Clemson's Greatest Games: Vol. 3 - 1989 Clemson vs. FSU

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[Music] you know that's all we thought about was playing FSU we're going down there we knew it's a hospital five-man plan I never seen our team so ready to play everybody on that team was on the same page that day the ready players an ESPN game at night and you know we whipped up on them it was great our fans were saying it was great to hate Florida State and it's a wonderful experience and they go into their place and you know go just an FSU team that's always Towson I always have excellent players to go down there and really just kill them what they usually kill people with and that will speak when 10th ranked Clemson traveled to Tallahassee Florida to face Florida State on September 9 1989 a crowd of 60 1897 the fourth largest in FSU history hakdo Campbell stadium to watch the Tigers square off against Bobby Bowden Seminoles it would become one of Clemson's greatest games it's clear and humid in Tallahassee with gametime temperatures hovering around 90 degrees as Clemson and Florida State entered the field Tiger captain's James lot Chris Morocco Gary Cooper and Vince Taylor meets Seminole leaders Peter Tom Willis Cory and Freeman Lawrence dossie calvin smith and Odell Hagen's for the coin toss Florida State wins the toss and defers the second half Clemson's Joe Henderson and Doug Thomas are back to receive the kick Ritchie Andrews kicks it for the Seminoles Henderson takes it on the two finds the same and brings it all the way back up to the Clemson 48 yard line that's good for a 46 yard return FSU freshman Terrell Buckley finally stops Henderson near midfield it's the first play from scrimmage and Tiger Quarterback Morocco is back to pass he finds senior wide receiver Rodney Fletcher open the pass play is good for 14 yards and a first down at the FSU 38 yard line the Tigers go with the option on second down Morocco keeps but FSU's Kevin grant stops the play after gain of only yard or so the ball is on the thirty six second and eight Morocco is back to pass he dumps it to his fullback Wesley McFadden and he'll take it down to the Seminole 20 yard line before FSU's Leroy Butler can bring him down Terry Allen will get the call on first down he'll find some Running Room to his left and maneuver his way down to the 12 yard line dodge stops him a couple yards shy of another Clemson first down McFadden will take the handoff for Morocco on second and two bang ahead for the two he needs for the 1st and goal at the 10 her others makes the stop for the Seminoles Morocco pitched Allen he's hit hard but spins off to the 5 where Y tackles him it's 2nd and goal from that spot it's Allen taking another pitch to the right side he carries it to the one-yard line Hagen's keeps him out of the end zone 3rd and goal from the 1 Morocco takes the snap gives to Allen and he leaps over the pile for the touchdown for Clemson that was a 53-yard Drive in eight plays sophomore Chris Gardocki comes in for the extra point try it's up and good and the Tigers lead 7 nothing with 10 59 left in the first quarter John kubu will kick off for the Tigers dossie will field it on his own 6-yard line he brings it back to the 26 where James Trapp brings him down it's Peter Tom Willis behind center for the Seminoles he'll give it to Dexter Carter on first down nose guard Rob Bowden clogs up the middle and stops him for no gain second and 10 and Willis will feed it to us fullback Edgar Bennett who finds a little opening and gets 6 yards to the 32 that'll make it third down and 4 John Johnson steps in the way and makes the stop willis goes for it all and it's going to be a 53-yard completion to Shannon Baker but wait a minute there's a flag on the field FSU has penalized 10 yards for holding moving it all the way back to the 22 yard line Willis will go airborne but his pass intended for his tight end Dave Roberts is overthrown and out of bounds he was throwing that one away that'll force Bobby Bowden to call in his freshman punter Charlie Ward he gets off a boomer 46 yards which safety James Lott fields on the Clemson 32f issue will wrap him up there but someone has a grasp of his face mask which will cost FSU a five-yard assessment the ball will be spotted on the Clemson 35 for the Tigers second series of the game just as the last drive ended the Tigers start this one with Terry Allen he finds only enough room to pick up a gain of two to the 37 Keith Carter on the stop for FSU