Clone Army Building Tactics Roguelike Deckbuilder!! | Let's Try Clonizer

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hello everybody and welcome to let's try my name is Reformation this is clonizer a roguelike deck building turn-based tactics game that we should be checking out the demo for here today let's pop on in and see what the game is all about looks quite neat in we go life signals check loyalty levels check head attached to body check welcome to life specimen clone e8210393 I feel like that might be on purpose we'll see I'll be your guide to your first day of work at quadpo Quanto needs more dupe AKA duplicative unending prodigious Essence to make more clonies yes it's on purpose and your mission is to find a planet that hasn't but first I have to write a performance report of your training Mission so let's begin [Music] on each planet klonpo signs a submission get performance Stars control the camera hold drag with middle Mouse wasd move the edge of screen we got all kinds of ways to do it [Music] drag and drop one of the cloney cars towards the middle of the screen in order to play it oh well hello great the Clone eyes respond our first clone e let's start by exploring by dragging and dropping the Clone into a new tile now play a second colony with a remaining energy interesting oh oops native species alert we failed to convince them of clonpo's greatness there's nothing else we can do at this moment click this button to end the turn at the end of each turn we discard all remaining cards in our hand and draw five new ones when the turn starts foreign fights they deal their health as damage to their enemies oh my does it or help okay give Target cloney plus two health so I guess I do this give you that do a little murder and would have got a card restore one colony's action single use sure two more performance stars to go got that one we got this down here moose Sprout tree continuously Spawn from we have no way of stopping it gotcha jetpack give Target cloney plus one action and flying oh I feel like we're gonna get jumped though summon a new one give Target cloning ability deal one damage to an enemy in one range maybe I could bait you in it no okay [Music] uh oh no when ffo just arrived to attack our cloneizer we can negate incoming damage via whole Shields so we've got we got eight damage coming in Get Wrecked good job clone visor two one three nine four now oops okay oh why'd it get so loud clonpo credits card choose a card gain a card or discard a card to gain three whole Shields zero cost game three whole Shields created dupe burst deal one damage to Target unit single use Spawn Two clonies on a Target tile that does not have enemies gotta tell you a zero cost card seems quite good in this who knows gain four whole Shields draw two cards deal three damage Target unit if it exceeds their health draw a card it costs two Mana though like what I can't even do anything with it has Mew to fly has two Vision range flying one Health two actions sure Grant five Max Hull reveal the next seven Columns of nodes you know I'm not worried about it let's get let's get Max health equipment and gadgets and cloning enhancement tools remove cards uh thin deck life remove a card if it has been upgraded gain four credits uh what do we add we added a we added a discard gain Hall and flying I guess I'll get rid of one clone ecard and then next we get rid of uh you know this is our get rid of your strikes get rid of your defense angle clone post store we have 180 bucks I don't know if that's a lot or not top watch Plus oh it's on sale Hall Shields don't reset at the end of the turn that sounds good is there any other discount I mean I feel like I should take that at a discount we got here uh this takes purple we have a purple basic Shields plus one wait basic shield shield plus one this is just that simple whenever you make a building what get an energy draw an additional card on the first five turns that sounds pretty huge I'll get the top watch spawn three copies of a random clone e in your deck give a Target mutation plus one Health one use mutahol when this card is in your deck you gain five Max Hull wait what one use give Target mutation plus one Health I mean that does sound quite nice but I also like the idea of just trimming down the fat a bit in games like this it's kind of a really big deal so I'll do that and then that makes it so the next cards that we eventually add are going to be a big deal point of Interest we will encounter an interesting event here plant swampus okay I'll go let me I'll take your word on it being an interesting thing Froggers can attack from a range dealing too damage units can't be targeted by range attacks if they're in puffer zones hopefully working both ways okay so is this like a gotcha I gotta mutate the man oh we just discovered a construction guide we should Chase it [Music] oh my God he's like he's actually uh a mutated little man there give them plus two Health an extra action and flying you already have flying um you could Scout like a son again son again son again speaking of can I give you a gun no you can hold cannot hold two pieces of equipment at once just so you know if we have a cloney here we can click on this to construct a building all right P that's a zero cost I mean I'm sure we'll be able to the sound effects are volume wise all over the place here star get here you reach the construction zone click