Coding AI Bot for 2-player Game (

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but maybe maybe it works maybe just nowadays too many people use all the platforms of the Internet I don't know if you've heard about that but Netflix and YouTube they move their default display quality from 1080 to 720p last question is whether a stream tract works so often here I hope it will combine twitch and yet I hope we'll get how everybody in the chat today I'm doing coding game that come it's where sometimes they have games for two players sometimes up to four players but there will be something like tic-tac-toe or chess I need to write a bot that every turn it reads the great state and prints the move at least twitch chat works hello relax three taps and join the event company you top of course register I didn't see a problem so I will do everything from scratch my favorite language is C++ but you shouldn't have issues understanding it I will explain what I'm doing I will talk for the whole time and the string will be around 2 hours I think later you can only watch it on YouTube if you need that the statement is quite long maybe let's watch the game the game title is ocean of code I see two ships moving living Minds can do you remove that title from the top that's stupid okay because it's just a demo drops I don't want a job there's play my code I just want this visual without the ocean of code word oh yeah I can run sample code and then something happens I see shooting I see miles I read the statement not this I want to hide as much as possible maybe I should fix my restroom cut in some way because it catches everything from catches everything from twitch but not from YouTube I see YouTube chat on the side are we going to Google couch in 2020 please reply I don't know if it will be it will happen but I will participate in qualification rounds can't maximize the statement that's a pity so as always technical issues first because I said this it should be combined but you can watch the game I last would fought about it I had it every other to YouTube chat so maybe in a moment I will see all the comments but to be nursed to be honest I doubt it just in case I would just review to here on the side I have that on the other monitor as well let's see maybe in a few seconds it will magically work whatever statement the game is based on the board game captain's on captain's honor I don't know that game pilot a submarine don't you know that an enemy is present near you because you are listening to its radio frequency communication not know exactly where it is but you can he'll hear all its orders you want your opponent have six hit points when the players hit points reach zero the player loses they can charge the same cell map is 15 by 15 maybe split into nine sectors okay it's like Sadako but every square is 5x5 not 3x3 if I understand correctly and the beginning you'll receive a map obstacles at least one action when using surface you will reset your puffs of visited cells I went too quickly for the statement the factions moves your submerge one cell in a given direction and charges a power of your choice when you move you must respect the phone rules you cannot move for others you cannot move on the cell you already visited before so we live we are like a snake we cannot hit the same cell by using surface usual or is it reset your path I am a snake and when I get to a surface my body gets down to size 1 again how surfacing means to the move above water for a moment I thought the surface miss land torpedo requires free charge actions to be ready you can now send imagine yourself with a torpedo this gall cell gets to damage neighboring cells one there is some example code here while true read everything move and torpedoes and does n denote nerve expert rules the source code by the way if you in such a competition if you want to spend a lot of time on that it isn't enough to just play around here in the editor run some codes it's better to write like 20 codes on your own computer and run them against each other and then you're provided some code for that oh I don't need this can I minimize something else in case I cannot I print 7-7 I wonder what what it means game input table output for the first turn I'd represent the coordinates of your starting position I choose where I start fine I guess if this is default starting position then I'm quite sure that it will be amazing to fire to repeated that position I should change this to some random position and here try to attack 7 7 because everybody starts with that torpedo surface move Direction power what is power Oh torpedoes power I will just charge this torpedo I guess we can combine comments with a pipe torpedo 7/7 will that do anything pipe was Michael Dippolito moment ago are you from which college if you have some questions are about the stream you can sure ask but I will not answer a lot of like personal questions there is a fake you in the painting told there is a fake you in description below the video inspect element and delete maybe but the issue of this will be that after i refresh it will be bad because i will need to do this over again what now I could hide that one anyway SPECT too much hassle that's something but it didn't save any space please move Hackerman and again I didn't save space but at least the image is more clear now right I shouldn't have removed the thing in top in bottom left because that one could be minimized and then I would have the whole left part now I don't what I should have done is first minimize that and then remove next time I will start the game before the stream do such tricks and then play around because now it's stupid I can move my face that brilliant maybe that's the way to go I don't know my coat and that's not a way to go because I don't see much my program prints okay sorry f5 it isn't worth it I mean too many things I will discover that to result I need something else one more Fink by the way God versus Wright's new entry streaming ipod game and why every time I need to edit this input programming in tax somebody tell me here we go because that doesn't matter the first question why discount has life - one immediately it seems that something is broken right 7/7 okay because I start with an island let's try to do let's try XY I don't know which coordinate is which but let's start to drive to 14 I believe the 14 will be something very I need to read them up let's start by understanding how the map looks like this is given input section width and height read line string coach with chars representing the content of each cells of this X foreign islands and something for empty cell I will for convenience I will make things global for example there will be grid 15 by 15 and our code is allowed whether its water or not now in reading nervous with height and my ID this is first read for every wrong read a string after that its length is equal to the width of the great I guess it should be 15 by 15 I don't know why I am reading this and for every position is allowed of this equal to whether this character is dot that means an empty cell this is what is written here and now I understand the map this will be function with map but things are numbered from one or from zero I can drink the game I can hover mouse over something stop pop top left is zero zero if it's a lot of roll call [Music] then I'll allow to push back in place back I will gather all the cells that are allowed and I will choose a random one of them a lot of around model dot size but I use row first then column they want some the other order and we should be good to go read map let's say we move south in a moment I will improve that to randomly going through the grid remember for such a big problem you should make small steps at something very small to work out because if we write everything at once you will never get it to work already here we've discovered something is wrong with my perception false which one so this won't be of length 15 in player box select options and then manual or you randomly get island stranded again you place an island yeah I did that anyway that that was an old comment as that size size and length are the same thing for Strings oh but I the treats drink it's empty that was an easy mistake why did I move self oh I thought that I will start in top left now I start in something random and move south all the time so that shouldn't be my row we start first my column start second and when I need to move there will be four directions when you move in programming if you want to move for one of our directions it's nice to pre-process that into an array of size four or it could be four pairs and this Delta Y for the same and now Delta X Delta Y of direction from zero to three will give me the vector by what I should change my coordinate direction is random model of for me row is my wrong plus Delta X let's say of direction I also need character to know what I should print Delta Rho Delta : so also names years your name first Delta Rho by one for me first is wrong and when I decrease row I should go up north south when I decrease column it's to the left west and east your name if I went in this direction this would be my new row new column inside your row and aloud if Beaufort Road and move down your name gives me character north south east or west of deer and charge torpedo that's a plus I need to actually remember that I moved there so my role is neuro and the same for count I lost immediately that's a bad sign inside not declared computation error when I hit play code it should tell me more visibly that maybe even if this is hidden coding game should show you a compilation errors of we aren't actually running your code right now this should check the following West did they start there I'm red if I'm