Cloud Architect Interview Demonstration (Tech Career Interview Training!)

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome this is Michael Gibbs and today we're here to do some Cloud architect interview demonstrations my name is Michael Gibbs I'm the founder and CEO of go Cloud Architects and I've been working in technology for over 25 years and this is going to be a really fun time we're all going to have here so in these 25 years that I've worked in Tech I've been coaching others to get their first tech job or get promoted in tech for over two decades I've coached Engineers that were working at Cisco I've coached them that were working in Verizon L back when I worked for Worldcom I've coached Engineers that are at Nokia and every internet service provider and cloud computing company you can think of and one of my favorite things is when someone calls me and says guess what Mike I just got Cloud hired but if you're preparing for a solution architect job or a cloud architect job or an Enterprise architect job you through the interview process now right now we have a time that is one of the best and most exciting times I have ever seen in my 25-year technology career in fact when I left practicing internal medicine and moved into technology 25 years I got to see the internet Revolution and I got to be a big part of it and right now all the things that we did back then they're being reborn all on the cloud and it's all a rehashing of the same thing which is really really exciting but right now it's not just this we are at a time of unprecedented hiring the reason we're doing so much help you get Cloud hired work right now is I want to let you know what's going on the market is right for you to get that cloud architect job or that solution architect job right now we're in the middle of a pandemic which caused everybody that was in the network in the data center to send things to the virtualized network in the data center also known as the cloud the cloud is more agile it enables us to do things better faster and cheaper than before all good things and if that wasn't enough there were hundreds of thousands of really great tech jobs waiting for you to take Cloud architect jobs Cloud engineer jobs lots of these great jobs and then we hit the great resignation where people especially in Tech and Healthcare just started quitting their jobs millions of people over 4 million people quit their jobs in a single month you want a cloud architect job now go get it you want a solution architect job now go get it this is the best time of our lives hundreds of thousands of positions currently and guess what people are even quitting their jobs making it many hundred thousand more so go out there and get yourself Cloud hired So today we're going to do this we're going to walk you through a cloud architect interview demonstration and whether you're a cloud architect interview or a solution architect to interview the process is going to be the same we're going to ask you some questions and here's what we're trying to achieve we're trying to gauge your attitude your energy Your Enthusiasm your communication skills your executive presence your leadership skills your behavioral quality and oh your technical competency so now I said technical competency but I listed a whole lot of other things the technical competency is only one part of your picture as an architect now when you want to get that first Cloud architect job it's not just how technical you are that's only have 50 of your interview score is going to be related to your technical competency 50 percent but the other 50 that other 50 and this other fifty percent is the secret is related to your attitude your emotional intelligence your energy Your Enthusiasm your passion your communication skills your sales skills and your leadership skills and your likability so when it comes to getting that first Cloud architect job and getting Cloud hired what do you want to do you want to get hired how do you get Cloud hire you be exactly what the hiring manager is looking for so when we go through these Cloud architect interviews today and solution architect interviews today what are we doing we're prepping you for that cloud architect job or that solution architect job how are we prepping you for the cloud architect job or the solution architect job by showing you the hiring manager's perspective when you see the hiring manager's perspective you will know exactly what you need to say what the hiring manager needs to hear to be willing to hire you so keep that in mind now hiring managers are people too we hiring managers will hire people that we like so when it comes to hiring we hire what we like I'm going to let you know right now the things that hiring managers care about to give you insight into this interview process before we do the interviews so listen carefully it's real important hiring managers first and foremost care about can you do the job that means your technical competency so we're going to ask some technical competency questions and how you answer these will tell me a lot more than just your competency I'm going to use them to gauge your communication skills attitude presence and many other factors so that is that so first I'm going to gauge that then I'm going to determine whether you're energetic enthusiastic and passionate because these are what I want I'm going to determine if I can trust you from what you say for me because the trust factor is really important I'm going to determine if you've got the presence the communication skills the gravitas I need to find it all I'm going to find that with questions I'm going to ask you a bunch of open-ended questions and I don't want one word answers I want answers that show me your confidence that show me you're capable so if you're ready to get started type hashtag cloudhired hit the like button if you're not a member subscribe and let's begin we're going to start with our first interview so Chris from my team if you can bring in the first interview candidate I know one or two of the people I don't know the rest I'm going to ask the person you know their name their goals the type of job they want and then we're going to start with the interview process and I want you all to keenly observe watch my body language am I interested am I leaning forward am I closing off because I don't like it am I making funny funny Expressions do I pick up one of my medical books from my old days of practicing internal medicine and start reading because I'm bored guess what watch me you will see I might be reading my book if somebody goes and babbles in the wrong direction so gotta keep up my medical staff since you know occasionally I like to practice medicine so let's uh let's go out there and start with the interviews Cloud hired so Chris bring in the first person all right so the first person is going to be Raul uh Ryle Raul does have a hard stop uh gotta finish up before three so I want to get started right away hey good afternoon Mike how are you doing today how are you today I'm doing well thank you for asking so before we get started what type of a job are you looking to have to be hired into rule I'm looking more into being a cloud infrastructure architect okay helping uh clients to build up their Solutions on a stable and well-defined architecture based on the infrastructure available in the cloud Solutions like Amazon and Google and possibly later on in Azure okay you said Cloud infrastructure got it um we'll reset the interview Cloud infrastructure architect got it roll excellent hi Raul my name is Michael Gibbs I'm the director over here at gocloud careers technology Consulting division I'm so happy to have you here today let me tell you a little bit about our organization as an organization we do cloud computing Consulting we work with organizations we help improve their businesses through technology we've been growing so fast especially in the networking division that I need a cloud infrastructure architect I'm looking for someone that can work really hard we've got a lot of projects going on right now and these projects are extremely demanding with tight time frames they involve a lot of heavy duty networking there's a lot of software Divine networking there's a lot of mpls there's a lot of bgp everywhere so I need an infrastructure architect that can come in and really take over could you tell me about yourself roll yeah absolutely Mike so I uh I'm currently working with an Enterprise organization where I'm trying to help customers build the solutions on the cloud where the solutions are majorly related to middleware Solutions which help them to move a large amount of traffic from point A to point B foreign middleware absolutely okay so you mentioned middleware to me but you're telling me you want to do infrastructure which is networking do you have a networking background uh no I unfortunately I do not have a networking background okay um so I heard middleware now are you designing the middleware are you coding the middleware no the middleware solution is a pre-built solution but what we do in as part of this organization is help customers stand up the solution on a cloud platform of the customer's Choice tune the architecture based on the requirements which are provided by the customer these requirements could be based be non-functional as well as a functional requirements okay so tell me how you start the process who do you speak to with the customer that tells you what they're interested in absolutely so the process starts after the pre-sales uh pre-saids session where I'm engaged with the manager the management uh would actually explain their needs to us explaining what they're trying to achieve through the solution what were the challenges they faced in the with the previous solution or what challenges they're facing as of today and based on those informations uh which they provide which also includes the functional requirements I dig in a little bit further asking them informations like okay Mr customer could you kindly provide me a little bit more information like what is the volume we are going to look into which the solution will need to handle what is the execution slas and what kind of traffic are you going to deal with on a day-to-day basis and what kind of high of high availability and Disaster Recovery you have in mind because at the end of the day you definitely want a robust solution which can maintain your business and does not collapse like the other day when a region fell down in Amazon you want to spread your eggs across multiple baskets as much as possible okay rules what I understand is somebody else designs the architecture someone else sells it and after somebody else does it you're doing the engineering of asking them about the speeds the thieves the capacities and the things is that correct you can say that our our product is called the product cycle consists of product architecture where someone actually designs a product then you have the sales aspect where you actually sell the product and finally is the technical architecture which I deal with where I actually visualize how the the product will fit in the customer's environment and how it will meet their needs and tune and maybe configure or maybe customize it further to meet their requirements okay I want to be really careful here so there's an architect that sells the product and then after it's sold you build it is that correct uh you it's not it's a pre-built software it's only that we configure it further to meet so it's not that we're going to build it from scratch for the customer we more or less do more of a configuration more customization to an existing software okay got it so it's software customization yes absolutely got it you tell me then working on software since you mentioned infrastructure let's talk about a little bit about infrastructure so let's say this let's say I've got two direct connections to the cloud provider and I've got one that has a prefix of and it's got a local preference of a hundred and I've got another 192 168.1.0 they're both slash 24s and this one has a local preference of 200. which path is taken the first or the second I would say the second one is taken because it's because typically whenever you have a routing table uh involved it looks at the path which is contains which is more specific you know rather than a broader set of Ip ranges it will look at a more specific set of Ip ranges okay but I gave you two equally specific routes but it's a prefix which you are saying right 100 it was the same 192 168.1.0 prefix the first one was learned to be a bgp with the local preference of a hundred the second one was learned via bgp with a local preference of 200. oh my apologies I I thought I thought that it was you meant by it was a prefix of 100 and 200 my apologies so you said preference of 100 and preference of 200 uh to be honest I do not have the answers for that that question okay any other okay so I'm gonna ask you one more Tech question you mentioned infrastructure architect to me so could you tell me the difference between VPC pairing and private link and when I would choose each oh yes uh VPC appearing is when you're actually peering two networks hosted in the same cloud computing Solutions uh and in that case when you appear the two networks you are actually ensuring that these two networks can converse with each other using private IP addresses uh the basic idea of VPC is to ensure that it goes to the backbone channel of the cloud and comes when you know the information is communicated between the two networks rather than going over the Internet so as to reduce the number of hops and also improve the you know improve the decrease the latency when it moves from Network a to network B uh about the private link hearing uh sorry could you repeat what is the second one uh I asked the main difference between VPC pairing and private link since they're both used to connect two entities to each other uh I'm sorry I do not know about private link okay so um let's evaluate this um you picked Cloud infrastructure architect now if you were listening before this and here's the key to successful interviewing why did I tell you were the things that the hiring managers care about when they hire somebody the technical aspects I said technical competency number one I said can they trust you are you energetic are you enthusiastic are you passionate do you bring out the bust in others are you a team player and you're willing to go above and beyond when I asked you to tell me about yourself what do you think you should have told me um how many years have you been working in Tech roll close to 10 years okay if you'd said armor wool I've been working in tech for over 10 years and I've loved every last minute of it I've got a lot of experience in Designing Technology Solutions to solve customer business problems I know how to bring out the best in others and I'm super motivated and I or something that effect would that have come across stronger yeah absolutely now you mentioned middleware that's your interview was over right there you told me you coded middleware now do you know why did that end the interview could it be because uh middleware is more like an application middleware is totally unrelated to architecture at all it's a middle application so if you had talked about the design that you have done the customer work that you've done and tuning something to make the customer more efficient you'd be great but instead of telling me how motivated and energetic and experienced you were you zeroed in on the engineering thing of the one thing that's totally unrelated to your new job so right then and there on that first tell me about yourself the interview was over now I'm going to tell you this most interviews die on the tell me about yourself which is why I sell to tell everybody there now super super so you know get that tell me about yourself now that's why I told you about the things that were important now what else did I tell you in the beginning of this that you didn't you didn't satisfy in the beginning of this interview I spoke for about two minutes did you listen to what I said yes you told about your organization and about your projects which you are going to deliver and how you are saying that you've got a lot of work and but there's going to be a lot of challenges and you're looking at you know energetic people to work together and deliver yes I told you I was nervous you heard it in my voice I explained it to you did I also say one other thing that I also say my people work long crazy hours and I need people that are just going to come in and take over yes absolutely so I told you that before you said a word right Okay so I've been in tech for 10 years I'm highly motivated I'm highly energetic and I bring out the best in others I will work until the job is done and make sure the customer is delighted I'm not afraid of hard work I will do whatever it takes to get the job done would that have solved my concern and told me how great you were in that first question yes absolutely that shows your team player skills that you are willing to take a step ahead and help out the organization exactly so that's what I want you to do first thing I want you to grab that hiring manager and tell them then what I want you to do is talk about the things that the hiring manager framed I talked about networking now if you pick Cloud infrastructure you probably should have networking to back it up now when I asked you a question that you didn't know about you did good but not great I asked you if you knew something and you said I'm sorry I didn't know that by the way roll that was good just to let you know that was good 99 of interviews go when if I ask somebody you know something they just lie no what you could have said which would have been a little different I'm sorry I've not had the opportunity to learn that yet but I'm highly energetic I'm highly motivated and if this was important of a job I would do anything possible to learn it as fast as possible but I need to be honest with you this is not an area of expertise that I have but I know a lot about this this and this and could you have redirected me to rule to things that I knew a lot about that no like Could you um what you should have done I'm sorry uh I I don't know how to answer that I'm sorry I have not enough experience with bgp to know which local preference to choose but if it was part of my job I would stay up all night and learn it as fast as possible but I know a lot about ospf not and active directory if you want to verify my competence you could have pointed me through to something that you knew extra well okay in a way you're redirecting it in a direction where your strongness yeah thank you and if you would have redirected me to your strong do you think I would have kept going down the networking piece oh no I think you might have got exactly where you could tell me so I'm gonna ask you one more question so I know you have a few minutes um until we have to go and then I want you to try this new technique tell me how do you set up a primary and an explicit mpls traffic engineering tunnel that is signaled via RSVP to make sure there's sufficient capacity on the link well uh Mike I unfortunately have not worked in this field and don't have much experience but I can definitely research a bit more on the same and give you some answers later okay now rule what if you said you know Mike I've not had the opportunity to learn that yet but you know what I really have a lot of expertise in this this and this and if you want to really find out how much depth I have ask me about that that would have redirected me so let's try it again rule explain software-defined networking to me uh well Mike I do not have much experience with software develop networking uh but I do have some experience on Virtual virtualization uh to a certain extent and I would be happy to answer any questions related to the same okay excellent what is a virtual machine role uh virtual machine is just an app it's just a it's you can see an application running on top of physical server which gives you a feeling that you are operating on a you're working on an app you're working on the system in an independent system in a way okay what gotcha so you know that's what we do I would redirect you to somewhere where you're at so for those of you that are going next here's the way I'd like you to explain technology what is the technology how does the technology work why would an organization use that technology so virtualization is a means to take a server and chop it down into a lot of little servers the way this occurs is you take a physical server you install a very thin layer of software called the hypervisor and that will enable you to take that one device and partition it to multiple little devices now each one of these computers that are being partitioned are going to be managed by the hypervisor that hypervisor will manage the memory the CPU allocation the disk resources effectively letting you turn that one server into a lot of servers so by doing this you can make sure your servers are used more you can be much more efficient with your space Power and cooling needs and it makes it much easier for you to take a server from one location to move it to another location virtualization is so important and has been so life-changing to the technology industry that it is the foundation for making cloud computing possible virtualization is the foundation of cloud computing we all worked in our physical networks and data centers we moved to the cloud which is nothing other than a virtualized network and data center so you did good there rule real good it's just a matter of being tuning so for the future because you know that's why we practice these things and the reason I'm practicing it I'm giving you very very very detailed feedback role as opposed to being super soft as I want to practice the way we do it in reality because I want you to be super successful well I'm pretty sure right now the next time you go on an interview you fix these two or three things you're going to do really really really well so listen to the hiring manager when they walk in listen when they tell you about themselves in their business they're going to give you some secret special information that if you can feed it back to them will help you sell the hiring manager on why they need to hire you sure Mike thank you so much for this uh wonderful tips I will definitely keep these recommendations in mind and improve myself going ahead wonderfully like I said you did great it's just an improvement process you know with each time we get a little better so next time you're getting Cloud hired thank you for participating thank you Mike you're welcome let's give it let's get a round of applause for a wool he went first it's not easy and these are scary interviews coming from somebody on a large group