did not so let's um i have so little space to work with in 640 by 480 43. let's try copying that to the desktop i mean this is giving me such like nostalgia this little like a copying bar i know i should be reading revisions.txt how am i going to read all of this i gotta my children need me to take care of them they're so everybody should send them like a cupcake or something oh oh my god my phone went off hopefully there's no so my emergency i mean they could walk out and find me uh they know where i am okay so let's right click on this we think that this is going to be able to extract extract files here oh i'm so silly all along this of course this works all right so this from what i understand based on the uh release notes this version um which is 68 no 43 that's three this version 43 is what is considered the first alpha release maybe i can't remember what it said i was reading those notes and my brain has melted um so let's run this now but hold on before we do that can i get another like finder window open this is so hard to use my documents no i don't want to go to my documents i want to get the i mean there's no way the logo uh works in processing 43 but by golly we're going to try oh my goodness like weird line break issues between different file formats okay so now we're gonna run processing 43 okay ah so news new we have a logo in the top left the p5 logo do we have a sketchbook there's no examples yet no no sketchbook no examples we do have a serial port option that is pretty exciting um right uh hold on important messages breaking news might be coming in i may have received messages yeah no kidding no kidding signal what is happening now why is my phone talking to me clubhouse open what hey hold on uh i'm getting breaking news breaking news on my phone i think uh processing 20 okay great great thank you i'm going to show this thank you okay um hold on uh all right so wait so let's see what's the chance oh gosh oh so painful that's right it's not that the code's not that long this is like a really fruitless endeavor but i'm doing it you can't stop me i mean there's something about these kind of like weird tedious tasks that i really enjoy mean i'm assuming these line breaks will be errors but or is it just me who can't stand to look at it it's not that many lines of code bezier i somehow i doubt bezier is going to work we're about to find out and probably do some kind of find and replace i'm almost there people no no don't delete enter oh no what did i do oh my god help me everybody don't no why is that not working it won't put a line break there okay oh because let's do this okay this is very silly what i'm doing because i don't know if i'll be able to save this but i should be able to copy paste it back into my text file hi everybody are you still watching i have no music to play no sound effects wait what is going on oh that's a for loop okay oh this is drawing the grid okay we're almost there people where's my auto format ctrl t ctrl s oh it saved it okay hold on we've got some weird oh yeah size void draw now let's look at this code what is the chance that this is going to run of course you know me i cannot tolerate code that's not indented properly i love the no syntax highlighting classic classic processing okay actually i think i'm this oh wait i'm missing a closed curly bracket here it looks like right and then i guess i could have gotten rid of the draw grid this is very important to me i must do this i will not be able to sleep tonight oh it is so hot okay everybody it's time we're going to attempt to draw oh and it was loop so uh you know i'd rather see the error but let's just change it to loop thank you for that that was tito in the chat um and hit save again so this is saved now we're gonna hit run everybody okay everyone everybody stretch take a deep breath we're gonna hit run we're gonna get errors we're gonna work it out stroke weight all right doesn't appear to be a method called stroke weight do comments work i can't tell they've got to work right that's a stroke weight okay no stroke weight in version 43. how did you how did anybody live no stroke cap okay that's fine where is it it's running is it behind the window no where are you wait a sec i think it didn't get too all right hold on a second everybody we're gonna have to debug this without stroke weight it won't work why not but i should at least see a window all right let's let's get something to appear background 255 let's make it red i cannot manifest it i see like a little window popping up let's see i sort of feel like all right hold on let's let's do this like is it behind it is it not fitting on the screen like this 640 by 480 thing is really messing me up so i think i might need to go at least 800 by 600 right oh the fan is worrying anybody have any ideas color scale might mess it up but i don't know i call in color scale how come i'm not getting a window 600 by 600 not possible oh yeah because the weakling 600 by 600 won't even fit on the no that didn't do anything all right what pro what was the address again sitting at me oh the bulletin board i could go report my bug to the bulletin board yeah windows key plus m to minimize all there's no windows key i don't have a what kind of computer do you think i'm on there's no windows key change size i changed the size you guys are a