here what is wrong in moving to the West for I didn't move West torpedo case-sensitive okay thank you it might be actually much easier to do anything here during a stream hi I'm moving yeah but I lost was I killed I need to remember cells wherever they were let's call this snake snake will remember cells were I where if it's allowed and not snake count euro Nicole and before moving snake insert my cell it will happen down that I will get into infinite loop because I will try each for each of four directions but none of them will work can I speed this up so far I'm quite lucky oh and that that should get me timing to exited so let's surface in that case I can serve as dears of 0 1 2 3 random shuffle let's try every direction once instead of randomly trying directions forever to be just random permutation like 1 3 0 2 this is flag down that I managed to do something if not flag done then print surface do I need to charge surface control life surface if you find output about action use surface in that turn and you lose one hit point oh this is my action this is what my opponent sees so I can just do this belief snake who is he playing against I think not right now I'm playing against some bots but the naked can hit submit and make out will be run against plenty of other codes there are like hundreds of participants and there is leaderboard tab I didn't want to run it now but it's there yeah I'm bigger speed that and I surfaced last one hit point same thing happened next let's use torpedoes I believe right now torpedo is the only thing I can charge but lighter morals will be locked how is it in the UI what to see ray I can tell you how it is in pawned in European Union I don't know yes I'm from I'm in war zone and firm it the only difference in life is that I shouldn't go outside but I'm a programmer right so what's the difference Ukraine no the accident might be similar but I'm from Warsaw torpedoes control F torpedo my plan for the game is to start something today basically the stream is here - I don't know advertise cutting game and programming to show you have that the start would look like and if I like the game I will make some more streams on that but usually actually cutting game it takes some known game computer gamer world game it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be fun to write about for sometimes it will happen sometimes not the repeater requires recharge actions to be ready within the range of 4 cells how is range calculated I need to run BFS I guess let's start with if I have enough charges for a torpedo and then let's fire it at random cell within a range this means plus one torpedo torpedoes initial is zero [Music] after I move you can do several actions by chaining them using the pipe should I move first or shoot first this is an example move enter Peter pipe torpedo dot and then fire torpedo string torpedo move now I'm at my row my column let's run BFS from that if torpedo is at least free change it to zero string move is this can I use word move maybe it will give him a compilation error that's initially it's empty or it's can I write it like that more plus casted to string dear name of dear I don't know if that works drink our custard this drink I hope so if somebody knows please tell me maybe I need to write it like that string of length one filled with this characters plus torpedo and I will say that this move plus equal a pipe and some coordinates then print what carlene's BFS give me random target starting from my this will return a pair remember just the simplest possible approach first this should give me a random pair in the right then in a moment I will improve that not to hit myself but let's start with hit anything can range and to run it again to see if it does what I expected to do I need a cue for BFS actually I usually use vector for BFS what's the difference move space did I add space yes I did you get input every turn if your torpedo is charged you can get input every turn or if your torpedoes charge director organ-grinder I don't understand your comment so please explain let's start with this for distance distance of roll call is zero while not Q empty q pop or front I don't know how to use Q if it doesn't compile then I will fix it if now iterate over neighbors but I need to do that again so let's pre compute that or my do that so before any turns for every row if is allowed I'm doing that not to repeat the same count a lot of times the running speed doesn't really matter right now 15 squares and if any we're kind of flow may be much lighter if I will try to consider a lot of possibilities then it will start to matter and what is the time complexity of my every action right now it's very fast our fastest whatever you have interpreter is zero but you get cooled down in input oh okay the repeater cooled down I get it I need to apply use this as well I will do that after I'm done with BFS and with precomputing that if is allowed then I want to find neighbors row two is Rho plus Delta Rho of deer go to now I got a neighbor if inside and also not an island water instead then I can have neighbors remembered let's do it like that but am i stupid because then the further up over dears doesn't work I need to know which direction I'm choosing so I will fix that later just to make code nicer I mean it much lighter to do use neighbors of my row by column but in BFS I can use that repeat Oh in neighbors of P if it doesn't exist yet then distance of Peter is distance of myself plus 1 you push to later likely I will need some way to get to particular target then to travel there I run BFS and for each cell I know which direction to move if I have my position and target I will need to move there early some way but I don't know that yet again I will write a status to do there it could be a first - no path to target actually this is not for this function this function should just give me random target for a torpedo but I will need this later to move not randomly through the grid if I have any idea like that it's good to write to do because the code will eventually be hundreds hundreds of lines of code I've got and it's easy to forget something if distance of P is greater than 4 or equal to 4 already in then break continue I don't want to go for its neighbors because I'm not very interested in things of fringe at most far unless there is range you know far is constant if that then continue possible targets distance of P greater equal to because I remember that if I should just next to me I will hit myself targets pushback P after that there is at least one target available hazards are your friend because they will tell you how here there is a mistake instead something random might happen and you will spend hours and figuring that out for a long code return a random one give me a random target torpedo done there is also cool down so let's say I don't know this maybe that's correct maybe not compilation errors please list because this works for Paris so it compiled I'm surprised so that's what should play I am losing lives quite fast let's see if it's because I hit myself or just for surfacing one surfacing decrease the speed five lives I hit something in range - from me in Manhattan distance so what's the distance how do they measure that why do I have so big windows on my seconds - let's stupid no it's really better you hit yourself yeah ctrl F range if within the range of four cells in all neighboring cells including diagonal ones that's a bit more complicated if this does if our neighbors are come to name dysfunction don't shoot eight neighbors let's see if episode difference P first - row row is the starting thing to difference per second - column if max of that is greater than one because it's neighbor if it's ball both coordinates are of distance at most one from me then targets pushback let's play it again if somebody has just started this is coding this game our problem contest lasts for a month I think around the month and you need to write a problem your program will play a game it will read input the current state of the game and it will choose its move like move north or south west east should torpedo there are leagues like in I don't know game online games csgo and everything you start with in wooden League so you play against other simple BOTS and beginner players then you move up as another to do I will here at don't make sure that it's correct condition for freedom let's submit and after submitting I will need to wait for a few minutes there are two around 200 people in this wooden League I'm playing against I guess random ones over them I believe this means I'm winning because most of those Scouts will be just more stupid here somebody just goes north I can analyze a game but I'm mainly winning nothing interesting there is leaderboard captain Lavine is I think you need to beat this bot Captain Levin to to move to the next league I'm right now very dull I'm a here let's see if there is somebody from Poland I cannot type come on okay I'm not from Poland maybe I'm just repellent okay what about us battles I lost something that's something till next things to do are one to hit smarter to detect where your opponent can be maybe to go towards him I'm not sure if this gives anything and the other maybe much more importance downward we are hitting randomly is still not to not to have to surface I need to trust such moves and that I will maximize my path this means I can plan my path instead of every time moving gradually to a neighboring cell I can make a plan where I will randomly chose a big puff for the whole map I think this will be my next thing to do what about the leader world am i high now I lost with this guy I'm late I am from Poland why it doesn't show me it's at maybe upper case search for friends coal