Marocco gives to McFadden on second down and he bulls ahead for 4 yards grant stops him at the 41 4 yards shy of a first down after Clemson's first timeout of the half Morocco is back to pass he fires for his tight end Stacy fields but Carruthers has great coverage for the Noles it's incomplete Danny Ford will insert his left footed kicker Chris Gardocki Buckley is back deep for the Seminoles he backs up and takes it at his tin and heads back upfield he spins and drops the ball but it bounces right back to him he brings it all the way back to midfield it's a 49-yard punt but it only Nets 9 yards after the 40 yard return FSU's willis will go to the air on first down but has passed for tailback dexter carter is no good on second down willis is passing it was tied in Roberts but this one is overthrown making it third down in 10th Arlington none had excellent coverage for the Tigers willis drops back but he's pressured by assad linebacker Levon Kirkland who's gonna sack him back at the 39 that's a loss of 11 that will bring Charlie Ward back on the field for his second punt of the first quarter Ward gets off a short kick of only 35 yards but clemson is going backwards on the it'll be loss of six on the return the ball will be spotted on the 20 it was a bad snap and only a great athlete like Ward kept that one from being a disastrous play Henderson is in at tailback and he'll take the pitch from Morocco and fake the reverse he doesn't find much running room left it's a gain of only one there's a flag on the play as well it's clipping on the Tigers that'll move the ball back to the 11 yard line first in 19 for the Tigers Morocco gives it to Henderson around the left side again but this time there's plenty of Running Room and Joe seems ahead 4:13 to the 24 Leroy Butler corners in there it's Henderson around the left side and the option for five more Carothers in Dickens stop in the yard shy of a first it'll be third and one for the Tigers from there Morocco gives to McFadden up the middle and the fullback bolts ahead for two and a first at the 31 its first down in Morocco we'll go to the air he dumps it off to his tailback Allen and he moves ahead for five to the 36 glimpsing will burn its second timeout of the half Allen gets the call and will get four up to the 40 it'll be third down and one Smith makes the stop for FSU it's conversion time and that means Allen he doesn't have much running room but he gets two and a first down at the 42 there's some confusion on the field and the Tigers will be forced to use its final timeout of the half back to action and Allen takes a pitch from Morocco he's going to throw a halfback pass to Gary Cooper he misses him down field Andy Ford's gadget play doesn't work it'll be second and 10 from the 42 that same play worked for a touchdown against FSU last year it's back to the option for Clemson Morocco keeps it going left he'll snake ahead for three to the 45 it'll be third down and seven Morocco is going to try to convert through the air and he does finding tight end fields for a gain of 16 all the way down to the FSU 39 Butler brings him down there it's back to the ground on first down and Henderson is tripped up behind the line of scrimmage by Carter that's going to be a loss of two back to the 41 undaunted Morocco's back to pass on second down in 12 he's going to Fletcher on the look in pattern he catches it on the 34 and he races all the way down to the floor dodge makes the touchdown saving tackle Morocco gives to his fullback McFadden who pushes ahead to the two Carter on the tackle for FSU they'll be time for one final play in the first quarter Allen plunges ahead to the one he's a yard shy of a touchdown that's where we'll be when the second quarter begins at the end of one quarter it's Clemson 7 Florida State 0 and the Tigers are threatening to expand their lead Clemson dominated the first quarter in all facets of the game scoring one touchdown and ending the quarter in the shadows of FSU end zone Florida State failed to make a first sound in the first quarter and ran only six plays second quarter we're back to action in Morocco gives it to his money man Terry Allen and he'll leap over the pile for his second touchdown of the game we're only three seconds into the second quarter and Clemson leads 14 nothing thanks to the conversion by Gardocki that drive was good 480 yards on 15 plays it took 651 off the clock and the Tigers converted for third down play the Tigers have dominated the line of scrimmage so far