little bit behind me here all right all that effort um let's go to save sketch yes let's go to 68. we're going to go to 68 which i have used jikes bugs getting more messages um okay come on processing 68 okay so let's just first of all see if i get a window oh is it oh there it is look i got a window i got a sketch window i got a sketch window yay first sketch window all right now uh let's go back to oh how do i open is there a sketchbook yeah oh add file show sketch folder history use external editor look at all this stuff create font add file so much now present stop stop no no auto format i need my auto format oh was there a bug and maybe i wasn't getting an oh maybe i had a bug okay hold on don't worry here's the code now let's try running this and see what happens okay stroke cap square kill let's take this off comment this out look at this look at this everybody oh this is the processing logo running on um wow wow syntax highlighting too wow 68 is like a major new it's a whole new world so we can see the syntax highlighting happened um stroke weight is there bezier works all this stuff works so what was i going to do i was going to attempt to code do i do it edit edit beautify beautify control b beautify beautify is here ah amazing oh this is so amazing okay so let's go to 800 by 600 if you will all uh indulge me here in let's go to 800 by 600 so that we can see a bit more on screen i think you'll still be able to read the font um let's go to 800 by 600 i don't want the wallpaper no i guess i clicked on some wallpaper accent yes okay so here we are in version 68 and this is what we see now can we kind of what's i want to look at the logo i wish i had yeah so um so i have so much my mind is like exploding here um so let's see if stroke cap but it's like not does stroke cap a function do we have help reference come on come on open in the browser you can do it i remember processing used to come with a local copy of the reference but ah look at this 1.0 alpha this is the reference stroke weight stroke no stroke cap so i bet you i could get that same effect with just like an arc probably um like which is that the bezier curve yeah like and what's you oh is that the like is that a scaling factor like if i make this six oh there we go this is another way to let's it was 60 is that what it was i don't even remember now undo does undo work yeah so let's make that half 30 and make it 300 by 300. oh oh you're you're seeing it but it's um let me just bear with me for a second here let me allow you to see more of the computer there we go so sorry the font is so slow low small um but now let's run it okay early days of processing this is processing version 68. so the only thing that's not working for this new logo design is the is it's not the bezier curve the bezier curve works it's the uh stroke cap so let's put the bezier curve back and we can see that the curve with this thick stroke weight is like not joining the caps of it somehow properly with squares i'm just curious to try arc well let's just try is ellipse even a function in this version four times u one is that a 1 times u 5 times u 5 times u i don't know what i'm doing here okay ellipse works so in theory i could do an arc how could i get this without stroke cap an arc which goes from like negative pi divided by two to pi divided by two that would be similar ooh no method named arc no arc function i'm just curious what if we like used a smaller stroke weight just like four did it not seem so oh and had the bezier instead there we go this is my version of the new processing logo sorry put the stroke cap back yes oh no that's an old message is it one o'clock yet oh my god it's almost one o'clock i can't believe i've been doing this for two hours and this is all i've gotten to all right let's look at some more uh let's let's kind of scan through some more later versions of processing um and i'm just going to encourage you to make your own cake i'll get you started with it i'm going to i'm going to sort of race through some stuff here okay so where is my thumb drive we were just looking at 68. uh so let's go to 84 which i actually already unzipped so i can do this let's just look at 84 to see what that looks like i'm seeing messages here and hold on getting some breaking news here breaking news um there was a version zero on august 2nd that was a test run bagel okay hold on hold on hold on everybody all right i have something else to show you all in a moment and i think we just got a donation i can't see the name of it okay so we are i'm attempting to run 84 and i might look at revisions.txt just to find some other glorious nuggets um where is processing 84 oh okay we're gonna try running did i just copy it then i just copy it here it is oh look at this new logo new logo faq uh processing beta no what's this oh that's css oh look at this what is this oh this is like the faq where can i download processing and how much does it cost how do i learn to use processing read some of the tutorials did i have any tutorials here yet i can't remember this is passed when i started teaching with processing i think oh my god this is there's so much great stuff here um this is not 1.0 software it's buggy and it may kill people i think we can say that no one has been cross fingers behind back throw salt all of that and processing is not uh