but he did really good so it's a tuning process so it's going to be a lot easier for the next person the next person knows to listen to what I have to say then this person knows to feed in all those other attributes that I was talking about so Raul did really really great and I promise you next time rural is going to do a whole lot better because each time we do this when we do things under stress it causes us to remember things most people remember their wedding day they remember their High School graduation there's emotions involved there's stress where we'll did great he's going to do better each time so it's a process for us a great job rule all right who do we have this is fun all right so yeah good job bro lots of comments coming in on that one um so the next one is going to be a med um so I'm gonna put him on here and take myself off I'm Mike hi is it Ahmed or Ahmad yes yeah you said the right win in Arabic but English Ahmed yeah so you said it correctly well I I heard Ahmad I figured it was Ahmed so I want to make sure we got it right for you yeah so Ahmed thank you so much for interviewing with the go Cloud career strategy Consulting Cloud architect division today let me tell you about some projects that we're working on Ahmad um we've been doing consulting all over the world um we help Banks we help Healthcare organizations we help global Service Providers really our focus at go Cloud careers is we help customers be so much more efficient in their businesses through technology one of the things that I did is I hired a bunch of mbas I heard a bunch of management consultants and I trained them to be Cloud Architects because when you combine that business Acumen with that level of Technology you can make massive decisions and changes for your customer and I know you've got that good business background which is why I was super excited to talk about you here we worked pretty hard but we play really hard but we work all over the world so if you're part of our team please understand that you might be in Nigeria one day you might be in Dubai the day after that you could be Hong Kong but after that you can be in South America so you're going to have to be flexible to deal with people all over the world because that's really important as we're very Global organization so Ahmed tell me about yourself yes well I want to first uh thank you for the opportunity for uh meeting with me today my name is Ahmad or Ahmed the way you said it um I have over five years of business experience and have been working in it for the last three years I'm hiding gold oriented orientated individual um I I love uh I always make sure I always get that job done and help those around me as well creating and creating and solving uh customers creating and solving a cost cost sorry I'm freezing up anyway give you let's do this take a breath make a point pause make your next point pause collect your thoughts yeah okay I'm always trying to learn more on technology I'm passionate about and given the chance I'm technically confident we're learning about something new I'm I also I am very passionate on solving popping for customers um creating and solving a prop solving okay all right I'm just panicking okay um that's it let's go do a restart I want you to do this once you take three slow deep breaths when you communicate it just make a point pause let me tell you about myself I've been in business for five years and Tech for three or you could say I have 10 years professional experience five in business three in Tech whatever the case is just but make a point collect your thoughts okay all right I think I'm ready okay so thank you for meeting with me today I have over five years of business experience and have been working in the it fields for the last three years I'm highly motivated highly ambitious and I go orientated individual I make sure I always get the job done and help those around me as well I'm always driving to learn more on technology I'm passionate about and technically confident when learning about something new also I am passionate on problem solving for customers creating and building a customer relationship is something I take pride in and do my best to make sure both parties are successful um having said that I believe my mindset and uh skills enables me to bring out the best in myself and those around me and I believe this will have a positive impact towards your company's growth and environment excellent thank you so much for that what have you been doing for the last eight years well besides uh working in business with the e-commerce on one side and now I'm in system engineer with a mixture of help desk as in my it job currently so that's what I've been uh doing mostly with it okay excellent so you're working with customers do these customers have problems when they call you yeah so I'm in a private Law Firm so most of these uh partner their Partners or Executives so if you want if you'd like to say that so yeah mostly think of it um lawyers Associates paralegals professional um on a higher end I would say so when they call you is everything good or are they frustrated uh most of the times they're frustrated okay walk me through the experience of a frustrated customer how you make them happy because that's something that's very important to me uh sure so first they will give me a they will send an email and I will either follow up within another email um that we understand the situation and doing our best to um to solve it and if and besides the email I'll usually call them and tell them exactly what's going on in simplest technology terms so they understand um what I'm saying so they don't get confused as many of them don't understand technology so I would calm them down and just briefly step by step uh present the situation and the solution if I can at the at the given time and solve it for them excellent now what happens if you have a problem that you can't solve um what do you do to keep people satisfied because not everything is solvable sure so most importantly I have to stay confident and calm so I tell them you know we are aware of the situation and something that's out of my control but I'm working with my team and we are working as fast as possible to solve it and please don't you know don't be worried um you're gonna fix this and we will get back to you with the most um with the most recent update how often do you follow up with this customer until things are resolved uh honestly well depend throughout the day if it's a small problem we usually um solve it quickly but if it's you know something with the network or security I would still probably daily if not ever yeah a couple hours but most of the time daily emailing them letting them know the current status of what's going on okay excellent so it sounds like when you've got an actor problem it's constant communication until the solution is remedied oh correct sounds really great um do you keep customer satisfaction surveys per chance on on help desk scores uh internally we have um our help desk because it's a it's a firm you don't really keep surveys like that but we do keep their feedback and and their email chain so we have what uh whatever the user is is that is is exactly saying okay good so you've got so you know what people are doing if you looked at your scores what are they telling you well my my managers always are praising me give me good feedback and very impressed whenever I solve these problems because I do sell them very quickly and professionally and the user usually ends up talking back to my manager and saying good things about me okay that's excellent love hearing these things so you know help desk architecture you know it's it's a pretty big jump having said that you know tell me what you learned in help desk that's going to make you a better architect to make me feel comfortable about it sure but I've been in a program uh with the cloud community and I've learned a lot so but if it helped us who I'm currently in I work with Cisco network phones Xerox Network printers and IAM which is active directory so I'm familiar with you know the internal systems and applications that an engineer will deal with but you know being in a cloud program that I am now I am more familiar with with architecture and understand the whole design concept and since I've been working inside of of being an engineer I can look at it from an outside perspective and understand it better that makes sense that you're describing the technical piece how about the non-technical pieces there any part of what you do um in your job that could make you a better architect sure well since I deal with I would say they're called Partners but in reality they're Executives some of them are Partners which means they're invested in the front itself so they're dealing with Executives as well which I'm dealing with the executives directly with them so you know dealing pressure with them which enables me to you know better present myself in a non-technical way good okay so why should I hire you okay all right uh well I have there's five years of business experience and three and never working on it for the last three years so with all this knowledge I have accumulated with um with business and Tech uh it definitely is related to being a cloud architect as most of being a cloud architect is business and Tech if not more business so I definitely come from more of a business side and I understand the executives and customers and I always do my best to have a customer satisfaction satisfication and always make sure that both parties myself and the customer will be successful and Have Not only just a one-time purchase but a long time relationship and keep the business ongoing excellent okay so shukran so let's evaluate Ahmed here so look at what he did everything I asked him was precision I'm going to show you the best I'm going to show you what he can do better but every answer he gave me was good from the first question to satisfying the things that the hiring managers have all the way to trying to get his past experience related to his new job it was all solid now I'm going to tell you how it can improve it but it was solid and Ahmed with what he delivered there with 10 tuning would have gotten hired on any Cloud architect job he was that close so here's the difference and ahmed's gonna got a couple little in a couple more months of my program until he's ready for us to get him hired but he did extraordinarily good so first that tell me about yourself was solid very solid now the data from Harvard is very clear 55 is what we look like when we say something 38 is what we sound like when we say something and seven percent is the actual content your content was 100 perfect that it felt like you were reading it I wasn't sorry but yeah it needed to feel more lively so what I'd like you to do when I transition from engineering to architecture I hired this 400 and I are an executive coach and you know half of what they actually did was have me say the same sentence a different way so if I told you bgp is a routing protocol used for inner domain multicast or I said bgp is a routing protocol that's used for interdomain multicast the message is different even though the words are the same so Ahmed what I want you to do is calm down a little bit just kind of get relaxed I don't care whether it's yoga working out running in a corner and screaming I don't care what it is picking up a cat like I would do I love my cat but whatever the case is just something right take a couple of deep breaths prior to the thing get your point out make a point and pause I've been working in tech for almost 10 years now five years on the business side three years in the help desk side and I loved every last minute of it I'm highly energetic I'm highly motivated and I absolutely love technology you told me that just a little more oomph now when I said you know help desk the architect you got a couple of things you told me the technical pieces which were the same and you kind of told me some of the business pieces that were the same you missed the key things that I would have been most important to me though first thing I would have wanted to hear is I work with people that are frustrated all day and I make them happy which means I'm ex I'm really good at finding information from people and coming up with something that gives them A Satisfied solution much like you do as an architect additionally I have to gather information from people that are Executives and don't know anything about technology and I don't have to be really good at getting that information so I can design the fix for them and I have to convince them to do the fix so I have to get the design the tech and the sales piece that that could have literally you could have literally told me that you had the same job and I would have believed you so tie that piece together the rest of what you did was extremely good thank you I mean I've been practicing from you know the course but I panicked today so but you know I don't think you would have panicked if you were in front of one person um I really don't this is tough I've had people that are on that just disappear so you're doing great so honestly I love that background what you're talking about in law is great now since as Architects we're not really Engineers we're more business transformation Specialists that use technology and you're in a law firm and Law Firm is as big as they are are still relatively small those help desk people and a law firm can be touching the architecture and everywhere in between yeah it wouldn't be inappropriate for you to say that while you're in help desk you're part of the larger organization assuming it's true you might work with the engineering people you might work with the business people you might collaborate on fixes so if there's that task coordination or program management again that would be great because that's all the architecture work but you're already doing right you're already doing it so draw a little better complete conclusion between your current job and your future job 50 of the hiring managers would have hired you with that right now the other fifty percent are going to want a little more legendary sequel so to speak whatever you have it the gravitas so I would say work on that because of its importance but your content was exceptional which means your thinking is exceptional which means that it's in your head now it's just an issue out just you know going out there and presenting at the cloud I could take away the solution architect way the Enterprise architect way and I am 100 convinced you are going to land a job very very soon with an interview like that that's made 15 better because if we start looking at things at the top world you look at the actors that are making 20 million dollars a year versus one million it's only two or three some percent better that they're at but it's that big difference so we're just going to get you a couple percent better and it's going to be the difference between getting hired and getting hired for for this versus getting hard for this you're going to get anything you want so Ahmed really really great job thank you well yeah it's from the course so I can't think that I can't think that enough whatever you're doing Ahmed you're doing great right thank you all right that was good great job so the um I've been putting up the comments of uh everybody that says they've been coming in so the next one um so let me bring Godfrey in here and we'll let you uh let you take it hello Mike hello Godfrey how are you I'm cool I am doing great I see you wearing the headphones where are you located right now we're not able to hear you right now maybe you're muted we're temporarily dealing with a little technical difficulties we'll get this result we can hear uh godfreys so maybe we need to get you plugged into a microphone looks like he has the same headphones that I do so I'll give him just one second let's see if it works Godfrey can you hear us and we can't hear you no okay can is there any way we can work with someone and then have somebody work with Godfrey so we can get his audio up and running he's back so so can you hear me now oh now we can hear you godfreys where are you located today okay yeah I'm located in Lagos Nigeria are you fantastic I'm in uh South Florida Today wonderful to speak to you um I love how we can have people from all over the world so if you want to let us know in the chat box let us know where you're at I know some people by name are in Nigeria Cameroon I know some people are in Asia it's really exciting to have so many people from all over the world so let us know in the chat box where you're at so Godfrey what kind of job are you winning viewing for today yeah so yeah I'm looking for a solution architect uh engineering job social architect job yeah okay solution architect job gotcha so so Godfrey um thank you for coming in let me tell you a little bit about our organization today you're interviewing to be part of the go Cloud careers networking uh cloud cloud computing and networking Consulting organization we're a rapidly growing organization that deploys cloud computing Solutions all over the world right now we're paying specific attention to South Africa and the neighboring countries to Nigeria specifically the Lagos region as well as the English thinking side of the Cameroon because we're noticing that there's an incredible amount of cloud computing that's going on there we're starting to see a proliferation of cloud computing in sub-Saharan Africa so we'll start with Cameroon we're starting to see some more work in Ghana and some other countries that we'd like to prepare for so the fact that you're there is really good for us um because that's a target market of ours so could you tell me a little bit about yourself yeah thank you so much for that question uh so uh I'll spend about three and a half years in Tech I began my professional Journey with Angela Nigeria as a software engineer uh and so during that time I worked with some of our leaders clients helping to build out their software solutions that skilled I also work uh some of the clients I work with I have to work as a I have to work in test Automation and help build out the solutions that help to keep your site up uh after during that time I began developing an interest in Denver so I began to let There was Technologies like a Docker kubernetes and also began learning about AWS uh when I left andela I took I took on one focused the most Focus course on devops to help build my devil's skills I joined official in February I'm going to stop you right now I'm going to stop you right now Godfrey because I want to help you um we're going to redo this interview you just told me every career other than architecture so you've just you just kicked yourself out of the architecture interview by telling you me that you're a devops engineer so let's begin let's start this interview all over I want you to interview for an architect job because if you tell me you want to do software work you're not an architect you're an engineer and you're a software engineer so Architects design so let's begin this again so um Godfrey you know thank you for coming today we're an architecture consulting firm where we design architectures for our customers tell me about yourself sorry let me uh let me let's uh let me stop first and then let's say uh let me try to okay so so this is I'm just talking about my past uh real experience or is it like I can just flavor something about it or so tell me about about yourself should be 30 to 60 seconds that convinces me I want to talk to you so you got to convince me that you're strong motivated capable and the solution to my architecture needs all in 30 seconds okay okay so let's go so uh thank you so much for that question uh I'm Godfrey I was going to here but I spent about three and a half years in technology uh I began my professional Journey with Angela Nigeria a software engineer but today uh I've learned and uh acquired the awss certified solution architect associate certificate to prove my skills in Cloud uh architecture so uh I've worked with a freshwater Nigeria a virtual International asset cloud system engineer and help to build our solutions that migrate their customers to AWS uh who are happy to be interviewing with you today and I hope that with the experience that I've had I'll be able to contribute it to your organization and help to build our solutions that will meet your customers the customers needs okay fantastic so it sounds like you've been working on cloud computing for several years as a cloud engineer is that correct okay uh so I've not really worked uh as uh in cloud computing as uh for for so long but uh I've taken up trainings to help get my skills up in that area and I'm looking for a more focused uh job that will help me to continue to build up that skill and contribute to organizations or achieving their dreams or goals gotcha okay so that's some pretty good experience tell me about some projects you've worked on um specifically those that were really made a difference in the customer okay yeah absolutely thank you very much for that so I I've worked on an interesting courgette and I would like to share that with you today so uh while I was developing while I was working I was as a software engineer I actually viewed out an application that uh helped to manage a task for users uh so I when I joined my training as a cloud engineer I come up with a solution that uh where I build up in private simulated private data center using AWS or AWS computer instances so and this architecture uh con places of several component of that we will usually find in a private data center which includes like application server and so I'm having like three application servers and I'm also having a did a load balancer server that is powered by Engineers I have a DB server storage server backup server and most of these are placed in a private subnet where I have like my Loop Alaska in the public subnet so I designed this architecture to simulate what we are going to usually find in a in a where we are going to have in a private data center without using most of AWS managed services so uh if I'm coming to you I'll try to view this solution uh most likely I have experience with some of those technology and of course I continue to advance my learning so I can always come up with a solution where the equivalent present itself sounds good here's a question for you Godfrey you've got a four core server in your data center and it's operating at 50 percent so it's perfect it's smoothly humming along you want to move that server to the cloud in the data center that server has four cores and 16 gigs of RAM what does that server need to look like in the cloud okay yeah uh so if we have such a server yeah we will take that server up to the cloud uh which got to provide make it uh more reliable and highly available