Closing A $1,000/Per Month SMMA Client (Live Footage)

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I just started an agency from scratch to show you  guys what is possible with this business model in   just a small amount of time and the right work  effic and when I say from scratch I literally   mean from zero I didn't even have an agency name a  couple of days ago but since then we've built out   an offer we've crafted a service we've built all  of our brand assets build a lead list reached out   to 22 local companies via call calls and emails  and managed to secure five meetings with companies   and the first meeting is within the next half an  hour now if you haven't yet watched the previous   episodes of this series don't skip ahead go and  watch them first because I'm going to be giving   away this entire agency to one of you guys who  watched this series the mechanics of that giveaway   can be found underneath this video now as I said  I've got the first meeting in just half an hour   from now I need to do a little bit of prep before  it honestly I have no idea how the next couple of   days are going to go but I suppose that's all the  fun in this series I'm going to show you the good   and the bad and give you a realistic expectation  and show you guys what is actually possible when   you get rid of all your excuses and put your mind  to something and ultimately I want to inspire you   to go out there and do this for yourself so I'm  going to prep for this meeting and I'll see you   on the call when I say prep for this meeting by  the way guys it's pretty simple here because we   cold call this company all I'm basically doing  is looking through their website and just trying   to see if I can gain any weapons for the meeting  itself okay now I want to blur this details on the   screen because I don't want anybody jeopardizing  this but what I've got up is the website I've got   up the Facebook page as well just to see kind of  what content is being posted at the moment I'm   trying to gain any weapons that I can use in the  meeting itself things that I can bring up and use   as leverage now not posting on Facebook since the  1st of April this is a big problem okay um it's   a little bit of a flag because I don't know how  receptive they're going to be to an ad service but   also we can leverage this as a reason why they  haven't got good lead flow if they haven't and   normally they don't have a meeting with us unless  they want to improve the amount of customers   they're getting barely posting on Instagram  at at all so again like this is something that   they really want to sort out and something I can  leverage in the meetings I've written that down   yeah I've only got a couple of minutes out now  so I'm going to prep mentally and then I'll see   you on the call can you hear me Jordan I don't  I should have you now there we go second here   how's it going yeah all right you'd always see me  make trust me that's a shame I was hoping for some   flower print and pajamas to look at oh no I can  show you the wallpaper if you like perfect well   look thanks for for jumping on this call I'd  love to learn a little bit more about you guys   and I know obviously I called you but I'd like to  understand as well as to why you accepted the call   too like I mean I'm sure you get contacted by  people quite often but it's obviously something   about what I said interested you it's just I  some of the some of the stuff with advertising   and marketing I just I'm not having time to do it  properly simple as that I've got company doing it   which they're failing to do so it's just a matter  of I need somebody that can just guide me in the   right direction and if it becomes ongoing then  great so it doesn't matter if having a chat see   what you can offer if it's what I need then great  okay brilliant so as I said I mean I'd like to   learn a little bit about you and then I can run  through what I do and and if there's any Synergy   then then great if there isn't then no harm done  and you'll get some ideas and you can run away   with them what is it you've done to date when it  comes to actually advertising yourselves we've   tried the just Helston magazine complete failure  we've tried well we are still going with Google   ads which is costing a lot of money and it's not  what people say it it doesn't do what people say   it does we're trying all the dead obvious stuff  we had a little go with Facebook advertising   um I can't say that that proved to be of any  use either so it's just a bit of a loss as to   actually how I get any extra working I know  everybody goes on recommendation but there's   a point you've got to get to that yeah absolutely  all right no I agree but out of Interest what are   you spending on Google ads right now 700 a month  with Google are you do you know what kind of cost   per leads you're getting in do you know how many  customers you're bringing in from that if any   the none oh right how long have you been doing  it for months eight months oh goodness but when   you're spending 700 pounds a month for eight  months without without getting a customer not   really no no okay so the problem is with Google is  Google is obviously we're expecting people to come   to you so even though you're kind of all you're  really doing is hacking yourself to the top of   the yeah the service speed but the problem is is  it's the obvious thing for people to do especially   in this industry and so there's there's quite  a lot of other people that are doing it which   which will be creating like a lot of competition  and high cost okay and then apart from that is it   everything else is word of mouth and are you on  like places like Checker trade and so on you get   inbound leads that way or no not not doing check  a trade I've got I think I've bought some of those   credits from bark we heard bark yeah yeah and half  more than half the time it's an O2 answer phone so   I'm suspicious that they're even genuine leads I  think is with those sorry to interrupt you I think   the problem with some lots of them websites is the  kind of people that are using them and like where   the leads coming from they're like people that are  trying to bid you off and play you off against as   many other people as they can so quite often that  those leads are they're not they're not coming to   you for you whereas like even with your Google ads  if your Google ads were done done properly and I'm   not doubting that they they are there just might  be that in the area Google ads aren't working   that well but even in that sense at least they're  coming directly to you and then you're not they're   not being played off a bunch of other companies  and then it's a pricewater the bottom so in the   company at the moment what do you like what are  you averaging on a monthly basis Revenue wise we   would probably be taking in let's see it depends  at the moment we're doing okay at the moment but   there's been no leads coming for nobody's even  run Us in six weeks so it's dead absolutely dead   yeah and I'm hearing that throughout the industry  anyway I suppose the average is about 14 Grand a   month something like that okay but that's that's  Revenue that's not that's only about all Grand   profit which isn't really enough to get by to be  honest okay and is it just is it just you in the   company or their other people as well would you  have contractors that oh no it's just me me and my   wife are directors but do you have contractors who  then help out on on various work yes yeah I've got   a guy doing a bathroom at the moment another two  guys that could do are doing kitchens and then at   the moment when we're busy on on trying to do both  so yeah so at the moment the shop is closed while   I'm outside which is not great either so yeah  yeah have you have you worked out if if you were   at full capacity what kind of what the revenue of  the the company could be at if you were out there   it'd be 10 grand a month yeah profit profit yeah  yeah so you were talking about just over really   doubling the current point that you're at right  now yeah yeah yeah we've easily got capacity to   do two kitchens and a bathroom a month easier and  then and then beyond that like personally do you   have the desire to give the if the opportunity  is there let's say that you you there was a way   for you to generate enough leads in that were  interested would you look to grow the business   and expand the business or are you quite content  in keeping everything maximum capacity personally   I mean there's always to have somebody else in  the business who would be that'll free up my time   to do site visits during the day and visit the  contractors and make sure everything's in order so   it would be nice to have somebody else interview  someone else in there on a permanent basis even   if it's just admin to be fair yeah wouldn't have  to be a designer they're just just admin that do   all that menial stuff but at least I know that the  doors will be open from 9 9 30 until five o'clock   yeah that makes perfect sense yeah okay great well  look I based on everything I've heard I mean I   definitely think I could help you I'd love to run  for a little bit about what we do I'd certainly   understand the problems that you're facing and yes  after swing to a few other companies in the area   last week There's an overtone of a lack of leads  at the moment and lack of interest but actually on   the flip side some companies are like super super  busy and whether that's some word of mouth and   being established for a long time and advertising  I'm not too sure so yeah I have absolutely no   doubts that I can help do you have any questions  for me or are you quite happy for me to just run   you through what we actually do as a company  yeah no you you tell me what you what you can   offer and then if there's something that I think  is missing then maybe we can fill in the blanks   but yeah okay so I just want to quickly cut in and  narrate a little bit I want these episodes to be   between an hour and an hour and a half long um so  they're digestible and people actually watch them   on YouTube but this meeting was 49 minutes and so  if I uploaded it all in its entirety it's going to   take up the entire episode which isn't going to be  good because we've got multiple other meetings to   show and a bunch of other stuff so what I'm going  to do is I'm going to cut this up into digestible   chunks showing you some of the highlights of the  meeting itself and then I'm going to upload the   rest of it in its entirety into our private  Community the affluent Academy so those of   you that are inside there can go and watch them  behind scenes so bear with me this is a little