on it to give the order to construct generate an energy each turn interesting restore Target cloney's actions oh you're zooming what do we got here uh an alien is gonna spawn here on each planet we can find clone Bots left by previous clone visors after activating we can use them just like clone ease um give a Target cloning one Health until the end of the turn so it can be like take the fight to you Get Wrecked dude oh he had a star in him Shields I mean I guess I'll summon another cloney and I'll put myself on one of these Defender spots Roy so I'm not good at fighting this thing I think I just like do I have to do I have to fight it I guess I'm not sure if there's a reason why I would have to I guess maybe he has this can be killed to gain a performance star gotcha so we will get to it but I don't want to some these are like my Scouts there's something spawning over there okay we'll move down here and we'll have them eventually get that I I don't really there's no point to do anything congrats I cannot lose all of my Shields that I put on that turn I know cloning has the ability to do damage from a range I mean that seems like a cloney can deal damage from range click on the Clone in order to order it to fire all right well one second I'm gonna adjust some audio a little bit all right what cool Tool Catalog give a Target cloney and Equipment of your choice oh oh a little bit of cheating Get Wrecked Punk Mass wheel ZRX keys to adjust the zoom level cool I do think I wanna I wanna move down there's no safe way to get down okay deal one damage to Target unit Get Wrecked nerd so we have two stars that we can get yet okay so I'll summon another man what is this Idol cloney oh yeah it's fine all right ranged cover what is hello an ffo just teleported a faulty to the planet these broken EX clonies for some reason turn to be our biggest enemies I don't know if I like that for some reason star on death yes blast them blast them [Music] oh shoot wait [Music] sacrifice your life we don't have to worry about it I'm out of here dude blueprint clonpo credits choose a blueprint it'll be available as a building choice for the rest of the Run get a mutate tea each turn costs one after mutating gains of health and restores an action draw cheaper cloning cards when built draw three cards while active cloning cards drawn get minus one costs excluding the wait cloning cards drawn get minus one costs excluding cards drawn at the start of turn so it's like that that could be good we need a lot of card draw for that to be good Duke burst with a boost when built created dupe burst Duke burst played in three range dealing extra damage I'll go for this we'll see how it let's see how that how that goes homing wrench deal a damage to random enemy or gain four Hull Shields the thought of variability does sound really nice 10 whole Shields minus one cost if dupe burst is in hand if not create a do burst well we missed out on the Synergy we could have had there gamma ray ability or just like a free card I think that the fact that we have a thing that's going to be giving us a unit every turn clones grow restless and start to complain about the Eternal Silence of the space and how they want to hear a thing called music to pass time sing clontpose Jingle practice to take their mind off of things extra training helps them get in shape cloning cards get -1 cost on the next mission what the hell dude get a bunch of gold but take damage or remove a card honestly removing a card sounds good remove two cards so what did we add so remove one of each I think just going off of like the strike defend rule we're gonna slowly remove our you know our standard stuff I'll go for the probably the undetected node it's a shop after we do know that this is a good amount of money clompo graciously presents choose a card game six whole Shields salvageable if discarded will be played ooh this has muta Hall again X Hall Shields equal to the hull lost on the mission maximum eight this is synergistic with our discards discard one to three cards and gain two Hull shields for each one three copies of random clone e in your deck I mean okay cloney chip enhancer your range attack Steel Plus One damage this turn could be fun muta slime when it kills an enemy in combat gain one Health and restore an action that sounds really good when you upgrade a card gain three max Hall create two dude bursts on turn three gave two plus two Health to the first mutation you get in a mission that seems really good too Target mutation plus one Health one use mutahol or yet another removal we dropped five cards a turn we don't really want to have a less clones than that I don't know if I think Chili Peppers that great ditch that get out of here thin deck baby upgrade car is usually in exchange for something unusual upgrade a card but take five a whole damage okay what's that for health nine Hall Shield Savage Bowl discard one to two cards I'm hoping and assuming we get to choose it's not a great thing for us give Target Colony a piece of equipment of your choice draw a card Clooney gets to health eight Shields innate draw it at the start of the first mission do kind of like that actually I really like that I love a if you can't tell from my deck thinning I'm a sucker for consistency in a deck in a roguelike deck builder this is really neat so far mu Sprouts burrow themselves upon taking damage becoming untargetable for the turn heat wave