Cloudlifter CL-1 and CL-Z - Sound Speeds Review
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Sound Speeds
Views: 15,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudlifter, cl-1, cl-z, cloudlifter cl-1, cloudlifter cl-z, microphone activator, phantom power, cloud microphones, sound advice, sound tips, sound tricks, audio advice, audio tips, audio tricks, production sound, voice over, voice-over, tips and tricks, sound speeds, sound speed, sound, audio, advice, sound editing, sound mixer, boom operator, boom op, sound utility, sound department, filmmaker, indie, Allen Williams, cloudlifter review, product review, cl1, clz, shure SM7B
Id: A35Ol89_2q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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