bit   choppy I'm going to show you what I can to squeeze  everything in cool let's get back to it okay just   just before we do I'll be interested to to know  a little bit about what you did on Facebook ads   previously because this does include something of  which I will be doing I would be doing let's say   um so what's your history there I think we just  used the logos and some pictures and just run a   short campaign on however you die to be honest  I didn't deal with it my wife had dealt with   that and I thought well if it's not much money I  don't actually know how it's targeting people or   who it's reaching so yeah it's I I think what  would have probably happened because when when   people usually dip their toe in the water with  Facebook ads there's two sides of Facebook ads   you have what's called a boosted post which is  essentially what on the back end is called an   engagement ad and it's let's say you're running  an image of some of your works at the local area   it's showing that post to as many people who are  likely to engage with it as possible so you might   get some likes you might get some comments and so  on from local people but the likelihood of getting   customers is very slim because it's not actually  targeting Spenders it's it's time the algorithm   is targeting people who are likely to engage so  that's probably I suspect what went on there if   if if your wife build it out because the back end  system is quite a lot more complicated than it is   just pick it up and get it moving so let me I'm  just going to share my screen a moment I just   want to show you a few things that for context  we specialize in predominantly Facebook ads but   Facebook ads is really just the lead source is  the service kind of expands beyond that and and   what I've really noticed in in the Norfolk area  is there's nobody really doing a good job when it   comes to actually lead generation on Facebook  can I just interrupt you there some of these   pictures are jobs that I've installed really the  one in the bottom right hand corner was in route   and Hall that one wow and you did this work did  you interesting all that did all that work there   yeah I spent about 10 years subcontracting to  them cool well I really found I'd have been   consistent on on running ads on Facebook and  and not just they're not just stabbing in the   dark they're actually getting results because some  of these ads it's called the Facebook ad library   and you can see what companies running ads and  for example this ads been launched since April   this year and typically speaking unless they're  very happy on flushing money you could down the   drain you would not have an ad running since April  last year unless it was working well same again   for these ads that are launched in May and then  they've got some new ones launched they've got   a cut and one launch actually just stored as of  yesterday and it's great to see them doing this   but but to be completely Frank the the ads are not  anywhere near what they could be or should be and   it's great that they're doing it because it'll  stand them out on the market and obviously we   live in it even though I I do I would say that  that probably the Home Improvement industry is   one of the latest last Industries to kind of be  Tech revolutionized but buying habits are changing   and people are more receptive to what they see  on social media and so on but but I I do think   there's kind of a lot of room for improvement when  it comes to like for example the text and the copy   use no one's actually going to read these big  bulks of text like here at Walgreens so it's it's   that can be improved and when you go through to  the actual ad itself it's sending traffic through   to the website which is showing projects but the  problem is is we're putting a barrier in front of   people what really wants to happen here Mulberry  we're doing it to the best they could be is they   would be running what's called a Facebook lead  generation ad um which is where you you run your   ad and then when somebody clicks the get quote or  learn more button for example instead of it taking   them through to the projects website it takes it  takes them through to a form where they fill in   their details now we can add as much information  as we want on this this could be what their budget   is what specifically what kind of work they're  looking to have I've done and so we can gather   that information on on the back end so we can make  sure these people are as qualified as they can be   but that still doesn't mean that they're going  to be quote ready for you and that they're going   to actually want to move forward with something  and so we don't stop when it comes to the leads   like most lead generation agencies do what we  then do is we send them through into a pipeline   management tool so um this is a dummy here so we  have different kind of pipeline stages where we're   taking people through the sales process so what we  would do or I would do rather is I would contact   the com the people that have filled in the form  on your behalf so I would send them over an email   or an SMS or even give them a call if you're  happy for me to do so and I would make sure   that they're actually ready to have a conversation  with your end on your end so we're not sending you   any leads that are just going to be wasting time I  don't want to send you 10 leads and say hey here's   10 people in the area that are interested in some  kind of work within their kitchen or bathroom and   then you contact them and it's complete waste  of time so I want to have a pre-conversation   with them so you're only actually speaking to  individuals that are interested in having this   work done okay yeah yeah do you have any questions  on any of that I I haven't heard the term   pipelines at all so yeah it's it's simply it's  it's really just I come from a sales background   book I worked in various sales companies in in the  in the Norwich area and it's really a pipeline is   really just the different stages of which a  lead is in so whether you've sent them out to   quote and and you're now negotiating with them  and so on so it's a way for us to track that I   don't know what you do at the moment I presumably  believe you just kind of write everything down on   paper like you know you've gone out to X from  helsden and you've put a quote and how what's   your follow-up process right now with with leads  so I'm quite lucky that most people that come in   stay with us I've had one customer we're  going at the moment they lived in reform   so they've come in and seen us and 15 com  15 minute conversation he said I said I'm   very happy he said I don't think I need to look  anywhere else we'll be in touch and we'll carry   on so that that project is going ahead and that's  actually my biggest project so that's due a start   in a fortnight I think um yeah for me that's  what's the biggest job so far 30 grand so oh   brilliant you've got a nice like your perception  of your your brand and the website and the way   that you outline yourself on the about page and  stuff is it's very it's very personal and I think   probably people like that um that Personal Touch  and emphasis on you doing all the craftsmanship   yourself so I have absolutely no doubt that this  would work for you which is why when I called you   up I said that I would guarantee you five quote  ready leads and I truly believe that if we put a   good offer in front of people and buy an offer I  mean a a free consultation but maybe wrap it up as   something a little bit better and we give people  the opportunity to raise their hand and say hey oh   look I I haven't seen this company before or let  me I've been wanting to get my kitchen done for   a while I've been meaning to get this work done  and we actually put you in front of people and   not just rely on them searching you and finding  you on Google because I think that's the problem   is that's where the famine is the famine is in  is in someone raises their hand and says I would   like to get some work done and then everybody's  trying to go for that same thing and on their   Google ads whereas if we can actually put you in  front of people who they've got it in the back   of their mind they've parked this am I like I'm  one of those people and they've also a company   building walled fitting a wall building whatever  the terminology would be I'd be clicking on that   ad and I'll be filling that in right away because  I'm waiting for that but I just I don't want to   do it myself and I believe that there is a lot of  people out there who fit that market and I think   it's very untapped in the Norfolk area right so  I completely understand the position you're in   do do you have any questions about anything or  would you like me to run through how this would   work financially if we were to work together  yeah that's something we need to chat so my   gut tells me based on the position that you're in  as a company it makes the the most logical sense   to redistribute what you're already doing with  Google ads at the moment because based on your   current profit margins you're not going to want  to spend an extra 1500 pounds a month on Facebook   ads so the cost typically the lowest that we would  run this ad campaign for uh would be a 500 pound a   month spend to start off with and then we'd charge  500 pounds on top of that for our service charge   I see okay all right drop the Google ads is that  what you're suggesting or my suggestion would be   basing your position drop the Google ads if you  haven't had anything in six but if you if frankly   if I was in a if I was running your Google ads and  I hadn't generated you a lead in six weeks I would   be embarrassed with what I was doing and I would  I would be refunding you the money back and that's   exactly why I have the guarantee that I've got if  I don't get you quite ready lease now the caveat   to this is typically speaking I would want a  company to spend a thousand pounds for us to have   a really fair test on ads for me to for me to for  me to say okay cool we're gonna get five really   hot leads now in this position we're spending 500  pounds I believe that we're going to get at least   five leads in whether all of them are going to be  completely quote ready is another question but I   believe that this would be more than enough of a  shot for us to truly know okay this is going to   work and then we can scale up spend from there but  if I was your Google ads agency I'd be embarrassed   of those results and I'd be refunding you and I  would do exactly the same in this position if I   don't get you results I don't spend the money I  get from my clients until I know that