country I wanted country this is progress of submission so let's add that what I said [Music] you can now some of in one direction and it should in the direction this was blues life because actions are performed in order but are you saying that I can hit myself right now I don't think so I first move and then torpedo after I move I have new cell I think I'm good right I don't think I can hit myself right now no you're lying face by the way there is some delay when you stream I don't know around 15-20 seconds this is why if you say something in the chat even if I was just looking directly in the chat I will see it after 20 seconds let's plan a path and here you can think about many heuristics like maybe I should keep moving in one direction maybe I should prefer self or go through that over the boundaries of a map but my idea here is there will be counter examples to that it will not be perfect you can imagine ten possible ifs and hacks but it will be better to just move front when you start somewhere imagine some random path keep improving that one possibility would be start somewhere and repeat thousand times let's try to find a random path from the start keep moving randomly as long as you can okay I see that I will now finish after 17 steps let's try another path and another one and so this is what I'm going to do first do I do that for every starting self not really I will have a queue of waiting moves does that sound good it will be directions maybe just important to be able to still make a lot of moves I don't want to change this while loop I mean I can rewrite that too few times in a row read input and make a move that it's not a good idea it's better to leave the structure of that because I know it already works not that big I tried to increase the font I don't think there is an option to just increase the font moves I can do before making the action if moves empty this is like movies that I plan to do then do something otherwise just let's make this first move most will be directions so will be directions to do and let's say it's a queue what I ate was refreshed q of moves it moves empty then I will find something let's repeat 100 times that I will try moving randomly my row my column I don't need to maintain that because I'm given that I've returned XY I not necessarily do that here but whatever my row is current first what happened rank this did I get to the better league maybe my count was recompiled I'm not sure after remove the update the original accent why I haven't noticed that yes I do not write here I do not and then try to torpedo something would you be able to create a boat for counter-strike 1.6 no counter-strike is a much much much more complicated game I don't know it's few levels of difficulty above what I'm doing right now you go to the next lick but I will finish what I'm doing here my row is this my column let's make that into a function why not find long path starting from this starting from start no that's stupid here I give up two separate things row best invest this will be a sequence of directions 0 1 to 300 times I try to find I just random directions and find some path till I hit a wall and I kick until I cannot move repeat hundred times the more the better but on the other hand there will I will eventually hit time limit and my program would crash fine I don't know it will be killed starting from this every time and having some set of forbidden sounds snake normally I kept sneaking now because I plan it will be over there this oh and one more thing even if I could win this game I hate done don't have to do that and worse than people in the top if I eventually got some wonderful idea then I will not really execute that because then everybody would sit in this stream fortunately I'm not one of the best the approach of organizers of such a code so after a game such a competition is that everybody can stream as long as it isn't it doesn't really disturb the leaderboard if somebody in the first place would show their exact count that would be bad everybody could copy that but I am NOT going to achieve that I'm not worrying about it snake while true try for directions I guess I will just move that from I just copied try for directions in random order see if you found a good neighbor and here I'm not using the precomputed thing maybe precomputed neighbors they should also involve a direction our better we'll create a function given moving from something to something from A to B it will figure out which direction it is if make per I first plus Delta of direction see where I would be after making this move from cell I and assert false I will use that to print the direction my random target then this will be a sequence of cells for my convenience and what I want to do is go from neighbors in random order not that I don't like the fact that I'm messing up with big global array it shouldn't be a big deal for let's say neighbor I don't know let's call it n not anything bad name next in neighbors of rock : if not snake count next rows next first couch next second and path push back next lockdown is false flag down his throat and remember if I found a neighbor or not if not flag down if I didn't find a neighbor then like break from while in vector keep the path I push back and also should insert into snake before changing snake insert calm laughter later if I need I can remove sad because satis law is better to his arise if possible I will use dimensional boolean our eyes visited instead of steak this means I cannot move to the same cell not like done you found path it's longer than best found path and replace q of should this be kill because here I have a vector I want a Q doesn't matter too much but I will change that the best cube best push P not aware of a function that does that for me return q if moves is empty moves is find path starting from minor of my column now I know the moves they are plant in advanced every time I tried 10 paths and I choose the best one maybe let's report the lengths puffs size is some possibility I will choose the best of them CER are prince2 error output it's not a move it's just for my information for myself I will see that while my program plays now moves cannot be empty next is moves front moves pop eventually I will do my row is next first my comb is next second I don't use snake anymore because my moves are planned in advance I need to find direction let's change anything everything here to like big comments not to lose the count maybe I will need that later again I have function to find direction from zero to three given two cells it's called get Direction get dear where am I dear from my row my column to next move is this after I have knew my row my column do that and sometimes we still surface when when do we surface I think here if moves empty and this is not the first turn let's counters if not turn if turn is that one surface and continue because this is my turn in that case I believe unless I can surface and then still can move but I don't want moves moves are bad because every time I make a move I get closer to hitting myself again eventually I will mark just us to do to do make a move in the same turn find path not declared because it's called find long above but a stupid name maybe later hey we want a short path and what them thank God I'm officially lost here I will maybe make some summer in the moment I'm just we'll figure out mistakes if there honey I'm around move around I managed to find a nice long path oh but somebody killed me so I didn't do anything wrong just because I'm fighting with a stronger but I want entirely the world to some by some find somebody weak and play against him is it personal can I only play against bots the body's too good he doesn't hear stupidest randomly I believe or maybe well he just followed me and killed me but I think my cult works I hope so I will tell you some summary what I'm doing already drawing there is a map and time let's say here then a lot of times when I don't know how to move a lot of times I will move randomly so that's 10 times I will try a random path what is a random path I make random moves and eventually I will be out of moves of course may be heared it's a dead end I record this path and it's length here its length its let's say 12 and then I start again with some other path let's say here I could I hit a dead end very quickly after eight moves and so on I have 10 tries I chose the longest of them and I say ok this will be the path I will follow it when my program tries to find the path here it tried those 10 random paths once its length was 21 1914 29 it was it found something of length 60 and it will try to follow that thing I don't surface even once the issue is that's now I need to do better with torpedoes unless there is some other thing that the statement should change note one you can use no sooner in silence summer requires for charged actions to load it allows you to check if the opponent submarine is in given Sector science requires six charge actions to load this allows you to move 0 to four cells in a given direction I don't understand if I can go from visit themselves but this summer that powerful let's bring again even if he knows my sector how could he quick me so quickly decrease the speed he goes towards me and doesn't even run torpedoes did he jump with silence he's puffs him to be one by one okay that's suspicious what because when he was a sooner he knows the region five by five right he doesn't even use sooner oh when I sometimes when I make an action rapido the opponent will see that you fired a torpedo at this started click delete under the boss avatar in the players window select one more agent I want to play against somebody weak who will not stir peed on me just myself I'm still here just for a moment