CNC Controllers Built Incorrectly (Volume 23)

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all right guys in this portion of the video many of you already know that I've just got done moving I'm now living in Tennessee uh that's where my company will be based and I just started working with a new corporate client I get lots of questions on my resume and it's expanding greatly and I want to start doing videos showing the expansion because I feel as my father once said uh people really will judge you based on the people you surround your yourself with so you can see this email here from an enclosure that I was working with the design um engineer sth at a company called hesperos you can see here that it is confirmed High Evin the payment should be made now yes thank you I received it I'll keep you informed on the progress he just became a corporate client of mine and I want to give you the background on just who this gentleman is if you come over here you can see I just did a Google search on his name many of you can do that okay we can see here that he's Department of mechanical and aerospace engineering he does carry a PhD and once again as we come in here to LinkedIn he worked for a company called micronics and what's interesting if we look here University of Central Florida College of Engineering computer science he's got a doctorate in philosophy and mechanical engineering um if we go over then to the company in which he's employed now it's hesperos and they're known as the original human on AIP company company and this I find fascinating cuz I love technology like many of you and what they're working on is transpiring any manual position into robotics dealing with samples with human tissue so he's actually doing robotics based around more or less rare diseases they're doing research with and you can see exactly what this website entails okay once again they are based in Orlando Florida but this shows you I think and gives you a feel for just who I'm working with and in order for you to understand where my prices are what I try to do with my clients I think that shows when people of this caliber contact me these are the people that understand it these are the people that say we don't have a choice in making a wrong decision we want to get with somebody who does this as a professional and will get us the results we're looking for and that's how we ended up designing his enclosure he saw my videos he made a determination at that point and once again knowing his educational background I'm sure he doesn't do things lightly uh we spoke on the phone we did a consultation and we get the ball rolling and things start happening so as I get the enclosure in for his company I'll show you the design because I know many of you want to see that kind of stuff and in this way you'll get a better feel once again of the expansion process with the company because again it's very very neat to think this will be the future there will be integration with AI and um human tissues I think this will definitely be what we'll be seeing within the next 5 to 10 years we're seeing an explosion all over the place many of you already realize that um but again to see that level of somebody who once again is defined with the background he has and making the choices he's made I hope that you guys then understand what I'm telling you to be accurate because this individual would not make a mistake in choosing someone just based on hey that design looks neat and that's what so many end users unfortunately do they look at price and then they decide hey this looks neat and I want to work with that company and they really have no idea of who they're working with hey guys it's Vince today we are up to volume number 23 of CNC controllers built incorrectly now if you're new here where you've just subscribed I highly recommend you go back into the early volumes in my Series so that you can recognize the pattern that many of these YouTube content creators follow when building CNC controllers and filming it now there's a huge issue with this because of course social media doesn't really do any vetting and unfortunately many of you who once again subscribe to them or are looking for real information on how to work with a CNC controller in terms of assembling it and understanding all of the knowhow that needs to go into that as far as all the details you guys unfortunately suffer that is why I started this series and honestly if you're wondering why CN czone and many other sites like it have so many posts with so many different issues of guys having virtually the same issues you stay tuned to this Channel and I promise you you'll start seeing exactly why let's Jump Right In we've got a new compilation today at the CNC and the goal today obviously is to get the electronics installed and I'll wired up I pretty much decided this is how I'm going to lay so when I'm discussing the patterns in the previous videos I want you guys to pay close attention to the breakout board this content creator is using not only is it USB standing for Universal serial bus and you guys know or should know from previous videos in the series that Universal serial bus is not to be used with CNC robotics because it's unstable once again I will put the excerp here on the screen from Bowes lead engineer at CNC Drive who manufactures the uc100 where they discuss what they found with the uc100 as far as it