uh we can we can use uh we can if it is functioning uh perfectly well with that capacity in the guided in our data center and we are moving it to the cloud um we we so we can have the same capacity maybe two of these two of The Source table and then we place it under a load balancer to to ensure higher availability uh or we can split the capacity into where we have like two course uh two two servers they are still highly available and they are placed under a load balancer okay so I've got four cores so what you're saying is either move it to a four core server on the cloud or make two two horse servers on the cloud with a load balancer yes that's that would be one solution but if you want to be very highly available because you have two Focus levels uh yeah and still under a good balancer good why do I need a load balancer yeah um so you will need a loot balancer because we want uh to we want our application to be reliable uh and so uh so uh when when for any reason if a particular server goes down we want to continue to serve using the uh application using the artificial server that is still up and also we can place our East with um put our servers under and of the scaling group to ensure that if for any reason the application dies we can spin up a new a new uh server that we cut out for the need of the ones that have gone down all right good job there Godfrey I hope there's some recruiters listening in Lagos Nigeria right now so let's keep going because I'm really liking this you're getting giving me some really good solid technical answers um what's the difference between block storage and object storage and which should I use when where and why oh yeah so um block storage uh we want block storage uh we evolve like uh as uh using a storage capacity that we are we're buying we can split our data in blocks which means we can store us our data in separate blocks and then they can come together as one but when we are having object storage object storage uh is basically involved individual uh objects that cannot be splitted into multiple uh of course okay and so if we are in for example in AWS Cloud object storage is basically like easy to uh S3 where if you upload that if you upload an object you are uploading the entire object as one and if you are deleting it all I'm trying to upload it again you are uploading you are not uploading and try to merge all together as one and uh if you are using block storage block storage allows us to uh Mount stories on a on a storage device and then we can you can serve as a as a storage in our in our virtual machines okay okay so let's give you uh another question why should I hire you oh thank you so much for that question I'm happy to be interviewing for this school today uh yeah um and one reason you want to hire me is because I possess this resilience of finding solutions to Google you know I believe that I should continue to advance uh Solutions will continue to encounter problem and I've always uh like succeed in finding solution to problem no matter what uh sometimes it can be difficult but I've found out that doing some research I'm able to come up with a solution and I believe that no matter what solution and no matter what problem we present itself in the team we will put our s together and do something we said I always find the solution and that will help to contribute to the sources of the team okay can I try something with you real quick can we get you to sit straight up straight up like look in the camera so you're straight up okay look straight at the camera now I am a cloud architect say it right like that hi um the cloud Architects okay now I want everybody that was here when he stood straight up look at him good posture look at that smile look how likable he is seriously I want everybody to look at this your likability is one of the biggest characteristics you have from getting hired now look at Godfrey right now is there anybody out there looking at him right now standing straight up looking through the camera that can't like him no one it's impossible to you're really likable so what I need you to do is focus straight on the camera because what happens if you're looking this way and you're looking this way and you're looking this way all we hear we don't see it but when we see you you are so much bigger you're so much stronger you're so much more capable so now stare at that computer screen and just in 30 seconds no more tell me why I should hire 30 seconds what are the things that hiring managers care about remember we care about energetic enthusiastic passionate people that are willing to go above and beyond that are great team players so now staring at that camera tell me why I should hire you okay thank you so much I'm really happy to be interviewing for this school today and I will I will it will be very good if you hire me because I bring in resilience and I'm highly motivated so with to SLS I believe that I I'll always find a way to find a solving problems finding solutions to problem and so joining the team I will help to well I would I will I will help in supporting the team in bringing out uh so in finding solutions to problems that we arrive as we try to innovate and evolve uh what I've discovered over the course of my career is that there have always been there only this this challenge that pops up and sometimes you can really prove difficult to solve but making research and I've always found that making research I'll be able to go fast solution to such problems and I'm bringing that into the team today uh leader into the team which means that when we work together as a team I'll contribute my business ideas motivation and learning and ability to solve problems to the sources of the team okay very solid but I want you to remember 30 seconds no more you should hire me because I'm energetic enthusiastic and I will really help your team I've got lots of experience designing and building Cloud Solutions delivering great customer satisfaction and delivering Stellar results something quick to the point everything you said there was great I mean you are a cloud architect Godfrey very clear so let's walk through this because you did really really good stare at the camera open your body language keep it open which you were you're real likable so keep it use that asset to you 50 of it goes along the way try to vary your vocal tone a little more one of the things that you'll notice with engineers and I love Engineers I was one of them as you know pardon my shorts because I'm going to stand here I'm going to be the engineer right now today I'm here to talk about bgp bgp is a path Vector routing protocol it's fine it's real it's accurate take up more space this is called executive presence relax put your posture up stare at that camera today we're going to talk about bgp now bgp is a path Vector routing protocol that's used to direct traffic on the internet the reason bgp has used it is that it's tunable scalable if you feel the difference today we're going to talk about DGP today we're going to talk about bgp so when it comes to architecture positions or leadership positions that are looking for that gravitas that bigness that so when you see a singer or musician on stage they're sitting here their legs are wide apart and they're singing that's why they're trying to take up space they've been trained for presence when it comes to the executive roles and the architect roles are executive roles they're expecting that kind of big presence and that kind of big presence comes from where that variation of your vocal tone from taking up more space you know when I paid for an executive coach and I spent a lot of money on Executive coaching and it paid for itself it was well worth it and they tried to say slow it down Mike they're like Mike you're an industry thought leader what you have to say is so valuable people can listen you don't have to be in a rush to get it out so as a cloud architect you're an industry leader you're like an MBA business executive Management Consultant combined with a technical person that is a very rare person to find so have some confidence and have some pride great job on the tech base now the storage piece spend a little more time on your storage you should know that basically you've got three kinds of storage you basically have file storage which is basically a hard drive and if you're using the server message block protocol for Windows or NFS and Linux um that's what you're using that object storage is the type of storage area network that it takes data and it breaks it down into objects and the key thing to know about object storage is that it create there's metadata or data about the data so remember that about object storage you also want to know that it was object storage it's not mounted by a computer it's not used by a computer it's really just a place to store stuff so we would use it to distribute software to distribute video for example we also need to know that object storage does not work well with things that change frequently because every time something is modified it creates a new version of object storage so if we tried to use a swap file for example that was in a computer's operating system which is where it manages virtual memory which changes 60 times a second we would have 60 new versions a second and would fill up our object storage rate arrays instantly so object storage is only useful for things that don't change frequently Lock Storage by comparison is a type of storage Arrow Network meaning it's network storage that breaks data and put into the blocks but what makes block storage so unique is it could be decoupled and the storage can be placed anywhere and that block storage looks and feels like file storage to a local computer the way it's mounted but it's not and that's why black storage is used for our hard drive purposes in the cloud just keep that in mind otherwise he did good on the tell me about yourself you did good on the wire should hire you when I started asking you Tech questions you know what you did really solid Godfrey and you are extraordinarily likable the whole way so lots of great things there likable strong knowledgeable add a little bit of storage knowledge practice your presentations take your cell phone give a presentation look at it give it again keep doing it until you're better practice to tell me about yourself practice the why I should hire you practice through your strengths and weaknesses one and you're going to do Rock Solid Godfrey that was really good um really really good so one of the things that I find so wonderful about this is you're there in Lagos Nigeria doing that great we've got somebody else I think that was just in Canada we've got somebody else that's somewhere else and how wonderful is really that really good job Godfrey yeah thank God for anything that you'd like to ask us so that we could help you okay uh so yeah I go I go to I got lost here is it like continuation of the interview or just uh aside the interview I know we got what you mean right now yeah well we're gonna maybe one person and go to the next I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly but you asked if I guess anything you can help me with yeah I met right now did you have any questions right now for example about the interviews for so to prepare for next time okay uh uh all right uh so like yeah well what I was Drive coming from before uh so how do you because you notice my presentation actually changed because I was trying to bring in uh my past experience and trying to incorporate that in duty but uh so how do you how do we cut out for like okay maybe your past experience does not align with maybe the goal that you are trying to interview for okay so in a lot of cases your past experience will not align so you've got to draw the conclusions to the places where they will align so when I used to practice medicine for example and I went on my first networking engineer interview and my manager says could you explain to me how medicine and networking like how you're going to be able to do the job and I said to Ventra absolutely I said when it comes to technology the best the most important thing that you have is your assessment of the situation your requirements definition I said and you know what Devendra I learned from medicine I learned how to ask the client the right questions in a manner that won't offend them to get access to very good information to be able to Make a Better Business decision and Devendra as a network engineer aren't I going to be asking the client about their business aren't I going to be asking about the current challenges they have aren't I going to be evaluating their current systems see these are the same things I did every day in medicine so whether I'm a doctor and a patient or a doctor on a network I've been trained to start by asking the right questions to evaluate the current systems to make a diagnosis and a fix and whether it's a router or a stethoscope and how to do it and he smiled so the point is is show the thing so for the person that worked and helped us Ahmed you know and help that people call me with technology problems every day they're not technology problems I have to ask a lot of questions to really get to the bottom of the situation from there I generate a fix and I have to convince the customer how to implement that fix because in many cases they have to do a certain number of things so I have to find the information I have to create the solution and I have to convince the customer how to adopt the solution to satisfy their problems same thing in architect does so show how your current job is an architecture job and then you don't have no experience that's a great thank you you're welcome so Chris I see it looks like you're saying something with a muted muted microphone thank you so before we get to the next person we had a good question um that I'd like to make a suggestion about uh I think we I think we it would be a good opportunity to do this at the end but I had someone ask um can you give us some example questions to ask at the end of the interview when the interviewer asked us if we have any questions I sure will and there are certain questions that you can answer that will greatly increase your chances of getting hired so we're going to save that special nugget to the end because I want you to pay attention and learn from each other because yes there is definitely something we can do to help you ask the right questions in the end definitely definitely definitely and we're going to hold that nugget to the end but that was very good information and great suggestion whoever asked that question yeah that was uh looks like Gene oh Cloud architect asked that question so well I just wanted to make sure we brought that up I had a feeling that that's what we would do so I just wanted to make sure absolutely absolutely absolutely don't let me forget that because we all know my short-term memory because of the number of messages I get every two minutes it's mesh okay so yes let's give him that answer all right uh so the next one is going to be uh uh I'm gonna mispronounce this it's gonna be Martin every time yes perfect okay all right I'm close now uh we do have a little bit of lag on his end of the video so Mike um if you decide that you may want him to cut the camera off to make it easier for you just let us know his audio is perfect so no problem there Mark margin where are you by the way right now with that kind of interesting internet access I'm close to Amsterdam Mike oh really well I've been in Amsterdam and I had great internet access there so I am not really sure I'm a student also in the previous uh meeting that we had the session the it was still good but I don't know what happened in the break fantastic so we're gonna have a new new scenario this time Myers in We Are Go Cloud careers work with technology companies specifically we work with telcos and we resell AWS Cloud Computing Services under our brand so basically we just we we are a cloud computing company and we resell AWS services so we're pretty we're pretty interested in the AWS Cloud since we don't call it that we use real terms that don't confuse our customers um so that's one of the reasons our customers like us like we don't use things like elastic you know when our customers tell us is they go to AWS they get a simple storage when they can't figure out what it means they get things called elastic compute clouds elastic load balancers they say AWS just says elastic elastic elastic and they have no idea what any of it is so what we do is we resell their things and make them make them clear we sell load balancers we sell virtual machines we sell firewalls we sell private lines we sell vpns and you know we saw route reflector solutions to deal with remote things and people come to us because there's no brand confusion we got rid of all the words elastic and all the words cloud and we actually tell people what the tech is and they all know it so they love us work so margin tell me about yourself thank you uh first of all thanks for having me Mike uh I'm very uh grateful for this opportunity um well I'll start uh a little bit at the beginning I had three years military experience here I gained a great strategy thinking working together as a team also by myself so this is uh just a quick overview and I had five years before that uh after that sorry in entertainment business here I am gained a lot of public relations um dealing with with clients convincing them also to to join a particular event Etc uh this yeah this I think it would also be uh some something that will benefit me as a cloud architect I'm interested as a infrastructure Architect by the way um after this I gained some more business experience I moved to Poland bless you I moved to Poland where I worked the first four years as a team coordinator um of a customer service environment an online Leisure environment customer service here I gained quite some experience in yeah sales and service related issues and and how to work with teams actually how to improve their sales and service skills how to improve their overall after this I gained I had three years of experience as an I.T support in a customer service environment as well um so that was actually my first it experience and after this I moved back to the Netherlands where I'm from and I had my first two years of data center experience with working on the network okay so 30 seconds by the way just to let you know you kicked that off in the first 30 seconds so strong anybody would have hired you and then you kept talking so okay so we'll go there but you did key that I was tuned out not as fast as you wanted but okay so we're going to keep going so you mentioned sales our Cloud Architects are heavily involved in the sales process here could you tell me the sales process from your point of view uh well if I would deal with a CEO for example of a company in the first first meeting I will go for the concepts like how the culture is also how the Strategic point of view is from the company I would have a conversation about the structure and um well in these kind of questions we can basically come to the executive but this I would in the end tell to the CEO that I will discuss this with the team so the first three points basically I would see what are their main sales line for example what which products well first of course I I try to find out what is the or I will ask the CEO about what their business is about to see in which field it is and then I will see which sales point which sales products are the best for them where they actually also to find out what is their goal do they want more sales do they want more efficiency [Music] this type of questions probing questions to find out um I would yeah I'm very much into involving also the culture inside of um yeah I mean like if there's a good culture I want to know because having a great team working for you yes this if you can improve in culture the the workers are also more willing to come better to work but yes kind of like this I would ask him and then listen and yeah come back let me see if I understood what you took me told me correctly did you tell me you're going to meet with the customer specifically one of their leaders to get real actionable insights about the business ask them about their business their business goals their pain points uh what they're trying to achieve and then try and match up a solution that you have um to go solve that problem is that what I heard you say uh yeah yes okay good yeah that that's the process that's great um fantastic so now um let's evaluate the actual part of the design process so let's say you you what type of architecture do you want to do you desire to work for us here I would like to become a cloud infrastructure Network architect okay so you have a networking background then uh well I had this two years in uh where I started working on the data center also I had some projects on the data center itself doing some CLI work um yes but I I I'm also taking uh actually the AWS I'm preparing already for the professional certificate but because I don't want to stick onto one provider I'm also taking uh enrolled already in a CCNA um uh certificate oh good so you're learning some strong networking too yes because I understand for this particular what I would like to be as an architect so it's the infrastructure there I need to definitely the knowledge and thanks to this great course that I'm enrolled in with with you uh I I know I found out from you that these are great certificates to to have at least the CCNA ccnp preferably mid yeah so if you were part of our team would probably have you upgrade that to the ccnp because we have some pretty big expectations of our Cloud Network Architects I mean we know that four times the reading just to become a CCNA then a certified solution architect professional but you know our infrastructure Architects need about 20 times that so would you be willing to uh really master bgp and a few other things if you were part of organization that's the great thing because I am I have all the time in the world at this moment I'm very blessed with this and I am willing to do everything uh that that I need to do to to come to the to my goal and I'm extremely motivated I'm very busy in the community also helping some people if they have some questions if I see those questions yeah I'm extremely motivated and I'm actually I'm already busy non-stop uh getting to this goal yes so I will do everything that's needed to to get myself to this point of of job role Okay so love that so you said you're working on some Cisco things right now you also said you're working on further developing your Cloud thing what's not in your mind uh well I didn't came there yet but I have a small small understanding of this it's the network address translation uh it's a net and I know sorry I know what it what it's supposed to do so