Cleanig the House Covered in Dried SPIT | Call The Cleaners | FULL EPISODE | Filth

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every year landlords spend 4.5 billion pounds cleaning and repairing rental properties father Mr Pike another lovely day today 29 year old extreme cleaner Sean and his team are heading to Kent well I wonder what this one's going to be like Mr fight probably as bad as what most of them are don't you think yeah they do about 200 total house clearances a year where vacated rental properties are found in a state no job is ever too big no matter what we're faced with sometimes we can't even get in the front door can we no you literally kind of have to fight your way fight your way in so you've got a little Gap and yeah you just gotta go for Avenue yeah that's where we rub our hands together and say yes yes which is going to be good hi I'm sure Wendy nice to meet you hi Kaylee hi Danielle oh oh got a nice Aroma no it's horrible it was pristine when they moved in here the tenants have been living here for two years before they left a month ago we rented the property to a young couple with a small child and thought we'd give them a chance to start making a go of things here the relationship with the residents broke down Wendy found the house vandalized three days after they'd moved out what step the couple claimed the house was burgled after they'd gone what's in here pasta was pasta that's furry so I think we're gonna have to shave that one before we uh eat it one of your five a day in there as well some of your greens you're not gonna go hungry today are you no he's just sort of hitting a home that this is my property and it's been destroyed be careful the banisters are gone yeah except for this one it's heartbreaking actually Sean and his team have just two days to clear the three-bed house of all rubbish and belongings and make it ready for the decorators well it's going to take us a while to clear all this as the UK's population tops 65 million the social care system is ever more strained across the country people are falling through the cracks with many unable to keep a habitable home [Music] hello daughter Jasmine we do former nursing assistant Maxine set up a business 12 years ago two years ago she was joined by 22 year old daughter Jasmine here we go here we go I'm not allowed to try and get out of work and my mom's like Jasmine just get on with the job you know it's fine it's just hard so it's just spiders just cobwebs [Music] you're making a spectacle of Me Now Jasmine you're making a spectacle of yourself [Laughter] they are an extreme cleaning team who specialize in helping people who are struggling with daily life I like to care and look after people who are wrong have if we don't go who's gonna go and clean up for them they're heading to a one bed flat in Luton the 54 year old resident has been struggling since the breakup of his marriage I'll show you around thank you very much [Music] Richard look at your toilet I know the light bulb doesn't work so we have to clean the toilet in darkness wow sort of oh oh Richard how long have you lived in this flat about 20 years about 20 years yeah oh Richard's fridge hasn't been cleaned in over three years with 8 000 bacteria per square centimeter the salad drawer is the dirtiest place in the fridge there's been a lot of leakages oh yeah and a lot of stuff that can go oh the smell is just licking me oh it's killing me alone [Applause] lots of spillages and you use it regular yeah I know it's shocking but oh that's what the old depression gets to you yeah yeah of course yeah wow [Music] my life took a turn for the worst when a family situation broke down I lost a lot of self-esteem and respect and basically I didn't really take care of my home I'll have to sit down because I'll get out of breath pretty easy that's it that's a work of art definitely a designer one how many cigarettes do you think you've got here probably two thousand two thousand cigarettes yeah it's not very nice you'll have to make sure you wear gloves and a mask for that bye Richard all right bye-bye I am sad for people like Richard because it's it's a mental health issue and is that where he is Maxine and Jasmine have just three days to sanitize the kitchen clear all the cigarette Ash and rubbish and make it habitable again who is that what is that no really what is that spit I think the mountain of sit right it like dries up it doesn't Okay Jasmine it's dry because it's solidified it's gone solid you see with that or that you clean up which one I've not cleaned it up the cigarette and spit Mountains will have to wait until later ready please the priority is to tackle the bacteria-infested kitchen are you ready Jasmine look [Music] [Applause] ah the lids come off 2014. Maxine uses industrial disinfectant which kills bacteria fungus and viruses within minutes of making contact that's chicken bones and spit on it ah he was so depressed that he's just spat on top of his rubbish there you go look there you go solid wow [Music] I think our job is not just about being a cleaner we have been social workers at times we are like Social Work we've counted all sorts of situations the best part of my job is making a difference to someone's life we've had examples where we have got people home from hospitals and they can come home we've turned someone's life around when people are in need we we are their saviors and we come and we help them I can see you in your shining armor on your white horse [Music] in bedfordshire our sisters Yvonne and Angela who've been an extreme cleaning team for nearly two decades specializing in deep cleans 19 long years in business does it feel like that long to you sometimes [Laughter] you can't trust anybody more than your sister I know what you're going to do straight away you know what I'm going to do straight away not saying we don't want to kill each other at times they're on their way to a property following a neighbor's call for help all we know is up to now we've got a bed set so it really can't fit up no hopefully fingers crossed oh no gosh that's smelly Ange there's actually no floor space and whatsoever we are walking three inches above floor now oh there's rotten moldy food on that I believe that's the mattress oh my life look at the bed the sandwich the sausages cigarette ends this is certainly a single guys apartment yes I can't imagine him wanting to invite a lady back can you right then I like black bags at the ready let's do this let's get ready to roll despite all the rubbish the sisters believe they can clear the room and tackle the mattress in just eight hours there is a carpet underneath here I just cannot believe how much filth and debris there is in one room it's got himself as a state in a rot and and this is what's acceptable now in his life it really really is sad it soon becomes apparent the tenant isn't living here alone oh Jesus Christ Angela what are they are they cockroaches yeah they are they're not moths and they're all crawling behind you look at them all crawling up the wardrobe these aren't any old