Coal-Fired Power Plant Tour (Unedited)

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you don't have massive control okay here this turbine loop oil tank [Music] all your oil cooling everything runs off this is both of the water out of the oil it's a little dehydrated speed trains [Music] [Music] they're taking the water out of the summer denser push them back [Music] so let's go back this is the water coming out of the surface tension putting the condensate pumps go back to the boiler that three condensate pumps that's the surface condenser is up there this is the water coming in to cool though we've got makeup valves called the condensate oh now the vacuum you got a vacuum in there so it dumps down the pump well it's about 34 feet deep so it actually gets the pressure [Music] so that's the discharge line let's go back to the boiler eventually [Music] this cooling water going in and out some surface condenser we got your inner past the outer pass about 180 000 gallons of water a minute [Music] these pumps pull vacuum on the surface water so they'll get air built up these are your main packaging for the surface [Music] [Music] you've got to have a vacuum on your surface that's what it runs a lot [Music] this still looks good this is what keeps the hydrogen the generator use oil from ceiling this is fire system for the transformers there's a walk down the [Music] you're gonna start your thoughts generator breaker one for each phase breaker control panel what's the power coming out of the generators at least 12 000 amps right now about 500 megawatts that's for cooling iso phase buses just looks like frequency monitor ensure grounding for the generator that's the power coming out of the generator right here and there's your three breakers [Music] as part of the hydrogen cooling system for the generator i get a lot of heat so you've got hydrogen trimming [Music] so [Music] [Music] high pressure [Music] control for the generator [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] that's your feedback turbine now this is the booster pump gearbox this stick is the water out of the generator loosen the pressure up that goes through two more heat exchangers then it comes back through the main feed pump [Music] these are various drains like this aerator right here pretty critical valve these other ones are dump drains for your feet water heaters in case you're both correct that's called the ptv leader trip valve if you get high level it's a check valve all that water back to the turbine and also if you trip it closes because there's enough heat in the big water heaters to drive the turbines about 2 800 psi we're down in brussels it's let the pressure keep the perfect final point two big bumps and three hundred you have to have the other one running about two ninety weeks we put the other water heaters there's three big water heaters uh so this part of the glass steam make up for sealing the low pressure at full load you got too much steam so then you got to dump someone back to the top condenser he's taking steam off the high pressure turbine glands can we cool it and use it for sealing in the turbines otherwise you'd suck air and pass this down to hold a vacuum [Music] that's main steam going to the third line right there's 2400 psi thousand five degrees then you have your cold reheat coming back it's about 600 psi 600 degrees you have your hot reheat it's a thousand five going back in to the intermediate pressure various breaker load centers all the power here is 7 200 volts [Music] so this all the exciter breaker cider control for the generator had to put a current to the rotor produce magnetic field run the generator [Music] this the demineralizer unit we're making pure water feed the boiler this is the stator cooling water skid there's water going down the windings in the generator for cooling pure water [Music] [Music] that's a backup transformer 235 000 to 70 70 100 volts what's all the cbas for is it for like fire or something 24 000 volts coming in steps up to 500 000. you got three of them you got a spare this is the auxiliary transformer drops the voltage down plant off the ice and phase bus [Music] [Music] these are the polishers they're a resin bed they clean up the condensate before it goes back to the boiler you got three vessels and you got two regen vessels you gotta move resin and regen it so it comes out of the condensate pumps through the glass steam condenser polishers back to the feed water heaters generator level control valves that goes up to the generator comes off of that few booster pumps your more feed water heaters main pumps of factory boiler that's electrode boiler for heating the plant gas and caustic storage for human regenerating the resin plant air compressors over here you got the blaze it's a water filtration unit so you bring the water to the reservoir you filter it go through the demand take the minerals out then it goes to the storage tank and that's used for makeup somebody's watching down they got water and that thing blew it up knocked two id fans out on us so so this the backup generator runs all the critical equipment there's two deutz diesel engines two six little two twelve sunrooms they bolt together that's the aux boiler use that for starting the plant up with here's our pumps for the aux boiler that's your diesel fuel pumper runs your igniters fuels the aux boiler you have to use diesel to run the igniters to light the coal off with these are the pulverizers each pulverizer feeds one deck of burners four burners that's the old style there the new ones the wheels are stationary those the wheels actually rolled around they're on a planetary pin up there that's that's how much clothes being crushed you see the pin how far out the rollers are [Music] chemical tags for boiler water chemistry little oil skid for the beach feed pump that's the north bay pump south feed pumps down there these are your bottom mash booster pumps use high pressure water to move the ash bought a mash offered twice a week you have to open those doors up use the jackhammers and then break up the big rock so every every tuesday you gotta pull the ash out use rigs the crusher sits right down there as the crusher crushes up the ash so you got to pull it out you got a live fire you have a dangerous job the water level's up to there the whole bottom that hopper is full of water uh the ash falls off the boiler walls down into here twice the