right now clemson has 149 yards FSU a-minus 16 kubu is set to kickoff and it only goes to the 10 dossie feels it for the Noles and he brings it back to the 30 were trapped traps him for the Tigers Chris Parker is in at tailback and they'll take the Willis handoff and get 4 on first down Brewster on the tackle for the Tigers willis is back to pass he's throwing for Johnson it's incomplete but clemson is going to be flagged for interference that'll be a 12 yard penalty that will be Florida State's first first down of the night the ball is placed on the FSU 46 tough Colin Fletcher who seemed to have committed no infraction Willis is throwing again and this time he has dossie open it's the first completion of the night for Willis and daucie will fall down at the Clemson 35 a gain of 19 Parker gets the handoff on first down in the draw and he pushes his way for six to the 29 Levon Kirkland on the tackle offsetting personal foul penalties it's second in foreign Willis's back to pass this one is going to be picked off by Wayne Simmonds and he finds the open field he's going to take it back all the way it'll be officially a 73-yard touchdown returned by the freshman outside linebacker from Hilton Head South Carolina that's the longest interception for a touchdown ever by a Clemson Tiger guard Aki's extra point is good that makes it 21 not in Clemson with 1257 to go in the first half kubu is set to kickoff and this one goes to the goal line dossie picks it up there but he can't find much running room he'll be hit hard on the 14 yard line Wayne harps makes the first connection first in 10 from the 14 for the Seminoles willis gives d'amour who goes off left tackle on the draw and he goes 10 for a first down at the 24 Johnson makes the stop for Clemson this time it's Parker to the right he doesn't get much give him three to the 27 hard tackle by McDaniel after Florida State's first timeout willis fires a 12 yard completion to anthony he takes it to the 39 yard line and a first down for the Seminoles Dexter Davis locks up and drags him down for the Tigers willis goes back to the ground attack Parker finds an opening on the draw and picks up eight to the 47 Johnson and Brewster's stop him for Clemson second and 2 and more carries it right up the middle for five and a first down at the Clemson 48 brewster and Hammond combine for the stop on more it's an OL first down willis is looking for Anthony on first down but this one is thrown away second and 10 for the Seminoles more gets the Willa's hand off but the Clemson defense roars through and brewster makes the initial contact knocking him down in midfield for a two-yard loss after a five yard illegal procedure penalty the knowles are back on their 45 it's third and 17 willis is going down to the sidelines for the same but he's hit hard and out of bounds Charlie Ward will have to come in to kick for the Seminoles once again Ward gets off a beauty Davis is back deep for Clemson but he's gonna let this one roll dead F issues Ross downs it at the 2 yard line give Ward credit for a 54-yard punt backed up against its goal line Morocco will hand it to Henderson and he breaks through the middle of the FSU defense going all the way to the 28 yard line before Butler can bring him down that's a gain of 26 and a first down for the Tigers tremendous blocking by the Clemson front set up that play Morocco back to pass but he'll keep it on first down he'll scramble ahead 4 4 to the 32 it'll be second down and 6 from there Allen takes the pitch and he has a hole to the right he's got six in a first down at the 38 it's Allen again this time up the middle but there isn't any Running Room this time Oliver's Strickland stops him after a gain of 1 Morocco keeps it on 2nd down and a move ahead for 5 to the 44 that's 4 yards shy of a first down it's conversion down in Morocco scrambles trying to pass he cannot escape Carruthers though who throws him for a three-yard loss back to the 41 Gardocki comes in to punt buckley is back deep the punt will roll out of bounds at the 26 it's a 33 yard punt and obviously no return FSU takes over with 505 left in the half willis is back to pass he looks for anthony but it sails incomplete second and 10 Dexter Davis had him covered like a blanket FSU spends its second timeout willis looks for dossie on second down and he finds his star receiver this completion is going for 20 yards at the 46 Davis stops dossie their first in ten and Willis is looking for dossie again this one is complete for 16 more to