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right then guys good morning it is bright and early it's a Tuesday I'm filthy I've been at this property now for quite a few days and today is the day guys we are tackling probably what is going to be my hardest job of the year right at the end of the year I don't know how it's going to turn out it's going to look a dam site better than what it does now whatever I do to it though so this is a tennis court that is in a terrible state of disrepair um all the stones are loose there's no top coating on it at all it's all been worn away it's in a bad bad State and it's massive our job is to get all of these trees sticking out of it look plants Moss leaves everything and try and get it back to uh you know at least this here so yeah that's the goal guys um again a lot of it does come off quite nicely in big chunks method wise I originally was going to use the Westerman for this um the the big rotating wire brush that you've seen me use before however it's just a bit too damp guys I think um the Westerman doesn't do very well when everything's really wet So the plan is shovel up and down with a shovel thousands of times all day for 8 hours and let's see how far we can get the only thing I don't have is a shovel so I can't find mine so I'm banking on the customer having one you'd think I said well you run a pressure washing business why don't you pressure wash it guys it would just be a mud bath it really would um it would be way too difficult to be honest and it would just further rip all the stones out and damage it even more look you can see here look faint green color of how it used to be sadly it's not like that anymore we've got all that down there as well I said to him um when I first walk the property cuz obviously the main job is the roof and the the stones and everything um he was like oh I have got something down there um You probably wouldn't want to do it and I saw it and I was like oh my God I don't want to do that but I'm sure the people on YouTube would very much enjoy seeing me do that so I was like hey I've got it I've done a fantastic price for it as well like a really low price cuz I just know it will make a fun video for everyone to watch and see me sweating and struggling on this one so it uh comes off pretty nicely I'm thinking with a big shovel you know what I mean we can uh expose it and get it looking good so woo let's go [Music] work it all with a shovel too I think yeah wish I had a longer one so I could just walk with it yeah have I done she okay so it's taken about 60 seconds to fill up the first wheelbarrow The Dumping location is all the way around there and the wheel's flat [Music] [Applause] [Music] just wanted to clear a strip so it could work easier but again this needs another rinse off we just I'm just figuring out the plan now with Ian at the moment he's got a few tools he's got like a big wire brush thing that I might give a give a try um a strimer is is another good option as well obviously I don't do this for a living guys I know I clean stuff but I mean there's I can already think in my head even like a a skid loader imagine that just laying the bucket flat and just driving up and down with that that would be a good show like a little mini Digger thing um gigantic Leaf blur as well like one of the big backpack ones again I don't have one guys I don't need one jobs like this are incredibly rare little bits of M like this are no problem we don't have to worry about that because we're going to be doing a bioside treatment same chemical we put on the roofs we'll be putting on this afterwards anything like this left over within a few days it'll be brown and then you just got to let the weather do its thing and it will basically start to disappear I've already made a pile up over there as well I'm on wheelbarrow number five now um and we've done that so judging from that there's more leaves in the middle as well I'm predicting about 100 wheelbarrows for this I will be keeping count throughout the day so yeah bear with me let's carry on for [Music] w a [Music] seriously [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] got [Music] n [Music] [Music] okay so we're getting a skip um that's the new development there should be a skip there tomorrow so I'm just dumping it on here right folks I will be wrapping up the day here I'm a broken man I am a broken man I I didn't underestimate this I knew it was going to be hard um but I thought I'd have one or two other people on it with me so like obviously it's I don't mind doing one thing but having to scrape it put it in the wheelbarrow take the wheelbarrow dump the wheelbarrow come back more scraping more shoveling it's quite tax in on your own it would have been like cool if I had just like a float guy around today um that could have just been running wheel bar barrows it would have made it a lot faster to be honest with you yeah that's got to be all the way across that's it's up to my waist it's like waist height so what's that I don't know 4T three and a half I don't know I I can't remember at all am guys let's pretend I'm 6'5 so yeah I don't know 3 and 1/2 4 ft of moss there all the way along I don't know how many tons no idea anyway guys that'll be it for now I will see you in a moment it will be a whole new day for me just a moment for you right cool okay then guys day two on the tennis court um so here's the progress would you believe it this is actually done um we're not completely done so once all of the majority so we're technically halfway right so once all this is done I can do most of this with that big wire brush machine thing um once I've got the heavy stuff up and obviously all the leaves as well um once we're down to this sort of Base mud muddy Moss obviously as the ground isn't even guys it's very hard to get this out um but I would like to get a little bit more than this off ideally the height of the the MK left if there's any green left on it I kind of want it to be like this as you see it's just in the gaps very hard to get out there's not really unless you wire brushed every Square in you're not really going to get you know and I mean by hand as well you're not really going to get that out um so that's why we're going to be relying on the chemical treatment for that but as final result goes in a video you're not going to really see a proper final result for months because you've got to kill the surface off you've got to kill all the organic growth on it with the bio side and then you let it die um and you just let it sort of dissipate over time so it will still be a bit green on the end result which is a bit frustrating I can't pressure wash it guys if I could pressure wash it it would be all black and it would look brilliant but I just can't it's going to destroy the surface even more so I just can't do that