you're when you're interning your network and you have then the private IP of course and when you go outside of your network you need to have a public RP address and this is the yeah this will translate it kind of or transform it into a public one this is but as I say I I I didn't touch that subject yet though I I followed your information also which I absorb okay so you know here's what I'm thinking I really like what you told me I really like you but I feel like you're a little weak on the networking thing since that's your main thing now we can get you stronger on networking but for right now I need a network architect who also happens to be a cloud architect now would you because you're I really like you but I don't really feel very strong on your networking side would you consider a different kind of architect role with my organization um well to be true I I would like to stick with my uh with my goal uh this infrastructure networking and it doesn't take it doesn't matter to me to be true how long it will take to get this information uh transfer transferred into my own subconscious let's say it that I can do everything automatically but yes I mean like I would have to learn uh any topic from the beginning I guess because my I.T knowledge was limited though I had five I have five years experience in the it environment that's why I'm really focused on the network and the infrastructure because I love I love this part and so that's actually my um my reason why I wouldn't want to change it for a different part just because it would be more easy for me okay totally even makes sense the reason I was asking is you didn't have the skill for the infrastructure now so I didn't know if you were interested in a solution architect or a cloud architect job because we had several of them as well but it sounds like you're not so why don't we do this why don't you get some experience get some networking knowledge and come back okay thank you so much let's walk through this because there were a lot of things that happened here um lots of lots of opportunities um so let's go from the beginning okay you've got 30 seconds in the tell me about yourself you went for five minutes in that first 30 seconds you captured me and captured me so well the rest of anything you would have said I would have liked it whether it was good or not you did that good in the beginning and then you kept going and kept going and kept going the next thing I was gonna was I was actually gonna pull out my medical book to see to get you to stop but you started it out you kicked it off and said I've got all this background in business and Tech and I've been creating solution to solve customers problems through every step from the design build and sale you basically told me that in the first 10 seconds you just told me you were the perfect Cloud architect literally speaking the first 30 seconds you told me and if you didn't keep going that interview would have gone on a totally different direction wow totally different what happens is you kept you were there you sold me and then you kept going and the more details you gave me the more more doors that you open for me to find out what was behind those trap doors okay but when you came in and it was so good so go watch what you told me that first 30 seconds I've got a lot of business and Tech background you gave me a certain number of years and you've been combining them both to help customers design better solutions to be more efficient it was something that was that strong poof go right there now when I asked you a net question you there were two ways you could have done it you could have said you know I I haven't spent a lot of time with Nat but I have a lot of knowledge in this this and this and you could have redirected me there you didn't mm-hmm because you didn't redirect me there you just gave me not and because the answer you gave me on that wasn't exactly correct I'm not inclined to think that you know so friend a regular solution architect they think not connects them to the internet translates to private address to a public address and it does but if company a buys Company B chances are they're using the same IP address space and they have overlapping IP addresses they're also going to use that so there's a lot of different use cases for Nat other than just the one that's in a solution architect certification so when you're an infrastructure architecture you're going to be asked those questions okay yeah now if you're a regular solution architect you could have bluffed it but at the infrastructure architect we're looking at a cross between the ccnp and ccie level networking knowledge so with that we're looking for much more we're going to expect a much much deeper answer so love infrastructure I'm a clutter for search architect just you know just make sure you do that um when it's your first architect job if somebody really likes you you may be inclined to offer you another architect job okay all the time my recommendation is somebody gives you the solution architect job because they like you take it take it yeah when you're there do you know what you can do infrastructure architect work because these architecture jobs are so amorphous one person's gonna go be Mr technical I'm going to be an architect and work with do Roi models all day long and my customers are going to love me for it so you've got a little bit of artistic limitations in how you do your work you could be the guy like me that builds a team of 30 experts and has the experts do it it could be the one person that tries to think you know everything I'm not here to tell you how to be the architect because you can do it both ways me personally I get somebody that's done big data for 20 years to do my big data piece I get somebody that's done 20 years of security to the security piece I get someone that's done networking for 20 years to do the networking piece and I'm a facilitator that's how I do my architecture work and that's how I've done it because that way I can find the best and the brightest from all over the world to do a better job in their expertise than me but that's just me and again I'm a medical professional I practice medicine first and that's how we do medicine yeah so for you because you're super likable get to that point and once you see the person go and I actually Thumbs Up To You shook my head yes then it's uh okay so one of the things that I've seen sales reps do it's a really big and it saddens me I've seen sales reps and interviewees get hired and then talk themselves out of the job so answer the question when you see agreement and happiness give them a little more and then stop so what I'd advise is fix that uh tell me about yourself fix that why I should hire you by the way do you think they're really the same thing just ask two different ways uh sorry can you ask that question can you say this question once again tell me about yourself which is the first question I ask you yes on the last question which many employers ask which is why I should hire you yes aren't they the same question yes so this was I was not sure if I should have directly talked about when I was um this Mill about the military that I gained that was it when you said that that was the win what does military tell everybody I spent three years in the military I'm energetic enthusiastic a team player and I get the job done yeah as soon as you sell military people know you can take Direction people also don't think you're lazy people also think that you're respectful people also think that you can work in teams yeah leverage that brand that's a big brand yeah and to be true when you asked me the question um if I might be interested in doing a different part of the cloud architect I thought more it is like a kind of um strict question to see if I'm changing my mind quickly but so this is yeah I mean like I would like to take the job of course as a Cloud solution architect um but I thought it might be uh um wrong of me to to do so is that okay if you look at it this way so if you're with a company and you're doing an interview and they're in and you're trying to interview for one thing and you're not able to answer the questions for that one thing but they say I really like you um would you be interested in a different kind of job that means they're trying to find a place for you okay now if they loved everything you said it was perfect and they said hey would you consider changing that might be different yeah okay if you're interviewing and it's going 50 50 and you've only been in my program for a week so for a week in my program maybe two weeks you're doing extremely good I mean extremely good we've only had two weeks to work with you so you're doing extremely good but the key is just really pay attention so as a martial artist as a yogi as a medical person I think that's how I do my work I just walk into the room and I look around I listen I observe that tells me more than I even know then I ask a question and you know what I do I just listen I listen about 10 times more than I speak because when I speak a lot so when I'm talking I'm not listening which means I'm not learning so lots and lots of lesson listings seriously margin you did really really good thank you Mike the fact you hit that on the military and the teamwork that was so rock solid that was your Ace in the Hole don't forget that okay thanks thank you for the advice also I really appreciate it no you did really good and this is an improvement process you know we do these a couple times it's better to do it here and practice than it is with the hiring manager because now when you've got retiring manager you've already done it before like they said in the Art of War win first and then go to war what they mean by that is prepare your battle plan win the battle plan and then in a test and then go do it so good job thank you you guys as well thank you very much for having me all right that was a great job very great job yeah so um let's see we've got uh the next one we've got is going to be uh Gabriel so I'm going to bring him in a fantastic let's see here we go there we go all right hi Gabriel how are you today oh you're in a mute you're muted Gabriel hello Mike hi Gabriel so nice to see you today thank you for coming in to interview with us did you fly in from Canada yes I sure did wow in Florida it's my night it's a lot warmer here right oh it's we're freezing down here yeah I gotta tell you every time I go up to where you're at it's so comfortable so I hope you had a nice easy flight in I hope you can enjoy the nice warm weather and palm trees while you're here good Gabriel let me tell you a little bit about what we do we provide specialty Cloud Computing Services and what's different about us is we really focus exclusively on the business side of the transformation what happens is you know the cloud providers went out there they made up a million in terms they stuck the word cloud in front of anything or elastic of everything by the time they were done with their marketing terms we've got a sea of customers that have no idea what even is cloud computing so what we do is we hired a team of strategy Consultants slash Architects and they literally provide this kind of Consulting they go to the customer they start with the customers business requirements just like they would do it McKinsey Accenture Booz Allen Hamilton the way any Management Consultant would do it they ask a lot of questions of the business team they help create a business architecture or a business solution and they figure out what technologies will optimize that business and then what my Architects do is they explain it in plain and simple terms to the customer and then after our team designs it for the customer we even have an operations team that will maintain it so we design it with our Architects we have a team of cloud Engineers that build it and we even have an operations team that maintains it so we are a fully managed cloud computing service so Gabriel I know you've been a cloud architect and you've got some really strong backgrounds so could you tell me a little bit about yourself oh thank you very much Mike um my name like you know is Gabriel Edwards um I've been in tech for way over 15 years and in that period have been fortunate to work with a number of different sized Enterprises from a startup when I started way back in Lagos Nigeria to um a government entity one of the biggest governments in the world and then when I crossed over to Canada um I been fortunate to work with one of the major csps Cloud solution providers and not just work with the solution provider but work in a team supporting technical architects who actually does exactly what you just said um customer facing um talk with the clients understand what that solution what the pain point is from the c-suite down to the architectural team though presently I'm not a TA I'm not a technical architect but I'm in the background supporting and making sure everything works together very well I also manage an on-prem data center which were eventually migrated to the cloud and then yeah that's pretty much it so my career spanned um mostly a bit of networking and administration and now I'm moving that to Cloud infrastructure so I've had that yeah so that's pretty much me okay Gabriel that sounds like a lot so it's if I heard you correctly you have 15 years experience of network data center and Cloud technology is that correct uh pretty much that okay wow and you said you started in Lagos Nigeria work for the government and now we're working for one of the large managed service providers in Canada is that correct yeah it's one of the largest cloud service providers here okay fantastic that's some really great experience tell me what architecture means to you um I to me um architecture is um the process whereby you envision the clients need you are able to see where the pain point is you design a solution based on the feedback you got from the client with the primary objective of being able to solve business to provide Business Solutions using technology right so you you talk to the client you hear where the pain point is you design a business focused solution using available to technology Gabriel I'm so glad you said that you know because I enjoy I've interviewed some people and all they tell me about is ec2 and S3 and dynamodb and there's no architecture in there it's just a bunch of terms so you get it so what you're saying is you're solving customer problems through technology that's correct Mike Okay so tell me about your presentation skills if you delivered big presentations um like I told you I started um first as in Lagos Nigeria I I worked in a company that was both uh training and solution deployment company I was a Microsoft and Cisco trainer for six and a half years and in that capacity I traveled the entire country uh on a program called the ETF trust fund program where I got to present solutions to um the um uh medical schools in various universities uh so um so I've presented to clients uh to to groups from um a couple of people to a couple of hundred people and also while working at the government entity I I was responsible for setting up a SharePoint solution and how to train the entire Community for that so um then also in my present um uh my present job um as part of the support crew as part of the the crew for the CSP I I present to um level and also do demos and all kind of presentations yeah so I have I do have presentation skills you mentioned presenting but I heard you since you mentioned some other thing that's really critical for us you said train yeah um you said you did some training of the customer and training other people how much experience do you have doing that um cumulatively I would say um I have about eight to ten years experience training developing training resources giving both theoretical and Hands-On training excellent make it go ask you a couple of technical questions tell me how a load balancer increases availability and performance okay so um first um thank you very much Mike um if I understand that question correctly you want to know how our load balancer in a production environment would increase availability and performance is that correct that's correct I just wanted to be sure I got you right now our load balancer is a device that you place in front of your service or switches or routers however the case may be to mitigate a situation where you have a huge amount of traffic coming in that might overwhelm a singular device now to to get that you place a number of devices behind less for instance in this particular scenario say we have five stars right now as the case may be one server server a of server h e is getting all the traffic and it's getting overwhelmed a load balancer is synonymous to a traffic man at the traffic lights that says okay um we have five Lanes on the road instead of all the cars going down Lane a um first blue car go down Lane eight um green card go down Lane e so a load balancer spreads the load in spreading the load it reduces the the load on each server reduces the wear and tear and with that each server can service the request that comes to it easily and does stay up think about it also this way I'll say this and I'll stop you have a laptop you have 20 window um browsers open on your laptop at the same time right that happens to me all the time yourself your laptop freezes up but say for instance you have five laptops and you have each tab spread across those five laptops you can service and still do your research so your load balancer right it's a device that would help your your productivity improve and your service to be better okay excellent for those in the audience do you know how we know Gabriel has Computing experience he knows it's a device which means he's worked with F5 load balancers which are physical devices long before we virtualize them in the cloud so some people put like the question mark why is a load balancer device because it has been for 20 years and whether it's virtual or whether it's physical like he's referring to so the only thing you didn't do there Gabriel is I'm going to ask you that I'm going to ask you this the I so you told me how the low balancer enhances performance but I don't think I heard you tell me how it increases availability why does that load balancer do that enhances availability okay for availability for availability for the load balancer um just give me a second um the load balancer right to him to create availability and shows that um traffic is I'm not sure I'm getting that right so let me now model it up right it's a big model up in my head okay so one load balance one server single point of failure one load balancer two servers no single points of failure yeah yeah yeah right yeah it's uh I know we've come up with one one more technical question because I want to end on something high or or so we're gonna we're gonna do one more so when would I use a VPN when would I use a direct connection okay um you'd use a VP so for um so if I if I get you correctly you want to know when a VPN is um good to use as opposed to a direct connection yes now uh a VPN is a retro private network connection a retro private connection so um you use a VPN in a scenario whereby um the the connection is not critical from one right um for two uh it's not a large amount of data and for three you don't want to spend a lot so a VPN runs through the internet and we do know that the internet is best efforts uh VPN is created by encrypting your data it creates a tunnel and so you send your data from point A to point B um it's easy to set up and you can create a VPN in seconds between any two points on the internet globally so but then a VPN is slower and you might not get the same kind of throughput you get with a direct connection a direct connection on the other hand is the kind of connection you get for instance um say um a global company or any of the other companies I've mentioned I want to connect to my internet service provider or for instance I want to connect to the cloud I'm going to be transmitting a lot of data and throughput is important latency is also important so you have a high volume of data going from point A to point B you want stable connection you want a guaranteed throughput if you if you have sold 10 gigabits you want to know that you have 10 gigabits any time of the day or night okay so Gabriel you just delivered a quarter of a million dollar interview I'm not joking you would have easily been hired on a quarter of a million dollar job with that interview how many months have we been working together three um yeah two three yeah you did amazing you kicked it off perfect you captured me did you see me lean in I asked you a question you described it it was clear it was articulate it was cxo relevant there is not a question in my mind that you would have been hired on that interview you gave me an explicit business one an explicit leadership one explicit sales things explicit everything I asked you about the load balancer and truth be told you gave me a very good load balance or answer very strong I was being picky looking for the availability keyword but you told me the performance piece and it was darn clear with that interview you delivered you still knew the technology now what made that so good why would I want to hire you and why would you get paid so much more you approached it in a very mature way I've been working in this for 15 years you showed me that you can take me and solve my problems you hit the business piece which is what I care about as a customer do I care about tech I hate tech tech is this expensive thing that I have to buy to run my business I don't want to buy it but you didn't scare me you didn't walk in you didn't mention no industry buzzwords whatsoever you discussed the business piece now we did get into Tech I didn't hear the word elastic I didn't hear the word cloud throat in there I didn't hear any bogus terms that I don't know what they mean I heard no acronyms again that's huge for the architect the presentation was perfect the executive presence was perfect you varied your vocal tone your posture was good you were listening to the camera you had open body language there was nothing about that that wasn't amazing thank you Mike we need to speak um so um we can get you connected with some recruiters because you're ready thank you no question in my mind so um let's get you connected to Christina and the other folks on Monday this week with my fever from my flu goes away but uh excellent that was an easy quarter of a million dollar interview Gabriel excellent excellent excellent job thank you Mike thank you I really appreciate it thank you I'm so happy and so proud of you I am so excited I'm going to be thinking about this all weekend I'm so happy really really great job everybody's done good so far but right now I am just blown away excited Gabriel great job thank you Mike