I'm actually   doing well for them because I have to return it  to you I absolutely will but I think this is your   best shot right now like getting more leads in  okay so and then and so where would the that would   all be on Facebook and social media would it we'd  be running out on Facebook and Instagram because   Facebook owned Instagram as well yeah so what  kind of age group do you think there'd be aimed   at or was it irrelevant because I'm finding a lot  of people our customers so far anyway are people   with a little bit of disposable income or are  retired and have some money to spend and they they   wouldn't necessarily necessarily be social media  people I I think that you must be I think that you   would be shocked to actually hear the demographics  of of Facebook users I I think I think you'd be   surprised we can we can definitely Target an older  demographic and we can we can Target those peoples   with people with with confidence so I would work  with you on what your ideal customer looks like   and we will Target those individuals that's what  that's who we'll shoot for so really that's a   complete change of tech for me Isn't it it is but  what have you got to lose at this stage if you're   placing all that money on Google business if  you're taking money from something that is losing   you money then what if you've got to lose you've  got everything to gain from investing it into   something that could be there'd be more upside  there couldn't agree more yeah gonna agree more   so why don't we do yeah interesting you know  I keep getting stats through from this company   saying oh you know you always second or third  sometimes top of the page with Googles for these   ads and they've now changed their attack again  with and adjusting all they're doing is actually   just clicking suggestions that Google put to them  and um what they're actually doing what they're   actually doing is just stalling you because they  shouldn't be telling you where you're at the top   of the page of Google they should be saying how  many leads they're generating for you that's the   only thing that matters doesn't matter to you  whether you're at the top page of Google that's   does that inflate you the ego the business it  doesn't do anything yeah they're just blowing   smoke is all yeah yeah okay have you got an  example so there isn't one of your clients clients   no it isn't and I'll be completely transparent  with you this is the first time I'm getting into   the Home Improvement industry I've got marketing  experience I'm in a big circle of marketers I've   got X sales experience myself as well and that's  why I have this risk-free guarantee because I   don't this is this isn't a risk view that you  you would get absolutely every penny back that   you spent with me bar what you spent on Facebook  ads do you improve the Facebook page as well you   manage that as well or is it just solely marketing  so we would use your Facebook page and then what   we'd do is we would create would help you create  a Facebook advertising account it was very simple   we can either do this on your behalf or we can  jump on a really quick call like this and set   it up and it that would be your account so like  let's say as well that we we start running your   ads there's no reason why in the future you  can't take it over internally if we scale you   to a certain point where you can have that person  in the office who's running some admin which would   be an amazing position to be able to get you to  we can then help you we can teach that individual   to run things internally I recognize that this  doesn't make the most sense for for companies   to be working with agencies forever I quite like  the idea of helping facilitate you to run that   in-house so you can actually make more profit out  of it as well so that would be the road map okay   yeah they come with the whole what are they call  it organic I think that's what they call it only   the organic searches I I think I think organic  is important I noticed that you guys aren't   doing much on your organic socials at the minute  I would strongly advise against if you can try and   dedicate some time to putting even just taking a  before and after of any job that you're doing and   getting that uploaded or at least sending it over  to a company who can do it for you it will make a   big difference especially in this day and age on  a platform like Instagram I see you've got a page   but there's not really content going out there  that will make a difference right now but to be   fair I didn't even know when somebody set that  up I have no idea when how to set up and who who   did it to be fair and I wouldn't even know how to  get onto Instagram yeah I'm one of that generation   who's never really been in on that generation used  to go down the pub to do my socializing yeah but   now it's it's a whole different generation so  where do we where do we take it from here then   we no I would yeah where do we take it from here  it would be as simple as booking in an onboarding   call early next week week where you can get  everything set up and we're good to go from there   we would have a conversation about what potential  offer we could maybe put forward into some   terminology we're using I'll bring suggestions for  that I'll get a bit of content from you and then   we can launch the ads as of mid next week and  start generating some loads okay so as you say   I've got nothing to lose at the moment there's no  nothing on on the contacts page so I think maybe   we need to change Tech what about is this a green  light I think let's say I'm about 90 convinced can   I say that yeah but I would ask you what I need  to do to to fill that remaining 10 right now   but what would make this an actual no-brainer for  you that I'm I'm happy well I've got to get my   head round that Google is this all-encompassing  and influences everybody's lives and as much as   people well certainly 90 of people's lives  anyway and it's just getting away from that   well if I get away from Google nobody's gonna find  me because I'm not a Facebook and a social media   user I don't know the scope of the people it can  reach and the and the clientele I want to provide   my service for because to be honest it would be  people in there late 30s 40s 50s and 60s I do   have more of an income and you know our wise with  how they spend the money that makes sense look   there's 18 of people that use Facebook or over  the age of 45 years old and and Facebook users   monthly currently there's 2.98 billion active  users so there's 18 of those users of the age   demographics so we're talking about hundreds of  Millions millions of people who are within your   age demographic so you're not actively going out  there and trying to get these people if in Norwich   or even Norfolk the industry is quiet right now  and not many people are needing work then every   single person that's advertising on Google will  be affected by that because the traffic has died   down whereas on Facebook we're not relying on  people that are going uh and searching for this   work themselves we're relying on the people that  are looking at their kitchen on Monday morning   and being like oh this could really do a bit  of work and in a Monday afternoon seeing an ad   and being like oh let me send a message to these  guys and see how much this would be right I see   if you can aim you can aim at a demographic yeah  and how would you target people to an air can you   target people to an area as well we can do we  can do an area we would Target homeowners only   living within a certain area who are within a  certain age bracket yeah absolutely all right   can you give me 48 hours just to have a chat  that's obviously my wife is part of the business   she normally trusts what I say but it's yeah  it's just a conversation of of us having just   courtesy obviously yeah you know clearly Google  we're spending we're just throwing money down   the drain with Google at the moment yeah yeah I  just ask one final thing in a high professional   situation you have a conversation with your wife  what is it that your wife could say that would   actually put you off moving forward with  this probably nothing but it is just the   courtesy isn't it what are you paying the current  agency I think it's 200 a month at the moment   yeah essentially we're essentially talking about  the same amounts of money that you'd be seeing   it's pretty much the same amount of money by  the sounds a bit yeah why don't we say instead   of took 48 hours we have a call tomorrow afternoon  okay and we have a quick chat I'll check in with   checking with you you see where we're at we can  answer any final questions and all being well we   can book in an onboarding call for early next  week and we can get started we can do that all   right let's do that yeah it's just that's just the  courtesy of having that conversation with my wife   um as she's you know she's part of the business  yeah I completely understand I'm looking forward   to turning that wasted money into profited money  and so I don't want to I don't want to get you   one or two jobs a month I'd like to scale this up  and get you multiple jobs on a monthly basis and   get you with that person in the office that's  what makes me tick I'd like to help businesses   grow and I'm passionate about this if you have  any other final questions no I mean just what   if well if it is do you have a tiny contract or  is it just rolling month by month or is there a   no I I wouldn't I wouldn't look to tie you in on a  contract I would I would give you a contract from   courtesy just so you know that you're covered on  your end so what I'm promising you is legit and we   would do a 30-day rolling happiness guarantee  if you're not happy you can leave at any time   um that's absolutely fine I've got no why would I  tell you when I wasn't getting new results I don't   want to have difficult conversations with people  and it's just not something I want to have to do   but I will if I have to what I would do though  probably when we're getting getting you great   results at the one or two month point and where  this is working really well is I'll probably   offer you some kind of incentive to stay with me  for longer and then tie you into a contract at   which point you're going to be begging me to do  so anyway because things will be going well that   well yeah if the if the leads start coming through  because we we all well we all know you as you say   if you're not part of the kind of this industry  until recently this is always a quieter period   but it's much quieter than normal so you know you  kind of relying on people having a bit of a break   and thinking