Click At CES in Las Vegas - BBC Click

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[Music] it's 20/20 we're in Las Vegas that can only mean one thing welcome to see ya [Music] welcome to the biggest tech show on earth are you CES ready featuring 180,000 people from 160 countries with 4,000 companies and one pizza making robot its see ass goodness he sounded excited to me so yeah absolutely tell me what is exciting we only some of the plumbing dude you know who this year oh that's CES oh yeah that's right something and we have for you the latest announcements from here as well as getting our hands on some of the most exciting looking gadgets that have made their way to Las Vegas in fact let's see you thing in the water with one of them haven't you something out yes there's water in Las Vegas here it is this is Lake Las Vegas an oasis in the desert this is Stacy and this is the hydrofoil er xa1 it's an electric bike that you pedal on the water of course it is as you pedal the electric motor turns the propeller which pulls you forward and the hydrofoils underneath at like aircraft wings and lifts the whole caboodle out of the water it's the same sort of thing you might have seen on racing yachts well it looks manageable doesn't it I mean can it be really [Music] [Applause] [Music] and as long as you pedal hard enough at the start you can get the lift you need and you are sailing on Lake Las Vegas at the same time and here's the problem until you get the hang of it it's quite a bit of this and this and this the trick apparently is if you feel the bike start to over balance steer into the tilt but lean the other way and when that doesn't work try not to swear on camera now I was hoping to show you more of my successful rides but you've already seen all of them before the winter water temperatures got the better of me so please watch Stacey being too cool for school while I tell you that experienced riders can get up to 13 miles an hour the battery gives you an hour of ride time and the price is nearly seven-and-a-half thousand dollars so if you buy one find some warmer water and practice practice practice she makes it look so easy I nearly had it I swear I nearly had it I just need a couple more goes but right now absolutely frozen that look difficult how was it it was typical that cold and wet and cold but here's the thing right if you go out there everyone will tell you that their thing is amazing and spoiler alert it's not so we want to test as much as is humanly possible and someone who's tested more than it's humanly possible if you ask me I've tried and some of the things that I found most exciting this year have been for the smart home so here are a few of my top picks [Music] there are always plenty of smart home devices at CES but some of them a little more creative than others it's cold we'll me and the idea is that you can summon your furniture using your voice or an app or do so remotely naturally we figured that we could have some fun with this so we've been trying it all around the house this is all thanks to some smart coasters that are under here will me a currently of prototype stage and they are eventually going to be miniaturised to around 25 millimeters but right now I've got what I need just here in front of me I'm gonna take that that these and it's time to do a spot of cooking let's get started where's that smart bed the towel now automatically opens and you could pop your rubbish inside a sensor inside it'll be able to tell when it's full so it can automatically seal the bags or you can do it manually like this now I can take out the sealed bag and once I close this the new bag will move into place by itself it will keep doing this until you've used up all 25 bags that are in the cylinder I felt this was a little small for a kitchen but the company is working on larger versions okay I'll just leave that to cook for a moment oh no I spilled some coffee luckily we've got a robotic vacuum to hand Constance narwall has already mapped the room so now it's time to mop the room you can set it up with a choice of different programs to use and in the future it will actually be able to do just spot cleaning whilst it does have a seriously hefty price tag what makes this device different to other similar ones is its ability to self clean once it's made its way back to its base station there's one section of clean water and another section that will become dirty water after those mops have been washed now it'll need to do that after every 30 square meters of cleaning so that really is a fair bit that's quite a lot of goes around this kitchen looks ready but I could do with actually taking this to the show floor luckily I've got this lunch box which actually heats up heat box uses steam technology to heat the food inside this section here is where the food goes it's sealed with this bit of rubber to stop either the food leaking out in your bag or any of the water seeping into the food the makers have considered the fact that this may not be enough food for some people and that's why these removable trays are easy to just stack up you can have a few of them that just keep swapping the mainly to warm up all the food [Music] okay there's lunch I shall warm that up again when I get there time to head back to the show floor I brought some lunch this was all pretty easy all I needed to do was put a spot of water underneath the food then in ten minutes was piping hot something oh sorry I didn't actually meet you ready yeah well there's a pizza making robot here apparently there's 300 an hour or as I call it just a bounty nothing Tony was let's look at some of the really big announcements from this week's shows alright CES loves a new TV but the challenge is often been persuading the rest of us that we actually need them Samsung went big on 8kq LED displays also embracing AI to upscale lower res content the edges on this TV are so thin it's being described as almost bezel nurse in fact 99% of what you're looking out there is just screen but if you're struggling to understand why anybody would actually care that the frame is just a little bit smaller then at least this one has something very different about it Sampson Ferro not only works horizontally like a normal TV but also vertically take a look at this it may be only 4k but it'll mirror your phone and is being considered a future concept based on our changing habits of how we consume media still a limited amount of content in this