Clearing the Planet | Scientology

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Watching Knowing Better, when you see a PragerU video, it’s not like anyone else, because you see it, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you’re the only one who can really help. Someone who watches Knowing Better is someone who can look at the world and really see what it is, and not only look at it and see it, but be able to go pew and be effective and do something about it. Haha and uhh… they said “so like, have you seen a 4KTV?” Hahaha! And I looked at them, and you know, and I thought what a beautiful thing because one day, it’ll be like that, you know what I’m saying? Maybe one day it’ll be like “wow 4KTVs, like, they’ll just read about those in the history books,” you know? I do what I can and I do it the way I do everything. Haha. There’s nothing part of the way for me, haha it’s just pew! The story of Scientology is really the story of its founder, L Ron Hubbard, which his followers abbreviate to LRH. We’re going to be hearing a lot of Scientology lingo here and much of it is just initials. L Ron Hubbard was a navy brat and his father was stationed in Guam, he failed out of university and tried to join the military once or twice. Then he became a science fiction writer. During the Great Depression, he became the most prolific writer in history using twenty different pseudonyms. He still holds several Guinness World Records. He was paid a penny a word for his pulp fiction novels and would top out at 100,000 words a month. This script is just shy of 6000 words. His science fiction books actually contain a lot of concepts and names that later come up in Scientology. But that’s not really the point of giving you his background. The reason I went through that is because of his father’s military service, his short university attendance, and his seemingly constant book publishing… We pretty much always know where he was and what he was doing. Yes, I’ve slept with bandits in Mongolia and I’ve hunted with pygmies in the Philippines, as a matter of fact I’ve studied 21 different primitive races – including the white race. No he didn’t, he’s lying. Pretty much his entire life is accounted for and he never went on any adventures to the far reaches of the world. But then World War 2 happened and the standards for entry were lowered. This is probably the most important event in his life – as it was for many others I suppose - he was a Lieutenant put in charge of a subchaser patrol boat. And by all accounts was a major soup sandwich. He once dropped all of his ordnance on what he thought were two Japanese submarines but turned out to be a floating log and a month later he accidentally shelled a Mexican island. His evaluations from superior officers aren’t very kind. Consider this officer lacking in the essential qualities of judgment, leadership, and cooperation. He acts without forethought as to probable results. This officer is not satisfactory for independent duty assignment. He is garrulous and tries to give impressions of his importance. Not temperamentally fitted for independent command. Those were three different people across three different years. After the war he rejoined his writing buddies Hollywood and got involved in a black magic sex cult. Trying to summon the literal anti-christ. Now, I tell you all of this not to make fun, although it is pretty funny, but to tell you the foundational myth of Scientology. Think of it like the crucifixion of Jesus or the parting of the Red Sea. LRH claims that he was crippled and blinded by the war – the story shifts depending on when he’s telling it, sometimes he’s the sole survivor of his downed destroyer and was blinded by the sun while adrift at sea, other times it was shrapnel and muzzle flashes. The important part is that L Ron Hubbard claims he healed himself using the methods that later became Dianetics. Proving this wrong would be akin to finding Jesus’ body, it would shake everything. Military records are pretty solid and easily accessible. He never earned a Purple Heart or any of the medals that he claims, at the end of the war he was hospitalized for a stomach ulcer and pink eye. After treatment, the Naval Board stated that he was… Considered physically qualified to perform duty ashore, preferably within the continental United States. He also wrote to the VA several times requesting psychiatric treatment for “long periods of moroseness” and “suicidal inclinations.” The Church of Scientology claims that these records have been falsified in order to cover up the truth. They also claim that his involvement in the occult was part of a Naval Intelligence assignment… so… you know. After World War 2 there was an explosion of religious fervor in the west. Not only was there an increased interest in established religions, which gave rise to evangelicals like Billy Graham, but an interest in previously unknown eastern religions, like Buddhism. This was also when alternative medicine, and acupuncture, and yoga became popular. People were hungry for new