and you repeated the questions back to me you claimed understanding everything I would expect an architect with 10 years experience to do perfect well I I I'm looking you know I I remember the first day I met you actually you found me I didn't find you because it popped up on my phone when I was on elliptical and I joined the meeting right out I'm like okay what is this this is what I've been praying about and you asked me that first question and I couldn't answer I said like okay I don't know this but I have all of this knowledge but you you you brought Clarity into this whole thing the missing piece between okay this is the physical data structure I work hard what is the cloud what is the what where do they marry you know with all the buzzwords it was so confusing but listening to you you know day in day out like okay that it makes sense so thank you Mike I'm just so happy and I'm blown away you are a cloud architect you will be hired really really soon as one thank you whether it was from Legos to Canada back to wherever you're going to be wow it's exciting I'm super excited for you fantastic all right that was great that was it really was all right good job Gabriel all right so the uh the next one that we've got big step to the plate he's ready to go I'm around hi I'm Ruth how are you today I'm very good how are you Mike I am doing fantastic you're also in Canada aren't you I am in Canada yes in Toronto fantastic I think you have a networking background too is that correct yes I have a networking background okay good see if I remember correctly you got a cloud in a networking background so Amarth and remember strong short and to the point tell me about yourself first of all Mike thank you so much for inviting me for this interview my name is America and you call me amor that's great and I'm I'm a passionate and take-minded person with four years of a technical experience and a strong knowledge in basic networking and Hardware technology and I'm excellent in the field service technical provisioning and group Theory and currently I'm pursuing associate Cloud architect with intern and I'm looking to apply my skills in a cloud architect Cloud solution architect job roles so I'm I'm a team player and then I would like to solve customers problem to be part of the companies so that's that's my pretty much about me and I want to apply my discus and that's that's what I am sounds really great so where have you spent most of your time in Tech just so I understand you know how to direct the interview so uh I have a strong basic networking understanding and I worked in a field service technicians so which means like your internet routers installing modem is going to the customers houses and designing where to put the modems how to install the modem and checking all telephone TV repairs and all those things so the technical piece I am working on right now okay and I'm less concerned about your technical piece than your ability to learn communicate and solve customer problems but you told me you have a networking background and you told me you're learning cloud now I'm wrath I love taking networking people and making them Cloud Architects because the network is the underlying infrastructure for everything so if you can convince me you know networking I might be inclined to help you find something in the cloud so let's talk about the networking are you familiar with routing and routing protocols yes what's the multicast address for ospf hello like a hello yeah for the multicast address for ospf is for the all the ospf routers that are enabled and for those designated routers and the Border designated routers so there are two multicasts they are using in absolutely for all SPF routers and for all Dr others excellent could you tell me what is not amaranth then that is Network address translation is translating one IP address to another IP address it could be private to private or public to public or public to private or private to public so basically tell me when I might want to do that or use something like that so the one I use cases that we use Nat we want to translate uh from one network private IP address to go outside of the internet so we can net them one use case and the Second Use case is the most popular one so for example two companies are um trying to merge together and when they are not overlapping IP address and the companies decided to merge together we will use them one of the private IP address to map to the next organization uh private IP address so it's just a private to private appearance it's one of the use case yeah absolutely it's a great use case for that Okay so let's talk about private lines versus vpns when would you use each private line versus VPN so the private line is the private link is basically in is a junior connection and it gives more uh secure and uh direct like it's like okay so um actually I think you may have misunderstood me or did you did just so a pro not private link but private lines like a direct connection or uh when would you use a private line between two locations and one would use a VPN connection okay okay I'm sorry for that misunderstood that's okay I understand correctly okay so when would you use the private which is direct connection versus the VPN so basically the direct connection is a logical like a um one wire that's connecting from one direct point to another point so that is like a logical wire that's connected to location to provide consistent latency and like guaranteed bandwidth guaranteed performance because it's directly connected uh as opposed to VPN it's a it's a like a uh internet based right it's it's the best delivery it's the best for delivery so which means it doesn't guarantee that 420. guaranteed bandwidth or it doesn't guarantee the performance so it doesn't get any consistent latency because it goes through the internet but it does both does in a way it protect your data and in VPN also protect and provide encryption so that is the use uh the difference between the direct uh private line and the VPN okay amrath here's a question for you I've got one link and I want to send voice on it and voice is most critical and then the next thing that Owen has sent is streaming data and it's the second most critical and my third class of traffic is everything else I want to make sure that that everything else that could be anything from a guy looking at pictures of the Sports Illustrated magazine to um somebody trying to download the next version of Linux for their virtual machine hobby so we've got users that are sending a lot so how do I send my voice traffic first and then my streaming traffic second and then my other traffic third in the event there's connection congestion to make sure that my voice and streaming traffic always gets through what's what kind of tech do I need for that so for example like I'm trying to understand your question and I want to repeat it quickly so you want to send the voice data first and you want a streaming data second and then other people are watching like a multicast video stream so if you're understanding that question correctly now I would choose that uh the option says ether channel so for example uh we can send the traffic on one link and uh we can use the other link for other channels to send it okay let's say we only have one wire how do we send on that one wire protect our voice traffic first our streaming data second and then everything else third yeah if there is a one link and we can do VLAN tagging so for example voice we can use 802.1 Q tagging to separate the line and multiple VLAN push it into one lane so the trunking or the VLAN trunking it's uh eight or two to one key attacking will be helpful to direct the traffic in one link from multiple the control okay and we've now separated our traffic how are we making sure that the voice gets through and the other stuff doesn't fill it up so we can make sure by uh adding attack so that's going to tell them this is the voice traffic that's coming in and and in the end of the traffic it's going to remove the tag and say this is the voice traffic then it is diverted to the direct uh the the the uh the direct point where they were wherever they want that voice to be delivered okay um now what is killing amaranth queuing it's a way that when data comes in and we want to prayer like if we will store it at one place and we want to arrange them and send it one by one like in a in a line possibly a means a schedule if I heard you correctly a means to schedule traffic so then maybe we could send the voice first and possibly the streaming second and potentially all that other third traffic that we don't care about last absolutely so there will be a low latency a queuing and weighted random queuing so for example if the if we know that which one to prioritize we can line them up and in the line we can send them accordingly so that the cube will be in a in in terms of the networking uh point of view that queues will be useful to diverter the priorities based on the the based on the POS we are using right I think when you're talking about these matter I started remembering the quality of services in terms of the networking as opposed to those cloud computing technology that we are using the queuing against them to uh to see more the other three graphic and right traffic and that is a different thing right that's what you're asking them I guess is it or is it just the same thing is the whole point of a queue to schedule things for delivery so whether it's an application queue an IBM message queue or quality of service on a router to send voice traffic paired before video over somebody else's I want to listen to Kali buds I was listening to reggae this morning and I was listening to Kali Buzz Damian Marley Bob Marley Ziggy Marley so I mean is that critical traffic on the network me listening to reggae or is it the critical voice traffic between the CEO and the CFO placing a phone call yeah the voice code will be the critical yeah okay so we're going to use qos for that okay fair point now let's say we wanted a bundle four 10 gig lengths in between switches oh it'll look like a single wire now what's that called 410 gig links bundle up with one wire that's called either channel so for example The Ether Channel or link aggregation group exactly perfect okay so I like that so now amrath you've described all these networking things could you tell me how you're going to transition from that networking knowledge to the cloud because it's a cloud is nothing more than the virtualized data center and the networking so I'm understanding the networking part so that allowed me to transition to Cloud which is the crucial the heart of the cloud yeah drive it home a little harder the cloud is a virtual Network and a data center all the complexities in the networking everything else is it's just servers of course I've worked with this and you know networking Cloud it's one of the same and you could even say the first Cloud was in networking wasn't it frame relay wasn't the next Cloud ATM wasn't the next Cloud the bgp VPN wasn't the next Cloud um vpls we've been working with cloud computing and networking for 30 years the cloud is just another Network that's how all the ccias get hired without even thinking about it so um you keep that in your back your mind so amrath why should I hire you and you should hire me because I'm I'm highly energetic and highly passionate and highly motivated so I'm very competent in learning uh my uh Missing Gap so I started learning all those networking and I almost cloud computing so I gained those communication skills I I'm super confident that I have the skills to do that and if ever a part of your team I'm confident that I'm making your customers are satisfied at the end of the day I'm making sure your customers are satisfied and I do everything on time I will do whatever that takes to learn because I'm a passionate and energy guy so I will do whatever it takes to finish everything on time and make you look good so I want to be part of your team that's why I'm thinking I'm a suitable person to do a job yeah I'm red very good yeah very good I came at you with more networking things because I knew that was more your strength and here's the thing networking is cloud and it always has been so that was really really solid so the way you answer that first question was quick and straight to the point you didn't Babble for an hour which is huge Improvement that why I should hire you was amazing the answers to those technology questions except for the qos one was really good but um you did something that was really special on this interview first you've gotten a little you've been practicing it I can tell you've been recording practicing this because you did good you looked at the camera your body language good what's good your gravitas was good I felt you I trusted you but you did something else I gave you a little bit of information and you took that information in and you acted upon it that is the big kicker for the hiring manager so here's the thing if hiring manager says something and you partially answer it and you know when I tried to get you to think about qos and you were thinking about link aggregation groups or doing bgp to load chair across links that would work but you know when I was asking you one specific thing you didn't really know exactly when I asked the question for you another way you were able to come back you were able to learn on the Fly and answer that basically was huge because now me as the hiring manager I saw an energy that I liked I saw a communication skills that I liked I saw a likability that I liked I saw an attitude that I liked and any energy that I like in an enthusiasm that I liked the only thing in my mind is there's a little skills deficiency do I really care if everything else is good I don't I can send you to training and continue to Global Knowledge for two weeks I'll spend 10 grand um they'll fill in some gaps there's a company that's doing trillions of dollars a year do they really care I mean you don't need a Global Knowledge but I'm trying to say that if I've got someone that's really perfect in every other way and I'm a company I'm just gonna pay to get them trained it's easy the tech Peaks is easy you can't train attitude you I mean you can but it's going to take forever but the point is you hire for attitude you hire for enthusiasm you hire for the person we can train skills that networking thing showed me you learned Tech well anyway so much better than the last time we did this by about 500 percent so you're almost almost there let's just what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to focus on the book routing TCP IP I'm Jeff Doyle and the book internet routing architectures why because you did so good that I want to take that routing knowledge to the ccie level rallying knowledge which I think if you read those two books I'm wrath which you can do in about three weeks I think you do that you're going to come across really well on these infrastructure pieces meaning the the pieces that are lacking are bgp and traffic engineering of bgp which is in that and I'd probably want you to know a little bit more about ospf too because I didn't go there but if I asked you what a type 1 LSA is versus a type 2 versus a Type 3 versus a Type 4 versus a type 5 versus a type seven would you know ospf type one I was just learning it I don't think I would be able to recall it at this moment yeah I just heard about the Taiwan type 2 type 3. well let's see if I can remember it's been 25 years so in ospf we have several types of lsas or link State advertisements what happens is routers send the status of all other links to every other routers and then when the routers take up they have a status of all their links they build a table and then they run a shortest pass first calculation now when we're dealing with the predominant link state routing protocol that we're using it's called ospf or open shortest paths first and what happens is these routers send information about their links now inside of area zero which is the backbone of the network we're going to have all of these lsas and we're going to learn about the links in all parts of our Network so we're going to have type 1 and type 2 lsas which are really about the routers and the links themselves inside of our area so a type 1 and a type 2 links data advertisement are really detailed information about ever every subnet inside of my area Now a type 3 LSA in ospf is a summary LSA that are related to routes learned from additional areas amrath a Type 4 LSA describes where our autonomous system border router exists which is where we take external routes and we actually what do you call them redistribute them into ospf externally learned routes or type 5 lsas and type 4 lsas teach us how to reach how to get to the type 5 LSA of course we have something called the type 7 LSA amaranth which is really a type 5 LSA then it's in a stub type area which is not allowed to have type 5 lsas we created a new rule to allow a type 7 LSA which is just a type 5 LSA under a new name to break another rule so keep that in your mind I'm wrath there's your ospf lsas because that could pop up on your infrastructure architect questions yeah I'm half of them I'm able to recall it like would you say a router LSA first or the network LSA link State advertisement that I may start getting it but I'm not able to fully recover all of the seven of them thank you those two books that I told you and you will have no problem and I bet you could Master those Topics in three weeks because you picked up so much so fast in the last month so if you keep up what you've done the last month you're you're pretty darn close great job Emma excellent excellent excellent so one question I would ask you like for example if I would hire you to the company what like how can it be uh like what are the what are the goals that you have and how can I be contributing it I just want to see like what are the goals that you have and then then they can how can I help you to the company if you want to like have a job yeah we're gonna we're gonna talk about that question to close the interview there's a couple questions to close the interview and win the interview in the end yeah we're gonna get there um um when somebody asked I'm I'm saving that for the end because that is such a critical piece of information and I want everybody out there getting Cloud hired we're in the middle of this great resignation where people are quitting their jobs in this creating job opportunities everywhere so I want people to get as much information as possible and if I put it out now people might not catch all the interviews and I want people to get experience so I'm holding it till the end um being a little cryptic there that way now I just really want everybody to learn as much as possible thank you thanks a lot for your time you're welcome amrath excellent all right so I'm just gonna say it out there he's come a long way that's that was so good I was so happy I'm so excited I guess I guess I'll bring him back on screen since I'm talking about it but yeah that was that you've that was great yeah it's really like what like 25 weeks I'm counting it and then now I'm I'm just having a cloud engineering understanding and a networking understanding after I see Mike I understand the cloud so like it's it's it's it's it's kind of odd because we all learn at our own pace and it's like we learn we learnly we learn we learn and then one day it all makes sense we're confused confused and then we're not and it's the weirdest thing it happened to me in medicine it happened to me in networking you really did good with that and even I'm pushing myself to become a like solution architect because I'm learning about Cloud uh I'm getting the confidence about cloud like total Cloud building the cloud and understanding your networking so I'm just saying how can why do they become a like Cloud solution I deserve start pushing myself reading your book so and also you are referring those book I'm going to update those TCP but I see that it's a huge book but I'll manage to learn those networking part very well yeah and if you have to take if you have to skimp on one just read the book internet routing architectures from basam halabi I've read it at least 30 times in my career um I should have it here but unfortunately I gave it to one of my students who became a major product architect at Cisco who now has a very senior role at z-scaler um but uh he got my last copy all right I have to buy another yeah that that was great that was great all right so uh so the next one we've got um is uh Evita I'm not sure if she is uh if she's still there all right perfect oh wonderful Aveda is a returner so you can go a little bit less easy on her I recognize I recognize Evita's voice so I think Avita is an EMT is actually the last one before we get into the uh the the end questions that we talked about yes okay so Avida thank yous for so much for flying into Florida today it's so nice to see you how are you today I'm doing great thank you for asking how about yourself doing absolutely wonderful it's a Friday and I'm gonna get to see my cat today my cat's been looking to be played with all day I've got some special treats so I'm really excited so thank you so much for coming in let me tell you a little bit about our company of Evita and Evita I want you to watch and listen from our last experience I'm I recently founded a cloud Consulting organization now I didn't plan on this organization growing anything like it happened see I've been working in Tech now for 25 years what I noticed was that there were people that wanted to do cloud computing and there's so many benefits that their businesses could achieve but everybody was just so confused by this cloud computing there's two or three companies in the cloud space and they have marketing teams that think about how they can confuse people all the time they make up words like impaired networking or elastic compute cloud or simple storage solution and it makes it so hard for the customer to know that they're dealing with object storage for example or just a virtual machine so what we do is we make cloud computing simple Avida we work with our customers to take complicated things and make it as simple as possible so customers can focus on their business instead of focusing on learning meaningless marketing terms so that's really our specialty so we work really hard Evita we do a lot of writing the Vita we do a lot of presentations of Vita and what's really important for us is relationship development we will tell our customers no if we don't have the right solution for our customers if a customer wants to buy something and it's sub-optimal we will recommend against it and we often 20 percent of the time tell the customers that we don't have the right solution because it matters so much to us to be trusted by