shift we'll pull it off use the crusher and try to sluice it out but twice we gotta let him get the big ass up [Music] that's a bad scraper in the pulverizer [Music] come on this thing hit the wall over here we're blowing out the pyramid basically start this too big fall rise goes down the air vents the bottom part of this is an air vent it ends up this pyrite hopper then just loose that out so this here is collecting all the stuff that isn't getting ground up you have your air duct right there you got hot and cold air mixing together you want the outlet temperature somewhere around 140 degrees in the coal right here so this is primary air coming in higher pressure you can close the coal dust into the boiler if you have valves putting steam in for sweeping steam and nice steam cases gets hot catches fire they will catch fire they will plug up you can have disasters look there's the rest of the ox cooling water like i say every oil cooler has uh it's cooling water clean water that's how the hydrogen comes in for the generator on that truck we have about 60 pounds hydrogen the generator co2 tank fire fighting and dirt and generator storage tanks for the generator the different sides where they blew the side of the building out one day oh wow wow [Music] [Music] there's a sitting little lance they stick in the boiler we've had them get wrapped up is the water going back to the reservoir wow it's steamy must be spray though yeah like aerosol that's called the seal well way it's set up you have your water pump sure like propeller pump pump the water up through the tubes and the surface condenser that comes back out the theory is this maintains a level so you don't have to pump that high it's producing kind of a vacuum help pull some of the water out so that's hot water it's not that hot it's maybe um 90 degrees maybe 100. so what's the total travel length of the water through the plant for the feed okay it comes in through your pumps your lines run underneath over here and they go through the circumstances then they come back back out oh just that building there in the end yeah we see those big lines going up yeah that's really cool they go through tubes you can walk down these lines uh actually walk down and bend down the bottom this pit and you can actually look at the pump in cirque water about 180 000 gallons a minute come through to cool the steam so i have a chlorine tank we use chlorine to keep out the biological growth of it the chlorination room just use chlorine to keep the clams up and growing and all that surface condensers see fish this is a bunch of fish in here um basically have a trash wrap so we have these traveling screens that go throughout all the pigs yeah there's a lot of ducks and geese no we have these little racks back there's one the rakes that thing right there you have to figure geese in the fall i taste some bubbles from algae i think yeah there's a lot of fish in this yeah i'll go back keep [Music] traveling screen real common this is the water coming out of the screen oh yeah watch out so these are your cirque water pumps that's what's building the surface condenser another 2 000 horsepower motors you have to run two of them on full load in the back we have the service water pumps they're cooling the ox cooling water and food quality a little plant water usage just filtering out the large grass and sticks fire pumps a little dust higher than it should be it's like five percent opacity surface water comes out down here that's cooling knocks cooling water this goes down here it goes underneath the pipe underneath the reservoir it comes out the other side the reservoir gets so warm you get 80 degree water coming back and it's hard to cool stuff this is trona come out of salve these are the dehumidifiers trying to dry the air out going to the bowlers to move the product so it doesn't cake up dramatically use air pressure and load the cars these are the blowers that move the torona two promoting two for pushing in for injection for salt to control blue gas that's all for the flue gas [Music] so [Music] this is tronner fade the silos hold about four rail cars so we're feeding this in the plant about 4 000 pounds an hour [Music] [Applause] got a screw feeder set up for emissions and maintains something to keep the sulfur down [Music] [Music] so [Music] these are viper mills they take the toronto and grind it finer they water washed every so often set on time for 24 hours they water wash if you have high temperature vibrations they'll shut down use water to clean the rotor out over there's what's called the ash farm those two bins there's all the bottom ash you have your bottom mesh pumps just like gravel it goes there then once we dump in trucks all out the bax one's your fly ash silo then over there that's just the water is reclaimed the water goes through it takes the bottom ash ends up there sediment drops out then we set it back in so the water is completely reused for the bottom mesh what are we gonna do to start the fans while we're here so primary air pad let's close the cold oils from the pump risers that's controlling the pressure on the duct going through them those are like 3 500 horsepower motors these are 2 000 horsepower motors running your poor strap fan this is air going through the boiler part of the furnace draft control system we've maintained about negative .05 inches of water another bedroom backup compressors for cleaning air preheaters so this is where that guy the fans that plucked up with ice there's such a back open the door it sucked about four guys here they got stuck in here fading coils hit the europe in the winter months some of the stuff's blowing out of the pulverizer hopper get rocks and stuff build up plug it up [Music] that's your air coming in the pulverizer uh it goes up through there they got classifiers on top to control how fine the coals getting ground that's the air duct coming in primary air coming in you got hot and cold air mixed together maintain the outlet temperature [Music] this is monitoring the air different pressures on the pub risers you got air going to the roller wheels table seal different ceiling air keep the dust out of the bearing [Music] so guillotine damper flow control dampers down there they got a passo damper try and shut there off we put the bulb riser [Music] down you have your hot air duct down there it's about 670 degrees then you have your cold air duct dropping in