CNA | Talking Point | E19: Singapore education reforms - What do parents, students feel about it?

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[Music] we again haven't had my honor speak I have with me over 20 parents and children who are here to talk about the education system but there's also a mystery guest coming in later on like the PSLE is all had done why kids have to cry over studies isn't it so unfair to them the parents and children don't know it but Education Minister Alberta will be secretly listening in to their conversation this is a special one-hour edition of talking point [Music] hello and welcome to the show welcome to all of you as we know school is going to be really different in fact it is very different for our kids today compared to when we were in school in fact from this year he exams will be removed and certain levels that means no more exams for p1 and p2 so I see some happy faces no more media exams for secondary one and in two years time no more mid-year exams for primary three primary five and secondary three now imagine that I expected to see some smiles on their faces but you're a tough crowd looks like I have to convince you so does no exams mean less stress and is everyone happy with the new system so to get things going earlier we did a bit of a poll we asked you if less exams equate less stress let's take a look at the results see what you all voted Oh such a close fight 54% say yes it means less stress that's the separation of the vote just by one question so we've got a very equal crowd here today so many of you don't believe that less exams will equals less stress why is that the case well I think it depends on how you how you see it at the UN for example there will still be exams Petrey we are still working towards the same end point yeah so if you haven't been revising regularly etc then you might feel that you know you still have to face it at the end of the day so it's almost like it might be a surprise when it comes on because you're not used to the idea of thinking yeah or maybe there is a just a steeper curve you know when when you do hit it so so should we continue having exams maybe even have more of them so the kids get used to it well maybe you should ask the kids yeah let me ask you what do you think there yeah it helps me to know which subject I need to work on more to improve well the discussion seems to have taken what the audience don't know is that we have a special guest and listening into that conversation in he's none other than the Education Minister himself we shouldn't be having exams for the sick of having exams for the sake of giving our students a mock you know a great that would determine their self-worth I feel that the exams should be holistic such that the child doesn't feel that they are being accessed assess just by that number and if they don't do well that means that they are not good you know but you still feel that the exams are useful yes if you don't have exams you need some other way to teach children discipline right and resilience dead if you don't do well how am I gonna do better the next time so you still need some way to tell them where they are and what they should do about it okay so exams to help keep the kids discipline me so I think when your question us there's no exams equal a stress I think if exams are not packed to a performance to the advancement to the next level then I think the kids will take the exams because they want to know how much do they know about particular topic and they would not be stressed about it I think the stress comes from the number that they need to achieve in order to advance in order to level up I think that's what gives them the stress but the exam in itself you feel is a useful tool I feel exams are important because it's a checkpoint is how the exams are being presented because it's all hai Tao like the PSLE is all hyped up even before before that the prelims all the pieces were all sit in a whole different from all the other levels when they are P one all the way to p5 they don't do this they don't do the exams in a hall but they hype it up and everybody is worried and hello did you bring your entry point and three tickets and everything so the whole presentation is different I think it's the term that we use as well if you use the word tests the little kids are going through little tests and assessments the kids are able to take it and in fact the parents when they hear the word test they are not surprised but the moment you change the word test to an exam somehow you know it's almost hyper for so many years in Singapore you hear the word exam it becomes a major decision point that if the child is unable to meet a certain performance indicator maybe set by the school set by the parents the child is able to see the expectations reflected okay yeah and they made themselves feel it so the exam itself is not a bad thing but the environment that we kind of packaged the examine I'm gonna come to your color you said thank goodness exams are finally gone right the way I see it well in real-life situation you don't exactly have exams you know so I think that exam should be for things where you need to put let's see tests certain stress level you know but in terms of learning it has to be a progressive effort so which means to say that taking away the exam is one aspect of it well what do you do about it you know if you because kids just like us as we grow up we will learn and how do we learn isn't is it just because we sit for exams or do we learn from experiences and making mistakes and all that so that in itself should be the focus or the learning the exam should be in a way if you want to maybe groom a person to handle certain level stress and therefore the exams were coming to facilitate just that portion only generally are you are you concerned about how our kids are being assessed today I feel exams unnecessary because it's a measurement of how well the kids have studied have learned however having totally no exams the system has to be searched where the infrastructure is set up ready to ready to support a no exam system so during the entire year there should be system set up where you have maybe projects maybe classroom participation maybe journal writing and all these will add up to the final checkpoint so like that your end exams will not be with such heavy weight ish with that heavy weight