ways to improve their lives and expand their mind… which is why drugs also became more popular. The point is that the stage was set for someone like L Ron Hubbard to come along. In 1950, he wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, and middle class white people ate it up. It spent 28 weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list. In this book, LRH claims that these are the methods he used to cure himself of his war injuries, and that using these methods, you can cure yourself of all sorts of mental and physical ailments. He also claims that for every hour of Dianetics, your IQ will rise by one point. I tested people before Scientology processing and after Scientology processing and uniformly found that their IQ has rised, He once claimed that he raised a boy’s IQ from 83 to 212. Now, for those of you who don’t know, IQ is a standard distribution where the average person – and the majority of people – are at 100. The majority of tests really only place people between 30 and 170, but technically the whole scale goes from 0 to 200. It’s just not possible to have an IQ over two hundred. Surely you’ve only got as much brain as you’re born with. Oh no, brain has nothing to do with it. Brain is a sort of… well I don’t know, brain is brain. What it does I’m never quite sure and I don’t think anybody else is. In Dianetics, Hubbard theorizes that there are two parts to the human mind. The analytical, which is just stimulus and response, a completely rational machine, like a computer that perfectly processes and records everything. And the unconscious reactive mind. This is where all of your emotions, fears, and psychological ailments come from. It’s also the source of physical ailments like asthma. Your memories and thoughts are recorded into what he calls engrams, and its these engrams that cause all of your problems. As anyone who’s ever talked to the cryptarch would know. You can get rid of these engrams through a Dianetic Reverie, which was basically self-hypnosis, where you would think about a thing until it no longer had any effect on you. Kind of like exposure therapy for PTSD or a phobia. You would continue to do this until all of your engrams had been erased and your reactive mind was completely eliminated. This is what he called the state of “clear.” That means that the individual has erased what the Freudian said was his basic illness, which is his reactive mind, his unconscious mind is gone. And he is totally alert and totally capable. In August 1950, three months after Dianetics was published, Hubbard produced the first clear, a physics student named Sonya Bianca, and presented her to an audience to show off her abilities. She couldn’t remember basic formulas or even what color tie LRH was wearing. It would be another 16 years before he produced any others and of course, not publicly, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to sell and practice Dianetics. LRH thought that his book was going to be a breakthrough in the field of psychology and mental health. But it was rejected by the APA and described as neither science, nor science fiction, but fictional science. Dianetics was the homeopathy of psychology. It rose at the same time as other new religious movements, alternative medicine, and self-help, and as people started to realize that they weren’t getting the gains that he had promised, it fell apart. Hubbard was hit with numerous lawsuits for false claims and even criminal action for practicing medicine without a license. By 1952, Dianetics clubs around the country had shut down and Hubbard was bankrupt, even losing the rights to the name Dianetics. Because of these legal issues, LRH went to great lengths to distance his next project from psychology and psychiatry, even branding them as the enemy. Is this a form of psychoanalysis? No, psychoanalysis they lay back and… don’t associate Scientology with such people. In 1952, he incorporated a number of different churches under different names but the ultimate winner of the branding war was the Church of Scientology. Scient, coming from the latin Scientia for knowledge, and ology meaning the study of… the study of knowledge. He replaced the idea of self-guided Dianetic reveries by introducing an auditor who would use an e-meter to “process” people through eliminating their reactive mind. According to Scientology, an e-meter locates an engram and measures its charge. In truth, an e-meter measures the galvanic skin response, or skin conductivity, it’s one of the measurements used in a lie detector. It just measures how sweaty your fingers are. Years later, the FDA required e-meters to carry a label stating that is does not diagnose or treat any illnesses and is instead just a religious artifact. Because of the two handles, Scientologists refer to using an e-meter as being “on the cans.” Scientology uses a number of different symbols, but perhaps its most recognizable is the eight-pointed cross. Which seems a little bit like plagiarism, but is also somewhat intentional. I discovered that the common denominator