disconnecting from uh people's computers sending signals and that's why so many of you have issues with this now not only is his board USB but it's the exact model other content creators in this series have used I would say at least five other videos in this series are using the same breakout board everything out you can see I've made a few changes here which I'll explain in a second but I've got my three fuses in here now I've got the 10 amp and the two separate 3 amp fuses 10 amp will power the spindle one of the 3 amps will power the control Electronics including the two power here the Nemo drivers and these sort of boards and then the other 3 amp fuse is dedicated just for this um Intel Nook so now we get to discuss a topic seldom seen but this one is very interesting usually we see content creators want to install vfds mounted in their Electronics enclosure with their Drive components and everything else supporting the CNC controller now of course that's a bad idea because of the amount of Emi that the vfd releases again it's the largest amount of VMI because it's powering your spindle which draws the largest amount of amps therefore the highest amount of energy creates the largest amount of vemi now we've already discussed just a second ago what USB is dealing with by itself Universal serial bus and why it's not optimal for production CNC robotics in the fact that it's extremely sensitive to grounding voltage spikes PC problems I mean it goes on and on and on so so now with the release of miniature PCS this content creator thinks it's a great idea to install this in with all the other sensitive Electronics CU of course in his mind he's thinking he's making things neat and confined and it's just going to be a real nice unit unfortunately when it comes to engineering guys it's not always about making things neat if it's counterintuitive of you providing yourself a stable production robot and the only way you would know that is to have the experience and this individual doesn't and it's shown by looking at this and anyone would think well if my breakout board is sensitive to Emi and is sensitive to voltage spikes and grounding what do you think is going to happen with a miniature PC confined in an Electronics enclosure it's the exact same thing and this is why I tell you guys you've got to pay attention to details it's interesting that the content creator is even going through and this we've seen in previous videos they like to lay out all the components hey guys here's what I'm working with and then they go from there it's up to you guys to do your due diligence and spot the knot making things neat only matters if you still are able to produce a production robot that is going to be stable it doesn't matter what size engine you install in a car if the transmission doesn't support the extra horsepower so we see the content creator has begun Moun ing his electronics to the back of the plywood he plans on installing in his electronics enclosure guys I have said this in previous videos If you use anything that's flammable within your electronics enclosure in the US I believe he's in the European Union regardless their policies are virtually the same your insurance company for your home or your business will not cover you for any damage done and God forbid if you hurt someone I'm sure you wouldn't forgive yourself I know I wouldn't there is no excuse for this Behavior other than the fact all he cares about is getting clicks and Views all right guys so there it is I've installed all the hardware onto the board here as I said I've left plenty of room for running some cables to mount the switches on the side here and I've now secured the boards down as well and I think I've maximized the control box as much as I can I've spread everything out one thing worth noting as well a couple of people may be concerned that the power supply has a fan on the back here as you can see down there that is generally an outake however I've opened the power supply up and turned that fan around so the air is an intake and then it'll come out at the top here now the reason I've done that is because in my control box I'm going to have two intake fans at the bottom of the enclosure and I wouldn't want that to be essentially throwing air out towards a fan that's drawing air in so instead of just rethinking what you're putting in your electronics enclosure and instead of really thinking about the warranty situation from your vendor of your power supply it's better to just open up the power supply change a fan that's an exhaust fan not an outtake fan and the reason it's an exhaust fan is because the manufacturer understands that power supplies when they have their enclosure on it has a condensed heat and they realize that power supplies are designed to support other electronics mounted within an Electronics enclosure that's why they're mounted in an exhaust format to be evacuated by the electronics enclosures cooling fans now what this content creator doesn't understand about details just because you mount cooling fans in an Electronics enclosure doesn't mean they're strong enough unless you understand CFM ratings so that you can evacuate enough heat to keep the system stable I hear this done all the time by content creators trying to act as if they're covering every base and what they forget to realize is just because you buy a computer fan doesn't mean you understand the