ish this stress thing is always there always what do you think that okay just to show other parents here this afternoon before I came here my son he shared with me you see one of his friend just cry in the class today I said what happened say because she thinks she done badly for her as I'm like I think bad why why kids have to cry over studies isn't it so unfair to them because to me I think life is many more stress a hit so I think for the kids they should have been they should have fun right school should be a place to release stress to have fun to make friends to learn something rather than just go there and like I'm so stressed about them is coming I must do good grades I have to go and check around oh my my classmates how well they do how how many points they get all these stress actually is not from them actually is from parents and of course the teachers and schools like especially for parents I think I I do met some of the kids like my my my my boys class me keep checking around when come to at them when they get the result they will go around us see how many points you get how many points you get I'm thinking like this is not so healthy okay because there's so much comparison and there's so much it thanks so much peer pressure would you would you can would you be happy if there were less exams at school do you think they'll make you less stress if there's more exams it's like easier to like balance hell if you do very average for yeah well the best discussion would be useless if we didn't have the right people here you look over there we've got special gifts can I ask you do you know who he is he's a minister in the Ministry of Education oh very good good job major your name is mr. Colin [Laughter] okay good job good job even we tell ourselves s not be so stressed you find that you can't help it like it or not this is how we sieved out the the leaders from the followers we ask parents if they would cut back on tuition for their kids and now that they are less exams let's bring up the results [Music] welcome back to this special edition of talking points in the education system and asking if we want to move away from an exams based approach and if that is the way to lessen the stress load on our kids the moment you change the word test to an exam somehow you know it's almost hi pop I I do met some of the kids like my my my boys class me when they get a result they will go around us see how many points you get how many points you get if there's more exams it's like easier to like balance hell if you do very average for one exam but we heard from the parents and children earlier on but unknown to them Education Minister Wang Yi Kong was listening in mr. OH earlier but the poll results came out fewer exams equals less stress even though only one vote was in favor of less stress you said that it was better than you had expected why it's cross 50% if it's under 50% a lot of explanation so I'm quite relaxed about the answer because the purpose of that policy is not to reduce stress I know it has the effect of reducing stress but that wasn't the purpose of that policy what's the purpose of the policy the purpose is that we have so many exams if you take six years go meet you and your n that's 12 already plus C is assessments and you add you can have 24 36 weighted assessments in six years I think we can do with a bit less actually all exam does is to test your academic ability right it doesn't define who you are right just one aspect of an education system and other parents make the point that exam inculcate discipline I think from somewhere here which I think absolutely correct because in life now we do a lot of things it is hyped up it is stressful and we have to be prepared for that and in the school environment there's the best time to practice no because you can make mistakes and then the consequences are not high so exams have its use and I think it's not something we want to totally gotten get rid of so in fact what we are doing is just to reduce it by 25% because it has many other useful purpose Minister I'm gonna jump it exams doesn't that contribute to quite a lot but it does it does but it's a secondary objective so while you reduce 25% there is a secondary objective of reducing stress but what's the primary objective I'm coming to that which is for every exam we remove we have three weeks of freed up curriculum time which is very useful for teachers to then teach better and for students to learn better otherwise it's like in Chinese we say convertor is like chasing for the Train the teachers the rush for exam have to teach so fashion and rush through the curriculum in order to prepare you for the exam and is over I rush the second semester so with this teachers have a lot more time to teach properly and also to enact what we call ignite the class in a much more interesting way may take you out to the garden to the field where you learn something by doing learn something by experiencing and that way you absorb the lessons much better that's what we call by inquiry based learning Jen do you believe that freeing up more time for curriculum and teaching as a minister has said will actually lead to less hectic schedule for the teachers in class I hoped really because teachers nowadays take up more administrative work as well beside teaching so in fact the love for teaching has diminished because the law of administrative work has increased so with that removing of all lesson of examination we do hope really we do hope we give teachers more time to teach I hope it's not be it's not because that they have more time now therefore the school load them with more administrative work what about the kids what do you all think do you find that for those of you who have had fewer exams do you find that the teaching has changed no same thing there's also a huge number that said that fewer exams does not equal to less stress I want to hear from this group you are nodding so along the way there will always be checkpoints there will always be checkpoints that will lead up to the exams so it doesn't help to bring it down our society itself is meritocracy like it or not this is how we see it out the the the leaders from the followers it is like that you like you are not either in a tuition center or in school or self imposed at home so there will always be stress so the question is you know so is it actually exam that is the