it's not caused the death of anyone just yet okay people let's look people people look at these people oh simon greenwald doing some lighting in 3d documentation look at these names oh yes sony i was referring to hernando uh i'm just seeing names of people i recognize look at all these wonderful uh folks here um discourse um okay uh links all right so hold on we're gonna run this version of processing i wasn't looking for revisions.txt oh my god so hard faq java bin uh no i i just like to look through all the files to see like where all the like libraries maybe how to oh they're libraries now javascript what what year is this all right we're running this people oh no no okay let's try run. let's try this oh no sorry version 84. okay that was so sad uh let's try going to let's let's try uh could it be that i extracted it on the mac i don't think so though that's possible let's try 77. all right we're gonna try this has been fun folks i definitely have to wrap this up and i got to go back to reviewing all the links and things i was talking about so let's try let's just try 77 extract here okay version 77 yeah this looks more promising oh i feel it running yes version 77 we have running i wish i knew the date of this release uh to sort of like think about if this was one that i was using but uh we can go now we see uh sketch where did the examples show up sketchbook ah here they are sketchbook examples now we can start to see library video loading quicktime particles wait a second here oh this is simon greenwald's particle systems oh translate with a z coordinate can only be used with depth boy that i don't underst was that like was it this was the early p3d like no name depth sort no i don't know how to enable i don't know all right that was not an example that i could get to run little known fact simon and greedwald and i were uh college classmates and computational mama is in the chat everybody should check out computational mama's youtube channel and various amazing activities and fellowship all right sketch tools remember tools auto format we lost beautify we've auto format create font archive sketch okay renderer oh if i switch to opengl i have to switch the renderer it didn't work but that was exciting there was a menu option to switch to opengl i don't remember that but that is cool all right let's go to some different where was that again sketch renderer go to processing let's go to sketch examples i don't know why i tried to do a 3d example edit file sketch uh tools where were the examples i'm i'm losing my mind here a sketchbook here they are sketchbook examples spring i don't know why i'm no oh my god glenn murphy smoke completed november 2 oh look at this look at this oh look at this glorious examples of early i mean this is like everything that's in my nature code book now in like this crazy old code example with two dimensional arrays and v-square this is like a fluid simulation smoke wow that's incredible drag the mouse it's running so slow but it's just beautiful this is from 2002 folks 30 000 particles in java and processing random gust does it have this purlin noise in this look at this code it is just glorious class particle oh lowercase class names amazing okay this is so fun to see all right let's try once again well let's make a new sketch let's try running this oh we've got the processing logo looking better now we've got it looking better now so if i go back to u equals 30 oh no and make it there we go and make it uh so stroke cap is now in version 77. there we go it's like it looks a little wonky but looking pretty good so here we go we've got the new processing logo running in processing 77 alpha i wish i knew the dates of these i'm not organized i'm a little bit exhausted now i've been streaming for two hours uh marcel bro thank you for your donation to the processing foundation all right i think i need to wrap things up here i kind of had so many ambitions of so much more stuff that i was going to do and get to run i think this has mostly been a success everybody can like snapshot this or share it on i don't know you know but i don't know what i hope i'm hoping people are enjoying this um um i um i want to look at a few i want to sort of wrap things up and say goodbye and kind of review a bunch of things about events are happening this weekend so i am going to switch back to my mac the only way i can do that is by changing the cable and then i need to do this transform reset transform there we go 77 is march 2005. thank you jonathan sims um really appreciate that all right so a couple things i wanted to note is um um if you want to really do a deep dive into the history of processing you should take a look at this page called bagel an architecture project i've been developing as a basis for some of my other work it's a 2d 3d rendering api that runs in java to cross between postscript style imaging and 2d and 3d rendering with opengl so bagel is the original graphics engine that is built inside of processing and if you actually look at some of the source code like you can actually um this might take me a minute to get to but i'm gonna do it anyway like if you go to the releases on github um there's got to be a better way for me to do this but i'm just going to keep hitting next until somebody in the chat tells me how to get to the oldest thing here