C++Now 2018: Mateusz Pusz “Git, CMake, Conan: How to Ship and Reuse our C++ Projects”
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CppNow
Views: 12,485
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Keywords: Mateusz Pusz, C++Now 2018, Computer Science (Field), + C (Programming Language), Bash Films, conference video recording services, conference recording services, nationwide conference recording services, conference videography services, conference video recording, conference filming services, conference services, conference recording, conference live streaming, event videographers, capture presentation slides, record presentation slides, event video recording, video services
Id: 6sWec7b0JIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 37sec (2917 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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