CLUEDO w/ Bouphe & Lydia - 15/03/19

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[Music] good morning good morning everybody booth can I just say you're looking aluminous today aluminous as if as if the sunshine it's if the Sun is bouncing off of you you're glowing and doth shine upon my face for murder we're ready for murders so hello everybody I'm joined Lewis is looking a bit different today I am I mean I had the surgery it went very successfully my eye and I'm feeling fantastic I feel like I look like a new man and like a new man I'm gonna wear so Louis is away at the moment so booth has very kindly offered to step in and yes we're gonna do some murder mysteries we're gonna do some murder mystery so we can it we're not gonna do Sherlock today cuz we're gonna wait until we have weights on Louis's back to finish that weight and Louis's wait till he's bearing up so yeah we're gonna play some Cluedo I am so excited oh my god excited I haven't played cluedo in bloody ages same and look Laurie I'm looking at the characters right now we have to select a character all right should we no game screen there's three ladies oh crap all right we've got a pick on character and then we can show the screen because it's got the code oh wait I've locked it though so I don't think anyone else can join in Steve genius genius I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I locked it get out of here everybody you're not allowed in there we go alright let's do some character choosing buthe how good are you at pushing this out of here asleep oh well you see I'm more of a tripping kind of person okay I mean I don't have a sort of height to push because you have to be sort of a Rhett above the center of gravity football but as I'm so low down I sort of you know you could get on your hands you don't even have to get people quite nicely just stand in front of them yeah so that's my sort of method okay good because it's I just just need to know like it's part of this stream being part of the murder-mystery stream is not only being able to solve murders but being able to commit as well that's one of the regulations I mean it's very lucky that you chose me in that case because it's almost like you know this prerequisite it just was meant to be so the strangler and the tripper newtripper the on day trip and the Bristol River appreciate it oh my god if you can find out where the stripper the Bristol stripper the Bristol stripper on the loose people just die because they stay horrified they jump once we start taking their clothes off that's how we get him you see on your screen dropped you there from your stripping you see on your screen underneath your name it says choose character oh yes let's choose a character okay here we go so if you click on that you can see that there's three ladies here oh I see okay well my god these they've really sexed up the Clio characters haven't they they have haven't they so Miss Scarlet was always made Lexi look a [ __ ] Reverend green and holy professor plum mister steal yo girl he's he's thrown his legs up to you at a jazz bar on a Friday night and by you yeah elderflower gin and tonic like that is Professor plants what a lad who else we got miss peacock mrs. peacock sorry mrs. peacock now she used to be a big like a proper lady you know like a big lady like up see how big her what are we saying here big fat lady she's thick thick thick miss peek up with five scenes now she is she is sexy she is ready look look at the rack on her even right doctor orchid is brand new to me she's the other link oh oh she is new isn't she yeah okay alright she's classy I like she is classy I like her she's you know she's not showing it all off like my old [ __ ] Miss my [ __ ] she's like I think he's Mike oh my god he is he's off adventuring in the Sahara he's he's off strangling lions I love it [ __ ] hipster look at his scarf into his shirt and he's rolled his sleeves up Annie's got suspenders which he doesn't need at all he does it why does he need that okay so professor proms the guy that tries to buy you a gin and tonic in a Josefa Colonel Mustard's the guy that nags you bah easy yeah he nags you but and you can you love it you know can't help but love it because he's so just he's got such an air of confidence around about him yeah and then we're agreed he's going for the man like just behind you so you think that he's into you but he's not he's just he's going for the guy just behind oh you're like oh oh [ __ ] he's too beautiful look at him he's gorgeous he looks like a vampire he said wood colored he is but he's he's shiny I like his jacket people are saying that Reverend Green is the one who would neg you rather than Colonel Mustard thing I can see that gentleman Colonel Mustard buys you a scotch on the rocks and he tells you how fabulous you're looking today Colonel Mustard's waiting in the toilets what's in this whiskey right have you seen next to the Tudor so we're on the Tudor screw yeah next to that is the classic look so you see like usually our course okay mrs. white they've got rid of mrs. white for dr. orchid yeah which is a bit of a shame international international oh I love Madame Rose oh look miss peach where's my speech oh oh she's cute oh my god inspected great because I wait for you Steve un soup ladies amazing you're going jacket the drapes over you need that the overcoat and the handcuffs for later I don't think oh my god I don't want to alarm you but there's a vampire section which has a Franklin Oh what oh he is now he's my man snowy versions wild oh my god oh yeah mmm that's doing it for me that's doing it he's a hairy boy I'm trying to find the person that's me that's most like me in this whole game but I can't actually oh look you see you see in Wild West yeah green yeah it's like is that you Tom Tom and then we've got I think this red friend all the yolks okay so that's Tom your kind of rose you've got nice long Platts wears right roses in the the she's also in the Wild West she's over there you've got Duke mustard in masquerade right it's great mustard okay oh wow he's my safe he is absolutely fabulous what am i I think I miss peach saying it I think you are miss I think I miss Peter you look exactly like okay I'll do it that's it perfect oh my god that's crazy right it's it's insane PC there's no pink and where is the remote citation no representation you know I don't you'd be problem you'd be plumbing one so he's going like this he's got he's got his it's got his thinking the owners going like this oh my god oh it's like looking at a mirror reflection you also look what's noise did he make that big right you look like counter scarlet as well you've got a snake oh my gosh you know he's grades masquerade that's very you that's so me isn't it I mean I always wear sailor because it's impeccable fantasy it's all fancy okay so who are there isn't me there is a no well me too but there's no no mr. plum is the closest fern fine so who are you gonna be in the tutor sex we're not buying any marriage we don't want to play this game that much we're okay oh I tell you what as you're the guest you pick first and I'll have the dregs I'm going classic miss Scarlett I think yeah classic I like it and classic miss Scarlett I can't select the character why will it not let me select the character maybe I have to go first okay if you have miss Scarlett Scarlett darling who do I should I be chat who should I be I'm thinking maybe Colonel Mustard I mean you're quite mrs. peacock as it is I am I'm tempted to go for Reverend Green now because Oh heartthrob peacock mustard go sexy green the chat is torn they're tall they don't know mustard lots of mustards are they okay I must in in it I mustard boy I just see what Steve's done what's up hey wake go back perfect what was it wait put me on him it's so good he's perfect I love it Steve it's impeccable you look so [ __ ] good look so handsome wait who do I think I am that one you look yeah but you look very yeah I like that I saw them a little bit delayed but you are perfectly miss peach wait wait where's mr. plum where's he gone where's that gorgeous boy gone with that big brown okay disembodied head okay I pick mine can you pick yours now I can pick mine I think probably I'm gonna go for Reverend green I think we're gonna be sexy boys yeah I think we're gonna be sexy boys today I feel like a sexy man I feel like a me today all right perfect tap when ready when ready tap it when what how hard do we want the computer to be easy medium or hard I think we should probably go easy we go easy it's offering it that's not to downplay our skills or anything I'm happy to downplay it honestly I am all right time when ready those easy easy peeps all the memories it today they are easy it's just how we like them actually Tom Bates was telling me that it's it's a the character in Hercules that is called Pegasus and it's not actually the mythological creature I don't know what the mythological a this is Tom Bates he's really good and he knows he's really really good at sort of ancient Greek mythology is happening he often talked to you about it different I'm not awful is it all you guys haven't talked about up all night on what it's promised have you seen have you seen the latest a bachelor fit well actually in Hercules he was the ultimate bachelor you know it like the real-life story of Hercules actually really grim mmm it's horrible it's not like the Disney the Disney movie you can help professor plum okay why do I want to help wait I can't remember how to play this game right okay right there's been a murder as their own oh oh oh but look the characters are all different they're not the sexy Young's of Scarlett's and starlets no they're not but you're still sexy monsters I'm so sexy and you're still sexy that's all that counts okay so yeah now professor plum looks like a lady in drag you know what I mean oh I know what you mean oh yeah oh very beautiful face very beautiful very pretty very pretty so I've just realized don't you dare cheat boof cuz you can see my screen so don't you dare I'm not gonna cheat if you're not shaking at you I will I don't strangle the [ __ ] out of you okay all right okay and my true think or not it's not just not good enough it's not good you can't trip me I'm too large okay I'm gonna help okay so now plum knows that it can't be the card I just showed yes exactly hey all right well that work that's all we go from room to room continue we go from room to room people accuse someone and we kind of deduce who is you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I got by sort of saying oh it can't be this because this because someone's already got it's it's causing them when you actually play the board game it's in the middle isn't it in a little pack three yes I love that rose with the wrench in the lounge update your clue sheet update your clue she okay so it can't be those three things no well no because nobody's shown oh we don't know do we I'm trying to work out what's happening right now but this is this is the test run before the real it really wheels on it really got time kids all right so update your clues she doesn't even do god yeah I got tired that's me on the floor that the dead body but they let that rump like that plump rump that's a pump right there okay I don't really know what's supposed to be taking up I'm just pressing kids in you know she's back to me oh I'm back so there we go so I think what am i doing nobody has pressed anything oh god I don't know she played this game all right we'll get it it's Scarlett's herds out we've forgotten how to play the game yeah Scarlett has one of those cards I see Scarlett has one of those cuts how do you know that she because she suggested those things but we do know one of those I mean Scarlett suggests it was Professor plum with the revolver in the study oh but I'm gonna show a card because I can disprove this right so it's one of those so how do I say like maybe I want to say maybe on my clueless like it thick maybe it's not plum maybe it's not the revolver and maybe it's not study is that am i doing it right because I you showed one of those cards oh you can put question marks and take a stir where's the question mark right so if you can ah okay there we go right [ __ ] off here we go Oh could be who knows oh I've been locked an achievement so I'm achieving okay see I'm just gonna I'm just gonna holding I don't want it well maybe you know a girl yeah I think that will be the case I love professor plum I love I love Rufus I