the Clemson 38 Davis tackles them again but it's another FSU first down Bobby Bowden goes to his bag of tricks on first down guard eligible Haynes picks up the ball in the line of scrimmage he rumbles down the field to the 17 it's a gain of 21 the Seminoles go to the screen pass on first down Bennett takes Willis's pass and moves to the 10th second and three from there Willis passes to Bennett again but this one is off the mark pressured by boudin and Willis throws it away it'll be third and three from the ten there's a gifted Dexter Carter and he's got a hole he'll go to the three for a first and goal Johnson saved the touchdown for the Tigers Willis once six through the air but the white jerseys surround Reggie Johnson on first down it's incomplete second and goal and Peter Tom goes airborne again it's no good but there's a flag on the play interference on the Tigers they don't make it first and goal at the two [Music] then it gets the call but the NOLA fullback cannot cross the plane Vince Taylor and Dexter Davis make the tackle for the Tigers second and goal and Bennett gets the carry again and again the Tiger defense meets him at the 1 Brewster and Simmons make the hit it'll be third and goal from there FSU spends its last timeout of the half trying to figure out a touchdown play Willis gives to Carter and he goes left he'll score FSU's first points of the game with 134 left in the first half bill Mason's p80 is good and it's 21 to 7 clemson that drive was 74 yards on 11 plays it took 331 to score Andrews kicks off into the end zone but FSU is off sighs his next kick is taken by Thomas at the 14 he returns at 13 yards to the 27 will the Tigers be content to run out the clock Morocco shuffles it to Allen he finds a gaping hole on the left side he breaks through the FSU secondary and he's going to go 73 yards for a touchdown it took Terry 12 seconds to travel 273 yards and gardens extra point makes it 28 to 7 Tigers with 116 left in the first half that's his third touchdown of the night it was a simple toss left and the Tigers caved in the FSU defense here's the kickoff and the Seminoles Baker will field it at the 10 he breaks free and Clemson's Ryan averts two touchdown return by knocking him down at the FSU 40 Willis no doubt we'll be throwing out every down his first down pass is intended for Lewis but it's no good second down he's looking for Anthony it's complete to the Clemson 48 first down wrestled down by James lot there Willis is going to dossie he's open that's a gain of 13 more to the Tigers 35 and another first down Davis on the stop Willis back to pass again but this one Ford Aussie is no good second and 10 and this Willis passes knocked down at the line of scrimmage by David Davis no good time running out neither team as a timeout left Willis goes to Johnson it's a gain of 13 down to the 22 Clemson is also going to be assessed a half the distance to the goal line penalty for hitting Willis late that'll put it on the 11 time for a couple of plays Willis passes and the ball is knocked loose the clock runs out but the officials are going to put time back on the clock the Clemson team had already gone to the dressing room and will have to come back out for one more second it'll give FSU time for one more play Bowden will go for three here comes Mason his 28-yard attempt is up and good there's no time left in this wild first half it's Clemson 28 or to state 10 we return to action in the third quarter Florida State opens play at the 23 yard line after a kickoff return by Baker its first down in Willis hands to Carter he'll go up the middle for a couple more makes the tackle for the Tigers there Willis's back to pass on second down and he finds Lewis open it'll be good for a gain of 24 none stops him for the Tigers at the 49 yard line first down for FSU from there willis is back again looking for Lewis he finds him for a gain of 12 to the tiger 39 yard line Johnson makes the tackle for Clemson the Noles continue to attack in the air then it takes the pass from Willis and goes to the 32 F issue goes back to the ground fullback Bennett miles ahead for four and a first down at the 28 Kirkland brings him down there the Seminoles go to the air again Willis has Anthony to the 19 it's a yard shy of a 1st 2nd and 1 and Willis is throwing again this time dossie receives the toss for a gain of 6 to the 13 and another FSU first down Davis and none really put the headgear to him for the Tigers Carter takes the handoff and he plunges ahead four for