shape though still seems better the old way meanwhile LG Display were suggesting more uses for its transparent and flexible o LED screens in an aircraft for example in a car and in the living room here's the follow-up to the roll-up TV that we sought two years ago this one rolls down will they think of next interestingly the original roll-up one will go on sale later this year for $60,000 the pitch is that if you have a really small living room you can maximize the space by rolling the screen out of the way although if you're paying sixty thousand dollars for a screen I suspect you don't have a small living room better known for their consoles than their cars Sony unexpectedly unveiled an electric concept car the vision s features 33 different advanced sensors multiple widescreen displays and immersive 360 audio don't expect one to be whizzing down any roads near you any time soon though as the Japanese giant has revealed plans to sell the car to the public back to Samsung which unveiled its new beeping robot assistance called Bali it's a small robot that follows you around it connected your personal trainer man apparently captures special moments with its camera it can also take chores off your hands by controlling smart appliances can't follow you up the stairs though and there's been competition here at CES to see who can unveil the wackiest robot and Chinese firm poodoo tech showed off a cat faced waiter for ferrying around meals in busy restaurants bella but makes a soft meow when it reaches his hungry customers and will even react to petting pet it for too long though and it'll be annoyed at you for distracting it from its job and finally from the company that developed the vegetarian burger that bleeds impossible Foods has created a pork substitute it's made from a substance called heme which is a molecule found in some plants and meat made in a lab to give a texture that resembles actual meat the company hopes that will help break into pork loving China the first product to feature the new foodstuff the impossible sausage is launching in the US this week yes [Music] now one of the hottest areas over the last few years has been streaming with loads of new services joining Netflix in the battle for eyeballs here at CES a pretty new idea has been unveiled kwibi is a streaming service specifically for mobiles it's going to be a subscription service offering high production value films presented in bite-sized 10-minute chunks to be watched on the go but most interestingly each film will be full screen no matter which way up you hold your phone and no matter when you switch between orientations and instead of getting a compromised cropped view when watching the portrait mode you get different shots specifically chosen by the director that work in that orientation each kwibi film is basically two films running in parallel with the ability to switch between them at any moment this was the main aim of the founders Meg Whitman and X Disney chairman and DreamWorks founder Jeffrey Katzenberg we knew for our use case that people are on the go right we think that our use case is 7:00 in the morning till 7:00 at night so maybe you get on the bus and you're holding your phone in portrait and then you want to watch something in landscape and then you get off and you want to so we knew we have to go seamlessly portrait to landscape and we wanted it to be full screen video because a lot of video on your phone isn't full screen video today because it hasn't been shot for the right aspect ratio so we got together and we said you know we've got to shoot this content differently we've got to shoot the film a little differently but then we have to render it and we have to be able to do this portrait to landscape transition without taking down tremendous battery power or tremendous bandwidth and so there was a technical challenge and the challenge around you know how the film was going to be shot and that's a little bit of the magic of Jeffrey and I coming together to found this company because you know he knows the creative side I know the tech side and we were able to do something that no one's done before apparently you're filming a lot in 8k and that's how you can get good resolution portrait crops of your footage that's really expensive isn't it well we don't we don't we set out here to cut corners we set out here to deliver people something that's unlike anything they've seen before and that has a price tag about it you know it's not user-generated content which we admire and it's great and it's made for pennies or dollars a minute we're making content for $100,000 a minute and yes it's expensive but that's worth paying for we think hello the ability to show different shots depending on which way the phone is orientated is taken even further in the short film nest we're watching in landscape shows a normal cinematic film but switching to portrait shows what the main character can see on her phone screen instead I mean there's only so many streaming services that anyone's going to be able to pay for that's got to be a consideration ultimately on a mega thing it's like yes we can all afford that every single thing that we want something yeah in that regard you're right if the macro level or the 50,000 feet down yes we are competing for people's entertainment dollars broadly speaking I think you know but at $4.99 a month we think were awfully affordable and differentiated from what anybody else is doing if $4.99 very expensive production values you can I make money any time we see a day where we will become profitable in the not-too-distant future and then we will have a decision to make if the thing is growing like crazy do we invest more in content and in marketing and folks but we you know I will tell you we are really responsible from a financial perspective and we created a business plan that our first set of investors under wrote because we told them what the what the runway looked like really yeah we did this is not one of those things where we said let's build an audience and we'll figure out if we can make money that's no words as makes it we're too old dogs we have run businesses we've been in public company CEOs day one this has got a very clear path for profitability reasonably early of course it's not just streamers who are trying to get our attention advertisers are in a constant battle and it's getting increasingly hard for them so I've been looking at a company that's using computer vision