Clone and Replace your Old HDD with a SSD Using Macrium Free Software

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hello gpros and welcome back to my it workshop this is your boy elementary in this video i'm going to show you how to replace your all mechanical hard drive to a new faster ssd for that end i'm going to use this computer this is a windows 10 can be windows 11 windows 8 doesn't make a difference the process is going to be the same by the way this is kind of an old computer you're going to see it in a few more seconds so we're going to to check the characteristics of this computer so you can see it's an i3 that's the model and the memory is 12 gigabytes which i added the same day all right so the next thing i'm going to show you is the ssd itself the brand is kingston i have used it in the past they are really great i am going to leave the link in the description below for it if you need it by the way the size the size is 500 gigabytes but can be any any other one by two terabytes doesn't make a difference right the other thing that we're going to need is this sata to usb cable so we can connect the the ssd to the computer so as you can see this is the way you do it and i made a mistake of course when i don't make mistakes so that's how you do it again i'm going to leave the link in the description below for both all right so the next step is to connect this usb to an available port on your computer so let me a few seconds so you can see it and i did it just there so now allow me for seconds to come back and we are going to see the hard drive of this computer as you can see this computer has two partitions it's only one physical hard drive but it has two the size is 500 gigabytes and its partition c and dc as you know is where the operating system is and it can be anything your games your pictures or whatever that you may like so for this example i'm going to clone them both but if you only have one the process is going to be the same if you have three it's going to be the same just make sure that the new ssd that you bought is going to be enough to have all the information that your old hard drive has okay next we're going to open a web browser and then we go to the web address that you can see there don't worry i'm going to leave the link in the description below for it so as you can see the version is eight as of the making of this video in the future you may see nine or ten scroll down and you have to download reflect eight free chrome air shell then i already have it as you can see there it's very small so you double click on it it's going to take a few seconds to open and after that you can select where you do you want to install the software where you want to download it first so i'm going to leave it as default the partition you can select anything that you may like and then you go to download at the bottom there so after that the videos are sped up in this part so you don't have to wait all the real time so it took around one minute or so to download after that you're going to see this do you want to install this software yes i want next you're going to see this and the only thing you have to do is click on next so then it's going to start the installation you click next one more time you accept the license of course and then this is the important part you have to select personal use and then agree to the following that you're going to use it personally so the one above is the example of the key so you go next and here you have to type your i your ipads your um your email okay so use any email that you may like and then you're going to go and then you click on get my code after that it's going to tell you an email has been sent to this email and check for further instructions don't forget to check your junk folder just just in case all right so then you're going to receive an email like this i don't know why i covered the date it was april and you see your registration code is so they are eight digits you copy that you come back here you copy you paste them over here and you go next now we're going to see like an alert over there and we have to uncheck this register this installation so we go next install desktop shortcut yeah that's fine with me next installed so this one took some time like two three minutes because this hard drive is all the computer is old so don't worry about that it's going to it's going to install it anyway uh the video is spread out in this part so you're going to see it go by super quick like that and after that finish you don't have to press anything and it's going to show you this launch now and you click on finish after a few seconds it's going to open and this is how it looks now on the top you can see the hard drive that we already have it has you can see four partitions but the ones that you normally see is c and d as you can see over here so in this part you you might have more you you might have less but you you are going to have at least two so for example if you don't want the d partition you can uncheck it you use the checks under each uh partition over there and you can select what you want to clone for example i uncheck the d1 here but i want to clone everything on this on this hard drive so you can see how it works i'm going to select it but again it's up to you what you want to clone all right so then you go to clone this disk you click on it and it's going you then you select the a disk to clone you and it's going to recognize the kingston we have installed a few seconds so well not it's all connected a few seconds ago so you select that you go next it's not going to show anything here it's actually this