about their holidays in August and  then when it gets to mid-august they start then   think about what they want to do before Christmas  which is maybe a new kitchen and a new bathroom   they're not thinking about the holidays then no  and that's that's the difference yeah definitely   I understand okay all right let's speak again this  time tomorrow then and let's all being well we'll   I'll change tack yeah something's got something's  got to happen something's got to give up the balls   are getting close at about three months time so  I can't expect to can't expect a different result   by doing the same thing you've always been doing  amazing it's really great to meet you and I'll   chat to you tomorrow morning perfect thanks have a  good day have a good one cheers just got back from   the gym uh let's see if we actually are getting  ghosted um it's day later from when you would have   last seen there someone would be calling back  it was the one that we thought was pretty Keen   um to be honest um just needed to check with his  wife classic but said there wasn't anything his   wife could say anyway let's ignore that and  see if we can actually get them on the phone foreign Jordan calling how you doing   yeah not too bad thank you all good yeah  we did get to catch each other yesterday no no um I must admit I haven't had a conversation  with my wife as I've planned to okay so we'll add   that over the weekend and we'll uh you and I can  have a chat on Monday morning okay not a problem   at all yeah I I appreciate something came up is  it do you have any questions since we last spoke no I think if she may come up with some   some questions but other than that no it's uh  yeah I think everything's pretty straightforward   not a problem at all right anymore you have a  wonderful weekend and weather's amazing for it so   um you enjoy and I'll um I'll speak to you on  Monday morning catch up soon have a good one okay um not bad um could be better if it was going to  be a hard no then we would have got to fill out   rejection it's going to speak to his wife over the  weekend with all the established that it's just a   courtesy conversation I imagine we're gonna have  to do some rejection handling worst case scenario   we've still got that weapon of a free trial um so  we'll give them a call Monday morning and see how   we get on cool excuse the messy cabinet but I  was just digging through these drawers as I was   sorting out this Aquascape and I just found  a bunch of old contracts from literally   this is my first ever client conduit  battered um and then I'll show you this   I forgot I even had these this must have been  before I had like digital contracts 800 pound a   month service charge this is organic posts and AD  management so I was doing social media management   back then as well contract signed dated 2017 this  is when I was my first ever client that I signed   the rest is history and these are a bunch of other  ones as well kitchen and bathroom showrooms that   1K and like 1.6 k for their e-commerce site as  well because what are these contracts so long   man like I'm writing paragraphs in here I had no  idea what I was doing back then you go 700 pound   a month service charge look at this this ratio  is terrible one thousand pound service charge   500 pound and spend like I would never even tell  how much of an amateur I was I would never do that   these days always have if I'm charging 500 pound  ad spend I'm doing 500 pound service charge if I'm   doing a thousand pound service charge I'm doing a  thousand pound ad spend okay it needs to be like a   equivalent 100 never should the ad spend be lower  um than the service charge it's just gives me a   surging gratitude for the journey that I've had um  with this agency like this meant everything to me   when I first started like I can remember all the  emotions of walking into this restaurant um I'm   I'm almost certain that I got this first meeting  door-to-door but then I had the meeting I came   in with like this cockshaw sales mentality I just  like I came from like this um I came from it was   door-to-door sales but I just come out Telly sales  as well like probably like Boiler Room type sales   lines came in with all these sales tactics and  it was just an absolute mess and I just was just   overwhelming her of all these sales tactics and  really it was just a lady who was had a struggling   restaurant who needed some help and and I was the  vehicle too Dad I remember she went off and got a   coffee and I had a word for myself and I realized  this is just a conversational problem-solving   exercise and I dropped all of the ego and and just  talked about solving her problems and I managed to   sign this this company up it changed completely  transformed my life I knew back then that going   into starting an agency was gonna I knew in my gut  it was going to be a big decision and it was going   to be my first step into business but never did I  ever know or imagine that from these first clients   I was going to make millions from the agency  business model and it all just comes from that   active decision that one decision in One Singular  day when you've just had enough when you're tired   to say I deserve more than this and I'm going to  take a risk and I'm gonna bet on myself and I'm   gonna start a company and nobody's gonna hold me  back nobody's going to tell me different and all   my friends and my family back then I knew deep  down they thought I was taking a Monumental risk   my parents tried to talk me out of quitting my  job my friends Loki that I had back then weren't   really my real friends they wanted me to fail  that takes proper courage to do that so for any   of you guys who are watching this and you watch  this series and you're motivated and you make   that decision to to go and dive in I respect you  endlessly because it takes a lot of Courage that   what takes even more courage is the resilience  to continue through all the nose because   for every contract that I got signed and there are  hundreds more digitally I got a thousand those and   uh on cold calls on emails DMS in meetings and  that's the thing that you need to toughen up to   the things that I have achieved are not possible  without the resilience that I have crafted   over the years of running this agency and  you're gonna need that coming into this   but if you commit and I mean fully commit you  can create such an incredible life for yourself   and I'm a token of that that's cool man I haven't  seen those in a long time I didn't I knew I had   them but I didn't know where they were and since I  moved to this house okay um I got a meeting coming   up so uh gonna do a little bit of prep for that  and then I'll see you there recording in progress I wonder if it's going to be our first no-show and give them a few more minutes [Music] thank you [Music] okay it's annoying I'm  putting that down as a no-show that's annoying I really wanted a Clean Run  is what it is it happens it's natural I've   got no email no text it's 10 minutes past  he's not showing up and it's an industry   Home Improvements where people are out on  the job they're working he could have said   yes to the on the cold call just to get me  off the phone and they'll actually wanted   the meeting there's a bunch of different  reasons um protocol is send an email right   now and follow up I could also give  them a call in to see what happened   um but I to be honest I think I'm just going to  send an email because I've got a pretty busy day   outside list I'm pretty back to back with other  stuff I'm gonna go get a haircut shortly and   then I've got another meeting this evening it's  so yeah probably no recording before then I'll   see you on the next meeting how are you doing hi  Jordan you're right yeah not too badly not too bad   uh listen thank you for taking this call I know  we had to rearrange it a couple times but we are   here now I want to ask you some questions about  your business first of all I just want to learn   a little bit more about you guys and then I would  like to present what I can do when I was a little   bit of loose from the coke I think you're out on  the job um at the time so I want to run through   exactly what we do and if there is synergy between  what we're doing what you're doing at the moment   then I'll put an offer forward on how we could  potentially work together but first of all I know   I called you but there must have been a reason why  you accepted themes in the first place so I'd love   to know from your end why you said yes to having a  meeting with me I was just interested in what you   kind of said like I will need everyone needs new  work not losing anything worst case scenario end   this call with some new ideas and you can go and  Implement yourself yes yeah absolutely okay great   um can you run me through a little bit more  about what you guys are doing at the moment   when it comes to getting clients like how are  you actually getting business in right now someone who knows yeah fine fine that's what  I've been told by a lot of Word of Mouth in   the industry but yeah I have seen that you're  really hot on um Instagram and Facebook which is   great so it's kind of nice to speak to another uh  young business owner in the industry so yeah yeah   absolutely so can you just paint a picture of just  where you are at the moment in the business so   when did you actually launch the  company how long have you been running   um I said what about five years ago how how far  have you managed to build the company to date   would you mind me asking what you're making  on a monthly basis at the minute probably um came from 40 50 000. okay okay what's  the profit margin on that look like   um it's not probably about I mean  it depends between like 30 40 okay   great love it and and so out of that what  would you say like the main services so   what what what's taking bring in the most of the  revenue in would you say most main is bathrooms   and kitchens and I think you mentioned to me  on the phone that you were you were booked in I   vaguely remember you booked in at least a couple  of weeks or a couple of months in advance but um [Music] so my friends and such they've booked  in for more more time than that [Music] um I   mean it's currently working but more virtual is  good am I correcting and assuming then if you   did have more jobs coming in if there was more uh  more lead to say you have the desire to grow the   business further you would like to expand it or  be in well yeah absolutely I mean I mean nobody   wants to work with a tool so that I'd definitely  rather be be the man who tells people what to do   right so um when it comes to like the Instagram  side of things so I was