unfortunately so there is going to be a bit of green left on it but I don't know I think you'll agree it's a million times better isn't it than what it was um so yeah this is the focus of today get all the heavy stuff off this go over the whole thing again with that really hard to use wire brush and then treat it I don't know if we're going to be able to treat it because of the weather you really need the ground to dry out if all this Moss is wet like it is at the moment so all that really damp I mean like if I press it there's literally water coming out of it right if it's wet the treatment's not going to work on it it's it's too damp so it's basically just going to be diluted straight away as soon as it's purches the m so the treatment might have to happen next year I think um sort of in January if we get some dry days in January and let it dry out a little bit but we'll see if we can do it today if we can do it tomorrow I will definitely do that so plan for today finish the half wide brush the whole thing do some fine detailing get the heav green stuff off that's on the uneven surfaces I think there might be a skip arriving and then it'll be a case of transporting all of this into a skip that should be there so yeah what a pile anyway let's begin it's bright and early 9:00 in the morning let's do [Music] this hey guys it's funny I really thought thought this was like I really thought it was like a mound um like the the surface would come up like a volcano you know and like sort of I don't know maybe it's a big tree route or something but no that's actually just growth which is great Che this out [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] f okay guys if anybody is lucky enough for main shop if anybody's lucky enough to get the hands on one of these I think I can't remember where the customer said it was from I think it might be from Holland um a a snow schlafer right snow Shel yeah the the build quality on this I tell you it's ridiculous okay bear in mind got is an average tennis court I'll double check the measurement and put it on screen but I think the average tennis court is about 600 M squared this single snow schlier right has scraped basically the whole thing and not broken like to me that's ridiculous it's still in great Nick as well this hasn't even bent you know it's only it's is it metal or plastic I don't know but that has not even bent which is just ridiculous isn't it it's yeah it's blunted a little bit but the customers apparently had it for 15 years so if anybody is from Holland I think he said Holland I'm not sure if anyone is from the place where you can get get kind of this exact one right please reach out and get me one sent over I'll pay top dollar for it please cuz this is the best shovel Schafer I think I'm probably saying that wrong guys it's the best one I've ever used there's no branding on it there's no nothing on it guys but flawless flawless piece of Kit I've loved every minute of it I haven't but it's made the job a lot easier so this won't be the last video on this job um probably will be for this year but I have spoken to the customer about actually uh resealing it filling the gaps in and actually restoring this properly um so that hopefully will be a video in future I've never done that before I would love to have a go it's be one of them no pressure jobs I'll just do it for the video you know um the customer will pay for all the materials for it and I'll just see how it goes squeegee with the uh timer sale stuff and we'll we'll figure something out so yeah a lot to do this is going to look a hell of a lot better when it's been brushed as well while I'm brushing I might get Brad to just go around some of these parts with that um with that ho uh and just get some of this extra bits off cuz it can come off just to get the stuff that's holding the most damp down like I said before if I can get the whole surface to that around this here there's still going to be green patches guys so it's not going to look beautiful yet but eventually it will once the treatment's been on it for a while give it well give it 24 hours all of this green will be orange and then it just starts to fade and starts to dissipate so um there it will look like this I mean this is just mud there but that sort of color there that's what all this green will go to um but yeah I'll see if there's a wire brush around as well cuz it might be worth giving these a little bit of a wire brush just to clear them up but we'll see So the plan once all this is done if we can come back seal it once everything's been killed off and it's looking all nice fill in the holes um get some of these little Roots out as well I'll get brought to do that in a minute um that's quite a lot actually now that I look around um and then if we put some T seal on it seal over the whole thing and then we can do the lines as well look cuz you can faintly see them you see these little white lines look for the court ever so faint but we can get the whole thing done get get a net put back on it and maybe even have a game of tennis how about that right let me move this trailer last big bit cut that down I can't move them bags at the moment guys they're full of soil I literally can't move them way too heavy they're probably over a ton each um I ain't dragging them across this court but custom will sort out at some point um M yeah let's move the trailer move the trailer he says all right buddy you all done yeah all done you want to give me a hand moving this trailer yeah try and push it forward if you can nice it is off the ground oh my God May yeah on the got oh insert that what's his name [Music] Peter probably even try if we get some momentum and it wants to come back this way try and take advantage and then try and pull it this [Applause] way yeah keep [Applause] going that'll do [Music] mate [Music] [Music] [Music] morning guys last uh day of the year for me and I look what the van says check anti-pollution system engine light is on let's try turn it off and on again [Music] eh yeah that's not good is it my service light only came on yesterday as well oh man yeah I'm not going to risk that I'll take the other van oh looks like we'll have to take the Beamer guys the other Van's packed like proper full of stuff as well the full tank of war and I don't really have time to drain that all out I got to go last day 3° see you when I get there okay then guys I could not leave it like that we are back for a final day um no skip as mentioned but the customers buil up loads of Planters to put this moss in instead um cuz he's going to be growing vegetables and whatnot as well so Brad's job of the day is to move this massive load of however many wheelbarrows it was in the end into some wooden Planters down at the bottom there and then my job for the day is to sort all of this out obviously my van