I'm modifying player I should find some very very long puffs at least read this I guess my current count and indeed it follows a very long path a good stack but now again something quite long yes I don't you don't lose lives because of surfacing that's a good start close to the end and I warned for example first I found herself a calling 58 so let's check if 458 turns I was alive I should get 216 if discounts terms of both people I got to slight number but what is every next slide is it a move let's count at forty I cover two one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen this doesn't count turns I can track when for the next time here in turn 163 so 68 after 68 turns this happened here is the 58 58 is the longest path I found I believe I am following the path of link 58 but 50 I'm stuck 58 times 360 so what's wrong each action is one frame but here every time it seems that every right action is a move sometimes also a torpedo that's a little bit suspicious but maybe worth investigating but it isn't that fun plus I make long puffs I can submit just to see what happens and which place I got but still I'm doing poorly with torpedoes I need to revisit statement and even see how he could follow me that closed this is revealed that torpedo hit something but it shouldn't be enough I think boss followed me cell-by-cell still it dis again run against captain ego play my count why I am what why am I not shooting torpedoes I don't increase by one every time I move increase the charge by one actually the cooldown is something slightly else but let's go with that now I should also shoot every much every how much research for a longest puff available I don't get the comment but the puff length is in Tunisia oh I want I guess I should submit again somebody said how to search here first time looking at your stream is great you're doing coding and thank you thank you Nicholas I want to resubmit this and let's see some games in in particular games that I lost this is one example game they seem to follow some longer pattern okay maybe that's the questions they use silence I hope you now see how is it possible that how you can spend so many days in such a game because there are new and new things you will add like here I need to implement solar and silence what does it mean one and two am i winning all those games I can obviously improve my pops I can search more often or something like that if that's needed to advance if I'm highlighted I want I guess then I'm winning everything ok let's implement something new is any of that useful / powerful opponent knows where torpedo hits what is some sonar gives me origin but to know opponent's region I mean if we are far away from each other then it's not that it's good for one person and not the other we can then hit ourselves if we are close to each other I just think that this game is the information we have it doesn't mean so much if I know that he hit torpedo somewhere I know that he is within distance far from that place maybe five because heater peda and then make made a move I just feel that sonar in silence are stupid and generally following your opponent is stupid because then also they will see you I mean if you are close to each other then I don't know maybe you should charge everything like torpedo sonar in silence then come one by one hit and run with silence number one means you're winning number two losing I found that okay that's okay I thought that highlight that is a winner that's a bit stupid did I hit show I'm losing here why did I lose they hit me with a torpedo but they don't use sonar Oh silence interesting thing though is that they don't shoot torpedo if they are far away it's loved it for the whole time with free charges and that's some nice stuff if you go row by row like that my algorithm is much more stupid for it this seems to be like almost optimal maybe not an almost optimal now they are stuck well it would be possible to go through everything so this is some iffy algorithm with they wrote something like go row by row and then here they found the next full row like that but it was a mistake to go to the end of this row and to turn back still it's it's very good but this will not be enough for the full thing not that algorithm is much better but it's very simple so apparently if you see that your opponents torpedoes very far away there is no point in shooting yours in shooting though they are now very close I'm out of torpedoes they don't even shoot why why you are here with free charges unless they they knew how I surfaced with free charges and they didn't shoot me even if they track that somehow I don't know earlier they did right those who are some nice shirts they shot right here and then over there those are I think the only two shots in the game how could you know if it's read from input what we know I have 665 place by doing they track your movement but the opponent will see the movement direction oh wow that changes like everything if I keep moving with directions north south east and so on they know my whole path but they don't know the starting point and my right if somebody doesn't use silence from time to time then from past moves I can figure out their exact path with all the directions okay great I will do that and then if somebody doesn't use silence in the moment I will be able to know exactly where they are after some time in the game because I will gather all the oral their moves opponent sees shut up and move and sooner result this is so no result is mine no open and orders let's start with the Sprint opponent orders I want to make sure I understand what what I'm given breath first starting point yes this is exactly what I want to gather the puffs and forever starting point I will know if it's possible or not move a decent torpedo and move on every time when they move I will try to finge reduce out of course if somebody uses silence then this strategy is straight but that's some start I need to look for substring move maybe function for that as substring string a string be it will check if P exists in a and it will return index a dot subs starting at I with this length this is equal to be returned I otherwise that sign minus one smaller equal than this that's correct - it's always hard to figure out plus minus one in such conditions the code is the last place when you want to check but I think it's correct yes substring opponent orders remove is orders come on move if they have move then this is move index if at minus 1 then move space and here direction this is move index plus one two three four five plus five that's wrong to say if I'm doing something stupid or not and I should say in council that I keep figuring this out got it and got it II got it II can I figure out if somebody used silence I guess not today use silence I think so but then they cannot use torpedo maybe silence from time to time is very good to use got it direction I will gather all the directions they already have one get here there is with the other that gets a character there's deer name of deer is this given for example nerf I want to get index of nerf to know how to move I got some long comments let me run this and answer how does this actions like silence work do I understand correctly if I think the chicken should therapy the ones in every first move correct but it's a trade of if you should torpedoes once every three moves you cannot charge other skills like sonar in silence silence is to make a move that your opponent doesn't see if you just move standardly eventually if I see how you moved north-northwest east north north and so on I will figure out where you apparently start at otherwise you would hit some wall or island if you yourself guard for a long path more often let's say every external effects small then your path will be longer and longer rather than coming to an end after that moves right are you already doing this no I I'm sure that this can be improved a lot right now when I want to refine the path I just Triton times and I just the best option I can vertically do that every turn and I could repeat this hundred times just every time to make sure that I still make have some moves or I could creep create a path and keep improving it switching something a little bit but I don't want to spend much time on this because maybe much lighter I will realize oh I cannot plan I should go to my opponent or run away so if I spend a lot of time not to improve this later this will turn out to be time wasted this is why I don't want to work on this while I'm sure that I need to do something smart with detecting my opponent moves first it will not be very smart but I it some start I remember that I did some function get there so when I say got it actually I will do his dearest push back get dear of his dear his dears to be global I assume that he doesn't use silence at all maybe later to do only use last 20 moves the return I will simulate his moves from every starting cell or maybe I should move it back for every cell I wonder if he could be there what about that yes that's much smarter I have knowledge of programming in both seek hash and Python free do you have experience with them on this site if so which do you prefer I I have very little experience in that but it will not matter in this in such a problem you can use whatever you want the pattern will be find any version of C will be fine because efficiency isn't that important as long as you are fluent in that language you can use it here it will be fine the list of languages is here by the way it includes Python free hand see her so you're good the difficulty here is not that the language programming it's about thinking what to do and not getting lost in the cup because code would we are longer longer and longer for every cell I will judge