love that man it's me Lydia okay your turn throw the dice take this and that's it that's a murder and that's a murder for murder right so what my cards again okay well hmm I'm gonna say not bad stop it all room mm-hmm get in there you sexy boys in the ballroom get in the ballroom I think it's very windy in this box very windy they've got some draft issues don't they possibly with the strangling that's a straggling wranglin bats strangle him that's a strangle is any what this room is really good to trip people up then Oh lots of sharp edges you could bang your head on oh my goodness come on mr. garlotte has one of those cards so be a huh okay okay great fine sell it appreciate it this card I don't know I'm guessing this is the father I don't know which column I'm supposed to be ticking in as well I think that oh yeah read so she might have that card yeah there we go okay I am back thudding thing I know and fear Fiona snow hello she's bringing her her energy and her Energy's here if someone can't show a card you know you they don't have any of them well why didn't someone have a turn where no one showed a card yeah miss Scarlett had a turn but I we were figuring out what was happening off [ __ ] it's booth my turn it's both controlled and I seized roll the dice I see the plural of dice I got a sex I can go to any one of these places okay I'm gonna check out [Music] yeah this officer there I go here your fees off you know gosh like I can choose a suspect actually a throg hideous hideous absolutely good to trip on though very nice for tripping all right let me see I'm gonna choose where is videos my stuff you just got to look close enough where is your mustache I've got mine I've got mine on growing it out just for this dream I forgot what cards I've got can I click oh yes I can click and see what cards I've got okay I'm gonna suggest this I think he automatically updates your character sheet it's nice to say I've got loads of crosses which I didn't put down my dog didn't know that so did you get shown a card I got shown a card Oh peacock dagger Hall interesting interesting I'm not making any final accusations at this point no okay so she's gonna rock on into the conservatory why isn't there a door between those two rooms come on terrible look at that dolphin fountain at the back room it's got more money than sense Oh Oh miss scarlet has one of those cards okay okay so I kind of work hmm Miss Scarlet might have calling it I'm making an executive decision right there are you okay I've done something something pretty crazy yeah no I'm concerned something's murder keeps moving around look how crafty she is with a little fan yeah I know but she's frail she is frail she's old how could she murder a man with a load pipe there's a lot of blunt-force yeah and and you know it surely as a good detective we'd be like well there's clearly a gunshot wound to this man's face oh it's me sorry there's blood all over you all over you miss peacock what's going on it plumbs turn look at him what am i what a mighty fine man what a mighty good man hello blue that's right I did used to do that all right oh I've been accused oh yes very sexy you've been accused of the crime of sexiness oh very sexy there you go can I show him a card as well my cards and I look at my guards look at my cards right so I know for a fact that you have this card how Oh Daksh induction she is duck sure she knows what seduction she knows what she's doing you definitely have that card so it can't be that god you've actually got a concentrate don't you you bet number 3 sniping me here we go okay into the billiard mrs. peacock is deciding I like that room [ __ ] I know what a bait it doesn't seem like something I got to be fair was a rope they would they would add half of the rope rope might be using the rope okay so Rose just showed mrs. peacock something Oh my manwich mustard Billy odd philia I have no idea I mean I think it might be a good idea to turn it off in I think let's turn on the hints of the second game until we know what we're doing can we turn can we turn himself on the hill maybe settings I tried no no no hints okay what are we waiting for do you ever continue button to press okay I have a continue button okay so hmm oh she goes oh she's off she's off she's in the kitchen right in the kitchen that is a really lovely kitchen I love a nice little island in the middle it's him again it's marble proper marble rights of rose as shown something to scholar okay chat I'm good I need I need some help with something okay all these crosses which are appearing on my thing what is that what is that what is that what is that Jesus Christ like I don't know how I'm supposed to be taking things off right now no I don't either like so it means those players don't have the cards cross I know what believe the X are the ones it can't be okay that makes it a bit easier than oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so no I did something bad so right so mmm who just showed who rose miss Carla was it yeah yeah so Rose has one of these cards she has either professor plum the revolver or the kitchen right right if everybody has an X then that's the thing it says chat so she either has one of these if everyone has an X that's the thing so chat I'm just gonna continue bed not be streamside me booth this line I'm not I've got I've got chat on the screen but I'm not looking at y'all [ __ ] yeah I popped out the chat so I can see the chat but I I'm not looking at the you bloody bed or not well if i was sniping you know a tick means that mm-hmm somebody has done hmm okay yeah right okay interesting okay so let's look I just want to woo does that mean head to the library okay let's go over there okay I think my cards I won I know that it's not these cuz I'm curious about this man and I'm curious about this look at him he loves it it's a weapon come on greenie show me something mmm show me so what you showing me professor Palomas just showing you know loo okay that's a plum has potentially shown you one of those it's like a little note saying I did it it was dated it was me don't tell anybody or I'll [ __ ] do it do you bro why is he's got a cane in his hand it slice W doing a double murder double murder oh my god right what am I [ __ ] to here so um trying to figure out I'm just gonna continue at this point in time I don't want to do an accusation yet cuz I quite clearly don't know what happening nobody to accuse anyone dangerous all right come on beef yes we haven't been in if we've been in the lounge recently did think we've been in there it's all we haven't been in the lounge yet all of the plane airplane their plane Cluedo the fourth wall has been broken oh my god okay I need to start accusing some people that other people have also accused and then had a card shown so I can rule out what's happening here yeah you see yeah yeah yeah I think you were [Music] onto something all right why do you think I read out this coroner report donated $5 thank you coroner report says Lois was strangled but let's face it it's how he'd want to go our IPF in the chat in the chat air for the sake of your donation and 15th of March donated $3 thank you thank you so much weekend Louise you might get stabbed today wait Lois isn't here careful booth you're gonna get start you're gonna get shanked it's a wide shank that's how we wouldn't want it to go you'll ruin my beautiful red t-shirt I know is this what you've put as the option yeah interesting okay I'm excited to see what happens with this very good bit careful if you get the accusation wrong it's game over I'm kind of getting the rule so you didn't really show anything no I did I got showing something oh who showed is that what it is I forgot oh it was Miss peacock show mr. peacock shows you something yeah she took me into the back room mrs. peacock oh wait madam Rose this is Madame rice he's he's doing accusations now this is Madame rice okay people showed her something [ __ ] how are you supposed to keep tracking all this I'm keeping track of things right now you are Jesus its player three is Miss peacocks turn you see that the column okay so one of them is lit up and the color on they see at the top I had the blue the blue label the blue one is sort of lit up yeah right so that's that's who's turning right I got you using and then somebody has shown does Miss peacock have one of those cards enix I'll [ __ ] so long really difficult it's really Hobbes is she just did she just accuse herself I'm looking at chat that's accused herself that's quite a bold move [ __ ] sell she's like trying to say it's not me because I have the card maybe I have my own card Rose did the AA and then mr. peacock I've lost who's turning so peacock said take a bit of this yeah yeah so I think it's I reckon the next go is when I'm really gonna shine yeah I think so I can feel it coming I can feel it don't worry I'm learning especially where we put the hits one although I wonder if the hints will make it too easy I don't know I think I'll explain what the [ __ ] is happening how does that someone says Lydia you know you know what peacock has how do I know can you just explain that to me once I once you explain that to me I'll know how am I supposed to know that chatty Chat Chat Chat Oh explain it to me I know Pluto what's going on no no no I think I know what this is I think I know Rosa how do I know I think I know what's happened here you've got crosses on two of the cards yeah and if there's only one thing left Oh everybody's accusing mrs. peacock right now you see oh oh but you've got a card got a card so plum just accused her yes Jesus Christ so professor plum has accused mrs. peacock hitting somebody over the head in the hall with a lead pipe all right could be either of those I think and then question mark here mr. mark here I like the little pencil noise that's good that's nice is a nice little touch very immersive okay I feel like I'm actually being murdered I'm being murdered okay peacock is blue follow her column down so she's gonna have either this or this is what you're saying this all this this all this the column the column that's lit up is who's shown a card right but there's there's a three little collar sorry chaps so sorry about this this is the teething this is the teething you see that right at the moment yeah your column is lit up for me and it's and then there's three rows lit up so it could be either one of these holes that you have a pipe hole don't don't say that because I'm sort of deducing from this what you're saying either loathe the rosette up are from whatever the current guess is so these are the guesses peacock lead pipe in the hall and a person making that accusation or not is plum it's plum again so you're the person that's showing the card is the lit up column I don't have an upside-down I don't yeah because it's you oh it's me when I show a card might leave my column up I talk I got you all right is excited I think I'm learning okay so I chat am i right in thinking I've got these two this is a possibility this I tell you what this I'm having a lovely is that right am i onto something here those are maybes the ones I've circled or am I just absolutely I've put question marks in my maybes mr. peacock is deciding what to suggest okay she's getting to Belize no everyone's knowing me show a card and say what it is or is not green what do I want to show her I mean my eyebrows are up like hey hey I see I think oh I'm knocking my desk around because I'm so excited so oh gosh have a look at that yeah how do you like that yeah so you either showed I think the next go I'm gonna be so much better I think I think we're getting the hang slowly I mean it has been at least a decade since I've played this a hunt yeah exactly yeah it's been so a long time okay oh my goodness actually much longer than a decade I definitely didn't play this when I was 20 the last time I played this was I was pretty about 12 yes it's in many many years okay right I've got a plumber coming round you got a plumber a plumber is coming around to price up the boiler around 13:30 so during that time I'm going to just she's just going oh my I mean right so he will only be here for a second I could open the door and just be like yo look at my [ __ ] boiler alright so miss Scarlett is it miss Scarlett at the moment okay so you are making an option right you know this is you yeah okay so you're saying you think it might be peacock with the revolver another not me this is not my turn this is miss Scarlett's turn okay I can