occurs every few turns doing two damage to units not in an ice Sprout field mutation cards do not do go to the discard pile wait one oh just went too fast man okay we'll get a mutifly out here whoa [Music] just out of curiosity does this indeed work yep doesn't do anything for us this minute but I'll just like have you guys at the ready to to catch this any Hall Shields remaining at the end of the turn disappear I figured as much seems very slowly the Spire inspired this game is Just slave smart dude it's not just slay the spider look at what you're looking at yes there's obvious slightness by your um uh influence very obvious influence but that doesn't mean what you think it means you know okay uh on build and at the start of each turn spawn a mutate T I think we want the one energy first okay so we have another one up there can I I can't go there I shall make a slime the Slime has extra actions anywho Hall Shields will not reset at the end of the turn overload oh I didn't even see that activates when you have seven or more cards in hand hey that's strong Synergy here is this a heat wave sure seems as oh shoot I guess we gotta we can't really expand out here so if I give you if I give you a jet pack right now yeah you do get it right now Duke burst steel damage Target unit one use get at a so we have Knight Shields that should stay you have an extra action but I'm not gonna do anything with that I need to go collect this this stuff but I'm busy okay there's no more reason to be down here dude die if we tussle ah shoot [Music] when does the heel happen [Music] tell you what it's worth it to get this going oh it spawns here oh is he gonna die at the end of the turn yes gotcha so we should have so we can give the Mew to slime a gun uh the Armor's going away at the end of turn all right so let's let's pick up some of this garbage nine damage coming in that's exceptionally annoying that I did just didn't not enough space space in the tile oh do a little bit of a tussle a little murder done Scout we need you to move up yeah you just stay there unless I could uh get a jet pack just to scooch whole I mean I I never had eight cards right I can't imagine so I just take guaranteed damage that's kind of annoying I take guaranteed damage because I just didn't have enough and draw the cards oh my Lord teen [Music] I'm glad I can handle it holy okay um I didn't even know there was a guy back there so if you're hiding underground now I mean there's no reason why I had to care about that anyways [Music] you guys all start coming over [Music] it's not gonna matter now this is annoying do I send him to his death so I can get the raw dupe though foreign okay all right I wish we could uh overflow our armor to the next turn because that is a lot of armor okay so we should definitely have a couple down there just in case it pops to the left look at this Posse what the hell man I need to mutate you into a freaking slime clone so I guess there's no reason to not I mean sorry I hate to break with you no reason they're not just super murder yet give you a jet pack okay we're at five out of seven I guess we could just kind of avoid these guys until hopefully it just you know doesn't matter I know there's no need for whole Shields I just want to prove that how much I got screwed over by RNG game all right is that fine our meter tank got blocked by an enemy it will not work until we clear all the enemies on the tile oh no and they've got 11 damage coming in this okay this sucks I have to go for a big old smack like that it's gonna take damage unless it finishes its turn on an ice Sprout field okay so you guys are gonna have to go down here this is so this is so annoying wow I huh [Music] I just gonna be taking I had a whatever you have a turn with 24 block and no damage coming in any like 24 Block in your hand and no damage coming in then you have a turn like that and then it happens again that is that's something okay the good news is we should be able to do a little bit of magic here depending on who we attack first that's not the one I wanted to attack first but that is still that was still very very valuable oh get the hell out of here thank god oh thank God I didn't know we had one only one left I think maybe we got one from killing the guy whoo so I guess we need like more card draw spawn three copies of a random cloney in your deck I don't care if it's a clone e like I want to copy a mutation gain 10 whole Shields minus one cost if there's a dupers in your hand I don't think we take anything out of that Spawn Two quirkies oh on a Target tile that has no enemies interesting stores actions after equipping a piece of I think that that's worth taking I think maybe we remove one gamma ray at this point in hindsight it's less likely that we get the uh the good combo going but like yikes man clone Target cloney on its time oh never mind give a heal upgrade a card if one of these reconstruct building clonies on the tile gain health clonies can hold one more piece of equipment at the same that seems crazy let's go for an upgrade for about Tool Catalog give a piece of equipment and then draw a card I do like the sound of that just one extra help I mean just one extra Health it is a big deal so it's three more that's one more it's three more and I'm also more likely to have it and play it I'll take it cool Planet stinkery spooters will explode on death dealing when damage to all units in