CFM rating of the cooling fan I've had so many guys tell me you know man your system is loud my system is loud because it's not designed to be a PC it's designed to be an industrial piece of electronics that when put in an industrial environment stays cool these guys think that you just select any fan off the shelf mount it and you're good this guy has right now between the vfd and I can't see what size vfd that is but let's say it's between 1.5 kilowatt all the way up to 2.2 kilow just so everybody's on the same page that's 1,500 watts of energy up to 2200 watts of energy by itself that doesn't include the power supplies that doesn't include the drives when you factor in all of that heat he would need massive cooling to keep that enclosure properly cool by far more than most of these guys understand with their cooling fans and we haven't gotten to that part yet but we'll get to see what he selected if he even covers that detail because it's very very critical a lot of guys miss it and we'll see EX exactly where this is going so ideally you know this will get cool air sent straight through it which is ideal and that will then vent up the top here and going to have vent holes at the top of the control box so that hot air will naturally rise up out of the control box I really enjoy when the content creator acts as if he has it all figured out he's just explain to us that hot air rises that's true what's really interesting though is what he's just explained is that he's mounted a cooling fan for intake on the bottom of his enclosure well he also has his vfd and two power supplies mounted there these are the components that generate the most heat in the system so when that intake fan is blowing that air through those components it's essentially heating that air much hotter and blowing all of that hot air right over his drives and right over his breakout board now that makes no logistical sense in any engineering format and all he had to do if he really was uncertain was do a Google search or better yet if he had any familiarity with a modern-day PC open up a PC case 98% of them have the power supply mounted at the top of the enclosure why because the manufacturers understand that the power supplies generate the most heat and you want to get that heat out as fast as possible because if it was mounted at the bottom of the enclos for the most part without the proper evacuation fans sucking out that heat you're blowing it essentially over your processor that would make no sense your drives in your system generate much less heat than the components he has there powering them so it makes no sense to mount them at the bottom it would have made more sense to Mount Your drives at the bottom where they generate less heat and therefore whatever cooling fans he selected which of of course once again will have to be determined if correct with the CFM rating they have which I'm sure he's not going to cover would actually have to be strong enough to once again blow through those devices meaning his drives and then go up to his evacuation cooling ducks at the top to evacuate heat from the system now this is why I always recommend two fans in a system that's using an IDs format individual drive system henceforth IDs the reason I say that is you have a cyclonic action meaning one fan is intake one fan is exhaust so basically cool air is coming in hot air is going out they're working conjunction together to give you a symmetrical cooling effect right so I'm at the control box here and I'm going to try and show you as much as I can of this installation process like I said I bought two 80 mm fans which happen to fit very nicely on the sides here of the enclosure so think that would be a nice entry point for some air to draw up from the bottom now what I'm going to do in this case is drill out some holes then I'm going to add a dust filter and place the fan on top because you really want to keep dust out of this okay guys so we see this in a lot of content creator videos they assume all they have to do is install some type of cooling because it fits and when I say that of course I'm talking about Co cooling fans he selected an 80 mm cooling fan well if we look into Google on the average CFM output of an 80 mm cooling fan you can see what we're outputting and what's really interesting is even on a high-end 80 mm cooling fan you're looking at about 100 CFM of air flow with the amount of componentry that he has in there and then on top of that he's never disclosed the size of the enclosure he's working with but in order to cool the amount of components he has in there you're looking easily at 250 to 280 CFM on average now of course that number is not going to ever be exact there's no way it will ever be exact but you need at least that amount of air flow especially to move and pressurize that enclosure to pressurize it enough to where that hot air is going to escape through the vents now what we know for sure is that he selected fans based essentially on either what he had or the fact that they were cheap to price and that's exactly what these content creators do they never cover the details of what actually has to be done because they don't know what has to be done they go to Home Depot they pick up spackle they watch a DIY video on YouTube and now of a sudden they're drywall guys next week they'll work on painting and now they're painting guys this is not a DIY skill