Coastal Foraging , Cook Up On The Beach - Ormers / Abalone , Lobster , Clams and More !

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[Music] my guys back smash fish in Bev a different one today we've got the lowest tide of the year got some of us oh yeah gonna go out find some winners or Shanker's lobsters anything we can for inch this is just going to be an all-out coastal foraging trip so once we finished our coffee we're going to get on it hopefully we get a few a deed fingers crossed we do we're praying for a nice lobster so fingers crossed guys it's smash fishing we're gonna go out to the crab port and pull that we've had a week of bad weather sort of for say twins stuff like that a mate yeah he's nice to see it in one piece do that's exactly it so we've got some rope with us just in case it is a bit battered up but they're usually build quite strong don't nearly eight that's broken up that's the staging guys I'm praying for it to be still alive nor point one so we're gonna get all to the lobster holes the tide is absolutely whipping that I sell quick bloody right mate so I'm rocking the merch my fishing baby excited bliss guys later on in the video we're gonna go out for some razor clams some cockles and stuff as well so this is basically just an all-out coastal foraging sesh baby for the homemade Alma Hawk or lobster hook I've just put a new gauge on there with the chancre and lady crab size limit so there's Lobster oh ma Shankaran lady crap he's coastal foraging trips are definitely becoming a bit of a passion been studying seaweeds lately as well so he might pick some of that up later just making our way to the crab pot at the moment we hid it in the most horrible place ever to get to first worth it hopefully hot still in one piece hell yeah check that out guys no damage whatsoever whoo laughs there's no lobsters but we've got to keep a lady crab and we're gonna get these hangers out and get you a better show hell yeah what buzzer baby got our measure and look at that perfectly in that's going in the cook pot oh yeah it's some brown crab shanku or edible crab too small give that one a go nice Wow smooth run we're gonna get this emptied gonna pay it up guys get it back out go find some almost baby I'm rubbish go nice nice lady crap they're gonna get a bit of seaweed in the pocket keep it alive and now we're on a mission it's an all-out fast for the lobsters enormous with lady crabs it's always good just to get a handful of wet seaweed cuz they die quite quickly and we're gonna be foraging for a while today and then we're gonna have a nice cook up on the beach oh yeah we're just mooching our way through we're looking in all the crevices a little cracks in the rocks especially when you're all Miran never disregard all the cracks in the rocks you'll find loads in there high cross crap I don't know the Latin name for it that was in a lobster hole I'm not gonna eat any of these today we're just searching around you see inside there there's a big hole though it's clean that's what you're looking for for lobsters is clean hold hopefully we can find one we're not looking for a lot of warmers we only want three or four just for the body foraging video we don't really like taking a lot of something hey Sam you try and keep the species alive and all that a lot of people get all this and Selam I'm not interested in that I don't care nice to find the lobster but as the tide goes down it's gonna go right out yet we might find one there it's an absolutely beautiful day compared to what we've had is crazy it's always good practice guys this place has been hammered but there's stones that they've missed for sure oh yeah little flatfish let's go to the top not cool looking little things dould smashed up crab pots in the rocks have a massive cork Ringwraiths I've never seen one so big before absolute giant yeah it's completely gone that clock no good for us we're trying to find almonds and lobsters baby as you can see we're in a huge golly whoa just here looking around found an undersized warmer there and check that for a lady crab but it's pregnant so we're gonna throw him back we don't keep pregnant stuff the little Almer they're gonna flip the rock back now hopefully we can find a decent one we're having a right old laughs Amy hey the small one their small little porcelain crab and finding a lot of small ones around here what's this the third day of the one with tighter yeah so the place has been hammered but hopefully we can find a few we're not in the best spots in the island because we want to go get some raises and that after so we've come close to be only one of you hair yeah look at that in by about a centimeter that's ideal that another one for the cook pot there's a lot of lobster holes around here so we're just taking our time whittling through you can see how clear that water is it's amazing if only we had the snorkel and mask got a lobster in this hole here guys cut my hand dr. honey get in little baby lobster right there that's not what's not as big as we want where we finally got on oh yeah check that out guys oh yeah that's too small for us we won't want a lot bigger than that take this one down to the water's edge whoop one last glance nice