our customers and to do right by our customers so Evita tell me about yourself absolutely well first and foremost I appreciate the opportunity to meet with you today and thank you for giving me some more insight on your company my name is Eva Evita and I am a extremely passionate professional when it comes to being able to present design Solutions as it relates to improving my company I have a healthcare background and so I have tons of experience when it comes to presenting information to increase the outcomes that my company and team is able to perform excellent so you mentioned Health Care um you know that sounds odd are there any lessons you could have learned from Healthcare that might make you better in technology because it seems pretty far away absolutely that's a great question that you brought up and in my opinion I've actually seen that it serves as an advantage as a healthcare professional it is my responsibility to assess a certain or current situation design a solution for said situation and then execute that solution through implementated implemented systems from the technology standpoint what we do all day is we assess current situations look at how we can create improvements and design structures that reflect that and so if anything my Healthcare experience is actually serves as an asset because I have years of experience being able to do so you know I never thought of that so what you're saying is in healthcare you're Consulting by starting to the with a customer and trying to design a solution to make them healthier is that what I heard you say absolutely and it all starts with that first step of communication you mentioned that you notice that there's a lot of confusing jargon that occurs at the beginning stages of these conversations and consultations and so as a healthcare professional I have years of experience with taking complex ideas and communicating in simple terms so that both parties can be on the same page easily and more quickly yeah I really like that you know I never thought of it but it sounds like you're doing architect work this whole time that's really really interesting so let's talk about the architect problems that we have what happens when you've got a person that in healthcare for example that doesn't want to take a medication or we have people since you're trying to say they're the same that just look at something and they look at the price tag and they really don't understand you know that the cost of a million dollars if it gives them 10 million dollars in business value they're earning 9 million so have you had any how to do any kind of sales in health care or any kind of convincing of people in healthcare and if so how could you use that in technology absolutely day to day the healthcare industry incorporates the skills of being able to convince and also influence decisions specifically I've experienced patients where I've had to influence their decision to improve their medication management as well as their adherence and how that translates to technology is that I would be able to sit down with who I'm Consulting with and give them a chance to assess their current state but also paint a very clear picture on why my suggested implementation would serve them best because it all comes down to how can we create the best outcome and it is my job and privilege honestly to be able to facilitate the movement towards the best outcome whether that be for the patient or whether that be for the consultant opportunity that we have in technology both sides of that allow me to implement the best outcome specifically for that situation I really like that so let's get a little bit to the tech um tell me the the tech area of technology that you're most comfortable with I'm currently most comfortable with the cloud side of the tech as it relates to architectural designs okay so let's talk about some of these Technologies so let's say we want to make a three-tier website what's involved in that assuming we need more than one web server and more than one app server literally everything necessary to make it happen great question so I understand that your question is what would be required for us to create a three to website now why that is something that is one of that while that is something that is on my study list as I am expanding myself in my education I at this point in time have a limited amount of information to answer that question however from the grand scheme of things I understand that it's important to have a clear plan for the layer that will be required in ordering to complete that three-tier process okay have you worked with any other Technologies in the cloud um since if we're not dealing with web stuff have you dealt with other things at this point in time I am preparing myself to be a part of future Cloud projects and so being that I am currently studying and expanding that that is something that I am currently working on however I'm super excited in being able to gain more insight and gain more wisdom so that I can effectively create functional Solutions and designs okay um tell me why I should hire you great question you should hire me because my ability to add value when it relates to taking complex Concepts and translating them into Simple Communications and Designs it's super important that the core root of our goal for our clients is clearly and succinctly communicated and because of my years of experience in doing so I'm able to bring that asset and that value to push through with the proposed suggestions that we will have for future clients okay Aveda you know I have a junior associate Cloud architecture position and what this is is we're going to take somebody and we're going to put them into an intensive training program for about six months I don't think you're quite ready for my regular program but I could pop you in this program it uh it is a much more Junior job but it does come with a much more Junior pay but we'll be with you for six months straight we'll put you in classes eight hours a day and when you're done these classes you'll be working as a cloud architect would you be interested in pursuing something like that with us absolutely I appreciate that offer and I'm really excited to be able to expand in that opportunity so thank you I eagerly look forward to it okay wonderful so what I'm going to do here as a video is as follows I really liked you everything about you is exactly everything that I need on my team except you just don't have the tech skills just yet but in good conscious I don't want to take someone that's as likable as you with all those other great skills and just let you leave I feel like you could be an asset for our company but we're going to need to train you and Mentor you first so if you'd be willing to join our associate Cloud architect program I'll I will I'll call the people on that team I'm going to recommend you I'm gonna get the ball rolling in HR to start the process if you'd be interested in that absolutely I absolutely would thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you okay so let's talk about this so 20 some years ago I interviewed someone I'll call him Abby it's not his real name it's another Israeli name and Avi came in and interviewed he was that likable in every way he told me about himself he convinced me that he had all the capabilities when I asked him some basic technical questions he couldn't answer them you know what I hired Avi um I went to my buddy Gary I said Gary you interview Avi uh Gary interviews Avi I interview Avi the two of us look at each other and we both say how do we hire him we have to hire him we're gonna have to go convince Devendra and we hired him a year later he was a senior engineer now he is the CEO of a company and he distributes Chromebooks to the developing world I'm super proud of Avi so when you find someone you interview them that's so good you're going to try and find some place to put them so I love the way Avida answered those questions she did extremely good extreme likability now Evita I'll give you a couple of pieces of advice that you can be thought of as a more senior person try not to use words like tons so don't say I have tons of experience you can say I have vast experience or significant experience try to avoid that now the other thing that I would say is you said in your opinion there's an expression that opinions are like something everybody has them and none of them are great so I won't go into that I would try not to use opinion you might say in my professional judgment or you could say in my professional opinion but try to avoid the use what use the word opinion it doesn't really fit in the professional World unless you say professional judgment or professional opinion so they advise doctors and lawyers not to use the word opinion um for those reasons it's just not as strong so trying to keep that in mind Evita absolutely that makes a lot of sense and I agree now something I saw you do today Evita really really made me happy the last time we did this I started reading a book now today I wanted to see how fast you learned so what I did is I gave you a spill about my company and you know what you did you read it all right back to me in the tell me about yourself and that was it I was sold so that was the kind of adaptability and Agility that we're talking about that was perfect every time I mentioned something you listened and you responded and you fed it back to me that was perfect did you feel the difference yes I did I was being mindful on ensuring that I highlighted what you're looking for and I Like About You Who advises to your advantage the description so that we can use that digest it meditate on it and then spit it back out in a way that highlights us being a um a a uh how can I say a good investment is really what I'm trying to say as far as them hiring us so yeah I agree because you did really good so and when we when we when we talk about some interview skills for the day we're going to sum that up but that approach that paying attention that being mindful that listening and repeating back was flawless for all of us the only thing that was missing was the tech so the reason I picked a three-tier website just to let you know is it's pretty basic most people should know they need an internet gateway with a public IP address they need a network load balancer or an application load balancer with a public IP address they need a couple servers that are with private IP addresses behind the load balancer then they'll need another load balancer and then they'll have a couple app servers and then they'll have a database or they'll have a database with read replicas or a database with read replicas and some caching or a database with some read route list caching and queuing but you know it's pretty much the same situation so the point is is you answered that well you didn't Bluff you didn't lie to me if you had I got to tell you right now I'd have been done but you answered in an honest way now what you could have done a little better Evita is you could have redirected me to what you knew so instead of saying you know I'm just beginning your journey which was good when you say you're just beginning your journey you make me feel you're not ready to be hired but if what you would have done instead it's if you would have said you know I haven't worked a lot on websites but I really know a lot about firewalls or IDs IPS systems or whatever point me to what you know in that way it doesn't end or I don't start going in my own question hell tell me about uh what the community no export means in bgp you don't want me going there yeah so how do we determine which questions to ask on the interview well maybe we should talk about that in the end so hold on one minute so let's finish this with you Evita because you did super super good here super proud super excited you delivered everything I needed to know you convinced me you were the right person I liked your attitude I liked your energy I liked your enthusiasm I liked your passion if you had more Tech you would have been instantly hired but you didn't meet the requisite Tech so I found some other place to put you now mind you a lot of my people they go on an interview if they're I try to tell everybody not to interview for three to four months into my program because you know if people don't have four months they're not gonna have the skills and if they've never worked in Tech I wanted to wait six months until they're ready because I don't want people going on interviews and not winning but the point is is what you did today if you had done this on an interview with a big company most likely what would have happened is they would have asked you what other jobs you were interested in and they would have looked for other places to put you to interview because you did so good thank you I I receive thank you so much they would I would recommend you for other positions now if you had bluffed I wouldn't recommend you because can you trust someone that lies to you no no but you didn't lie which means I would have definitely tried to find someplace else to put you absolutely I appreciate that you're welcome so let's bring everybody back and let's start talking about a couple of things and let's think about being a cloud architect and why being a cloud architect is going to make us better at the interview okay so what do Architects do we start by Beginning by asking our clients what do they want right tell me about your business tell me about your goals tell me about your challenges what are you trying to achieve what are your competitors doing is that sales when a sales rep walks into an organization to sell a product do they ask these questions when you're on that interview what's the product that you're trying to sell you're selling a product you are on a sales call whether you know it or not what product are you trying to sell your services you're trying to sell you so start with the sales process what does the customer telling you what do they want if they tell you what they want and you are what they want your services get purchased so before the interview cyber stalk them look up the person on Facebook LinkedIn Twitter blogs YouTube figure out what you can find about the person figure out what they like create report as fast as possible as fast as possible so Avid is a an EMT I spent seven years as a paramedic if I was going to go interview with Evita oh I see you're an EMT wow that's so neat did you know that I worked as a paramedic for seven years now we've got something in common if people have something in common they have report and when you have report people are more likely to listen to everything that you said so and Chris could you take care of some of the questions um there's a gene that's asking about for example yes I am I'm doing it right now excellent thank you so keep that in mind really work to get that point across the customer may tell you so really listen what do we do in a sales call we ask the customer so we cyber stock to try and find information if we have recruiters that we're using along the way when the recruiter tells you about the hiring manager listen don't tune them out they're not babbling for a reason they're going to tell you what they want to hear listen why do we military use spies to get Intel why do we have snipers doing OverWatch and Recon to get into the better your recon is the better your Intel is the more likely you're going to be hired now as an architect we're going to sell how are we going to sell we're going to show that customer how they're the so where are the solutions or their challenges look at what Evita did did you see how she ended that did you hear the way Gabriel made me convinced that they were the solution to my problems do I have any question in my mind that Evita or Gabriel and the way they actually did it cares about my customers Avita just told me she didn't know the answer do I trust her to go to my customers and not do something that's wrong I do she just told me on an interview I don't know that means she's trustworthy she just hit and rang a big Bell on my list of requirements by being honest now in this case it was too big of a thing not to know but if it was something smaller I'd look right past it so I really like that now there's a couple things along the way when an interview is over here's a really good they're good you're always going to be asked questions do you have any questions now hiring managers told you to ask questions and everybody advises you ask questions to look interested I encourage you to be much more cautious about this post don't just ask questions to look interested I encourage you to ask questions that are going to help you get hired you might for example ask the hiring manager tell me what's important to you so that if I was part of your team I know that I could make sure tell me what's important to you so if I was part of your team I know that I could make you successful because if I'm on your team the goal is to help make you more successful find out what's what they want why is this so important if I asked you what is it you're looking for so I can help you be more successful you're more inclined to like me which means you're more inclined to hire me which is good but what else did that do I now know how to make that hiring manager happy now if I don't want to do what that hiring manager desires I don't want to take that job I know what it's going to be take to be successful the hiring manager just told me so if the hiring manager told me something that I don't want I need somebody that's going to be here 23 hours a day seven days a week if I don't want to do that I'm going to find that out right there I need someone that's a software developer I'm the software developer I'm an architect if this person tells me they want a software developer I don't want the job because I'm not going to be good at it I'm an architect I don't code I'm an architect an actual architect so the point is you need to know what's going to make the hiring manager successful so how do you approach it Recon find out what the hiring manager wants find out what the hiring manager likes learn as much as you can about the company if the company's bringing you in on an interview why are you there you're there to help the company meet its objectives meaning the company has a goal they have work to be done they have a problem and they're hiring people to help solve that problem hmm the higher Cloud Architects to sell business problems they hire people to do work to solve their own problems it's the same thing so I want you to think about it from the business perspective everything we do is about solving customer problems so if you're a really good architect a really good one and you're really good at assessing of information obtaining requirements and then selling them is that any different than the interview process seriously foreign I'll give you three jobs that I've had and I'll show you how they don't matter Mike goes to the internal medicine office today I'm practicing Internal Medicine I haven't practiced internal medicine for a couple years so I've got my damn bro five minute clinical consult which is what everybody uses in the medical Industries so I'm ready to go to my medical office for the day my first patient comes in they come into the office and say Mike my back hurts I say okay Mr patient tell me what makes it better tell me what makes it worse etc etc next I examine my patient and make a diagnosis and I say guess what you need an anti-inflammatory and physical therapy here's the diclofenac extended to release 100 milligrams daily see me in two weeks if you don't feel better I did that as medicine now I'm going to be a Management Consultant for the day and I've done that too Mr CEO nice to meet you today tell me about your business let me evaluate I've looked at your financial statements and I've noticed yeah we're concerned about this we really want to increase sales we're thinking about a new website to do it okay Mr customer um I also noticed by reading your financial statements it looks like you're having a hard time getting parts yes we are if we can figure out a way to optimize our supply chain okay ding ding ding ding ding okay now do I know I've got to increase sales and optimize as a supply chain I'm a Management Consultant what do I do as a Management Consultant I then think of how can I do it business process re-engineering can I call Some Cloud architect to design Some Cloud solution that's going to do it and that's what I do as a Management Consultant okay now I'm the cloud architect I go back to that same customer tell me about your business tell me about your pain points what are you trying to achieve what are your customers doing let me craft you a solution no whether it's a new website whether it's a new form of consulting or whether it's a workflow redesign or another ice machine it doesn't matter what are we doing we're solving the customer problem with something so what we're doing what we Architects do is solve it if we're working in Cloud security we're solving the security problem if we're working in Cloud infrastructure we're building the underlying pipelines for the data to run if we're working in cloud data we're analyzing data but the point is is no matter what we do it all goes back to the same business goal how do we as business strategists Architects management Consultants doctors make our patient better and whether that patient is a business or whether that patient is a client for which there's a new business process or whether you are an architect designing a new solution it's all the same want to know the difference between a hundred thousand dollar architect and a four hundred thousand dollar architect it's the ability to really optimize that business to connect with that executive and truly change the customer environment that's the difference between a hundred thousand dollar technical architect and a four hundred thousand dollar Enterprise architect or Cloud architect it's the ability to change your customers business so go out there and be the best cloud architecture you can be you want to be a solution architect Cloud architect an Enterprise architect go do it you're looking for that solution architect job go do it it's good for you that cloud architect job go do it we are in the middle of the great resignation everybody's leaving their jobs right now and there are more opportunities that are out there than you can possibly imagine so we want to do everything we can for you so let me let you guys know of a few really great things we're releasing a new completely free AWS certified solution architect professional book my team of amazing cloud architect students some of which you see on this call and I all from different backgrounds and many many other Cloud Architects Network Architects ccies and others we all added about 250 pages of additional content