help Scarlett because I can show her one of the card that she has I always say you're thinking about it okay so this is Scarlett's I want to show her that so you've got one of those I know a little interesting okay so I'd say I can work something out from this you've either showed her this or this we're gonna what do you think chat what do you think I've been showing people cuz you're all on Lydia's team how do you poor souls so sorry I know I don't have a team right now I'm on my own he's in his little pod though as per usual in the morning Oh Steve's on my team wrong routine I forgot to say I thought this was miss Scarlett the red one Christ Christ on a bike mark the oh it was Green who showed it [ __ ] which one was it sorry booth what was this do we just have a booth what did you just showed you just show what was that what were the options peacock I'll [ __ ] how can we swim I'm making an educated guess after this and then we're restarting I'm so confused I just think as I might I might just [ __ ] guess in a minute I might guess I think I'm gonna guess it next turn and then cuz God mess alright Billy Billy our beard milliard villi on room bedroom okay alright doodie okay what do you think it is you wrenched this is the most shambolic I suppose when they keep moving from room to room can't we just stay the same nope alright I can help you here at the tipping worried clipboard you have the corresponding colored players all you've got we showed you something interesting all right well I'm that's good it's not there then thank you the tokens in war do you have the corresponding color players each box has its own own that's lose this has Oh tick box below going vertically when you cross or tick something Jesus don't losing it and you definitely don't have that when you cross or tick something off you remove or add it to the choices of cards however the numbers marks the order of the cards which can help turn the oh my god you've really got to have actual brain power don't you okay I'm ready oh my god he's making I'm doing it I'm doing it you disgusting creature with the ring I don't think we've made enough Accu they don't think we've done it we've detected it off for this yeah you're make me sick mr. plum what's in the little pouch I may have got something wrong I did it and I've done it wrong I did it wrong look at you your face popping in that picture it was like oh no [ __ ] it right so I'm gonna roll I think I need to make a couple more accusations here get activating [ __ ] I can't move anywhere man can move out here I'm gonna move outside I can't make any accusations at them but I don't I think I've reduced that ie yeah may have you could you see how much I got wrong booth no I couldn't see so you can't see anything revealty alright I couldn't see what was revealed so chat keep it keep it the look still does I mean I'm not looking at chat at the moment yeah I wouldn't I mean that does fit it's me strangling where the food is me doing the stress it's just me all over I think he doesn't have that for sure he could have that card and he could have that card I put little question mark so it's me it's me know what a Fraggle I love the little face in the middle you see a little face what little oh yeah that's to nose and a mouth to nose to Iseman there's the stairs from the study to the kitchen what a [ __ ] genius thing right professor you eat I love that mosaic very classy so miss scholars shown professor plum 'some it's not that one put a cross in that one this is a possibility I'm getting it ma'am I'm getting the get go get in the game jeez get in the game I'm understanding miss peacott what you say in love you combusted suggesting herself who though it was I surely you would know if you did it love maybe when you get to that age start forgetting things I don't think she has I don't think she has this card either I don't think she has that but I'm gonna show her this this this is probably not very interesting for her for a chat right now is it is it a dick pic I'm just going to show a sign it's a chick bacon code like this what do you think how would you rate it reason she's making an accusation right now she's doing it she's accusing herself she's saying that I did it with a revolver in the ballroom she's like [ __ ] I remember now cuz I killed that guy how could I forget she got it right she won she won it was her she knew it all along she's just [ __ ] me [ __ ] teasing a [ __ ] that old Haggard [ __ ] right I'm gonna turn hints on and we're gonna get right this is it this is it okay come off the screen come off the screen can we come off the screen so you can't see us Mickey codes Lydia tell booth how bad you are how bad I am awful III know I create my Miss peacock with this very gun I'm going to what's up use the code yes okay the next time I'll create the I'll create the room so I can just type it to Steven Steven read it to you that is the bad stutter thank you I both did don't worry guys though I won't lie I'd the sleep I had none of it so I'm a little bit the slow in the brain today love the lobby okay well alright what something you something now oh my god is it a dick pic oh my god I'm choosing a different character I'm doing excuses now guys I just feel so awful as in I did not I feel awful as in I'm just so [ __ ] that I feel alright I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the doctor because I think that'll make me clever if I'm the doctor yeah yeah oh we want Easy's easy bzees here we go it's on okay yeah just whatsapp do some dicks as well oh my god more dicks I can only take so much but you know his dicks beautiful day here we go yeah I know I make excuses but this this is it I'm gonna bring it back gonna show you guys I can be a good detective okay I I was I was off off my game that first go but this is it okay here we go so I've been given some cards okay those are the cards those are the murder cards so you you orchid this time yeah I'm doctor is it doctor orchid this new this new doctor octopus octopus very very sexy right we're gonna figure this out so he's saying the ballroom miss peacock with the lead pipe look at a girl man she's great but mrs. peacock says I've got one of these things move over [ __ ] okay wait let me understand this Colonel Mustard okay so cuddle mustard who is this row right this is I think Colonel Mustard is the he's this row right so many missed white doesn't have these cards and he suggested peacock lead pipe and ballroom right so this is peacock he said I got one teeny little question marks and means okay I think this is the way we're gonna do it this is how it's gonna work slowly but surely we will get there okay all right guys I'm figuring it out as we go oh she's Stern with a heaving bosom it's my ideal woman I love her he think he's English into the kitchen all right you suggesting herself she just trying to lose hi I've it the Miss peacock has one of these this bigger thing well I've got one of those let me see so she might have my other she might she might have this one I think would I think we're getting there right now did he had tick off that oh the first cards is in the first cards I did but Miss white didn't have any of them oh because it skipped past her so that means she didn't have any of them Jesus think this is it automatically is it's that right chat so now oh it does do it automatically doesn't it yeah it does do yeah it's already done yeah okay but I can't know for sure we can't know for sure that mmm mrs. white no worries no worries you know she's accusing she's gone into these rooms she might have one of those cards itself she might be trying to throw us off she might be bluffing so I'm not gonna write anything down like what she does or does not have I'm a moment that easy mode means no bluffing that's good that's come on like that's gonna be a hard mode oh okay he just Bluff all the time so miss peacock what she's saying I did she's thinking about it she's suggesting it was made it was your with the wrench with the with the wench with the wench but it's alright because mr. green does not have any of those hearts oh he doesn't so he's being ticked off right automatically already I have but I've got sewing you have one of those cards see you go love look at this dick book you might have this you might have this and you might have this because I don't know yet aha right I see she's into you she is it miss peacocks face she's like oh hello fellow priests tea Cardinal green he's so great onto the study okay study interesting interesting scarlet I would the revolver well it's a very bloody me again isn't it oh so you might have one hmm I think I think I've figured it out just from this lady mm-hmm just gonna put that there but I'm also gonna put that you might have this and you might have this big rig now I've got my brain on it's your turn it's me video elidio the encyclopedia the other two lady okay I can't really go anywhere can i I didn't roll enough no you're gonna have to move a square in the direction that you are that's balls you see there will be squares around your character okay um-hmm but you can't make any sort of accusation gonna go over there oh yes that's salt that sucks really do any my sorting turn its me it's so you're Buffy um oh it's great tower Lydia thank you thank you so much I was me guys look that's really that's a bad roll I don't always you stuck in the study again you see them you could do another one of another studies state yeah I'm doing another study I'm studying yeah I'm just learning I'm gonna accuse yeah me not yellow I'm talking to the character it was not I I mean am i and I'm also gonna suggest it was this band couldn't go I got that hipster so you're saying that's a sexy mustard man but Master has what the rope has something good might happen but it's good we're learning we are learning Colonel Mustard looks like my so he has this green man no I had a housemate that looked exactly like him really yes no it wasn't a very sexy man it's the cat ladies it ass it's awesome oh how is Hastings by the way - oh he's better than ever actually no wait he was an [ __ ] this morning was he it was this such a naughty mood he just was full of energy and he chased me and attacked my leg I had to shelter him and look him outside my room as I got ready god he's a bad man I was very naughty bad god hasty and bad Hastings I love him I love him I love him so much I really I don't I got to leave him for a week I'm so sad that is really sad but it'll be it'll be good fun and he'll be happy to like be away if you happy see you when you're back alright so see you yeah mustard mustard is accusing these these he's accusing the candlestick of killing the kitchen with mr. green right so I'm you're reading about it I'm thinking that oh [ __ ] I can help you out here mate I think so you showed shown yeah I shown a card one of those cars okay come on you sexy heaving bosoms you sexy heaving bosoms lead and what do I want to shove my face in them alright this is white what are you thinking what are you thinking darlin mustard so so great so wait professor Corey he's my hotels away like wait what what what he he has a card and it could be this way either of those three I felt like this is just a game of like question marks like at the moment it is but it will get clearer as we go I guess ooh [Music] interesting interesting okay sorry I was thinking this all right continuous I was thinking it's rare or once it's rare but it happens [Music] did you really I've got a question mark here interesting okay mr. mustard would the dagger in the dining room hüseyin that them peacock said that and green is replying ah interest ah I think I have figured that out I'm gonna put one of these two he's got actually I'm not gonna i'd still don't feel confident about this I know I know this I'm gonna put exclamation marks low so I'm really really yeah I'm not brave enough for that I'm a little bit scared I'm scared for that too much of a wimp all right off to the dining room Cardinal Cardinal green what are you saying are you saying my sweet Pope interesting okay have a look at that okay interesting very interesting well she's thank him she thanked him I love all that was fair except I think I know what card you've got wish I think I figured out that you've got two cards that have have what been come on put your money where your mouth is do you want me to I mean I can tell you what I think okay you can say I will not react at all okay I think that Lydia has miss Scarlett's card and the wrenches