of existence was survive. Whatever else man was trying to do, whether he was cultured or primitive and so on, he was attempting to survive. Survive. The eight-pointed cross represents the eight dynamics of survival. The first dynamic is the survival of the self. The second is the survival of sex and children, which they usually sum up to mean family in order to sound a little less weird. Then the survival of the group, whether that’s a country or a race. The fourth dynamic is the survival of all mankind. Then all of life, including all animals. The sixth dynamic is the survival of the physical universe, made up of matter, energy, space, and time, or MEST, this becomes important later, so remember that. The seventh dynamic is the survival of the spirit. And the final eighth dynamic is the survival of infinity, which is sometimes viewed as the Supreme Being or a Higher Power. Hubbard and therefore Scientology, views individual humans as three entities, the mind, the body, and the spirit. Not exactly groundbreaking, most religions have a similar view. The key difference here is that the spirit, known as a thetan, is an immortal being that has lived and will live many lives. Again, reincarnation isn’t exactly a new idea either. Hubbard had initially rejected the idea of past lives during Dianetics, but as people continued to report engrams from Napoleonic or Elizabethan times during auditing sessions… in order to explain that, it was incorporated into Scientology. Scientology wasn’t just written and then handed down to the masses, it was developed as he was getting feedback from his followers. As part of this development, L Ron Hubbard created the Bridge to Total Freedom, it’s kind of like a course list for Scientology. Buddhism has the Noble Eight-fold Path, Scientology has the Bridge to Total Freedom. It’s fairly complicated looking, the left side, known as Training is for auditors, and the right side, known as Processing is for everyone else. Most everything up to the state of Clear is just repackaged Dianetics – and that is where most people see the most benefit. Scientology recruits people through small courses that maybe only cost 50 to 100 dollars. It starts by taking a personality test they call the Oxford Capacity Analysis and is not at all affiliated with Oxford University. The purpose of that test is to find your “ruin” – in marketing they would call it a pain point, something that bothers you personally that they can then sell you the solution to. Scientology is for an able guy like you, or like me, able to function in life, able to make his own way, does his work and so forth. Alright, that’s the man that should be helped, that’s the man you should help out, because that fellow is having a hard time. Yeah, I’m afraid that you are completely miserable and totally depressed. I am?! I didn’t know that! Well there’s certainly no question that you are a perfect candidate for Scientology. Are you having trouble with your marriage? Personal finances? Do you have a hard time studying or focusing in class? What about drugs, do you have a problem with drugs? Scientology has the solution… for a nominal fee. That last one is particularly dangerous, they market it as the Purification Rundown and it’s the first step on the bridge. They also call it Narconon, not to be confused with the actual Narcotics Anonymous, a twelve-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. There’s nothing new or even wrong about having a religious element in a detox or rehab program. But Narconon and the Purification Rundown have no medical or psychological aspect. Scientology teaches that the only way to get this out of your system is through hard manual labor, exercise, and sweating it out in a sauna. This is extremely dangerous, depending on what you’re withdrawing from. But now you’re on the bridge and you’re taking classes that guarantee the ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject or the ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish. And relief from the hostilities and sufferings of life… nice. It’s also vague enough that you can get these things from most self-help, therapy, or even just practice. And if you don’t, that’s because there is something wrong with you, not Scientology. If despite all that trouble and care, the case did not gain -- or if the case simply didn't gain despite auditing no matter how many years or intensives, then you've caught your Suppressive Person. A Suppressive Person or SP is the label given to someone who doesn’t see any gains from Scientology, leaves Scientology, or speaks out against Scientology. It’s quite possible that I’m going to be labelled an SP, or at least a Potential Trouble Source. Many of the people who went through the beginnings of Scientology in the 50s and 60s were kicked out and labelled as SPs, which then opened them up to the Fair Game policy. Fair Game means that Scientology can use whatever means necessary to discredit and destroy that person – which I am not looking forward to. The Church of Scientology claims that the practice is