looking you obviously   posting a lot of before and after photos  and so on um have you ever tried to to   boost those posts or have you ever tried to  run ads on them in the past um yeah I mean um okay that's interesting I mean I I've spoken to  a lot of companies that have have been in the   area that have said for example that they've run  ads before and normally what happens the reason I   asked about the boosting is a boosted post really  is just in what we call an engagement ad on the   back end so what it actually does is it just shows  that post to people that are likely to engage with   it they're going to like it they're going to  comment on it and so on but they're not really   going to convert which is why you often find um  little to no results with that kind of thing okay   so there's another meeting this is me the rating  obviously so we just established the making 50k   a month which is great on like a 30 40 margin  so they're very qualified they can afford the   service we dive into the discovery stage a little  bit more it goes on for about 18 minutes with the   presentation we find out about the services that  sell well and the ones that like to sell more of   we dive into specifically presenting our lead  generation service as a solution we compared to   competitors and so on and so forth and I thought  I did a really good job here at explaining the   service especially considering that this business  owner is a lot younger than the previous that we   have spoken to and so I presume they're a  lot more tech savvy in the way that I was   explaining it maybe I didn't explain as in-depth  because when it came to asking if they had any   questions this is what happened do you have  any questions on any of this and how this works   um well I mean um to be honest um I don't really  understand it but um okay I mean if you want to   try and delve into how it does work yeah I mean  let me let's let's backtrack a little bit then   because I want I want I want you to understand  this so you when you when you go on Facebook   yourself you've you've seen like posts that look  like this you've seen ads like this and so the   problem is with what you're doing at the moment  and the problem with just waiting for people to   come to you or or even some companies are running  Google ads for example and they're searching on   Google and they're finding you is you're a victim  to the traffic that is is out there or you're a   victim to the interest in the area at the moment  so let's there might only be 20 people that are   actively looking to have a kitchen remodels uh in  the Norfolk area right now and so what do they do   they're going to go on social they don't know  someone they're going to go on social media and   they're going to search they might stumble across  you they might some Lacross competitor they're   going to go on Google they're going to look  through competitors websites they they might find   you to buy not right and if you're not running  Google ads you're probably not going to be found   so that's how 90 percent of people people in the  industry are doing this but what I'm proposing you   do instead is just put yourself right in hand to  the people so what what I'm what you're not going   to be tested to understand I mean you'd be shocked  at the the daily active users on on Facebook I   mean as as you know everyone is just addicted  to their mobile phone um and just scrolling   down their feeds endlessly I mean this is the  most effective way to get yourself in front of   your ideal customers um but what we would actually  be trying to do is not target the people that are   raising their hand and saying yeah I'd like  to get my kitchen done we're trying to Target   someone who 6 a.m in the morning they've woken  up they've gone into their kitchen it's looking a   bit shoddy and they're like oh we really need to  get this done and then in the afternoon they're   having a coffee and then they see an ad from and  they're like [ __ ] there's a company here that   is in my local area I just had that thought this  morning and because nobody else is doing it you   can make the most of those buying habits of people  because at the end of the day over the last 10   years buying habits have transferred so much even  though you're in an old school industry they've   transferred so much away from going out there  bringing up and word of mouth is great but I do   believe it's going to be a dying art eventually I  don't think word of mouth is scalable I think word   of mouth will build a stable business but it's  not scalable you can't grow a company that way   but what we're doing is yeah yeah for sure I mean  it was but we want to put people put you right   in the hands of your ideal customer exactly where  they are at the time that they don't expect it and   therefore they're then going to raise their hands  and say hey let's have a quote and then therefore   you're gonna get those hotter leads who are not  going to be going to your competitors because   they're not going out there and actively looking  for it okay does that make a bit more sense   do you believe that this is a good solution to  the issues that you're facing right now well a lot   a lot of my problems is a little lack of lack of  time sorry so Outsourcing it would definitely help   yeah yeah my time not to do better things I mean  I just want to I just want to work this out with   you I mean we guarantee at least five quote  ready leads for you and on the basis of you   closing you said 50 of those we're looking at  even if we just said two of those being closed   what's your average value of a job um it can be in  between anywhere between five and fifteen thousand   five and fifteen so if we just said 10K then  I mean you're looking at 10K revenue of your   34 margin you're you're so we're essentially  saying 20K Revenue you're you're looking at   um what eight nine K in profit from and that's  our guarantee as well so we would guarantee   that to you and so if we weren't to get you  that you wouldn't pay us absolutely anything   okay yeah um I mean how are you really got enough  okay so should we go through Costa you haven't   got any questions on the service itself because  nicely comes down to realize okay okay fine no   worries so it's a simple service charge we we  charge the monthly retainer of 800 pounds and   then you would then have to spend 800 pounds  a month on ads as well so it would be 1600. so as you can um I don't know delve into that  a bit more delve into it in what way what would   you like to know 800 again so when does that  start so you so I get the free bit and then so   no there's no free bit so essentially you'd be  paying up front for the service for the month   um and you'd be spending money on ads gradually  throughout the whole month let's say for the next   30 days let's say you did go ahead today and we  started working together realistically it's going   to take a week and a half or so to actually get  up and running once we're up and running the ads   are launched you'll you'll be you'll you'll be  paying on ads 800 pounds gradually throughout   the month paying to Facebook and we guarantee  that you'd get five quote ready leads if we   didn't hit that number and I know that we will  based on my experience based on the marketing   groups that I'm in and and people that have had  mental men I know that this will work we would if   we weren't to get those results we would give you  every single penny back yeah okay so you wouldn't   you'd get the money back that we'd you'd spent  with us you wouldn't get the money back you spent   with Facebook but that's not going to happen I  always I have an e-force and I've always been   taught to under promise and over deliver and I  truly believe I want to promise you five leads   right but I want to generate you 10 or 15 and  so you're not just happy with me because I've   generated you the five I promised you I want you  to be referring me to everybody else you know in   the industry for you them to get leads on someone  or or not which you'll probably end up holding   be back as a as a guarded Secret okay well yeah  no I understand that I understand it I was just a   bit I was just a little bit confused yeah I've  been nice okay so with that in mind and then   on the basis of you potentially making 20 000 in  revenue from the guarantee and getting those two   clients over the line on the base of the five  quote ready so every month 600 pounds and then   you'll be paying us 18 uh and you'd be paying us  800 every month and you'd be paying Facebook 800   every month yeah that's correct but I want to lay  this out as a caveat that's where wood started off   because I believe that I can prove to you that we  can get really good results at that point but I   would actually look to spend more than that in the  future and obviously it works yeah absolutely of   course yeah obviously that's a lot of money but I  mean if it comes back in um so what happens if it   just doesn't work let me just like then that's  it I mean if it doesn't I mean there's a lot of   things that we would explore before we'd get to  that point obviously you can understand what my   apprehension because I've never done anything like  this of course I can I completely understand I'm   a complete stranger I only called you a few  days ago we barely got acquainted right I'd   like to believe that we'll build a friendship  throughout working together if we do but um I   completely understand your hesitation that's why I  have the guarantees in place I don't want to have   difficult conversations we have a 30-day guarantee  happiness guarantee you can get out at any point   if you wanted to get out halfway through the month  you can leave if you wanted to get out after seven   days after you've spent only a couple hundred quid  you can get out I don't I don't believe that'll   be the case I truly believe well I know that we'll  be able to get you those results that's why I have   that guarantee I don't want to waste my time just  as much as you don't want to waste your money oh   that's right okay yeah it's not very good business  model I mean yeah all right and yeah we'll do it   yeah we'll do it yeah awesome okay amazing this  is this is gonna be great I'm so I'm so glad   um okay great so um look I'm I mean let me  answer some of your questions uh I'll just   run you through how this would work timeline wise  are you free on Monday or Tuesday next week I mean   I can I come with some time around and be free  yeah okay we can do we can do the evening again   if that works well for you what I'd like to do  is let's shall we say um 7 P.M on Monday evening   so so what I'd like to do is book in an onboarding  call where