card okay no reaction reactions okay no reaction whatsoever I'm not even looking at a chat or anything right now you better not be looking if you use your face streams sniped me geez not a stream sniping because I just mean that was not in the spirit of the game that's not Cluedo not clue that that's not a doing a clue don't write go metal Desi Boyz but I we can always like I'm trying to figure out whether someone else has those cards so then I can narrow it okay I'm not doing it right I want to go here very curious as if is this windy bloody man yeah a man of the Jesus Christ it's very windy in here they really must sort out their drawers Wendy ballroom here we go so I am incredibly cold right you're cold oh the boiler smoking boiler is not working and I'm feeling this right now Oh No I'm gonna show you this I don't want anything of that you show me something [ __ ] mmm damn okay I like what you see I like what I've seen I like what a sign thing you definitely don't have I'm fairly sure if I know you yeah fine don't have this but I think you don't have this either no me looking cross in that box okay I need to know about this come on you get sexy harlot get sexy with it oh that's a good roll that's for goody that Takuto I can go to any of these rooms and there's three rooms where we haven't even bloody been Jesus hmm okay I'm gonna try and cross out some more of these these rooms that I haven't been to get in there we haven't been in the billiard room yet so I'm gonna I'm gonna go there good idea I love this critic I just always it's all--it's do you think back who should I suspect it's like ASMR with the pool yes it's very lazy but it like an excuse hmm what are we looking for here drag star donated 200 twitch bits says have fun on holiday in Lancer grotty Lydia thank you I'm shocked Roddy thank you so much there we go what you say in a wrench in the billiard billiard the billiard room but miss white is like beer please [ __ ] hold up hold up girl so maybe ha okay interesting what do you think very interesting I'm gonna mmm I'll do that Fila knows I'm not ready to make any final accusation all mustard you've stolen good role powerful role of that it's making me hungry some beef I've got peanut so I can actually eat peanuts always happy I know how to do it I love the way you the one day that Luis is not here you're like I'm gonna be all the people just kind of like I've got peanuts of peanuts in the I go blow the dust everywhere miss miss peanuts clean up miss feed mrs. peanut has one of these cards peanut what he's peanut I'm having a peanut oh [ __ ] not you peanut I've dropped the peanut peanuts wait so this is mustard said this and then peacock gave her something am I am I am I right in thinking that you're right in thinking that yeah okay so I don't know enough but she gave he sorry mrs. peacock gave one of those cards yes to Colonel Mustard and said look at what this is hmm I was snacking for high-energy yes there's a good highlight there's a lot of brain power for this I look look there's an elephant through the right she's thinking that she did it herself she really she's really convinced she did it didn't she yes sure she keeps accusing so she definitely knows that she definitely I what was the last room that they went in what do you think about that chat did we know what room that mmm Colonel Mustard was in before because I had the exclamation mark so I'm thinking that makes me think that was when I was focusing on so I'm gonna cross that out yeah okay are we happy with that room they were in all right question mark I don't know don't [ __ ] know I don't wanna know where I am okay you might want to put a tick in that box which box there's a lot of boxes agree okay I'm getting some one I'm getting some agrees Oh finally someone's accused me some but he's accusing so if he [ __ ] is saying it's me and then you're like oh some of this I [Music] think interesting but I'm gonna go like this am I gonna show him do you say what am I going to show that implies you've got two of them oh [ __ ] that what you said what am I going to show you see you potentially that was that was a big from me right now oh she attention ah oh I think I think I think that's that's one you've got yeah I think this is one this is one and it's one of these as well she don't both fit okay okay she don't boost it I certainly [ __ ] did so cuz she might be you might be playing me for a god like a god damn fiddle oh jesus the christian stream we've got Reverend green on here green stop fiddling okay okay so you've just shown him something and oh that pipe what's that I'm just gonna do this and I'm gonna do this I think because that was another one I mm yeah all right but okay so let's just this makes me feel better about myself okay all right we're getting places we're getting places guys I'm not getting anywhere at this stage this is impossible okay I think we need to I need to I need some nuts this place oh it's helping my brain yeah I should eat some nuts Snickers eat some nuts [ __ ] I'm goddamn nuts not the face in the hallways looking at me like ah I love that place okay temporary with the evidence I'm not tampering with jack [ __ ] that's not what the courses mean Lydia Jesus well whatever is what it's what I understand if you understand that's fine I'm dying check me to death on a peanut okay okay here we go okay show me show me the goods should I make the goddamn goods right oh so white Oh white come on yes come on okay that's interesting very interesting most intriguing she's she did a good in who killed Lydia with the peanut mmm-hmm it's ironic cuz I was choking and I'm the strangler I knew it was nobody Kim something I just couldn't work it out with the honest lives donated $5 thank you the honest I'm glad he says a choker and a mermaid plain Cluedo sounds way better than mermaidman and barnacleboy all right is it your you'll go alright my go so I'm gonna recuse some peeps get cute honey I think I need to sort this out in my head in your head salt your readout yes no I'm gonna change that one I like sheep at the moment I think cuz I ate I like to remove you because I look so tired compared to you looking at the screen now like I'm so pasty in real life but next to you I look like a bloody Latino goddess I know teen oh gosh fresh off the fresh off the plane from some hot destination sorry so carry on tangey gonna be when you get back from my god think about the road lands are grotty fresh from the Havana oh I think it might be this yeah something made who is that tell us my drink I'm using my brain oh thank you for that okay I like that alright so that's the work this out uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh which makes me think aha alright I'm making I'm making leaps making bounce here we go we're getting there oh we getting there oh oh I just love him I want to run my fingers through his glorious main beard mmm he's back he's beard peacock with the candlestick okay people has one of those things so she oh my god yes great this is great maybe maybe some baby and that's me that's a-- maybe that and that'sa maybe got a lot of question marks I'm gonna say yeah yeah there's a lot of question marks all over here I feel like I'm absolutely smashing this I'm not gonna like very much more confident yeah I'm feeling more confident but still very stinky it's very [ __ ] all right come on right so you think mr. peacock with the rope in the hole but Green is like ah ah ah ah girlfriend I think interesting interesting hey Brenda Dona come on stream oh yes get bring your own stream let's get Brenda let's see that chunky girl it's been a murder Oh Brenda hi Brenda she's camera shy was it you was it Brenda what are you with the poop in the study of poop i poisoned would build a poop okay say in chunga's room with the children wait so who made this assumption peacock and now mustard saying yeah I've got this okay so okay so interesting very interesting sit not wear wait not definitely not I've got I think I think I'm doing it I'm going for it just gonna put a question mark there but I'm pretty sure I know I'm confusing people because I'm doing crosses but this is this is how well this is how my stupid brain is understanding it as long as you understand yeah sometimes you just got to stop thinking you know yeah well I mean that's sort of my day-to-day anyway just stop thinking all right he thinks he did it very strange that a man at the church is like I committed a murder I think I committed a murder I think I killed a man I think I killed a man so you've just shown him something just showing him something okay so I know that you do not have those car Oh what should I just do I just did something [ __ ] how do I read really oh [ __ ] balls I don't know I just did uh-huh aha so you may still hmm all right come on roll me a goody roll I'm feeling lucky a squid at it let me squid it was water did it it's water ah guess what your your subscribers are cold what the squid squad Chris Chris Bob assemble right oh boy okay no no no oh but Colonel monster has one of those okay so Colonel Mustard okay he doesn't have that we're getting somebody else we're getting something you can narrow this down a bit I thought I put my heater back on it's very cool oh I've got a little oil heater on whoa we all heater are you from the Victorian times apparently so just like a big oil radiator yeah I've got one of these little like these little candles that they use well it's very appropriate for this game it is you know you know I'm not sure restoration you watch what get cold troubling wait is booth frozen I think I think booths dead Oh No fifth dead oops frozen she's dead oh this is a great time for me to eat some more peanuts they're um either that or she's thinking really hard she's like man I wish I had Lydia's peanut there's been a murder Steve are you there boof seems to be have died oh no she's didn't a place for a I oh [ __ ] forever oil radiator blew up okay why was gonna keep playing for a little while because I'm on to something here I feel it okay so who's just okay so Scarlett said it's these [ __ ] and must have said actually I've got one of those cards so rope could have no hello oh she's back she's alive you got replaced by an AI oh did I yeah it's my solo stream yes finally damn it but what what I always wanted I was busy choosing suspects oh no mind I'm a little bit foggy Ariane I'll come back you know I hope you do so he's saying I've got one of these cars well it could easily be any of these oh yeah that doesn't help me at all okay does this mean I can just watch the stream I'm gonna win it for you I guess you can yeah wait for me I'm just gonna refresh everything let's see if they still work next time round guys I'll do the correct icon usage oh there goes my peanuts there goes there goes my naps it's incredibly annoying also no wonder no one had anything to show doesn't that just mean that's it though I can't I don't understand that yeah that means that if nobody has that card to show yes probably that Oh I mean I [ __ ] it at some point I've said it's not that Lydia Greene shouldn't be crossed out I thought it was the lead pipe ah boost it you booth don't boost it mastered you beautiful man okay so I'd got to it was either scarlet or mustard I'd got to that point I thought it was a lead pipe I got that wrong and I whittled it down to either I had loads of places it could actually I'm still playing this [ __ ] game are you still in it yeah oh dear do we start another one at this time every every time we play things get a little bit better this time I'll use the crate I copy finished is the game's over love ya mustard got it right god damn it I was so close what was it it was miss Scarlett with the dagger in the ball room what did you do what were your what was your assumption [Laughter] all right Steve can we have em just us so I can set up the game yet do you want a break is it time for brains at break time you might be break time yeah actually let's have a break I'll get ya a coffee you get a coffee I'm gonna get a coffee too broad yet oh bloody hell she's only got cheese she's gonna get off her tits on caffeine or is it are you having a decaf I'm having a decaf oh but uh no no offer tits I'm really I'm having a lot of fun also did you notice in the left hand side I only just realized when I got kicked out of the game yeah that there is a hints button and that's that's all always sorry oh that's okay well I don't think we should press it though I feel like we've never doing