little one we won't we won't one a little bit bigger than that and off you go straight back down to the depth first keeper of the day guys just about in whoa we're definitely working for these today for sure that's why it's always good to check the cracks ice of water as well that one hasn't been found that's the size of that that's more like we wanted guys whoo hands bloody feeling it bet we got some food baby coastal for you and that's what I'm saying about always checking the cracks and under the rocks and stuff because you'll be so surprised how many you will find just under big rocks or just in the cracks of the rocks oh yeah it's the little tip guide on a mission baby cool looking an enemy's these are snake locking enemies guys I subscriber got and contact me with me from the last video when I said they were Delia but they weren't these are snake lock the dealer and enemies are a lot bigger apparently he gave me a very detailed description of him as well so thank you to whoever that was I've forgotten your name I apologize but your information was dearly noted thank you very much Samms found the honey hole racking up the almonds now I'll chop those in with the weed mate yeah so we're up to our form is now we're gonna have a little look around if we find any bigger ones were probably given to the chat next to us so stay tuned hopefully we can find a lobster yeah well I struggled then there's loads of warmers there guys that one two three four two keepers just got to pop them off there go mate yeah yeah we only wanted two for happy days mate cool it's doing well now I'm kind of a little hotspot full of warmers okay I carry on lifting some of these really big rocks hopefully we can pop out a lobster so I fall and break my hat ah just under that's a shame you know for my final loads of Alma's a lot of small ones I and yeah it's a little eh that's a little common top not gonna hold that up for the folks a bit check that out good beautiful little things they are is there bunny other but apparently they're quite nice when they hit quite a bigger size nice and sound got a little lobster that's the right a little prawn that one yeah cool though huh oh yeah back to his home now guys go on little dude Sam's got a couple nice ones here this little pulls packed up over me oh look at those those are jumbo lawyers man those are real almonds right there guys check that out some lovely ones mate that old geezers got to be happy with this one nice yes you can see there's loads for the future round dear guys absolute there's just tons a yeah to struggle in the bits we were looking for the lobsters more than anithing then we just found a little bit full of them oh that's the finger how we don't mind helping you out like was it it's got a bit carefully dude yeah we're just gonna sort through our warmers now guys and then we're gonna give the chap a few and then we're off to go get some razors and clams baby cuz we just won the biggest ones see we've got our ladies put back in there another lady half dead put a good tweet then we got some jumbo size warmers it love one there yeah I'm just gonna we're gonna pick four or five of the biggest ones and then the chap next to us can have the rest just gonna grab the biggest ones there guys see those two three four that's two each for me and so because we have all the races and that we're going to get pull up and we don't sell them or anything so they go mate I've shot those in your bag all right there's another tool that's I'm always cautious chuckle my hands in the holes there's two more there guys oh yeah there you go mate five almost happy days well I stay tuned guys we're gonna bust off now we're gonna go find the razors and the clamp and we're gonna go get on the beach and start cooking some up hit the spot we were sorting them out and Sam pulls one out with the hook that's why it's always good to check all the cracks in the rocks guys check that one absolute fatty and make another one P yeah lovely job mate yeah happy days but let's go mate otherwise we're going to end up here all day that is a real top not that bloody how tell you what guys we're gonna catch and cook this gonna fry up in the foreign plan that's too good to waste right they're gonna put some water in your book at me so we've got a bit of top not for lunch as well that's well in this legal size limit that haven't seen one that big in a long time just got a bottle full of salt and then I just fill it up the loads of water in it this is all the old stuff from the last video you want a really salty solution when you pour it in the holes because the beach is so dried out we want we want the salt go right down the holes Sam sitting there a few at the moment that's what you're looking for that's a perfect representation of a razor hole guy and we do is get your salty solution as you can see there is loads here we've got we got clams squirting everywhere as you can see it's caving in and then the razors will come up that could be if that could be a clam right you'll notice if it starts squirting out with loads of water and that's where I think the gape of clams will be all you do is just grab it hey first one down just walking around you'll see yeah squirty holes we're