no longer in effect, but back then, LRH would write letters to the FBI and the CIA talking about how these people, including his ex-wives, were secret communists. This was during the Red Scare and McCarthyism, remember. Likewise, all of that information you gave them during your auditing sessions is put into what they call a Preclear or PC Folder and can and will be used against you in Fair Game. An auditor isn’t a doctor or priest, there is no promise of confidentiality. As Scientology’s presence grew and they became the subject of several lawsuits, the government found that LRH was using church funds for personal gain. As a result, in 1967, the IRS stripped the Church of Scientology of their tax-exempt status. To avoid any government action, Hubbard took to the high seas, founding the Sea Organization, or simply Sea Org, the most important element of the church which basically functions as its clergy and members sign a billion-year contract. The Sea Org was LRH’s personal navy and he even appointed himself commodore. It’s even marketed much like the navy and their stated mission is to clear the planet. Roll Credits. They spent several years bouncing around the Mediterranean looking for lost treasure, getting kicked out and banned from several countries and even allegedly participated in an attempted coup in Morocco in 1971. It was during this time that LRH developed the Operating Thetan levels. These are the levels on the Bridge beyond the state of Clear, they are cause over matter, energy, space, and time. This is also where things go from self-help and therapy to religion. Look is this a religion, because my family is like Catholic or something. You could be a Christian and be a Scientologist, okay? That you can be a not only Scientologist but a Roman Catholic and an Anglican as well? Oh yes, as a matter of sober fact, we have many many denominations in Scientology. Then how come that sign says Church of Scientology? It is a religion because it’s dealing with the spirit, you as a spiritual being. Scientology could be called… well, you can call it a religion of religions. They say that as a hook. If they came out of the gate saying it was a religion, most people who already have a religion would just walk away. But make no mistake, the further along you get in Scientology, the more of a religion it becomes. It starts out helping you with drugs or marital issues, then you’re going through auditing to clear your unconscious reactive mind, and so far, it’s probably helping. And once you’re in for seven or eight years and a quarter million dollars, it becomes a religion. If you’re a Catholic, or any other sort of Christian, or let’s be honest, even if you’re not a Christian, you know what the first few sentences of this book are. Or at the very least you can paraphrase it. You can find this book everywhere, likely for free, you’ve probably turned down someone handing these out on the street. The point is, you probably know the creation story and can look it up anywhere. Scientology is different, you have to go through all the stages up to clear and buy all of Hubbard’s books and lectures for well over 4000 dollars before you find it out. It costs a fortune if you’re a regular Scientologist, but – and it’s a huge but – everything is free if you join the Sea Org. Which is the primary recruitment tool by the way, I mean, how else are they going to get you to sign over your life for the next billion years? This is cognitive dissonance in action. By the time you hear Scientology’s creation myth, you are so invested, both in time and money, that you almost have to believe it. Hubbard wrote this story in 1967 for Operating Thetan level three, which he calls the Wall of Fire. Scientologists believe that hearing this story before you’re mentally prepared will cause you to go insane so… Surgeon General’s warning. But in all fairness, you’ve probably already heard this story, most famously from South Park in 2005. It all began 75 million years ago, back then there was a galactic federation of planets which was ruled over by the evil lord Xenu. I’m not going to show the entire thing because, you know, copyright. Oddly enough, this information had gotten out before South Park, and the Church of Scientology tried to take it down on copyright grounds. The weird thing about filing a copyright claim Is that in order to make the claim, you have to prove that its yours. So when South Park put this little disclaimer on the screen… The frozen alien bodies were loaded onto Xenu’s galactic cruisers, which look like DC8s, except with rocket engines. They’re telling the truth. There’s even a recording of L Ron Hubbard telling this story. The DC8 airplane is the exact copy of the space plane of that day. It’s easy to make fun of this, right? So that’s not necessarily what I want to do here, except to explain how these beliefs shape Scientology. The OT3 materials state that the universe was created 4 quadrillion years ago. 75 million years ago, which was before the dinosaurs were wiped out, Xenu was facing an overpopulation