Code Blue

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>> Good morning, Mr. Smith-- my name is Tammy. I'll be your nurse today. Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith? I need help in room eight! >> What's going on, Tammy? What do you need? >> I can't find a pulse and he's not breathing. He's a full code-- call code. >> Call a code? Someone call a code blue in room eight! >> (over intercom) Code blue, room eight, code blue, room eight. >> Tammy, I'm gonna stop your antibiotic... and make sure some normal saline is infusing here. >> Can we put this board underneath him? >> Yes. >> And I'll grab the bagger. >> I'll scribe on the code blue record. (oxygen flowing) >> Tammy, I'm not getting a good feel-- can you help me? >> Yeah, you want to do two person? >> Yeah-- if you take the mask, I'll take the bag. >> It's right here! >> Better seal? >> I think that's better. >> All right, we're with the code team. I'm gonna put the pads on. >> I can take over bag. >> Oh, good. >> Tammy, I'll go get the chart. >> Get that one on. >> Okay. >> I'm Dr. Sellinger-- I will be the code captain. Let's stop compressions for a second, please, and let's see what kind of rhythm we have. >> It looks like defib. >> Okay, let's defibrillate at 150 joules and we'll change compressors following, please. (high tone sounding) >> I'm clear, you're clear, everybody's clear, oxygen clear. Shock delivered. I defibrillated at 150 joules. >> Okay, let's resume compressions and administer epinephrine 1 milligram IV push. Who's scribing? >> I am-- my name is Denise. >> Okay, Denise, if you can let me know when two minutes have passed, please. >> There's your swab. Here's a swab. >> Got good IV access? >> Yep, site looks good. >> (quietly counting). >> Here's a swab. >> Epi, 1 milligram IV in. >> Okay, can someone tell me what happened here, please. >> Yeah, we have here a Mr. Smith. He's a 37-year-old man. He came in with pancreatitis a couple of days ago. He does not have any allergies. He's diabetic-- his sugars have been running a bit high. He's febrile this morning. His last vital signs-- pressure was 94/48, pulse was 104, respirs was 28. He is on antibiotics. I came in this morning to do his assessment and found him unresponsive. He has a full code according to his vitals. >> Okay, let's administer 500 mls of normal saline, run that wide open, and if we can prepare for the administration of 300 milligrams of amiodarone IV push, please. >> Okay. >> Okay, that bolus is running. >> Okay, do we have a good pulse with compressions as well? >> Good pulse with compressions. >> Okay, can someone get a hold of the family and inform the attending physician as well for me, please? >> I'm from social work-- I'll call the family. >> I'll get a call into the attending. >> It's been two minutes since the last shock. >> Okay, let's stop compressions and reassess the rhythm, please. >> It looks like defib. >> Okay, let's defibrillate 150 joules and we'll change compressors following, please. >> Okay, charging. I'm clear, you're clear, everybody's clear, oxygen clear. Shock delivered. >> Let's resume compressions. >> Sorry, was that cardioversion or defibrillation? >> It was defibrillation at 150 joules. >> Okay, let's give amiodarone 300 milligrams IV push, and could we get a glucose, please? >> Yeah, I'll go get the glucometer. >> Okay, it's in. >> Sorry, I just didn't get the name of that drug you just gave. >> Amiodarone, 300 milligrams IV push. >> I'm having some difficulty bagging. >> Okay, let's go ahead and intubate. Can I get a pair of safety glasses and gloves as well, please? >> All right, I'm going to want (indistinct) supplies, so can I have a laryngoscope handle with a three blade, a number eight endotracheal tube with a stylet, syringe, the CO2 detector, tool ties, and procedure mask. >> Okay, continue his CPR. Can we prepare to change compressors, please? Anytime. >> Thanks. >> Let me take over. >> (breathless) Thank you. >> Lindsay, can you check to make sure we have a good pulse with compressions? >> Yup, there's a good pulse with compressions. >> IV is running well? >> I'm gonna check the cuff. >> Yep, that pulse is going good. >> Okay, cuff is good. >> Let's go ahead and intubate. >> Okay, I'm just gonna auscultate the chest one more time here, just to listen. Continue with compressions. Okay, we've got good air entry bilateral. What's our oxygen saturation? >> I don't have a sat monitor on right now. >> Okay, we'll get a sat, right away. >> Okay. >> We have a number eight endotracheal tube and it is at 24 at the lip. >> Here's the glucometer. >> Thank you. >> Could we also get a sat monitor as well so we can monitor the SpO2? >> Yeah, I'll go find one. >> Okay, thank you. >> Glucose is 3.1. >> Okay, let's give an amp of D50, please, IV push. >> (indistinct speaking). >> Okay, how long has it been since our last epinephrine? >> It's been five minutes. >> Okay, let's prepare and then administer another milligram-- 1 milligram of epinephrine IV push, please. >> Dextrose 50%-- 1 amp is in. >> Here's our sat monitor. Here's another swab. Sats are at 99%. >> 99%, okay. How is bagging? >> It's good. >> Epi, 1 milligram is in. Can you pass me a flusher, June? >> Yep. >> Okay, let's stop compressions and reassess the rhythm, please. >> Okay, it looks like a normal sinus rhythm now. >> Okay, if we could check the pulse and let's do a blood pressure, please. >> Okay, we have a pulse. >> Blood pressure is 88/40. >> Okay, great. Let's continue with normal saline at 250 mls an hour. Let's do a stat chest x-ray, ECG, and CCU bloodwork. We will arrange a bed in ICU, and great work, everyone. Good job. >> Is the code over? >> Yes, the code is over. >> I'll document it at 9:07, and I'll just need everybody to stick around and verify and sign the code blue record. >> Okay. >> Okay. Let me have a look there. >> Okay, two a piece, two shocks-- okay, looks good from my perspective. Lindsay, have a look. >> (mumbling). That looks right. >> Thank you. >> Okay. >> Can you squeeze the bag for a second? >> For sure, yup. >> Oh, I see that you missed the endotracheal tube. So, it was a number eight at 24 at the lip. >> Okay. >> I just spoke to the intensive care unit and they are ready to transport the patient to ICU. >> Great-- I'll come down to ICU and give report. >> Okay. >> Before we go, I'm gonna just print a strip in sinus rhythm and then post it in the code blue record. >> Okay, so I'm just verifying the time. There's a time difference of 10 minutes and I will record that on the strip. >> Okay, great, thank you.
Channel: Regina QuAppelle
Views: 9,973,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Education, Health, Code Blue, Regina, RQHR
Id: U1zq4T7MEWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2013
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