we'd we'd run through all the specifics   uh ahead of that I'll send you over a contract um  and a a payment link um don't worry it's not like   some rigorous contract it's actually just to cover  you rather than me it's just to show you that I'm   committing to this guarantee it doesn't tie you  in for any term whatsoever I never want to tie   you in when I'm getting you results I'll probably  offer you some kind of incentive to stay with me   for a longer time but we'll cross that bridge  when we come to it on the call on Monday I'll   run you through exactly how this will work I'll  get some content from you we'll set up a Facebook   ad account and then all being well we should  be able to launch ads by the end of the week   have you got any questions at all for me um  no not really no I mean you pretty much come   with it I wasn't expecting it to be  that straightforward to be honest but that's absolutely fine so what I'm going to  do is I'll start a chat with you on WhatsApp   um and so I'll send over the agreement  and uh the invoice is attached to the   agreement at the end of signing that if you  have any questions on it at all just fire   it over to me on Whatsapp I'm available  anytime don't worry about messaging me   and off time I'm kind of always working  to be honest um as I you I'm sure um fun   um and then we I'll send over a candy 5 p.m or  7 P.M sorry on Monday you can tell it's been   a long day and then we'll have a chat and go  over all the Minor Details then awesome it's   been lovely speaking to you um good to talk for  longer can't wait to work with you and prove   this will work and I'll chat to you on Monday  Wicked thank you take care thank you bye-bye [ __ ] yes that was it was the the energy at the  end of that cool was like weird it was like okay   let's do it and then I was like okay you got  any questions and normally I'm so used to like   people especially in closing e-commerce brands  which is what I've done for so long it's been   so long since I've had to close local Legion  um there's normally so many questions there's   questions about tracking questions about mechanics  questions about the contract and the terms and so   on and so forth and he was like yeah okay well  let's just do it and I'm like I was expecting   more I don't know why I said that um [ __ ] yes  [ __ ] yes I'm static um okay brilliant so it's a   800 pound a month retainer if I had closed that  five years ago when I first started my agency   I would be over the [ __ ] I'm over the moon now  like this is a great feeling I'm so glad that that   we pulled that off but I would just be so ecstatic  as a new start agency owner at 800 pounds a month   now if we're not going to get rich from doing that  but it's a very very respectable service charge   actually a little bit more than I was gonna go in  with but because I found out that their revenue is   between 40 and 50k which is more than the other  companies I've been speaking with I'm like oh   [ __ ] it why don't we just go in with that and  see how we get on um which is amazing I'll tell   you one thing that I would add to that is I was  thinking about this throughout the call and I was   going to use it as my last weapon and something  that you guys I was I was kind of feeling like I   might have to offer him a free trial and I think I  was very fortunate in that position that I didn't   have to do so and I just want to reiterate to you  guys like don't watch this and think okay that's   exactly the result that I'm gonna get because  it might not always be the result that you'll   get and you might close someone for for lower than  that you might have to sign someone up on it on a   free trial the priority is not the money I'm not  excited because we've got 800 pounds okay I don't   I really do not need 800 pounds well I'm excited  about is the fact that we just got the clothes and   there's a new start agency owner that is the most  important thing you get the clothes you get them   in you get the experience you have the ability  to start running ads you can start learning the   industry asking them questions working alongside  this client that is so much more valuable than   that 800 pounds that we we just closed them  for it's not about the money it's about the   experience I want to manage those expectations  for you guys it's amazing that we just closed our   first Revenue as part of this experiment I'm gonna  get this all sorted and I'll keep you guys updated morning Miss Jordan calling how are you doing yeah I'm not too bad thank you I'm  all good how's your week been so far yeah yeah well I'm out on site but uh yeah  there's there's not a lot going on in the   showroom that's for sure so fine fine well let's  let's do something about that did you did you   manage to have a conversation with your wife  in the end yeah yeah it wasn't as positive as I   thought choosing to think that she could do all  that I went okay she just said what would he be   doing that I'm not well it kind of knows the ins  and outs of how Facebook adverts work and yeah um I don't think you do that turned into the less  of a conversation more of a disagreement so this   is the last thing you want left since then  so uh it's I think it's almost a matter of   um mainly having a chat with her directly I  was about to say um I'd be more than happy to   have a conversation and and and honestly it's  not a conversation that I haven't had before   um I think I mentioned to you when we had a  call before many people think that they've   ran Facebook ads before when they've just hit  the Boost button but really that's I mean it's   the tip of the iceberg you're barely even getting  started with anything at that point and they're   so ineffective at that stage but I'd be more  than happy to have that conversation and and   um and run through how it's different and  educate on it a little bit as well and I'm   sure that we could come to some kind of um Mutual  understanding there um and then we can get the   buy-in and and your life will be a lot easier  as well well this is it yeah because this is   it is getting a bit stressful the fact that we've  had no inquiries and we are we've still got work   um to finish and and jobs to help me to do  but it's at that stage of you know nothing   coming by the end of the month we're going to be  pretty much scuffed by the end of August so yeah   um yeah no no I completely understand I think  obviously with the added pressure of then just   spending all that money on Google ads as well and  I can completely understand in your position that   can't can't be favorable but but as I said to you  before like I wouldn't be being so persistent on   ringing you up if I truly didn't believe that that  we could get you the results that we'd guarantee   you so so what are we why don't we arrange that  call uh with your wife I mean do you know what   her schedule at all is there a time in the evening  that I'll be able to speak we'll see um she works   in um one of the private schools in Norwich so  she's actually finished for the summer so she's   in the showroom at the moment um she's feeling  down to the weather to be fair but she went anyway   um so that might be wise to have a phone  call maybe later this week or we can all   you know if I'm I'm there with her  the three of us can have a chat yeah   yeah that that that'd be good I mean what's  what's Friday how Friday is for you usually um probably this week could I can  do pretty much any time on Friday   or I've also got Monday uh morning  as well from uh 10 a.m till about   from 10 to 12 really same time between 10 and 12  on Monday or pretty much any time on Friday yeah I'm out on site again Monday so that would have  to be it would be by Friday um well I'll give it   back to the showroom in about half an hour after  chat with her and then at my painter or give you a   phone call back this morning just to see what's  you know to make either that Arrangement or   actually have the call but well um yeah I'll be  in contact with you in about 45 minutes an hour   or something yeah that that's absolutely  fine um I'll send you a couple of errors might be maybe now an hour and a half from now  to be fair but yeah yeah that's that's absolutely   fine and what's your mobile number because what  I'll do is I'll send you a text so you've got my   personal phone number instead because this is  just a this is a dialing software that we use   um in the company so I'll send you a text so  you've got my actual mobile number cool okay   no worries um well I'll send you a text if you've  got my details and then I'll wait on your message   about when we can do Friday see you then perfect  no worries I'll speak to you shortly take care okay so um it's key there that I've got the  mobile number uh because and that indicates we're   absolutely not getting fobbed off we wouldn't  have a mobile number there if that was the case   um so this is at this stage I'm not really sure  um what to do I know what to do to get the client   open line that's going to have the meeting on  Friday but that means that this client is not   going to be in this episode because times of the  essence I've been kind of waiting to see if we can   squeeze this one into this this episode so we'll  have to slap this in the next one the result uh   but very promising uh to be completely Frank like  I have absolutely no doubt that I can convince the   wife that no she's definitely not run Facebook ads  profitably before and we had the original meeting   and Jonathan stated that his wife had boosted a  couple of posts before and we all know a booster   post is simply an engagement ad it's really going  to have no effect on leads generated whatsoever   and so all I need to do is explain that and show  the back end of the Facebook ad system and we're   very easily going to demonstrate to what that  she really doesn't know um how to properly run   Facebook ads and we truly can get them some great  results especially joint with the fact that those   guys are still wasting money on Google ads he's  quiet right now so he's feeling the pain I didn't   want to kind of twist the knife too much I will  do that on the call on Friday uh but yeah I'm   feeling very I'm still feeling very optimistic  about signing that client some of these clients   just need a longer nurturing period he's fighting  his own battles that he said like he had a Barney   with his wife over it right but he wants to do it  and he's convinced they're not doing it properly   right now so Friday that's when we're gonna get  the clothes you're not gonna be able to see it   in this episode but we'll get it in the next one  okay it got something cool to share with you guys   I literally just got an email from Panda