and we're going to have another AWS certified solution architect professional book for your download completely completely free next month we're going to do some Cisco networking training free to help all of you learn networking I think it should be next month on my team better knows better than me we're going to do some Azure one coming sometime soon really fast as well to make sure that you guys all know the cloud so you now know what we do you know that we have our Cloud architect career development program which is really how we build Cloud Architects we also have some interview coaching so what questions do you have for me from the people in the audience I want you all to get Cloud hired so ask any questions because we want to get you hired so there was uh there's a question here if I didn't put it back up here we go so is taking notes and drawing an interview advisable well it depends if you have a nice little leather folio with a nice pen in there and you're taking down some notes it might be appropriate under certain times but you got to be really careful and you've got to be looking at the person because they've got to feel that you're connected to them so there are occasions where it's appropriate and there are occasions where it's not if you're asking the hiring manager you know tell me about what would make you successful that would be a good time to write things down that has a rule in a client meeting you're going to be writing constantly on a notepad not a computer a notepad but in an interview you really want to be paying attention because if you're not listening and paying attention you won't be able to do what Evita did where she was able to hear everything I told me in Roger town and I'm going to tell you like when when you guys say things and I go try and take my paper notes I stop listening while I'm writing so listen more on the interview but great question I know there's a few more questions yeah so uh figure it would be a good idea we can let uh let all of our guests go I feel like we're holding them hospitals we'll let them go so that we can have you on screen to answer any incoming questions so I wanted to make sure we thank everybody that supporting us today I know it's not uh it's not easy to get up there in front of thousands of people uh no and so uh definitely thank you thank you guys thank you guys but if you did it in public in a highly stressful environment imagine how much easier this is going to be when you're in the real thing and it's just you and somebody on the other end of the screen not 779 people yeah yeah so thank you great job everyone thank you very proud of all of you all right second we'll let uh we'll let all of y'all leave and uh we'll let Mike take the front here for any questions we have so I think um you you answered the question about um about how to handle the end of the interview um you answered it kind of briefly as part of a kind of a closing uh closing comments I think so uh maybe spend a few minutes talking specifically about that in a singular vacuum about the end of the day sure and sure and then I think it was uh fopi Davis that we want to give a an answer to very very quickly as well yes I'll let you answer uh fopay and then we'll do the end of the interview okay so let's sew fopi Davis is the crowd architect career development program suitable for some with no idea experience absolutely Phoebe Davis so I run this program and I take my students in under two circumstances circumstance one they have no background in Tech in which case we take them to this program and we keep them for about eight months because it takes approximately eight months for us to take somebody with no Tech background and get them hired as a cloud architect this week we had one of our students uh Romanek that that got hired it was actually last week for AWS he hasn't even graduated college yet and he already has a job with them as a solution architect so no-tech background hired by AWS and he starts us and as he finishes his school so you know there's that so yes we have lots of people that come in um I started in medicine and switched over to Tech I've got lots of people the career switch it's no big deal regardless of what your background is but fopi Davis it takes me about 16 weeks for people that have worked in Tech before and it takes me about 24 to 32 weeks to get someone hired that's never been in Tech before but we can do it I did it and we do it every single day of the week we take people that have not worked in Tech before we transition them to Cloud architect careers all the time and we can happily and we'd be thrilled to help you too Philippi Davis can can anybody guarantee you a job I can't guarantee anything and the reason I can't make any guarantees is as follows I can't guarantee that you'll come to class I have had 10 of my people buy my class that never show up not even a single time even with us calling them saying please come to class so if you become part of a program and you do the work you will get hired but I can't guarantee that you will do the work when we started the program I used to call everyone and say don't do this don't sign up don't sign up don't sign up unless you're really going to do the work and you know what happened was I tried to scare people away and the people that I didn't scare away all got hired immediately after their training program so the key is if you will do the work you will be hired we do it every day last week we had ran who's one of my students that's debating between two job offers the day has right now we had a romanik that got a job for AWS he posted it today and we had one of my students that got a 275 000 job last week so right now the whole point is we have a lot of people to do it and it's not a problem but I can't guarantee that you're going to show up for class I can't guarantee that you're going to do the work so because of that I have no control over what other people do but it will tell you that every day one of my students sends me a thank you note for being hired and the only reason I do this is because I like getting people caught hired otherwise I was retired and I'd stay retired I wouldn't be working 16 hour days seven days a week I'm coming out of retirement I'm doing it to get you guys all cloud hard because I saw a lot of certification materials that were out there that mentioned the name of the service and how to configure it I interviewed a thousand people that bought those training programs those certification programs and none were hirable so I had to come out of retirement when I get all you guys Cloud hired and I'm going to go back go back to retirement I'm going to go to Jamaica and practice Ashtanga Yoga on the beach all day long and listen to reggae so that's my plan but only after you guys are all Cloud hired time for me to train the next generation of Technology leaders I've done my 25 years time for you guys to take over and change the world with technology Chris you want to bring in the next question yes perfect so like I said this is the how to handle the end of the interview again just to so we've got it into the back in a singular vacuum so Cloud architect and if you are how I think you are um great question I like to ask the client what is important to them so that if I was part of their team I know I could make them successful so I like to ask that and that's really the key for me is I want to know that they're successful but you can ask them for things that are strategically important to the company you can ask things that are strategically important into the manager what I don't want you to ever ask is to tell me about work-life balance no hiring manager cares so don't ask work-life balance if you do the interview might be over you could ask what someone does throughout the course of a day but if you do can you say could you tell me approximately what people typically do in this job so that I can make sure that if I were to do this I could be very successful and deliver a good job for you always put it back into the hiring manager what is in it for them same thing with your resume don't have an objective on it which says what you want out of the relationship have an executive summary which shows what you can do for the customer so it's really all about what you can do for the customer how do I help the customer that is the key that is the secret and that's what it's going to take to get you Cloud hired so Cloud architect um if you've got another question related to that please ask it um because I'd love to answer it but I think I answered your question here so those are the typical things that I typically ask at the end and give me just a second to get the next one right there yeah I'm having to scroll back now and we do see Cloud security as well so all right [Music] okay here we go here's a great question how do you provide interview coaching for Azure solution architect absolutely our interview coaching program works for this so I'm going to say this that we do provide interview coaching and we are very good at it and I've done it for 20 years and I've been highly successful getting people hired through interview coaching now I'm also going to tell you the second thing that I'm even more excited about I can and will do interview coaching and you can purchase an interview coaching session through me on my website but what I did is because I've done so much interview coaching and I've interviewed 5 000 people a thousand of which are Cloud architects I know what it takes to win I work with a really good I.T recruiting firm that I use to hire a lot of my students it excel in New York City there's 20 recruiters and they've been in business for 20 years and their recruiters have been there for 20 years each I collaborated with them so they have 20 recruiters 20 years each which is 400 years experience plus my 20 years experience so 400 years experience and over 25 000 interviews and we have a tech interview Mastery Program which is half of the cost of just a single one hour consult with me so if you're interested Chris from my team will pop a link to that course heck Crest add a coupon um whatever our best coupon is so that people can use that on that course and pop that to the to the to the to the chat box as well so the answer is yes and we also teach every cloud when we work with our students because we don't feel it's sufficient to know one Cloud you have to know them all now you only need one certification but you really need to know what is the cloud so we teach the cloud and we recommend you learn the cloud this way strip out all the marketing terms they're irrelevant know what a virtual machine is know what a network load balancer is know what an application load balancer is no in depth when to use like a network load balancer versus an application load balancer know how storage Works etc etc so when you design an architecture first you're going to interview the client then you're going to figure out what the old gold state is then you're going to figure out the tech and what is the tech virtual machine load balancer no SQL database object storage firewall ideas you're going to map out that type and then what do you do then you just go to your cloud provider and figure out which Services you're purchasing from the store if you're on AWS and you need a firewall you could use Waf or you could get a Gateway load balancer go to the marketplace and get two Palo Alto firewalls that's what I would do but you know what you could do the same thing on Azure you would get an Azure load balancer and you would load balance two virtual appliances oh wait you could go to Google and get a cloud load balancer and buy the same two Palo Alto firewalls it doesn't change so don't learn the name of the service learn the cloud don't learn to drive a Honda and then get another certification for a Toyota and another one for a Chevy another one for a Ford learn how to drive the car this is the steering wheel this is the gear shifter this is the key this is the accelerator this is the brake do it that way you'll always be employed on the cloud so just kind of keep that in mind because I want you to be super super successful and yes we absolutely absolutely do Sandy you presented taught lessons and spoken in front of many people in church many times excellent Is it wise to mention when asked about the presentation skills and interviews so Sandy this is a tough one so in the business world I always advise against talking about money politics or religion because they can divide us Genetically speaking of Sani we are 99.9 the same which means somebody living in Greece versus someone living in South Africa versus living in Hong Kong versus New York City they're genetically 99.9 percent the same which means we're really only one person 99.9 genetically the same between us but I don't like talking about money politics or religion because that can make those of us that are 99.9 the same look completely different on something that's only this miniscule so would it be appropriate to say you've done a tremendous amount of presentations yes could you say that you commonly present to a large Auditorium the answer is yes and I would definitely definitely say that I would try to necessarily not talk too much about the type of religious organization that it was so you could say that you know you're a member of the church or a pastor and you constantly present totally appropriate mention the church very little or the synagogue very little or the mosque very little and mention the presentation piece a whole lot so Sani I love it but I generally look for things that bring us closer together as opposed to create divisions so religion can be one of those things so just be really cautious because it's very valuable experience just be careful how you do it and then Chris if you want to bring in the next question because that's really great experience srinatha ready how do we keep up with the latest trends and practices in cloud computing um srinatha I'm going to tell you how right now when you develop really strong fundamentals really really strong they'll always be up to date what if I told you saritha that everything that AWS has invented in the last year is all 30 year old technology that I've worked with since 1996 that there's been no advancements whatsoever that everything new is related to a new version of the old thing so let's think about this in virtualization was invented by IBM and the 70s for their mainframes so virtualization which is the foundation for cloud computing is 50 years old where was virtualization used before server virtualization virtual lands virtual switches so virtualization which is the main thing of cloud computing is 50 years old no we've been working with cloud computing Technologies I have since 1996. the first Cloud I worked with in networking was frame relay the next Cloud I worked with was ATM then I worked with the RFC 2547 Cloud then I worked with the vpls cloud so cloud is old it's not new it's just now we're sticking our servers there not just our Network stuff there so pretty much it's the same the next thing that I would tell you saritha is that everything new is old so last month AWS released East-West routing which is the ability to route between subnaut Cisco introduced that in 1980 AWS created a new feature called Transit Gateway that allows for transitive routing Cisco did that 30 years ago with the bgp route reflector so serenith and when I look at all the new trends it's the same thing I've worked with for 30 years now SQL databases are 30 40 50 years old relational databases MySQL is old it's not new so the only thing that really trained with Sarita for us is the implementation so you know realistically speaking it's pretty easy to do so if your fundamentals are good you're going to see that almost everything is a new version of an old thing when I go to the AWS re invent it's like okay did that in 1990 92 96 98 2000 yep these are all the same oh wait this is kind of cool this like the recycle bin okay we now have a recycle bin on storage how do you keep track of that how do you keep attacker to the trend Microsoft did that in 1995 so like you know it's not new so it's if you're not coming from a networking in the data center background it's all new and it's scary like if you were a software developer it's all new because it's not what you've worked with but for we networking and data center people the cloud is just really really old Tech it's the same Tech we worked with for the last 30 to 50 years and really what we're doing saritha ready is we're actually trying to get the cloud to be almost as mature as the data center so I figure in about five years the cloud will keep up with the data center and all this data center and networking people be like okay now we have to learn something but that's how I keep up with it I do have friends that are Executives at every major cloud provider I do have students that I've trained at every major cloud provider that always tell me about the new things but all in all there used to be a song Meet the new boss same as the old boss new Cloud old cloud it's all the same build your fundamentals and then you'll always know what to do can you cara Carl this is a good question is there a certain area of the country or world where Cloud Architects are more in demand yes so what you'll always find Kenya despite the fact that these are can be remote jobs is there's always going to be big pockets of tech and you're going to find a lot of that in the New York Metro and that includes New Jersey and Connecticut you're going to find a lot of it in Research Triangle Park Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill North Carolina you're going to find a big Tech pocket that's going to be in Atlanta Georgia now it looks like we're going to be getting a big Tech pocket in Florida because all of California and New York is moving here so I see Florida up and coming we're not here just yet but you know I see that as up and coming in Texas um we have Austin which is where California is fleeing to so that's big but we also have the Dallas and Richardson area huge protect we have San Jose California we have San Francisco we have Seattle Washington and that kind of area there are typical big Tech spots in the U.S in Canada we've got uh uh Toronto Mississauga kind of area we also have Calgary and we also have Ottawa there are three big tech places England well there's lots of tech um Europe your big your big countries you know are obviously being on Tech now I'm seeing a lot of investment going on in South Africa right now as well as Nigeria and Cameroon so I would expect to see a lot more things there obviously India's big for Tech um and uh Asia as well so they're kind of the biggest Pockets where I actually see most things in biggest Demand right now great question there can you Carl onichigo that's a great one while the cloud architect role is separate from the engineering role it still appears you have to acquire engineering expills skills to explain the function of the technology this is an interesting one Ichigo because sometimes being an engineer can make you have a hard time being an architect so I got to tell you Oni I've trained both people with zero Tech background and big Tech backgrounds and I don't know which is easier to train if I have someone that's an engineer they have the technical piece absolutely but the engineer's focus is in all the wrong places which causes it makes it very hard to transition someone from being an engineer to being an architect and here's why an engineer's work is extremely detail-oriented and it has to be if any of you have ever looked through a camera lens or a telescope you're going to know what the architect job is and I think I can do this I think I've done this with my students I think I can do this with you so let's let's take a picture of my beautiful beautiful little girl Cindy and right now we're going to zoom in on her beautiful eyes so right now we can see my cat Cindy look at those beautiful eyes now this is where the engineer lives right now all you can see is the cat's eyes this is where the engineer is they're zoomed in now right now all you see is eyes and if you're an ophthalmologist for a cat this is really good but what if you need to know about the whole cat you need to be zoomed out so the architect needs to see the big picture this beautiful little girl here where the engineer needs to be zoomed in so what happens is the engineering does give you the Strategic advantage that you know the tech which is great but in engineering World your whole life is spent thinking about how do I build it how do I configure it right that's what they do that's what Engineers do and we Architects don't build anything and we don't configure anything either we Architects focus on the business world so what happens is when you train to be an engineer you're training every you're training to be not a non-architect you're training yourself to get deep into the weeds so when when I take people that are engineers and I want to make them become Architects you know what we have to do we have to strip a lot of the certifications off of the resume we have to strip some of the tech experience we have to turn the tech experience to relevant experience so when someone's talking about you know setting up containers we need to talk about them designing the container orchestration mechanism as opposed to building the containers the engineer builds the container the architect builds the design so you do need to have the technical skills so there's an architect code no there's an architect configure no there's an architect build no but they will still ask you on the interview have you done this and because they're going to ask you have you done this you have to have done at least from an engineering perspective so whether you do it in a lab or whether you do it on the client site you do need to know the tech so the architect is 50 Tech 50 executive so you're kind of like a weak Cloud engineer on a senior business leader all mixed into the same person so what do you need to know you don't need the cloud engineering skills of terraform you don't need the cloud engineering skills of python you don't need the cloud engineering skills or the maintenance like sysops you don't need the cloud engineering skills of any development but you do need to know how the pieces and parts work together and what each and every part does that is absolutely critical so keep kind of keep that in mind so yes you do need to understand the technical things I don't consider them engineering skills engineering skills are CLI skills engineering skills are Management console skills I need to have the technical skills of an architect which is design now why do I say they're not related architecture is how it works together as a system engineering is how this works so as Architects you need to see my whole cat Cindy the