clone so you go next and here is going to give you an overview of what is going to do so the source disk as you can see is the old one the mbr disk and the destination is the kingston over there all right so it's going to give you more information you can you can check it out then you go finish and now this is important uh run this backup now well yes i want to do it right now or and this one i never really needed the save and xml backup definition i really never needed that so i'm just going to click ok i mean you uncheck it and you leave run the backup now checked so you click ok and now it's going to start so this process is going to take some time depending how old your hard drive is how much information you are cloning and the speed of your usb okay this video is sped up here but i'm going to stop it and come back when this is almost done welcome back so as you can see it took 41 minutes to complete this is going to depend on how big your hard drive is how old and the speed of usb all right so you click ok you have to do anything else you can close it and as you can see the top one the old hard drive is exactly the same as the bottom one the ssd the new one the size is a little different because this is a little smaller than the old hard drive okay but after all besides that it looks the same so i'm going to shut down the computer because we don't have anything else to do here as the cloning has been successful now allow me a few seconds and i'm going to show you the the ssd is connected the computer is off now i'm going to disconnect it so this is how it looks now i'm going to proceed to disconnect everything from this tower pc so everything as fast as i can and now and then we are going to replace it all right so this is on the table now i'm going to remove the screws on the back and now i'm going to remove the case so the first thing i'm going to show you is that i'm not wearing any jewelry or watches and i'm going to discharge myself of any static electricity that i might have in my body by touching the metallic cage for a few seconds that way i don't damage the circuitry so as you can see this is the fan for the processor this is the power supply and this is all the cables so this is the old hard drive the mechanical one and it has two screws so using my loyal phillips screwdriver i'm going to remove them really quickly and now we're going to proceed in your case you may have more screws and i'm trying to remove it but of course i'm making a mistake i have to disconnect the cables first that way it's going to be it's going to be way easier after that i'm able to remove it and as you can see this is a seagate 500 gigabytes all right so this is the old hard drive now this is the new one the kingston and we're going to start it something i tried to do but i failed i'm not in my lab right now i'm somewhere else is that these screws from the computer itself they don't fit to the ssd so i was not able to find new ones or smaller ones and i was able to do it later but for this video it was not able to do it then we're going to leave the ssd like hanging okay you are please don't do that always do it the best as the best you can but in this case that's what i found now i connected everything but i realized the cables are like tangled i ah i don't like that very much so i'm going to do a little of cleaning really quickly as fast as i can over here and after that i'm going to connect the power and the sata cable over there and like i said i was not able to add it to the the metallic part but that's how i left it now i'm going to proceed to cover it i'm going to put back the screws on the back and then after that i'm going to put it i'm going to connect everything back okay so after that i'm going to turn on the computer one more time and you see the intel logo because the motherboard is an intel and this part might be slow for you the video is sped up because it's the first time we're booting for the new ssd so as you can see i can log into windows i'm going to go to this pc or my pc i always forget what it's called and you can see the c and the partitions okay so it's working something you can do if you are going from a smaller hard drive to a bigger one and you can check over here you can go to computer management you look for it you click on that computer management and you're going to see this after that you go to disk management it's going to take a few seconds to load and here you if you are if you have more space that is not being used instead of blue is going to be black in this case we don't have that so this is the sea gate that we have replaced as you can see and that's how you replace or clone replace and clone a hard drive using macrium free cloning software okay so thank you very much for watching if you like this video please leave a like and subscribe if you have any other comment or questions leave it in the comment section below and as always as you know i'll see you in the next video
Channel: My IT Workshop
Views: 92,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My it workshop, how to, alvendril, Clone and Replace your Old HDD with a SSD Using Macrium Free Software, how to clone hard drive, macrium reflect free, how to copy hard drive, macrium reflect clone ssd, cloned ssd, cloning hard drive, macrium reflect tutorial, macrium refect free, how to clone my hard, how to clone my hard drive to ssd windows 10, how to replace you hard, how to replace your hard drive, kingston ss, kingston ssd installation pc, kingston ssd installation
Id: Pl93_8ACKco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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