cockroaches they're German cockroaches oh look at them now Angela the fastest breeding species in the UK one German cockroach and her Offspring could produce 300 000 roaches in a year oh my God look at the creatures the road has gone up the back of the radiator this is grim this is unbelievable Beyond Grim what is this on the sink that's sick don't that is it's sick I'm telling you oh God [Laughter] across Britain a band of specialist leaners is stepping in to help those most in need come on in Luton deep cleaners sisters Angela and Yvonne have spent the last five hours dealing with rancid rotten food and a plague of German cockroaches unbelievable every time we lift something off the floor there's more German cockroaches crawling everywhere bye we will kill the little beggars with the flat finally clear there's one last job they can't put off any longer oh the mattress of Doom I'll drive asleep on a piece of cardboard in the street then lie on that I know [Music] there's only one thing up to this job an industrial carpet cleaner I'm a mattress that's the worst I've ever seen normally you see that when you clean a nightclub carpet you'll get black sludge like that we excrete 23 gallons of sweat and shed a pound of skin into our mattresses every year so they're the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mites it's going my ass look I never thought we'd get that even anything like that color Britain's dirtiest mattresses no more no it's taken eight hours to remove 22 bags of rubbish and leave it cockroach free sheet her job well done let's go the hard work's been done now I hope he looks after it now and keeps maintaining it it's got to looked after it's got to it's got time so fingers crossed no no on the other side of Luton after six hours cleaning Maxine and Jasmine have barely scratched the surface well the ash is going to go up my knife the ashtray next to Richard's favorite chair hasn't been seen in over three years wow it's moving it's moving look at this tree I've ever seen look at this wow this is actually after removing over 2 000 cigarette ends and 14 bags of rubbish there's one job that can't be put off any longer it's pieces you're in it's everything just left on it for years and years and years there's some things that I like to do and other things I have to do [Music] yeah you do need a strong stomach and I think the best learning curve is to be sick quite early on especially if you're wearing a mask you don't ever do it again not even looking at it the smell alone looking at it sometimes for me makes me sick there was a defrosted chicken in the sink and I thought not a problem but once I stirred the water the smell came up and bit me and believe me I thought I'd got a strong stomach but that day my stomach just fell on my floor and it was bad [Music] loving the teamwork in Kent it's day two of the extreme clean for Sean and his team clearing and cleaning A trashed three-bed house how you doing Danny with the previous tenants long gone it's down to Sean and his team to dispose of the two tons of possessions left behind it's a strange feeling going through someone else's belongings and to think that they've left everything that they they own and just moved on it's like they were here yesterday and they're just gone watch the step as the boys tackle the broken Furniture upstairs Kaylee and Danielle take on the graffiti yeah this doesn't come off so well they've removed over 40 bags of rubbish and a van full of unwanted belongings to an inch of it job done two days ago Wendy's house was a wreck now it's ready to be repaired and redecorated so new tenants can make it their home good morning Wendy how are you nervous oh yeah yeah come on in okay [Music] wow I'm gobsmacked it's brilliant absolutely brilliant bit different I just can't believe it here is your kitchen wow that's a bit different well the fat and the grease over the cupboards well I had that smell didn't it love rotten food it was just disgusting I could probably have dinner in here now couldn't I in fact funny you should say that oh my God I decided to give it a spruce up that is absolutely amazing you must have some magic stuff you use elbow grease yeah that's the ingredient well my faith in human nature has gone up there and that's what we were here yeah it she was really pleased weren't she yeah she was our main task was to make her happy and feel more comfortable in the property and seeing the reaction on her face I think we've done that group hug Sean and his team may have finished their clean but Extreme clean as Maxine and daughter Jasmine have still a few more hours before the end of their epic three-day job what we're taking off the carpet is a hard layer of filth years of Phil after two nights away Richard's home to see his flat that hadn't been cleaned in over three years come on Richie Come On Son come on Richie let's have another one when Maxine arrived the flat was suffocating under dirt cigarette Ash and that mountain of spit ready yeah I'm ready wow perfect and you kept the other table as well yes it's Immaculate my antique Radio I'm absolutely flabbergasted it is fantastic do whatever sit down Richard I'll do that would you reckon oh God it's so comfy yeah it's brilliant this little ashtray yeah it became the mountain yes it certainly did when it gets to what height do you bin it yeah every day at least one of the biggest challenges was Richard's Lou but even that is sparkling oh my God that is absolutely wonderful perfectly foreign it's taken 26 hours of hard work three bottles of disinfectant and two of industrial cleaner but the place is as good as new oh marvelous vaccine absolutely marvelous do you remember the first time we went into the fridge I'll never forget that smell take a look now wow spotless are you pleased with this job absolutely fantastic and I'm gonna make a promise to you yeah I'm gonna keep it clean that way brilliant that's wonderful I promise oh that's good but it's really good I'm glad for that you take care you can ask yourself now yeah God bless you okay bye-bye [Music] job well done I'm feeling great I feel absolutely wonderful I really do I have faith in Richard foreign now to get my life back on track things can only get better basically my client is happy and yeah next job next time oh my God Maxine and Jasmine take on one of their biggest hoarder jobs yet and George and Dino have a difficult cleanup after a dead body is discovered please [Music]
Channel: Filth
Views: 45,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, home renovation, how to clean, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, filth, filth uk full episodes, call the cleaners, call the cleaners full episodes, call the cleaners season 1 episode 1, call the cleaners season 2, call the cleaners yvonne and angela, call the cleaners uk, call the cleaners 76 year old, call the cleaners season 1 episode 3, call the cleaners tlc, cleaning transformation, house cleaning, clean with me
Id: ZoTuJgQT8r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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