rough above mix in there right there there's a cold air coming in ambient air all right air comes in got two sets of dampers they mix the air [Music] that's the cold dropping in from the feeders this is the cold air mix going to the burner deck for the boiler so you feed one burner deck four burners off one pulverizer air is about 140 degrees they only feed about 135 000 pounds an hour [Music] boiler drains both sides have a set of those this is the call being fed right now the seatbelt raises boiler comes off the boilermasters they maintain so much coal in the belty and change the belt speed control [Music] so concept it comes out of the surface condenser goes to the gland steam through the polishers back through three feet water heaters and through a feed water heater three that goes up to the generator then the water comes down feeds your booster pump what's the cider housing those are brushes putting the current on the rotor shaft bruce magnetic field around the generator it's static drive off those controls downstairs regarding lip bumps they use high fresh oil keep the shaft off the bearing when you're shut down you got your steel oil comes from that skid downstairs trying to hold the hydrogen and get about 60 pounds of hydrogen pressure so you got oil in this ceiling system keep the hydrogen in [Music] [Music] 676 megawatts which rated that that's turning gear those are pulling any current off the shaft you get the static charge built up with the bearings got a fire system on the turbine bearings there's a vacuum on the low pressure turbines they're using the gland steam to seal it keep air from running in the chat's been about 800 000 horsepower out it's been about 500 megawatts we put out almost 600 in the right conditions you got two low pressure turbines this is steam come from the boiler 2400 psi high pressure steam you got your turbine throttle stop valve one on each side then invade your governor valves there's four on each side that works controlling the load out of the plant so you have your turbine trip throttle then you have your governor valves because the high pressure turbine steam comes out about 580 psi goes back to the boiler heated to a thousand five that's your reheat stop belt steam come back pull it has a reheat stop then you have your intercept valves this is all reheat steam goes the intermediate pressure turbine then from there it feeds both the low pressure turbines [Music] a speed water heater from here that goes up to the boiler you got seven bid water heaters number seven it takes the steam called cold reheat and feeds actually cheating the water going back to the boiler same as the other side four sets of pulverizers four sets of feeders big water hater six it's coming off the ip it's just hitting the water you're trying to recover most of the energy you can make them more efficient speed water heater 5. [Music] we'll put our masks on [Music] okay hmm here's the lavatory check chemistry here's all the water chemistry every chef we just verify they're working right boiler pa specific conductivity cat conductivity the cat conductivity takes out all the cations we had ammonia it mostly strips out so it tells you exactly what's going on with the boiler so silica plates out on the turbine blades uh sulfite and chlorides can cause inner granule closing stress cracking on turbine bleeding so this is all the water chemistry right now we're going huh still glad you have the examples of this ph that's like continuous speed from different parts of the plant yeah that's easy yeah yeah the chiller maintains the water temperature you have to have your sample temperature right around 70 40 degrees some around 75 degrees so you have to maintain your sample temperature some of this stuff's coming a thousand degrees yeah ph analyzers the cat connectivity column it goes through a resin which turns yellow resin is exhausted so it's stripping all that positive ions [Music] here's a bunch of analyzers these are all the sample points of water coming in they have a thing called the drag valve it drops the pressure from 2400 down to set it right now about 80. yeah so this is where your samples come in you have to drop the pressures you got to control the temperatures and it goes to analyzers this crap's worth a fortune 100 bucks a pound wow we got our filtered water tank out there when it's pretty dirty and so it goes to the blaze we filter the water that goes there then from there goes back to the demand strips all the minerals out and it goes to storage tank outside for makeup yeah any screens you want to see here let's start making 530 megawatts yeah oh it's a good screen go to i'll do a pulverizer i think she's downstairs i could see all the things from everywhere yeah huh we can't control them here yeah which is good you don't want nobody's screwing with anything on you here's that a pull riser the sparks coming out you can click on this here are those were the pulverizers where those sparks were yeah that was a scraper yeah okay right now we're uh feeding 99 000 pounds an hour airflow 188 000 pounds an hour now that temperature is 130. we'll go down the simulator makes more sense uh what's a good screen voltage control here's your the generator pressure right now 60 pounds so what's the hydrogen used for cooling oh you just keep it on there it's a lot less winded just like point seven percent of the massive air so your windage is a lot less in conduction better main feed water condensers uh it's just in the generator uh the feed water for your turbine yeah just for cooling the generator that's it generator cooling only right now we've got 28 megavars lead actually we're boosting a little bit now 26 megabars this is kind of float you have automatic power system stabilization tries to take swing out of the the grid radio frequency monitor is looking for arcing sparks in it so you have twelve thousand eight hundred amps going out these are your kill amp ratings going out main transformer temperatures uh here's your voltages right now running 546 1000 volts on the line going out cider controls you got automatic voltage regulator which maintain the voltage automatically if you're putting it online you got to close this and you can adjust these and uh play at the speed once you get it synced then you just throw and close the breaker but hydrogen's a great cooling substance for and there's no oxygen to give you any chronic damage to the windings ah