if he could beat there let's make his dears to be worse his news to be global even if he uses silence some last steps might be correct and I will try to bison that if I have a long sequence when they did north-northwest snore something-something maybe that is impossible such a long path but few last five steps already means that he couldn't be over there or in that other cell or in that other cell so for every cell I could judge can he be there and I will go from the end for that and count how many steps I can retrace I don't I'm not sure about the world I will explain that in a moment we were drawing not to confuse you too much so if I have some things like that north west north east east north west and so on let's say this this is my string and I wonder if he could be there in this cell right now maybe I should because I can shoot that cell then I wonder okay his last step is West so he came from here then it was north so he came from here then east like that like that like right now East East North West is this path starting from here like that if each of those cells are water are available and they do not repeat by the way then this is possible I go from the end and get back with those steps so if I see West I know a moment ago he must be here on East from there that's the idea dear is his tears of I change this dear to opposite or maybe ro - equal Delta Rho instead of classical combined is equal Delta curve dear first well if not allowed we need to PFS give me a random target this might be wrong right now I wonder what happens if there are islands between me and my target todo our is learnt but for me can I shoot for Roland or not I didn't remember but it isn't important what is important is that he cannot be on land if not allowed in return -1 immediately if not inside stir function words inside of this app not inside and is allowed return count otherwise countless pass this function returns how many steps he could make when I run them target for every cell I will judge using this can be there and I will choose the best one so for each of them I need to compute right I guess so hint of best value or best count is that say minus one first cell is minus one minus one retired for Fink's in target his count is what was the function can be there it's count greater than best count then I found a better son I hope this works play count best so this is P it might not work against the bots because he uses silence but it should work against everybody else I mean everybody not using but why nothing happens did I kill him or not but I didn't crash so let's a bit I see an explosion oh I'm orange hi Marge I came close I believe Michael tries to shoot exactly him or maybe when where he was a moment ago it looks reasonable when we are closed I indeed got some shots here I didn't win but the battle was very very long he shot me maybe it's smart to make such moves because he could be anywhere I shot this spot because this was one of possible spots with such a pattern my pattern is more random and those it gives less possibility for a wiggle where I could be at the beginning I think after this pattern I could only be here or maybe in one other place so it's time to start using silence because other people will they will figure out where I am where I am he didn't use silence and after such a long time I should be able to figure out where he is but here we are like our puffs are crossing and I'm being stupid why maybe because I told my program not to shoot myself I never tried to shoot one place from me that makes sense now I'm fourth no you taught today I have a video ready for tomorrow morning what this website about it's some game described based on the board game apparently where you need to write about some program that will have ifs if your opponent is close shoot him that's the summary maybe this will be enough to get to the first place 24% of buttons done but first place is far away with points from second we'll see in a few minutes is there a time limit for writing count for writing a month that the program the challenge lasts for 20 more days if you are confused about the chat sometimes is because I'm life on twitch and YouTube there are tools for that like restaurant in both places let's run some new game with captain ego captain glue is a bot that was fast maybe fast kind of coincidence because we are close to each other so and we know something about our puffs so we keep shooting ourselves I guess the next thing to implement is silence to move a little bit without being noticed allows you to move 0 to 4 cells in a given direction not visiting already visited cells are Islands so it hurts a little bit doesn't it but from time to time needs to be done it doesn't work well with my planning of a path use the Sonoran sector for you save the salary's idea that this is not useful it's hard to decide what exactly I should do with silence and not in the leaderboard oh I got down sad sad and ape-like with let's a wackadoodle do you read odd him play I want to for example say if he is a silence yes and that was Klaus we both start with six lives something happens something happens he doesn't use sonar or silence because we would see it here of charges I'm actually winning right now four lives versus free I hit him he hits me I hit very close I wouldn't say after this game that I'm worse than him maybe it's better if my path doesn't reveal so much about my position I what is some other difference does he doesn't use torpedoes when he is far away from me I not to revealed his position he can he sees where I have torpedoes this is informational that also should be used because you see where opponents torpedo was and after the first turns he sees I fired over there in cell nine comma 11 he doesn't have to shoot at all he could actually charge all three skills that's for later he keeps saying that I should and now after I shoot over there I can be in his range so he should shoot for the first time he does he shoots in the order of in the direction of my shot it might be smart to wait for your opponent to hit you or something close and then also hit something I need to start using information about shots by my opponent but it's not that easy now later in the game for sure it will be nice to think more not to just implement every idea that comes to your head I'm not in the idea route 32 why not because my program isn't good enough does Eric test ring regularly not really when I have time so how are you ranked against other BOTS there are leagues here this is woodenly then you get to silver or whatever is next basically my program isn't entirely stupid right now it's I guess this program is worth of two two hours that I already spent here if somebody spent five hours I'm sure he can they can beat me one two three four when I search for target find long path it random target what I'm doing currently is incorrect to do is learn but for me yes it is it's sat in the statement all but I use neighbors so when neighbors only has land where Ike precompute neighbors if is allowed never mind then I do that correct do I see let's print again opponents turn it might be important if I see his order of moves like torpedo and move I want to see that then his dears I will change that to all the information about him what he did move as move as moved the blue move and move and torpedo and then move ok I can get a lot from that if they torpedoed this song can I assume about them that they don't torpedo themselves and this will be the last thing I guess that I will do today my current idea is to change his dears into the whole information about his moves each of them for now will be a format move or shoot torpedo and I will from this deduce where he can be I can create I guess a struct for that his move his action let's call that action this will be vector of actions only use last 20 most decent center anymore I go back from the end and try to get as many as I can his actions this will be of type move direction or torpedo - one if not move if action will be of type - one I will move from there will be equal to minus one I know that Walter Peter says where the torpedo was shot otherwise most dear is from zero to free his actions when I were recruit his tears his dearest port bug that his dear Sportback action of get dear and then some empty Patrick - one - one but also index has substring and orders torpedo plus one two three four five six seven eight I wish the great was standby tendon it will be a single digit I want to get coordinates from the string how to easiest do that that's right a function may be value from string while I is inside the string this is basic parsec and not a digit there is this delete function in c plus plus plus plus I answer that I still within the string well is did it and it's inside let's create verbal length for the convenience not ten zero you need to know how to parse a string into int even from inside a string maybe here I should could split string via spaces and then do something with that actually might be better for the future is their function for that C++ splits string spaces way space there isn't any single simple function so I will write one have you done any problem solving and catties that come maybe happen to me but Curtis doesn't have editorial so it's bad but there can be pipe I should ignore it maybe I should treat it as I treat space if is space of Asif I harass of ice pipe continue otherwise first token plus equalizer Phi if we continue then if not last talk and empty add it to tokens in the same at the end should work should work enter it over just character doesn't matter what index we're at what did i do before continued that do that returned tokens should work now and then I don't really need value from string I not from the middle of a string