set for most end users this is engineering and engineering and I've said this before takes explicit amount of details to get right now are we certain that he's going to have a failure in the sense that the system will be unstable simply by overheating we're not but you can rest assure how many of these variables and think about this need to be built into the system incorrectly to affect it that's what I really want you to think about when you keep seeing all of these half measures being taken just to apply what he calculates or what he figured will be adequate for the system in terms of either cooling or wiring whatever it may be how many of these variables do you need to get wrong in order to destabilize a CNC robot and I can tell you for a fact it only takes one one is all it needs to get wrong now think of all the variables that go into building the robot and you see why so many people are on CNC Zone and other forums posting problems so as you can see I made the board as big as it can possibly be but it's not going to go in just straight back like that so what I've done is I've done it so I can sort of hook it in you get that side in first then we can pop this around and you can see it literally just fall straight on I'm not going to let that go obviously there because it'll fall forward but you can see that fits in there nicely I think it looks pretty good I might actually just try and get one bolt on if I can find it bear with me there we go so that's in there so you can see how easily I was able to just pop it's interesting to point out that even though he installed the cooling fans neither of these cooling fans are blowing over the vfd which of course will generate the most heat in the unit due to the amount of amps it's drawing to support the spindle so it's a lot safer but that's basically where I am with the enclosure at the moment all the holes are drilled it's ready to be installed now you can see the fan mount on the bottom there and now it's just simply a case of installing up all right guys so we can see here where he's mounted his fans in the enclosure you can see that we have five holes drilled for the fans to allow cooling air to pass through now logically the best way to mount a fan for proper airflow so we do not have a restriction would be to use the proper sized Hol saw this is completely inadequate because he's smothering the fan by once again only giving him a percentage of air flow due to the fact that the air volume is going to be restricted because he still has material there present from the enclosure in front of the fan now factor that detail in once again with him using a filter suffocating those fans even more and you have a recipe for disaster and I'm telling you right now these are the details that these content creators never discuss they go over things really quick they're hoping that the content just gets longer and longer and longer and you just stay tuned instead of guys in their comment section pointing these details out because this is critical and just to make it in a more basic analogy if you think of a PC case and I've said this before you'll never find mounts for fans done like that I mean they're always in a whole format now they will use usually a filter if it's a high quality Case but they're always done in a full symmetrical hole format so that the Fan's airflow is not restricted this is critical and once again why you got to be careful so I've cleaned up all the holes that were in the enclosure here got rid of all the burs I've also added my switches on the side so I've got my emergency stopped on the bottom here and I've got my two switches for the two different circuits I'm going to have I've installed the vent at the top I've got dust filters between the enclosure and the vent and also the fans and the enclosure so what he's just describe to his audience as well as us is that he's installed a fan filter at the top of the enclosure as well to prevent dust from actually getting in the unit now that makes sense the unfortunate side is that his lack of knowledge in doing that defines that once again we're restricting airflow leaving the case now because that same filter that he's installed on the bottom Works in conjunction in the opposite format when you install at the top it's still restricting airf flow and that's why selecting the proper size fans with the proper CFM rating is essential that's also why drilling out and machining your enclosure to the proper size hole is essential and that's also why I recommend using cyclonic cooling fans one pulling air in one extracting hot air out to make sure you do not have stagnant air which is just basically heated air circulating around your components this once again is a true recipe for disaster just in the heating factor and we haven't even discussed ambient temperature era where he's working but I'm telling you guys these are the details that are most overlooked and you never see this kind of stuff usually discussed inside of the forms you'll hear them talk about everything they never discuss cooling but this is really interesting because you get to see it done now firsthand by the content Creator and then these wires are going to go to wherever they need to go on the drivers and also for the sensors as well I think this one is a four pin so that's the motor connection again everything is shielded just to play it safe so he explains everything