so we got water actually going down the stator windings there are actually square tubes water goes down from stator cooling and then we use hydrogen gas to cool the rotor and the rest of it i'll go to the feed pump these are two feed pumps oh they're pumping out eighteen hundred thousand pounds an hour each one so you got two sets all the transmitters you have two sets of transmitters if one goes bad you can use the other one so we're feeding 33 000 pounds an hour about 3 million 3.3 million pounds an hour we'll go to steam flows about 35 3.5 million pounds an hour steam that's the boiler drum these are all the level controls yeah we have multiple transmitters red means it's the transmitters we're using right now okay so you got your level and then you got your pressure so red we're running on the it's like the south side there's a little difference in variation in drum levels huh just from the way the water is going through there these are all that we got two sets of transmitters for everything right now this is the transmission we're running on so we got 14 1.4 million pounds an hour of air going in north sec this is the primary air control it's been about 1.3 million pounds an hour furnace pressure 0.71 is around about 0.5 the way the fresh pressure works your id fans pick up then your air picks up knitting change your fuel pretty complicated control system yeah okay we'll head upstairs pretty much half not everything the transmitters are wow so the drag chain it takes all the fight colt back here's your main belt you have a gate that moves and controls how much coal goes on top the belt the way these grab a metric they're actually measuring the amount of coal going in so they maintain so much weight on the belt and they change the valve speed to control the cold flow that's your main jobs dump those pans every so often oh i gotta get my stuff 35 to 55 miles an hour that's your coal mix and air out the primary air fans going into the burners [Music] this steam here is used for like polisher regens demon regen heating the caustic putting seals on the turbine and plant heating also there's not enough steam come back use this for gyrator heating and there are other safeties three on this side four on the other we'll go down here and take a trip across the boiler when you come usually that's coming off the cold reheats your ox steam through pressure controllers when you get too low you got to come on these take it off the boiler steam somewhere around 300 megawatts you guys start swapping over so that's the steam coming out of the boiler outside of the finishing super eight this inherits head down to the turbine throttle stop valves this at the very top the boiler whole boiler is suspended from these beams that way it grows down down it's about about eleven and three quarters inches these are super heater sprays you have to control the temperature in your tubes otherwise you can damage the metallurgy so these are controlling the steam outlet temperature everywhere in the weekend we wash the whole thing down you got hoses to wash the whole powerhouse down one side yeah it's hotter than health we haven't done it lately we're supposed to last week and we didn't have a hose up here sprayed watch this whole thing down what about the roof that's the steam drum down there that's where the steam and water separated you have a steam water mix that coming up the risers you have natural circulation the boiler water goes down you got steam water mixes lighter and it gets circulated and here we strip the steam off the water and try and dry it get the water out very top the boiler this was put in first before they did anything else so [Music] [Music] out there's grassland a little substation we've got some of the main breakers for the line coming in you can barely see mountain hood usually it's pretty clear these are some of the strobe lights you see oh yeah that's cool got your four dsi silos from trona then you got the ash farm basically the water just keeps circulating through the plant you kind of just lose bottom ash it ends up in those ash bins the water goes off um all the sump water goes out there thinks we let the particulate settle out pull that out the ash jump sits over the other side of the wrist board this this plant the effluent goes across out there you can see where the water is kind of coming up across the dikes columbia river oh this gets pumped down the columbia river but they'll still keep the reservoir for a while yeah they have to have a little bit of water over there then we have withdrawal pumps we'll pump water out for the farms to try and lower this dissolve solids in it it concentrates you have to change water out in there that's too bad they can't really use it for farms well they do that we change part of the water out every year we bring fresh water in and they pump it out in the farm so it keeps them getting too when that's gone we're done that's precipitator building down there we're taking out all the particulate out of the flue gas so that bigger silo with the two bag houses on top that's where the fly ash goes we haul that out pretty much every day on day shift they take it out there and dump it somewhere josh does a ton of coal mate that's like this down a lot yeah it's like four or five percent ash because we're running out yeah every coal is totally different you can tell what you're running amount of ash content heat value how bad it's legs up the boiler so the coal's very different from where it comes from now back to reclaiming the coal they have a company rpm they're taking the rock out they're trying to clean up the coal they've scraped off the bottom so there's nothing on the left got a lot of rail cars used to run three trains continuous right now we're going through about 7 100 tons a day there's about 300 000 tons left that's the dumper building out there that's where they mow their rail cars out there runs down these belts okay the very far ones sr2 it's a manual stacker you got to sit in the cabin run it this sr-3 is automatic you want close to it it runs by itself control button gets low it quits feeding when you need coal it feeds it transverses does everything automatically the back one you have to just sit in the cabin you gotta run it back and forth and cut so the water tank there's the trailers they had some motorhomes they brought in right between the devices say that one protects the cone roof that's diesel that's