you can definitely find good stuff here but i this is ridiculous what i'm doing i don't know how many pages there are eventually it's going to go a lot faster yeah and get to the end here there's like in the url i don't see any pagination and i don't know the names of things to say after so this is helpful for dating things i think yeah i think the dates are accurate here i mean github didn't exist so all this has been brought over but i want to go back i just want to go back 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006. we're getting there people 99. ah whoa oh i exceeded a rate limit oh you're so mean to me oh the list of tags no don't you know i'm just an innocent person in a garage with a green screen and a computer who just can't be bothered to actually figure out the names of the tags to get to the right place and i'm just clicking through so cruel all right maybe somebody could give me the link to that last page uh in discord but what i was going to show you is you can find and uh i think you can find like java files called like or uh interesting to note um and see um and so this this you'll definitely want to um take a look at um and you can see here this is back from summer of 2001. so this is a sort of early incarnation or name of um the processing project otherwise known i like to refer to it in a friendly way as onion bagel i don't know why but that's what i like to do after equals processing dash 68 i think it's not gonna well that should have been obvious to me there we go nope well i got to there anyway let's see if it'll this is going to rate limit me again 59 oh how far back am i going to be able to go here seven all right let's download this and see what's in there so i you know by the way i want to thank dusk uh who does a lot of work on coding train source code and website who really had the idea that's what i should do for the live stream is run early versions of processing and we can see here the what is that oh we can look at some of this code let's look at let's look at um i don't know pde um visual studio code let's see what's in there because it's the player version cut out all the other crap so this file is as small as possible this is really oh dbm see dbn preprocessor so that's designed by numbers uh sort of um parent of processing in a way program karat equals not a scheme don't beautify if it's python not scheme i love the comments if beautify editor do beautify look some commented out stuff doesn't get any better than this this is used by pde fancy pde fancy what's pde fancy get up time to take a break yeah paint look at this pde fancy pde excess exception processing apples so i just want to look through all the stuff but i gotta i gotta i gotta be done what's in here bagel public look at this look at this ancient code i don't know what this does i don't know what this does but i love it uh okay um look at this you can see the original buttons here are the original graphics the buttons from this version three of processing anyway i i obviously could go on and do this stuff forever i got to stop all right folks bringing things to a close here i want to do some reminders number one new processing website take a look enjoy it uh take a look at the thread from design systems international describing all about the new logo and the website um go to the processing foundation 20th anniversary community celebration page all the different events that are happening this weekend check them out a lot of them are virtual big shout out to tim rodenberger's community coming tomorrow if you are running if you are doing something on youtube please be in touch you can attach this um you can attach the fundraiser which we've raised 519 so far for the processing foundation um to your video if you like if you would like to contribute to help raise money to processing foundation um i can help you do that it's pretty easy actually if you just go to your youtube studio go to monetization giving join fundraiser search for processing you should find it um there's also the hick at nunc fundraiser i believe tomorrow there will be a zoom workshop of how to participate in this information somewhere uh uh i'll try to retweet this stuff from my twitter or i have been um i don't know if there's information here um thanks to all these people for organizing uh thanks to all of you for tuning in to this um what i wanted to do and i i unfortunately i'm just way out of time and let me actually run processing four you should download go to the new processing website go to download there is a 4.0 beta one there are new ways to report bugs and more information about supported platforms all the stuff we were looking at from 20 years ago is still there and i want to really run this version because i was not running it there we go um here we go processing ah look at this read about the status of the 4.0 release some sketches from processing two or three may not be compatible so i got to come back and do another live stream really diving into processing four it's not happening today i'm going to follow their instructions and click to create a new sketchbook and i'm going to make it just in in my documents file i don't know i guess i messed that up let's try that again let's make a new folder called uh processing four that should work maybe that didn't work i don't know