is shielded just to play it safe well as we look at this controller now starting to take shape as far as his wiring you guys should be paying attention to the fact that we are going to be looking as we progress through this and I'm trying to finish this up because this is a pretty long Bill video in that we're going to be looking for a ground bus allocated for his shield drains on this shielded cable let's see if we find it so here we are with the final update on this enclosure for this video and this is where we've got to at the moment extremely happy with it so far I've still got a tidy up a few cables and sort of zip tie them together so they're nice and safe but I've achieved my goal for the end of this video which is to have everything wired up have all the connectors in and the switches and be able to turn it on and have everything function correctly okay guys so we know that his Imaging was kind of fuzzy from his camera on his finished overview of his system that made me search his channel because I realized many content creators always like to do a part two followup he just so happened to do that well after finding that you can see down here I'm I'm actually inside of his video of part two and there's the vfd programming stage and he actually gives you a very clear image of the finished system now the software I'm using right here is a very powerful tool from topaz it's called photo Ai and it basically takes a still image and upscales it using the latest AI technology similar to what we use with robotics it's doing with a software version of it so what I'm going to do is take away the preview Pho and go to the after and what I'm going to do now is just come over here and now you'll notice as we zoom in I can go in and just zoom as close as we need and you can see exactly what's going on here we even see more mistakes than I pointed out we see daisy chaining being done in between the drives but right here we see Shield drains and it looks like this one is being Daisy chained as well or connected somewhere or not connected either way as come down to the ground bus which is right here we notice they're not connected to it at all yielding his shielding on his cable completely ineffective and this is something that many of these content creators do they like to discuss using shielded cable when in fact the shielding on the cable is only effective if the ground drains of the cable are properly allocated to a ground bus to dissipate Emi if they are not you're essentially using standard cable yielding them completely ineffective for Emi mitigation now looking at this once again we're hoping that ground bus is not just mounted to his trusty uh wooden board here and mounted to the back of the metal electrical enclosure so it can dissipate ground to whatever is attached to it um again this is a really clear look at what not to do we also see a cable here being used I can tell you right now that is not double she shielded um and it's a fact because of the actual width of the cable double shielded cable guys is very distinct and if we look at the other diameters of cables being used here he used a larger diameter cable however this is not double shielded on top of the fact we see the trusty content creator electrical tape electrical tape has no business whatsoever within a CNC Electronics enclosure we also notice that over here on his shielded cable that he's using for his drives none of these ends are finished and when I say finished they should be insulated you should never have shielding or anything conductive sticking out of these cables this is not only best practice for safety but we don't want to short out any potential Electronics if there is grounds connected to these Shield drains as it should be that you would actually short something out because it makes a conduction to another conductor or possibly makes contact in inside one of those terminal blocks within the drive this should be purely logical but as we Source this system again and just come back we can review now that we've got of course the vfd right here then we have the stepper motor power supply right here and we also have a breakout board power supply but when we come up and I want to draw your attention to this this is why I love this software I can keep zooming in and you could see this box right here many of you are going man what is that box that's an additional power supply to power his miniature PC so I want you to think and we've just talked about all of the issues with Emi and I want you to think you have a vfd once again a steer motor power supply breakout board power supply and now the fourth miniature PC power supply all surrounding very sensitive electronics that require 5 volts pulse to actually dictate how those Motors turn in Direction and when to move now you understand why there are so many posts on CNC Zone with problems because guys overlook this level of detail you can see it in every system I'm showing you these are the types of patterns these guys follow they look at content they think the system is done just like he stated when basically they turn on the system the components turn on everything appears to function as it should that is not a stable system all that is is a power test a Power test means nothing the only way a robot is considered stable is when it's tested in a real world environment doing what it's meant to do which is producing product