because substring also shouldn't be necessary because I will get tokens what was the name splitting to talkers stupid name the curse of ice move then the next character will be a good string his dear Sportback action using the direction of this will be from zero to tokens of I plus one and it gets a character so zero of character of that this should be north south west or east tokens of I stir pedo then not his dears his actions how to change string to inked a story tokens of I plus 1 come on tokens of I plus 2 but they give me everything in stupid are the raw a second columnist first max why I don't know about that it's became very complicated its actions where I used his dears I written it with splitting into tokens because in the future I will get more and more possibilities now it will be convenient to detect what my opponent does and here I move with actions from the end actions his actions action deer is not minus one then we took this as there is torpedo I need to use action dr. pedo I need to check if it's in range I can run BFS and I have BFS give me random target this could be pre-computed first let's do it ugly way give me random target copy paste this starting from that I will rename it to trust sight distance from oneself to some other one bull in range whoever from one cell we can hit some other self Pease I don't need targets I need distance don't shoot it enables and don't targets and return false i copy paste that count with which i find a random target in range I change it to now detect if something is in range at all later I need to run BFS once from every cell I will note that to do it's good to be organized at least a little bit later change in the range to using pre-computed BFS from every cell once I will find all the cells in the range we have in the range this if not in the range starting from Ron Coan center pin I'm looking at the comments on my other monitor I often doubt her contest health encoding game once every two months does everyone start off in Division two in every contest you start everybody starts from the same level and if your account is good enough you advance to the next level and some new roles and abilities in the statement are unlocked how do I learn so much you can practice self problems and then you also know is not declared lost again plus equal as of I CH 90 action deer is not minus one what should I say move dear can I shouldn't I change this they use it at all enough move dear not only in this one place it's better if it's g91 action Naren what's wrong I didn't seen a full message torpedo so what's the what's the field then if not repeat the word turbid 98 were torpedo because this is a pair so let's change it per target get just some incorrect types maybe if something is compression error it's easy to debug it's much much harder when it compiles but doesn't work well I lost but I have some position in leaderboard 31 I can submit this again came summary not enough charges of torpedo was that amount of term I move now he tries to rapido I return so he doesn't care really that's not stupid you can do that I want to see if I move up did I submit now I did it's better to look at cases where you lost so far so good we are far away from each other but again they don't shoot torpedoes when they are far away but it's a bit stupid to detect from recent moves because maybe our opponent used silence right I mean right now it makes sense not the light let's see what happens when we start hitting each other he hit me I hit him he hit me I hit him looks like an even fight did I hit a neighboring cell no Hinnant hundred third I believe I should go up in in a moment maybe I should assume that my opponents don't use silence let's make this improvement my can get were where is it I should assume that all his actions [Music] valid if he doesn't use silence then can be there let's change to zero or one maybe no actually can it happen that I don't hit somebody it can but what about this can beat I claim that it should if I recorded 20 moves in the past of my opponent all 20 of them could be backtracked like that from the end and if I don't return the full count equal to his action size then it's not possible then he cannot be there apparently he used silence at least once give me random target and bitter if his his count is not his action size continue then possibly we will return -1 -1 let's see how it's just give me random target read/write died anyway now it's not random if target is equal this one minus 1 say nothing reasonable in range do this now I should only try to hit a cell where he really is unless there are multiple passat such possible cells but let's see if I hit anything at all am i higher in the leader worth maybe 10th so indeed better do I shoot at all at the beginning yes because there are a lot of possibilities where he could be now he shot so that that should like a lot of cells became impossible the first time when he should I start to know a lot more about him is it possible that he is here I guess so because this path could be shifted I'm not very happy with that but I didn't see any stupid things I did I ever print that I cannot do something I'm read our torpedoes that I charge terpene he uses torpedoes every time big difference is that I first move and then should maybe I should first shoot then move would that be better in any way it's not a big difference I'm four I can not shoot if I'm not sure where he is or before his first shot maybe I should do nothing widened his silence because I didn't implement it yet maybe in first six moves I should always use silence that's something where I lost people don't do Silas what why why did I ever surface oh he did hit it which sounds stupid he's right and he could still move up so there's something wrong with his angered I should also gather the information that somebody resurfaced but that shouldn't be a big deal and I only know section not the exact cell where he resurfaced after such a puff I'm sure that now my position is quite unique silence should give me a lot so maybe charge torpedo but while nobody shot yet don't use it and just keep using silence that's I would need to change so much I don't want to do it today maybe random it every three to five steps and I think with my with my planning is that I make some random moves if I change anything in the middle it goes everything up I could maybe detect if my next two moves or actually I can replace even one move its to the torpedo silence plus here I will get rid of this let's just the best no let's keep this this fights only against silencers let's try that plus in the meantime I believe my previous submission was without that and I can submit again didn't work now I was Watford even went up just attitude I'm so close to captain Engle submit so with some small tweaking it should be possible to avoid silencing and already get first actually maybe this the constant here make longer pups though I don't die because of too short puffs let's use this special move at the beginning of the game I will sometimes charge silence charge torpedo is true but if turn is smaller equal seven and not opponent fired this is boolean flag then charge torpedo is false what else let's charge silence only if torpedo is fully charged what about this if torpedo is equal to free I think this is a constant and opponent identifier and stern is smaller equal twenty or thirty than this here plus space plus if charge torpedo then this otherwise silence George torpedo and this otherwise silence plus plus I also need to remember the last time when I hit first opponent fired go to Falls last turn torpedo turn off last torpedo this is for cooldown if torpedo is equal to free turn greater equal lusts was the name turn of last torpedo what a stupid name I keep using stupid names that I forget in a moment which I forget amount plus cooldown therapy the code of silence also has called them I should create a struct for skill if this right now this is almost impossible there is that this if do I need to also charge of six six is the charge of silence this is silence turn interpreter turn I will just greedily use them but also update it indefinitely I need a struct for first skill I just want not going to rewrite a lot right now because I'm already making changes it's dangerous to make a lot at the same time because I will never get the codes to work again if this then let's make a move or two maybe a single move why not write and not how do I move moves moves empty I will just silence by one forward I mean not forward occurring through my moves will use this pass of course silence becomes zero sinus turn stay Stern something similar to this silence space drink this how do I get Direction like that and I need to update my ruined my column they do it here something happened from time to time the page reloads and that's very inconvenient our brows lick I advanced so my coat with some extra change it was enough to get to the next lick and now the statement is updated there will be some more skills but I want to finish with silence I should have a function to move because it's just the same type as smooth maybe this will be enough just follow a single step what I need I need silence derp Adele equal to zero Tara put this equal to zero turn torpedo therapy the turn therapy determine this is last turn when I used something to account for cooldown I hope it's correct to say that later I'd never use silence I just use torpedoes all the time it will not be true for a perfect program opponent fired the first time when he uses torpedo this is true what's the logic how do I use opponent fired by default I charge torpedo but if turn is up to 30 torpedo is fully charged but if I fully charge torpedo down something else happens right because here I greedily use