watch stops him inside the 10 yard line they'll mark him down at the 9 willis goes for 6 but this pass is no good he'll throw it away it'll be third down and 6 from the 9 Madden goes to some trickery it's a reverse to Lewis he'll weave his way for a first down he's down to the two yard line first in goal and Carter gets the handoff fakes the reverse and Brewster stops him at the one for the Tigers war gets the call on second down but the Clemson defense stiffens again Taylor hammers him down at the 1 FSU will use its first timeout to decide what to do in the conversion down willis will simply give it to more and I'll plunge into the end zone for an FSU touchdown it's 28 16 Clemson the Seminoles will go 4-2 Willis is back to pass but he's going to be sacked by Bodine it's no good that drive was good for 77 yards on 13 plays it took up the first 614 in the third quarter Andrews did kickoff for Florida State Thomas fields it on the 2 and brings it back 39 yards to the 41 McCorvey brings him down their first in ten in Morocco's back to pass he finds McFadden it'll be a gain of five to the 46 Terry Allen who had that 73-yard touchdown run in the second quarter takes the pitch but FSU is ready for him he's bumped out of bounds at the 48 by Butler it's third down and three for the Tigers Morocco gives it to McFadden and he'll move the file to midfield but it's a yard short of a first Gardocki comes in to punt he gets off a 34 yard boot buckley feels it for the Noles but he can't find much running room he falls down at the 18 yard line Florida State is trying to keep the momentum on its side Willis dumps a pass two more in the flat and he'll get three to the 21 Brewster and Simmons tackling there it's second down and Parker goes right for four Brewster again on the stop it's third and three from the 25 willis avoids the safety blitz and finds Johnson at the 32 for a first down Lott brings him down Willis is back to pass and he finds dossie open he'll get a 24 yard gain to the Clemson 44 yard line first down and Willis goes to the same for seven more Kirkland and Davis stop him at the 37 second and three for the Noles willis gives two more and he goes up the middle for a huge gain but the Tigers knocked the ball loose in the 17 yard line Eclipse and recovers they're stopping the drive James lot gets the recovery to kill the drive on first down Terry Allen will get six to the 23 Hagen's makes the stop for FSU it's Allen again he's got six more going right up to the 29 her other stops in there but it's a first down for Clemson Morocco will keep left on the option and he's got Running Room he'll go all the way to midfield before McCorvey can bring him down that's a gain of 21 for the Clemson quarterback mcfadden gets the first down call any powers ahead for seven more to the Florida State 43 Senator Hank Phillips opened up that home it still back Joe Henderson on second down and he has a home he moves to the 37 and a first down for the Tigers Morocco play actions and passes on first down he finds Fletcher open and he'll go for 23 yards of the 14 yard line grant finally tackles him there Morocco is optioning to the right Allen takes the pitch but Carruthers collars him at the 15 it's a loss of two time for one more play in the third quarter Allen carries off the left side he'll move ahead to the 11 yard line the third quarter ends with Clemson leading 28 to 16 and the Tigers facing a third and 7 from the 11 yard line fourth quarter all right let's rejoin the action it's third and seven from the 11 for the Tigers Allen takes the handoff but there's no running room Hagen's meets him at the 12 and drops him for a yard loss coach Ford calls on kicker Gardocki and he comes in for a 29 yard field goal try they kick is up and good that makes it 31 16 Tigers that drive took 10 plays and covered 71 yards and consumed 446 at the clock kubu is back to kick off Baker will feel it at the two he's bringing it back Jackson will stop him at the 21 yard line Willis is back to pass on first down Simmons breaks through and he'll bring Willis down for a sack back on the 15 yard line then it takes the second down handoff but the Tiger front wall will slam him down in the 14 it's a loss of one Hammond makes the initial contact for the Tigers third and 17 now Willis is being chased out of the pocket by Vance Hammond he throws for Johnson but he drops it bad we'll have to call in freshman hunter Ward one more time this one is short lot will fair catch at the Florida State 47 it's a 33 