cost of stress so you have you know midterm and term CAS essays whatever it is is that the cause of stress or is this system as a whole system right do you think who do you think what is responsible for the stress I think the stress is not actually not really the the school I think actually most of the stress is coming from the parents who want the kid because of like what she said because of the Meritor many the critic system the challenge to put the son right up there with the child right up there into a you know a premium school as opposed to a non premium school with all due respect allows creates that stress so I think the stress is more home bound less school born to be honest with you who thinks that the stress is contributed by the parents who thinks that the stress is contributed by the children themselves the kids also can vote okay not as many as before who thinks that the stress is contributed by the system Jane Jane Jane okay my system my system we means we need my system we mean the Education Minister my system we mean the overall people who are within the education ministry your teachers good and bad right the people who work within education they work very hard to mind you that is the system ok who thinks it's the system okay go for it all right call it I think the the stress is multifaceted yes it may come we may originate from parents because parents always wanted kids to do better and you know themselves for example but then again then because of that and the school I have to keep up you know parents or bank table at pay our teachers and teachers will get stress and after that and for kids did himself have a certain benchmark set for themselves so it becomes a whole big anymore all together so I think the issue here is actually a mindset issue it's not just so much about whether we point finger to parents or teachers or education system or students it is actually a mindset it's a societal myself we are all inside I'm gonna ask you to vote as well system parents kids all of the above all of us are in it together even we tell ourselves let's not be so stressed you find that you can't help it after a while you're on the treadmill running right the kids do will tell themselves that contributes right I mean and in a way we continue to perpetuate it by having things like tuition earlier we did another poll where we asked parents if they would cut back on tuition for their kids and now that they are less exams no no 43% yes 57% is across 50 Wow Wow I am surprised okay hang on hang on and then we ask the kids if they would prefer to have less tuition yes oh you guys are normal kids minister is this the intended effect of the policy yes I would say is one of the intended effect and question now is how do we start making some changes to break out of it and my perspective is being a movie being the government we have to send a signal and therefore we send a signal and at least we cross 50 I'm not sure we can cross 53 years ago when if we do this poll so I'm hoping quietly hoping that we are getting somewhere we are generating some momentum we're parents speaking up you know and parents saying that maybe it's not just the soy sauce also the students also parents I think three years ago everyone will say is the moa Minister no but now I think the society is more mindful of what we are doing to ourselves you have two girls did they have tuition I never put them through tuition until they asked for it so one of them asked for math because math was a struggling and what age did they start asking for tuition primary school I think so we put her through some math degree she we hadn't even knew a tutor a few months later she said Papa mommy I don't need any more and then we took her out did your girl share with you what was the reason that she felt she needed to ition she couldn't keep up couldn't keep up so the lessons were taught couldn't keep up come home can't do the homework and at some point in time she asked for it yeah isn't that an indication that she was feeling the stress from others around her that she could not keep up if the question is are you feeling stressed from others I think absolutely because the fact is most of our stress is not self generated in Australia no most of us feel stress because of external pressure and always it's about comparing people yeah I'm really glad that Ministry level we're setting to do something about this because like what you mentioned I think the stress is not just coming from us parents or from the students themselves the pupils themselves I think it's coming from the entire system from society from everywhere and there are parents parents like me who do not believe in tuition I know ray okay there are parents like me as well who feel that we'd rather send our children to neighborhood schools they Anya are home so it's a lot easier for them to get to school and come back and do their homework but when we go out and we meet with other parents we get the same reaction what your kids have no tuition what they don't go to a good school or an elite school even though we personally believe that every school is a good school here in Singapore so that's the kind of pressure like you said stress is not generated by us stress is generated by the competition the competitiveness of society of the people around us and not just ourselves the end of the day exempts our Singapore can't we live in environment where employers no longer use resumes as the way to hire by use other methods look at this this is a job application from asking me for the subjects I took the grades I got for those subjects how many of you things from the private sector [Music] [Music] welcome back to this special edition of talking point so during the break of the topic of parents whatsapp chat group came up very spontaneously so we decided to do a quick poll of how many of the parents here are actually in a whatsapp chat group here the results only 60 percent I have to say what's the response to that does that surprise you yes I thought everyone will be in some kind of lesson are you you know what's up check No oh my time though was that yeah okay so we know that what's that chat group can be very stressful right we've all gotten those who you know like a 10 o'clock at night you say tomorrow this a mock exam or some Chinese test and you're like how come I didn't know about it right so okay who sit there not in