Cockpit view - Cropdusting NZ

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g'day all working off an airstrip on the west coast central north island i'll talk you through one load just coming around on short finals now you can see it's a nice all-weather strip even though i'm actually going to be landing beside it may look a little bit fast landing and it it is because there's a tailwind we've got there you'll see coming up on the right side of the screen there's the wind sock showing there the wind blowing there but that's good means we've got a headwind for take off spinning around there lining up on the strip making sure i'm clear of the truck open our lid for the foot to come in brake set flap set hop a door close power idle up the clicker clear the logs set the trim check the gauges and wait for the load to drop in easiest way to tell that is you'll feel the back end drop just like that there and i know that the truck is just about done fuel into flight idle brakes are off close the lid trucks out the way stir the porridge and advance the power through to take off settings glance our gauges make sure t's and p's are in the green check out prop fuel flaps hands on the dump and typically we'd raise the flaps once we're airborne clean ourselves up but this particular airstrip is quite a sharp turn that i'm doing and this aircraft turns a lot better with a couple of notches of flap around about 85 90 knots but as soon as i'm leveling out you can see i'll i'll raise those flaps and 90 knots as my designated airspeed i'm not going below bring the power back to max continuous once i'm over the saddle i'll lower that nose and start lining up on the block you'll see i've highlighted those numbers there from the light bar that's my gps guidance that tells me how far off my sewing run i am the letter r l tells me which side the sewing lines currently on and the number is how many meters to that side there we go we're lining up left hands on the money handle once we come into the block you'll see right there opening and closing again just shutting off for that batch as a standard shutoff for houses scrub boundary fences or any other areas you know to avoid and now i just fly the line i'll check my mirrors make sure it's flowing first flowing nicely other than that maybe sneak a peek at that nice view of the coast crack a day shut off nice and early before the house and then start our turn onto the next run this is quite an aggressive turn it's not normal i'm just taking another look at the fences around this house so i know what to expect on my next few runs lining back up here on the next run you can see i'll start looking out to the side just for visual reference when to open the hopper doors there in the same to close them and i'll keep doing that all the way across the top here see there's quite a bit of bush around you'll shortly see the camera starting to show you just there it's uh the hop lid flapping which it does when the loads nearly empty now not all planes do this that's just a funny quirk this one has that's the end of the run there my loads empty so we will head on back above my right hand you can see a green light there that's for the hydraulic system green green is go it means it's going there's also a blue light that goes on when the doors are operated and red light that happens when the accumulator is being dumped or if you've dumped the load so now we're coming up on a downwind there about to turn a base final we'll wash a lot of our air speed off in our turn it's essentially the same as a any normal approach only we're a lot lower and it's a lot more abbreviated but all the checks everything else is the same and lining up here leveling off clearing once you're on the ground into beta fuel goes into ground idle and another quick glance of the wind sock still the same tailwind landing headwind take off spin around line up clear of the truck open the lid breaks it flap set hopper yada yada yada you get the idea same as last time same as every time have yourself a drink you've earned it pat yourself on the back go do it all again rinse wash repeat and that is us thanks for watching
Channel: Jimbo Burgess
Views: 65,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Low, flying, Topdressing, Air Tractor, Crop dusting, cockpit, pilot, Jimbo Burgess
Id: 8-FIhnB6fYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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