"Code Red" Full Movie - Surfing Goes Huge At Teahupoo Tahiti

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[Music] listen to this Thursday 8 to 10 ft Friday 8 to 12 ft Saturday gigantic Sunday 8 to 12 ft it's a pretty special swell that I know a lot of big wave Chargers are going to probably be coming into town for St big it's as big as Australia [Music] yeah I went over to Tahiti for the trials and for once it was really small and pretty average but um yeah the day I left from Tahiti going home before the main contest started um apparently is the day the swell popped up on the on the map I was there for a few weeks before for it um I go there early every year with bong and the the junior team we take a few young guys there and we go there for the trial so so we were just thinking oh it's a good chance for the World Tour event to get some ways this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] year [Music] [Music] [Applause] get out of here I'll make the whole world see just when to get here [Music] and all of a sudden this thing appeared on the charts so I tracked it right from the start and um scoped every bit of map out every site and um when it first come up and how big the period and the heights were I was quite blown away cuz I'd never seen them Heights before yeah I went home and got a week at home just cruising and then everyone's ringing me saying there's this massive SW down to Tahiti and I didn't even really look I just went all right I'll go back the difference this SW was how thick and fast it was moving you just got to go out there for 5 minutes and you realize that there's there not even a thought process of being able to run the bong Pro today I don't know if there's going to be one human being paddl in all day it was big [Music] anticipation [Music] really early in the morning the swell started hitting um I got up in the dark and and I went out of Poppy's Warf and it was was like Rapids and and water coming over and you could just hear it and then as soon as started seeing light yeah I mean you could feel the swell was just hitting I went to bed semi early and woke up to giant giant waves I could just hear him smashing on the reef and there's D just getting his toeboard ready just frothing with his headphones on and he looks he's like it's massive like he's just I could I could tell just as soon as I walked down and I could hear everything going on walked out the front and first thing I saw is like one of the biggest chopes waves I've ever seen then I went oh [ __ ] yeah it's definitely on it it's going to be big our boat driver come grabbed us and we we went straight out and checked it there was no one out there really and I mean they looked evil as anything in the morning they just look like they're closing out on themselves and um just L really dangerous just look like there's no exit to the wave and if you did exit one then the rights coming straight at you so just look look scary it was crazy mate so we're like oh are we going to be able to tow this like in one part of our minds like we we were but another part were like I don't think we can to make things worse we got in and we couldn't get our hands on a ski and on days like that you just want to um you just want to get out there and catch your first wave and get your butterflies out here and and just get get everything rolling and um we have to sit around and wait a few hours till we got the skis sorted out by that time me and Lori were frothing we're like we have to get out there I was ringing saser in France going M this is it like there's guys out there Towing we need to be out there SK are on lockdown at the moment yeah until further notice so kind of heavy especially when we got some of the best toe boys you know going this is just a start yeah it's going to get that's what they're concerned about yeah we're seeing all these waves going R and we can't get out so frustrating eventually got a ski and um kind of worked out we didn't get out there till 9 9:30 and by the time we got out there the tide started rising and um let's go it taped all the skis up come back in 20 minutes we've had our wedes on all morning our jackets we're like looking and we we we watched about three sets and it was just dirty and dark and just gone below sea level so thick but we seen a couple we can make and I basically just said who wants to go first I said you want to go first yes you want to go first and he goes a all right I'll go first so sweet you know what I mean and uh got him into two goodies manate first one was a real long one and he come out just fro thing and then the second one was a thick one like big one and he made made both like oh this is makeable so it was on [Music] [Applause] man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah I good we stronger can [Music] [Applause] fight we SM to he s to will never one safe in the like [Music] a [Music] like [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] he [Music] we good we stronger we [Music] [Applause] s [Music] stand let [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] reach [Music] you think you could be on a okay like a 10 15 footer and then it turns into a 20 footer so it's you know what I mean but once you've you know I mean locked and loaded and let go that rope it doesn't matter like you got to Comm you're committed and there's no pulling out the back you're you're in we're just looking at the backs of the wave and you see how powerful it is like I guess the closest thing I could describe would be like a um a bomb going off I remember seeing Nathan Fletcher's wave and Bruce's waves both from behind and I just remember seeing the explosions that those waves had and you could tell that they were way bigger than all the like any other waves that like I mean there's some other big waves but but those to me were the biggest one we're we're about 100 ft out but then up the reef right where it's just coming out deep water and it's closing out then it's just bending that last bin and it nearly looks UNM so and everyone was just like back of the wave and then just you know what I mean that were going like 50t up in the air like big shs of water just exploding it's pretty heavy you know what I mean and and that's where you you mean you could die oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodness [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was yeah just one of those hell days and every wave was pretty much something special I guess I did achieve a goal that day I wanted to just get one of them big one and get as deep as I pitched and I've done that and I made it and I I guess I achieved my goal and I'm pretty happy about that and even if i' never done it again I'd be I could sit back and go I've achieved my goal for [Music] sure when you look back and and think of all the swells you've surfed when I look back I think that's probably going to be one of the biggest I don't know if there's ever going to be a biggest swell than that swell at Tahiti and it was just one of those days where everyone was just going for it and I don't know why but it's pretty much the best feeling in the world not many people can ever experience what we have but actually ride one and look out is another it's another thing and money can't pay for that [Music] experience show me just where you [Applause] go cuz I [Applause] [Music] this [Music] so love you what you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music]
Channel: Network A
Views: 4,587,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Network A, Surf, surfing, Action Sports, Extreme Sports, board, wave, beach, Billabong XXL, Billabong, Surfing, big waves, big wave surfing, Teahupoo, Tahiti, Billabong Pro Tahiti, Laurie Towner, Dylan Longbottom, Phantom, Phantom camera, surfing phantom camera, Bruce Irons, Nathan Fletcher, Code Red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2012
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