problem. He selected people to be killed by… and I wish I was joking… one of the mechanisms they used was to tell them to come in for an income tax investigation. Remember, this was the same year that the Church of Scientology was stripped of its tax-exempt status, so yet again, the enemies of the church were folded into the doctrine. These aliens were then disposed of by throwing them into volcanoes on Teegeeack, which was Earth. The disembodied thetan spirits were then captured and forced to view what LRH calls R6 Implants, which are false memories that we later acted out and became our religions and histories. These thetans aimlessly roamed the Earth and eventually attached themselves to humans. You can have hundreds of them in, on, and near your body. They can be up to sixty feet away and still influence you. And these brainwashed, confused, lost alien souls are the source of all of man’s problems. Does your elbow hurt? That’s a body thetan. Are you afraid of spiders? Body thetan. So not only do you have your own engrams to have to work on eliminating, but OT3 to OT7 is dedicated to eliminating these body thetans. At this point in Scientology you’re also auditing yourself, so you know… honor system. You see how you can’t believe this and that god created the world in seven days? As a practical matter, Scientologists are expected to and do become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths. In fact, that whole Adam and Eve and Noah’s Ark story are just R6 Implants from Lord Xenu 75 million years ago. Why do you think man was put on this planet? Well he was put here he was put here and he was supposed to make his own way out of it. Who put him here? Well call it… Ha ha ha. Again, it’s easy to laugh at this story. But you have to put yourself back in the mind of someone experiencing this in the 60s. We hadn’t landed on the moon yet. So when you’ve signed over your life for the next billion years and everyone around you also believes this – because anyone who doesn’t is kicked out – it’s fairly easy to see why you’d buy into it. Especially if you were experiencing legitimate gains from all the previous courses. If you do waiver in your beliefs but don’t want to get kicked out, or you’re considered out-ethics, you’re sent to the Rehabilitation Project Force, or RPF. He was a science fiction writer, get used to the silly names. The RPF is like an extreme boot camp, or prison, for Sea Org members where many alleged abuses and inhumane practices occur. The Sea Org has also participated in many, not-alleged, proven in court clandestine operations. In 1973 Operation Snow White involved infiltrating over a hundred government agencies, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and numerous news agencies around the world with the goal of finding and destroying any information they had on the Church of Scientology. It is still the largest domestic espionage operation to ever take place, with over 5000 Sea Org members participating. Operation Freakout was one of the first major uses of the Fair Game policy, with the goal of destroying Paullette Cooper, a journalist who wrote a book about Scientology. They tried to frame her for various bomb threats and sued her in numerous countries. They even imported her book to other countries specifically so they could sue her from that country. It almost worked too, she was about to go to prison. But in 1977 the FBI raided church offices and uncovered all of this information, which led to several high-ranking church officials going to prison instead, including LRH’s wife Mary Sue. They also discovered files related to Project Normandy, a plot to take over the city of Clearwater, Florida. Clearwater is the spiritual headquarters for Scientology, think of it like their Vatican. It’s known as Flag Land Base, or simply Flag. It’s the only place you can get OT6 and above and is also the headquarters for the Flag Service Organization, also known as Staff by Sea Org members. All of LRH’s policies and directives are known as Flag Orders. If you visit a hotel in Clearwater, it’s almost guaranteed to be owned by the Church of Scientology. And they don’t pay any property tax on it, which I’ll get to later. The Hollywood headquarters, the big blue building you all recognize, is known as the Pacific Area Command base or PAC base. It’s also pretty close to the Celebrity Centre International, and yes it it spelled that way. Scientology has a long history of recruiting celebrities in order to increase their popularity, they use celebrities to sell shoes and car insurance, so why not a religion? Celebrities have come and gone over the years, but by far the highest profile member is Tom Cruise. Ha ha ha ha ha! Sea Org members basically wait on him hand and foot when he’s staying in Clearwater or Gold Base, near Riverside, California. I told you to get used to the silly names. This is the infamous compound with bladed fences that not only keep people out, but keep people in. While Clearwater is the spiritual headquarters, Gold Base is the corporate headquarters. Scientology