docs to  say that we've had our first contract signed and   payment made on that contract as well let me  show you right now so this is Panda Doc it's   a digital contract tool and that we use for all  of our clients I'm limited to what information I   can show you about the client because I don't want  to give anyone any opportunity to jeopardize what   we're doing here um but hopefully you can see this  so we got our agreed monthly advertising budget   this is this page where we show all the kind of  costs Facebook and Instagram we've got 800 pounds   that's our starting budget and then we have our  agreed monthly service list we've got our lead   generation service 800 pounds so it's a modest  service charge there and we allow additional room   for service stacking normally when we add them in  our in our agency in affluent dot Co and then also   sometimes we do drop prices as well so we might  put a discount on here too but it's just a very   very simple contract pricing page and if we go  down to the bottom you can see we have signatures   here as well and on the right hand side you can  see you can attach a payment on Panda doc so when   somebody signs they have to pay as well we've got  a 800 pound service chart processed via stripe   which is a payment processor which is a big relief  because the client never truly is signed uh or   signed up until you get the payment from them it  has happened in the past where somebody says yes   and then they don't actually make payment and they  ghost you and now I knew that wasn't going to be   the case here because I've been in touch back and  forth with the client by WhatsApp asking answering   a couple of additional questions or also have the  onboarding call this evening as well so I know   they're going to sign and make her make payment  when we've got a call coming up this evening so   now I get a document the process of delivering  results which is great because we've achieved   what we wanted to achieve from this series by  signing up a client and life now show you the   rest which I suppose means we can go over to the  plan and we can mark off sales meetings done we've   potentially got another client over the line but  we uh I've got that meeting on Friday later this   week so we'll only find that out later on in the  series so we might even have two clients over the   line but for now we've definitely got one and so  now we're going to move on to delivering results   we're going to onboard the client this evening  we're going to develop an offer establish their   ICP build a marketing plan launch ads and of  course generate them some results I'm so glad   I'm going to show you the entire process what I'm  actually going to do right now is I want to show   you guys based on the results that we've got so  far in a series a bit of a road map so scaling an   agency from where we are now to 10K a month and  even 100K a month I'm going to show you based   on the results we've generated in the series  I'm also going to show you like a worst case   scenario if you were like a complete beginner  what kind of thing to expect so I want to do   this on figma I think figma's probably the easiest  place for us to do this call this agency roadmap   okay so current situation so we reached out  to 22 leads and we've got five meetings and   that's cold calls cold calls are King  we would never have got five meetings   from emails and then we could have got one  Potential from email okay so we did have somebody   respond to our emails very favorably and I'll  show you that right now so we had someone called   um and I said I sent the original email and they  said I'd be happy to have a chat perhaps 10 a.m   this is the number uh the iron then actually  forgot to respond because I kind of forgot I   was recording this to be honest and then logged  into emails like [ __ ] someone emailed and said   that they wanted to have a meeting so I respond  saying my apologies for the delay it appears   my original response was stuck in the outbox and  then they said they couldn't do that in time and   then I suggested another time and they came back  and suggested another and we kind of went back   and forth and didn't actually get to a range of  time in the end and what I didn't do is send any   Chase UPS I didn't cold call this company later  I absolutely could have done but I called them up   right now I could probably secure a meeting with  them to be completely honest with you I don't want   to sign up loads of clients on this series I want  to give this agency to one of you guys so you can   do such but I've achieved what I wanted to achieve  here I wanted to sign up one or two clients so I   can demonstrate how you can get results for them  but one of you guys could absolutely go out there   almost 100 secure a meeting with this individual  and you'd then potentially have another meeting   there so we had one from email as well and  then from those was we had a black total we   had six attended meetings we had two no shows one  rearrange okay but I didn't actually rearrange   for the same reasons as why I didn't respond  to this individual or show you that this was   that we had a meeting with I sent my reminder for  the meeting hope you had a good start to week just   to confirm I'll call at 10 A.M hi Jordan I'm sorry  if short notice something has come up at work I   won't be available today can we rearrange for next  week okay so they wanted to rearrange I sent then   suggest some times I didn't hear back but if they  just wanted to ghost they wouldn't have responded   to this email they still want to have some kind of  a meeting I haven't called them I haven't emailed   back but if you did then you would be arranged be  able to arrange another meeting with them so we've   got one rearranged there now from that we signed  up one client one client potential okay so I feel   like pretty confident about this potential as well  I'm gonna speak to the wife and and and get them   over the line I'll demonstrate to you guys how you  can pay those conversations so essentially what   we're looking at from 22 leads is we've got one  client signed and one potential we're not going   to class this one potential for now if this comes  through then great we'll change the statistic but   for now we've got 25 22 leads one client signed  um so even if we said like we're kind of 22   client 22 leads one client signed okay and that's  pretty much where we're at which I'm pretty happy   with with this series and this would not have been  possible if we hadn't been making cold calls okay   if we were not making cold calls and we're just  sending emails there's no way we would have signed   up one client from 22 leads maybe if we got lucky  but I'd likely it would have been a lot simmer so   pretty good now let me build a road map based  on these results here um in fact we'll just   make this a little bit easier so instead let's  just like we're going to do this based on 25   leads let's say for 25 leads we're going to  sign up one client so that is a 50 close rate   which is unrealistic for you but I've been doing  this for a long time and I can do this in my   sleep your clothes rate is going to be more  like 25 so let's build out a roadmap to 10K   um and let's round the 22 liter 25 leads 25 leads  is getting us two meetings attended 25 leads is   one day's Outreach if that it's really half a day  five days in a week is 100 leads is 10 meetings   10 meetings is five clients signed four weeks  in a month that's 20 clients signed 20 clients   based on 800 service charge will increase is 16  000. so that's like a best case scenario here in   one month based on the current stats that we've  got now there are many variables that will come   into play here but based on the close rate that  I've got currently this is kind of the best case   scenario you'd have to reach out to other leads  in in other cities you certainly couldn't just   do that locally I would run out of leads very  quickly you would also struggle to deliver 20   clients by yourself you definitely have to get  a team member or two in with you there so I can   still be doing Outreach but this is not impossible  this is the best case scenario here certainly not   realistic for any of you guys to achieve in the  initial stages so let me just like take this over   here and let's do a more realistic roadmap in  comparison to that one based on what you guys   could do based on the numbers from I've worked  with thousands of agencies over the years the   stats from them so roadmap to 10K your situation  so let's say 25 leads I've found that 25 leads   will get one meeting on average one good meeting  okay and this is based on total Outreach so this   is based on cold calls this is based on emails and  maybe DMS but just cold calls and emails um cold   calls are absolutely essential if you're not cold  calling you're not going to be getting one meeting   from 25 leads it's a bottom line okay so if you're  scared of cold calls think about why you're scared   of cold calls maybe watch some of the videos on  my YouTube channel get over that fear because   that's how you're going to be getting the results  that I'm showing you on screen okay if you're not   prepared to do that then you need to fight through  that that fear okay 25 leads is one day as we've   already said but it's really half a day you could  do more than this if you want to five days it's   100 leads and it's five means you're going to be  doing about a 25 close rate in the initial stages   okay I've actually found the average to be 30 but  I just want to do it this is like a worst case   scenario so add those uh five meetings so if we do  four weeks you're going to be getting 20 meetings   and then 20 meetings five clients signed okay so  from those five clients let's do this on the basis   of my 800. and I will talk about the variables  in a minute 4K so 4 8 12 over the course of three   months you're going to be on 12K and that's it so  it's going to take you three months to hit 10K on   this basis on consistent Outreach now for those  of you that are watching this thinking well that's   all just like a best case scenario based on these  numbers actually this is worst case scenario based   on conversion rate here and based on doing cold  calls but I'm going to give you some variables   to just make this even more realistic for you  because this won't happen perhaps that you all of   you I've seen many people achieve this many many  people have achieved this because they've sticked   their daily Targets in many cases because they've  reached out to more leads there are variables that   will affect this I want to be straight up with you  guys so let's look at um variables let's look at   like the comms