it so this will never happen let's say that torpedo should be charged up to 2 so it will be almost charged in my half scroll because you ranked up the brows yes but I don't like it it's moves my coat Captain Nemo the use silence but with silence shouldn't I also output like number sounds and far exactly right now my code is incorrect sign this one and also a pipe it was completely wrong torpedo is up to tour it seems that I'm using silence all the time how I'm charging Silas that's fine but do I use it I didn't see even one usage of silence it should be here because silence is emptied the charges here under the and on the bottom I see comments so in red do we see silence yes there there was I did two moves by the way he also uses silence but now my coat will be quite reasonable because I don't assume that somebody doesn't use silence and just see how long he could not use it Oh removed it firing started earlier so I stopped using silence maybe that's bad what about this if my opponent didn't fire for a long time then it's okay to charge silence again play again as someone here down the temperature game I'm having some trouble I don't know what that is you can integrate your own ID to the platform I don't know how and I don't want to bother he didn't your silence and he did it in it over there maybe after that it was maybe after that I couldn't say where he is exactly so was I unlucky I'm going to change my silence better too if my opponent didn't shoot for a long time and then I will kind of camp again look at submit why not I will see what other people do what happened whoa there are mines I think it's optimal strategy if mines everywhere I will take a look in the statement what they do mine requires you free charges transactions to loved it can be placed on the nestled next to you for directions you can place to own mines in the same cell trigger triggering a mine will cause an explosion you can only trigger your own mines like for a torpedo the explosion has a damage of two your opponent will see that you placed and mine but not in which direction well that makes problem much more complicated but I don't want to do anything with that now 243rd so I think that will be it for the stream I wanted to do something easy with silencing right I can change that the logic here torpedo I don't want to say if he fire but in turn fired fired turn I will say if my opponent didn't fire for a long time then it's okay for me to charge silence and toast interpeter stone and this smaller equal done turn - Stan let's say he didn't fire for the last ten turns and I will charge silence remove opponent fired it's removed but instead updated this where do I detect that my opponent fired over here but I don't want an infinite tie that would be stupid also there are mines but against mine side let's say I assume that my opponent doesn't use that if this and let's say then turn model 20 is not zero every 20 turn 20 turns I want to charge anyway I mean I want to charge torpedo and use it to avoid a very long time yeah I should also say if my opponent is far away that that's it to do charge silence if opponent is far away I have a new YouTube video coming tomorrow also about competitive programming like a few last videos right now heat dad he doesn't shoot so for a long time so I started charging silence and just from time to time every something turns I should yeah this is what I expected to happen so I'm happy as long as my opponent doesn't use mines I'm happy and I will change the number of ten into let's say 30 it will be slightly slower that's fine play God I will find longer puffs the opponent he is silence even though we were in the middle of fighting that might be very smart to do otherwise your opponent knows where exactly you are I didn't check with what place I have I guess hundred seventy-five fifth was before my resubmit show the start is good maybe not that good three two one mmm I don't think I did anything wrong I'm opening random games where I lost people don't seem to use minds so that's okay why do I have full Solow they do I wanted to say that my salary silence is full but I don't use it they in first turns charged everything kind of I am winning five to three I even used silence and they got me I have silence for why I'm not using it starting from this moment the silence is full I think that's a bug cent game parameters - IDE yes how many licks are there I don't know after bronze there should be silver and then go sometimes gold isn't unlocked at the beginning only after few days organizers up that so I wonder why I don't use silence here and actually I will I keep charging silence why I know I overcharged that I check if something is equal to six so when I charge I should say torpedo is minimum of three interpreter and six my belief silence became greater than six but now I never silence isn't that correct then how do I charge oh I am stupid torpedo is it's not career changer code torpedo was forever zero okay I'm using silence now I'm using just torpedoes because my opponent used something right yes they did and we started shooting each other and that's fine there Bert native but I had a bag so let's or submit also I saw something like full leaderboard is that platinum silver silver is the highest division right now if you rank everybody in silver first then everybody in bronze and so on a lot of people from pond then I'm at position 400 salving 465 right now Hungary France cutting game is from France this explains why there are a lot of people from there I saw some pond didn't I High School in stretching to Mike Novick I don't know who that is people from high school they have no idea what this name is okay it isn't Poland Indonesia I think I lost some places anyway that will be it the stream was free hour long and I expected it to be like that where murals would appear then you need to just add them add them make some parts of your code smarter let's do some summary of my code right now it is 400 lines long including the commented thing what I do this is helper function in range I detect I remember actions of my opponent and I see how big suffix of those actions could be performed without the silenced move this way I detect that most likely place where he is right now what else do I have give me random target among targets I can hit and they will not hit me right now I choose one word it's most likely that my opponent is the longest suffix of moves it could be done without excellence again fine 40 times I repeat find a random path and choose that longest of those 40 puffs and then I will for sure follow those moves I don't care where my opponent is what I should do is when I'm only a few moves are left I should actually recalculate this path but on the other hand I don't lose battles because my path is too short now those battles because something smarter should be done with torpedoes for example but here of course the easiest way to get out of this division will be to implement new features like mines they are just it's more possibility to hit your opponent sure should be done especially if you know that your opponent is far away from you I guess at the beginning I would just charge mines and keep placing them then it's more complicated to figure out where your opponent is and where he placed mines so I should avoid those places hi there hello needs I'm just waiting for this to finish to see what place I am I'm I guess I'm moving up a little bit but I was around 8 if before the resubmit we don't expect to beat on top 10 or something you would need to implement mines I should do some other string within the next week I don't know when exactly but when I plan that it will be announced here in schedule below over here for the past few weeks I didn't do anything because I didn't have time now I have some more time in particular I made those can I I can open it I made those to mainstream videos about competitive programming it's funny that William Lin made a similar video at the same time he also does by default videos where he just solves competitive programming problems and this time like more fancy thumbnail just like mine and also more views because a lot more people will see how what is competitive programming rather than let's see cut versus round number 627 explanation this is only for people who participated well this is for everybody it's mainstream so of course it gets more views and I also made two similar videos starting from what two days from now actually tomorrow is 1st of April and there is lit code month challenge every challenge were every day would they will post a problem and I'm going to participate in that to expect late code videos daily I don't want to neglect competitive programming maybe in the meantime I will do some something for harder algorithms as well because each code for people who are into competitive programming Creed code is very easy and boring 73rd place I should get at the end in top 100 I didn't we have some few more minutes if you have some questions but I will answer them now twitch YouTube is there something you want to ask me there's of course frequently asked questions section in video description but still we can talk for a moment I appreciate your contact our expected thank you very much look at looked at your github I thank you yeah that's what you should come before go asking questions Thank You verse dream you're welcome what do you think about Sahaj for competitive programming a c++ is better in its modern and has a lot of algorithms anybody is watching on youtube 27 watch that's a lot so I think we exceeded hundred in like in the peak hour will he continue to stream on Twitch sometimes yes it's when I have time in past few days in past few weeks I was very busy so I didn't stream I didn't make videos because