range Hills provide an extra vision and attack range to units dope milking cows love cows excuse me seems experimented on as a 30 chance of dropping dupe milk on death give Target cloney plus one Health and restore an action to it ooh [Music] give me the milk oh there's a lot of these oh God just assert dominance two quirkies [Music] [Music] explodes on death dealing one damage to all units in a one tile range wait a minute when you say all like I don't love this trade fully but oh let's go Duke cows make new or I angry I will say the fact that I got no none of the dupe milk is a crime [Music] that would be this first nucleus Shield seems so worth it if I get attacked it's worth it I feel like one anymore is overkill it's probably already Overkill I do want to get to that but [Music] foreign portals because I don't know where those are and of course I walked into a spot where another spider's spawning ah wait oh it only damages this only the surrounding tiles I'll get wrecked [Music] yes okay Duke milk restore Health get in action okay first let's build mute a tank good [Music] okay we got the thing we're already overflowing there what is after mutating gains one Health Resources in action if it does not mutate we'll die so I guess I could use it to scout though [Music] deal damage to unit die I wanted the milk [Music] by bringing unit here we can learn where it leads to I wish I could oh well oh no oh no [Music] I can give you another piece of equipment but that doesn't fully help me I'll blast them muta slime good so you go in here and then what clerky reports can't go go go breathe go oh good data good data jetpack are you ranged you're not ranged oh is it worth it I probably should have gone for this I guess you'll start moving yeah I should have gone for this because we're gonna eh if I can find a way oh there's one over here too [Music] that one I can get though oh wait this is huge because last time we did fix okay so the explosion did one damage this time it didn't do it last time understood and by that I mean I don't understand [Music] so that should give us we should recruit this thing [Music] potentially nothing one Health and an action that man's got a sword and a gun [Music] I don't know if I want you over there or not yet because I don't know if there's if I I'm gonna find anything it's perfect we block all that cloney drop and the Tool Catalog I'd love to see it [Music] [Music] one two [Music] one two three we could get that and then see what it is that could end up being really good could be nothing it could be something one two three if send the brave man in this is our objective so we'll we'll just do it so I guess the other one's up here it's hot here hot hot hot oh or it's down here this is the others okay it could be just in case there's a spider down there [Music] all right top watch this is really good [Music] because like otherwise you're really like and I know that's just a thing in deck builders it's like people say oh it's the exact same thing as far not necessarily due to the fact that damage incoming is more reliable and oh my God there's 16 all of a sudden so I gotta be like I have to spend my I don't know it's it's interesting it's not quite the same plasma gun [Music] oh blast them kill him and heal loving it I wish we could have done the beautify but hey [Music] by moving down I already can get blasted so but clearly that's gonna be where we need to go all right okay so we'll start sending these back you just go here to die on this hill [Music] ow okay got the Mew to fly I guess we could just mutate you instead after all that mostly just because you're further up I need the Clone drop I don't think this can attack me I'll do it just to get another guy out here on the field holy crap [Music] I'll just I'll start I'll start working on getting ready [Music] questions if we go for that or not [Music] genuinely feels like I don't want to I feel like we're gonna get blasted there but then we don't four and four I mean it's a lot we need to we need the uh the supply drop basically I could just start attacking it's just it feels like a waste but then no because we want him to shoot with the gun I guess I guess that's fine who's he blasting he's blasting up on the hill I would consider that to be oh there's two they swap places because sad consider that to be good but then [Music] did not get the drop Tool Catalog no milk did not get the milk [Music] more Blaster if we give you the Sword and the Blaster we could move you up blaster sword get in there be killed then we would have killed one I guess it's a lot of effort here for this [Music] but it seems important I guess so [Music] not what I was hoping for should not be able to kill me out you sacrificed your life what if I would have like moved fast enough if I could have been screwed over it's good I don't think yeah we don't want to move you up further what I need is is the uh the supply drop thing I'm so glad I grabbed that because otherwise getting my way all the way up here sounds like a nightmare oh no I think we run from that there's the colony drop interesting yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep that's gonna suck just start running everything up there that guy doesn't have a gun I mean we do have him one two three four we have him it's just gonna be like kind of annoying might as well he's dying anyways we might as well sack him top watch [Music] [Music] not