what's happening let's just get started look at the new design some new colors what i wanted to do and let's just see if we can make the quickest version of this i wanted to make a birthday cake um you know for inspiration um you can see this wonderful uh birthday message that um everybody did uh not everybody sorry that um a bye simon and starbuck yeah made um i'm encouraging people to make their own celebratory processing in p5.js sketch um coming back to me here boy am i exhausted um we're gonna we're gonna do a really quick and dirty birthday cake okay it's going to be a two layer cake i'm not going to think about anything like color all of you are going to be assigned to make your own version of this and share it let's make the window i wanted to do this in the ancient versions of processing but let's do it in processing four as a celebration so let's say 100 300 500 100 fill so this will be the bottom of the cake i can't do math right now 400 there we go bottom layer now let's do a rectangle that's at uh 200 that is um starting at 200 that is just 300 wide i can't do math in my okay so maybe it should be 200 wide there we go i want it to be a little bit um so let's do 150 and 250 i think that should do it or i mean 300 that's what i've had 300 50 times two okay here's the start of our cake now i'm going to use a for loop we should put the logo right in there hold on let's go grab let's go grab this logo oh right i need to get it from the gist um so let's make a function called p5 logo let's put this in here um we don't need i don't want draw grid because i'm not going to draw the grid i don't want show grid or setup our background so let's say p5 let's just see where it puts it and so let's uh make it smaller and let's do um push i'm going to move it around with translate and rotate push matrix pop matrix and i'm sorry i'm standing in front of the code here push matrix translate uh i don't know is it centered probably is right so what did i make 300 let's just let's just guestimate let's move it back make a little smaller and move it down this feels like it's gonna be about right there we go uh there we go okay the processing cake with the logo on it that's good and now we just need a little for loop oh uh into x equals the top of the cake which starts at 150 x is less than 300. x plus equal so if the width is 300 and we need 20 candles um we need 20 candles is this going to be right and we just want to draw a rectangle from x comma where's the y here 200 minus let's try like 180 dx like half the candle will be like 20 percent of that size and it's just 20 pixels high what would i do wrong that 20 or is that 10. one two three four that's only ten three oh is it um is it because no i don't have floats what did i do wrong here people how do i get 20 candles 150 oh no no no the width is going all the way up to 450. there we go 155 455. okay look there's my 20 candles i'll make them a little thicker and a little taller all this stuff should be variables there we go here's my cake 20 candles now we're gonna put little we're gonna light them okay so we're gonna go to uh happy birthday this is the last thing i'm doing my poor children then i'm going to um i am going to what am i doing ah okay wait let's just see uh examples um add examples uh nature of code install just okay so now um let's go to and i could have used that original smoke example but i just know my code better so i'm gonna go to contributed examples nature of code systems i've updated these examples since but let's go to this one let's try smoke here great perfect this will be our candle so we just need particle and we just need particle system and now we need an array of particle systems we're going to call this we need 20 candles that are particle systems and i actually just need this same loop here and i should be saying um this is a terrible way to do it but it's the way i'm gonna do it can't stop me uh can't stop me because i've got to do this fast so i and let's call this i i'm kind of like i have a loop which is already giving me the right x positions so i'm just going to separately count i there's probably a way to put it inside the floor loop i'm going to say candles index i equals new particle system and uh x comma 150 would be the initial location is that not what it wants oh it needs an image oh let's do this without images because and i don't know why i wrote birthday with a capital d there i'm so used to so what we're gonna do here is just get rid of the image oh and it it needs a vector okay but that's fine we're gonna get rid of the image boy this is some old code this is not my updated version so also i need to say [Music] new vector xy and we're going to put just five particles in to start and then here instead of this we're going to say for every candle in candles candle dot add particle can't i don't remember what the functions are candle add particle candle run candle run uh new that's so weird and oh so particle doesn't have an image anymore but what just happened oh no wrong passer what's going on okay that was just a momentary hiccup boy this is all well don't look at this code i gotta update it it's all using some old processing stuff my examples are updated uh yep so let's just do it with a circle because i want to make them maybe no image no image uh this circle should be i don't know 