engineer needs to work on the cat's eye and needs to be zoomed into the eye I need to take the big picture and because of the big picture I need to do that so just keep that in mind Carl Jr have I seen more Cloud architectural roles in the in the cleared space well I don't really know what the cleared space is um but I will tell you I see a lot of architecture roles I think the last time we checked there were a hundred thousand unfilled positions for just Cloud Architects it was some ridiculous number like that and that's just in the US I'm sure it's much higher after the great resignation that was before this so lots and lots of uh address space now I don't know what you mean by cleared space but you will see Cloud architects in the public sector you will see them in them in the private sector you will see them everywhere V nhg what Consulting agencies want with solution Architects oh what do they want with them okay do they send them out like career placement no so vnhg what is a cloud architect it is a consultant so Consulting companies hire Cloud Architects when I work at a consulting company as a Management Consultant I design a new business architecture which is new business processes new ways to do things now those same big four Consulting companies bearing Point Accenture McKinsey etc etc they also solve customer problems how do we Architects and strategists solve customer problems new business process or new technology so why would an Accenture have a technology Consulting division because they're Business Consultants and Business Consultants realistically speaking um have to make a business better now whether you make it better with a process a cupcake or a technology solution it doesn't matter you're dealing with the same thing so kind of keep that in mind that's what they do they send them out as consultants and they bill them out for four to six hundred or eight hundred dollars an hour for hourly work for design work that's what they do so kind of keep that um Carl Jr you asked a question about security clearance there's going to be much more jobs and then non-security clearance space because where you think about it who employs the majority of the people not the US government so you security clearance jobs are typically government jobs or military jobs and there's lots of them it's always good to have security clearance and it can be an asset now having said that some of the jobs that require you to have security clearance don't pay you anywhere near as well as the private sector jobs so getting security clearance is an asset it's a good thing to do but keep in mind it's by someone that you know it's an extra hoop and most cases you know government jobs are not going to pay you what Goldman Sachs with data actually optimize their system so kind of keep that in mind security clearance is definitely helpful and uh these are really really great things wonderful BN HD one of these days I'm going to actually know your name then since I see you coming to A lot of these things it's hard to match the names sometimes with who people are but thrill thrilled thrilled oluso does age matter yes thinking of becoming cloud services after about 16 years in I.T good so Olu Sol Chris from my team will pop in a link in the description below age does matter and you can get hired at any age now I will tell you if you're between 30 and 60 it'll be much easier to get hard as a cloud architect than if you're less than 30. 40 to 50 is the perfect easiest age to get someone hired but anywhere between 30 and 65 is acceptable 30 and 60 is the is good 45 to 55 is your sweet spot now we can get you hard if you're younger but here's the thing the architect is a strategic advisor generally speaking I don't go to a 20 year old to give me strategy because the chances are they don't have a lot of life experience at the time for strategy so the 20 year old life coach is typically not my first choice the 20 year old doctor is also not like typically my first choice but having said that when someone's young and I'm working with some young people one of my young people Romanek has been with me for four months and he just got hired by AWS and he hasn't even finished College yet so the point is is why did they hire him because he's well trained he's super smart he's highly motivated his personality attitude energy and enthusiasm is so great he's an asset to any organization and because he was so so so good they hired him but generally speaking it's easier when you're older because when you've been in tech for 10 years it's it looks like you've got some experience if you've been in management consulting for 10 years you've got experience just by being older helps you being a club architect because you're being an advisor and you know if you've coached the sports team that's made you a better Coach maybe you coach your kids sports soccer team but it's still something it's leadership experience maybe you've been through a few business Cycles you understand sales maybe you've had other careers so does age matter the answer is yes I can get older people hired and I can get younger people hired when we're older we learn slower but we have wisdom and experience and we're distinguished so when we're old we talk about our credibility and how we can help in our life experience and how that makes us a better architect When We're Young we'd be passionate energetic we come across like amrath he was young and excited he did great why he played to his strength so when you're young you played your energy enthusiasm passion and a speed of learning and you're a little more mature we play on wisdom being distinguished we're great at any age at any age we can do things there's never a good time there's never a bad time here's the key go out there and do it Chris if you want to bring in the next question can you Carl it sounds like you're saying that as Architects we need to be best friends and on very good terms with the engineers so they know all the details while we put it together for the client Kenya Carl the architect's most important skills are not their technical skills it's their communication skills their leadership skills their emotional intelligence their social skills their management skills so Kenya Carl yes you are 100 right but I want you to understand the management challenge here and why this is harder leadership than any other job in the world can you Carl let's say I hire somebody and they work for me I hired my cat Cindy to be the mouse Ritter my heart a cat and her goal job is getting rid of the mice and I pay her in fresh shrimp scallops and fresh tuna each day so I hired Cindy the cat to rid my community of mice so I manage Cindy if Cindy doesn't get rid of the mice I could potentially fire cindyola I can't fire my cat because I love her but potentially that's what I could do she's my employee Cindy's not getting the mice I hire a bigger cat dropped a bigger cat in my house and the bigger cat eats the mice so that's because the cat works for me no she does but let's pretend she did now Kenya I want you to really think about it this way the cloud Engineers don't work for you you report into one Department the cut Engineers work for another department now you've got to go find a cloud engineer that focuses on data a cloud engineer that focuses on security a cloud engineer that focuses on networking a cloud engineer that focuses on I am a cloud engineer that focuses on automation the cloud engineer that focuses on the maintenance and the cloud architect that's going to be focused on software releases the devops person the cloud engineer now can you've got to manage them all but none of them work for you and they're the key to you being able to deploy Your solution so Kenya your leadership skills are the most critical for this job so so so so so so critical your emotional intelligence skills your relationship building skills so yes it's not that you need to be best friends with the engineers but you have to have solid relationships with both the engineers but also their management because you're gonna here's what I do I get given a product project it's a big project now I gotta go design something there's no way that one person can design any of the projects that I get put on the projects that I get put on will take me a team of 50 Engineers six months just to even figure out what the customer has so now I've got to take Engineers for six months now do you think they just come to me I go over to the engineers and say hey buddy help me out hey you over here Jeff help me Sally clay thanks no if Blake Sally and Jeff work for Joe the manager and they don't do Joe's work they're getting fired by Joe so what do I have to do as an architect I need to be able to go to Joe Joe's manager Joe's manager's manager potentially up to the CEO of my own company to be able to borrow Joe's resources because Joe has a manager and Blake Sally and those other people if they don't do the work for Joe Joe's going to get fired so if I'm taking Joe's engineers I've got to provide air cover for Joe I've got to let Joe's manager know that Joe's not going to be doing his work because he's doing my work so I need Joe Madden's manager's permission and then Joe's manager's position if he doesn't deliver his work because Joe's people are doing it which means Joe's manager's manager is not going to deliver his manager will be mad with them so I might need to grease the skids go straight to the CEO of my company and work my way down to be able to get people to come work for me so not only am I borrowing these Engineers but somebody else is paying for them and I'm going to manage people that don't even work for me so Kenya Carl your sales skills your leadership skills your emotional intelligence that's what makes you successful in these jobs because you have to do all of that now I guess you could say why can't I learn it all I'm going to tell you right now you can't I've been in networking for 25 years I'm a Cisco certified internet expert one of the first ones my number is 7417 back when it was a two-day exam when everybody failed it and you know what I'm an expert on bgp and IP multicast do you know how much more there is to networking after 25 years I could spend the next Lifetime and three more lifetimes and still only learn networking and still have a lot to learn just networking the point is you can't know everything an expert knows a lot about something find the experts that give you the best Solutions Chris you want to bring in the next one what are the most important metrics in cloud computing customer profitability customer satisfaction Friday are Cloud Architects ever hired on short-term project bases absolutely constantly in fact you know there's two ways uh Friday last week I reached out to all you guys because my friend Christina wanted somebody to have a part-term cloud architect but most of you guys that were my students didn't want to take it because you guys are one of the full-time positions but I had a 12-month contract but yes Cloud Architects got hired for two month bases three month basis six-month projects one-year projects absolutely also many Architects like me do Consulting and we might just build ourselves for four to six hundred dollars an hour to do some Consulting for an organization we might go in we might consult for them for two weeks and be done so yes Cloud Architects constantly do short-term projects constantly lots and lots and lots of opportunities for you to do uh Consulting and a lot of great jobs so sure the nhg what is the most common app for cloud Architects to diagram and blueprint Solutions ooh well it depends at the status of your career so as Architects there's no hard and fast rule in the beginning of my career I used Microsoft physio some still use them I personally use lucidchart draw i o some people like me I do I do half of it in PowerPoint I'm just draw a box to represent things in PowerPoint and you know what I really do being nhg as many years as I've been an architect I basically take a piece of paper or a napkin I draw it I take a picture of it and I typically send it to my Graphics team to draw it for me so because I'm busy vnhd actually writing up the design the actual architecture of how it works and you know I'm going to be putting together a big design and a big presentation so I typically take a picture send it to the graphics people and they do it in Adobe InDesign and it looks really beautiful and really awesome and that's what I'm still doing right now so I'd say most common Vizio lucidchart draw IO but you know whatever you want to use you can use including napkin a piece of paper Microsoft PowerPoint anything you want virtual whiteboards okay bro so if architects should be better than a client with devops is it basically a customer service so Gabriel I never called it customer service customer service is when someone has a problem and make them happy um architecture is Consulting it's asking a client about their business and understanding about their business someone someone says you know top line revenue grew but earning but earnings decreased you know how to fix it or at least you can got guidance on there when someone says you know we need to increase our customer experience you know what to do about it when someone says we're having supply chain problems you know what to do with it when someone says they can't a a fine product they know what to do with it when someone's got partners and you want to communicate with them to enable better business communication you've got it to deploy you know collaboration Technologies so Architects need to be a million times better with clients than Engineers it's not customer service at all and I mean it's kind of more what a doctor does or what a Management Consultant does I mean I guess you can consider a doctor customer service Mr patient how are you today Mr Payson let me look in your throat Mr Payson will miss into your heart and lungs and make a diagnosis so you know um realistically think about it that way so just you know um it's not customer service now with devops and I've worked with devops Engineers if you take a devops engineer and you teach them how to present like an executive and then you teach them some emotional intelligence skills and then you teach them leadership skills and then you teach them presentation skills and then documentation skills you can add a hundred thousand dollars to the devops into your job too by focusing on the big high value things not certifications so the point is it's this is professional development the more professional developed are the better jobs and Architects are a hybrid between a business executive that asks a million or one questions and crafts a solution to solve a customer business problems customer service is who you call when you know you bought a phone and it's not working well and you're angry and you call customer service and they send you a replacement that kind of thing so um you know that's really the point it could be generate more revenue for the customer maybe it could be increasing sales maybe it could be increasing collaboration maybe it could be cutting costs maybe it could be accessing materials quicker we don't know because we haven't asked the business yet what their goals are but generating sevens could be good but it might not be the right thing what if growth is the great thing and generating savings is the wrong way to go we don't know until we ask the business and that's the key we must ask the business they are in charge they are in charge if there's any last questions the last question is from cloud architect how does a private address become a public IP address it never does a private IP address is specified in RFC 1918 which includes the 10.0.0 8 address space the 172 16-12 address base and the 192.168-16 address space now Cloud architect we could take a private IP address and we could translate it into a public IP address through something called nat Network address translation we could translate a private address to a public IP address but an address is part of RFC 1918 um the specifies private IP addresses will always be a private IP address and it will never be allowed on the public internet because it's a private address so great great question that's what we have not for are there any last questions from you all out there I think we've answered a lot of questions today I know I had a lot of fun I hope you guys all had a lot of fun I hope you guys all learned a lot um Leo it's so good to hear from you over there in Brazil thank you so much um Cloud Chris if you want to bring that up um do you need to know a lot of networking to be a successful Cloud architect with move as absolutely at minimum you should know the following you should know bgp you should know IP addressing which you should know subnetting super netting route summarization you should know not you should know private lines you should know encryption technology such as ipsec as well as ssltls you should know I mentioned that you should know switching you should know vlans you should know private vlans you should know spanning tree rapid spanning tree you should know all the forms of trunking ISL 802.1q you should be familiar with vlans and VLAN tagging and I do a 2.1 Q tags you should be familiar with q and Q tagging ethernet over mpls bgp um certain certain interior Gateway protocols such as ospf um you should be familiar with ARP proxy ARP DHCP and DNS just to begin so yes networking is critical because the cloud is just a network in a data center Cloud architect great point please walk through ipv4 subnetting and cider blocks so Cloud architect a few weeks ago we did a four hour sub netting Workshop Chris from my team will pop the link in the description below but I'm sure we'll do another one coming soon because lots of people like it and lots of people need help there so I will do another one very soon Chris is there anything else no but also please pop that in the try and find that link for the class this building workshop I am thank you uh Mr businessman uh we're so happy to help in so many ways Cinder so thank you so much so thrilled you participated Gabriel ccnap our CCNA is great and we're going to do a free CCNA training program next month to make sure that you guys know networking now we're going to do it more from an architecture perspective than just a certification perspective but we will walk you through lots and lots and lots of networking training because it's so critical I'm sorry that um so happy to work with you Leo oh it's always good seeing you Leo over there one of these days I've got to get to Brazil sometime really soon Derek thank you so much so if you're not a member if you can please subscribe hit the like button those kind of things that helps us out so much with the YouTube algorithm Marge and uh so happy to have you here always want love working with you Alonzo wow it's good to see you my good friend um great experience with both new and exciting students absolutely love it Sandy have a wonderful weekend am I working as a consultant Gabriel I worked as a consultant my whole life these days I don't have time for anything other than working with my students and when I'm not working with my students I swear I'm being interviewed by reporters from major magazines TV stations Global podcasts so you know my days are 100 full with my students doing and coaching and other things um look forward to working with you Abhijit feo it's always wonderful working with you thank you so much Cloud architect uh you're welcome and it's so good to see you and if you're who I think you are I'm so happy to see you Juan Ichigo thank you Mike I need to introduce my friends that are struggling with getting their foot in the door I have such a big heart thank you so much I really want to help them I'd be thrilled to help them along the way get their first Cloud I could take job this architecture role is such a good job you know I've had a lot of jobs in my career and I love it oh my God John Ojo it's so good to see you over there in England John's a really great networking guy um fopi uh thanks so much uh it's always good to speak to you okay everyone well happy Friday um yeah we we all have to thank Chris Chris is my Chief Operating Officer um Chris hears from me it we don't even want to know what time of the day um uh it's 11 o'clock at night and I have a thought and I know I won't remember it in the morning so I'm calling Chris at 11 o'clock at night and he puts up with it um so that I don't forget so we got to say thank you to Chris yeah I don't know if he noticed it but don't be copy your Handler okay Handler you know the reality is this Chris can I do this no uh you can no no no no you can't no okay while I have all you guys out here I've been thinking about it you know because I come from a healthcare perspective would you like me to bring in somebody and talk about how to stay healthy as a cloud architect because we sit at a desk all day long so we don't get pain and problems long term you guys want to hear about how to stay healthy because I've been thinking about bringing in a friend of mine that's you know really good for keeping desk workers healthy in any case I'm thinking about doing something like that coming really soon so Tech with mafaz we got to make you healthy we're going to keep you all healthy sounds great I will reach out to my friend Todd who knows maybe on Tuesday I'll see if we have some time to to come online and do a conversation I'll have to ask the Chris my Handler um he'll let me know so yeah we might be able to make that one happen and then we've been talking about we've been talking about trying to get down for a while yeah and I got a confirmation last night so let's try and talk about that so everyone have a wonderful weekend it's been a true honor and a pleasure to see you here thank you Chris for putting this together Chris has had all kinds of AdWords environment for his week he's driven all over the country he's been on four major trips in the last three weeks and he's still here for you so let's say thank you to Chris all right okay I'm still here have a nice weekend everybody bye take care everyone
Channel: Go Cloud Architects
Views: 2,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloud Architect Technical Interview, cloud architect training, Cloud Architect Career Guidance, Go Cloud Architects, Cloud Architect, how to get first cloud architect job, cloud architect interview, cloud architect interview demonstration, tech career interview training, cloud computing career training, tech career interview, how to interview in tech, how to ace a technical interview, solutions architect interview training, interview strategies for technology careers
Id: adFe9MTJIaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 25sec (12265 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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