around the igniters not spoiler the tanks fire water and kind of domestic water how's help had ever been used no they got um lights over there you guys set out they come in uh that's where your coal's coming up out of those belts the car's all aluminum they're aluminum rail cars so somebody come give us a bit on them this little thing that comes down the water you can see the way the hills like sandbars where the window is they got that's where the we're analyzing the flue gas all your continuous air monitoring equipment's in there nights you have to go up there and calibrate and check it what's that radio tower for like your internet the ham radio club they let them put a tent up here for the ham radio club um basically look we monitor mercury sulfur carbon monoxide like carbon dioxide water particulate so we have probably the lowest mercury in the country coming out of this plant wow sulfur is 0.95 i mean 0.295 so it's pretty low so you see a lot of these lines there for factoring out ash use a vacuum truck downstairs run hose and clean out this is called the penthouse that's where all your boiler tubes inside run to different circuits it's not part of the flue gas stream coming out of the steam drum goes back to here there's different part of the plumbing for the boiler the actual boilers down below this is certain blowing station take steam off the boiler dropped the pressure from around 560. those are the flow control valves different sections of sibling have different pressures and flow requirements these are your level transmitters you have your two pressure transmitters over there so right now we're running on the other side so you got three level transmitters each side two pressure transmitters these are your spray control valves super heat they're controlling the outlet temperature of the steam tracking under a thousand five one side's running hotter the other side auxiliary steam station this like i say this is used for when there's not enough coal preheat steam to run the oxygen steam going to division walls control metal temperature basically the steam comes out of the steam drum goes through the top tubes in the boiler roof goes to the primary super heat comes a primary superheat it's sprayed down to about 880 degrees it goes to division walls and then it's sprayed before it goes to the finishing superheater to control the temperature so it's two sets of spray strength temperature so on that one bad packing [Music] these things the suppliers are okay you're shut down sub blowing just leg up the boiler and go on high temperature sibling has to run you're cleaning all your backpacks your reheater sections to back the boiler primary super heating economizer this side i want the water bottle pasta these are smart sub blowers here you can control how fast they go how much they they sweep there's a lot of stuff in control we just run them straight in and out you have your finishing super heat tubes in there i hope you get a picture of it open the door maybe get a picture [Music] look on the other side that one might blow steam down [Music] [Music] so division walls are inside here it usually throws fire out when you look in there i might think of that one starts up will stick huh it's amazing some of the pictures come out really good on this stuff oh so that's how you get some blowers out i'll go in you gotta get right there and drive them out it could be a hell of a project wow really stuck back there i hold the air ratchet drive all the way out sometimes when they stick these are all the downcomers it's all water going back down to feed the water wall circuits this will be 18 of them 16 inch pipe [Music] [Music] so when they get here this thing flips up and supports the lens [Music] [Music] what's up i got that there's brother other side so [Music] so [Music] [Music] header so this the feed water coming on the upper economizer going to the boiler drum we have a thing called the bull nose that kind of goes out it keeps the furnace gases more uniform pull on the boiler instead just pulling down the back wall you've got division walls come a long ways out into the firebox try and pull heat out there goes the finishing slippery tries to pull more heat out you have much above 1800 degrees hitting the primary superheater seems like it bumps it up it's about 2200 degrees coming off the top of the bull nose in the back past the boiler that's an infrared temperature probe right there it's measuring the temperature of your full nose so we're in about 21 2200 degrees something's got pretty bad bent lances they'll sit here and bang when they go and they get bent from lack of steam pulling heat because this there's a lot on the boy they're pretty hard part of the fire just cleaning the division walls a little bit of fish you know and swing and do this but we just run continuous so so that's the fan room for the turbine generator turbine room sits right down below a little bit of vapor that's coming off the extraction of the lube oil we keep a slight vacuum on the little well system to pull in air as well doesn't get out if you remember german lube of fire it could be a complete catastrophe worse than he said i didn't see her probably bottom man shack went across some place yeah that's that's all there is is five people down chip soup two up in the bowl yard much no a little bit of vapor that's coming off the glass steam it's important to keep the turbine sealed if you lose your glass steam you can't maintain your vacuum it'll trip off so you take the steam off the high pressure that's blowing out you cool it down and then you send it to the low pressure and to seal it for startup you have to use auxiliary steam to keep steam so it doesn't pull air and then pull a vacuum on it so where's the turbine at is that in that roof yeah it's right down below okay there's a turbo grid in the transformer room sit outside oh up there substation right down below us uh see the wires coming off there they're coming off the transformers there's all the iso face bust 2400 volts they stepped up to 500 000. yeah still pretty high current going down those lines high bad but you got like 10 000 gallons of oil on the transformers and every time they fail can be a pretty big disaster that's jeff's not that big a 16 inch shaft it's you know you can put out 600 it's 50 megawatts yeah a lot of power the plant takes about 30 megawatts to run all the fans enough of a small city uh like