yard punt Clemson takes over with 12 27 left in the game Anderson carries left and he has a hole he'll get 14 to the 33 yard line dodge pushes him out of bounds Allen back in at tailback and he'll take the handoff and power up the middle for three to the 30 yard line butler comes up from the corner spot to tackle him there Morocco throws the look in to Fletcher for a big gainer he'll take it to the 13 dodge stops him there first down Clemson Allen takes the first down pitch goes airborne to the 10 Hagen's will make the tackle pull back McFadden gets the second down handoff he powers to the 8 grant stops him there it's 3rd and 5 for the Tigers Morocco fakes the reverse keeps on the option right but Carter will bring him down for a loss back on the 10 yard a key will come in to try field goal from the 17 his 27 yard kick is up and good it's 34 16 Clemson with 911 left in the game kubu back to kick off again Baker will pick it up at the for he runs it back to the 20 there are flags all over the field two personal fouls assessed against Clemson one against Florida State they'll mark it at the 35 yard line first down and bound goes to the fumblerooski Clemson is looking for it and Willis has to fall in the ball at the 35 it's a no gainer Willis back to pass he's got dossie good for a gain of 8 to the 43 jerome henderson pushes him out of bounds willis is looking for love shane on third and 2 and he's got him for a gain of three in a first down at the 46 none on the tackle first in ten and Willa swings it to Robert's butt O'Neill breaks it up for the Tigers incomplete Willis is throwing for dossie on second down but Henderson is there to break it up for Clemson and makes it third down and ten the Seminoles go to the reverse to Lewis but Clemson is ready for his trickery as well Doug Brewster lowers the boom on him at the 50 it's fourth down and six and Florida State ops to go for it willis looks ran theny and it's complete to the tiger 42 first down Seminoles first down and Willis completes it to Bennett but this one is gonna come back for holding the ball will be marked at the Florida State 48 its first and 20 for the Noles willis goes back to bennett on the screen but it'll be good for only five yards Kirkland on the stop for the Tigers second down and here comes a draw play he'll get seven to the 40 where brewster makes the stop for the Tigers it's third and eight to go Willis passes for Parker and he's got it but Henderson sticks him hard a yard short of a first down it's 4th and 1 from the 33 FSU uses its second timeout willis will pass for it on 4th but Dexter Davis knocks down the pass intended for Lewis a great play by Davis the Tigers take over with 316 to go in the game Cameron comes in at quarterback Charlie James plows ahead for two on first down James gets the second down call he'll get four more to the 39 third and four and Cameron is keeping it for three to the 42 the Tigers will let the clock run and take a delay penalty the ball is moved back to the 37 Gardocki punched a Buckley he takes it at his own nine and he finds a running Lane he brings it all the way back to the Clemson 45 credit Gardocki with a 54-yard punt and buckley with the return of 40 six McFadden brings Buckley down from behind there's only 57 seconds left in Casey Weldon is in it quarterback for the Seminoles his first down pass is going to be incomplete and almost intercepted by Davis Chester McLaughlin puts the pressure on him Weldon back on second down and looking for Roberts but this one is no good as well third and ten for the Noles Weldon is back again in this pass for Baker in the end zone is no good but there are flags on the field and interference a lot that'll move it to the 30 yard line Weldon gets his first completion Lewis takes it on the 13 Wheldon has chased out of the pocket and throws back across the field of parker in the end zone it's a touchdown for FSU Mason will come in for the point after and it's good only four seconds left in the game and FSU will try it on sides kick Jib davis recovers for the Tigers at the 42 Michael Carr is in at quarterback he'll roll to the left and the game's final play this will certainly always be one of Clemson's greatest games the final from Doak Campbell Stadium in Tallahassee Clemson 34 Florida State 23 [Music] you
Channel: Adam Cain
Views: 3,685
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Id: JEX3sc9htlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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