also operates a number of bases around the world like Trementina Base, where L Ron Hubbard’s writings are kept on steel tablets in an underground vault. Could you imagine being so important that your accomplishments are put on a steel tablet? The goal of Trementina is to preserve LRH’s works for the next 10,000 years because – oh yeah, he died in 1986, did I forget to mention that? At 2000 hours Friday, the 24th of January AD 36, L Ron Hubbard discarded the body. The body he had used to facilitate his existence in this MEST universe had ceased to be useful, and in fact had become an impediment to the work he now must do outside of its confines. LRH died of a stroke… unless the coroner’s report was also falsified. But of course, the new leader of the church, David Miscavige, known as COB for Chairman of the Board, had to tell people that he voluntarily discarded the body to continue researching further levels of OT. Operating Thetans are supposed to be inpervious to illness or injury, so if he can’t survive, how can anyone else? The several bases the Sea Org operates around the world all have this large infinity symbol somewhere, so that LRH’s thetan can find its way back home. Because, like many messiahs, there will be a second coming. The reason you sign a billion year contract when you join the Sea Org is because you are an immortal spirit, a thetan, and when you die you’re given a 21 year leave of absence to find your way back. L Ron Hubbard’s thetan has been AWOL for over 12 years. The fact that you’re an immortal spirit really changes the family dynamic in Scientology. In that there is no family in Scientology. Now, celebrities and public Scientologists get to have families sure, but Sea Org members are expected to either not have children or turn them over at a certain age because they’re a distraction. They believe that children are immortal thetans in tiny bodies. As a result, they are treated like adults, disciplined like adults, and expected to work like adults. As you might have guessed, there are rampant accusations of abuse… alleged abuse. Most Scientologists right now are second or third generation, they really aren’t getting any new members. And they’re losing members at quite an amazing pace. OT7 will take someone 15 to 20 years to complete and costs almost a million dollars. OT8 was released a few years after LRH died and is only given aboard the Sea Org’s flagship the Freewinds. Remember that one game that was super hyped a few years ago and then once it came out and people played it for a while they really hated it? You know the game. OT8 is known as the Truth Revealed and teaches that everything you’ve worked on up to this point was a construct of your reactive mind and various body thetans. So now, we can get to work on you. It’s basically a fade to black and start over at the beginning. It’s No Man’s Sky, I was talking about No Man’s Sky… I’m still mad about that. OT9 through 15, which COB said LRH had completed, haven’t been released and it’s been 30 years. As you might imagine, many OT8s ragequit. Many of them had preordered OT9, 10, and 11, and have just lost that money since the church doesn’t really do refunds. Never preorder the season pass. The International Association of Scientologists, or IAS, is the required membership club for Scientologists. It costs 5000 dollars to be a lifetime member and 50,000 to be a patron. It only costs like a dollar to be a Knowing Better patron! They meet several times a year in order to give out freedom medals and bang the drum about how much great work they’re doing. They claim that they have 8 million members. But because they were given back their tax-exempt status in 1993, they have to provide certain information to the government. They have maybe 30,000 members worldwide… if even that. The videos claiming that they reach millions of people each year are produced by one of Scientology’s many propaganda arms, Golden Era Productions. They also operate a number of other organizations that pretend they’re not Scientologists, but totally are. We’ve already talked about Narconon, but they operate another group known as the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights which tries to destroy the Psychiatry profession. They’re the ones who run the Psychiatry Museum of Death. They also operate the STAND League, Scientologists taking action against discrimination… I don’t know where the N comes from. It’s supposed to fight for religious freedom and they run a number of Twitter bots. Scientology has a history of inflating their numbers and attacking the enemy, whether they be psychiatrists, suppressive people, or the IRS. As I mentioned, in 1993, the IRS re-instated the Church’s tax-exempt status. It came after years of lawsuits not only being filed against the IRS, but individual employees of the IRS, in every jurisdiction imaginable. They would send people to BFE Alaska just to file a lawsuit from there that the IRS was then required to respond to. All in all, there were 2400 active lawsuits by 1993 that suddenly disappeared