Cobrak 18 | WoD Destruction Warlock PvP
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Channel: Cobrak
Views: 284,339
Rating: 4.9329467 out of 5
Keywords: cobrak, destruction warlock, warlock, pvp, montage, Cobrak 18, machinima, WoD PvP, Warlords of Draenor, Battlegrounds, World of Warcraft, warlock pvp, destruction warlock wod, wow wod pvp, wow wod cobrak, warlords of draenor pvp, cobrak warlock, cobrak warlock pvp, world of warcraft pvp, cobrak montage, cobrak pvp, wow destro warlock, wow destro lock, wow cobrak 18, wow world pvp, wow battleground music, wow battleground pvp, cobrak wow classic, destruction warlock pvp, wow
Id: xCt7mHTdTOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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