a lot we can do we just kind of got to start going for it seems like the damage is ramping up yeah I mean that that was expected more or less ah I needed the equipment drop so bad [Music] hmm unfortunate she's dead the thing is I kind of need to run in there and go for it because if I leave it leave him to his own devices he gets to attack me for free with his gun so as annoying and bad as this looks and boy does it look bad it's about the best I can do 16 damage coming in man [Music] okay we can we can get there [Music] we just kind of need to take all this a lot of this damage we can just run from you that we don't actually have to kill this should be fine that's just so much damage that we kind of have to take he's gonna blast through me and that's not gonna be what the hell are you serious [Music] if you want to get out of display we should not forget the objective I'm aware oh thank God I'm aware but Jesus dude like the damage ramp is crazy maybe you shouldn't put the portal so darn far away then this teleporter leads to a planet full of all right will face developers Implement me info release face bosses with challenging strategies more planets unlock more content this is really cool this is really really cool I think you know it's gonna have some balance hurdles to overcome it feels like there's a lot of stuff that was taken from slave Sprite that maybe doesn't work quite as well in this format I don't know like I'm trying to think I almost feel like a better I don't know like I'm trying to decide if I like the alien damage angle where it's coming in from the laser beam you have to play the hull cards to block it that way instead of just using the baked in built-in combat feature that does exist to defend your base from units that would be coming in to get it because it it adds this layer of juggling to the systems that I feel like doesn't need to be there I don't know maybe I could be wrong feels a little bit strange uh in that way because it puts it in RN like puts the RNG at the Forefront it's like the annoying part of deck builders brought to the Forefront like I have 25 you know 16 damage 32 damage across two turns coming in and I just didn't draw any defense cards or something that would feel really really bad right it's like the answers do it faster yeah I mean I'm sure and I get it but uh maybe there's more ways to heal than I could tell I I guess that's maybe the thing is maybe healing is a little bit more um uh frequent then one would maybe think but who knows I'm very curious to see what that the full release of that would look like I just know there's a lot of turns where it's just like are you kidding me dude what do we got give a random piece of equipment to all clonies and gain three Hall shields for each I mean this is a cool it's a three three cost protocol disappears after you Scranton effect for the entire Mission when a colony receives equipment gain three Health Shields see I mean these are pretty neat we got like I really like it I think it's very very promising I think that it's it's combining some genres and it's doing it in a way I played a couple of years ago this wasn't true but this is now true that I played a lot of roguelike deck building turn-based tactics hybrid games that was it was a hybrid genre that there wasn't a ton of Intel recently and I will say that despite the fact this feels like it has a flavor of making a colony Builder and I don't think it's just because it's called clonizer like the fact that you're setting up those buildings you have to defend them the fact that there's you're creating lots of units and you're sacrificing them like fodder I think that that angle is really interesting and smart take I think that there's a couple of things for quality of life that still need to be implemented and it is a demo this is the time to give this kind of a feedback and I think that that would be under the guise of like uh well how do you deal with the RNG of blocks in the roguelike deck builder like that's an element that we've tackled in a lot of other deck builders that have released since latest Spire site Aspire can handle it because it's so very very tightly balanced it can get away with it and uh maybe this will be the same thing maybe it will not be who knows uh but I think that all in all it's bringing something new to the table for sure and I really like what I see I think the full release is going to be very exciting [Music] um but yeah the goal just being how do you minimize those frustration points and uh I I have faith I have faith and I'm excited to see what the the dev ends up doing with that uh I think it's worth your time I think you should go check out the demo too this is one of those demos where I'm like I actually think you should go and you should legitimately play the demo not just wish list the game if you're interested like go play the demo too it's a good time you can definitely go about it a different way than I did uh but last and last that's that that's gonna do different anything but watch it check out the channel for real life some more every single day and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 31,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clonizer, let's play clonizer, let's try clonizer, clonizer review, clonizer preview, clonizer gameplay
Id: A2sGLBg2Zy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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