this isn't my main job I don't actually earn money from YouTube for streaming and I wouldn't want to stream solely to switch to streaming like 8 hours a day to make money of twitch because that was be boring I wouldn't want to stream that much you can do that career on Twitch only if you spend a lot a lot of time on streaming I prefer to stream like if I have time that's a 2 times a week once maybe 2 hours once 5 hours because I will solve more problems or do something more interesting and on Twitch you will not make a career this way it is refreshed 75 where 75 percent of battles done yeah I will be around 70 place out of friends around congratulations for your rank thank you will you continue cutting game I don't know I didn't see anything amazing or fascinating in this game it's not better than other games so because of my lack of time in past few weeks so now I must get back with other things in particular I want to do some standard problem-solving stream like one for actually I can do this review I think my next problem-solving stream will be from at cutter at hazard cutter heart problems maybe this weekend I also need to finally add it and get done with videos from hashcode and fruit like out in particular I recently won a team competition replay code we want MacBook Pros that's nice I wanted to play some more portal one I did that when I have time for streams I made two streams with portal walkthrough and some bonus maps maybe I will get back to that but now if I forgot the rules and controls do you know William Lynn I know who he is I never talked with him yet but we will do some collaboration I'm sure full time yes kind of there in FAQ there is more about me I teach competitive programming and algorithms it got a good place for practice competitive programming not for accounting interviews no problems on your level and here get mix problems and you will encounter all the topics Google segment 3 tutorial and he will find something will you recommend well you solve the problem in that code areas yes on streams I always do that I don't see a point in streaming and not comment and it's not commenting that's not doing any commentary the rank system is very addictive in counting game well I agree ranks are addictive and this is why a lot of people participate for example in cult verses or lead code because there is some rating some rank in code forces you get to Division one and you get to solve harder problems you get some color are you right if I said so in FAQ Denis I don't remember if I was 15 a rod I'm much older than this ages what do you suggest for us people who want to start and exer expertise and company of program design solve problems it's not that if you are alder some other strategy is better solve problems really that's good advice for everybody and refresh seventy-four 92% fruit well top 500 that sound beulas battles yeah the person in the top two follows me free let's see help prose fine right put mine in the same spot oh there is also sooner it didn't I don't even remember what it does they know almost nothing about their positions that's bizarre both yours silence yellow didn't use silence for quite some time summer gives the information but what kind of Cold War is that right use the silence all the time yellow doesn't but maybe it's enough that yellow knows something so what happened a moment ago red was hurt by what okay even though red uses silence all the time when yellow got in range he merely shot him maybe even with silence you can figure out easily here red got into a corner he couldn't move so one health point lost again yellow hits it seems here that yellow is amazing he even understands that he doesn't have to use silence it's very efficient but this thread understands to avoid places with yellow I think mines are very you waste every move you don't spend on the mines I feel red uses silence but because of that reduce the silence but because of that doesn't place so many minds well yellow doesn't use silence at all places - all the time and limits the position where it could be this is one thing were you know is more efficient the second one is that he understood where red is in this first moment when they are close to each other yellow understood red didn't and there is a big difference here of points there there's more than one person with thirty four point something but then this 45 is much better this is for sure the best code right now the best program I should be done I got seventy fourth place and 458 in total I hope you like this dream and feel free to participate in cutting games come now don't be discouraged by that it's more complicated with higher leagues if you're a beginner in competitive programming or with AI games like this one it will be hard because mainly because of mistakes a lot do small steps small improvements and a lot of time just to run your program see if it behaves how you'd expect it to behave yes UI is very good it's the submarine game for more experienced programmers not for absolute beginners I would say in court versus there is no like animation or UI this is something specific for coding game I can even predict parodies I don't know about that because he used silence a lot unless you make some ifs like you assume that he follows the borders he knew I was in one of seven places oh we have dvd-r in the chat he knew I was in one of seven places so he got lucky in Timmy but he is indeed way better we have a pro in the chat hi I guess from printing you know that now because just like we can figure out about opponent we can we know what opponent knows about us so there is some set of places but is much more advanced kind of thinking you shouldn't only make a move that will not leave you in a trap you should also understand what your opponent will know about you and whoever you're in his range and our range of the mine and your opponent has some feel number of possibilities where you can be oh it's easier prints a message is detection stats okay they have a partnership with cutting game no I don't but they make a call game it's amazing that somebody spends so much effort and resources on something like this of course cutting game it isn't like a non-profit there there is something like jobs here I'm not interested in that I'm not going to feel but it's perfectly far fine for me if you make a cold game or contest then you should have something from this I'm happy to advertise interesting competitions so no I don't have any partnership with them but they're cool and some more questions from YouTube what's the difference in Division one two and Friedkin versus it's different levels Division one is highest three is lowest your typing speed do you think I can be successful if they type slowly yes you can be successful typing speed isn't that important I have around 80 up 200 wave code and here with easy English words I should get around 200 if I really focus and not talk it will be hundred ten this is ten fast fingers website of course the fact that I'm thinking and talking in English it slows me down have a minute left next time I need to figure out what to do with chats because there should be some bots that paste messages between Twitter intuitive internet work today a hundred here we go what we handwritten without talking there is also the high speed eraser I don't know if twitch or YouTube gets the the message first do you have the screen yes William typing spit is amazing this kid like but he is he closed 250 I will play like three times here but that will beat you can use a link and join begin test now now I need to login one moment now I need to use the link do you know a big lie websites like this actually put you against bots I mean right now right now we race against each other because I created a link and share it with you but normally when you hit new game you see some cars you think that you race against other people but they are recordings of people from the past you not have you don't have subs enabled subscriptions or captions or subtitles if you're talking about twitch the partnership stuff like that No no people with uppercase congratulations to read guests I have here like more than thousand traces so I spent a lot of hours here 50 seconds to the next race this will be the last one and I'm finishing the stream some JavaScript but is easy yeah I'm sure have you ever been to Moscow I worked one summer in Wasco in Ametek the high-frequency trading company I know Moscow a little bit I was sightseeing a lot when you are in the underground they say watch out passengers don't forget your kid something like bizarre cheap asses are done because I don't remember now I find it funny I think they especially say that in the round underground line and they often say don't forget your kid apparently if they don't do that a lot of people forget their kids Moscow is a very nice City if you know where to go then machine learning a little bit or that the science yard tries you can read about both I chose computer science not machine learning okay done thank you everybody this was ocean of count coding game that come stream obviously if you haven't give a like or stuff like that subscribe and my next thing will be on my youtube channel slash director tomorrow basically I produce the best content there oh you I have new message I will open later and the next stream will be maybe this week it will be announced on Twitch schedule was nice talking with you and coding some BOTS bye
Channel: Errichto Hard Algorithms
Views: 17,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, coding, errichto, codingame, AI, game bot
Id: z5YhwAqT7Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 6sec (11766 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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