16 16. there we go look at that oh i need the lines i got rid of the lines why did i get rid of the lines uh where's my dx let's just make that a global there's so many ways this could be improved there we go here's my processing cape i made it yes now the question is oh no i have to make a p5 version of this okay everybody i gotta go happy birthday processing i what i'd like to do is i would like to so i'm gonna figure out a way uh join the coding train discord follow me on twitter at some point today um i'm gonna get this code how can i get this out there right now ah i know what to do so just give me a second here i'm going to open up discord so if you're not in the coding train discord i am going to uh just go to discord um and then here um in the discord um i have a channel called links and what i'm going to do right now is i'm just going to [Music] come on columns uh compress this i think it'll let me do this i'm hoping discord will let me do this i'm just going to share uh birthday processing birthday cake so for those of you who want to grab that code right now if you oh and i'm in the i'm not on the screen if you join the discord uh the coding trend and i'll get this in a better places like somehow like linked from the video description or on social media later but i've gotta run so if you join the coding train discord the discord uh you have to go uh to the um read me and like react to the code of conduct and then you'll see all the channels if you go here under links you'll see uh the birthday cake code um i will make a p5 version of it uh at some point i want you to add color to it make it your own make your own version of it share it on twitter on instagram on discord on youtube wherever um join for all of the events um happening this weekend um here they are um advocacies uh processing advocacy pcd 2021 i'm hoping to raise 2 000 and make a matching donation from the coding train um to the processing foundation so far we've raised 519 stay tuned for my bezier curve video is coming out the fundraiser will be attached to that i don't know what else to say um smoke rainbow algorithm i will definitely explore that i'm seeing that in the chat um i'm going to zoom in on this and take you out uh with some music um this is the processing foundation coding train fundraiser theme song from uh from 20 from december i'm going to play that and a little other music i'll keep an eye on the chat and see you all um if coding train i'm hoping i'm coming back raring to go in september there's a bunch of new videos still coming out enjoy all the activities this weekend celebrate processing um send a big thank you to uh all the folks who have worked on processing over the 20 years um especially a big thank you from me to casey and ben who uh started this project in august 2001 it has really become my life uh as is evidenced by where i'm standing right now uh uh and what i'm doing right now so thank you everybody i hope to see you all on the coding train in the future and um thanks to um um everyone who's been watching and viewing and joining and saying nice things in the chat uh super appreciate it and um i'll be back more classic computing is coming on the coding train i had so much fun with my precious thinkpad here that i think uh i got more plans got an apple 2 plus that i hope to be live streaming from at some point in the future all right see you all goodbye [Applause] [Music] yeah we've come a long way in the year of 2020 though a lot of things [Music] and the processing foundation lets us keep the engine going on the coding train it comes along and then it takes you away into a world where all that matters is the this dot and p5js and the passengers on board that keeps the train running at its best [Music] as always i always forget that this stop this stop it stop this stop i'm gonna do this stop this stop i'm gonna do this this stop this stop this stop i'm gonna do this stop stop i just stopped [Music] [Music] this dot song never forget this dot [Music] i'm going to say once again here we go song [Music] it's the forward to cartesian coordinate song [Music] autotune and the internet will fix that for me [Music] it's [Music] song unicorns and rainbows and cupcakes what else is there yes kittens thank you very much kittens and rainbows and cupcakes notice that look what i get i'm really losing my mind okay let's do it [Music] [Music] again the kittens the kittens kittens and kittens and kittens the kittens the kittens the kittens and kittens the kittens and kittens and kids [Music] [Music] i feel just sort of like a nice feeling of relaxation everything's gonna be okay today dream is not broken it has not frozen this is a this is a wonderful thing okay we're gonna do it i'm really getting to something i need my sound effects [Music] coming [Music] all sorts of text generation analysis things that i will use continuously over and over again first thing i need to do is yes [Music] goodbye everybody see you next time i hope to be back soon goodbye i gotta turn this thing off i don't know where the button is to do that oh here it is end stream end stream end woof
Channel: The Coding Train
Views: 23,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F8jwQP7wr6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 5sec (9065 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.