the chat room then let me get your first wife why haven't you joined the group I wish mine you disagree about the whatsapp group chat because I think it's not healthy because mmm I experienced myself that the group chat inside is like talking not about education isn't about something else like maybe about your kid about this teacher and this is all not so healthy and the issue stops a lot of comparison can I just go to the minister what is your position what do you think about what subject roles do they contribute to stress well what set is just an app it is innocent yeah but the users right if the users use it for good purpose like reminding you tomorrow have a test it's not a bad use of what actually but if it becomes a forum for comparing that my kids or the quando how come yours don't have I'm waking up a fight 32 study how come you're not then that's why we talk about stress and peer stress is always generated externally then we really have to review and reevaluate you you still want to be in that whatsapp group or is it better that you get a few parents that is more like minded as you and then you form your own whatsapp to and you can really compare things about education if you had whatsapp chat group now and the kids were younger would you join no I'm very clear I but Diana let me ask you because I know you're in a chat group and you were saying you would never leave it no actually I said that I was canvassing for opinion to see why I should leave it now that you hurt our views Ben's views my views were you existed well I leave it I had never actually thought of it that way before but it's good that you put that in my head so that I would navigate very very carefully I'm a parent of a pair of twins yanker me one and you know that students are children and perme one they are quite blurred about what's happening in school I'm actually in one of these chat groups so one is like the parents the premarin parents are like like okay what where is the spelling list my kid has just lots of spelling list and spelling is tomorrow Thomas I'm in the picture and it becomes a helpline for parents to ease the transition of students from kindergarten to premier one like you asked did someone take my child spends a box home you know and things like that yeah I totally take your point in the interest of time we need to move on to the next question do you think that the changes to the education system are merely cosmetic at the end of the Singapore values exams because that's how we measure all of us when you meet your neighbors kids and you find out that this kid is 12 at p6 the next question is are you stressed about PSLE if he's 16 you asked about all levels so these are mindsets that the whole society has so taking away many exams doesn't help because at the end of the day exams are Singapore how do we get that fair minister at the end Singapore is exempt that's how we are measured by that score what's your response to that it's a fairly fair comment because we value meritocracy so much meritocracy means you have to allocate places jobs promotions by performance and for children what's the best way to gauge performance is really through exams and so but it has worked well for us such that students are encouraged to work hard parents place a lot of emphasis on education and generally our people are very well prepared for for life and to lead a fulfilling life to contribute society but I think we have reached a stage where we might be overdoing it yeah and I think it's time to unwind it without losing the fundamental principle of meritocracy I just want to at one point add to what you say I suspect talking to so many parents it's not the exam and the score of exam that's important but the mouse tone exams that means leading up finally PSLE and what is it so stress were important because it Endocyte on secondary school and after secondary school your or and leveled and decide on your post secondary school and then university or poly then decide on your job so we have all these gateways that decide what is the next stage of our life this and that is quite important for us to think about what I'm hearing is the PSLE itself the score itself isn't the stress the stress is secondary one allocation what school are you going to end up in and yet emily has decided not to touch that one a location this time Brown why is that so actually we did some time ago when we release the PSLV scoring system we have a round of such discussion and people say just changing the PSLE is not going to make a huge difference but today we've been discussing cutting of exam and I think I'm hearing the same thing just cutting exams not going to change the system fundamentally totally agree but if we put all this together plus the changes that were making in secondary school removing and facing out streaming over time introducing alternate modes of entry to secondary school and beyond that is based on individual talents that we can spot in a child including raw talent that means I don't boil you down to one number I try my best to judge and evaluate the talent of this child and give admission places to the child at secondary school level through DSA as well as in poly ite University I think put it all together we are trying our best to make a sea change in the system we're gonna do one more poll how many of you here feel that it doesn't really change anything well the reforms make any difference I'll give you ten seconds to put your answers in yes or no all the reforms make any kind of impact I hope I go beyond 50 is like sitting by them so we ask you all the reforms make any kind of impact let's see the results 13% say no 87% say yes minister not everyone is convinced yet yeah I feel that a change has to happen not just on the surface it has to go even deeper beyond that so which means to say right well while the education system is doing something about it but I think as a whole everybody needs to look at it and and and see how they can also play a part you know if you were to say it okay we remove the exams but then the school itself for example des themself having the struggling the old ways to try and see how they can they can prepare the students better for the bigger exam Danny you know it doesn't it doesn't come back to it what does is actually just push a problem down the streamline I think what are you saying in fact is the whole scheme of the whole