CLT House - Zero Drywall and a Cork Shower!

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what's up guys I'm Matt Reisinger I'm Greg Esparza and we are back at the cork insulation house if you didn't see our video made a whole video on this really cool facade but Greg we haven't been inside yet we got a CLT house will you give us a tour absolutely come on in [Music] Greg this is super cool we got an all wood house I like this yeah I I love it um so again like as we were talking about in the last video like what can we do with plants what can we do with plant-based materials that are carbon sequestering and cross-laminated Timber or like math Timber has been a material it's been getting a whole lot of press lately for that ability to store carbon but the ability to do really fantastic things structurally while also being just a totally beautiful material and so everything we're seeing here is a structural wood right this isn't ship lap over drywall and studs this is actually a thick wood panel you can actually looks like see the profile right there on that piece right absolutely yeah so these walls are the structure are the final finish and then are also the you know kind of substrate for applying our continuous air and water controllers okay and and cross laminated meaning this piece of wood is running one way the next piece of wood is running another almost like a thick plywood right yeah uh and then this is all glued together in the factory correct and ships out on big panels yes so this whole house is about 50 panels in three different thicknesses one's three and a half inches thick one's about four and eight inches thick and then the other one's five and a half inches thick okay but those 50 pieces all came cut um to site with you know very specific labels that corresponded to kind of our assembly drawings and we were able to put everything in place and get everything dried in in 10 business days oh my gosh and nothing needed to get nothing needed to get cut holy cow everything just fit together just like you would you know wanted to and like an ideal like you know Furniture you know furniture assembly like out of the box kind of world that's pretty wild yeah and what are the spans that we're seeing here like there's no interior supports that doesn't appear to me so you must be spanning from side to side continuous right yeah so uh when we started working on the design for this uh and I was looking at the CLT span tables I was like wow like I can use a 5 layer of five ply CLT and span it about 18 feet for a floor and then I can take a roof panel a three layer a three-ply CLT and span it about 18 feet for a roof okay and so for a house like this about a thousand square feet that's a really usable like a really kind of great span uh as kind of like the starting point for the design um so yeah we started with these you know kind of 18 foot span from grid line to grid line and then we were able to use the roof panels and be like okay well we can actually cantilever these roof panels out towards uh towards the West so that's the Western you know Sun so these panels are about a 23 and a half feet long totally you know totally continuous and then the floor panel we were able to cantilever these out about four feet to create this kind of entry and what's going to be kind of a day bed sitting area over there awesome now this is uh interesting in that the house doesn't have overhangs uh and it appears that your walls your floor your roof are all pretty similar it feels to me like this might be a little bit of a perfect wall from Joe Steve brick style yeah no so I mean this uh we've been you know so I'm one of the co-founders you know co-founders of moon tower design build we've been doing projects in Austin for uh for 12 years that's awesome so there's a ton of you know a ton of learning you get from uh from building all sorts of houses doing you know kind of doing remodels and one of the projects that I came across you know in addition to a lot of the other great videos is uh your perfect wall house which I think you know built five plus years ago and it's actually about a mile away from here too far uh but that was the first house I went went through I was like I was like oh like wow like maybe the house doesn't need to have drywall it's like I was like oh like there's a lot of benefits to having all of your services accessible you know because as contractors it's like we're very used to like okay well we need to come back in we need to cut in your drywall we need to kind of deal with some insulation to get to you know to get to your electrical to get to your plumbing to get to your mechanical and and I was like with this being a structural wall everything's exposed yeah if it forces you it's like it forces you into this kind of perfect wall kind of concept or perfect approach to an enclosure um where it's like okay here's your you know here's your structure and then we've got a continuous air and water control there so I mean that's what we've got over here um so like using these Vapor open like self-adhered thanks man yep um uh Vapor open self-adhered uh air air barrier and water you know water resistant barrier so this appealing's thick yeah and this is about 50 this is about 50 perms okay so it's high perm and and wood is obviously uh breathable which I hate that term I shouldn't use that but yeah meaning moisture can flow in and out of it it can absorb moisture uh and so by having a membrane out there that can move that moisture you've got basically a vapor open assembly here yeah and so the big the big deal with this is like these wood panels when they come out to site it's like they are wrapped but you're expecting them to get wet like when we put this together like there was a maybe eight inch like rain like there was a huge downpour when this all went together wow so you know like you always say and all the great building science today like it's stuff can get wet as long as there's a way for it to dry out so uh this kind of a high perm Vapor open approach which uh you know Vapor Shields got that mass Timber design guide over there uh that's a great kind of resource for like dealing with these enclosures is a big you know sort of a big part of that and then we got our cork you know we got our two inches of cork is continuous insulation on the outside and ultimately the house is pretty straightforward I mean you've got a CLT floor and when I was looking under your crawl space earlier it looks to me like you just have a couple steel piles on just the perimeter there's nothing in the center here so you've really minimized uh both your cost and your impact probably reduced the amount of concrete you're using too I suspect and then this floor panel went in the wall panels went in and then the ceiling dropped on top of it everything's wrapped in vapor shield and then your cork insulation outboard of that means that you've got a ton of mass here with the wood and the cork that once it gets the temperature it's going to want to stay at that temperature absolutely and we've seen that already with even without having the mechanical system like fired uh fired up um so you know there was a day about a month ago where it was 45 degrees uh outside and it had been colder overnight so we'd get in here for work at 8 A.M um and it was on the you know kind of uh little thermometer humidity sensor we have up there it was 68 degrees in here yeah um so a lot like a dope you know kind of an adobe house like the the wood has a lot of thermal the wood has a lot of thermal Mass but there's also this thermal diffusivity kind of property where the um yeah the heat is just acting as like a big heat sponge um so it's releasing heat slowly and it just takes a long time for it to cool off or heat up which is really kind of beneficial for you know just your comfort uh living in the house that's