had a check engine light the other van was full of crap so um I s of bring the car today we don't need any tools all the stuff here anyway so I've got to do all this the only problem with this it's not an even surface guys so yeah I've just started here and it's not very easy to get up so there's a big massive pole down there so I'm not going to start at the bottom I'm going to work my way down there I don't know how many wheelbarrows this is going to be but realistically it should be a lot easier than that um let's take basically pretty much the final result of this now I've probably shown it 50 times so sorry about this but yeah again rain last night guys no chance of treatment today so we'll probably be coming back in January to get this all treated anyway so yeah look at that what a difference guys I hope you impressed with it we've worked hard on it I have absolutely tried my best so that's all you can do really isn't it and the treatment will sort this out but it kind of starts looking better every day really now so yeah check it out what a difference man it's nuts anyway limited batteries today um all my batteries are at home I didn't put them in the car so I've only got two so we'll see what we can get done with two yeah I'll see you in a [Music] [Music] minute [Music] my e [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] all right then folks it is complete for now we just need to treat but we will be back this will be our first job to finish off in January um hopefully we got some better weather then uh obviously I don't have the van I'm going to have to leave ladders here and stuff so I'm going to start work a I was planning to go back on the 8th I think I'm going to go back on the sixth for this one come and finish this up treat everything get it all looking nice and then hopefully return in the summer and we might be recating this thing how cool would that be so I'll definitely keep you guys updated on the future of this court um it looks better the more I look at it guys I'm very very pleased um with this we've started to fill up them Planters but the customer said just we can deal with that afterwards so basically just kind of leave this here for now let it sink down a little bit he's going to use some of it for um we basically got to wait till the rest of his plan has are built up as well so we'll do that over Christmas so when we come back um we'll get the rest of that shifted into there um and then here's how this came up I mean again I'll put the before pictures in now of how green it was there still green on it but we will get rid of it over time um um so yeah massive Improvement my hand is killing me it's holding a pole and holding the thingy and squeezing a trigger for 3 Days oh gosh it's this finger it's killing me but hey nothing to complain about here I'm very happy with the job all of that is done all of this is done I really want to move these but they literally weigh a ton um so yeah there we are I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you have leave a like do something um this this will be my last video now before Christmas so I will be seeing you guys in the new year thank you for all the support this year thanks for all the kind wishes on recent videos and things like that it's been uh really cool to see the support and everything so I'm glad I could end the year with the bang there might be another video I don't know yet I haven't confirmed it um you guys remember Joe the tank man um it's not a tank this time it's something else so he's messaged me about it he needs he needs something doing I'm not going to spoil it but if there is another video it will be that so um that might might be this week or next week so not a work day for me that'll be a fun one something I've wanted to do for a very long time as well so yeah there is our res guys what a journey hey should we have go and have a quick look at the roof I mean you can see the roof gleaming from over there that looks fantastic much easier to clean a roof than a tennis court guys I'll I'll tell you that so yeah check this out these tiles were done but they're very old clay tiles um so they've been bided they might come up a little bit better than that but it's not organic growth on them it's carbon so yeah you'll have trouble getting rid of that without any acid um so yeah there's the roof as well check it out Happy Days in regards to the tennis court I've spoken to a few people last night um who have cleaned a lot of tennis courts and I said do you think this might be the worst tennis court in the UK and the three people that I spoke to who have done probably hundreds of tennis courts between them thousands maybe um all said yes never seen one that bad in my life so crowned winner of the worst tennis court in the UK I've done it I have absolutely done it but yeah thanks guys have a great Christmas enjoy some time with your family and friends uh yeah rest relax Christmas can be a bit of a dodgy time I remember I said it last year I'm not usually good over Christmas I don't like sitting still and doing nothing but this year I'm really going to try and just relax um I think it's very important I know a lot of you out there especially people that run their own businesses well are just like me as soon as you stop you kind of get a little bit nervous and you know cuz you're not doing something every day but hey there's more than enough work guys we will have another busy year next year if this was your first year in business and it's been hard keep at it next year will be a better one you've built your standing now in your area people have saved your number and they're just waiting to give you a call come spring so best of luck to everybody thank you again for all the well wishes love and support uh signing out maybe I'll see you before Christmas maybe I won't I don't know but if not see you in January thank you for watching guys peace Oh and before I go as well thank you to Ian the homeowner his wife they've relooked after us he's just pulling up again now um star customers absolutely amazing we've had lunch every day we've had pizza and burgers I think I left to drop the van off when the burgers were coming out damn it I missed them um but we've had loads of food he's a proper gent as well he's a really nice bloke so thank you Ian I'm sure you will watch the video and I'm sure all the comments have saying please get that tennis court re Rec so let's do it man so yeah right guys that is actually it now see you later
Channel: Partridge Exterior Cleaning
Views: 69,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, softwashing, window cleaning, exterior cleaning, gutter cleaning, unger, roof scraping, pressurewashing, upvc cleaning, cleaning
Id: Pnj04RRm9Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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