first like potential things that  will affect this and they'll buy content I mean   these are negative things in general I just mean  these are things that will affect this this this   um Target this roadmap here first one is free  trials now we're very fortunate that with the   one client and maybe two clients that were signed  we haven't had to do a free trial and that's to do   with the confidence that I have on the call  that's to do with the offer Market fit but   with some of you guys for your first one to even  free client you will have to offer a free trial   now as I've demonstrated throughout this a free  trial is going to be used as a weapon in Your   Arsenal it's going to be something you're going  to use as a last resort you don't want to be going   forward and offering this off the bat you want to  try and see if you can get money straight away but   there's no shame in doing free trials okay free  trials are a great way for you to prove yourself   get the practice and show that you can do what you  say you can do and at the very least just for you   to learn on the job okay so do not be blinded  by the money when you first did that start out   go off for a free trial if it gets you to climb  pre-trials um bad results okay one or two clients   now this is something that no one really talks  about but I'm a little straight up with you like   I haven't generated incredible results for every  client that I've ever worked with especially in   the early stages as an agency owner if 90 of the  clients you're working with you're getting great   results for then then brilliant but marketing is  something that I mean you can't control all the   variables as a start sometimes you can have  the best ads in the world the best funnels   the best offer but there's something to do with  the business their service delivery the reviews   or just a bad product Market Fitness moment in  time sorry it's a bit loud outside that means   you just can't get them the results that you want  to get them now in the early stages you might not   fully understand your service yet you might be  learning on the job your first one or two clients   you might not be able to get great results for  now this is just going to be a small subsection   of you but I want to pre-warn you that this can  be a bad variable now the worst thing you could   do when this happens to you is start moving out  it's really bad I can't get results and then you   just fall off the face so you can get a job again  no you man up you pull yourself together and you   just learn that your service needs to be improved  and so you figure out ways that you can improve it   and you take that exercise and you go put it into  your new clients and then get better results and   so on okay and speak to an expert who knows how to  generate results they'll be able to identify where   you went wrong with that specific client and you  need to expect these kind of things to happen bad   variables free trials bad results and then we  also have Outreach fatigue now this is you not   like your Outreach fatiguiness and your Outreach  stops working I mean you just like fatigue from   reaching out to 25 leads a day now I've been  conditioned in sales every years and years I know   that you need to stick to your Targets in order  to be successful some of you guys haven't been in   sales yet will get the motivation for a couple of  weeks and then you'll start dropping off and that   is okay but you need to recognize that you've  got Outreach fatiguing and you get back on the   horse okay but even a couple of weeks of delayed  Outreach can set this target back quite quite   largely or quite exponentially as we've already  established if we're getting five meetings a week   if you have one week of Outreach that's going to  set you back so we then have a general motivation   okay so your general motivation is a massive one  okay we come to pits and troughs that's why we   generally I recommend getting accountability cut  Partners being in private communities getting a   mentor so you can work from people with people  and piggyback off their motivation but General   motivation getting off the horse is going to  affect this massively we can come back to these   but let's see if there's uh let's go through the  positive uh variables now there are some things   that will affect this and because some of you  guys will I mean some of you guys are going to   hit 10K in three months some of you are going to  hit 10K in six months so I mean these this is a   realistic kind of time frame good or bad between  three and six months if you're actually putting   in the work I've seen people do this a lot sooner  I've seen people sign up five figure clients for   their first client that doesn't happen a lot  but it does happen I've seen people take 12   months because they're just motivation is all  over the place and they're not consistent Pros   first of all we have great service if your service  is great you're gonna increase the price so if   you're generating 30 40 50k a month for your  client 100K a month you're definitely going to   increase it from 800 pounds our calculations here  are based on it being 800 pounds per client one's   going to be 1K one's going to be 2K one won't even  be 3K one might be 500 pounds they're going to be   variable across the ball but as long as your  service level is increasing you're going to be   able to increase your price so that's a massive  bonus existing network is a big one many of you   will already know business owners you already  know ideal client in your network identify those   reach out to them that's going to give you a  massive unfair advantage and getting to give   you a massive head start as well other variables  we have communities slash accountability so this   combat General fatigue and Outreach fatigue  General motivation outfit reach fatigue when   you're in a community of other agency owners or  on the same path of you or at different stages   of their Journey hence like the affluent Academy  for example you can get accountability partners   that will work with you on a daily basis and  make sure you're sticking to your targets they   might be people that are doing the same thing as  you right now or they might be coaches who are   going to whip you into shape and make sure you're  sticking to your targets like I had when I first   started in sales we have accountability partners  and coaches inside of the affluent Academy for   that very reason so we can keep people on Target  and a final thing is a mentor if you've got a   mentor if you've got someone around you like  you're watching my videos right now but if you   physically work with me one-on-one inside one of  our programs then you're going to have the ability   to pick my brain anytime you want to or any other  coach that we've got inside of our program I don't   care if it's me it could be someone else for  all I care but a mentor is very very important   because when you're struggling when you've had  a bad day when you've got you're struggling to   get results when you don't know what to say to  someone on a certain sales meeting you can speak   to someone that's already been in that position  10 times 100 times over who can then give you   advice based on what is actually going to work  so instead of you just stumbling through it and   failing forward you can have your failures but  then learn from them instantly because someone   can give you advice because they've been in that  situation before and they know exactly what to do   because they're seasoned okay so having a mentor  is something that's going to give you a very large   unfair Advantage which is why so many of the  people that have mentors get to the 10K a month   in closest to the free month Point um then other  people who are trying to go at it alone okay so   this is going to give you an idea of a realistic  roadmap that you can follow I wanted to lay this   out to you because we're kind of looking at this  in some condensed like three day series type thing   um so the results are kind of a little bit skewed  but I want to extrapolate this over a couple of   months so you can see what is actually possible  now I knew when I came into my agency you can   tell I'm getting worked up here because this topic  is something I'm so passionate about when I came   into my agency when I first started my unfair  Advantage was always in sales not because I was   a good salesman but because I understood that the  secret to success in any sales related industry   is sticking to your realistic daily sales targets  it's understanding that the micro your 25 leads   per day that you're reaching out to is what  it's going to equate to the macro your 10K a   month income it's not going to be what I do today  which is going to get me the result tomorrow it's   what I do this month which is going to get me the  result next month and so if you understand that   and you stick to your targets like a compulsive  Obsession every single day because you've looked   at this roadmap and you've had it laid out to you  in a worst case scenario and you think okay I just   need to do my 25 leads multi-platform strategy do  my code push through it because that one thing is   going to make me successful then it's physically  impossible to fail as an agency owner if you're   sticking to your targets if you're reaching out  to a niche that desires your service and you're   offering a service that's going to increase their  revenue it is physically impossible to fail if you   have all of those three things in check so guys  run over have you enjoyed this episode I'm so glad   we've got a client over the line so I can show you  the next steps I've got the onboarding call this   evening so I'm doing a little prep before that  and I'll see you guys in the next episode cheers   so now we're testing out three different ad  creatives one eight pound a day each share   this with the client which I'm gonna do right now  send them a message on WhatsApp just to make sure   that they're happy with the creatives and the  design that we've gone for and we are good to go
Channel: Jordan Platten
Views: 45,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smma, social media marketing agency, closing a smma client, live smma sales call, sales call smma, smma live sales call, smma sales call, live smma sales meeting, live sales meeting smma, smma outreach, jordan platten, jordan platten smma, live closing smma, closing smma clients, live closing call smma, smma closing live, how to get smma clients, how to start a smma, how to start smma, smma agency, smma 2023, smma course, digital marketing agency, cold calling smma, agency
Id: oR3S8b3nQaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.