here clams are just shootin up venus clam ah to keep her as well nice big one well Venus clam yourself oh yeah hey they're the size of some of these winkles on the beach here guys look at that that is gigantic so we're gonna collect a few of these now these are jumbo saws a massive venus clam there guys all I'm doing is just literally walking along and they're just sitting on the surface just pop a few shells in there one of the homes we salted before that sample was in us a nice one that good eater that running out of salt now so I'm just gonna that's a raise of up there can see it just digging them out of our hand see it down there me check that for a Venus clown guys that's a beauty the razors ain't coming up right around with the salt at the moment we're gonna get in a couple keep an eye on the holes we were ready dawn and dig some out of our hands that's a cracker of a Venus clutter and getting one out of his hands it's easily damaged just dig out there's another one here from the salt enough for our coastal foraging cook up now guys we're gonna have to the spot and stop cooking the mark we're gonna frappe the almost done baby little bit small for what we want it got two lady crabs we've got more races than we fought with woody mate you do what's that I've got about about ten razors that's why we got the garlic butter look at that check that out guys I've got a topknot lovely size top not that so I'm going to put him out of his misery there you go he's gone and cut all of his guts out just like so basically taking the head off big job blood up get any sort of slimy fish if you rub it on the sand it would take all the grit off get it washed off a go nice slab of meat there lovely and white then we got our Venus combs absolutely big uns those ones they make you nice on those rinsed off we've got winkles we're only going to keep the monster ones most of these are gigantic absolutely huge the only one a few to eat so the rest over there in the weeds so they can feed on that look at that drive a little close up there sound absolutely beautiful so that's it on that style as you can see there's a good feed in there that's for sure now for the Alma's stop stick in rubbish there we go and with the Alma's what we're doing just gonna get the knife underneath the shell scrape it around a little bit try not to cut yourself if you will end up with a hole in the hand just like so get your knife cut the mouth out like a V beautiful oh we're doing cuz we're on the beach get in the sand get all the slime off not only to fussy just like so and we'll show you how we're gonna prep the rest of it after there we go we're gonna get the rest on now guys we're gonna get up the beach get the cookers up sloppy nose and go eat something baby whoo [Applause] perfect little table there's our ingredients we've got a bit of oil black pepper Guernsey butter some flour and salt what we're going to do is just get on to prepping all the almonds first and we'll show you how we're going to cook it all up we've got the big pot on the frying pan and we got the common top not this that's really nice meat you got them but on the beach you get two stones and just beat them you want to tenderize them especially around the edges just get your stone try not to crush your finger too much just like so you see pancaked lovely and we get to it now get the rest on we'll show you the next step of how we're going to prep them and their flower I apologize for the traffic noise but this is the best spot we could get at the moment and bit of sea salt up in the mix and then a bit of black pepper not too much that's beautiful and I'm next around make a mess it doesn't matter we're on the beach and all you're doing is putting your almonds in there as you can see by the little slo-mo we had one that popped over it's actually on the floor so we're not eating that one and all you're doing is just just drying them out with the sand beautiful and that's your miss ready to go and all we're gonna do now let's get the pans on gonna get them on the heat and get a sauce ready for the cooking of the clams baby what are we doing for the clams in the big pot we're gonna have clams we're gonna have the lady crabs and they're all gonna be steamed so what you do nice chunk of guernsey butter just like so we're gonna put this on the heat afterwards I'd recommend putting them on the heat at first if you're at home so a big knob of butter and a little bit of water to create the steam and then you get your garlic set a couple of garlic cloves and then what this will do is all of your clams and crabs and all that sort of stuff I'm sorry I'm squint and I got the Sun in my eyes all the clams and stuff will just get steamed in all of the juices all of the scent of this and I could tell by Sam's face he's really looking forward to it oh yeah so we're gonna get this all chopped up get it in the pan we're gonna get on the heat we get cooking guys stay tuned let's just show you how we're gonna start frying up the almas and the topknot I reckon it's gonna taste amazing flatty is really good place and soul absolutely delicious as you can see if you want to chat down there Sam we're making a little broth with all the garlic the butter and