fans and pumps and stuff yeah okay right now we're putting out about 530 out of the generator and we're saying about 500 down the line ah those fans a lot of them are 2 000 horse motor you got like 10 000 horsepower on horse draft fans and 10 000 horse nike fans you want to experience hot we can go down there it is hot so a slight bend to it just a little bend that's not too bad do that before we have to cut them off dropping the boiler you can't get them back out one time it rolled up like caffeine that's where you have a lot of steam it's at least i don't know 2200 degrees now you run your metal it lands in there sell that weight length they've been pretty quick yeah you got to have free ice cream well he's got like 12 000 pounds [Music] the intermediate furnace sprays these are cooling steam the division wall this is coming out of the primary super heat this camera comes out the steam drum for the top rows primary super heater comes out of the primary superheater we spray it down to 870 880 right now they go to division walls goes back up sprayed again and then it goes to finish and ship or hate to try to maintain a thousand five outlets [Applause] that steam said going to the division walls this is water feed water come from the lower economizer to the upper economizer it goes to your economizer comes out the ball knows where's the steam drum it's always trying to extract heat every step try to keep the heat these are the dampers this is for the primary temperature control it's mostly for reheat control this this part right here is your primary superheater an upper economizer this part's all reheater so these dampers try to maintain a thousand five outlet on the reheater they work this will open this will close or opposite to maintain close to the boiler yet maintain your reading temperature this repeat bar coming in the boiler it's coming through feed water heater seven off your main boiler feed pump you got a little valve there lb7 that's used for startup we run that manually for maintaining level and when you're running low loads at 1400 psi this thing swaps over to three element control instead of once you're looking at feed water steam flow and level this just looks a little ears run this manually looks a level that's a good one going to a lower economizer i don't know 7 000 gallons a minute he water hammered the plant broke one of those lines to reheat it smashed the floor downstairs went down here did a hell of a lot of damage something wasn't paying attention to a valve top of the coal silo they hold about 480 tons of coal a little over four rail cars almost five rail cars you fill your silo it goes down to the feeder it relates the amount of coal being fed down to the pulverizer and the pulverizer closes up into your deck of burners four burners the boilermaster controls you matter how fast your feeders run controls your boiler load have your firebox it's where fire is then these are the convection sections you have your primary super heat and your ray heaters on this part so the plane fire goes up here loops over comes back down here these are some of the old water cannons just use water for cleaning the boiler walls that's that's a water cannon i use this high pressure water to clean the furnace walls they can go up to 500 psi you're about 300 psi you control the how fast they move they're set up in zones they'll actually clean zones they're a pretty amazing machine the x y drives are active for like uh six decimals this german it's very complicated but it works pretty well we have a vortex coolers you use high pressure use air it spins it and it makes a huge cooling effect so you use air to create a little cooler to cool the cabinets everything gives it vortex these are just an i o port and actual details down lower so the logic and the programming is pretty complicated that's just the water can't use high pressure water knocks its leg off the furnace walls you can set what stone you want to blow and stuff you got to keep slight lego build up on the wall it's target high temperature one in the back makes a lot of problems you also get a lot of knocks i gotta smell the barbecue this is where the wind box starts your four strap fans push air in the boiler up through here on top ones you have over fire dampers you put air over the top of the fire try and knock down knocks or run burn then to feed all your burners it's your fourth draft band just feed this part where's your ft fans feed the pulverizers only cooling water head tank this maintains pressure locks cooling water that's the generator storage tank you have about three minutes of water if you lose a condensate that's the durator up there they're stripping out all the dissolved oxygen and gases out of the water [Music] you have a flash recovery tank takes a continuous stream of water off the boiler drum the steam flashes off goes to the aerator the rest of our goes down to the hot well surface condenser that way you keep down the concentration boiler so the speed pump restrict valve you have to have minimum flow through the feed pumps or damage them so those are set to maintain minimum flow through the feed pumps this is floor eight that's floor nine don't ever take the elevator between eight and nine oh one dad's with some guys they had to get the lunch box they got the elevator at eight they went up to nine got out next guy did probably the guy finally lost it within the boss yeah that's this is eight that's nine [Music] [Music] so these are level they'll trip your feed pumps off you get a little level takes the north at 67 in the south at 64. that's extraction steam feeding in your gyrator it's coming off the low pressure turbines take part of the steam aerator heating heats the water going the boiler up and also extracts any salt gases out of it you have aux steam for startup we'll use this valve get the deer raider in the water for free put it to the boiler it's pretty fine had a lot of problem dust but it's a lot wetter so it isn't too bad now they'll be ground up about the size of flour blowing in the boiler but this before the pulverizers or after the floor this is feeding them feeding the silos last time yeah okay the silos right now are holding about eight hours of coal so you lose your belt you have about eight hours you gotta they're set up automatically they they'll fill up and they cascade this one here set on a weight they'll shut it down that controls how this starts