and AI to put ads in the footage that we're already watching after it's been made in our fast-paced world of growing impatience who wants to sit through an advert so could this be the solution right here beside me is a blank wall but that's easy enough to change [Music] myriad hope so as is using AI to find the right spots for the right advertising in the content we're already watching I'm just sending some video footage that we've created and from there the AI can select where in the image the advert should be placed [Music] in terms of the detection and understanding the the availability and where the inventory sits within the content that's all done by the AI where we do require a human eye is the actual embed work because of the complexity of shadows and lighting and things like that so we have a very skilled team that actually post analysis then places that brand in because a machine will struggle to learn to for example you know if there's a scene where that a car crash wouldn't necessarily want the car brand in there for example really depends on the type of content so if you're using something like a soap opera for example where the context and the scenes are quite repetitive you know you from a cafe to a pub to a street what you'll actually find is that when we can identify something it actually needs to be continuous right so you can't just have it in one scene and then disappear in another it's very useful for that to identify and then place that and have that continuous throughout the scene I thought this one was quite an interesting observation here by the AI which is in the background so actually have relatively sort of obvious place to put something but you might not as a human of necessary said oh you know let's place this in the background and cover that window I tell you one of my favorite parts of CES is wandering around looking all the weird stuff any idea what that is supposed to do that okay some strange no they're not actually no this is if I may of course the shoe blasts have you got smelly shoes this will sort them out can I borrow a shoe service rules what you want friend I don't know trust me I'll smell yours there we go i you so much on and it blasts it with UV light and warms and dries them at the same time nice mom who genuinely is my favorite part of CES wandering around and looking at the the weird stuff here's Kris Fox's roundup of all the kooky stuff around oh hi there you just caught me getting a tattoo they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas thanks to pre Kerr these tattoos will cause they'll wash right off you choose what you want from the app I'm gonna get this little Fox and then here we go hey branded for life well at least until I shower now check this out this is light thread it's made out of micro LEDs and it fits through the eye of a needle it wasn't a glass case but I convinced the company to let me poke it for a few seconds just to show you how small it is now there's no plans to put this in any clothes at the moment so I've challenged them to do it for next CES I've stopped for a little gaming break to play with vortex it's basically a little fan in a box that blasts you with hot or cold air to make your gaming more immersive look one no keys this is selfie type of concept from Samsung see laughs the idea is that instead of typing on a tiny smartphone screen you can use your selfie camera and just touch type on the table in front of you and the camera recognizes the letters that you are trying to type in your head and it's weird because I've been put in training mode here I've only had a few minutes to try it and I've really got some speed up it does work now I know it's the wrong mother for Christmas tree but I wanted to show you these lights which can make coordinated patterns and it can do that because using your phone you very quickly can map the location of each individual LED and that means you can also draw custom patterns on your Christmas tree now it's about three hundred dollars for a string of six hundred LEDs which means this tree is worth nearly two thousand dollars this is the ulti racer you clip in your own bike and use it to control video games and the innovation here is that I can even lean side to side and steer and the company promises me I will never fall off the faster I pedal the more bullets I shoot in this game and there's even a little racing game I'd love to see them link two of these together so I can play Mario Kart with friends time for some smartphone prototypes and if you want to future-proof your existing phone and turn it into one of those modern folding phones then perhaps this device from pocket monitors can help it's a clip-on display that turns your existing phone into a three-way folding phone well sort of well why not go for something completely different and have a round smart phone the circle phone lets you make round calls and send round messages although you can't take around selfie at least not yet even stranger this device didn't just have a headphone jack it has two so you can listen to songs with friends the Creator said she wants to make it because people are more naturally drawn to circles now we've seen coffee machines that make drinks from little capsules this machine makes cupcakes and cookies it's called tegu it's from Argentina what I do is open these pods here and squeeze the dough into these little cooking trays and then into the machine they go it's going to take about five minutes to cook so let's do like a time lapse or something okay well it's time for the taste test here we go those good Rodrigo that is good as good I think it would be rude I didn't stay here and make absolutely sure that they all taste us to it so I see you in a bit that's Chris Fox's round up and that's it from us from CES at least for this week yes there are more amazing things to come from here next week in the meantime you know where we are though you yeah Facebook Instagram YouTube and Twitter a previously claimed person visit thank you so much for watching see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: BBC Click
Views: 53,573
Rating: 4.8472223 out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc click, bbc news, technology, tech, ces, las vegas, ces 2020, ar, vr, ai, social media, quibi, media, katzenberg, bike, cycle, tv, samsung, lg, vertical, sony, car
Id: _IqaunRl-eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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