ecosystem so we were talking about right down to employers I raised that because we went and looked up some job application forms and I was pretty supplied surprised to see this look at this this is a job application form asking me for the subjects I took the grades I got for those subjects you're blind for job but I was so so shocked to see that and I mean how many of you how many of you things from the private sector whoo-hoo things from the private sector I think let's take a look where this job application from form rather is from did you fight for that Minister when you including my peers how you scored so do you think Minister that the government should walk the talk by maybe taking the lead and eliminating such practices yes yes yes it's like raking a garden that has really overgrown every time I spot any ministry any private sector company they're still hired based on minimum be tree in math minimum 500 level I tell them can you remove that why do you want that they say that's because I need my employees to have some level of literacy some level numeracy I say I have the test for you but this form is from the civil service yeah why not start there I'm not in charge of that I will definitely bring it back having said that I think is reasonable to ask for qualifications or if you are on a student ask whether you whatever class but to ask for every grade unless this is a specific job where you really need a particular subject knowledge then you specify a doctor needs biology you figure a doctor needs a doctor license okay we're gonna ask Martin about this do you still see forms like that or companies asking for grades I would say majority or time people still ask for resumes and by using resumes they were actually looking for qualifications in as employees if I have a hundred resumes what do I do I have two places I was sort out and our future based on education degree non-degree not degree I threw out degree which university you come from but the problem is that there's no longer a good proxy I think Minister you said every talent is different employers are looking for talent that suits their company more than just a qualification that I should justify can we live in an environment where employers no longer use resumes as the way to hire by use other methods like psychometric assessment so I'm trying to give a fair view and fair and balanced view I think education qualifications it's not irrelevant to an employer especially if you are hiring fresh grape and there's no work experience to talk about no track record so that is relevant but it cannot be the only yardstick right increasingly you have to decide what kind of skills what kind of competencies what kind of character suits my company and you must have more sophisticated technique to see for such people do you worry that there may be a perception that your children who are higher ability who may eventually become the leaders of society don't need to mix with other people I think social mixing will not come about automatically just because you put different sort of streams or students in one room [Music] welcome back we've been discussing changes to the Singapore education system so do you think Minister that the government should walk the talk by maybe taking the lead and eliminating such practices yes yes a change has to happen not just on the surface it has to go even deeper beyond that education qualifications it's not irrelevant to an employer but it cannot be the only yardstick and one of the major change that's coming up it's moving away from streaming to subject based banding which is SBB now the intention is that it will bring about more social mixing amongst our students and to encourage them to help one another we've done a poll on whether social mixing well or rather earlier on we did a poll on whether subject based bending for in fact results in greater social mixing let's take a look at the results I think social mixing will not come about automatically just because you put different sort of streams or students in one room you know because you know you could have like even that you could have a situation where there are more even more splits you know because there is nobody to facilitate the understanding the inclusion so I think the teachers really have to play a central role in helping the students and setting the culture and at all right many parents are concerned about the type of kids they mix with are you concerned about the perhaps the negative influences that might come from other kids I would actually be glad that she'll be in a position to maybe help or be a role model good now can we hear from you what are your thoughts I think putting mixed ability putting different students in subject basement it's great because exactly to the point she said there will be roles for people to do lead and there'll be roles for people to learn and excel can I get your reaction with a very specific question and that is the subject based Banting will be implemented in schools that have the three streams the two normal as well as the Express now there are so-called higher ability children in step schools as well as IP will not be affected why well partly is such integral feature of the system already so we are trying to make a balance here to have diversity between schools so some school is IP stream some schools I also IB stream and for IP and ice IB if you are school catering to that kind of pathway you do need that academic rigor if you start bringing in other students who are not ready I think they're just going to suffer right on the other hand you also have spectral and crest they offer much more technical education right and also for then you need to have then you have a whole school approach to teach students in those area to be technically a lot more adept and therefore you also under channel students with those attitude into those schools so you want to have diversity between schools different kinds of schools but within the middle 80% of schools you want diversity within the schools do you worry that there may be a perception that your children who are higher ability who may eventually become the leaders of society don't need to mix with other people then the school has a responsibility that beyond just educating the kids and making them excel academically make sure we participate in dia values in action participating community in motion get out of