and stops them right now you pick whatever cell you want to start and stop the pull system runs automatically we bring in not sure what they're feeding right now we've only got one crusher so it's a little bit less life isn't good hey yeah so so so those belts are filling up the silos this one will build about 400 tons it goes down to the feeder the pulverizer and blow them back up to the boiler so so i gotta see a so not there it goes razor heavy pulverizer g now those are called eyebrows those big buildups they'll get wet they drop down so the bottom match has to grind up so you'll get those down a big chunk of rock get out the camera break it up and get it out the door just build up early you're watching watch this leg belt off and build mountain grip that's what bottom half does feels all the slag on the boiler walls kind of melted it this is called the economizer ash this is your ass dropping out the reheaters and the primary superior part of the boiler this is the firebox there the dampers are this is the back part so this is all the ash getting knocked off the sibling it comes down here is ground up and blowing out to another tank fly ash is collected later on and bottom hatch built up on the walls here's a basic burner here's your coal coming in off the pulverizer you have your sleeve damper this controls the amount of air going into this burner you have your igniter uses diesel fuel it's about four gallons a minute the igniter has an air supply diesel applied then there's a high voltage spark plug that lights it then you have two flame scanners that's the flame scanner for the igniter it uses ultraviolet this is the flame scanner for the main flame your main burner so they both use ultraviolet so if you lose two flame scanners the main you trip the pulverizer off starting up you have to get all your nighters in then you can start feeding the coal when you feed pull all four burners go at once off the pulverizer that's economizer ash this is a build up of the parts of melbourne particles from burning the coal use your sub blowers to knock this off the tube then you have to grind it so you can pull it out here's some of the stuff you find i think it's caught up here in the screens uh these are guide protection tubes for the boilers they'll put those on where the slip blowers hit them yeah they'll put those on the key from the roads these are the cinder grinders they're grinding up all the economizer ash they make into small pieces kind of like that's been blowing out of here if you plug up a lot this can be a problem your transport line can plug up see a little bit of economizer oh yeah a little bit can be a problem oh the bigger pieces that get knocked off yeah i know i just see fire jesse fire they don't work without this thing right i can probably bring a camera i'll get a lot of these pictures okay on the lower ones number three so economizer ash transport line use air pressure ball with the ground economize rash out that's the cold air fitting the pulverizers this is the hot air coming out of the air preheater we got a venturi flow meter see that one pulverizer there's just four lines coming out this one is feeding that top deck number six some of the air pre-heaters they take the heat out of the flue gas and free heat they're going in it's about 670 degrees in air feeding in to the boiler [Applause] so this is activated carbon for mercury control and this is throwing up for sulfur control blowing in these hoses get leaks in them and plug you're up here you're trying to visit the cloud up here it gets bad because you get a hole in the lid you got to splice them and really plug up you gotta take them off trying to blow them out oh upstairs worse yeah you gotta run down all these things right for real so many paths the hose gets a hole is that really abrasive it cuts this hose through we gotta patch them this side you have the flue gasses coming out of the boiler coming down this side heat on the other side you have the air going back in so you're transferring the heat out of the flue gas coming out to the air going in use high-pressure air to clean off the air pre-heaters that's when the top one the bottom we can actually see the baskets inside so these are dampers that's a lower support so so nice classic battery died push the end yeah now air preheater that's about how fast the air pre-heaters turn that shaft up there lower support bearing dampers so so you have to inject um chemical phosphoric acid stuff to get the flash enough resistivity so stick to the plates these are called the transform rectifier sets they put about 50 000 volts dc okay this is what's putting power to the place to pull off the fly ash a little bit of dust today yeah so these transformers for they put college there's wires that put a charge on the particles and the plates have the other charge reflected oh for the filter yeah yeah i can this first set these are the discharge wires uh they're putting the charge on the particles and these other ones are the collectors they run every so often we keep a little bit of ash on the plates but they wrap and knock the ash down so this is stripping out the particular flue gas yeah it's called wrapper rooms they have a curt k lock but first you gotta take shut the breaker off grab that key go through the tr put the key in turn it take that key um take it to the outside make sure all six keys there then you can get a key for this lock and this one goes upstairs control these keys there's a key or screw wow [Music] these keys once you put a key in here and turn it you'll release this key you can't get these keys out so you have a sequence that you gotta do you get the keys in order to that's good yeah i can't walk through just 50 000 volts on these wires just the wrapper breaker room continuously hello that one [Applause] these are feeding the tr sets outside they look at how many sparks per minute they start sparking they back down the voltage on it they're basically cut the waveform they produced dc voltage out there so these things cut the waveforms and the voltage out and it's transforming rectified outside [Applause] [Music] so right now i run about 350 yeah thousand volts uh [Applause] this right about there's the voltage going outside and then it's stepped up this one's running 54 kilovolts [Applause] and sparking so it's backing down a little bit oh [Applause] the heights of these this is controlling the emissions setup too