Clemente HR 1971 All Star Game

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motus a good center fielder Kaline and right they have Robinson 1/3 Aparicio at Short Rojas at second Killebrew isn't the top defensive first baseman in American League defensively George Scott is but he's not here tonight Killebrew is at first and Thurman Munson has gone behind the plate so with a three-run lead now they're going to try and hold it with LOI and their best defensive players one out nobody on 'la many struck out his first time replaced inside to inform all Hank Aaron in the fourth inning Lois has surprised a couple of these nationally hitters he surprised bonds on the call third strike with that good sharp breaking curve and it looked like he just surprised Roberto Clemente with a pretty hard fastball one ball no strikes Anthony's one-on-one [Applause] we won the three games for the Tigers when they beat the Cardinal did he beat Bob Gibson in that dramatic seventh game in st. Louis fishing on two days rest the one one pick let up I wall do to him one when he looked like he turned to Frankie about the plate on fire they let him get that one down in the strike zone it looks like you a spoon much on the change-up on deck as LeMay l'ainte in my below three many why wasn't that in the strike zone I like to have that one one out nobody on lemon he had 10 hits in a doubleheader last August against the dodgy lot I hit the one day Riaan one doing it's a high fly the deep right-center way back I was going and it is God almost insane the upper deck in right center I never seen too many log drives in the Apple feel by right-handed batters that we've had in this game that's another tremendous shot for a right-hander 450 460 here's that Clemente swing once again that bats daebak hawk now with trademark hitting off the front foot look at that right foot the rear foot foot off the ground something that is not advisable of the hitter it's okay
Channel: Anthony Peters
Views: 263,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clemente, Roberto Clemente, Thurman Munson, Lolich, 1971, Detroit, All Star Game
Id: YOLKS00tV08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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