the water you see the steam coming out and that's what the clams and f'n is gonna be cooking in Oh so what we do for the frying pan let's get it on the heat get it all cooking up and get another bar in I'll show you the next step guys it's gonna get another knob of butter I recommend if you're cooking on the beach try and get as little sand in open as you can and don't need that much butter just a knob like that let that start sizzling down and that's all you need to cook the food and then to stop your i wanna i want to thank Scott a subscriber for telling me this is to stop your butter burning is put a little drop of oil and that really works hey thank you for that tip he's a chef that watches the channel and he's always giving me heads-up on things to do next time so finally appreciate it we're gonna get all the all the stuff in the steam pan just why the frying pans heat it up you see we got our lady crabs they go in got good load of razor clams there they go in as well then what we've got is our Venus clams or giant winkles and all the rest of it get the rest in there give it a little shake around and then it cook baby boy it smelling good now for the almonds guys our frying pan is heated up nicely just give them a little tap off and get them in the frying pan we're gonna have a lot of food here so we didn't want to just smash the bay and get as much as we can that's why we gave a lot to the old guy what are we giving seven in the end you know seven nice all Mersey out there so if he if he watches the channel then good on you guys yeah the good feast and I hope your backs better so that's the Alma's cooking in there nicely and then when they start getting a little bit more done we'll add the top not [Applause] we got the lid back on the steam pot left and cook really nicely through the crowds to take about 10-15 minutes the or MERS are nearly nearly ready one side so what we're gonna do now is add our top not back and this is gonna taste really nice this so what I'm going to do is the tough skin side we're gonna put that down and we're just going to fry it guys can see it start coming up like that this if this won't take longer tool just about to start taking up and out now you can see up and starts and Chris stop check them out that looks amazing you're gonna get set up now boys dog walkers close until they might want a bit you look important eight hell yeah we're gonna get all this stuff packed up we're gonna get ready and stop eating baby just gonna get the flatty in the Alma's check out that looks absolutely delicious oh there's the almonds nice and crispy guys as you can see nicely golden brown that's what we want it's gonna get these on the rock don't open that dude Alex yeah absolutely delicious so fresh this smells absolutely delicious the size of these venous clamps there are absolute chunks you can see the meat inside you got a good chunk of meat in that oh yeah nice fresh almost straight up the beach cap can't beat that tender as an affirm literally in the juice as well garlic butter goes with everything coming up these for a while you all miss is a bass mom oh that's so good if you ever get a chance to do this guys even come to Guernsey and I'll take you with me absolutely brilliant [Music] as you can see we've got a lady crabs there there's some nice big rays of fish and we already know these taste good from the other Captain Cook's all forward to amazing I think cook the maybe put the razors in a little bit less they're still tender there's a little true to them but nothing much absolutely delicious guys turn off look sighs seagulls want a bit white meat check that out guys how flaky that is they give me try bit of that bomb away just fools the pieces it's a bit like rats or spitting mushy it's not the best taste and fish in the world guys yeah I'm not I'm not so keen excuse me but it's a bit mushy it's got a nice flavor to it but that reminds me of rats it's not much flavor it's a yeah it's just a it is a fishy taste yeah it's just mush yeah odd fins are better I'll stick by that so crisp that's surprisingly good good yeah all right guys we're not gonna tease you anymore we're gonna finish our meal now I hope you enjoyed this one this is this is something we're gonna do a lot of like I said last time it'd be once a month I'll be getting into this if you want to check out Sam's Instagram it's at the Guernsey angler trying to grow that moment he dude yeah it's going well lots of good pictures if you like my channel like to subscribe guys having plenty more to come your smash fishing forgot to show you this winkles guys what you're doing is getting it right dig your fork right in and just spin it round and there you go absolutely delicious these are we've just been eat them they sound up yeah they're nice oh yeah definitely go for the giant ones they're absolutely gorgeous
Views: 492,394
Rating: 4.5149989 out of 5
Keywords: smash fishing, coastal foraging, uk foraging, foraging uk, seafood, gathering ormers, guernsey, lobsters, ormers, swimming crabs, gathering seafood, foraging clams, clams, razor clams, coastal foraging uk
Id: vzMIPz56pOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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