when they were recognized as a religion. It’s strange, but when you think about it, there really is no agency or organization with the authority to decide who is and isn’t a religion. Except the IRS when deciding which 501(c)(3) applications are approved. Is Scientology a cult? Well… you could ask the Cult Awareness Network, they sound like a group that would have the answer to that. Except they’re run by Scientology too. Many countries have labelled them as one, but the United States hasn’t necessarily. I certainly wouldn’t call them one. But there are models we can look at and questions we can ask to determine if it fits that label. A dead giveaway of a cult is that you can’t leave. A Scientologist who leaves is said to have “blown” and they’re ostracized by their friends and family who are still in, in a practice is known as disconnection. The church denies that this practice exists and that members freely choose not to talk to ex-members. It’s important to remember that Scientology wasn’t necessarily designed to be manipulative and controlling. It was born during the 50s and 60s, along with dozens, if not hundreds of other similar movements. Scientology is just one of the few to have passed through the filter of time, maybe that’s because it works for some people, maybe that’s because of its cult-like practices. It’s easy to laugh at many of its ideas. But this was before brain imaging like the MRI, back when the government was legitimately testing mind control drugs, and before we started to explore our solar system. Scientology was founded five years before Sputnik was launched. So you can’t blame his followers for buying into his science fiction stories, because they didn’t have access to Brilliant is a problem-solving website where you can learn about Math, Science, and Astronomy. Brilliant breaks down these concepts into bite sized engrams so you can understand them before moving on and saying something like “The length of time from the planet Coltis to the planet Teegeeack, which was the name of this planet, was nine weeks. And you’ll see that it’s many lightyears.” How can someone travel faster than the speed of light? Brush up on your Einstein in this course on Special Relativity. “In view of the fact that Einstein was absolutely right, that no man can travel faster than the speed of light, which is a bunch of baldersdash.” Don’t sound like this guy, head on over to and get 20% off, you’ll also be supporting the channel when you do. Scientology is referred to as a UFO religion because of their incorporation of aliens and other science fiction elements and it was born during a time when people were curious about space and hungry new ways to improve their lives. The people who joined Scientology weren’t stupid, they just wanted to believe. And the next time someone offers to give you a stress test or tells you they can provide you with the secret to happiness for a nominal fee, kifflom! I’d like to give a shout out to my newest legendary patron, Richard. If you’d like to add your name to this list of operating thetans, head on over to In the meantime don’t forget to audit that subscribe button, follow me on twitter and facebook, and join us on the subreddit.
Channel: Knowing Better
Views: 570,536
Rating: 4.8632407 out of 5
Keywords: knowing better, scientology, religion, dianetics, theology, l ron hubbard, LRH, david miscavige, thetan, operating thetan, engram, hubbard, church of scientology, mental health, psychology, dianetic, auditng, auditor, clear, reactive mind, religious, cult, church, e meter, south park, leah remini, bridge to total freedom, suppresive, sea organization, sea org, billion year contract, xenu, scientologist, tax exempt, psychiatry, clearwater, tom cruise, going clear, alien, mind control, psychological
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
Reddit Comments

Pretty good video! Here's Operation Clambake. Debunking Scientology since 1996.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/panamafloyd 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Good video, that's one kooky cult.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/McGeeFeatherfoot 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

I don’t like joe Rogan that much but a good watch is his interviews with Ron miscavige and Leah remini on them leaving the church

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/alejour 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I live very close to one of their huge compounds in Southern California. I bet this video was produced there. John Travolta flies in and out of my town's airfield when he goes to the compound. Scientology takes Ancient Alien theory to an extreme.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Jeebusmanwhore 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thought it was a good video, until it became a plug for some website....

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/larry1186 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
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