it next time okay all right okay guys we're gonna go for a few minutes have some ads grab a coffee and we'll see you back very soon see you soon bye guys [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back welcome back now is everybody how are you I'm good how are you good Candice is here oh come on oh I'm gonna try and get air into into frame I want to see you let me see the woman of my dreams I can see a tail Marie she's gonna help us solve a murder today yes I feel like Brendan did a murder and Candice Marie is gonna help us solve it Brenda did a murder all Ivan do you thinks what am I gonna do about this man booth is just gonna get restarted because she'sshe's gone all all crazy she's crazy I'm crazy she's gone crazy just lost it but I hope you've all got your hot beverages I've got my I've got my gravy I've got my mug of gravy I've got my mug of cappuccino cappuccino well you see this know your God now oh my God look God you don't you don't exist anymore um so I I was thinking about how I'm always eating food on these streams and I was like what's wrong with me why am i oh such a hungry hungry little goblin and then I discovered it's because the 11:00 till 2:00 stream goes over lunch and my body is like why aren't why why am I not being full of food why are you not shoveling food down your food gullet hole so I think that's why I'm always really peckish and really like Munchie when I do these streams because I don't like stuff my face when I do evening streams I think it's teachers because I could look up it's literally because it goes over lunchtime that's why I just literally poured the pack of peanuts down my throat I didn't chew I didn't you are also eating on your solo streams Lydia that's a lie I don't need that much on my so dreams do I I joined at a perfect time just was let's say pour the peanuts down your throat I was saying why I always get like peckish during these morning streams because it goes over lunchtime yes not you get really hungry and with me is I don't eat breakfast Wow I don't need breakfast but I do eat sort of like 3-4 hours after I wake up rye and that's right when you're streaming that's right one I mean yes my cappuccino my mom just gave me this and was like I don't like it I'm having it business [ __ ] you could have it well I've got a I've got Luis I've got Luis very lovely Luis Michael Booth beeps [ __ ] off again Lidia you were just a muncher you must munch at all times okay I got eaten by Lidia that's what happened I'm very hungry you're just your snack sized as well I'm like a fun five miles laughs but yeah we could we've got our mugs and gravy which I was singing as I made it don't you take my gravy dance don't you take my gravy coming to a t-shirt soon right she set up a new game hmm do you want to set up or shall I I'll set it up this time so I can just please into it I'll wait home I'm gonna create alright here we go Steve can tell you this code okay oh wait no wait it's not that it's not like cold turns oh [ __ ] oh you can buy like different places to do it you could do the murder Express I think there I think the full packs like 40 quid they really I really milk it I know it isn't it it's so crazy we've got two musics in our ears Steve mm-hm there we go perfect thank you you can buy different places to do it yes great game is if you get all this stuff it's how they get you though they give you one level and one pack of people and they know that the same these people you have to pay for yeah - always you have to pay for the sexiest people every time alright do you have a code I do have a code I've given it Steve well in this stiff stuff stiffer your life are you ready for greener ages oh just got your discord in there for a little bit that was fun alright okay just just worry about it just what's at me I'm just what's up you since that I like that we're just gonna discard whoopsie whoopsie Daisy was so good at this look at these she just keeps sending me obscene dick messages I knew these texted to someone else then whoops and so I'm filling in my auto auto thing on to booth after she sent me all those dick pics thank you for that your time and consideration I will be in the future of our games that is the auto thing I'm gonna do the middle the middle the middle one do the middle okay gonna I wanna do you what I'm sorry what I'm gonna I want to do good I want to do yet Jesus what kind of messages have you been sending that that's your that's your auto god she's happy with you babe what messages have you consenting I wanna do Leah I'm glad she's happy with you have you been breaking up with someone okay okay I'm just gonna keep smashing any sense yeah I'm not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plugins to determine how attachments are handled the situation and I will be in the future of our games might so proper I don't text people like that I don't know why that's my suggest I do you want to do yeah my is like this a manual it says it's the incorrect code I'm glad you have to do it I'm gonna try again then I gotta make a new one give me a different god damn code give you different code right it's a this one too I didn't read it I must say it out loud there we go try that one okay there we go I mean okay she's in I'm in lock the lobby here we go I might choose to do yeah I mean if you go that's a slam down yeah mister steal yo girl mrs. peacock Holman what is happening is this string going off the rails it's been off the rails since it started many relics I almost choked to death on some peanuts honestly it's it's been a [ __ ] [ __ ] show I missed the cats as well Simon there was a cat oh I'd all the cpu's who are easy the oh yeah yeah all right easy easy easy easy ha when ready all right I feel third time lucky I was I was getting better the second time this is gonna be my this is my time to shine my time to shine here we go I'm entertaining a plumber later I'm interesting two plumbers lately that's the the storyline to a film I saw yeah so there's two plumbers so there's I've got a plumber why did she not pick up on the the joke I made guy he's I made up horn joke I got the porn joke and I was going yep that's true oh I've got a plumber at a half one all right and I've got a plumber at four as well why have you got two plumbers well you want price the job I can't just get one plumber and go yeah oh I see you're getting two plumbers to come and decide and then you say 52 plumbers and they're gonna fight so they're gonna fight to the death it's Mario and Luigi all right so I've got these all right so I might as well just make a completely random assumption then I'm gonna see if once one's Mario ones Luigi I don't know I don't think they are one of them is called Jonna DRA no Joe no these dolls Jana it sounds like a great porn I'm excited to hear more about it okay so we're in the billiard billiards dreaming in the billiard I think plum and I think the candlestick prove me wrong [ __ ] are we I'm plum I think it's me I think I did it I don't know a growers all right but miss Scarlett has one of these things all right here we go okay great okay look at him are you seen brunette oh my god I want it what happened to his eye I love it I'm game okay I'm game and turn and a game and game my turn can I shake these dice properly no you just like him so if you just look if you hold Z if you hold the dice down next time you do it and I was trying to shake the dice around it didn't work well I can go anywhere look at me does this game even fill in the logic puzzle bit for you so Simon it does to an extent but you do have to like work a lot of stuff out it does feel stuff in but you've got to work out I mean we're not doing very well not doing very well it's my very detailed description improved so it does do a bunch of [ __ ] for you but there is a load of stuff to actually win the game you've got to use your own brain which is no one now true that's not good is it it's not good I'm gonna accuse this lovely man here is this actual name brunette yeah it's mister yeah it's called a brunette I like right so you're saying it's not very creative they're all named after colors Lydia oh yeah yeah but like some of the less obvious than others peacock Azul you know you wouldn't think you know it's not like shut up booth you shut up Monsieur brunette I'm suggesting it's Monsieur brunette blonde who is D we'll see a bran-new okay okay so [ __ ] this out so azuz come to you and said it I might have this interesting okay this game is [ __ ] you get there's multiple characters right but we're both blue there's two blues us to lose because I'm peacock and he's Azure and here he is this game is too much it's fancy-looking it's fantasy all right it looks like Jafar yeah that is my favorite movie coming up oh you've got one I've got one you don't want it you got one I got one you could have over this one and you could have this one so I'm and you could have this one yeah yeah I'm blue da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die Oh continue I am made out of pies a cuppa dduba don't know you take my gravy don't show chase you like ray and we cite like a slightly out of sync on this good because I'm singing in time with you I think you're a little bit behind me yeah mmm oh the deeper shade of blue is steps I forgot about that song how does it go again okay um sorry I'm concentrating now so scarlet is saying I got one of those I think this out we're just it's like we're both doing exactly the same thing one of those dad I do deeper shade of blue nothing you can do so far far away how does women know these lyrics I don't I can't remember the tune at all do you know the change like that so OH the revolver Oh in the dining room huh but mustard has one of these okay so mustard see ya he could have that he could at that and bloody hell he could have that bloody alley could've there's a lot of emotes yeah alright so a lot of questions oh he's very very tasty got a lot of chest hair always tasty tasty hmm lasers [ __ ] on cluedo characters alright very lonely all right babe okay mustard yeah oh it's me here you go take a look at that dick oh oh it's a good one it's a good one well if she's saying it's a dick pic I'm saying it's the lead pipe she's showing a pipe I'm gonna put a big exclamation mark next to your pipe god hmm it's me okay all right could I put it out there I think my character looks like a bit of a [ __ ] yeah all right my character Sushi's kind of looks like she's who are you peacock I'm peacock all right into the library I'm gonna elephant honestly I want I want what do you want love I want a house I want a house big enough for an elephant topiary Oh what you got for me baby baby blue okay interesting very interesting very very interesting okay perfect that's exactly what I need it Oh does that mean you had the other two shits what were the other two I've already forgotten oh okay so this is very much a maybe very much a maybe very good bluffing from me right there oh you don't Bluff I am like an open book Lydia can read me any day like an open casket made me beautiful I'm going over here why is there no conjoining door between the ballroom and the other room very strange layout yes very weird okay I'm thinking that it might be oh yeah I'm gonna accuse you me and I'm gonna you know II keeps I'm talking to the cat right this keeps happening doesn't it mm-hmm are you guys doing a con yes we are but a dog we are totally doing your car and it's gonna be I'm really looking forward to it thank you oh yeah I'm gonna recuse myself uh oh is that a bluff interesting okay so mustard has said okay interesting very interesting interesting most interesting right he got how many things do you kicked off me mmm like fully scratched out I'm not telling you that well other than the three the three that you get started with yeah got one two three four five scratched out oh god you've got quite a few okay so wait that was him saying it but she said shut up I've got something okay okay mm she already had a question mark we say mustard right dining room I'm trying to I'm thinking so hard and it's not becoming to me it's not working so like I've got something for you I know exactly what that is oh [ __ ] I can work this out I think I think I can work this out and you what can you work it out that's it wait oh Christ okay so it doesn't have that and he doesn't have that so he's got that I think we've both come to the same vision yeah I think so okay okay so that's good we've both eliminating things oh I am in the office ethic