you try to keep the voltage down as low as you can so you don't waste power it takes a little over a megawatt to run this thing but you can cut it by a quarter if you're an [Applause] optimized so so basically the exhaust gas comes out the boiler goes to the air preheater we add your trona and carbon right before the air preheater goes to air preheater comes down to precipitate knocks precipitation the particles out then it feeds down to your id fans they're pulling a vacuum on the boiler they sit down there and then the stack has a liner these lines with the dsi going there they plug up once in a while so so so you have your collector's discharge wires in here okay they're knocking the ash down the hoppers front yeah the ashes knocked down bills here goes down they got nouveau feeders down the bottom that ship it out dramatically we've opened these doors and dumped ash they've had ashes to the floor great before two secondary primaries are on the end this economizer ash wow you might want your mask it used to be really clean and nice in here it's just kind of gone to hell lately this is what's feeding out the ash um you have a bottom gate top gate top gates opens there's an equalizing line that's open let's fill up an equalizing line closes it pressurizes another air then this valve opens it blows out pneumatically there's air going down this transport line still blows it out to the silo so we're moving flash all the time you collect the flash they blow it out to the hopper i think it used to be really nice in here mercury with okay they're so black why do you see two white eyes these aci feeders are feeding activated carbon to control the mercury we use the chi product in the coal yard and this pulls rest of mercury out that carbon goes right through your clothes these are the id fans we're pulling the draft on the boiler and 2500 horsepower motor the vfd driven so you control the speed on the motor control the draft so if you change fuel first these kick up then your your air kicks up and then your fuel kick up you're trying to maintain negative 0.5 inches of draft a driver these are the vfds for the id fan each one we control the rpm controls the draft and the boiler they're pretty exotic no problem [Music] let's do this there's a tower oh yeah that's the 300 foot level oh i saw what the window is for the yeah yeah that's what your mission stuff is up there so your flue gas goes for a line yeah got an elevator we've had guys get stuck up there right down the ladder that's pretty neat okay nice here yeah was this all convection current from the air gain sucked up by the warmer air probably yeah you take the elevator for 300 feet then you got claimed the rest of the way pull the air out the fd fans push the air in the v8 fans push the pole dust in here these are set up so they all run kind of the same rpm you can buy some up and down but the speed the speed's not controlling the draft and the boiler the dampers are just for start up shut down we're fd pass control off the dampers the motors run into us there's a company that sells the fly ash the usual first cement additive but the use now in the landfills it will make like concrete when it gets wet yeah economizer that's where the economizer ascends apparently loaded the trucks once a week call it out those in the bottom ash oh this is bottom ash once it goes in through the grinder okay it comes out in big pieces and you break it up and the grinder chews it up let me scrounge transport out here with water the other ashes are transported with air this is the bottom mouse you it comes out big pieces big boulders you have to bring the jack hammer break and then go through that grinder and make some gravel out of it they transport water out here they get a lot of trucks every week of it it's called the ash farm those pumps take the sludge off the tank send it back to the watering bins then you unload that out it settles out so you just try to keep the water clean those pumps and the water back into you have a sleep of water that picks up all the stump water and all your seducing water like i said that we were up there with the coal belts actually blew aside the building out that one time oh bruce was here then that pulled us build up so it's like a bearing's going out or something it's just those screw feeders uh you know build up the toronto the children don't set some rock we get some out of belts together any water sets up yeah it's difficult it may build them in the lines and chunks go through the hoses at first things came in water and second one's condensate storage okay we make up for the dimension from the demineralizer unit then there are fifteen people need water we transfer over the concierge and that goes to the hot well maintains boiler makeup instead boiling takes some water we should be making up around 3000 gallons an hour [Music] [Music] so [Music] you have a chemical addition tank that's red chemicals i can start up some shutdowns the oxygen water heat exchanger surface water goes through here close the water cooling all the equipment the plant that's been the main use of service water a lot of water so that's all the firefighting here yeah so it's everyone a firefighter if they have to you have to go to class i haven't probably should have yeah a bunch of people worse shape than me on it [Music] [Music] simulator steve dude this is the size of the tube in there those are water wall tubes oh yeah this is water wool huh that hole there's probably one that damaged the way to cut out uh with that one tube had crowbar in it it cut through the pipe i made a hole they had a piece of there's a bar in there that actually went through the thing but these they got to cut a window and then weld the back side yeah like a v-notch cut them yeah they cut a hole yeah because you got to weld the back side and this is all you have this side yeah so they got to put the tube in there and catch pretty good tricks these are different tubes that looks like a soot blower tube there that failed pretty thick probably on day shift there's a lot more activity to come through oh
Channel: Brian True
Views: 122,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coal, fired, plant, coal-fired, power, power plant, tour, coal power, steam
Id: q34TvvkrQcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 30sec (9210 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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