the school go for adventure learning with other schools find different platforms so that you can mix with students from from the neighborhood so the schools are solely responsible for that and they have autonomy over that not just autonomy I think ministry hits you would like them so Alyssa do you believe that in such environments that might be an increased risk of bullying I did have one educator I mean sharing an incident with me that she was in this school which I will not share it any name and it's quite they were considered a really really good school and one child actually went up to the other child and told them it if you know I am in your position right now my parents would be very unhappy with me so this particular child who told the other Hall happens to be considered from one of the top classes and the other child who she spoke to was considered from a class that they were considered one of the you know not so it not so high ability so there's definitely a bell curve somewhere Melina's over here yeah your child is in the normal stream what do you think of SBB I think it's good because eventually when they go to the work the work force they will definitely have to meet with with everybody with different characteristic you know I have a real life example Ben you were saying that you shared with me that you did not go to a very good school right do you think you are better off for it in fact my class is like one of the worst class and is every recess time or after school that's like wrestling around like students pick up on the other students and but I find is interesting you learn to protect yourself you learn this is all life experience which you don't learn from books okay I just want to say I'm a product of the SBB during my time in school we had s been a from p5 for meThe for Chinese and for English so every time that's math the whole cohort we just move and for English we move and for Chinese we move so I was in the very worst Chinese class so it work for you did you find it was helpful results wise we graduated together from the worst to the next verse because we are all the same we are all so bad we spoke English the teacher had to speak English to explain the Chinese phrase so we are all same standard Nia so in a way you brought each other down okay that's not my point mixed with lots of other people in the same cohort so that social mixing was very real and when it's met then we we mix the game so there it was really good fun that is exactly the impact we are trying to a if that you move from class to class and you are not in the same class because you belong to a certain stream or certain cost and I can only study at a lower or less difficult level because if we do that that has its used in the past but I think we reach a stage where it may be overrun its usage because a child in that environment after a while field label and stigmatize so we talked about SBB but the great experiment that is coming up and we got 28 schools is going to pilot this next year which is to reform their classes whether form classes are totally restructured no longer based on results no longer based on who is expressed normal cat or normal tech but restructure it in a way that mixes everybody but when it comes to math science English you split two different classes where people or students of similar standards get to study together but PE c c e VI a are music no they get to study together and encourage social mixing so we have two schools called h view secondary bund a secondary that has already done this since two years ago it has produced fantastic results so we are very encouraged next year 28 more schools will do they do this by 2024 all schools mr. minister can you elaborate on the results that you have achieved what what sorts of results have been encouraging for you in the case of boondi students that used to come late for school or even don't come to school they are now looking forward to come to school why because they organized us the classes by CCA yeah by CCA which is a vertical vertical organization of classes so the students sec one sec - they come to school they look forward to come to school because i get to meet my seniors in the morning because before assembly the forum classes get together which is all same CCA and CCA is where they have a lot of bonding a lot of friendship and they are all looking forward and you are coming early for assembly and this year they look at a result the results are also better what is the weakest area that you need to work on the weakest area is we have not tried we just need to have some schools to be brave enough try this first learn from each other and with the lessons we can make it into a national system we are running out of time so I'm going to invite mr. arm to share with us your final thought I have a questions for all the parents here which is years from now and all the children here are grown up and adults and we are only enough to withdraw CPF I want to ask you when you reflect back on this phase of parenting what would define our success as parents I hope that I mean other than achieving academic success I want my children to grow up with good character learning empathy learning how to help people around them to me very simple I just hope that he can come and tell me like I had a wonderful childhood hi gage will be will they be leaving their dreams or are you leaving our dreams I hope that my children can turn around look at me and tell me mummy we were Trailblazers and we did things differently thank you just say something Tsuen so as we ponder about PSLE exams the next test i hope parents out there will all remember these answers that's what they're matters well it has been a fabulous discussion with the parents as well as the minister we certainly hope that this is not the end of the discussion for you we've given you ideas to start thinking more about the changes to education this has been a special edition of total we want to thank all of you coming out taking the time bringing your kids and minister becoming your breathing you the storm and thank you for joining us on this special edition of talking points bye everyone you
Channel: CNA
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Id: L2xBg7Qz-M4
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Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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