know dying laptop I've got to come to a professional place to do a professional stream your laptop oh just a [ __ ] there's just a [ __ ] show I need to buy a PC yeah oh thank you I appreciate that thanks beef is very expensive right what's going on here who said this brunette said this no scarlet Cypress got a card this and bring it had a card but you have a Wii U you do we were were you so thank God for that stuffed if you do not we use odd what would be the reason to live okay poor net on it just dream is the billiard room okay wait we we we all right we we all right here we go and now who as a okay so I can work something out with this as well can you work ah mmm I'm not sure oh no I can I is there another berries are more icons there is a high chance I'm gonna put a circle we're on that I think are the high chance but I don't know we don't know we just don't know don't know this is tricky I was getting into it now though yeah yeah the first game we played I was just so [ __ ] lost what was happening it's all right nobody was watching us when I first find part of the stream it's all right okay so I'm get away I'm gonna head to no no Steve noticed Steve knows knows everything there at this point he's always watching it's like somebody watching Santa Claus of the the streaming world he knows when he sees you where near sleeping sleazies you when you're away oh he's in my room ah boo boo okay so I'm glad we're in the study yeah it's a new it's a nice new room like a newsroom room let's go with that come on come on someone prove me wrong prove me wrong is that okay what you got you got for me baby boy very interesting very interesting so this is the second time that that's come up yes yes oh god it's starting to fill up I reckon it's gonna happen soon you think yeah I think the AI is a lot smarter than us you know it's not easy and it's still kicking our ass we have one of these okay determined look at that oh look at myself - mega mega 12 it's not stop looking at this man's face Oh free me [Music] so we haven't been there's a couple of places we haven't been we haven't been to conservatory or the lounge where am I now I'm in the billiard room I'm gonna go down to the lounge because we haven't been there okay interesting right there we go and I'm gonna start accusing time to accuse I'm time to point a finger time to pointy pointy come on love and thinking I'm Daisy yeah I want to get that one oops this is what I'm like when I play board games I get really I get really into it oh he's got something to show you showed me something oh look at miss Scarlett she looks great so she like God she doesn't look good and that outfit is amazing I like it Oh karin-sama D and Sundy it's one of weight weighs [ __ ] so he showed you something it could be that oh I don't know he was showing me how low my energy prices could be if I switch Wow what can I save I could save so much money oh I feel like there's something there's something here that I should be getting but I'm just not ah [ __ ] I'm gonna have to play it safe what do you think about the decor decor of the decor I love it yeah quite cozy oh look at this look I'd love a house like this right you're cleaning it though it's so big I can barely keep her bloody flat clean lines I know I know you got a big hunking region huh you won't even let your flat you don't you about my flat what did you dream I had a dream I let me tell you let me tell you okay and I'm listening so I'm gonna say I just need to just need to show someone a thing [ __ ] is going look at that right so so who is your is accusing himself of the dagger in the dining room right well then what the hell it's okay I've just seen something incredibly interesting I'm really confused about this when did this happen chat [Music] if it's not that it's potentially that it's not that yeah so it'll be that oh oh it's all kicking off all right so oh it's kicking off I'm nervous I'm really nervous now okay upset I think so it's that with that now I've just got to work out which one of it which one of these is that right guys I think we're in exactly the same yeah at least yeah yeah okay interesting Oh [ __ ] someone's gonna get it they're gonna get it okay there's one there's one more thing I need I think yeah same and I think I think you can pull this out the back to be perfectly honest I think you can do this oh they're gonna guess [ __ ] ah but you could be saying I'll set all right it's not that but it could be that but you're showing this all this I want to know if it's this but he could be it'll be sure yeah we are exactly exactly exactly Mustard's see what he says by the way I'll tell you yeah I need to know the tree I need to know the trees accusing Prince is here with candlestick let's see he's right I did get Azure and the dine I got is there in the dining room as well I thought it was I did not get I didn't get that either I thought it was gonna be the lead pipe yeah he's going for rope even if we taking a guess we would have probably got it wrong yeah no we have to start guessing quicker we can't play it safe if it gets too close to the end my opinion Oh No okay tell me about your dream as we serve the next so my dream okay I went to your house before a party we were both going to yeah right and in this in your house you had a moat so you had a ground floor flat right and in that in that flat no way outside it was like you have this very shallow more it was only like a foot deep you wouldn't drown in it and you had stepping stones to get across to your front door and it was it was you had a really nice flat and I was going what does your subconscious think of me you have such grand illusions about my life with you've been in my little crappy Huntly you know I don't I don't have a my house is really messy so glaring I just let her in the door for me a sixth and then totally cheated me I was too ashamed I couldn't let you know how I lived please don't tell people how I live I'm a goddamn princess a queen in your eyes a grade you leaned over to my mote you know how I live which money like so you know you know do you remember ever playing The Sims like the more I think the newer ones yeah and so the newer Sims and it was like you could build a it was like that it was like in The Sims it was so perfect your subconscious I don't want to want to make grand assumptions but your your subconscious right Eliza's me I'm just putting it out there so now that is my consciousness I actually yeah a shed with the whole brain the whole brain is in love with you the whole brain the whole brain wants you did you were a thing oh did you oh it's not a trick this is not a dick pic it okay boyfriend's me when entering anyhow this place is massive okay there she is Here I am right which character am I gonna be this time right here we go I've been him I've been her I'm gonna be miss next time I'm gonna be I haven't been it's like are you gonna be miss Scarlett this time miss Scarlett yeah you're gonna be that's nice hunk I'm gonna put hints on so what play a game where every player has three free hints I saw this is I feel like that would just give it away word it'll be like I don't know I mean I feel like I'm cheating if you use hints add the other oh yeah the other ones okay great yes fabulous oh yeah we should try playing as one person next time I don't know B I love the competition I do love the competition I feel like - I like I like teaming up with you and be like dream team I don't think two brains are better than one in this situation I think two brains will actually make us stupider if that's even it usually does yeah what stream is that reform in this oh my God look at him he's a math genius oh she's very sorry she is hello no look you're in the top you're pretty you're preach preach peach straight peach oh yeah I am I don't look like how I lived in that thing I've got a beanie on I never wear a bloody beanie you should I'm gonna I'm gonna make you wear a beanie okay you have trained hours I'm not sure the two are the WiiU I can't remember where that stream it was what I was at to it - girls one cpu stream but I can't really it was it was possibly the first or the second one I think he might be yes she's company the excited what's going on in my life it's white turn and she I mean she's probably doesn't have oh it was the third one I was third one all right all right all right okay so plum I'm loving plum I am also loving form I think he's he's my boy all right with the rope okay she's lovely they're very beautiful all right so you're thinking about it and you're showing him something I'm showing him something I'm like oh stop messing with my green screen the green screen she's sabotaging us she's jealous she's being a little [ __ ] got that [ __ ] gonna be okay we have to be more go Getty ruthless ruthless ruthless we can't wait until we just have the answer because by that time it's too late guests yeah and they know cuz they're the computer they can't get it wrong Apple Computer they got the stats I'm a computer I know I know - five what - five where can I go I can go to the library get in there you see she comes man in black yeah love those lyrics okay get in there oh yeah get in there it's early days but you've got to think about oh for goodness sake sorry Candace is climbing the loft ladder she's off she's off gonna show you this have a look at that have a look at that oh look very nice okay thank you appreciate it gonna be like no I'm gonna be like no okay Anton peach is wearing Uggs she cozy she's awesome she's got sweaty feet she's got sweaty feet disease it's not a disease it's a condition very nice woohoo okay what can it goes hey Lucien a little freak I know it in German yeah cooking cooking good I was amazing I'm cooking I'm cooking Oh Lord she could she could I'm gonna guess I guess some stuff man yeah a bramble mm Oh mm-hmm so you've got to think about what order because because it goes round sort of goes round the circle and people the first person will shot the first person to have that card will show you but if anybody else has the other card they can't show you they see well that's going to those strats are to help to to you know for me booth I'm trying to get Candice oh she's sitting behind me over there but the camera doesn't go that far back she's sitting on the chair behind me I have this little chair wiping her ass - Ari Oh plum you crazy madman we've done it again but you can you can shut the full camera if you want to it's a bit of a mess because I've got my I got my heater here let's see careless there she is I've just got a green screen up she's on your head beautiful oh sorry okay peach the peacock has Miley's thing so what's your way of doing it when isn't too when I know it could be one of two I put the next the way should mark yeah yeah I think Robbie another question cuz I'm like it's I've narrowed it down a bit more then mm-hmm yeah she's so happy to be helping us solve a murder oh [ __ ] it's me sorry it's me I think I'm getting somewhere already I'm I'm still miles away I've still got I'm miles away I've got a long way of deducing to go before I get anywhere it was plumb full LED pipe and white shrimp eco cars okay so she's like we'll take a look at this well it could be in Oh No wow I could be this all right cool it could be this could be this could be this could be this or it could be this could be this you take this family it could be anything at this point that's all it's really it's anyone this anyone's game so the land goes we're in the lounge that's there it's suggesting it was you me okay with the dacha in the lounge this sound like something that would do alright so plum showed something but I don't know which of those it is Oh is the game that is the game that's yeah that's a clue tow we did a clue tow I've done a clue tow I'm determined to win one of these we've got oh yeah you had like one of us has to wear I reckon we've got enough for this game and then possibly a quick one afterwards oh sure sorry how many times am I gonna do that sorry just forget to press continue but it spawns to it and I'm gonna turn this around got a plump rump old plummy how do you know I just know me and him have we're in the bullring which is what he has a lot of cuz he's wearing a dress so candlestick oh wait I'm confused okay it's mustard its mustard it's you I'm showing thing it's a mustard boy I could be there I could be there or it could be that it could be this it could be that it could be anything this reminds me of one of my dad's favorite jokes