Cloud Pub/Sub Overview - ep. 1

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SPEAKER: If you are ingesting large amount of data for analysis, or looking to simplify the development of event-driven microservices, then you need to check out Cloud Pub/Sub. Pub/Sub Made Easy is a series dedicated to helping you understand Cloud Pub/Sub inside out. So let's get started by going through an overview today. [MUSIC PLAYING] Adam and I have been collaborating on a project, but we are based in different parts of the world. I'm here in California. And he is in Australia. So I just do my part on the Google Doc and assign it to him for review. And he does the same. This allows us to receive messages and act on them in our own working hours, essentially asynchronously. We don't have to be available at the same time and are still able to get the project done. Cloud Pub/Sub is based on the same concept but for applications and services. Pub/Sub helps build robust, scalable systems of applications by integrating them asynchronously. Cat-Out is a website to purchase fun cat posters. When a user orders a pretty poster, Cat-Out packages the order, ships it to the user, and notifies them. In a very simplistic service oriented architecture, they will need at least four microservices-- a packaging service to pack the poster, a shipping service to generate labels, and a notification service to send notification to the user about the status of their org, all these tied to Order Manager Service. Granted that there'll be some payment services, a reporting service, et cetera. But for the purpose of this conversation, let's assume those all exist. Now, let's trace what happens when a user orders a piece of art. The order service receives the order and sends a message to the packaging service. The packaging service then does the necessary processing to package the poster and sends a message to the shipping service to ship it. The shipping service does the necessary processing to ship the package and sends a message to the notification service, which notifies the customer that an order is processed. In the same way, the order and packaging service also send messages to the Notification service to send to the customer the updated information on their order. There are some problems with this arrangement though. One, it's just complicated. It's a lot of arrows. But as we drew deeper, what happens if a service, say the packaging service, fails? Well, we need some kind of retry mechanism that would keep the whole system from banking. Hm. Can be done, but a lot of work. What happens if a new service gets introduced like a monitoring service that logs all of these transactions to a central store? This service needs to interface with all the other services, which will also require making a change in all the other services. That makes the developers work really hard. Think about testing. That would be hard too. We will need mock services to test each of the individual service. Let's say I need to test my packaging service. Because it is dependent on the shipping, order, and notification service, I need to mock up all of those services just to test my packaging service, which is a lot of work. What if you want to scale this system? If there are three instances of packaging service, there would be a load balancer involved. You would not know how to cancel the order, which stage it is in, and can it still be canceled. This is where Cloud Pub/Sub comes to rescue. Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully managed, real time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications. Once an event is successfully published as a message, it becomes the job of the service to ensure that all the systems that need to react to this event get it. The idea behind asynchronous integrations is to react to events represented as messages. In our example, messages merely represent events happening in the real world like order received, package shipped, et cetera. Let's see Cat-Out's flow of events with Cloud Pub/Sub now. The order service, instead of sending messages directly to the packaging service, will just send these messages to Pub/Sub where they will be stored. The packaging service and the Notification Service will receive these messages either by a push or a pull. Packaging service, instead of directly sending messages to shipping service, would send them to Pub/Sub. And the event will be received by the shipping and notification service. The packaging service did not need to know which services are receiving this event. This makes it simple. Similarly, the shipping service sends the messages to Pub/Sub from where the order and the Notification Service pull or receive those messages. By using Cloud Pub/Sub, we've solved a lot of problems that we had in the earlier architecture. Well, one, we've made each piece simpler since it only needs to emit an event without worrying about who gets it or receive an event without much care about how it got there. But more importantly, this is more scalable. It reduces dependencies. Services can change and don't need to know about each other's changes. All that need to be made sure is that they are subscribing to Pub/Sub and receiving the right messages. It's also much easier now to introduce new services. If our new monitoring service pops up, all we need to do is make sure it subscribes to the messages from the existing service via Cloud Pub/Sub. The architecture with Cloud Pub/Sub has built in resilience. If any service were to break down, Pub/Sub will store the messages for seven days or until the service comes back up, and it's delivered then. And because Pub/Sub is fully managed service, you don't have to worry about it being single point of failure. It's scalable, and resilient, and can handle millions of messages simultaneously. All right. So today we learned when to use Cloud Pub/Sub and the common challenges it solves. Join us next time to learn how it works and some of the most common use cases. If you like this video and would like to see more such content, don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel.
Channel: Google Cloud Tech
Views: 162,104
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Keywords: Cloud Pub/Sub overview, what is pub/sub, what does pub/sub do, what is cloud pub/sub, explain cloud pub/sub, know more about cloud pub/sub, how to use pub/sub, Cloud pub/sub overview, data analysis, microservices, event-driven microservices, real-time messaging service, receive messages between independent applications, scale, scale a business, Pub/Sub Made Easy, Google cloud platform, GCP, google, google developers, Cloud Pub/Sub, GDS: Yes;
Id: cvu53CnZmGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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