awesome and then this is kitchen I'm assuming which is the only place I'm seeing the whole house that has stick framing but you've got you know kind of traditional electrical in that space But what I like about this is if this kitchen were to come out there's no drywall yeah and in fact my perfect wall house got a remodel and there was no drywall there was no uh issues with accessing everything do you mind if we walk back and we'll show these guys some of the Mechanicals I think it's interesting how uh number one it's super easy to heat and cool a place like this you just have one two ton carrier vrf system uh you've got a good April air pleated media filter in there so now we've got a you know let's say a Merv 15 potentially you've got a vrf upflow that's going to heat and cool the whole Space it's one big open space really straightforward also pretty darn cost effective absolutely like so I mean uh with you know with mechanical design like what I've learned from you know our friends over at positive energy is you know uh distribution is critical and you really want to be kind of uh conscious about like your duct work you really want to do high quality duct work and high you know high quality ductwork you know costs money justifiably so what I was trying to do with this is like okay like I want to put the mechanical you know kind of system in the center of the house and then I want to create a mechanical core vertically so that I could have short you know as short as possible like runs um and then up above this we've got kind of a metal duct you know a metal duct run that's kind of hitting you know basically hitting these kind of open spaces so try to keep the mechanical system uh really high quality uh really high craft but super compact yeah that's cool and I'm assuming like you've got here some three-quarter Birch ply that's probably going to go here as well so you ever need to to change electrical run some new Romex you know if this is trim headed face screwed pop that off everything's fully accessible as I'm saying that I'm realizing your bathroom's finished that's a little different than I've ever seen for a shower space before what's going on here this may be this may be the world's first cork shower I'm I'm not sure um that is wild yeah I was inspired by the uh by uh Jake Bruton with the build show kind of talking about his exterior rainscreen shower and it's like that's right we're it's like we're taking this approach on the you know exterior for you know protecting from like rain and storms like what if I use the same assembly on the interior that's wild uh yeah so what I did in here was uh we used uh panel Shield um so evapor Shields panel Shield so this is their membrane right here yeah so that's a little you know then this is their liquid flash product and then we're actually able to use the liquiflash to sort of set these piece you know they set these panels to Cork almost like big pieces of tile um so and then basically just glued in with some glutes yeah so there's no yeah there's no penetration there's no screws or anything through the through the cork they are just glued in with the liquid Flash the liquid flash you know it gets pretty Tacky in about 30 minutes and then like after basically after 24 hours that's a little set that's like originally windshield adhesive so it makes a lot of sense yeah that's wild yes and then and then you got a shower pan base or what are we looking at so this is a Kohler uh purist cast iron shower pan perfect which has a lip in there that you can just shingle it right in yeah and we're you know we were talking earlier about like uh part of the inspiration of this house obviously there's like you know future kind of like forward looking like Technologies but part of it's also like looking back to like 100 years ago like a lot of the houses that we both remodeled where it's like okay most of the stuff was built by Carpenters so this was kind of like you know an extension of that that thinking being like okay how can we do what we need to do with this house but do it with carpentry skills yeah so you know uh Leland like our lead like kind of cork Carpenter superintendent he built a shower and was also doing the work on the ex you know on the exterior of the house with the cork soap trim on the inside exactly you're trimming your mirror with it and use it as accents I love it it's so cool because there's not going to be a stitch a Dremel on this house in fact you're probably not going to paint anything either are you we're gonna seal the floor with a penetrating oil from uh from Sanson um but yeah there's not gonna be any any paint in the house yeah it's uh it's pretty it's it's pretty wild and I love it I mean when you walk in the house I mean you're never going to get this from the from the video until it you know kind of figure this out but you walk into this house and the first thing that you know it hits you is the smell of fur the smell yeah and it's a pretty rare thing like I it's this is the only house I've I've ever you know I've kind of I've ever been to in my experience in town where it's like it's like wow this this house smells great yeah um I love it yeah so part of this is like you know kind of being like hey like how the house looks is you know is important but we also want to be thinking about how the house smells and again like all of these materials have declare labels um so we know exactly like what chemicals are in them so this is a very like healthy environment when it comes to indoor you know indoor air quality so cool what a cool house man I really really like this house how can people find out more about this house or about either your design build company moon tower or cross cabin Building Supply so you can follow us on Instagram at Cross cabin okay uh then our website is our sister company uh moon tower is moon tower uh um yeah and then you can reach out to me at uh Greg if you've got any questions about you know products or uh you know if you're interested in purchasing some cork or hemp wool or hempwood so super cool man Greg thank you so much really really appreciate the tour I bet we're going to get a lot of interesting comments people are either going to love the wood interior and feel home or the which is totally fine that's kind of what we do right sometimes we build things that are different and I love this and the other thing I really like about this is how you've taken perfect wall to a whole nother level uh and taking it to a very natural and holistic and plant-based uh you know this whole house if if you want to take this house apart in 200 years it doesn't work anymore put this in a landfill it'll be mulching about uh nine months and that's one of the big things like we're actually able to do a carbon calculation with the beam calculator which is through a group called builders for climate action and because of the carbon storage of the cork the carbon storage of the hemp the carbon storage of the wood fiber and the you know basically biogenic carbon it's basically all carbon from the sky that's locked into these materials uh so when this house was built it is a carbon negative home so it's about negative 19 000 uh uh kilograms of carbon carbon dioxide equivalent holy cow that's crazy really neat super cool tour guys hopefully you learned something today guys if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below you know we've got new content here every Tuesday and every Friday follow us on Instagram or Tick Tock otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] foreign
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 105,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build, CLT, cross laminated timber, cork insulation, cork house, cork shower
Id: 2K7GE1QrcLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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