about hotels yeah I know he says so he says these trusts Oh solid 12 these trousers are like a cheap hotel there's no bubble booth I get into the round my god / I come to the library there's no room if you ever wonder where I get my sense of humor from it's my [ __ ] dad [Laughter] come on then I think you did it mrs. peacock I do like she hit like when you accuse her she's got this like mug of like booze or something I don't know muga booze I said cookie this okay she's wild she's wild that's not even a dad shake though that's just like a funny joke like dads aren't they traditionally like a bit [ __ ] yeah my dad my dad doesn't do dad jokes really he texted me something and he was like he texted me this morning saying oh I forgot to text I didn't press send on this top quality text yesterday for some reason top quality text I don't it's not top quality he's gonna get me a lawnmower for my birthday I've already got one this is the fifth one you've given me Dad well my mom gave me my last lon they just want you to sort your bloody garden out booth they can't stand the state you're living in here's the thing there's no grass on my lawn right now oh [Laughter] my god okay that's fantastic the Reverend isn't listening oh Lord both ways it's hilarious well especially why do your parents keep buying you lawn mowers if you don't have any grass I don't understand died it died oh the grass is dead oh my god oh Jesus Christ really is [Laughter] all right the dining room right I don't need to I need to bring this back all right who are you accusing I'm gonna accuse myself of being a [ __ ] [ __ ] right okay I'm a [ __ ] all right I'm thinking it's we have an accused who have missed you definitely you I think it's gonna be maybe yeah we try for this slam Wow there we go you got there [ __ ] so this time people are actually showing me cards that I want to see oh so Pete showed you something okay okay looking horrified at me right now she heard what you said Jesus Christ oh my god erasing me on the Internet all right peach peachy little your little beauty team oh she's gone she went oh hello now she is is he's only gonna done it she's done a clue dost occlude Oh is happening why does everyone keep saying me oh okay this I think oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but you just share something what did you say it was me [ __ ] [ __ ] did I wasn't paying it paying enough attention hanging to be able to retrace my steps I think I'm gonna take a wild guess and just do that I know nobody noticed that booth is so young but has a garden I mean if 30 yeah I'm so yo you're just a baby there's a baby child I'm just a baby child a baby child with a garden oh yes yes girl yes yes welcome to your thirties everything hurt ease it sure do it sure do it trouble right okay so promise why in the billiard-room calm down I've got something there okay so what's it the French interesting most interesting okay I'm incredibly interested okay here we go here we go come on why would ideally can you choose something which is gonna help me out [Music] mm wrench in the Conservatorium so plumb showed you something I know yes I'm getting I'm getting somewhere yeah I'm making little baby steps I'm making big big ass yes big fat [ __ ] cute strides right I've been accusing you done the murder oh it's showing okay people have more than one cards see that's true yeah like when you were like which one do I show him yeah that was a big definitely doing that it's me yeah okay okay yeah all right I'm see the board's already filling up quite a lot I'm worried that it's not long until one of them makes I guess that's okay so I'm gonna head over to here because I'm hungry no surprises no surprise surprise I'm gonna say I'm thinking and and what about this huh how'd you like those pineapples okay show me show me what you got [ __ ] Oh show me what you got anything interesting there you go show me [ __ ] interesting okay all right okay hmm do you like that is that all right like that [ __ ] happy did you like me elected liked it a lot okay so I reckon after this round it's full around I might be able to make an educated guess but it will be there somewhere I really need to go first of all here we're going to the conservatory now conservatory is what you have when you've made it in life [ __ ] the garden do you have occured cerveteri so I I tried to get a conservatory bill oh hello hello big balls misses big balls it it turned out to be really expensive though I was just left with one wall and sort of she's looking happier oh that's not conservatory that's justice I turned the wall into just a partition wall uh-huh with a bench that was recessed in oh I've got bench in there now but it's still not finished the garden is because the garden when I moved in it was just 3 foot of concrete so we had to get rid of all of that very nice hard work gosh I could start dreaming about you and your fancy palace with your quad walk conservatory well that's fancy Liberty fancy man I'm guessing oh it's difficult who - I didn't wanna bow definitely boarded oh I think I'm gonna die not accusing some peeps man yeah what you saying are you saying this piece has got something whoa P she's got something so what a sec hold a sec calm down everybody here we go I'm torn between two things no I mean - interesting - the rooms I've got loads of rooms it could be in yeah there's two things I'm struggling with in each suggested was herself okay mm-hmm okay okay so that me I see I could okay if I was to make it if I was a betting woman I'd say it was this are you a betting woman mmm Isis guess Lydia Oh Lydia please why people say Lydia please is it cuz I'm so awful because I'm gonna guess this one I think it's probably that that I don't know for sure obviously rooms the rooms have been approving incredibly [ __ ] difficult yeah lots of possibilities you watch to make a guess I'm gonna get I'm gonna guess what I might guess next time he's got something oh okay that's interesting isn't it that does does that's quite interesting so [ __ ] me you've got lose a lot of brain power to do this do you your cart just sort of zone out and hope for the best right so he's definitely either got that that all that I don't think it's pretty good of that all that oh but it's it's just going oh I mean it's I'm still you know mmm you know I still got that that didn't actually cross anything off for me which is a shame yeah I know what you mean yeah oh she goes oh dear she's off to the lounge she's off to the land oh she's suggesting herself with the revolver in the lounge all right here we go anyone got something oh he just got something so no no no okay that's kind of helpful it's not helpful to me no not at all okay I think you're more of a pet detective aren't you you you'd be happy if this was pets I would love that Ace Ventura up Yemen who is it plum on what you saying plum you say in the dining room interesting who you accusing mustard interesting candlestick interesting yeah yeah who was that who just when was it you no no no no who didn't get that was Club plums guessing and Who am I scarlet I know literally the next one okay you've already shown me this card so I know there we go so it's your turn now right okay yeah I got you thank you people are saying I've goofed it how could you boo fit it I think it might just be because that's a lot of there's a lot of hand like or what she done there's a lot of that going on oh my goodness well okay I'm okay are you guessing no no no not yet okay I want to know what's happening in chat that I can't look don't look don't look if I disappear by the way it's because somebody's knocking on my door and he needs to look at my boiler right okay don't worry all whites got something what you got maybe okay that's fair that's fair okay I mean yeah I could make a final accusation if you want to I squared it oh oh oh no oh dear use your hints as well you can oh yeah look at your hints and see if there's anything that helps you see okay so there's reveal those move to a specified room or a super suggestion does not stop after sort of shown a card I see so if you suggest I can't even you do at the beginning of the round like yeah I could use reveal now cuz I can look at the secret card that was shown but I don't need to move to a specified room means that you doing it [ __ ] I believe it myself Simon's given me so I was given me the power to believe it myself Simon is is a powerful man and he's sending the power over and he's sending it he's sending it right guys I'm I'm scared I'm doing it guys I'm doing it she's accusing herself let's [ __ ] that one didn't I [ __ ] it right up mm-hmm I did I did [ __ ] it so wrong how was I that wrong oh yeah I guess I don't really know why I did that all right not to rush you but be quick so we can get another game in I'm gonna make I'm gonna accuse next okay all right 20 minutes yeah we're gonna I'm gonna get I'm gonna get another one so I'm gonna go to where was it guys don't look at the chat booth I'm not looking at the chat don't worry I'm here was it was it I'm in between two things but I think I know what I'm gonna go for yeah oh so you could guess after this one card I can I can guess I can do a super suggestion as well here all right here we go I choose I choose around I've super suggested this so everybody can guess after this see if they can cause this'll hurry it up you see wait so how did I [ __ ] this up them oh I made a mistake you make a made a big mistake I pay him on a mistake I basically ticked something which I shouldn't have ticked I mean let me making me think it wasn't even an option but it really was I have that and that has been eliminated okay so I think it's best you making a guess I'm gonna make oh you little cheat nobody had a card so check your clue sheet okay so what he got to write yeah I know I know what it is now go win it come on booth bring it on home bring home to make the bacon I'm gonna try it I've circled some things come on I'm gonna go for ya peacock yeah with the lead pipe right in the hole okay do it come on bring it on home bring it on home that's right no it was it it wasn't all [ __ ] yeah I knew that sorry I know he was celebrating oh because you got the first two right yeah you started at the end there I thought I thought you were celebrating and I got confused I well I was celebrating I got it right pre pre pre preemptive you shouldn't have celebrated booth you were I know what it is now though so it can't we just skip this now yeah we can skip this so it was peacock yeah with the lead pipe yeah in the concern it was so that's where I [ __ ] it I ticked off conservatory yeah I'd takes off concern and I also guessed it was scarlet but I did get the lead pipe right so you know the left pipe was right okay well okay let's quit this game just do anyone quick we could do it one of us has to get it we've already got one more chance I think we did really well though didn't we we did could we go just to thank you Steve all right I'm sending you the code yeah it was a I got it I got it so close you were really close you were way closer than I was so yeah oh you creating one too oh I've done one I'll do yours I'll wait [ __ ] I'll do yours don't worry don't worry play with friends join oh I might [ __ ] it I [ __ ] it sorry I got to send you a new code it's that it's that one yeah I'm in you're in alright the lobby is locked so feel free to show the screen all right so I played this we should play with this with more people this would be really fun of there was loads of us because the AI it is always gonna eventually get it whereas you know if we [ __ ] together right I don't think yeah that's really good sabe mrs. peacock okay all right guys this is it this is it this is the one you didn't add your a eyes crap we've got one we've got one person no sorry guys that's gonna make it a lot harder we need to start this Oh No alright sorry I'm doing it again oh don't look at that guys I was fine no one's got the game you get more cards look at that look at that this is gonna be easier no I've left it I've started again right because it does work no but I want loads of a eyes you want loads of our eyes it makes the game longer I've sent you the code yes why don't we have two of us and two of them yeah that's good idea okay okay well go back go back use your fiend okay that's good that's good yeah it's locked I mean I don't think anyone sitting there with the with this game just dragging forget in on this let's go get gameplay okay alright this is