or recreational widgets whichever way you want to call it I don't know anyone doing recreational widgets everybody I know on my channel typically is developing products to resell and that means that until that robot is able to do that in a stable platform and what it's directly designed to operate as it is nothing this is a giant paper weight so here's a quick video of a homemade CNC conversion for a Bridgeport model brj mil hey you heard it guys the introduction we're dealing with a Bridgeport which is an amazing system when they're converted correctly let's see where this goes those step Motes are to by micr step drivers which are in the little box here okay so the content creator is showing you his electrical enclosure with his retrofit and we really can't see this let's use this snapshot once again in topaz photo AI to show exactly what's going on here all right guys let's delve in and see exactly what we're working with here you can see that this is a snapshot from his video if you look over here it says Arduino and then over here we could see the enclosure and of course it's very dark lighting once again I'm using topaz's photo AI I'm going to click on ADD enhancement and we're going to go over here to withjust lighting click on it and it's enhancing right now you can see that right over here there's the preview and everything has been corrected now I'm just going to close that out so we can see and once again we can see exactly what's going on I'm going to zoom in and as I do that it's going to readjust just and you can see that we have the trusty daisy chain going on this doesn't even justify a real Electronics enclosure for CNC controls um we see the Arduino USB controller being used which once again has no place for being used within a CNC um I can I'll post on the screen again B's email it's in virtually every one of my CNC fail videos now you guys can check it out for yourself I want to keep this end of the video as short as possible but it's really a disgrace when we see content creators really just butchering a robot like a Bridgeport Mill because these Mills are designed for industrial Machining and when they're retrofitted correctly they are amazing I have a lot of clients making a lot of money with bridg ports that are retrofitted this virtually assures you have problems and I cannot emphasize that enough if we look at this and we zoom in we'll let the software recalibrate and you can see basically everything here being done incorrectly from daisy chaining on both ends um I don't even see any cooling here being done uh it's just a mess nothing is shielded you can see those cables are bare I mean it's basically every problem that I've just discussed in the previous segment you guys can now see once again for yourselves right here on a fullscale Bridgeport so when guys say to me is this just on routers is it just on plasmas that's all you've covered now you've seen a Bridgeport and we'll go through the rest of the video and we'll see what he's done as well a rasic pie which is just on the wall at the back there there you go raspberry pie content creators explaining he has a Raspberry Pi and we can see the vfd right there guys once again summing up just how dangerous these guys are when it comes to dispersing information they are fine making their own system any way they want please don't misconstrue what these videos are trying to convey if however you're filming it and you're trying to disperse it to the masses in order to get views on your channel that is showing that you are trying or motivating yourself to become an authority you should not be showing these videos as they are not not best practice it will sabotage those that want to learn how to do things correctly all right guys that wraps up volume number 23 and once again I want to thank you all for your support I will keep the videos once again coming as long as you're interested and from the feedback I'm getting you all are very interested um once again I hope that you've witnessed some more patterns that you can follow from previous videos I've said this before and I'll say it again content creat creators are performing entertainment that's it do not take entertainment as education or you will possibly be burned and many times you will I'm telling you that if you're serious about getting into production CNC robotics at any capacity whether you want to call it a hobby whether you want to call it Recreation whether you want to do it for business hire the correct professional based on fact based on their educ based on their proof that is where the due diligence comes in take your time and invest your money and time correctly and I'm sure you'll be happy with the result take care
Channel: Corvetteguy50
Views: 706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNC, Gecko G540, CNC Plasma, CNC Retrofit, Tormach, Bridgeport, CNC Routerparts, Automation Technology, Nema 23, Nema 34, Centroid CNC, Centroid Acorn, CNC Profit, Work From Home, Make Money, Business, GeckoDrive, Gecko, G203v, Leadshine, CNCDrive, Stepcraft, Sherline, Machinist, Lathe, Mill, Fusion 360, Solidworks, Bobcad, Vectric, Sheetcam, Hypertherm, Mach3, UCCNC, Ethernet Smooth Stepper, Artcam, Rhinocam, Robot, home switch, limit switch, CNC coolant, reverse engineer, missed steps, Mach4
Id: muSu0cEkzQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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