it this is what we get more cards this is what way easier oh my god we've been playing our hard work always always he's a very handsome elder elderly gentleman yes I like him okay where's he gone it's gone to the Saudi yo D he thinks he did it he's like I'm not gonna lie I mean I think I did it I think I did it I think I did it so you showed I've shown him something okay nice so we're the ploys can you hear that yeah I think it's scuttling I don't know that he runs her fingers trousers Thanks no mr. plum no oh bowls I can't even go in anywhere you're just gonna shuffle around I'm just gonna shuffle steps it is true that Keith is a wealth wealthy olive oil baron is he yeah my god that's it it's a lucrative business he loves it either boy I would know I'm not getting a turn cuz it just puts you one behind everyone else yeah it's really throwing I mean that's why dice rolls and quite importantly aren't they ha what was that [ __ ] as well can you go into anywhere I can go into bowls check me out I'm in a row I'm in a ruler okay so I'm gonna choose Oh have you seen white oh my goodness me you haven't seen white you know I have it I'm gonna accuse white because you should see I need to see what this guy looks like oh go where are we the ballroom okay we're in the ballroom uh and I'm gonna say why not this she's a [ __ ] ghost oh Jesus Christ and he's showing you something he's like no but this you're like what you see she's terrifying well she definitely did it she's a ghost of course she did it and of course she did it it was a kooky spooky speaks like an evil guys although the ghost how does it go pick up the candlestick oh well I seduced quite a good pull to gusto pot Raguse he's gone back in here mmm he's back in the ballroom he thinks he thinks it's himself rumor balls you think I did it Oh what oh my god I love it that's why he's so hairy that's why he's a [ __ ] that's why he's got excess body hair does anybody show a card I did show the cards right okay so you might shown that one or that one this game is scary all of a sudden it's got real spooky I want to know what plum turns into I wanna know mmm oh wait if we see what must have seen him though is he just a normally accuse him then we show what he turns into but we've he's been accused isn't he look are you I think yes oh wait oh if he goes you think this is look at this what do you make of that mmm making a guess here oh sorry [Music] finally your turn with my magnificent rack let's go it is a magnificent balls okay where are we gonna go we're gonna go here does the billiard room the billiard room um I think it oh my god hello beautiful hello we eautiful hey yo t be all ready for all right look at him have you ever seen such muscles oh my god he's gorgeous he is gorgeous he is here just it's just a sexy man that's all it is what have you got oh good so don't think you have this one and I don't think you have you definitely don't know him he's thick you see the problem he's the plant around your house he is I hope so that you know you feel from am John oh you're gorgeous okay my turn sorry I was I was not paying attention to the duck just thinking about Johnny oh [ __ ] we're running outside we've got a time here I'm gonna pick a very much we're gonna do one more round then make an accusation well we've got 10 minutes 10 minutes then we got a couple rounds we have to make a very broad assumption here we go okay so I'm gonna say maybe it is not that maybe it's you and maybe it's a peacock with a loud poop that let poop the LED coat they'll let poop so he showed he's got an ease Sonia something mmm interesting very interesting she's think very interesting what's on her mind who knows it's time for a little bit of spicy mustard so once a card is revealed you can actually say can I have a look at that card - that's our hint really I don't want to use things though you know I'm gonna use the [ __ ] here oh are you oh yeah I'm gonna use this hint right now let's see what was suggested aha what what can you do reveal reveal so you can see what okay whoa that's pretty useful but you can I'm guessing you don't do that once otherwise you just treat treat you go through you're gonna get you only get one one time to use it just cheat your way through it okay Lord plum is deciding what to guess go away all right hello ello cheeky boy megha you're saying look at this look at look at this you're saying look at this who knows look at this it's my turn yes there's a lot of rooms as the problem so many rooms the rooms are the hardest bit yeah okay it's one please I want to go to booths one wall or conservatory it was supposed to be like an orange reef like thanks look at that creep it's great very interesting okay still got we've got seven minutes so I think at the end of this turn so does that make sense you want me to accuse well should we do one more full round yeah I think we should do one more full round and then accusing the next one because it should be quite a lot quicker [Music] libera libera music yes you saying it's yourself there we go feel like I'm a long way of knowing anything I know who's done it now you know he's done it I know he's done but I don't know where and I don't know what was so we're still a while off I'm I'm so far off come on mustard time to cut the mustard with the revolver oh [ __ ] it's making mmm I was hoping it wouldn't be me I think you've got that but you might also have that duty boo boo boo okay guys the ballroom I'm excited I'm excited [Music] interesting okay oh I love him oh boy that man yeah it's me again know that my unique that man met all good man Oh Lord he's sexy so you have have you just I've just shown something I am it so far away from being able to make a guess I could not go further I'm gonna guess at that hang on it might there might be the door just to say oh god it's the plumber [Music] right well oh she's actually gone well dear she's gone who's gone to get plumbed by Professor plum okay thank you Steve lovely worthy okay I'm gonna guess come on chat who do we spell water is anyone got any good ideas oh [ __ ] she's back everyone right stop talking about her I said that stop bitching oh she's back hello it was a false alarm it wasn't John Oh wasn't John oh it wasn't John or John or Johnny almost assigning something interesting very interesting still not very bloody helpful no I think he was making fun of me oh my god I couldn't stop I literally was out of control I roasted you so hard I know I was roasting you to the cats while I was gone [Music] so this is the guest round I'm gonna guess but you I get an advantage in the sense that I can't see everyone's rounds before my goat but I have I'm nowhere near being able to do a guess I'm so far off so do I guess now so this is just your normal turn and then you have to make your phenomena yeah Oh what about it's really difficult man is it really is I really hope something here helps me ah ha right now it's the door Oh God she's actually gotta go now okay so plum okay well I can work this out while she goes it goes and goes and does that so plum showed her something we know that it's not green and it's not the billiard-room so he must have showed her the dagger right that's what he showed her so we would work that out that's great but now gotta wait for her to make her actual guess and she's off bloody plumber ring doing a plumber she's not doing the plumber she's talking let me start again let me start over we've gone to answer the door she's gone she's gone to let dra know in yes all right so I'm thinking I'm gonna have to make a very very educated guess I'm thinking maybe so booth said she knows who who it is but that must just mean she got more people cards than I did because I got no people cards and loads of location cards yeah she's getting plumbed so I just have to take a one out of three guests a one out of three guests and a one out of visit I can't I can't I don't know how I can whittle it down phrasing I hope she's gonna explain to him that there's currently you know like a thousand people just like waiting more than that wait where is Jesus Christ I can't make a guest Simon I've gotta wait I'm gonna make I'm gonna make a final accusation right now all right come on booth I can guess you coward and I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna guess that it's this and I'm gonna guess here am I gonna get here yeah I'm guessing come on booth here we go oh I was so cool are you okay that's interesting because you told me do you know who did it who did it so it must be mustard you guess LED pike I'm conservatory and you said you were so close interesting get out of the game get out of here all right hopefully mustard and plum can help me juice reduce what I got to do you can do this come on come on you hungry beautiful most things right so you got mustard and either LED pipe or conservatory know that I'll know what the other bloody else will be okay mustard the dagger the billiard-room well we know it's not that and we know it's not that so he's just showed him what can't know cuz musters the answer so he's just showed him one of those doesn't help me touch it like my help in in saying what I got right how does that let me just wait he just said is it is it these things we know it's already that thing Oh God okay no help chat say no help he could have just shown him the dagger of the billiard room really a green billiard billiard and we know that they both on so that's some help me out or does it for [ __ ] see right got down werewolf come on plummy boy you delicious delicious sweet treat what am i five a day come on help me out here okay we know it's not that okay mustard has shown him something so we know it's not that it could be the lead pipe [ __ ] how I'm so confused okay we've got a wrap-up booth once did you get white and I'll go from that I got uh it was mustard and lead pipe right so I just don't know the room it's one of these okay so I'll just do guessing one you know that you know that it's mustard and led hi okay but you've got to try and deduce what room is okay I'm just gonna go I'm gonna do all right you know what here we go I'm just gonna literally close my eyes and just press something well I get a go and then I get the real go you'll turn okay come on boo boo boo boo boo boo eenie meenie miney mo eight okay so let's just go the hall yeah mustard try that yeah and we'll go mustard with the lead pipe mm-hmm in the hall okay can anyone can test me let's find out it says you're thinking I can contest you okay so we know that it's not it's not the hole okay well it's time to take a crazy guess that I've got on a free chance what do you think is I'm thinking I mean yeah come on you can do let's do it together cuz I literally is I don't know it's one of the what I mean I know what it is so I'm not gonna help you oh do you yeah because I got shown all the cards I'm not gonna help it but I think you can deduce it from here make a good guess I don't think I can or if I can I don't have enough time to work it out okay Oh God come on so nice come on Lydia no library or the study go on go on chat hi free cuz it sounds like Lydia don't lie because it sounds like they do library ok library because it sounds like Lydia if this is wrong Steve library masters with a load pipe in the library library cuz it sounds like the idea thank you Steve for that brilliant suggestion now to spend 35 pounds the characters all of the characters and that's a clue doh that's a clue doh thank you so much for joining me booth on today's murder mystery street having me I was happy to have tripped Lewis up and he's in the canal he's like kind of awesome right yeah thank you so much hat for joining in it's been really really good fun I won't be here next week for the murder mystery stream I'm not sure if Lewis will I don't really know but I will be back yeah I'm not really sure what's happening but the Friday after I will be back he murdered ice trees up next we've got the hi boys and then we've got Chi loominatee so so we will see you guys soon thanks again booth take care of one so much guys I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Yogscast Live
Views: 19,594
Rating: 4.8870058 out of 5
Keywords: Yogscast, The Yogscast, Livestream, twitch, stream, highlights, vod, Yogscast Lewis, Xephos, Lydia, Squidgaming, Bouphe, Cluedo, Clue
Id: l9gBb4jXvzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 56sec (10136 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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